
MLB de
milubing | 19 January, 2008 23:36

My computer may be faulty, but I have lots of steady friends.

IN MY OPINION. I’m not an angel, but I’m quite a nice guy. I like people around me to be happy. Though not under my control, but I guess I would make an effort to cheer you up if you’re down, unless it means having to do something against my will or having to do something I don’t see the need to. I’m really blessed to have nice people around me, like all of you. Yea, all of us are nice people. BUT, nice people not necessarily have similar opinions. When people have differences, it may not be a case of right and wrong, but just different mentality, different flow of thoughts. When situations like this occur, I just hope that nobody feels upset, instead try to accept one another’s point of view.

I’m down with a flu now, but I’ll be fine soon. Will drink lots of water and rest more.

Thank u once again for the cards and gifts, and seeing me off at the end of show.

Goodnight. =)

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2008 23:45

u looks so tored today on tv...
dun hav the super bright smile today if compare to other days lah!
then quizzy told me u sick...
take care yea...
rest more if can..

jiayou too ^^ always jiayou


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2008 23:49

sry error,is tired*

u r nice ppl too...!!!


Blogger Strat | 19 January, 2008 23:55

Haha... Jia you !!! Did u receive my letter ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2008 23:58


rest well, don't think too much first...hao hao yang bing first...the rest...heh heh hope for the best ba?

meanwhile, i go do some reflections...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2008 23:58

sam !

great to see u posting an entry again.

anyway i really agree with u in ur entry.. (: anyway thanks for everything also. u had been really really nice and u had been cheering me up without fail. well actually was feeling quite upset before u came abt sum matter. :D but seeing and talking to u had cheer me up from my upset-ness.. =)

anyway sam !
pls take care okay !! :D
rest welll !!
get welll SOONNNNNN !!!
seeing u sick really worries me ..



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2008 23:59

Take care. Yup drink more water and rest well.

I not feeling well too. but I will rest more and drink more water too. Jia you together. U are welcome.

Good night. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 00:04

YES MUST Rest More...
Take Care Yea ...
Go zZz Le Ba U~

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger -WHEY` | 20 January, 2008 00:05

SAM! :)

hmm.. heard u wasn't feeling well today.. do take lots of care! & you do sound quite sad! cheer up ok! :D

drink more water, eat more nutritious food and take vitamin supplements, guess dat will be enough for u to recover betta! :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 00:15

differences and disputes are inevitable in life... but...

sam, all i wanna say is... sorry. it's not a matter with you, or the differences, but rather with us. i'll find a proper chance to do a proper explanation to you, but for now... really wish to say sorry about this entire thing.

sincerely hoping this matter didnt affect you too much... this whole thing begun with me, so i guess i should take responsibility for it.

really sorry...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 00:19

Sam, 只能说你似乎误会了某件事情


will find a proper time to explain the whole thing to you ba. but for now, i can only say sorry..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 00:25

hello sam, happy to see you just now, hope u're feeling better and drink more water and take care! see you again next week!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 01:14

beware yor, i think i gonna flood again liao...haha!

talking about nice...u very chou pi yor~~~ say yourself nice, but its true la! haha! thanks for making the effort to cheer us up when we're down, hope we will be able to cheer u up when u r down too? haha.

and forget about the unhappiness ba. we are all friends mahz, your friend wouldn't want to see you sad sad. got any problem, we face together! but its ok if u would rather keep it to yourself la. just have to remember that someone is jia you-ing for u, so u must jia you in recovering/picking yourself up from whatsoever...

i admit i will be upset when "situations like this occur" (as mentioned in sam's post..though I don't know what kind of situation exactly), but I think i will choose to "ren". i still treat all as my friends no matter what happen...unless u dun treat me as your friend la! haha...

sorry if I've just say anything offensive (don't kill me ah). I still didn't get the whole picture too. But I'm just sharing how i feel la, not trying to prove anything too. haha!

whatever it is, just wanna say - sam, ni xin ku le...hao hao yang bing, I'll see u when I see u again. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 01:23

"Love is saying 'I feel differently' instead of 'You're wrong.'”


