
milubing | 09 October, 2007 22:51

heya guyz...i know all my posts seem to be bout me being busy..well te truth is..i'm kinda having a hard time coping with everything..plus itz a low time emotionally for me. My birthday was indeed a memorable one..many sad instances yet many happy ones too..just like to thank all for the wonderful cards and gifts showered upon me...no thought is ever to small to be appreciated...all i gota do is to pick myself up..encouragements from all around is one thing..but doing it is another. Be strong..be true to ourselves...and we'll pull through anything and everything.

"Everything will turn out fine in the end, if it doesn't, it's not yet the end"

peace guyz..peace...

make music, love and not war.

gotta control my emotions and stop stirring shaitz man..haha..

take care..anything happens..just suck thumb and pray all be fine.


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Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 22:26

haa... mango tree, d pic was kind of small too rt? hee... hope nxt time can meet u in person.

BOP, like ur new hair color!

end of long wkend... :'(


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2008 01:28

hi waves naturians, happy weekend.

BOP, did u managed to get yr MLB album signed? i left a msg for u up there, guess u din c..

gdn is getting crowded with weeds..

Sunflower, where r u? think u need to find a fresh pasture for yr plants..

'here are some funny clips to relieve yr stress.. relax & enjoy..'

Monkey & dog doing sit-ups

Chimpanzee using Computer to buy ticket & Boards a Train in Japan

Monkeys kissing girls


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 13:33

Ding Dong Ding Dong..
Xmas bells are ringing,
Anybody home?

Merry Xmas to all naturians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 10:25

Hi all,
Merry christmas.. have a joyful day!

i got to work.. next holiday too.. but i am ok lah, let the youngest go enjoy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2008 15:17

happy boxing day!

tat day post wrongly, so my msg din show here.

anyway, happy holidays all... & have a great 2009 ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2008 00:15

" rosemary | 24 December, 2008 15:51

hi hi coconut...

i'm here! warming d garden on this cool christmas...

enjoy the holiday!

wonder wer r d rest of d plants..."

haha! tis plc covered with weeds liow.. so rosemary got misrouted somewhere else.. anyway, i unplucked & replanted it here..cos gdn needs more sunshine & water..

see u all next year~~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 11:32

2008 has been a difficult year.
While we embrace 2009 with aution, lets stay positive always.
Be cheerful..

Happy New Year !


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 14:57

*waves* to mango tree & every1 here,

Goodbye 2008,
Indeed it had been a lousy year for the whole world, including

Wishing every1 a better 2009,
Health, Happiness,Success & Prosperity.

May we all hv Peace of Mind,
May our Lives stay Blessed.

YumSeng & 3 Cheers to all my friends here !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 23:50

Happy New Year Garden!

Thks coconut for replanting my msg here... haaa...

Njoy d wkend~


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 January, 2009 00:41

food for thot,

'If you miss an opportunity don't fill the eyes with tears..

It will hide another better opportunity in front of you..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 January, 2009 00:44


Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love.

One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?"Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!""I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you.""Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?""It was Time," Knowledge answered."Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2009 02:01

日久见真情 ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2009 13:40

counting dwn to cny~!

took a day off to clean my room.

hope all of u are prepared for d new yr!

hv a great wk ahead and happy ox year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2009 00:21

Hi all,

Jan 26th'09 - Let's welcome the year of the OX.

'Wishing you & family a Happy & Prosperous CNY

May all the plants here grow Well, with Love, Serenity, Success & Health'.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 January, 2009 01:31

New year with new hopes, new dreams..
Wish everyone have a happy Year of the Ox!



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2009 21:47



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2009 00:14

hi, just came in to say hello! to every1 here, having problem with my com, v v difficult to get into internet. so pls excuse me. not able to come in often.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 01:17

I, BOP am so sorry that I nearly forgotten about this garden. That's why I wasn't here for quite some times liao. Thousands apologies.
2008 indeed wasn't a good year for me, and 2009 is also not a good start for me. Cos, I am jobless again. Got to search for a new job soon!
Hope that all other plants are going on very well. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2009 02:00


Sunday night - I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a cafe to have some coffee. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment.

Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk, he agreed but his mind was far away. I asked him what was wrong - he said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry.

On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving.. I can't explain his behavior; I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love u, too.'

When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched TV; he seemed distant and absent.

Finally I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed. I decided that I could not take it anymore, so I decided to confront him with the situation but he had fallen asleep. I started crying and cried until I
too fell asleep. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else.

My life is a DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today Liverpool lost again. Niamah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 13:34

waves~ BOP, glad u still remembers the route here..
best wishes to u, hope u can get a job that u realy like..

waves~ mango, my view is, the wife shd tks her lucky star, her husband is not out fooling around with girls, or gg to pub drinking or gambling.. wasting time n money.. well, is better to hv a temporary football season as competitor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 00:22

hi... i oso mia for long time...

hope d garden is still growing well & beautiful...

looking fwd to wkend~


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2009 14:04

hello, pop in just wave to rosemary, mango tree, BOP & the invisibles.

de gdn is lacking in water & nutritions..

dear friends, enjoy yr wk ahead!
stay happy & healthy! cheers!

BOP, hope u hv found a gd job!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2009 10:53

hmm... d garden is still cold.

coconut, did u get in touch wif sunflower lately? she has mia for so long...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2009 14:27

Ya lor, what happen to this garden liao?
Seem likes majority of the plants already MIA, including the owner!
Hopefully all these plants will appear at MLB's 1st ever concert.
BOP is still searching around for job. Haiz... time is really BAD!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2009 14:38

wave to all naturians,

hi rosemary, no idea what happen to her.. i did sms & emailed to her but n reply.

u r right BOP, the fengshui here doesn't feel gd. it was warmer @ de old gdn.

was scrolling up.. decided to copy&paste these remarks.. fm de owner & the youngest resident, who seems v eager to mke de gdn 'grow & glow'.. what happen? both MIA, w/o even saying goodbyes!

"This is your new home..and I hope you all like it here. October onwards are raining months and we have plenty of water to grow.

Thank you all for being supportive and keeping Garden so warm.

Thanks to MLB for letting us grow here. It is because of MLB that we get to gather here and become cyberfriends...we have grown from Garden to Garden.

WELCOME... and keep this place GREEN.

Warmest regards
7th March 2008

Hi... I am here! Lalang reporting..Yeh! this is a much better place. We are too far down.

Thanks Sunflower. So you heard my call... :) Hello Coconut, BOP and Rosemary. Sorry I made so much noise in the recent month bcos I cannot see anything frm old Garden.

How is life to all of you? Skool is like crazy. Just have to bear one more year...

Look forward to see the fully family here - Mango, Mango Tree, Willow and Cedar, Pink Rose.. come home quick!

Think tomorrow got to go back to skool......???"


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 March, 2009 14:48

'people come & go in yr Life, only friends will leave footprints in yr heart"....

i posted tis story in de gdn abve.. decided to copy here agn, cos i like de story-is meaningful..

A Rare Friendship!

original Author Unknown

"A long time ago, there was a Huge Apple Tree. A little boy loved to play around it everyday. He climbed to the treetop, ate the apples, and took a nap in the shade. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.

Time went by, the little boy grew up and no longer played around the tree every day.

One day, the boy came back to the tree, looking sad.

"Come and play with me", the tree said.

"I am no longer a kid,” remarked the boy tersely. “I do not play around trees any more. I want toys. I need money to buy them.”

The tree said, "Well, I do not have money, but you can pick my apples and sell them.”

The boy picked the tree clean of apples and left gleefully. He didn’t come back.

After many years, when the boy had grown into a man, he returned to the tree.

"Come and play with me,” the tree said excitedly.

"I do not have time to play,” said the man. “I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?"

To which the tree replied, "Sorry, but I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.”

This the man did and left. The tree was again lonely and sad.

One hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was delighted.

"Come and play with me!" the tree said.

"I am getting old,” said the man. “I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?"

"Use my trunk to build your boat,” said the tree. “You can sail far away and be happy."

So the man cut down the tree and made a boat. He went sailing and didn’t show up for a great number of years.

