
Thank YOU
milubing | 04 February, 2008 12:38

It is not by accident that the happiest people are those who make a conscious effort to live useful lives. Their happiness, of course, is not a shallow exhilaration where life is one continuous intoxicating party. Rather, their happiness is a deep sense of inner peace that comes when they believe their lives have meaning and that they are making a difference for good in the world.

- Ernest A. Fitzgerald

sam : Yes I extracted 4, but, ok de..

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 13:15

Hi sam! I'm the 1st one to tag...! How are u? Great to see u tagging again... See u in sheng shiong show ba...! Haha... =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 13:43

hello sam..
haa.. is the injection the painful one not the extraction ba? haha..
take care..
glad to see u here oh so often now..
you should be feeling very HAPPY right? haha...

take care take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 13:46

Hi e-wen, long time never see u here le... How are u? Can u add me in msn or u give me ur msn add then i add u? I really hope to know u more leh... Can mah? Thanks a lot... =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 14:24

woohoo, hello sam! wa biang 4 teeth extracted...ok de? ok I'll trust u that u r REALLY ok ba, cos u're steady de! haha.

Oh yeah I forgot to say, i believe true musicians dun make music just for the sake of making money...so I believe mlb won't mind if they didn't have cash prize when they first crowned the champion ba. Me too believe the second season de champion won't just joined for the sake for the cash prize - the most they will used it to cover the "loss" (again its not loss to them becos they already used it to exchanged for valuable experiences) for costumes and equipments (like guitar strings)? haha that is what i think de la...

Having said that, the season 2 de slogan at the website made me annoyed a little la...but never mind la, maybe I'm just being too genetically-minded...hehe

i was still in lala land when someoneNo.2 smsed me that sam blogged. thanks someoneno.2!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 14:47

afternoon sam!
i think everyone also extract 4 teeth lei... why that number huh?
you sure ok one la.. u still 'advertise' for braces. haa..
cash prize isnt the purpose of joining. it's the experience and also the events and obstacles that strengthened friendship. i think MLB joined cos of this? hmm.. haha..

WHEE~ it's ok np... haha... enjoy your holidays!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 15:07

Hey Sam!
You extracted four!
That's quite a lot..But if you say it is okay,then it is okay lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 15:16

hi sam,
glad you found this quote meaningful too. (: saw it on nat ho's blog and thought it was meaningful, so thought i wld share it.

think about it, and you'll really see how much difference you've made to everything around you. and the deep sense of satisfaction to know your value of living. sometimes, believing or not, really does make a difference. (:

well, i suppose any amount of cash prize offered can never match up to the effort that they've put in for the competition. anyway, doesn't matter, since sb season one has been over for so long already. let's just look forward to season two, and hopefully this comp can open up the band market in singapore.

have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 15:24

thanks someoneNo.2...

ehh let me refresh my mind ah (press F5 or click "reload")...if I'm not wrong, MLB joined because they wanna "bring" nic back right? That time, due to some reason sam and weiqi lost contact with nic le, so they wanna "bring" him back to the team lor...

am I right ah? must correct me if i'm wrong wor. hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 15:26

*they wanna "bring" nic back to the team through this competition lor...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 15:49

Hello sam! You extracted four. hmm that is quite a lot. but i noe that u are alright de. haha. as what quizzy say u are steady de. Sam see u in sheng shiong show on 9th ba.

It is not abt cash prize for joining and it is the experience and the friendship between each other.

Weiqi jia you, rest more and take care.

Nic jia you too and rest more if u can.

Mlb rock and power lah. Take care. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 15:51

Hope sam are alright when eating, talking and singing. It will be pain or feeling strange ba. but i noe u are strong.

i forget to say sam take care and jia you in everything. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 16:13

extracted four 2 on top n to at the bottom to hav enough space for yur teeth to move .


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 17:42

we could see that you were trying very hard to act dao that day ah. :P hmm extraction of teeth. like what ya said.. 'ai4 mei3' then mus sacrifice abit lah. haha. tkcare!

hmm, SPOP hurray album's out... bonus dvd includes some stuffs from SPOP on the move, but not sure if mlb's shown. anw i doubt its anything we hvnt seen before.. [should be the same stuffs from website or tv i guess]

but ya, if anyone did buy the album, do update us if there's anything about mlb in there? thanks! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 17:45

wahh, 4 teeth arh..
hmm.. so sam, now i got more teeth than you le! haha. -.-''

haiz. money is always the hai ren jing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 18:31


take care ya sam! =)

hope u had been getting use to ur braces..=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 18:43

ehh...sorry for the interruption.