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 01:25

ehh....got any problem, we face together, PROVIDED its within our means la. ok i don't know what i am talking about again.

and yes, I believe that u will be fine soon. Cos sam is so STRONG mahz, so u sure will win the flu virus la! haha! nitey ;D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 01:49

Sam, of course you are a very nice guy, Same goes to weiqi & Nic.
Hope you have a speedy recovery. Take great care and not to fall sick again, ok? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 10:13

sam take care, rest more, .. n don't do strenuous exercises with the flu bug..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 10:46

ya lor, u look super tired on tv ytd..
then heard from quizzy jie that u're sick.
take care alright?!
rest well and get enough sleep yeah?

eh. i dunno wad happened that made u wrote this entry..
but wad i can say is, ya lah, not everyone has the same opinion. even the bestest frens can have diff views on something.. (maybe even among mlb themselves?) so wad they can do is tolerate and 各自让步lor.. 有时你让我,我让你 like that.. then everyone also happy mah..
kk, i hope everything is alright.. sam dun think so much ok? recover quickly and we can see the mighty sam again! yeah! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 11:34

ii seems really dunno wads going on now, bt somehow ii noe wads tt all about. hope tt you dun take this whole thing too hard, mayb it just a misunderstanding situation between one another. we noe you are quite a nice guy as compared to others, you did ur best. dun think too much arh, recover from ur flu first. Get Well Soon!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 11:41

eh.. u must take care ah.. coughing so badly.. hope u took that gui ling gao cos it's good for the throat..

nice or not nice a person, it's still a person ba.. it's how we see it i guess..

dont think too much.. rest well for the time being and tata~ i think everything will be solved ba?
HEY! i actually brought lappy for u to use lei! but u too busy.. -_- haha.. take great careand rest well ya.. =)

i will not run away. i'll run back to HAUNT U!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 13:56

There is no such thing as who is right, who is wrong, what is right what is wrong. It's when the ending is not what you want it to be, then we will know, it is something wrong. When the ending turns out to be something which is what you want, then you are right.

Everyone have different point of view. When we try to put our views across to people people whom don't accept and agree on what you think, they will argue with you. Somehow or rather, there is no point arguing. There is no point trying to make up for mistakes which we made in life cause the truth is, somethings changed and it is a fact that it has changed. For the better or the worse, no one knows and when we try to make things better, it just turn out worse..

As long as our views are different from people and when people give conlusion without truly understanding that the stuffs you did, the stuffs you said are for a reasons not meant to be told. Perhaps sometimes, it's not about being nice. If I have to chose between being nice or giving a bad image for doing something, saying something which is good for the ones I really care, I rather not be nice. But how many of us in real life really do that? Some People are just trying to be nice doing things they don't wish to do and make themselves unhappy but still pretending to be happy. Worse still some people are nice to some people in front of them when they are actually not that nice. but are they really fair to themselves? Sometimes you have to give and take. Giving too much is not healthy, people may just take what you give for granted.

For me , I never like quarreling with people. I will not bother arguing and always take in stuffs with myself. I don't go around telling people and influencing them my thinkings. I would rather keep silence. After all, people don't have to accept you for who you are, or accept what you want to give them. You don't have to change what is around you nor fake a smile when you are just not feeling well. It's unhealthy.

Things change, people change, nothing stays the same.

No matter what it is, whenever things should be cleared when misunderstanding builds up, it should be and never give conclusion based on assumptions. What someone says and what you feel he/she is trying to say might not be what he/she is trying to say. When someone is unclear about anything, just ask. we were taught in school. when in doubt ask.

Everyone wants their life to be happy and things to go their way. But sometimes, things going their way ain't what other people way of wanting things to go.

There is no perfect world for everyone's defination of perfect is different.

We live for ourselves, to care for others at the same time. But somehow, we live for others and forget to care for ourselves.

You are a nice guy with lots of good friends and siblings caring for you. =) So I hope you'll be happy soon =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 14:05

sam 弟 !! (haha =P)
u ar .. i younger than u still call mi 姐 -_-"
ytd u look really sick la, coughing so badly, muz rest well & drink more water yea !! if still v bad, muz go c doc & get medicine ar ..
yes, u r a v nice guy .. we all know tt .. ^_^
each & everyone of us sure have diff opinions, diff pt of views .. but wat we can do is to try to understand & accept one another's opinion ..
aiya, wateva it is .. u 好好养病 1st la .. dun thk too much ^_^

ehh .. u wanna come haunt mi ar .. lata i got nightmare sia .. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 14:16

ah shan ahh, tell u what! i saw u on tv!

yup, everyone is different, so i guess, even if we dun like the person, we should try and accept him/her
whatever the case, accept what comes our way!
cos we cant have the whole world to accept u!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 14:44

Yup everyone have different point of view. If we dont like the person we should try and accept him or her.

