
milubing | 06 November, 2007 13:03





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Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 13:11

Oh dear. It's all in chinese.


Blogger -WHEY` | 06 November, 2007 13:12

wow.. so posting a news here?


wheeee.. am i first??? :x

and sam.. can cycle in the park.. LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 13:14

Okay. So it's just about some sort of news thing, which explains the subject. LOL.


Blogger Pek Choo | 06 November, 2007 13:24

Ah Sam~!~
Wow glad to see you posting news here...hahax~

Take Care hor...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 13:25

Ya agree with whey, think can only cycle in park le ba?

haha, how long is your 几十年前?

You know something? As a driver, my dad will get very pissed off with people cycling across the road when the red man is still on traffic light lor. Sorry if anyone of you are one of them. haha.


Blogger Pek Choo | 06 November, 2007 13:28


yeah I agree with you too... It is dangerous for cycling at the road..


The best place for cycling is at East Coast Park...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 13:32

So happy to see u post again. haha. Dont cycle at 快速公路上 is dangerous. ya loh can cycle in the park. lol. U also can play badminton. Do take care. Enjoy your day. :D


Blogger Pek Choo | 06 November, 2007 13:34

Anonyomus may i knoe you are...


Blogger Unknown | 06 November, 2007 13:36

快速公路 is expressway right. ah sam, you still got those normal 马路. you can cycle beside the 人行道. that way, you are not on the 人行道. not 违法 anymore!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 13:40

For him is he don't care where you cycle but if you obstruct his way, for example, when it's not your turn to cross the traffic light and you still cycle across, aha! he will buay song with that cyclist. haha! after chauffeuring me for sometime, think I got influence liao la. haha.

No offence arh~


Blogger -WHEY` | 06 November, 2007 13:42

hahas.. i noe wad quizzy mean.. probably cycling in parks like pasir ris park, east coast??

or can do cycling indoors also!! haha.. can do it in the gym~ like those stationery cycling thingy.. i donno wads the name of it.. i asked my friends and they don't know either.. LOL!

sam can do other sports oso! HEEHEE~



Blogger Jodie [: | 06 November, 2007 14:04

HAHAHA! A new news reported has appeared.
Hehe. Try auditioning to be a news reporter. HAHA!
Just joking lar. Dun take it serious.
But if you want, we dun mind.

OMGG! You cycled on the highway?
NO NO NO. But glad tat is long ago.
Yeap. Cycle at parks around Singapore bah.
Like McRitchie, Pasir Ris, Lower and Upper Seletar and much more.
HEHEHE. Hope this helps. ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 14:25

haha. I think the "Admiralty Park" at the side of our school also can. i think it's still quite oolu ba, not many people will go there. Yesterday I just went there. Not very big, or is it I didn't explore the whole place yet. But should be a nice place ba. haha. can consider. hoho.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 14:38

I was seeing milubing singing during superband at youtube. Is nice ,cute and funny. i like bu xiang zhang da, xiao wei,shen bain,xi huan ni,ni kuai le suo yi wo kuai le,dan xiao hui and more. I miss milubing!

Milubing jia you! you all can do it! Take care. :D



Blogger Pek Choo | 06 November, 2007 14:40

Hi Jane...
Do you have msn??


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 14:53

Whoa! Sam, this post is just like our bao zhang bao dao if you start with "gen ju bao zhang bao dao..." HAHA!
I didn't know cycling at the pavement is banned until this post... last time ( when i was very young) I was super irritated with cyclists on the pavement. I was like walking walking then - " RING RING!" followed by a gust of wind..HAHA..but now not really irritated le la... but admire those on 'board' FOR HAVING A BIKE!
Haha... sorry.. too agitated.
Actually cyclists can cycle in parks ( like what whey, quizzy... said) and the new(but not so new now)Tampines to Punggol connecter .. I THINK... haha=D
Take care everyone!


Blogger Raey | 06 November, 2007 14:55

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 14:57

[actually I am Raey haha. I was just curious to see what will happen if you delete yr own post. Boliao to the limit but yeah my holidays vry boring.... =X]

haha I actually dont have any constructive idea on where else you can cycle lah. How about anywhere but the places you mention in your post? =] Like previously people got say park. Or maybe private estate that side the road bah since not so many cars....

If you understand, good! If you dont, nvm coz personally 我自己也不清楚我在说什么


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 15:08

Gong Kia (or Raey): your holidays are too boring; mine are too enriched - with what?- homework!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 15:29

go east coast park!
or any park nearby ur hse to cycle?
it's more safer tt way. (:

u feeling better already?
hope u did! :DD
SMILE yea?
enjoy ur day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 15:36

if meiyi say "near your hse", maybe shan's first response will be "CYCLE AT MY HOME!" hahaha.

just kidding.