Finally, the man returned.

The tree, having been reduced to merely its roots, said, "Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for you anymore. No more apples…”

"It’s ok, I do not have any teeth to bite them with," the man interrupted.

"No more branches or trunk for building houses and boats…”

"I am too old for all that now," the man said. “I just need a place to rest. I am so tired…”

Play hard while u r able & treasure yr friends & loved ones when they r still around.

one day, we too will fade! only God knows!


Anonymous BOP | 29 March, 2009 03:49

Wave** coconut tree

I am so touched by you. You really find times to scroll up and search for old posts.
Ya, I am rather sad to step into this garden nowsaday. Whenever I returned home, I felt very lonely. The owner & all other beautiful plants are no longer around! It is likes very haunted here, too scary to come back! But, I love this garden so much, that's why I still peeping here once a while.

I love that story very much. It is very touching and remind me the right thought must be around, whenever I wanna make any decision.
Must really treasure what we have when they are still around. Be it our family members, friends or even strangers.

Alight, BOP needs to leave the garden quietly now... Till then we shall meet again, but when??? Haiz...


Anonymous rosemary | 30 March, 2009 23:03

hi coconut, thks for being so thoughtful... u gg to mlb's concert?

guess sunflower too bz wif her work & prob she's travelling somewer. hope tat she is well...

hey bop, so u do drop by occassionally! at least still a few visitors to d garden.


Anonymous coconut tree | 07 April, 2009 12:22

waving 2 all naturians,

rosemary, ya gg, already bought tkt.

BOP, glad u still around, but once both u n mango will 2 disappear silently like de others, then is time to bury tis place.. we will just try to keep tis place alive as long as we can ..
gd luck to u, may u get blessings in yr search for a better job!

but someimes i find it difficult to enter tis place, does it happen to anyone of u?

i am gg for a holiday tis coming Sat.

so take care all! pls continue 2 hv fun here, let's stay happy sharing..


Anonymous rosemary | 08 April, 2009 15:38

coconut, see u on 24th! so long din get to see u liao...

i dun hv problem in coming here... juz tat i'll get lost coz seldom come... heee...

happy easter in advance!


Anonymous BOP | 09 April, 2009 02:35

rosemary & coconut tree,
ya, BOP is still wandering here. egarly waiting for the rest of the beautiful plants to return, including the owner Sunflower.
wow... you all already bought & confirmed going for the concert liao. I still praying hard & keeping my finger crossed to attend that dreamt event lor.

coconut tree, enjoy your holiday ok? Bon voyage... :)
I shall be attending a buddhist studies camp from fri to sun.

happy advance easter day to all.
take care & have a super long weekend. cheers...


Anonymous mango tree | 09 April, 2009 04:33

Hi garden! No problem in coming here, just.. i'm sorry!

coconut, enjoy your trip.. bon voyage! where you go? HK?

lost contact with sunflower.. hope she is fine.

BOP, now u become night owl le..

rosemary, dun get lost please.. garden alrdy quiet..

long week-end coming.. but got to work, got to attend colleague's baby full month ceremony.. busy week! i also want holiday.


Anonymous BOP | 13 April, 2009 02:22

mango tree,
hehehe... saying me night owl when I posted at 2++am, how about yourself? Posting at 04:33hrs...

Just came back from my camp (was away for 3days).


Anonymous rosemary | 13 April, 2009 13:33

hi hi! hope all of u had a nice wkend!

coconut, back fm holi? hope it was great too!

bop, u really can stay up till d wee hrs huh... now i cant last later than 3am... by 1 or 2am i'll struggle to keep awake liao. anyway, nt too gd to sleep so late. so try to rest earlier ba.



Anonymous coconut tree | 22 April, 2009 00:20

waves all,

rosemary, i am bck, ya enjoyed myself, shopping, eating & esp at de Macau casino.

nowadays, i try not to sleep too late, cannot tahan also.

sleep well all!