Channel U will be telecasting the ENCORE telecast of "S-POP hooray!" Opening concert on CNY eve (part 1) and Day 1 of CNY (Part 2). As we know, the episode that featured milubing performing "lei" was on part 2. Therefore, if u would like to watch again, please stay tune to Channel U on 7th Feb, 12pm before going for CNY visits ba.

Anyway the guys were the first to be seen in part 2, so it will only take u 2 minutes lor. haha!

Source: U-weekly


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 19:56

Happy to see you updating blog :)
Hoped you are used to it wearing on bracs...

Hoped to see you soon...

Take Care & Jiayo !!

Smile :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 20:53

I also extracted 4!! Two on top and two below right?

Hope you gotten used to it le. It took me 5 days before I could eat solid food. =X



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 22:21

u ar .. really 'hide' ur braces v well hur .. i cant c any la .. haha ..
ehh, u extracted 4 ar .. aiyo .. tough guy hur .. lucky mi, din extract any when i had my braces tt time =X
hao ba .. u take care yea ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 22:56

Hi MiLuBing... Happy Lunar New Year in advance. 新的一年,万事如意,多环保,多为地球和环境保护而努力! 用你的歌为环保出一分.我期待!

MLBians...Happy Lunar New Year - may you all contribute to the 'Green' environment so that our children can look forward to a secure future.!



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 February, 2008 23:31

woo... *pain* i oredi got less than d normal # of teeth... cant imagine if i need to extract more...

I oso wanna wish MLB & all mlbians an early HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Best of health & abundance of happiness to all of u... enjoy d holiday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 00:24

finally another entry? (: take care~!

weiqi~~ forgotten to mention that your beatbox on sat was great except tt it was pretty short.. hees =X 加油咯~~ and please do take good care of urself ya?

nic arh~ u better take good care of ur throat hors~ drink more water ya?? *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 00:41

hee! Mickey Mouse is marching in soon.. so may I wish MLB & Mlbians in advance - "Happy Lunar New Year & A Successful year ahead for everyone, esp MLB".


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 00:58

Wow Sam,
I really salute you. How can it be not painful to extract 4 teeth plus the braces?
But can tell that you are not very used to it, cos the way you talked sounded different from the past.
Hope you will get used to it soon, and able to eat nice food during CNY.

Ya, your beatbox was very good. Like it very much, but it was a little too short. But its ok lah, you are power-lah.

Very glad to see your smiles once again. Your voices can hardly heard at several segment during the songs & interview. Please take great care of your throat, drink more water & rest well.

Wondering MLB has any performance during CNY? Hope to see you guys on stage real soon. MLB Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 01:10

Must Be Pain Rite SAM? HaHax...

Anyway, REALLY Hope To Cya Guyz Again SOON!

Take Care & JIAYO x 100!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 01:30

heh heh.
if i extract 4 teeth, i tink i fainted le. >.<"
eh, aft u extract ur teeth, ur face mus be very zhong3 hor?
like bao like tt. =x
somemore, cant eat solid food when u first put it.
mus wait for a few days?

didn't saw ur braces tt day!
nxt time mus SMILE!
&& mus show teeth de hor.
heh heh.

nice performance anyway!
love the arrangement. xDD
jiayou yea?
take care! ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 02:06

sometimes isnt it a wonder what equates to happiness? extreme high or inner peace? seems like from the quote, it can be both, which may prove elusive at times. pardon me, just taking a walk in my brain. talking abt extractions, i just received a really cute card reminding me to visit my dentist. yikes!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 02:39

extraction = blood flowing and flowing from the mouth??? eeeeeeeeeee~~~~~ *scared*

ahem! but sam say ok jiu ok! steady ah! hahaha....alamak =/

nitey =P!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 08:55

morning guys....
ayio...i'm on mc todae....having Migraine....

i gtg now....


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 10:10

Hi qian hui...! Nice to see u tagging in MLB's blog again... Hmm, what's ur blog link ar...? I want to link u leh... Haha... Thanks a lot for linking me...! Tai ai ni le...! Haha...

Quizzy jie,
Hello... my da jie!!! How are u? Holiday le hor? Hope that u will have fun wor! Happy Chinese New Yr to you and ur family...! Same to Qian Hui! =)

I hope that u will get well soon... Drink lots of water ba... Take care!!! Happy Chinese New Yr to you! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 11:03

Money can't buy happiness or inner peace, but neither can poverty.

It is only when yr v basic needs are met, that u can reach out to others n touch them.

Money n happiness do connect. Only greed can distroy.