*ah choo!*

are we allow to cycle at void deck too? cos quite often will see children cycling around void deck ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 15:38

Yah, you can ride in the park... even riding on the pathway is illegal too. I know there are roads in singapore, not expressways which are quite good for cycling. Like Seletar airport, Mandai, Punggol etc.

Now in Macau, saw F1 race track here. Seem not bad sia... waiting for F1 to come to Singapore.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 15:58

i think in park also le...
but can feel the 快感吗?=_=


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 16:01

cycle on the water?
tt time sam said de. =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 16:27

cycle on water? GOOD IDEA, but how to cycle on water? HAHA. young man, can enlighten us? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 16:32

Pekchoo ~ Maybe you can be more straight forward to which "Anonymous" you're asking the question to?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 16:41

cycle on water...?
Only those with qinggong can do that, I suppose. We'll leave that for someone to enlighten us.. like what quizzy=) said..haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 17:31

you can cycle in the neighbourhood park.there's a track specially for cycling. (: have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 17:31

we 心灵相通!
when i read what sam said
the first thing that came into my mind was
cycle in water la
that's what he said @ rp event ya?
cycle in ur hse de corridor
or u can go gym
got those cycling machine
if u wan running
got trackmill
still got weight lifting!
or u can do stationary cycling on the road
or rather

i'm lame~~



Blogger v | 06 November, 2007 17:44

hello sam!

haha, ur last sentence made me laugh out loudly.

there's still a lot of places to cycle. i thought u went mt faber recently to bike recently? then u can go there often. haha. east coast park also can.

take care! ^_^


Blogger binz | 06 November, 2007 17:47

lolx i at first i tht the whole post was the newspaper article. haha.. hmmm sam cannot cycle on expressways and walkways then go cycle at parks lor~ or u can try cycling at home, at most ur floor tiling will have some holes appearing.. it happened in my hse b4! anw cycle on roads too dangerous, i once saw a person lose control of bike then nearly kana hit by car =X eh anw i once heard frm someone jaywalking is illegal too, can get fined de.

hmmm let me guess how to cycle on water.. use those material to make boats de to make the bike? then the bike can float then maybe can cycle liao? ok not funny =.=

ehh my birthday also in jan~! exactly 3 weeks before weiqi's(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 17:58

since u say that ur ippt test will be before jan, then my idea of jogging during gathering is good what.. u can spare that time jogging and building up your stamina! hahas.. i'm sure you can pass the test de la.. no worries.. YOU CAN DO IT!
i sing for you~~ for those who do not wish to listen! please put on ear plug! lols~~
since everybody had sung the chines version, i will sing the ENGLISH LIMITED VERSION!


The sunlight is lighting the sky
We are pursuing the rainbow
Continuously proceeding
Never turning back

The dream brings me radiance
Determination will have hope
Accompanies me to soar

Believe me
Dont give up

Put off all your sad memories, worries, problems
The time won't slow down for us
The world is revolving with the earth too quickly
But do not let it prevent my future

or get HIGH :


this takes a lot of effort wor..
dun say i'm lame!~
jiayou weiqi!
hope you will get alive and get high after what i've sung to you!

always rmb to


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 18:48

givon, yea! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 19:13

woah givon I vry 佩服你。 Pro!


Blogger givon | 06 November, 2007 19:38

gong kia ar..
thanks lot! hahas
i tot u will say that i'm lame~~


Blogger givon | 06 November, 2007 19:41

err.. i think i cut and paste the wrong thing..
sorry wor..
should be

hope everyone can get alive!!
and get high too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 19:49

wahh sam.. mus remind me of chinese paper lehh u... hahas.

yeah lor cycle to pulau ubin... cycle on water. haha. maybe u can go invent... =PP

if cycling on the pathway is illegal as well.. then how to get around places? only got cycling track ah? *blurr* cycling on road definitely no no for me... [thou ya la, i dont cycle =.=] cycling on road w be dangerous... same goes for the expressway.

always get irritated with people who cycle on the pathway and like to keep pressing bell. haha.. then i'll always be like, eh they got 2 wheels, we only got 2 legs, wait awhile wun die right... lolls...

hmm guess the best place still a park bahs. neighbourhood park too small, so maybe east coast park? yeah yeah =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 20:01

hello da jia hao,

some info on the Beatboxing Championship is up on tickets.com website alrrs.

booking of tics not begun yet thou... stated as 'coming soon' on the site. tics are priced at $88, $68, $48 & $38, 10% Discount for NTUC member, Club 6range Member and OCBC Credit Card. [*All prices exclude booking fee]

if there're many who want to go, maybe we can buy as a grp agn, like for SHA.

but... jus wanna ask the boys, is this event fully confirmed?

thankks loadds =)

more info on http://www.tdc.sg/events/eventDetails.aspx?contID=MzQ1OA%3d%3d

Beatboxing Asia Championship 2007
Venue: Singapore Expo, The Max Pavillion
Date: 20 Dec 07
Time: 7.30pm
Duration: 3.5 Hours



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 20:16

Aish..Sam,it is dangerous to cycle
at the expressway leh..