Anonymous coconut tree | 25 April, 2009 14:06

Hi BOP & rosemary, happy 2 meet u two at the concert.. it was a long time since we last met..tks.

mango & mango tree both of u were sitting with BOP, he pointed out 2 me.. sori didnt approach u, cos 2 shy to move around.

de concert was great.. the audience enjoyed! esp the ending & de encore!

happy weekend!


Anonymous BOP | 29 April, 2009 00:42

Hi coconut tree,
Ya, so glad and happy seeing you at the concert.
As we mentioned in our conversation, hopefully Sunflower will come back to this garden soon. Or anyone who knows or are able to contact her, please let her know that we misses her very much. I remembered you saying: Although we knew each others not long, we dun meet often. But our feel for each others are there in our hearts.
Well, really dunno when will we meet again? I only can wish everybody All the Best & be Happy Forever. Smilez... :)


Anonymous rosemary | 01 May, 2009 23:24

Hi Coconut, glad to see u at the concert too! really long time din meet u oredi. at least i still get to see BOP at d events.

Mango tree, i oso too shy to go approach u.. haa... hope nxt time can see u again in mlb's event.

not forgetting... HAPPY BRITHDAY TO SUNFLOWER! not sure wer she is not, but hope she'll soon b back.

njoy d wkend all~


Anonymous coconut tree | 10 May, 2009 13:34

Happy Mother's Day to mango tree n happy Sunday to all.


Anonymous mango tree | 11 May, 2009 03:41

Thanks coconut, am i the only mother in garden?

The concert.. i really peiseh sit among the young girls and dare not cheers with them.

rosemary, hope can see you two next time.. you know? mango told me now he not sure who is who.. 真是糊涂虫!

BOP, alrdy got new job now?

yea, except sunflower, i miss cedar n willow too.. they were so sweet!


Anonymous BOP | 12 May, 2009 22:48

Waving to all the beautiful plants.
Ya, Rosemary we met quite often at MLB's events.
coconut tree, hope to see you more often at MLB's events. you are one of their greatest supporter too.
mango tree, no need to be shy la. I am glad that you also stand up during the last song. hehehe...
sad to say I am still searching for a job. Have attended several interviews lately, but were told to wait 2-3weeks for them to shortlist. Then no news after that lor! Got to continue and jia-you.
Hope that Sunflower will come back to this garden soon! Believe she will keep-in-touch with us, when she's back. All the Best to her & all beautiful plants in this garden. :)


Anonymous coconut tree | 20 May, 2009 10:50

hi waves*
mango tree, u r not de only married one, cedar/willow r married too.. nt to worry lah, most of the residents here r nt young anymore, esp, myself, but all still young at hearts, haha! otherwise we won't be here. anyway age is just a number, am i rite?.. so lets just forget our age, status n simply live joyfully in our mke believe world..the younger ones r lalang(disappeared like Sunflower) n rosemary.

no need to feel shy,just let yrself go, all of us stood up, myself too.. just join the cloud, float along, lor.. anyway, did u feel young agn after de concert? i do.

u r clever in guessing, ya, i went to Hkg & Macau.. enjoy myself, recharged my battery.

BOP - all de supporters r gt. 3claps to all.

wish all gd health!


Anonymous mango tree | 08 June, 2009 00:29

A bear, a lion and a pig meet.

Bear says: "if I roar in the forest, the entire forest is shivering with fear."

Lion says: "if I roar in the jungle, the entire jungle is afraid of me."

Pig says: "big deal.... I only have to cough, and the entire planet lives in fear.


Anonymous coconut tree | 13 June, 2009 13:47

hi waves mango tree, haha, is true the whole planet is living in fear cos of swine...

gdn is v lonely.. is becoming history v soon.. after serving its purpose, well it has being doing a gt job so far, bringing so much fun to us.. tks to it's owner/Sunflower...

i agreed with tis quote..

"The most terrible poverty is loneliness & the feeling of being unwanted".

where hv all de beutiful plants gone?

happy wkend all~


Anonymous BOP | 15 June, 2009 00:53

Hi coconut tree & mango tree,

BOP is still around. Do walked into this garden once a while, but feeling very cold here! Cos, all the beautiful plants seem to be pretty busy. Or have they missed their way here?

