
sam : FYI
milubing | 30 January, 2008 10:38


I've put on braces! Don't ask me to show you.. =)
Surprisingly the process was much simpler than i thought. Not much of pain, feels a little bit weird, some discomfort. Well, that's the price to pay if ya want to have a nice straight set of teeth to look at and chew your food with. I WANT. Gonna be with me for bout 2 years, will learn to get used to it..

Happy working,

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 11:01

hey sam!
is it painful?
i've been procrastinating for 3 years already la... u vainpot! haha..
will get use de la..
take care.. we'll see it this sat!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 11:03

you really went to put on arh? hahas..

hmmm, will tt affect ur singing on sat? i tink somehow ying gai got abit of affect ba.. anw, you take good care of urself ya? (:

i miss weiqi and nic~~
jiayou guys.. *hugs*

weiqi~ ure being missed and loved.. *winks*


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 11:03

Hello SAM,
I put on brace before, when I was pri 6.. I know how it feels man! It takes 2yrs to get your teeth straight.. Wear and show us leh.. heex

Looking forward to seeing you guys this coming SAT!

Jiayou =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 11:27

before i leave the blog to study for my paper tml.. their song of 百万宝 came to my mind.. thus, im sharing the lyrics again here.. (:

谁不想事事都顺心 能过得更好
谁不想幸福靠很近 伸手就触到


卸下骄傲 努力最可靠

有些快乐再多的钱 还是买不到
有些抱怨其实只是 你自寻烦恼

weiqi, nic, sam.. jiayou lo~ (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 11:32

wooh, was meeting facilitator to talk about FYP matters then e-wen msg me (thanks gal)...we finally got FYP qn to do lo~~~~

*calm down* ahem! HI SAM! braces ah, cool man! hehe. ting shuo wearing braces will affect your articulation in singing wor, so must bear with it lo~~~ hehe. u will feel some discomfort when chewing your food too ba. And you can't eat certain food too right? haha. jia you in getting used to it.

Expensive ma? OMG...haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 11:36

omg!! sam got braces?! hahaha how come only put it now? i heard it'll be more painful as u get older right? haha but u look ok with your normal teeth wad... i wan to see your pic with your braces~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 11:41

Hello Sam.

Is it painful?

Dun worry u will get used it de. yup will feels a little weird. I also want to have a nice straight set of teeth to look and chew food too. haha. Expensive ma?

I miss u and the 2 Milo boys. Yeah 3 more days.

I love MLB. Hehe. Shy. (cover face)

Jia you. Take care. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 12:36

sam ah,
dont worry, we wont ask you to show us... cuz we WILL see it sooner or later anw -.-

good for ya... finally go put on braces. then next time you'll have nice straight teeth to show... then you'll be more generous with your smiles right? ha...

get used to it soon... but hope you wont have much difficulty singing and talking on sat? hmm.



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 13:06

HALo Sam!!!

wow..put on braces!!!i also want!!but scared that it will be painful!!& is it expensive??but your last time de teeth also very nice maRhz..when you smile you still look good=[)

nick & wei qI..
TAKE CARE too=[)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 14:00

halo sam!

i think you wun look weird in braces de la.. dun be shy to show us ok!
eh? some of you actually knew that he will put braces before he do that oh? haha..

take care and see you this sat!!


Blogger v | 30 January, 2008 15:21

hello sam!

i'm pretty curious to see how u look like with ur braces. haha.
ur braces will be revealed when u SMILE. haha. so everybody will get a chance to see it =D

take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 16:19

U Went To Put On Braces.?!?
It Will Be Quite Pain & Uncomfortable At The Beginning Ba... Take Good Care Hor ~

WE'll sure make u smilez so that we can see ur braces... WAHAHA!

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger -WHEY` | 30 January, 2008 17:24

wow wow wow! something new? haha.. i've been wanting to put for like donno how many years.. but i think i dun have the guts to! heehee! must pluck out like donno how many teeth! 4 or something?? heh!

so you'll be on soft diet for a few days yea? haha.. you'll get used to it soon! haha! i wanna see you in dat soon! haha! :)

take care all :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 17:48

sam 老弟 !!!
u put braces !?! ewen msg mi to tell mi abt tis .. i xia dao sia .. haha (ewen, thx yea)
u went for e private de or govt de ?? last time i went for e private de & it cost mi $3000+ lor =X btw, did u extract any of ur teeth ??
yup, e procedure wasen v pain, juz feel weird went u walked out of e clinic coz there's extra thingy in ur mouth .. haha =P
ehh, but few days lata will feel pain leh .. & will have some difficulties biting oso .. but soon u will get used to it de la .. u will oso feel abit pain when u went for ur mthly tightening .. but e best part is u can get to choose e color to put on .. haha =P
2yrs v fast will past de la .. so dun worry yea ^_^ but u b sure to go for ur mthly tightening, if not u might have to wear it for more than 2 yrs ..
dun worry la, we wun ask u to show us de .. coz no matter wat we will still b able to c it .. haha =P
take care yea !! & cya soon (with ur braces =P)

weiqi, nic !!
u r being missed !! cya guys soon !! & tml is a special day for someone yea .. haha =P take care !!