I was just wondering what have you been up to lately and you posted today!*grins*

Well,you take care okay!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 21:08

i think the most appropriate place would be parks liao lor.
budden like, cannot see much?
haha. juz be careful when u cycle bah.. have to concentrate yeah? and take note of walkway passengers or cars.. =)

givon! ni hen li hai! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 21:20

welcome back!!!juz come back from K...omg,i sing Shi Ying juz now...i'm so high....

i think cycle on the expressway is so dangerous...coz most of the car are driving 70 to 90 km per hour in the highway...i think its stupid to cycle in the highway...
might cause death....

Life is important!!!


Blogger givon | 06 November, 2007 21:39

i merely translate la
but my translation sux can..
always fail de..
or dun do well on it..
yup yup
agree lor
cycle on the pathway is more safety than on the road, or even expressway
cos cars have mirrors to look at the back, side
but bike doesnt have any
so u wun noe whether there's car behind u or not
so it's super dangerous
even if there's no choice
i definitely wun cycle in expressway
so scary
car is much muchmuch bigger than a bike leh
treasure life
life is important!
take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 22:08

Did a tiny weeny bit of research for sam....hope it comes in handy...

Cycling Around Singapore Home

Singapore is a small island. Given a decent road bike, you can cycle around Singapore in just a few hours! And it is precisely the size of our country which makes it an ideal place to go on a Tour de Singapore, local style!

Hardcore bikers can join the roadies on some of Singapore’s popular biking stretches of concrete alongside the whizzing cars, or be one with nature mountain biking the scenic off-road trails of some of Singapore’s last remaining nature reserves and parks.

If you’re into technical biking, you can explore the BMX or slalom bike tracks, join the urban street bike culture at the Youth Park, or even patiently practise the art of biketrial in the company of your neighbourhood biketrial guru!

Leisure bikers who would rather pedal at leisure and avoid riding the heavy vehicle traffic, can explore Singapore’s green network using Singapore’s park connectors which allows them to travel from park to park, coast to coast, park to town centres or just about anywhere on this island.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, you can ride to the island of Sentosa or hop onto a bumboat which will lead you to Pulau Ubin, an island in the northern part in Singapore. You can even take a bumboat at Changi Point and make trip to south-east coast of Malaysia but don't forget your along your passport, you can paddel all the way to Pangarrang or even further north Desaru.

So what are you waiting for? Get out and ride!!!! And don’t forget to ride safely that the main purpose of creating Cycling Around Singapore !


Then the following links will have recommendations on some nice places to cycle...give u one of the link ba, the rest u slowly explore if u want to =)...
Cycling Around Singapore - Pasir Ris Park to East Coast Park Trail -


Blogger givon | 06 November, 2007 22:37

oh my quizzy!
u are so hardworking man! hahas
hey hey peeps
another person who is more li hai than me now! lols


Blogger givon | 06 November, 2007 22:44

the blog is so quiet
guess everyone is asleep le bah
rest well peeps..
i wonder what weiqi is doin now leh..
still staying up to mug for exams?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 22:47

I'm here la...
thanks wor
u r the li hai one
i'm sucks in translating
maybe word by word or phrases by phrases
but not the whole song or text or whatsoever


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 22:55

Wow! wasnt able to online only for 2 days, and there goes so many updates, tags, posts and all.

hey you undead zombie, ii think u must be pia-ing until gone cast liao huh. must lame abit to cool down urself and oso the atmosphere around you. haha! was laughing away. lolxx. and u have got an great idea for us, we will work on that. it brings back great memories for you guys and oso all of us who walked the journey with you boys. anw, take care, JIAYOU and al the best for ur exams, it's gonna end soon! 2 more weeks nia! haha! Way to go~ =)

hey, u just turn 21 nehz, where got 几十年前 to tok about?! haha! anw, ii could understand the trilling and excitement part where cyclist cycle on the expressway, same as a car driver speeding on the expressway in the middle of the night. bt lets say no no to all these. haha! anw, ii still think pulau ubin is still the best place to cycle. the best part is into the jungle, its so much trilling den cycle at the parks. haha! and dun cycle on the water if you are not david copperfield. lolxx. jkjk. Take care & JIAYOU! =D