Ytd u look really sick. Keep seeing u coughing so badly. See a doctor if u are still not feeling well. See u sick really worries me. Aiya u just 好好养病 1st. Dun think too much. Jia you! Take care.



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 14:53

huh ??? u saw mi on tv ?? when ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 15:32


Hoped you will quickly recovered your cough and flu... Drink plenty of water and rest well...Don't think too much too...
I know that you're a nice person :) I don't want you to be upset!!
Cheer up!~ Must be Happy & Good Health!
Take Care & Jiayou!

Shan Jie, hihi:) last night was fun right...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 16:08

oi !! call mi jie !! u older than mi la >_<
of coz fun la .. coz u were on tv .. haha .. i laugh until i almost cried lor .. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 16:12


shit you lah... qingqing also on the tv.. so embrassed lol without any thing cover.. hahax~ Ewen & you also kanna lol..hahas~ we were also laughing non stop :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 16:30

is it because sam aware that shan is our "lao niang" that's why he call u jie? I don't know, I'm just guessing...

anyway, good morning (I really just woke up an hour ago)! hope sam is feeling better today...

nice or not nice, angel or not angel, be yourself is most important =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 16:52

quizzy :)

come online I send you the pics if not you come my blog and take the pics :) hahax~ just uploading now..

Hoped SAM feeling better :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 17:04


sam hope u also feeling better now yeah.. anyway hope u also cheer up also kaes..^^ (:

anyway i believe tt even having a bit of misunderstanding btw each other will have de lor just tt hw u all manage to clear it in a postive way ba.. :)

take care sam !
everything will be fine ! ^^
just stay the way u are kaes..
to me u are still a very very nice guy!~ =D

;) dun worry too much yo!



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 17:45

I hope you are feeling better now.I hate when I get flu.And whatever happened to you,I hope it is okay now..We are always here for you,okay!

You must take care of yourself and rest a lot!Don't think too much okay!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 18:43

sorry sam.
guess we owe you an explanation.
but just want to let you know that we weren't angry or upset with you.
just angry with ourselves.
hope there's a chance to explain things to you.


Blogger BIRU K. | 20 January, 2008 18:56

long time no see!
do takecare yea?
get well soon :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 21:30

ah boy, hope you are feeling slightly better ... drink more water, rest well, and most important of all, don't mope too long over things ... stay happy and smile more ... you look even more fearsome than weiqi when you don't smile ... he he, better siam the missiles coming this way ;p take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 22:15

ah boy and everyone, listen to ah J de new album song #09. Lots of honey, can cure flu and make u smile.
Everyone smile =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 23:27

oie! nv see me la.. only my board!! hahaha.. not like u can.. hai me and shan laugh till wana die..

haa.. where got nightmare...... u end up very happy de lor..

ytd got bei xia dao ma? haa... hope u're better today.. take care and get well soon... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 23:57

hey guys! 2nd feb is coming!
look forward to seeing everybody. =)
do remember there will be 2 SAMs. lol. so those name boards <<*i have no idea what are those called.perhaps placards?* must emphasize which sam. haha.

sam! do take care! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 01:08

long time no c uh?

&& yea, u're mr nice guy. :DD
jus dun worry too much yea?
mus take care of ur health!

stay happy!
so tt ppl around u would be happy too.
smile la. (:
heh heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 01:56

no need "discuss" any further, cos the whole Singapore might have already seen u (and probably me) crystal clearly on TV liao...lalala~~~~

Sam, u ok ma? steady ah? haha. jia you jia you!