Blogger Rah | 30 January, 2008 18:43


lols.. =)
surprise tt u went to put on braces..LOL. okay shall see it on sat den. ahhaha !!! :D

dun worry la. after few day/weeks u will get use to it de lor..^^ hahas. actually when i young my mum wanted me to put braces. in the end i reject..0.0 hurhur.. LOL ! =X

ok la. cya this sat wor!
can't wait to seee u guys performing ..YAY !!! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 19:39

haha! really cannot imagine......after you put on ur braces. hmmm, we shall see it ourself on sat, dun run away from us ok?! lolxx. oh! ii dun believe its not much of pain, as ii heard tt the older age you put ur braces, the process tend to became more complicated. cos all are grown up tooth. alrite, since u say so, others might want to try it too?! if financially allowed ii mean. lolxx. hao bahz, take good care of ur teeth and hygiene is the most important part of all. cya!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 19:43

oooh Sam you got braces?! I did my braces recently also haha. Did you have to like extract any teeth to make space for the other teeth? Coz I had to like extract 4.... =X

let's tahan 2yrs! YAY CHIONG TOGETHER!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 21:42

OYA! Sam, we will oso get used to it with ya braces. lolxx. and your braces shld be the normal kind and not the invisible kind rite?! and after reading shan's tag, jz recalled wad my fren told me after she had her braces put on. YESH, u will have difficulties on biting, think u can only take porridge?! cos no need to chew. lolxx. so, wad colour of the braces are u putting on now?! ^_^

haha! if tt person is holding on to the magazine, ii will wait till he/she put it down. lolxx.

haha! yesh yesh, my fren was so excited everytime when she's goin to visit the dentist. she alwaes discuss with me wic colour to put. diff colour on each visit. so colourful! haha! =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 22:10

ehh, no lor .. few days aft i put my braces hor, i eat porridge oso xin ku lor T_T .. but aft some times ok le la .. chicken wing oso can eat .. haha =X
yaya, last time my fren & i had our braces at e same time, same clinic somemore .. then we always v excited to choose colors de .. haha .. always put funny funny color combination .. haha =P

sam 老弟,
wat color did u put hur ??


Blogger -WHEY` | 30 January, 2008 22:20

haha.. sam, yea, we're all curious! wad colour?! issit pink? hahaha! :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 22:30

ah, braces! so brave of you sam! heard it won't be very comfortable for a while ... but for that sparklie smile and chomp your food, gotta bear with it ya ... may affect your speech, like when you talk, there will be 'fu-fu' sound?? ... he he, wonder what colour is your braces? take care ya ... nic and weiqi too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 22:56

huh....when i read this post..my eyes are so big...hmmmm
it make you uncomfortable now..i guess???
It take time to get use to it ma....

hope u see you in sat...SAM,TAKE CARE LOL....



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 23:00

sure...expensive ma...
private dentist cost S$4000 or more

Anyway,SAM jia you ma....


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 23:30

wow Sam,
You very brave hor? I have never expected you to put on braces, cos you have a nice set of teeth wad! Hopefully it will not affect your performance on this Sat.
I was told by the doctor I visited last month (Dec 2007) to extract my wisdom tooth for the right bottom. But till now, I still never make any appointment to get it done.
Infact, during my army time (more than 20yrs ago), I was already advised by the army doctor to go for the operation. I did arranged for an appointment but later, my platoon mates wanna go Pulau Tioman for holidays before we ROD (ORD). So I called the clinic wanna change to another date, but they do not allowed. Then I called off the appointment & went to Pulau Tioman with my platoon mates. And till today, the wisdom tooth still with me. Haha...
It is very costly too ($800). If last time did it during my army days, it will be FOC! Anyway, I also very scare of the operation. Haiz...