Yo.. times are really super bad. I am in deep shit! Haiz...
But still have to jia-you & move on.


Anonymous rosemary | 22 June, 2009 00:33

hi hi garden... i've wandered away fm d garden for too long. ;p

hi mango tree, nxt time if i see u at mlb's event i'll go up to say hi. i pai sei tat's y d past events i din go to u. ;p

mango sure hv seen me coz i'll alws go up to bop & usu he's wif him. i guess he's juz confused. haa...

jia you bop! times r really bad, but there r still jobs somewer. hope u wont take long to find one!

tuning in soon... so gd nite~


Anonymous BOP | 26 June, 2009 01:04

wave** rosemary,
welcome back to the garden.
thanks for your encouragement & jia-you.
there r definitely jobs somewhere, but age is the killing factors lor!
presently i am doing some sales on aloe vera products such as nutrition supplements, daily & homecare, skin-care, beauty-care, cosmetics & weight management.
anyone interested to know more about these products, may contact me. i can share with you the advantage of aloe vera based products.
pls do not avoid me, after hearing this! hahaha... :D
it is TGIF again! hope everyone will have a great weekend.


Anonymous coconut tree | 07 July, 2009 01:10

hi wave all,

BOP gd luck to ur sales and hope u yr guardian angels can guide u to a gd n suitable career soon. Time is hard, lots of ppl r without jobs.

Something for u all to digest.. must read hor..


Those who love to eat shrimp/prawn... please read through.. it could save your life or other people's lives...

Taiwan, a woman suddenly died unexpectedly with signs of bleeding from her ears, nose, mouth & eyes. After a preliminary autopsy it was diagnosed death due to arsenic poisoning death.

Where did the arsenic come from???

The police launched an in-depth and extensive investigation. A professor was invited to solve the case. The professor carefully looked at the contents from the deceased's stomach, in less than half an hour, the mystery was solved.

The professor said: 'The deceased did not commit suicide and neither was she murdered, she died of accidental death due to ignorance!'

Everyone was puzzled.
Why accidental death?
The arsenic is of the U.S.military for carrying rice seedlings H Gao.

The professor said: 'The arsenic is produced in the stomach of the deceased. 'The deceased used to take 'Vitamin C' everyday, which in itself is not a problem. The problem was that she ate a large portion of shrimp/prawn during dinner. Eating shrimp/prawn is not the problem that's why nothing happened to her family ever though they took the same shrimp/prawn. However at the same time the deceased also took 'vitamin C', that is where the problem is!

Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States , found through experiments, food such as soft-shell shrimp/prawn contains amuch higher concentration of - five potassium arsenic compounds. Such fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the human body!However, in taking 'vitamin C', due to the chemical reaction, the original non-toxic - five potassium arsenic (As anhydride,also known as arsenic oxide, the chemical formula for As205) changed to a three potassium toxic arsenic (ADB arsenic anhydride), also known as arsenictrioxide, a chemical formula (As203), which is commonly known as arsenic to the public! Arsenic poisoning have magma role and can cause paralysisto the small blood vessels, "mercapto Jimei"??, inhibits the activity of the liver and fat necrosis change Hepatic Lobules Centre, heart, liver, kidney, intestine congestion, epithelial cell necrosis, telangiectasia. Therefore, a person who dies of arsenic poisoning will shows signs ofbleeding from the ears, nose, mouth & eyes. As a precautionary measure, DO NOT not take shrimp/prawn when taking 'vitamin C'.

After reading this; please Forward to your friends and family!!

Gd night.


Anonymous coconut tree | 15 July, 2009 01:03

hi waves every1, pop in 2 make some noise.

hope all are fine, esp BOP, how is yr business?

gd nite & sweet dreams.


Anonymous mango tree | 21 July, 2009 01:09

Hi all,
How time flies! how's everyone ?

Life is so poor. worrying.. tired!

BOP, forever living ? recently i try out one of the product, it's good!


Anonymous BOP | 26 July, 2009 02:01

Hi coconut tree,
Thanks for your care & concerns. I really appreciate very much.
My business is ok for a start, only selling to relatives & close friends. It will takes some times to pick up, cos the small profits I earned. I use them to buy more products for myself & my mom.