Blogger givon | 06 November, 2007 22:58

think hoh,
must thank the milos for writting such a wonderful lyrics so as to let me translate it smoothly~~
santa claus is coming to town~~
oh ya
christmas coming!
alot of big sales going around soon!
i'm not mugging for exams
yet staying up late at night
so as to complete a lame report
jiayou to me bah
and also to my quizzy!
who is studying
and weiqi
who is also maybe studying
if not,
jiayou to the rest..
who are sleeping~~
sweet dreams (:


Blogger givon | 06 November, 2007 23:04

bye peeps
i gonna concentrate on myreport le
if not..
die le
let me get alive
while listening to get alive
bye peeps
sleep early la
shihui and quizzy!


Blogger Rah | 06 November, 2007 23:15


anyway just take gd cautions lor.. nw the law are so strict already..=X lol. cause expressways is quite dangerous. so much accidents had happen as u say la hor SAM ! HAHAHA. (: can cycle at ecp or sentosa..etc. i guess also can enjoy the breezing and the scenery? HAHAHA..=X

anyway take care of urself huh sam. keke..(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 23:17

hahas . LOLS.
i know where sam shld cycle .

under his void deck .=.="
rmb how kids learn how to ride bicycle . those little kids will start from the void deck .

so , if you cant cycle on road, cycle on VOID deck and be back the little kid. LOLS.

ok , it's lame . =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 23:25

haha.. sam..在我家楼下da脚车lor..
go cycle at bicycle park can liao.. heehee..=)
it's all in chinese lo...
i didnt know expressway cannot cycle de.. the road shoulder's so empty...

quizzy.. RP need to study one meh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 23:29

hello sam..hmm..can go cycle at east coast park lor..or pulau ubin..den cycle on water..haha..wa, so mani ppl toking abt e cycle on water joke..later sam come stare at me again! lols..eh sam, i din remind them abt e joke ar..dun 瞪 me again.. =PP anyway, jus be careful wherever u cycle k..but not on e roads la..dangerous..take care! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 23:31

for me - yes...

givon, jia you!

all jia you too.

sam, be careful when you're riding/driving ba. hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 23:51

jus wanna share smth cool~ amazing kids rock bands in japan..


realli got the 气势 there mans~

and from what i saw on someone's blog, the drummer from the first band is only 4. whooas~



Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 November, 2007 00:02

Yup, expressway are not for cycling. This law was not something new, it has been in order since I am still a schoolboy who love to cycle (especially during the night). In fact I also ever cycled on the expressway, and mine was really 几十年前. Haha...

Agree that parks are still the best & safe places for cycling. But how are you gonna bring your own bicycle to that park (load your bike on top of a car where there are bracket to tie you bike, pick-up or lorry)? Unless you are renting a bike at the park!

If I am not wrong, there were banners saying that it is legal (or rather encourage) to cycle on the walkways in Tampines a few months ago. Understand that it is a try-out in Singapore, but wondering is it still legal? Anyway, be it legal or not, majority of the cyclists still will cycle on walkways. Remember the law ever mentioned that anyone who cycle on the walkways will be fine $20/$25 if got caught.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 November, 2007 00:10

Talking about cycling on water, there are infact such thing lor.
I remember at sentosa beach, they got those very big bicycles with 1 Big wheel infront & 2 Big wheels at both sides of the seat lor. But seems like they are no longer around?
Then, I think Genting Highlands also got something similar. Only thing was they look more likes boats, you need to paddle in order to get it moving!
Both types also will have 2 seats, dating couples usually will love this kind of ride.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 00:12

ooo.. i tot the expressway road shoulder at ECP was meant for cycling and i've walked afew times! *tingting*

maybe we shall go CYCLING!!!

yeayea.. tampines they have this cycling path under the MRT track beside the pathway.. but ppl are just weirdos.. they walk in the cycling paths instead. arent they complaining for nothing then? hmm...