Blogger Unknown | 30 January, 2008 23:35


so cool, sam has braces! (: braces damn fun! eat hot things will expand, drink cold water will contract! HAHAHA



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 23:46

sam, u v brave lei..i've been putting off mine for duno how mani yrs alr cos i'm scared of pain.. >.< anyway, ya u will get used to it soon de..n hor, we dun need to ask u show us lei..it's a matter of time we'll c it..haha..alright, take gd care ar! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 23:53


we wanna c leh... smile wide on sat so tat we can c! ;-)

i oso dun dare to go correct my teeth... scared of pain...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 23:54

ya hor, still got color ah? heh heh.

actually, no need to ask sam show us - WE CAN PEEP! hahahaha.

okok, i think sam is stressed liao. just kidding ah~ =X

31st jan coming le wor...=X


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 January, 2008 23:59

weiqi, happi 23rd bday! may tis yr n e following yrs be smooth sailing for u..hv a wonderful n blessed bday! jiayou for e new sem alright.. :) be happi! =DD cheers~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:00



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:00



older by another year liao... second year im wishing you happy birthday, weird how time flies and how we've all grown.

so yuppp... here's wishing you a happy birthday, have a great day ahead alrights? may things be going fine for you, and much more happiness to come in the future. most importantly, stay happy & optimistic... :)

jiayou ya... & take great care... 生日快乐! :DD

meikian :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:09

Weiqi, wish u happy 23rd bdae, 1 yr wiser le!!!

happy bdae to u, happy bdae to u, happy bdae to weiqi, happy bdae to u!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:12

HAPPY BIRTHDAY & Blessings Weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:13

Best day ever: 31st January
Your birthday only comes around once a year so let's make today a day to remember.
here's Wishing you a Happy Birthday and many more to come.
quoted from somewhere - "A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip."

do drop by publicity blog when u r free ya? if not free nvm though. hehehehehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:15

wei qi..

happy birthday!!! =)

stay happy!!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:32



请你不要更别人说, ok
我要说了 ar ..

生日快乐 !!
may u b blessed with gd health & wisdom .. & no more turning of zombie !!
take care yea !! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:39

Time really Flies...
Its your Special day today. Wishing you a Very Happy 23rd Birthday.
May this special day of yours brings you Happiness, Health, Joy & Wealth thru-out the year till your next birthday.
祝你: 生日快乐,心想事成。
Ya, All the BEST to your Studies too. May God Bless U, 4Ever... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:57

one year older le.. must be less colder ok.. haa.. jiayou jiayou! enjoy ur day!! rest well ya...

sam, haa.. we wun ask u to show la.. we'll just make sure u LAUGH. lalalala~ haha... it was just last week when i ask pc whether i shld put on braces lo.. haa.. take care take care.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 00:58



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 01:41

whoa, gt ur braces?
should be quite expensive uh?
heh heh.
gt put gold colour one?
later i go rob ur teeth.
jkjk. =x
hope u wont have problem chewing ur food. ((:
u'll have a nice straight pair of teeth in 2 yrs time!
jiayou in adapting to it yea? :DDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 01:46


I hereby dedicate this song to Mr Chan Weiqi. xD
*clear my throat* Ahem~


my singing nt bad hor?
hope the glasses in ur hse wont break.
heh heh.
enjoy ur day ahead yea?
mus rest more hor!
all the best in ur studies too.


Blogger euniice =) | 31 January, 2008 01:49

sam put on braces? woah. i believe it's damn painful.

looking forward to seeing ur braces uh! show them luh, let ur braces say hello to people! :DD


Blogger binz | 31 January, 2008 02:11

ohman sam with braces? shld be consider very long le bah.. adults put braces more painful leh.. and i suppose ur articulation will be affected too.. so we can look forward to a little different singing from sam this sat hur~ haiyo i suppose sam will slim down one round pretty soon bah since after putting braces will have teeth-aches, cannot bite food and so called lost of appetite.. anw put braces now good thing hur can prevent urself from eating too much during CNY.. haha..

hey it's 31st jan alrdy so happy birthday weiqi! remember to take care of urself and stay cheerful! dun get too stressed up by studies~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 09:10


Have a great day ahead!

Have fun~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 09:43

Hi wei Qi!

Happy birthday to you! May u spend ur this special day with ur family and friends! Take good care of urself and see u guys this coming saturday! U guys are being missed! =)

Quizzy jie,
Hello... How are u? Long time never hear from u liao... Haha... =) Hope that u are doiing fine! Miss the 3 milos! Haha... Will see them soon, I believe! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 11:34

Happy birthday to Weiqi! You're 23 this year, hooray!(:

I really miss you guys; haven't seen you all in a while ever since the HD5 liftoff show when i finally went there to catch you guys live in action! :D

Just want to drop by and say i love you guys!(((:



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 12:11


Happy Birthday to 伟奇.