Hi mango tree,
You are very smart lor. How you know about the products?
Ya, it is indeed Forever Living Products (FLP). Already 31 years in business and spread over 137 countries. And the company made US2.8billions last year. It is the World Largest Glower of Aloe Vera (4x of Singapore size), Manufacturer & Distributor of Aloe Vera products. FLP uses the Best Aloe: "Aloe Barbadensis Miller" and it is 100% Organic. It also removed the skin & has Stabilization patent. FLP was the First company in the world to receive the prestigious International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval for consistency and purity in our products.
May I know what product have you used? Who recommended you the product? Continue to use the product or any other products. You will definitely benefit from it. :)


Anonymous rosemary | 30 July, 2009 17:41

came in to search for sunflower, but guess she's lost in d wild...

coconut, can u help to bring her back?


Anonymous BOP | 30 July, 2009 23:24

Hi rosemary,
BOP did likeswise yesterday when I saw the main post.
Hehehe.. perhaps sunflower already lost her way while trying to return to this garden!
Well, at least we are sure that sunflower is alright. :)

Yo... so boring! Almost half a year idling, very "jia-luk" leh! But still fighting hard to overcome it.


Anonymous rosemary | 06 August, 2009 14:18

yeah bop, i tink she's lost.. or she's juz too bz wif her work... but glad tat she pay a visit.


Anonymous coconut tree | 07 August, 2009 12:01

hi waves.. to rosemary, mango n BOP.. & those missing naturians..

goodday to u all.

rosmary, alamak! i dun hv tis power lah. she will come bck if u is ready.. tis is her fantasy gdn home after all. guess she is v bzy.

& being far away, is not easy, we wish her well. at least she still remembers MLB, her 1st love-local-band.

anyway, Sunflower, if u r peeping/peeking, stay happy! to be able to stay bzy is a blessing..
at least u know yr gdn friends r still around playing in yr gdn n looking forward to ur home coming.

take care all!


Anonymous coconut tree | 07 August, 2009 12:05

correction...'she will come bck if she is ready...'


Anonymous rosemary | 20 August, 2009 17:35

wonder which ctry's air is she breathing now... anyway, glad tat she still rmbs & come back to take a peep.

counting dwn to wknd~


Anonymous mango tree | 27 August, 2009 01:19

Hi all!

BOP, finally you got a job, all the best!

forever living product, many year le.. some of my colleagues use this product. i just use aloe lips.
Bought 'Aloe Fleur de Jouvence Facial Treatment' for my son but he dun use, so.. wasted lah...
Just now visit the website, seems more products now. attractive lah..


Anonymous BOP | 29 August, 2009 03:59

Wow mango tree, you are using the aloe lips. Me too, I am using it as well.
Oh.. you bought the whole set of facial treatment for your son and he doesn't want to use. How come?
Ya.. better don't waste it, you should try it out yourself.
Btw, have you try Forever Living Daily Care Products.
I strongly recommend you to try out the Aloe Toothgel, Aloe Face & Hand Liquid Soap, Multi Detergent, Aloe Scrub, Aloe Shampoo & Conditioner.
And of course not forgetting our main products: Aloe Vera Juice & Bee Products.
Since you have visited the website, I am sure you will have a better understanding of our products & marketing plan.

Oh.. ya, fyi we are also selling mooncake enhanced with our Aloe Vera Juice & Bee Honey for this month. Our mooncake are halal certified. The prices are quite cheap too (4pcs pack ranging from $23.60 to $27.30, and 8pcs come in 4 variants are only $51.40)
Anyone interested may place order from me.


Anonymous rosemary | 02 September, 2009 11:12

BOP, got booth selling? need to see & try sample... hahaha


Anonymous BOP | 08 September, 2009 18:10

Hi rosemary,
Sorry, i dun hv a booth. But i m mobile, if u r keen i can bring u some samples for trying. i m sure you will like it. Cos, you can't find mooncake made from Forever Aloe Gel & Forever Bee Honey! And our prices are quite cheap. You cannot even find it in 5* hotel!
So, whoever interested. Pls contact me at 9628 6928.
Oops.. wondering the owner of this garden will chased me away! hehe...