Blogger -WHEY` | 07 November, 2007 00:34

no matter wad, never out your life at risk yep.. also putting other people's life at risk..

like what the chinese proverb says ��·�뻢�ڣ�



Blogger -WHEY` | 07 November, 2007 00:35

aiyo. wad happen to the chinese words again?? okay! i meant - ma lu ru hu kou xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 00:52

Wow... 几十年前 ?!? Shld Be 十几年前 Ba? HaHax!
Aiyo... U Eh ~

MLB U Guyz Take Good Care Yea...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 00:53

go ecp cycle~ to me la, its e best/suitable place to cycle, hahas!

givon & quizzy
wow~ both of u pro sia~ & yup, jiayou in writing report & studying (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 03:36

For Me:

i will cycle @ Pasir Ris park or ECP.....even at my hse downstairs......but my daddy bicycle kena stolden last year..
so no bicycle to cycle thought of buying new one...SO SAD SO SAD....


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 03:40

Thanks for sharing Meikian
The kids are so amazing & kawaii...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 04:21

Mediacorp Christmas album- December Stars 2007 should be releasing soon, do take note and check out cd stores frequently ya?

the album features one track from MLB, Rockin Around The Christmas Tree.

also, do watch out for the one-minute video trailers feat. MLB, Daren & Diya, and CSS 1 & 2. not sure where n when thou, but if anyone sees it do update us ya?

the album includes songs from other Superbands- JuzB and J3 as well =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 07 November, 2007 09:01

REALLY! Blog so quiet!
LOLS. Keep typing wrongly.
Ohh yah. I totally forgotten bout East Coast =P.
Haha. Go say all the west side der.
HAHAHA. East Coast more exciting.
Yeap. East Coast der best ((: .
To almost all of us.
What do you think, Sam XD?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 12:40

ah sam !! go ECP or park cycle lor ..

"if meiyi say 'near your hse', maybe shan's first response will be 'CYCLE AT MY HOME!' hahaha." eh, i not tt siao la .. my house not big enuf for ah sam to cycle can .. lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 13:16


ahem! shan, my point is, you wanna cycle with sam ba? HAHAHA.

just kidding eh~

meikian, thanks for informing wor~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 13:32

haha .. u oso wanna cycle wif sam ba .. haha .. no lor, i wanna cycle wif eveyone .. more ppl more fun .. lol ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 13:44

The thing is i can't cycle~~~haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 14:00

ohh .. then u find someone to cycle e double bike with u lor .. or we can teach u .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 14:06

Argh! Ah Boy, really - it is dangerous lah - highways and people like us drive very fast de. I get very nervous when a motorbike is next to me..,, bicycle lagi jialak! Don't try OK - good boy! I think Traffic Police is right, we some time do not know we actually fan fa!

Pinkie aka ShuFang... 'Missed you like Crazy'.... a song ma? Thanks. I am happy not to see you around the blog bcos I know you are studying. Hope your grades are very good huh! Yes, we shall go out again. Let me settle down first. If we want to eat and pay - of course must support Uncle Benny! I have not eat at East Point so long ler.

Quizzy... ya hor - Chen Mo De Kao Yang. Actually I think WeiQi did well but this song must have a coarse voice - our MLB voices of course cannot beat the original singer...aiya! hope WeiQi will sing again.

Happy holidays to all those that have gone thru a hard year of studies and exams. For those doing their higher exams - jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 14:22

-_- shan...no thanks...haha =P!

hello TTWW jie! haha. but "zombie" shy shy de leh~ very difficult to psycho him to sing ba. haha.

no offence arh, zombie~ heh heh =D!

my father said he can see at least once traffic accidents everyday wor...minor or major... -_-!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 14:23



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 14:39

eh .. dun like tt leh .. haha .. i wun anyhow teach u de la .. wahh, at least 1 accident everyone ar .. so jialat la .. scary sia ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 14:48



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 15:12

SAM, how many 十年s have you lived? HAHA. can go east coast park. it's a nice place (: or u want to conquer mt faber again? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 15:20

shan, -_-! haha. no thanks

hello miko!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 15:22

Uncle phil! Yayaya!I've been onto the paddling boats in Genting before! My mum was the one paddling as i could not reach the paddles at that time. Then at the end, her legs was tired - I was happily enjoying the scenery and the breeze! HAHA!Then I kept calling her to "Go faster! Faster!" Too playful alr~haha

e-wen: So that's a cycling path.. There are too many bicycles parked there that I wonder how do the cyclists cycle?

quizzy: At least one each day ah..! Terrible.. I wonder why ppl nowadays cant be more careful...sad sad sad =(

Happy holidays to ppl finished 'chionging'...
Jiayou+ gambatte to ppl still striving for your goals!=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 15:27

Oh ya, today's Wednesday! Many of you must be dreaming of weekends...
That reminds me of a riddle I heard in the ' Jacky go go go'...