Happy birthday to u,
Happy birthday to u,
Happy birthday to weiqi,
Happy birthday to u! :D

Hope u enjoy ur day. Must Jia you. rest more. All the best to ur studies. Take care. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 13:30

Sam ~ You can smile more soon!

Weiqi ~ Happy Birthday!

Nic ~ Hope you're doing well!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 14:06

happie birthday!!
stay cool as ever ya?
and stay lame too. haha!
all the best for the day at sch! =)

ya lor, i tot ur teeth not bad?
ai mei huhhh.. lol
k, hope u can shi ying to the new braces and that it wouldnt affect your speech and singing. jia you ooh! =D

nic~ hope u're doing fine in camp. jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 16:11

I hope you had a good celebration!

Nic ~ Hope you are doing good!
Sam ~ Braces..Get use to it okay?Hehe..must be hard in the beginning.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 16:16

weiqi, happy birthday!!!
lol my class ppl always do the hand language version of "happy birthday"..too bad can do here..hahah


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 16:23

selamat hari jadi~
selamat hari jadi~
selamat hari jadi to weiqi~ (i duno how to sing)
selamat hari jadi~

saw Weiqi's picture while browing through my files in computer...suddenly it occured to me - I wonder how is Weiqi doing liao~ =(
of course I miss nic too!
Sam....ok la, cos we met every week so hai hao...=X

u trios must jia you ok?

wohoho, looking forward to tomorrow...and thus Saturday...hehehehehe

simin, reply in your blog liao. thank u ah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 16:37

whoops. i mean cant do here


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 16:59

enjoy your day =D
takecare =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 17:32

Happy Birthday to AH QI!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 18:39

生日快乐 快乐 快乐 !!!
* Stay Happy Forever ...
May ALL Ur Dreams Cum True ~

MUACKsss ~
Cya Guyz This Sat.!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 19:34



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 19:55

HEyS! =D

May all your wishes come true!

Braces ah.. LeT tHe FoOd StUcK iN btwn. ... hahahahahaha...
Ya, what colour is it? Blue? Haha.. hope its no black cos it'll look like decayed teeth(HAHAHAAHAH)



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 20:19

[I noe this is damn lag but I cldnt tag this at that period of time. Stupid com ._.]

Ok, so that period of time when Huang Jin Lu was airing, my dad said, "eh the starting song nice leh... who sing de?" my mum actually replied, "I think it's Wu Bai..." -.- but the point is, I told them it was Mi Lu Bing and they were impressed haha. They thought it would some really experienced [and older haha] singer. So Mi Lu Bing JIAYOU!!!

And it's Wei Qi's bdae right? HAPPY BDAE WEI QI!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 20:44

伟奇, 生日快乐!!!

May you be blessed with happiness and love!!!
stay cheerful alwaes!
hope you had enjoy ya day yea! =D
eh, you have a surprise for ya, 期待哦!!!

jiayou! jiayou! ^_^


Blogger Strat | 31 January, 2008 21:14

Wei Qi,
happy birthday !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 21:26


hope you had a great birthday together with your family and friends. and not forgetting your 2 milo brothers. :D 加油 in your school and everything! heh hehh..

woah! sam had braces?! cannot imagine how you'll look like when you're laughing. xD wondering what kind of braces you had. imagine you with different colours of braces! HAHA! think it'll be even more difficult to catch you smiling in future. anyway, think you'll still look great with braces on! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 21:27

aiks! salah sia! amendment -

*WE have a surprise for ya, 期待哦!!! =D

all the best for ya new sem going on. dun over stressed alrite?! *hugs*


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 22:53

yappy birthday weiqi ... drink > water ya ... kkkk ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 22:59


God bless ! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 23:07

somebody so hiao. okie, not here to suan u. i oso say rem to smile wide wide on sat so we can admire ure braces.
Drop in to wish WQ a very happy birthday! Today u busy celebrating bd or stuck in com lab still? Watever the case, hope u at least smiled once today cos its ure bd.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 23:46

I put my braces last December. Yeah, same:D

I've gotten used to it. Porridge for the first few days are so aweful. Don't go skinnier ah!

Btw, what colour are you putting?
Red for CNY?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2008 23:51


hihi .

anyway , sam, zai ahs , put braces.
hope you dont feel the pain . so meanwhile, take good care.

miss ya . :D

and happy birthday weiqi . :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 01:00

Oh oh... I'm late :(
Well... better than never...

