
milubing | 06 December, 2007 12:40

Yo Yo!

I took those pictures at Upper Peirce Reservoir. (FYI, correct spelling is Peirce)
Those kids were really cute, they posed for me. Perhaps they thought i brought them some bananas? But NO! The signboards around say: "Do Not Feed The Monkeys" =)

Anyway, i'm gonna feed myself soon. Probably a bowl of noodles for lunch, maybe 2 bowls. With a glass of ice milo. Hmm..

I see the 加油s. Everyone 加油 too. 加油 at work, 加油 holidaying! Go Go GO!


Post a Comment ::

Blogger Unknown | 06 December, 2007 12:58

yes,加油! (:

and happy lunching sam!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 13:12

Sam. you jiayou too~
enjoy ur lunch.
rmb to take a break during your compositions and jamming. *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 13:38

yeah i am the third. Sam i think u shld remember me. lol. yes jia you! I gave u 3 hp strap and ur birthday card at hd5 lift off, did u pass hp strap to nic n weiqi? Hope u like the hp strap and ur birthday card. wow. look like u are hungry. want to eat 2 bowls of noodles. lol. The monkey so cute and good and they posed for u. lol. Enjoy ur lunch. See u this sat. Take good care! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 13:57

oh really? hahahaha. yeah, "do not feed the monkeys". The forest behind our school didn't indicate so as and when will have people go there to feed them, including my dad who will bring biscuits for them. But of course we very seldom do that though. haha.

2 bowls of noodles ah - u sound hungry. Enjoy your lunch!

the laptop i'm using now can't see chinese words but i think u mean, jia you? haha. thanks for your jia you, 2&1/2 hours later got test. -_-!

take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 13:59

hi sam!

hope u had a gd lunch...

cant make it for d event on sat but hope i'll b a great one!

cool huh... to perform on a moving bus... wonder if u guys to perfom on d upper or lower deck... or both?? haa... those gg, njoy urselves!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 15:14

wahha.. ok.. typo.. my bad.....

haha... 2bowls of noodles? not scared u fat ah? haa.. i rmb feeding the monkeys with ang gu kueh.. and it got stucked on their hands.. oops~

hope we manage to sqeeze, push, screw, drill etc etc into the bus if we didnt get the tickets even at the last min! if not.. i'll cycle beside the bus. so.. open up the windowS!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 15:20

Upper Peirce Reservoir, good prata there. But beware, the monkeys may be quite fierce there, not afraid of human beings.



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 15:31

wow. eat 2 bowls of noodles? must be real hungry wor u?? hahas.

yeayea! even if we dun get the pass for 2pm, we shall still squeeze our way in xD hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 15:41

wa hungry sam..hope u've had a gd lunch.. :) n yes, jiayou! :)


Blogger Cherie LIM | 06 December, 2007 15:53

heyhey! HDBhubGirl here,
decided to use my name.
yesyesyes! eat more!
u are so skinny!
enjoy! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 16:17

juz come back from Airport....
got to c 星光四少....
Recently,i'm on leave...very happy to attend many event upcoming sat &tmr....

Sorry MLB i cant attend the concert at ECP....


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 16:42

106 is a single deck bus, with so many ppl on board, it has better be the Long Bus.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 17:16

Wah you so hungry! Anyway enjoy yourself too..

Jiayo Jiayo GO GO GO!!!

See you guys this coming Sat, hopefully the weather won't be bad...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 17:17

haven't been here for quite some time.
glad to see manymany updates. (:
but sadly, i won't be able to attend the event on saturday.
hope that everything would go on smoothly.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 17:22

ah sam,

can you give some tips on how to slim down? of course, besides exercise and go on diet. =)

tell me, tell me, tell me pls.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 17:33

Wow Sam, 2 bowls of noodles! The noodles must be damn tasty, or perhaps you must be very hungry due to the cool weather? Anyway, glad that you are having your lunch at the correct timing.
Yup, lots of Jia-you..sssss here. You too, must Jia-you.
My weekend for this week already started liao, hahaha... Very soon we shall be meeting again. I miss all the 3 of you (especially Nic, who has been MIA for quite some time liao), hope you guys are enjoying your jamming & composition of new songs for your 2nd baby.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 17:35

haha, some ppl can eat, eat, eat n eat, but still remain slim.. i guess Sam is tis lucky category of ppl.. whereas, some poor souls, can just peck at the food like Empress Dowager n still put on weight easily.. but ppl like Sam must be careful too.. otherwise their stomach may balloon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 17:50

To the organising committees of the CIP thingy,
May I know whether this event is confirm? What are we going to do at the home? Does we need to pay or buy things and bring there? Kindly advise, cause its about 2 weeks left?
Thanks & have a nice days. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 18:31

yes 933 jus played the theme song of 黄金路, sang by milubing..it's called 路 according to meikian..yup..so do look out for it yea? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 18:54

erm jus to add on, according to shihui it's a slow rock song.. :)

uncle phil, we are still liasing w e organisations..will update when we hv cfm details..