Blogger binz | 21 January, 2008 02:22

haiyo sam why the post sound so emo~ whatever thing or whoever people, cheer up(: take care and wish ya speedy recovery hor sam!

hmm i think the weather recently quite bad.. seems like many ppl ard me and including me have fallen sick and caught the flu/cold bug.. haiyo it feels quite terrible to be sick for 4 days ++ liao still haven really recover =( so everyone here please take care of urselves!((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 02:58

SAM! get well soon.. drink more water & rest more.. :)
u're always a nice guy.. ;)

ah wen, i saw u on tv lor! u ming ming bei pai dao la.. muahahahaha.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 09:29

sam, take care ohs! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 10:01

Hello Ah Sam! Hope that u are feeling much much better le!!! Don't think too much and carry on living!!! Did I say wrong? Lol... Got a bad stomach ache leh... Anyone got cure? Quizzy jie, why nowadays never see u on9 le? Qing Qing, u still remember me mah? Hope that u are still not angry with me yeah!!! E - Wen, hmm, have u added me in msn already mah? Hope to hear from u all soon!!! =)

Si Min. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 10:39

wei !! lata i bcome ninja & shoot u ar .. haha ..
i nv kana la .. coz i covered my face with e board .. =P

-_-" how he knows .. but now u say, he know liao la .. haha

u come haunt mi .. of coz nitemare la .. how can i b happy ..
u did kana on tv la .. e last part of e show .. haha ..
ya, e pekchoo & qing tt part really laugh till wanna die liao .. haha

ah sam lao di (haha =P),
u hao yi dian le ma ?? rest well yea .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 10:45

Ewen, I also saw u on the tv lol with Shan covering board..But one part both of you were over siao on Soler, both of you also kanna haha...

Shan, I am not scare leh.. I bomb you lol..You ninja shoot me.. I come and haunt you!!

Hoped that now you are feeling better:) Get well soon, take care


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 11:08

wahh !! anyhow bomb .. i call police ar .. haha .. u come haunt mi, lata i have nitemare ar .. haha
i did kana on tv meh .. my sis tell mi dun have leh .. eh, u dun bluff mi hor .. i ming ming cover my face with e board le ma ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 11:21

quizzy, haha.. the discussion is still going on lor!

simin, haa.. i duno how to add lei.. find some ways ba.. =)

shan, haha.. last part ah? dun have la.. haa.. u happy cos even in nightmare you can see me! u miss me too much le la...
haa! i think of it i still wana laugh at them. wahahhaha!!

pekchoo, is it? nvm la.. it's OVER~

oie.. i read all ur tags i end up laughing at my own screen in class la.. bonkers already. haa.. dun say until like we sit there cos wana go on tv lei. IT's NOT THAT! is to 吓sam de.. hahaha..

hope you're better. rest well rest well rest well! take this opportunity to sleep alot!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 11:24

shan mei...
I bomb you why leh??? U called the policelol!~ hahax~ you also want to Ninja shoot me..I called the police lol.. hahas:)I want to haunt you!!! I saw u on the tv, you was there chatting with Ewen, I nv bluff you lol.. Why must I bluff you... hahax~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 11:25

E-wen pls lah~ don't laugh dao teeth come out... hahax~ Just joking :)

Anyway fun chatting with you last night talking all the craps and MLB hahax~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 11:45

yes la, last part there's u la .. u kuku .. haha ..
plz lor, coz my dream have u tt's y it's a nitemare la .. have u i happy for wat .. haha =P
ya la .. they 2 dame funny .. still down there toking & covering their face .. but hand too small la, still can c their face .. haha =P
ehh, u dun siaosiao laugh at ur screen hor .. scary de leh .. haha .. & we really 吓 dao him la .. haha

wahh .. dun call mi mei la .. goosebumps come out liao .. haha ..
ehh, police cant catch mi de la .. i ninja leh .. i shoo shoo shoo, escape liao .. haha ..
i was meh .. aiya, wateva la .. not as much as u & qing can liao .. haha .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 11:50

why leh called u mei cant arh?? hahax~ nightmare I ca\ome and haunt you lol... U shoot me I tackle you lah:) I am not scare of you!! Both of you cover ur face also but also can see is both siao siao:) later this coming week also same place jialat!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 14:41

bombing and shooting...O_O! violent seh...haha!

si min, u might want to say "carry on living happily/healthily" or just simply "stay happy/healthy"...sounds better hor? haha.

shan, not bad letting him know MORE about u (i.e. our lao niang =P) ba? haha...

I didn't see whether so and so is on TV yor...haha...

Sam~~~~~ steady ah? haha. and we really did xia dao u? paiseh leh~~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 15:38

Sam i hope u are feeling better by now. I down with a flu too. Lets togther jia you and drink more water. Take care and rest more. Hope to see u again soon.