Mr Chan, Happy Birthday!!!
Hope you get into the Dean list!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 05:23

dearest Mr Chan WeiQi...

ehh MIA for quite some time liao le... hope you're doing fine with your studies and all ya?

hmm.. hope ya had a great birthday.. suppose you spent the day in school, but ya, hope you had some fun on this special day :)

whatever it is... all of us miss ya! so be back in action soon okayy :)) the blog misses you too i suppose. haha.. [cuz u gotta come and cool the server... :P]

jiayou jiayou... takecare alrights :)) much loves!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 05:54

ohyeah... before i really do forget.

reminder for dress code on saturday, MLB tee/white top.

and bring all the banners/boards of MLB you can get/find to show your support for MLB! and prepare to scream, shout and sing along. ^^


Blogger -WHEY` | 01 February, 2008 07:38


wishing you a happy belated birthday!

smile always!! :D:D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 14:14

ATTENTION all supporters of MLB!

20 tickets to Beatboxing Asia Championship up for grabs!

I've got on hand 20 tickets to tomorrow's Beatboxing Asia Championship, to be given away to supporters of MLB. [quite a late notice, cuz i just got the tickets too.]

Beatboxing Asia Championship

Date: 2nd Feb 2008, Saturday
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: The Max Pavillion, Singapore Expo


to request for tickets, please email the following details:

Subject: Beatboxing event tickets

Full Name:
HP no.:
Quantity of tics:

to milubing.fc@gmail.com


.you will be contacted via SMS if your request is successful.

.tickets will be distributed on a first come first serve basis.

those who wanted to go but were short of cash, here's your chance. hurry to avoid disappointment~ :) & do help to spread the msg...

btw, you can email in anytime from now to late aftn tomorrow, i'll contact you as soon as i see your email.



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 17:10

heh. thanks mk for informing yor. already posted in publicity blog lo. hehe.

alamak, tonight i need to hiao my wardrobe le. cos didn't wear for 2 months right, i cannot find where it is le. hahahahaa.

hope weiqi had an enjoyable birthday ah? no big celebrations never mind, dun spend on doing exams or tests can liao. not fun de lor! haha.

Sam take care yor~~~ "ren" if u feel any discomfort. jia you in "ren-ing"!

Nic! hao jiu bu jian, ni hao ma?

all jia you and take care! HOLIDAY LO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 20:13

so sam, remember to flash your smile( or rather, 'teeth') during e sheng shiong show tmr for us to see lahs..
HAHAHAHA... then everyone would be wah-ing ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 21:29

ehh...alamak...yavonda~ actually hor, we've clarified with sam that day le, that he won't be attending ss show tomorrow wor...cos tomorrow the guys will be performing at bbox championship mahz. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 21:30

hahahaha sam can put red colour braces now! my fren used to put red and green for xmas :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2008 23:25

Wow, yes933 playing MLB de Yong Qi.

Finally can see MLB performing Live again tomorrow. Yeah...
Must remember to bring my self-made signboard.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 00:17

CYA GUYZ 3 Tml !!!
Yeah Sooo HAPPY & EXCITED, Finally Wait Till This Day Le... HAHA!

JIAYO ~! ! !
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 01:09

may you have agreat year ahead with schoolwork & MLB(:
apart from that, all other things as well. and of course, good heath (:

now we belong to the same gang.
BRACES! but im removing mine soooooon. tsk. hope i can take a picture with you before i remove them. please kindly flash your braces at my camera. LOL.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 02:24

nitey milubing and MLBians! Milubing jia you! cya "later"!!!



Blogger -WHEY` | 02 February, 2008 08:38

haha, thanks quizzy :D

later you'll help me see sam arh? lol..

ZzZzZz~ later still got exmas :S


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 09:03

some directions in case anyone doesn't know how to get to max pavilion.

after entering expo, instead of turning left towards hall 1 to 6, turn right and cross the road towards hall 7 to 9, then walk all the way down to the end. there should be signboards around so i don't think it'll be hard to find.

those who've gone for superband GF will know the place. just that GF was at hall 7 but max pavilion is all the way at the end.

guys, hope you three had a good rest last night.. we'll look forward to seeing you guys later! jiayou! (:

have fun people~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 09:32

Happy Birthday to You, May All Your Wishes & Sweet Dreams Come True. All the Best to your exam too, May God Bless U 4ever.
Too bad you cannot join us tonight at Max Pavilion, but hope you have a Great celebration with your family & love ones.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 10:48

if anyone still want tics to tonight's event, i've still got some left. refer to my prev tag for more details.

see ya guys tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 12:06

think sam ganna hide his braces , ppl who jus hav braces will hide there frm ppl when they jus got braces on . =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 14:59

But having braces is cool when you give a bigbig smile(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 17:53

is that what they mean by


heh. 2 years will pass really fast and the beautiful teeth will once again, be revealed! haha. no worries.