Blogger -WHEY` | 05 February, 2008 11:17

hello sam, :D

guess the extraction wasn't pain.. cos the other time i went to the dentist to extract my wisdom tooth which was some sort of of the way.. lol.. the dentist jab the anastatic before they extract the tooth.. wasn't pain.. even after the anastatic gone still feeling alright! and still got stitches for 1 week! ha~ but i guess the pain should be bearable cos you'll see a nice set of teeth soon in 2 years.. heehee :)

hope weiqi is doing well in school and nic doing well in camp :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 12:01

'happiness' is but just a matter of personal view.. everyone has different views and expectations on what 'happiness' really is, so its really a matter how you see it. something may gain satisfaction for one, and none for another. so there's actually nothing in this world that will make all happy.

i guess it depends on how you see it... sometimes its not about having everything in your life perfect, but about stringing together all the little things that make your life complete. :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 14:28

happiness, is very simple de~~~~ if happiness is complicated like the duno-what-mathematical-formulas, I should be the most miserable person on Earth liao. hahahahaha.

so my definition is - don't think too much, have fun jiu ok le mahz. thats why there was once where i think happiness is like...very far away~ cos i tend to think too much lor.

but for me, money or not money - life is suffice as long as we can eat can drink and have roof over our head, and our love ones are with us, what's more to ask for? (I know! see milubing again real soon =X!)

hahahahaha I don't know what I'm talking about. I read from somewhere, tooth extraction need about 1 week or more to heal de right? alamak. SAM JIA YOU! take care~

hello nic and weiqi! ni men hao ma? must jia you oh!

Lorita jie, take care =D!

si min, thank u thank u. but I would appreciate if u can just asked me this in my blog jiu hao. at here, u just leave message to the guys jiu hao. it's their blog anyway, not ours.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 17:14

So it's been more than a week since you've gotten your braces on right?
Guess you must have got used to it(:

Say Hihi to hamburgers and your fav food(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 18:38



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 20:01

Si Min... Yea... Agree With Wat Quizzy Had Said...


Blogger Strat | 05 February, 2008 23:11

Jia you ... With a smile !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 11:31

heh. gong xi fa cai in advance!
Wish u guys and gals a happy, healthy and wealthy rat year ahead!

Milubing and MLBians jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 12:17

agree with WAT Quizzy had said too...

Money is important but everything can be bought with money

Gong Xi Fan Cai....


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 12:53

happy CNY in advance to all!!
may all have a blessed yr ahead!
stay happie and healthy!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 13:45

Happy Chinese New Year to all + mlb.

Gong xi fa cai. Wish all of u happy, healthy and huat ah!!!

Enjoy!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 14:29

HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR In Advance To MLB & ALL Of Ya MLBians Here ...
Enjoy The Reunion Dinner Later...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 16:34

Happy Lunar Chinese New Year to MLB & MLBIANS :)

Gotta get ready for tonight Reunion Dinner... Enjoy yourself!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 17:30

happy chinese new yr everyone!! enjoy ur reunion dinner with ur family! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 18:22

happy lunar new yr !!
enjoy ur reunion dinner lata yea !! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 18:56

Happy Lunar New Year Eve ppl!!

guess everyone preparing for reunion dinner le ba?
jiayou MLB!!! take this few days to rest ya!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 22:15

迷路兵 (还有迷路兵的粉丝),祝你们身体健康,笑口常开,天天开心!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 22:16

aha, a funny character appeared as my name ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 22:25

heh heh, thanks for agreeing =)...

actually my "reunion dinner" is just Macs only lor. haha. cos u know, last wk NTUC working hours extended mahz, so my mum also work OT. whole wk work 12 hours. today finally can have a rest le so we ask her not to cook la. we order Macs delivery lor.

this yr better le - last yr is just the Malay packet food from pasar malam...but sedap also though. hehehee.

but still, hope milubing and MLBians have a great day with your family ya? hehehe. now then i remember - NIC AND WEIQI! 1 MORE HOUR PLUS PLUS PLUS IS YOUR YEAR LIAO LEH!!! -_- ok I'm just being lame...hahaha but like what others said, do take these few days to have a good rest ya? WEIQI~ TOMORROW NO SCHOOL!!! =X

AH SAM AH SAM, be careful when u enjoy the delicious CNY delicacies? hehehe. i see u when i see u again. have fun!



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 22:49

happy chinese new year guys. (:
and to all too~ *smiles*

weiqi, 希望你已经忙完了或者比较不忙了。 try to get some rest during these few days of off ya?? i hope there wun be work-related stuffs planned during these few days. take care hor~ you look real tired..

nic, not sure how many days of off you managed to get this time round, but hopefully there's at least 2 off days for you ba.. rest well lo.. *smiles*

sam, i suppose u'll be still attending the ss show this sat ba.. hahas. shall see you when i see you then.. u take good care of urself and of cux ur braces too (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 00:02

鼠年行大运 ...