Quizzy u all so bad xia sam. Did he really xiao dao by u all? I hope not. Take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 16:38

When you came as a team you should leave as a team . Not one should stay as it would loose your bargaining power for the team. By hanging on due to so call priniciple (which actually not but realistically for unsaid personal short term gain is what I say NO PRINCIPLE.

When a man give his word he should stick to his word and also as team.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 19:06

haha .. aiya, u wan to call mi wat then wat la .. haha ..
aiyo, u another one wanna haunt mi .. 1 ewen is enuf man .. haha
eh, at least ewen & mi not so obvious like u & qing ma .. haha =P

haha .. i shy la .. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 19:27

teeth wun come out.. just that they tot i went bananas.. yaya.. had fun talking too. EH! let's BOMB ah shan tgt! i'm terrorist saturday!!

huh.... i think my brother told me that too.. nvm la. i nv see can le. hahaha!
alamak shan~ i know u love me alot la.. even nightmare also can dream of me.. *tsk* later greengreen come haunt me ah..
1 E-wEn is OFCOS enough la. if not u all sure ki siao.. hahaha...
haa.. i also got cover. i see my board big and clear. haa! then we were laughing at them. wah. damn gao xiao...
funny ma.. cannot tahan one. later got internal injuries.. yaya.. 吓到him le..

sorry ah... supposed to be 'surprised' you know. haa! we see ur reaction we wana laugh la...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 19:41

oi !! wat 'bomb ah shan tgt' ?!?! >_<
ya la ya la .. love u alot la .. hahaha ..
of coz la .. 1 ewen alr cant tahan liao .. if there's 2, we sure ki siao ar .. hahaha ..
my sis oso saw mi covering my face with e board la .. haha .. my whole family trying to spot mi on tv .. dunno they watching e show or looking out for mi lor .. hahaha ..

ah sam,
heh heh .. u really got shocked when u saw us sitting there rite .. ur reaction really funny lor ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 19:54

hi sam, i think you hv raised an interesting issue here. People have diff opinions and ever since i visit this blog, i hv discovered more & more how diff everybody's opinion can be due to diff bkgrounds etc. i hope that even though everyone here may not agree with each other's opinion, we should at least allow people to voice them out (hopefully in a diplomatic way pls) and it is up to the people concerned to determine how they wanna take the comment. i am a firm believer of voicing out my comments, however unpopular the opinion may be. This leads to discussion which will provoke thought and reflection, which in turn leads to a deeper understanding of the issue involved. Of cos i am not asking everyone to shoot their mouth off but if the issue is impt enough for them, by all means pls raise it up & those who want to participate in that discussion can give their 2 cents worth. The world would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinion but too much opinions (esp differing ones) can be chaotic as well so we have to learn how to sieve out the relevant comments from the noise, which we wanna take to heart and act on it. And Yes & i def agree, if in doubt, ASK & clarify. dont guess. Take care of yourself boy! So serious tag, sorry la. When i hv an opinion abt something, esp something i am passionate abt, i just cant keep it to myself, i will explode de. hmmm,explode... i will be good as CNY firecrackers, maybe i will wait for CNY to crackle away :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 20:16

hi hi sam...

hope u've recovered! take care & enjoy d nite!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 20:59

Sam, rest well and

Get Well Soon=)

Will be happy to see u active and well again!

Byes all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 22:02



dont worry so much!
rmb what nic says?
"Everything will turn out fine in the end, if it doesn't, it's not yet the end"


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 22:05

haha.. i wun bomb u la.. u're my terrorist saturday lei! haha.
oie what. if got 2 = double entertainment ok~~ haa.. ya lor. my brother also say that. siao one lor..

haiyah... no more 'lu' and 'she bu de' from today onwards le!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 23:32

i am feeling sad...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 23:38

shan love e-wen? then sam how? hahahahaha. oops! just kidding.

Sam must siam those self-proclaim terrorist la, or else u kena also...

Jane, i duno leh. haha!

if the difference in opinions is handled maturely, we can learn how to balance give and take better le, and this will enhance relationships...I think...haha! I'm learning too.

First day of the week is coming to an end, hope all will have a wonderful week ahead. E-WEN, 24TH JAN COMING SOON WOR!!!! yours will end on 9.30am, mine will end on 4.45pm. hehe.