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 22:02

i also has put on braces but is about last december i tink! woahs the process was much simpler than u tought? i put on braces rite? miy one so painful lorhx then eat must be veryveryvery careful but fer now i can eat anything! anyways TAKE CARE! MISSES FROM BLAHBLAHBLAH!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 23:16

A knight dons shiny armour on his smile, rides into battle against twisted metals, bracing the journey to one straight victory, for everything, just bitter sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 01:21

have a good rest tonight (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 01:21

hi ! mlb
so happy to see you guys at Bbox juz now....

Thsnkyou for the birthday message
i juz got it todae.....
Hope u like the scrapebook i make for you....

Hi!So happy to see you today....
Hope you heard the dedication on my birthdae to u

Nic Kor....
Hi! I think juz now during your performance,maybe u saw me doing a handsign to u say tt i hardly hear your voice but everything gone well


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 01:23

good nitez...Mi Lu Bing
and have a good rest....

I think i better rest well lol
recently,i'm sick again.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 01:25

heh. I'm home for 1 hour le. Now alone at home...cos my mum working until 2am so my dad also work OT...O_O...my brother MIA...

HELLO! wahaha just now was fun and shiok...finally can see the LIVE performance for "lu" FOR THE FIRST TIME... COOL MAN! Both LIVE version and TV/radio version are nice leh, but I would prefer LIVE version de... hehe...

anyway, happy to see nic and weiqi after "giraffe" years...haha...

Erm Sam looked uncomfortable with braces on ah (as in, it's show on your face le)? haha. But your articulation still alright. Hope u didn't experience discomfort when u sang?

And talking about pain or not pain - my ex-classmate hor, when she first put on her braces, she need to have some of her teeth extracted and she said its super pain wor? *scary*

haha nitey! have a good rest!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 02:07

MLB, Thank you very much for giving us a night of great performances. Its like a mini-concert, for once we are able to hear you guys singing 6 songs at one go (the most number of songs sang, if I never recall wrongly).
I was holding the signboard which I made high up initially, but the man behind me asked me to be considerate as they were block by my signboard. Wondering MLB saw me holding the signboard? This is the 1st time, I have made a signboard. hehe...
I hope MLB can have a concert of their own after they released their 2nd album. The feeling is so..... great to hear & sing-a-long with MLB Live.
MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...
MLBians were Power at the show too. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 02:43

hahahahaha. i screamed at the top of my voice but surprisingly, my voice didn't mi lu and my throat is still intact lor. haha!

oh ya, if anyone of ya did captured snapshots of the guys just now and would like to share with us at publicity blog, feel free to email me and/or pegg at lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com or to our personal email/msn if you have. thanks yor! haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 08:05


ytd's performance was not bad, quite alright. felt great to hear all those songs after such a long time...

hey, glad u've been fine. hope ya liked the stuffs we gave ya, and hope ya had a good time looking thru them last night. happy belated birthday yeah? anwws told ya gotta up the volume thing cuz i think for daren's second song the vocals were pretty soft. but mlb's performance was alright though. [i suppose. cuz actually i think we were all too busy shouting and screaming to care. -.-] so yeah, continue to jiayou for your studies alright? takecare!

ehh nv see ur braces la... so far away... nvm, we'll see it soon. [and anyway i think i thought too much about your braces i dreamt of you telling me about it. okay nvm -.-]

ehh u ahh.... ur voice really in pretty bad condition ytd ya, actually half the time i cldnt really catch whatever you were talking about on stage cuz it came out kinda soft and muffled. take good care of yourself! go drink more water, drink more liangcha, avoid heaty food. get well soon okayyy... anwws ,got letter for ya but forgot to pass to WQ ytd. nxt time bah... ^^ TAKECARE ah.

i suppose all of us enjoyed last night... am sure ya guys did too, esp after the long hiatus.

meanwhile... continue being busy with whatever you're busy with... but be happy cuz CNY's coming. time for some relaxation and enjoyment over the few days of holiday we're gonna get...

hv a good rest guys, we'll see ya guys soon! stay happy ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 11:08

Yesterday performance was great and perfect!! Happy to see 3 of you guys performing live at BBOX Competition... First time hearing you guys performing LU..Damp nice~
Jiayou!! Take Care & Smile :)

Weiqi, thanks for passing the letter to Ah Sam :) Jiayou for ur studies!!

Nic, happy to see you performing yesterday!! Qianhui really really so happy to see you!!