Anonymous coconut tree | 02 October, 2009 00:40

hi waves to BOP, mango tree, rosemary..

wishing all a happy mooncakes/lantern festival..

BOP gd luck to u..
i wrote down yr hp no for future ref.. i recd free mooncakes fm a friend n sibling, so no need to buy.

the owner of the gdn shd say tks to u for watering the plants lah..


Anonymous rosemary | 13 October, 2009 09:13

hi garden!

pai sei, i've mia for a mth ;p

thks BOP... tis yr we've got too many mooncakes so cant buy more. prob nxt yr if u r still selling, i'll contact u.

hope everyone is getting on well... so fast juz 3 more mths & we'll say gdbye to 2009.


Anonymous BOP | 15 October, 2009 23:36

Yea, coconut tree & rosemary. No problem. Perhaps next year, hehe..
But if you gals need any products made with pure aloe vera, as describe in my previous tag. Feel free to contact me.

Yes, very soon 2009 will comes to an end! Jia-you...


Anonymous coconut tree | 18 October, 2009 14:00

hi Mango Tree,

BOP, rosemary & myself are in facebook, u & yr son, are invited to join us..

Let us know yr name u sign in as, so we can look out for u..

look out for us..

BOP as Phil Koo
rosemary as Wang Lizhen
coconut tree as Birdie Ong

See u there..


Anonymous mango tree | 26 October, 2009 02:13

Hi friends, added..

sry.. haven't bn here fr some times...

few mths ago, my colleagues, those young girl kept telling me, facebook very fun.. come lah come lah, join us! so i joined.. oh! want me play game.. dun want! but i still busy with it. happy to meet some old colleague..

Hullo friends, added le..
Sry.. haven't bn here fr some times...
few months ago, my colleagues, those young girl kept telling me, facebook very fun.. come lah come lah, join us! so i joined.. oh! want me play game.. don't want! but i still busy with it. happy to meet some old colleague..

watching soccer now..


Anonymous mango tree | 26 October, 2009 02:26

Oh! what happen to me?

thought what i type lost le. nvm...

sad for the result!



Anonymous rosemary | 04 November, 2009 15:40

*dropping by to water the garden*

yeah mango tree & mango, do add me in facebook! i've been gaming a lot. ;p see you soon! heee...


Anonymous mango tree | 22 November, 2009 19:04

garden not withered, it's miracle..
this garden has strong vitality!

rosmary, add le but u didn't cfm me.
i dun play game, afraid indulge in game n forget to sleep.. forget my 2 sons.. hahas...


Anonymous BOP | 29 November, 2009 01:12

Yo.. what happen to this beautiful garden? Where have all the plants gone to? Even the owner hasn't come back for a long times liao!

Yeah mango tree, BOP oso hardly plays games lor! Got no time for that! hehe..... :D

Coconut tree & rosemary,
hope you will be back in this garden soon! feeling very lonely & cold here!


Anonymous coconut tree | 04 December, 2009 15:31

hi waves to BOP, mango, rosemary..

ya, everywhere is cold, weather outside, gdn cold, even my other secret plc is cold..

okay, since i am a coconut tree.. so some lesson abt coconut..

Q. Does consuming coconut milk make you fat?

Ans. No, if taken in moderation.

Expert says, coconut milk contains medium chain fat that has been thought to be beneficial as it is more rapidly digested and converted into energy by the body.

However, due to the high fat content of coconut milk, it is a concentrated source of calories. Thus it is important to moderate the amount of coconut milk used.

This can be achieved by partially replacing the amount of coconut milk used with low fat milk in food preparation

Coconut milk contains about 20 per cent fat compared to less than 2 per cent fat in low fat milk

above fm Sunday ST,

Happy weekend!


Anonymous BOP | 18 December, 2009 21:20

Wow..coconut tree, suddenly this garden becomes a nutrition & cooking school! haha... (^_^!!!)