One day, a camel passed by a desert. This camel saw a catus and ask what it is doing. Guess what is the catus reply.
The answer was so funny that I'm still laughing when I think of it now...HAHA


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 15:54

yavonda, the cactus poked the camel? haha.

yeah, my father said those people hor, get driving license to get into accidents de. but i think mostly is those car or bike knocked against or bumped into duno-what then kena crushed. yeah, no offence arh~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 16:11

i noe .. e cactus say "wo zai zhen jiu" .. haha .. i oso got watch .. then i keep laughing at e ans lor ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 16:39

quizzy, haha..icic..

shan, you so fast reveal the answer not fun alr.. but nvm=)..
The way wu zong xian phrase the joke that time was real funny & dramatic!

and... orh, is c-a-c-t-u-s..haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 16:39

haha, news? quite interesting (:

haha, yea, i watched the show too!

after that the cactus asked the camel what he was doing.. then the camel say: 'wo zai ba guan'

hahaah.. omg :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 16:41

Thanks for reminding, I almost forget about the ans for this second part!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 17:01

yuanping, u din remind sam, but then ur joke let us 印象深刻! thats why when he asked.. where to cycle, our first response is CYCLE IN WATER!
berries, thx... u jiayou sleeping~~ lols
shan, wow.. u so 大方 ar.. let many ppl cycle with sam.. lols.. thought u sell fish de.. hahaahahahaha.. ok~ i'm that sell fish de..! hahas..

about the chen mo de gao yang.. during the gathering, if all of us pyscho weiqi to sing.. keep pestering him.. he sure will sing de la.. and i rmb still got one song.. is it hai lang or yi shen zui ai de ren? @ the earlier superband period.. weiqi sang one verse too! hahas.. weiqi jiayou! hee

da jia jia you wor!
tml is holiay~~ happy holiday!
is it deepavali or hari raya? hahas
enjoy ur day!
few more days, and o lvl is over! good luck to those taking o and a also (:

always rmb to..



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 17:16

givon, if u r talking about hai lang, it was sam who sang ba. weiqi did the beatbox. haha.

u better dun let the hindus outside hear "tomorrow is it deepavali or hari raya", later they bash u up sia. haha. just kidding.

a little not feeling well...excuse me...


Blogger binz | 07 November, 2007 18:15

ahh i finally made it home.. kind of lost my way today =X i tht my direction sense still ok de man. in then i realised i also a 会迷路的兵~

alamak the catus and camel joke very leng leh~~~

yesss o's is finally gonna end soon.. thanks to those who kept jiayou-ing for us(: though my o's haven end yet im like half partying liao.. cuz left 3 sci mcq papers! how to not slack with like 1 week break since the last paper to the mcq papers =X

ehh i also wan to hear weiqi sing lehh.. if got gathering mux make sure we make weiqi sing! [ops like kind of bad] but he sure can sing well de mah! dun shy shy lah weiqi~

ehh i dunno how to recognise weiqi's voice.. so dunno how to catch which part is he sing de~


Blogger givon | 07 November, 2007 18:43

no.. i wasnt talkin about that. i rmb that there's one song whereby weiqi did sing one verse of it.. i rmb that! wait a min while i go check it out.. maaybe i made a mistake? bu ke neng leh.. hahas

aiyo.. i tell u ar.. if u milu hoh, go buy milopeng sure find ur way de.. lols.. i'm lame la.. how could u not recognise weiqi's 独特的嗓音? lols.. joking.. anyw, if u hear another voice which was neither nic's nor sam's , sure is weiqi de ma.. if not who de.. lols


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 19:01

Going off work soon... come in one last time today...hee.e..e

Quizzy... you naughty..naughty! Why you call WeiQi 'Zombie'? Aiyo!
he where got zombie...I think he just letting out 'steam' lah! I think the milo boys work very hard lor - Sam until 'drain out', WeiQi skool and music cum event - don't 'zoom' also hen nan. Ah Nic - NS and probably got lots of performances bah!

OK folks.. enjoy your PH!

ciao liao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 19:15

ehh hello da jia hao ahh....

the ticket sales for Beatboxing Asia Championship 2007 has officially opened already.

more info @ http://www.tdc.sg/events/eventDetails.aspx?contID=MzQ1OA%3d%3d

hmm. soo... howw?


Blogger binz | 07 November, 2007 19:22

givon: haha i was milu in the middle of big fat roads~ cannot get any milopeng! hahaha lol quite true, not nic not sam then who? hahha. but very little weiqi solo leh. i too slow to catch.. if you remember where he appears solo exactly for the sb songs, tell me hor! (:

ahh the beatboxing thingy~ haix i sure cannot go de lor. mum sure object the cost~ =(


Blogger Unknown | 07 November, 2007 20:01

3 more days, Qing Qing B'day..

