
sam's here
milubing | 20 December, 2007 12:51

"Christmas time, a time to share our love
Come & join the tidings thru the world"
-this old song by BSB suddenly came to my mind.

Halo.. How is everyone doing? I'm fine.. Will greet all of you with a 2sec smile this Saturday on ch8 as most of you already know. Hmm.. I feel honoured, invited to be a judge again. And i will be FAIR to the kids! Having been a contestant in the past, helps me to further understand how these younger ones will feel. I will say 加油 to them.

Miko: I don't know of anyone in my family who sells duck rice. But since its tasty, i wouldn't mind if he's my uncle.=)

On behalf on MLB,

Merry Messy Christmas!

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Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 13:51

Merry Christmas too~ (:

been long since we've heard from you.. hope you're doing fine (:

take care~


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 13:53

din realised you wrote Merry Messy Christmas.. hahas..

i dun wan my christmas to be messy.. i wan a peaceful night.. hees.. =P


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 20 December, 2007 13:59

ya.. Wishh all milubians and milubing and merry xmas too!! I aso dunwaa messy chirstmas.. Peacful one better.. XD.. Take care sam!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 14:11

hihi Sam,
we are doing fine too!! =) what have you been kicking off with?! haha! yesh, yesh!! be FAIR to the kids arh! they are alwaes so adorable and cute one. keke. hey, u take care alrite?! jiayou wor!! =D

jiayou to the kids too~ =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 14:16

Oh a rocking time
A jolly good cheer
A glass or two of whatever's near
A cuddle here
A kiss or two
From persons who are old and new
And wait, there is more to hear......

me too, wanna share a song with all of you here!

an advance christmas wishing, have fun! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 14:19

finally you're back with a new post.. =) glad that you're fine and still enjoying life? HAHAS!
don't scare off the kids with your 'fierce' looking ah! x) LOL!
thought of how you're going to celebrate your christmas this year? a warmth and cosy merry messy christmas with your family and friends? no matter what, just wish you have a great christmas and the few more days to the end of 2007! =)

take care of yourself! and hope to see you guys soon!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 14:59

glade u blog la
i'm half dead already...actually i'm haivng bad flu since last week....
sneezing long stop....

Sam very'Fierce'looking ma...haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 15:09

didn't realize sam blogged until shan informed me...haha.

how are we doing ah? for me is slacking...i mean, resting! now downloading videos from youtube. hehe.

huh? why must Christmas be messy? haha. Christmas day also my father's birthday =x...haha
si min ah, shuan liao lor, cos her birthday one day after Christmas. hehe

oh yes, just now e-wen sent overseas sms to me (she having holiday in China liao), she say jia you to u and say SHE MISS YOU =X. haha.

as I'm "chiong-ing" Huang Zhen Yi on Channel U too, I hope I'd remember to switch to Channel 8 at 8pm for 2 seconds ba. Sure will remember ba, SAM'S ON TV LEH. haha.

take care dude =D~


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 15:25

oh yes, of cos u have to be FAIR to the kids haha. cannot bully the xiao didi and xiao meimei yor~~~~ hehe.

Sam so guai ba, won't bully them hor =P? hehe =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 15:38

Merry Christmas Sam~~~ XD

now started to prepare christmas party lol~
wish u guys enjoy ur christmas too~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 15:39

see .. i so gd .. inform u tt ah sam blogged liao .. haha

ah sam,
yo yo !! will rmb to catch ur 2sec smile every sat de .. ^_^ yar, dun bully e kids ar, they so cute .. haha .. doubt u will la .. take care yea !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 15:50

sam blogged! :)
merry christmas in advance to you too. heh.

quizzy, miko is in china too lah!
but i'll tell her when she's back.
i'm sure she'll be extremely delighted. hehe.