Sam, Hoped that you have recieved the letters :) Jiayou and take care!! Have saw abit your braces... hahax~ '

Hoped to cya guys soon!!

Hoped that today LHB LU will get better result!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 11:33

Hello I'm Here!
Yesterday's Performance Was Really GREAT & Super HIGH De La...!
We Really Enjoy The Performance Lotsss ~

NIC: Since 8th Dec Till Now, After Sooo Long - Really Sooooooooooooo Happy To Cya! Hmmmmm U Must Take Good Care Of Ur Voice Worz, Must Rmb To Drink More Water k...

SAM: Hello... Yea We Saw Abit Of Ur Braces On The Screen... Next Time Must Show Us The Whole Thing Hor! WAHAHAHAHA! *PC Want Me To Say She Miss U* Oh My ~

WEIQI: Hey Happy To Cya Too... Rest Well & Take Good Care Also OK, JIAYO For Ur Studies!
*Hope U Had A GREAT BDAY Yea*

S m i l e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 12:24

yeah, Lu has moved up 3 position to #15 on yes933 chart today.
Lets continue to votes and bring it to the TOP.
Congrats MLB, and thanks to all who have voted. Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 12:26

Fyi, Lu has accumulated 9pts as of today. More pts to be added, let votes harder. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 12:27

CONGRATS Today 933 LHB LU Have rise to NO. 15.... WE are so HAPPY & HIGH!!

We'll continue to vote harder de!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 13:08

woohoo~ afternooon!
yesterday's performance was GREAT! we enjoyed ourselves really alot and was so excited when you guys performed 'lu'.. we were guessing the song names too. like so fun~~ hahaha... jiayou jiayou jiayou!!

congrats to 'lu' on 93.3 no.15!!!
continue to jiayou! we'll continue to support de!!!! whee!!!
(i have yet to rob more coupons..)

eheh... stop covering your mouth la alamak.... u never talk also cover.. gao xiao la you..



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 14:07

congrats every1


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 14:40

just woke up 1 hour ago, thanks pegg for informing me about today's result for lu at lhb =P...

again, people who helped us in the mass voting during HD-5 lift off AND (not 'or') gai ban autograph session in October, DO NOT send your coupons yet cos I still got your 1 more coupon with me. after i send tomorrow next week onwards u can send yours liao. thanks ah!

Milubing must jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you


Blogger pegg | 03 February, 2008 15:53

hey all.. *just to side track abit*..
i believe most of you guys and girls know that the 2nd season of 【非常SuperBand】is approaching soon..

thus, for those who are interested in taking part in the contest can simply go to this link and see how you can join the contest. (:


the web mentioned something about the winner of the 1st season of 【非常SuperBand】too *which is Mi Lu Bing* (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 15:53

yesterday performance was great! :)
we wanted to stand up, but was afraid that we would be blocking the people behind us..

i think yesterday was the first time i see sam tucked in his shirt.. :P

cant hear what nic was talking.. couldnt hear the interview too..

but anw, it was still great! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 16:12

Mediacorp v v unfair, isnt it? coming SB got $50k prize money. 1st season SB got no winnings!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 16:18

qing qing, nic mentioned at home he will do some "self-improvement" in music...after all, learning is I-forget-what-he-said

If i'm not wrong la...haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 19:17

yo yo !!
ytd's performance was great !! ^_^
shouted & screamed like siao .. haha ..
yaya, we wanted to stand up de lor .. but e ppl ard us wasen standing & we scared tt we might b blocking other ppl's view .. lata scarlie 1 shoe came flying & hit my head, asking mi to sit down .. haha
but anw, it was really really great .. jiayou !!
& congrats on lu for being #15 in LHB !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 21:06

the prize money for the competition wont be the biggest gain of joining the comp.. what's more important will be the process, and the experience. and after all, if one were to join the competition just for the prize money, might as well sit at home and wait to win toto.. it's really how much effort these guys have put in to deserve the title, and i believe it same for the next season.

anyway, sharing something.

It is not by accident that the happiest people are those who make a conscious effort to live useful lives. Their happiness, of course, is not a shallow exhilaration where life is one continuous intoxicating party. Rather, their happiness is a deep sense of inner peace that comes when they believe their lives have meaning and that they are making a difference for good in the world.

- Ernest A. Fitzgerald


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 21:21

ya lor,
couldnt hear wad nic was saying..
but overall performance was good lah. my fav version of so sad was performed! heh hehh.
and the boys looked great! =D


Blogger Strat | 03 February, 2008 21:39

is it "learning is journey"??