Here to wish her Happy Birthday in advance..

Stay healthy & Happy Always!!!

Take Care :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 20:18

hahahaha. don't worry ttww jie, I joking only. no offence arh, dude~~! haha. yeah i understand what ttww jie mean jiu dui le. They very xin ku lor~~ haha.

Nic and Sam and Weiqi - JIA YOU JIA YOU!

meikian, just like what i suggested to u over msn yesterday ba, what do u think? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 20:32

omg,qing qing birthdae same date as Calvin from Farenheit.....
anyway,Happy Birthday to u in advance


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 21:18

lorita ahh
frh again wor~~
see majority de ppl wan buy which price de lor.. budden i prefer we decide asap.. then can get better seats! btw, meikian, i wan the most expensive de(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 21:46

sorry la...addicated wif gong zhu xiao mei....

how ar u???little devil...ooopsss


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 22:39

eh .. im always so 大方 de lor .. im not a 'fishmonger' k .. lol ..

haha .. u & ur gong zhu xiao mei agn ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 22:48

alright. in addition to meikian's message above...

We wanna confirm first if this is still TBC or "confirm, guarantee plus chop".


Meanwhile, do share your inputs as to if you are able to go, which priced tickets do you wish to purchase from. There's $38, $48, $68 and $88...

Currently some of us were considering $88 ones...

Your inputs are deeply appreciated...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 22:57

yavonda: yeayea.. tamp is flooded with bicycle like.. -.-.. and the cycling path is for walking the pathway's for bicycle.. tell me what's the point? let's skatescooter there then..!

da jia hao....
the info that made me real SAD was that they're going to perform LIVE! RARR! how am i to survive?!?! some kind soulS record LIVE for me can?? T_T T_T


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 22:58

as long as you can travel faster then walking and don't pay those di di di ERP fares, you won't be able to cycle. what a world.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 23:04

$88 for me~ hahahas >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 23:11

"travel faster then walking and don't pay those di di di ERP fares" meaning? taking public transport? haha sorry, i blur =x

e-wen, sorry la my lappy no web cam. Maybe can see if anyone's laptop got webcam then u two video-conferencing lor. =X

well, if it's at max pavillion, chances are they may not allow video camera. Well, those with video camera, try your luck ba.

but in the first place,
is this still TBC or confirm guarantee plus chop? haha. thanks guys~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 23:35

dun like tt la....hahaha....
how are you recently?????recently,i'm addited with tt drama show....Chun & Calvin so cute.....

Paisei paisei....i forget is MLB blog....


Blogger Strat | 07 November, 2007 23:42

haha... I also prefer $88 de ... but tink most of us are still student...So... haha ... But for me ok lah ... got part time job ma !!! haha...Btw, $88 de does not means best view rite ?? Like SHA, most ex de tix seems to be not veri gd view lor ... our seats better view than them wor ... haha ...

Nic,Sam& Wei Qi,
Jia you in watever u all are doing ... take gd care of urself ya !!! haha ...

Hi, did u receive my order of the tees ?? haha...Exam ended ? or ending soon? Jia you !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 23:43

orh orh *pointing index finger* lorita toking abt frh at mlb's blog .. haha .. k la, dun say u liao .. mi ar ?? bz with my final year proj lor .. wanna die liao .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 23:49

yupp, hv received ur order alrrs. las two papers on mon and tues.. thanks!

for max pavillion, from what i know, the most expensive shd be the best seats. cuz for indoor stadium, there're raised platform seats at the side whereas for max pavillion, the front seats are all on the floor. but that's provided they dont do any changes to the layout of the place thou...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 23:54

How are you recently????
Hows studies going on????hope everthing is doing well.....
next month is ur busy month again...please do take care of yourself.....

How are you recently???
Hope everything is doing well....



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 23:56

muz take care & jia you


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 00:06

quizzy: T_T can video during shooting one ah? hmm.... i duno i duno.. maybe i buy ticket back s'pore then fly back! *dreamdreamdream*

i suggest u all check the seatings first.. heehee..

jiayous to those finishing exams this week de.. and those who're still struggling.. jiayoujiayoujiayou!!