MLB and MLBians, take care! :D


Blogger binz | 20 December, 2007 16:20

haha yes jux a 2sec smile.. or else the camera receive too much electricity then kana electric shock! sam be fair to all the kids= he go kajiao all the kids? lol ok no link.

wah quizzy like very zhun de leh. always when u say it out u are missing mlb then someone will tag or blog! haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 16:57

shan, binz, min: haha =D!

whoa, all go overseas holidaying. THEN ME LEH??!! AT HOME WATCH VIDEOS!!!! HAHA =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 17:04

better than mi hao bu hao .. i still have assignments & fyp to rush .. T_T


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 18:06

yes yes yes yes MY shan most xin ku le jia you ah hahahahahaha =X



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 18:34

It's the season, love and understanding
Merry Christmas everyone

They know that Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
And every mother's child is gonna spy
To see if reindeer really know how to fly

And so, I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety two
Although it's been said many times many ways
Merry Christmas to you

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

And dont forget to support December Stars 2. xD


Blogger Rah | 20 December, 2007 21:20

YO !
glad tt u are doing well nw sam ! haha.. :))

hahas.. continue to be a great judge yo ..=PPP

ANYWAY wishing u and the rest of MLB. a happy merry christmas.. hohohoho !!! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 22:32

erm. is it my comp fault or...??? haha. cos i got popup ads upon reaching this page. I ming ming got turn on pop-up blocker lor. haha.

anyway, I THINK I KNOW WHY "MERRY MESSY CHRISTMAS" LIAO (but duno correct ma)! "Messy Christmas" because "S" comes after "R", right dude? haha. ok i may be wrong =X.



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 23:01

Merry Christmas in advance to the MLB and MLBians too!

Hope you guys will have a great time on that day..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 00:34

Hi Bro-in-3, Blessed Christmas, and bond deeper with one another. No one says you can't fly, cos you know you can try. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 01:47

HI ah boy!!! how can MLB's christmas be messY? i tot With u ard, hard to be messy leh. jus need to send u to tidy up the mess!;) talking abt messy, my rm is messy again :( headache man, mus learn to be disciplined n keep my stuff where they shld be.
woo, i see big n small snowflakes now, happy shovelling your way in n out of here.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 10:36

Good morning everyone here...!

Yup! Counting down to christmas is abt 4 days le. And my birthday is coming soon le...! Won't mind if I join in the conversation as well, everyone? Quizzy jie, how are u? I hope that u still remember when is my birthday...! Hahax... And Uncle Phil, still remember me? Why u never write in the I-weekly le? Hahax... Mind asking if u have a blog as well? =) Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 11:53

u blogged @ the same old time!
then u shall eat duck rice non- stop!
of course must be fair~
if not people go complain u!
merry xmas too!

though xmas is coming round the corner.. i'm stacked with a mountain of hmwk!
wonder if i can have a peaceful xmas!
maybe sam's right..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 11:53

oh yar..
and there we go..
have a happy holiday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 13:14

hello sam!
so glad to hear from u again.. like very long didnt see u blog liao.. hees.
haha, since it's only a 2 sec smile..
so be sure that it's the most mesmerising one okay?? haha.
take care yeah?
and merry x'mas to all! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 15:21

"morning"! I just woke up! My mother said today is dong zhi huh? haha. Today didn't rain, means probably during CNY will rain. haha. erm, my mother also predicted it won't rain during Christmas. She's 98% zhun de lor. haha.

si min, I still remember la.

Milubing jia you!

da jia take care =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 16:01

oh ya, JUST ASKING - will milubing be involved in any countdown performance on 31st Dec? haha thanks~

cos that day my father was talking about his "strategy" (as in, where should he go to get more passengers?) on the 31st dec lor, then duno why he must drag milubing into the conversation, saying "if milubing got performing on that day, u CANNOT go ah!". -_-!!!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 17:02

haa... d santa claus is cute...

it's friday! yeah~ hv a gd wkend all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 17:57

Been away for sooo long.. really missed out lots ah!
"4 days to christmas" The dj kept emphasizing, until I so ji dong..LOL
Wa.. think the worse part of being kids competition judge is seeing the kids cry when they cannot get in...
Haha! So sam, you gonna have a tough job! BUT, still must be fair! Thats how they grow!