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 22:13

Ah.. I wonder did Sam extract any tooth?! Lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 22:36

actually...I think I couldn't make out the last word too leh. haha! I'll take it as it is lo~ nic if u r reading, would u like to clarify? haha.

heh ZA's question triggered my curiosity too...heh but if sam claimed that its "not much of pain", maybe he didn't? But whatever it is, *ahem* Sam~~~~ did Mr/Miss dentist extract any tooth on u? *ouch!* haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 22:56

hey sam, saw you all yesterday ;DD i loves wei qi's beatbox ;DD and the songs MLB sang ;DD take care.



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 00:18

ha ha, at some stage couldn't hear what milubing was saying cos their voice got drowned by the screams ... enjoyed myself ... 6 songs not enuf la ...

weiqi, was the judging tough? I clueless about beatboxing but really enjoyed bryan and huron's performance ... but they were eliminated, so sad (sic) ...

i also curious if sam had any tooth removed ... cos my fren had like 4 teeth removed???


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 00:20

oh.. i saw ah shan mentioning about 'standing'.. i was so enthu standing there shouting.. wheeyoowheet.. then i realise that 3 person beside me sitting down... see lurh! but i think u guys are able to see our boards from on top ba?

i forgot to say. WEIQI! ur beatbox damn power la! louder than the other contestants.. now i know why u didnt take part. cos sure win one. haha!
we were also waiting for sam to beatbox. then we were thinking.. 'how he going to beatbox? beat dao lao lips torn by the braces le..' hahahha!

i still love the 'live' version of 'so sad' super loads.. jiayou guys! next week's 'lu' sure 飙 even higher de! jiayou!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 00:30

Really Hope To Cya 3 Again SOON~



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 00:55

ohyeah, got to know more about beatbox from ytd.. guess it takes more than just skills, gotta have the creativity too. guess wq and the judges had a hard time judging and giving scores? hmm. anyway, yeah, seldom hear weiqi do 'stunts' with beatboxing, usually only hear them in the song performances. demo a longer one some time ya WQ? ^^

enjoyed huron's performance too, was super cute. thought the pairing of ryan and huron was cool... ^^

takecare guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 01:32

coz i scared bei ren da .. haha .. tt's y sit down .. summore i turn bhind & i saw some ppl looking at us ..
thk can c our boards ba .. eh, we forgot to make e board more bright using my hp torch lor .. haha

aiyo .. hear all e bboxing .. make mi wanna learn oso .. so cool la ..

mlb !!
jiayou yea !! & take care !! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 01:59

Oh, talking about the beatboxing, ik & me nearly fallen asleep during the 3rd & final round! Cos, its sort of repeating round after round. To us, it's likes not much different at all! Maybe we know nothing much about beatboxing.
But I agree with the judges that Jacky deserved to win.

Ya, agreed with sofui that 6 songs also not enough. Can't wait for MLB concert, hope it gonna be real soon!
Btw, among all the invited artistes, MLB sang the most songs (6 songs) followed by 5566 (5 songs) & Darren (2 songs).


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 02:43

ytd was great..esp when it's been so long since we seen u 3 performing on stage.. :)

nic, guess ur voice wasnt in v gd condition ytd..u sounded hoarse..take care n drink more water k..jiayou in camp n keep tt smile on ur face! :)

sam, u v careful abt not letting us c ur braces ytd hor..haha..tok oso mus xiao xin yi yi one..hope u are getting used to e braces ya..take care! :)

weiqi, was so surprised tt u heard me shouting ur name cos thr were like so mani ppl shouting..heh..ur beatboxing was super cool la..seems like tj ppl v into beatboxing hor..;ike u n charles..hee..anyway, jiayou for tis sem k..take care n cya arnd in sch! :)

anyway, liked ryan n huron's pairing/battling..v cute n entertaining..haha..

oh yes..congrats to lu..thx to everyone's voting..hmm i wonder if thr will be delay in mailing cos tis wk is cny n i heard tt thr's no postage svc from e 6th to 9th..so try to send out ur coupons by tml ya.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 06:27

it's not about how many songs each artistes sang, it's the effort that each one of them put in to make their performance a good one..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 00:47

Please dun get me wrong! I am actually saying that, although MLB sang 6 songs, but its like still not enough for us. Perhaps, I am too greedy. Hehe...
Of course every artistes put in great effort to give their best performance. I personally enjoyed the performances by all the invited artistes.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 March, 2008 13:42

testing 1234


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 17:01

sam, u sure look cutee wth braces..
izzit ex?? u rox!!!tinking how u will look lyk...it will be gd enough if u can still sing wth ur nice voice wthout having problems..
u rox 4eva!!!