And sam, steady ah? me also steady. hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 23:52

huh? why u sad? dun sad dun sad. what happen? but if dun wanna tell never mind. Sunshine after the rain, so the storms will be over soon de. haha. jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 09:34

lalalalaalalal~ everyone loves me~ :P rmb that time we were 'fighting' about this? haha..
oie! i also never terrorise sam.. i'm the nicest terrorist. laala!

AH MUI AH!! i missed my wonderful UT today. ARGGHHHH!!!! actually wanted to laugh at u cos u end late. but hor. AAHHHH!!!!! T_T

think u're better by now? or still sleeping ur 'sickness' away? haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 12:46

nicest terrorist is still terrorist =P...

ting shuo today got traffic jam right? aiya, never mind la, its already over...haha...

SAM steady pom pi pi ah? haven't heard from weiqi and nic too wor...heh heh. never mind, all jia you! I LOVE MILUBING.....AND MLBIANS =P! *er xin*


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 13:04

MLB jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 13:06

a new Superband contest on the way in mid yr


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 13:48

quizzy jie, i want to make friends with e wen!!! can intro her to me mah? Thank u! I wonder how is qq le... U told me she is bz? Lol... Haha.. Hope to hear from u soon... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 14:05

heh heh.
ni hao ma? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 16:34

heh. qq is always busy!
ehh, ah quizzy ( ah mui sounds better!)
u say love mlbians?
aye, too shy to say u love me!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 16:49

oh yar!
and GOOD LUCK to those taking o lvl results this saturday! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 16:52

simin, told u qq busy le mahz~~tsk!

paiseh ah von, haha. ya ya i love ah von too. but hor, can i choose sam over von? =X haha.



Blogger Strat | 22 January, 2008 17:59

Take result is this coming thursday ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 18:43

haha.. nice terrorist wont bomb the innoncent. heehee..
YEA! it JAMMED all the way from east to west.. RARR!
OIE AH MUI! how can u love everybody!!!! u said u love me too!! :P
UT's over le la.. do better for the super last one this thurs!! jiayou!

von, o' lvl results is this thurs.. not sat right?
ALL the best to those taking results lo! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 18:56

Sam ni hao le ma? I hope u are alright by now. Take care and jia you for everything. I miss MLB. I love MLB. haha. MLB is super power lah. Take care. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 19:04

oh yeah, all the best to those taking results!
bu yong pa okie?
everything will be fine.

haiz. dunno when my turn le =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 20:52

quizzy!! u cant choose sam over ah von!!!! >_<

ah von! yeah, ah mui sounds nicer!! muahahaha.. cos it's the nick we give her de.. keke.. :P
ya la, i da mang ren ma.. hahahaha..

ah von n ah wen, u two dun fight with mi for quizzy k!! she say she love mi too de lor.. muahahahaha.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 21:50

haha .. last sat tt ah von din go .. we cant bomb .. haha .. ehh, u sure u e nicest ma .. keke
no lor .. 2 ewen = double tong ku .. haha =P

eheh .. u dun anyhow jiang hua ar .. haha
tt ah cheh is da mang ren .. man zhe dreaming .. haha =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 21:50

haha .. last sat tt ah von din go .. we cant bomb .. haha .. ehh, u sure u e nicest ma .. keke
no lor .. 2 ewen = double tong ku .. haha =P

eheh .. u dun anyhow jiang hua ar .. haha
tt ah cheh is da mang ren .. man zhe dreaming .. haha =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 22:02


hahahaha. i love EVERYBODY mahz. haha!
e-wen, thanks ;D!

all the best to those taking O level results yor. syL, don't scared la. haha.

and hor, paiseh leh, I don't want any part of my real name to be disclose here. hehe.

Steady de Sam, jia you! nic and weiqi jia you too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 22:04

oohh. is there going to be a superband contest soon?

lu is yue ting yue hao ting!

jia you mlb (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 01:11

opinions.. hmmm.. well, this is always an issue in a community and in group.

And my team's most feared monster is: opinion

Well, in fact we even seriously discuss about how to prevent conflicts caused by opinions.
Tackling our subjects that are always so subjective, we cannot avoid [NO] opinions.
So, we came up with many solo projects for individuals to head. And the in-charge will have the biggest say over individual proj and we all have to respect the final opinion. And since we are aiding in each other's proj, we suggests ideas only, whether opinions are taken anot, none of our business. Same goes to my proj which I head.