Blogger Strat | 08 November, 2007 00:26

hope so lor ... ya hor ... max de no raised platform rite ?? If I did not remember wrongly, they use normal chairs for the behind seats there is no raised platform ... Am I rite ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 00:32

aha. for me i only being there once, that is during SB finals. keke.

heard that 2nd season of Sheng Shiong Show coming back le wor...-_-!

to refresh your memory, can say Sam was one of the so-call long term judge for the singing contest during the first season. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 00:33

ehh, i duno how to explain eh =.= for the cheapest price shd be raised seats, then the most x will be on the floor. smth lidat lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 01:19


didn't do much productive revision today. haiz. i have lots of room for improvement for my concentration skills liao.


some of ya the O level finish le right? have fun! those haven't finish de, jia you! MLBians taking A level, u gals jia you too. everyone else mugging for exams de, jia you too. Those having holiday, have fun! e-wen, ours ending in 3 days time. haha.

but well,

Weiqi! tomorrow or rather today no school leh! haha.

nic! you ain't working today, are you? jia you!

Sam! don't know what to say to you sia...erm...have fun?! haha. take care ok?

have a good rest guys and gals...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 02:04

hi =)
hmmm, i think you can cycle on the roads, but at the side. then must have the bicycle lights also. from what i know, the pavement is for pedestrian, then cannot cycle. so only the road can cycle loh. just that expressway cannot. =)

grace =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 02:11

其实早些时候就知道了,可是没在这儿提起。。。不要剥夺你骑脚车的乐趣。哈!那我是不是要害你被捉?无知者无罪嘛,有些事不知道更好!每天都看到很多人在公路上骑脚车,那就在公路上骑好了,但好危险啊。最近还看到Royston Tan在我家附近骑脚车呢!感觉他好像在寻找灵感或为下一部片取景。另外你也可以运用那些专通岛内许许多多的公园的小路骑脚车吧。明天是公定假期,太好了,大家都可以好好地休息一天。晚安哦!希望我又没有在这儿说一大堆的废话。。。


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 02:43

what is sheng shiong show? it's even the second season already? hmmhmmhmm.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 03:23

PH today...

for those who've been working hard, it's time for a lil bit of well deserved rest. 休息是为了走更长远的路. for those who've been relaxing more than you should, it's time to catch up on things. and for those who've been having a hectic lifestyle, perhaps its time to slow down and pay some attention to the things around you.

do make good use of this holiday today... and have fun!



Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 08 November, 2007 09:15

halos sam!! Hhahahaha.. Don cycle on e road hor... V dangerous.. Be it now or last time.. Hahahaha.. Hope to see the cheerful sam back in action again!! take cariies!! Sry tt i have nt been commenting much lately..haha..Take care ok!!


Blogger -WHEY` | 08 November, 2007 09:41

hmm.. i still donno if i can attend the Beatboxing Asia Championship thingy not.. hmm.. scared ltr buy and waste the tix!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 10:52

the authority shd built cycle lanes for cyclists.. enjoy yr PH ppl


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 10:52

the authority shd built cycle lanes for cyclists.. enjoy yr PH ppl


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 11:17

yoz yoz!!!!!morning

Wat a day today man...Raining day....


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 11:35

Good Morning!
Happy Holiday! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 14:14

Hi sam,nic,weiqi and all ppl out there,how are u all? Happy deepavali to u all. Enjoy! Haha! Mlb and mlb fans smile. We all love to smile.lol. Tk care. Milubing power and rock lah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 15:13

something came to my mind suddenly regarding the purchasing of tixs for Max Pavillion.

ii think we need to act fast for the purchasing if all of us wants a good seats. as wad meikian said "the most expensive shd be the best seats" ii once bought the most expensive seat for PSS 1 concert at The Max Pavillion, the area was totally sux (seats on floor + very far from stage), and its near to the second expensive area (platform seats). so my conclusion is, if we are to purchase the $88 de tix, betta act fast in within 2 weeks time?! so tt we are able to get the first quarter of the $88 de tix.

anw, we shall get confirmation from the boys first before we can proceed. Thx, guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 15:31

actually, i dont think we've to act fast to get the tics la.. cuz from what i checked, now still got all the most front seats... basically because the auditions for the comp hasnt begun yet, so supporters hv not bought yet.. and for now the guests confirmed are MLB and Daren, so i guess only mlb and daren fans will hv planned to buy the tics alr.

but i think best we buy it within the next week or so, cuz the semis will be about mid mth. yupp


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 19:54

You should go East Coast Park everyday then(:


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 09 November, 2007 09:02

jiayou to all three of yoos yeas? Will be waiting 4 furture performances by mlb so i can go down and support.. Hahahaha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 December, 2007 10:16

danm it , its all in chinese. i cant read that.
my chinese sucks.
BUT i still love MI LU BING ( milo bing)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 July, 2009 21:09

难兄烂弟Debuts 8 July, Monday - Friday 9.00pm - 10pm. Song by : 迷路兵 - 总会有一天