Wah... talk like I'm so old like tat=.=|||

Have a great weekend everyone!=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 18:01

Oopsie! Almost forget to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Anyone's having a white christmas?!HAHAHA...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 19:26

Hello...! Si Min is here to tag again... Hahax... Thanks Quizzy jie... U still remember my birthday... Lol...! Hmm, how have u been? Quizzy jie, I'm feeling very sad leh... I tag in this board for quite sometimes le but only u are the "cloest" one to me but when I ask everybody, they never reply me... How can I make friends with them? I wonder... Can u help me? Merry Christmas to MLB and MLBians too...! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 21:18

si min, answer u in msn liao. haha. stay happy~

yavonda, tell u what - on that day, give me a pair of specs which has all-white lenses, then i will have white Christmas liao. why? Cos i will be seeing white mahz! haha. *lame*

hello capri jie =D!

milubing jia you!

ALL take care =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 22:07

hi Sam. long time never see u blog liao. Glad that u are fine. Yup u must be fair to the kids. Jia you to u and the kids too. haha. I dun want my merry Christmas to be messy. Merry Christmas to u too. Hope u enjoy it with friends,family and ur gf (if u have 1). Take care mlb and mlbians. Please watch Sam at Sheng Shiong show 2moro. Haha. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 23:52

HAHAHAHA quizzy!
Might as well wear white coloured contact lenses! Then the whole world would be white whichever way you look! Haha.. but it sounds a bit disgusting la.. like go and liquid-paper it...=.=

Take care! Of course will watch that 2 secs of sam.. and the show of course. Nth to do on Sat wad...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 01:59

Hi Sam,
Very Glad & Happy to see you started with a new post. And also been invited to be the judge of the childrens' singing contest for the 2nd seasons of Sheng Siong Show.
Wow, some of my colleagues saw you at the place near the memorial war statue. They even greeted you and request you to take of photos with them, a few days ago (wondering you can recall?). They said: You are very handsome.
Well, I will love to wish you and your 2 milo-bros an early Merry Christmas too. May all of you have a wonderful Christmas.

Thought 冬至 was tml (or rather today)?

Please go thru the old tags, I did replied to you, ok?
Sorry, I do not have any blog.

Haha... going with ik later to exchange our BBox tixs. Too bad, Whey is unable to join us on 2nd Feb 2008 and has to request for a refund. Wondering all the rest have already exchanged their tixs?

Wishing the whole MLB Family, a great & wonderful weekend ahead.
Ya, remember to tune in to channel 8 at 8pm to see Sam judging for the childrens' singing contest.
Sam, Jia-you... believe you are a fair & professional judge, if not the organiser will not be inviting you for this 2nd season.
Hopefully, MLB will also be invited to perform for one of the night. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 02:27

haha ya uncle phil. i made a mistake, just now jane correct me liao. haha. u have a fun weekend too ba.

whey can't go ah? such a pity wor. cannot wish her heh heh on that day le lor. haha.

yavonda, wear white contact lenses will only make your eyeball look white (pegg, that part is call "pupil" right?). haha. ya, can color everything white then u will be white from top to toe liao =X... haha...

Milubing jia you and take care!

Have a good rest everyone =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 10:28

yup, todae is 冬至, its a day where you and your family 聚在一起, 团圆的一天. 也要记得一起吃汤圆哦! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 13:47

Mlb and mlbians 冬至快乐! 记得一起吃汤圆. Enjoy it. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2007 16:27

yup.. ytd was dong zhi..
but i only got to eat 1 tang yuan.. haha. too little! i want more! x)

yupyup, i also quite curious to noe of the boys would have any countdown event..
wo hen xiang qu! cos i missed last year's one..
but so far, i didnt hear of any..
and those which i saw adv de, doesnt have mlb..
if really dun have then nvm lor.. take it that the boys can have a nice and good rest on the eve.. also not bad. hees.