Anyway, a team of more than 3 or 4 cannot have many heads, cause it's chaotic.

Well..well.. humans are like that.. opinions-motivated. ;P

The best way? Keep quiet and have opinions but dun need them to be made known unnecessarily. [My opinion]


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 09:50

lalalalala~ i then dun wana fight with u ah.. i'm a peaceful person.. lalalala~ i know she loves me can le. lalalala~~~ :P

heehee! we still have 2 more saturdays!! no worries!
wah. da niang.. u good lor.. i dun entertain u next time le. :P:p

heehehee.. u're welcome. tmr's the LAST PAPER!! lalalalaA~~~ i will reveal on 'special' occasion can anot? heeheehee...

SAM! take care!
WEIQI! jiayou ah!
NIC! rest well rest well!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 10:18

Hi E-wEn, how are u? Hope that u are fine... Hmm, how about u give me ur msn email and then I add u? Hmm, are u in the same school as Quizzy jie? Haha... Have fun in ur new school wor!!! Jia you!

Quizzy jie,
Today never online again ar? Ya, qq is always busy... Haha... I hope that ah Sam is feeling much better already! Jia you in ur ppt ba... Btw, is ppt means powerpoint? Lol... =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 12:25

MLB n Mlbians jiayou! we are one family!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 19:33

haha .. yea, 2 more sat ..
ehh, since when i bcome da niang hur ?? u blur sotong .. haha ..
u no nid to do anything alr entertain mi liao lor .. haha =P

ah sam, rest well yea & drink more water !!
ah qi, jiayou in ur studies & dun b zombie agn !!
ah nic, take care & jiayou in army !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 23:23

Hi fellow MLBians,
Just here to wish all MLBians who will be collecting their O-lvl results in a few hours time a Very Best of Luck. Hope you guys will passed with flying colours, and go to whatever place you wanna wish to continue your studies. May God Bless All of U. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 23:37

Sam, hope everything's alright now. take care, jia you. U're steady de!

Weiqi, haven't hear from u for 2 wks le? guess u must be busy in school ba. jia you! hope u dun have to sit for any tests/exams or won't have any major happening on 31st Jan. As u can see, I just had mine and its not fun lor. haha. yeah, take care!

Nic, haven't hear from u for sometime too le. Miss ya! haha. hope u won't get too stress out? and as usual, have fun! cos u love what u r doing right? hehe.

Milubing jia you!

Those taking O levels tomorrow de, relac~~~~ all the best!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 23:40

oh btw, as i've lost track of the number of "someone's" we have, please pardon me if number 7 is already repeated alright? =X hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 23:41

argh typo. *O lvl results...

haha paiseh. thanks~


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 00:15

hi gd luck to those wating for 'o' level results.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 00:55

gd lucks to those taking o lvl results !! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 08:13

E wen haha finally can temp use laptop to tag at office:) not feeling well... sob:( flu & cough Hai! see you later.. Let's bomb Shan tgt..

Shan I'll bomb you haha:) this sat if u gg plan wear same color lol..

Sam, Hoped you are feeling well :) Take care & cya on Sat!!

Jiayou whoever taking their O level results!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 10:30

hi Sam, if u still not well better c a doc n quai quai take yr medicine.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 11:53

how could you bully e-wen..
she so nice say she wont bomb u lei...

all the best to those taking o' lvl results today!

MLB, jiayou ah!
weekends approaching so.. rush all work and then rest lo!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 12:12

have a nice day, milubing and mlbians =)...

hello someoneNo.2 =X...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 12:20

Look like there is many ppl not feeling well. i also have flu and cough and sore thoart. Sian. Hai. Jia you together.

Sam hope u are alright by now. Drink more water. Take care. Sorry that i cant attend sat sheng shiong show. Enjoy urself.

Nic jia you in ur army and take care.

Weiqi Rest more, jia you in ur studies and dun be zombie again.

MLB is super power lah. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 12:38

wahh !! u wanna bomb mi tgt with ewen ar T_T *humph* dun wan to wear e same color as u liao ..
ehh .. i tot it's supposed to b mi & ewen bomb others lor ..

ehh .. there's so many "someone" i forgot who u liao .. haha .. but i thk i know is who .. haha =P
i where got bully ewen .. ai ta hai lai bu ji ar .. keke =P