Oh My... Wat Else Did I Miss ???
Enjoy The Day EVERYONE!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 00:06

OHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! WEE~~~~~



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 00:14

quizzy ... disguise as minnie mouse ... dun act cute la~



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 00:37

haha .. i cant imagine quizzy in minnie mouse suit =X

新年快乐 !!!!
原大家心想事成,天天快乐 !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 00:50

ehh .. sa-lah, shld b tis "愿" haha .. paiseh ..


Blogger qIaNhUi | 07 February, 2008 00:54

HaHax ... Shan Too High Liaoz Issit Until Type Wrong ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 00:59

hahahahahaha. alamak, then mickey mouse can ma? or i have my own version ba - quizzy_mouse! =X

ehh cannot leh. i forget we got mighty mouse! hahahaha. maybe mm jie go high-ing liao? oops =X. hehe.



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 01:16

haha .. yaya, mayb yea .. haha .. but mayb bcoz is i too tired le la .. been rushing projs for e past few days .. cny still gotta rush T_T

haha .. lame la .. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 01:24

QIANHUI! i'm here!! wahahaha.. :P

shan, u so poor thing ar.. cny still do proj.. haha.. i havent even start mine.. wahahaha.. nxt thurs needa hand in liao. :P


Blogger qIaNhUi | 07 February, 2008 01:39

Shan: Poor Thing Eh U... JIAYO Den!Rush Proj. De Meanwhile Also Must Rest & Enjoy CNY La OK...

Qing Qing: Ok La Good, Here Den Here La, HaHax Must Announce To The Whole World Huh?!? & Must U Type My Name In Capital... LoLx!

HAHAX Saying Again - 新年快乐 ~!!!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 01:59

Happy New Year MiLoPeNg & MiLuBians!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 02:00

Gong Xi Gong Xi....


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 02:44

MLB & MLBians
Happy Lunar New Year.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 09:02



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 09:16

Why this blog don't have 财神爷, 元宝,炮竹&橘子 during this Lunar New year? Remember Christmas season, we have Santa, Christmas Tree & Snow-flaks rite?
Well, maybe Xiu is too busy to do it. Anyway, its not that important lah. Nevermind,I am just curious only.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 09:29

uncle phil


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 11:28

just reviewed the videos i took on 2/2, wanna say tt that day's shi ying was super nice, esp the starting. :) and lu too, super shiok. :D

anyways. here's wishing all a happy chinese new year! have some fun these few days receiving angpaos and all. for those who've been busy, take this chance to get some rest ya? but dont put on too much weight. :P

gong hei fatt choi~ :)

here's wishing to nic 身体健康,to weiqi 学业进步,to sam 万事如意,and 新年快乐 to everyone else!

have a great year ahead :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 12:19

Happy Chinese New Year to MLB & MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 13:32

hehehehehehehe. hope all had fun bai nian-ing? hehehehe. must enjoy the sort-of gathering with your family and friends wor. those not bai nian-ing like me de, have a good rest ba =)!

me hor, alamak! woke up zhun zhun at 12pm or is it 12.01pm, I quickly on the TV (repeat telecast for "S-pop hooray opening concert), mlb's lei is already showing half-way through le lor. alamak! but still shiok! MILUBING JIA YOU!

I wonder, how does it feel like performing in front of National TV now as compared to the past (i.e. during superband)? hehehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 13:34

oh ya uncle phil, happy new year! another possibility would be, maybe xiu jiejie scared 财神爷, 元宝,炮竹&橘子 will "bomb" our comp leh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 16:38

gong hei fatt choi!
today is the first day.. so.. no eve le! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

woo~ i manage to catch the replay.. half of it.. luckily my aunt called me back.. wahaha~ enjoy yo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 18:03

weeee...happy chinese new year guys~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 18:32

ya lor .. i so poor thing rite T_T
yaya, i will de .. u too yea

ya la .. mine due on mon lor .. wahh, u dun lata last min ar .. jiayou yea

aik~ i forgot there's replay of SPOP .. argh !!

anyway .. i wanna say ..
新年快乐 !! happy new year !! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 18:51

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone :)

Stay Happy & Enjoy yourself!!

Take Care

MiLuBing Jiayou!!!

sMiLe :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 22:07

Happy Chinese New Year to All!!!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2008 22:10




Blogger binz | 08 February, 2008 11:21

though abit late.. but HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! hope everyone will receive many many many many angbaos with loads of money inside(: and mux stay firm when too many newyr goodies starts waving at u~ or else after cny will start to wine..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2008 11:49

after a whole day of 拜年 ytd, not forgetting this place too!

Wishing every single one here a Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year!!! 健康,财运,幸福,快乐,通通'鼠'于你!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 18:38

sam,did u c 56 at the beatbox competition??get well soon...