Anyway, thanks for the useful information. :)

Everywhere are so cold, better wear more thick clothings lor! hehe..

Haiz... where are all the lovely plants in this garden gone to? Izzit because the owner is not around? So sad to return to this beautiful garden of the past! :(


Anonymous coconut tree | 23 December, 2009 12:32

hi BOP,

time changes things, some ppl r just passerbys in Life's Path, but memories will always remain

2009 is coming to end soon, may I wish BOP, rosemary, Mango Tree,

"A very Happy, Blessed Xmas n A successful 2010".

Happy working! Cheers!


Anonymous mango tree | 25 December, 2009 23:15


i still luv garden.. we once hv a wonderful time here...


Anonymous BOP | 26 December, 2009 00:52

Oops.. I m late for X'mas wishes, but there should be 12days for X'mas celebrations rite?
Merry Christmas to coconut tree, mango tree, rosemary & whoever that had passed by this garden. And may 2010 be a much better year for everyone. Cheers...


Anonymous coconut tree | 31 December, 2009 11:37

Hi Naturians,

2010, is at our doorstep.
Here's Wishing every1 here
A very Happy, Blessed 2010.

Enjoy yr last few hrs of 2009 to de fullest!

Tomorrow will be Better!


Anonymous coconut tree | 12 March, 2010 13:06

As long as we have memories
Yesterday remains
As long as we have hope
Tomorrow awaits,
AS long as we have friendship,
Each day is never a waste..

hi naturians happy wkend..take care all.

Dear Sunflower, hope u r fine.. if u r peeping, i am keeping tis gdn 4 u as long as i can, but if u still not popping in, i might just give it up n not come in at all.


Anonymous mango tree | 14 March, 2010 01:35

被遗忘的地方 ! ! !


Anonymous rosemary | 17 March, 2010 12:51

hi hi everyone!

lucky i still find my way here!

pai sei tat i've mia from d garden. nowadays i seldom blog liao... hope everyone is getting on well!

time passes so quickly... i tink sunflower will not be here anymore...

we can close d garden & keep in touch on fb. dun worry on loosing d friendship... we r still bonded.

take care!


Anonymous coconut tree | 18 March, 2010 00:44

hi rosemary, i agreed with u, we shd just close the gdn, but what abt mango n BOP, do both of u agree? or shall we just leave it alone, n anyone can just pop in as u wish?


Anonymous BOP | 02 April, 2010 00:45

Halo, waving to rosemary & coconut tree.

I will prefer to leave the garden as it is. Who knows it might be back in action, one of these days (still pinning so hope for it ~ hahaha..)

Well, wishing everyone are fine & happy daily. :)


Anonymous BOP | 30 May, 2010 21:37

Think I gotto agree with rosemary & coconut tree to close this garden. Cos, the owner of this garden visited the main blog a week ago. But did not come back to this garden.
All to BEST to all the beautiful plants who was once very active here. Bye...


Anonymous coconut tree | 04 June, 2010 00:44

hi BOP, ya, all the wonderful plants here had given her lots of support here, yet the owner just left without even a goodbye.. is sad that friendships can be so fragile.. nvr mind BOP, u can still pen yr feelings or thots here for us anytime, from now onwards just treat tis place as our pte retreat. forget abt the owner.. cos i know u love tis gdn.. will not say bye to u. will still pop in once a while incase u're still around.. we still hv FB to connect too.. c u


Anonymous mango tree | 13 June, 2010 17:53

时间是最好的良药! 没错! But time also change everything... good one, bad one, sadness, friendship, promised.. everything may change!
We still remember 最初的感动! i think she will recall some day!

Have an impulse to go 巫启贤《最初的感动》演唱会!


Anonymous coconut tree | 21 July, 2010 01:53

ya, nothing is permanent, too little hellos, too many good-byes.
Only memories remained, this is life..


Anonymous mango tre | 26 September, 2010 01:26

hello !!


Anonymous coconut tree | 29 September, 2010 13:44

hello! mango tree, BOP and every1..


Anonymous mango tree | 15 June, 2011 20:10


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