Blogger binz | 06 December, 2007 18:57

haixx let's just hope that they come up with some super big bus to accomodate loads of people(: oh i was thinking of a crazy idea of like waiting at mdc reception there to see if anyone wants to trade passes. haha. but abit not realistic=.=

wah the monkeys so attracted to sam ah. posed for him. haa. oh man sam 2 bowls of noodles? isit 几天没吃面了?eh was it hot soup noodles u took? not good to consume hot soup and iced drinks tgt leh!

oh cool another drama series song sang by mlb? yay then when the show on air it's like mlb appears everyday on tv!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 19:02

why u wanna jiu zheng their spelling, den ur spelling must be alwaes scored 100% lor. haha!! =p
Jia you jia you JIA YOU!!! =)

Thx yuanping for posting the tag on behalf on me/meikian!

the song really damn nice laa. at first ii heard, didnt noe was by them, bt sounds like Nic, den still try to figure out wic artiste sang so similar like Nic. den after the host tok so much about huang jin lu, finally they say that song was sang by MLB. haha!! cool~ =D

oya, the song played at around 6.20pm!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 19:37

Sam,two bowls?You must be really hungry sia??I hope you enjoyed it anyway!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 19:41

direction to Marina Centre, Raffles Avenue (Bus stop under Benjamin Sheares Bridge)

-Make your trip to Millenia Walk by taking MRT to City Hall or buses, from the entrance, walk towards the Ferris wheel's direction. [you are expect to cross a shi zi lu kou]
-Walk all the way straight, just right under the HUGE Benjamin Sheares Bridge, you will find alot of buses there.
-TADA! that's the place we gotta queue! [it's not a proper bus terminal though, it's somehow a temporary one]

I hope our explanation is clear enough, I will let peg to post up the pics that we have taken just now when we went to explore the place.

Cheers! =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 06 December, 2007 19:54

Ohh i see. HAHA!
LOLS. ((:

2 BOWLS? Really noe how to eat huhs.
HAHA! Anyway, i oso lyk tat.
But must have some conditions.
Only when I'm on holiday!
HAHA! Very stupid condition huhs?
You must JIAYOU YEAH :D.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 20:25

oya! just in case of confusion, the Millenia Walk entrance ii was refering to is the one facing Marina Square and where the shuttle bus alight passenger. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 21:12

heh? Milubing got new song le? Theme song for huang jing lu? weee~~~~
thanks for reminding~~~

Thanks shihui and pegg too. So just walk straight down from the entrance of the Millenia walk ah, aiya, i think I know how le la! haha.

still very cold...all remember to put on blankets before u go to bed alright?

Milubing and MLBians jia you and take care~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 21:21

and shihui, i copy-paste your "guide" to publicity blog liao. haha. thanks~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 21:33

thanks shihui and pegg. haha. thanks yuanping for telling us that 黄金路 is sang by milubing. if it is hot noodles that u took pls dont mixed with iced milo or other drinks. See u all guys at this sat. Mlb and mlbians take care and sleep well. Remember to cover blanket when sleep. Jia you mlb and mlbians. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 21:35

Yea! You posted! =)

"Peirce" eh..?
HAHAHA... I think I kept seeing other people write "pierce" and did not realised the difference until now.. hahaha

And, I bet the monkeys are fuming mad that you took their pictures and no rewards were given..haha

Haha.. jiayou everyone.. in everything we do.. think I'm playing too much these days..HAHA


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 21:52

haha! you are most welcome, quizzy and jane.

wait for peg to online bahz, ii told her to post pics le. heez.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 22:14

Many Thanks to shihui & pegg, really appreciate the hard waork you gals have put in for all fellow mlbians.

Thanks yuanping, for the info on the theme song for 黄金路 and the CIP thingy.

Think binz's idea of waiting at MDC reception with your 6pm passes to see anyone wanna trade, cos there might have Campus Superstars' supporters who may wish to have the 6pm passes, so that they can be onboard with their idols too. Frankly speaking, I feel that it might works. No harm trying lor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 22:29

uncle phil,
you are welcome, enjoy ur holidays! =)

who else heard 路 by 迷路兵 on 93.3 other den me?? any comments?! =)

whee~ cant wait to attend the gigs on sat. hahahah~

Nitey! sleep well, nice weather to sleep. zzZZZ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 23:06

I'm so excitied now...
I seems i cant sleep le


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 23:19

im sorry for the late updates of the photos.. sorry~~ and i cant post pics here.. o.o so yep.. please CTRL+C the link and go to the link provided.. alternatively, you can visit www.lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com to view the pics.

here you go:
this is what you will see at the entrance at Millenia Walk. simply walk towards the direction where the ferris wheel is.


and after walking towards the direction of the ferris wheel, you will see the road junction that shihui mentioned earlier on, and also the SMRT terminal.

just in case, we went to the wrong place again, could duckling and annoymous confirm with us if the pics we post up is the exact location? thanks~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 23:35

actually, not just 1 song, but 2 from the drama The Golden Path...路 -主题曲 and 舍不得 -片尾曲 (both are not composed by MLB). I'll load the tv version later for your listening pleasure :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 23:54

2 bowls noodles o.O
u really hungry... >.<
just back from a camp...
but i heard Get Alive at the camp!
WHOA~~really get alive under the rain~~~
btw...jiayou MLB...
jiayou n good luck to u guys


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2007 23:58

alrights~ everyone~~
we're sorry..
we totally forgotten that the boarding location is at the first bus stop and not at the terminal.

the first bus stop is pretty far from the terminal, thus you got to walk quite a distance from the terminal.

im sorry for the confusion caused.

we'll re-arrange the directions and post it up again..

millions of apologies~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2007 15:52

a glass of ice milo is already quite full liao..
plus 2 bowls of noodles..
woah, sam muz be really hungry! =)
alright, still, jia you tml!!
wun be there for the ecp event too. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 11:39

Hi, milubing, can i know whether you guys are releasing any album soon as i love this song "Lu" by you all... pls advise