
Life is complicated...
milubing | 18 February, 2008 22:16

...very complicated...but at the end of the day, after picking up yourself after a fall, u gotta face it again, but this time only stronger...

Hi MLBians. Hope no one lodged a police report due to my disappearing act. Actually, to tell u all the truth.. I have been here. But I couldn't tag. Every time I wanted to post a comment, it hurt. There are many issues that made me feel this way but I can't say here, and there are some things that no one will ever know that MLB has to go through. "It's a cruel world." That's what I've learnt after entering the working world since SB finals. Of course besides this I was also under some kind of mini-depression during my birthday period. In fact, this year's the worst birthday so far in my life. But well..after reading through letters and watching a SUPER duper lame video…from the mlbians..it brightened me up. Sad thing is that I only managed to look at the pressies and cards like last weekend. Been super busy at school, worked straight 12 hours from 7pm on last thur night! That was one of the crazy episodes of the week.. So hope u all forgive me for my absence.

I'd also like to say something to clear some ppl's misconceptions about me. There were a few times from previous occasions when after mlb came out of the bus to see some of the mlbians, I was the one who initiated that we had to go off. And thus the misunderstanding bout me. For the record, I dare say boldly, that 99.5% of the time I am the one who suggests that we ask the bus uncle to stop so that we can talk to our friends waiting for us at the gate/loading bay etc. Get my point? nuff said.

Anyways, I'm not going to end on this serious note la..those who really know me, know that I am not 'that' serious.. :) I'm human.. Soo...Right now I wanna thank the following peeps in no specific order:

Givon: For the heart felt book which took effort and sincerity..
Sofui: For the little riddles that u always give me.. And I made a wrong move at first to pour cold water into the cup.. Then later used hot water then..wow! I saw it! Thanks!
Ellen: For the great photos! Brought back memories…
Pegg: For the energy bars.. Heh heh..i jus ran out of energy bars last week..timely ah?
Berries, Shan, Yiwen, Muiling, Qing Qing, Binz: For your lame contribution(it takes another lame person to appreciate it), and I appreciate it.. Though I'd like to know, was it filmed 'inside' the MRT?or outside? Looked like Bugis! But hey, if it's inside.. Tsk tsk.. Then I must admit that u gals are more courageous than me… :p
Pek Choo, Qian Hui, LiWhey:When I watched the video I felt like I was in sec school again, like the way pek choo was clapping, dunno why but reminded me of my class monitor last time..
Boon Lin: Thanks for telling me that I'm still 22nd! Haha..i know u got the figures wrong but well, it felt good though heh heh..
Sylvia, Pinkie, Lorita, Biru, Yuanping, MK, Shihui, Sinyin, Jiahui and Pegg: Wa..this was the most shocking part of the video la..should have put disclaimer in front..say M18 for extreme lameness or sumthin.. And I didn't know I got 3 shou xia.. Say earlier ma, I delegate some hmwk to u ma.. Heh.. Liang teh and sinyin hor.. Like mad twins ya.. Hai..still like last time RI gang..shi hui n pegg a bit the serious ya?haha.. Anyways great video and editing :) Congrats: made me smile!
MK, yuanping, Shihui and Pegg: For the massage sticks..though I got no backache hehe..
Irenene, Nicole and Flora: For the Men's beauty kit & shoe bag..ahem..i got so hiao meh??? Jokes aside, it came in handy! And the shoe bag's really gonna help when I move to and fro from boonlay to aljunied.
MK: For the wallet, but u forgot to put in the $$$!!! Haiya.. Tell u so many times le..give ppl wallet muz put money.. (-_-!!!)
Renie, Seehui, Shiyuan, Joan, Hsinyin, PeiYun, Rachel: For the sweet card!
Singyin: For the eyebag remover! The orange tastes great! Ate all 10 slices..hope it helps my eyes soon…

P.S. I promise to come here more often and tag! :) take care all, and thanks for all the encouragements despite my absence.. I WILL NEVER FORGET THE SUPPORT FROM THE MLBIANS.

And now for Nic's post! A bit short but forgive the man, he's super tired, and he managed to type this down on my laptop when I met him for 10 mins just now to pass him some of the stuff from the mlbians! So I'm posting for him..



Been crazy this week…2 days of chingay plus 2 days of camp show today than get an off and a gd rest! Alright..sometimes I still question how we did that night at expo..had an amazing time that night..the place where the finals where held..kinda nostalgic. Anyways..u guys take care..tml got a long day again..camp shows and somemore chingay heartland parades to fufill…oh well..sept ORD lo!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 22:36

wah! happen to pass by ... wow! long post.. weiqi n nic gd to hear fm both, long overdue already... take care! when stress gd to come in here to destress.. mlbians will definitely cheer the 3milos!



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 22:37


u arh.. like wad i've said before.. hope u've listen to it ba.. too bad the first tag wasnt by me.. but it doesnt really matter la.. =P

it's more of a you knw i'll be there supporting you regardless of ur decision ya?? so 加油~~

and no thanks for the energy bars la.. my stuffs always come in handy and at the right time wan ma.. hees =P anw, really hoped that the video did cheered u up abit..

as for now, let's face tml with the energy we're left with.. and i guess everything's will be alrights soon??

take care and jiayou ~~

and now for nic,

nic arh.. tt night's performance was great except for your voice but cant blame you la.. u're really busy.. take good care of urself ya?? sept will come soon~~ (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 22:39

eh chanweiqi.
what the?! hahaha... u can say.. laoshi jiang hua ni mei you zai ting... LOLS. and please hor, u never tell me before okayy.... -.- ok, i'll remember.. next time give wallet will put money in k... haha...

the video cool right.. haha... we like mad people filming that at mcs.. scream and shout like duno what. haha...

hey glad those stuffs brightened u up... do understand all those stuffs ya said ya... dont stress out...

well.. life's one big hell of a challenge i guess. many things we've gotta go thru and all... sometimes its hard... but ya know you've got our support ya? what you're going thru, i guess only ya know... so... u know we're there, and we'll always be. just stay optimistic k, dont think too much...

can see how tired ya guys are... jiayou k :)) & tkcare!

nic ah,
eh u're ord-ing in sept?! thats fast. haha i thot would be until about nov or dec. good ahhs... half a year to go! talk about being optimistic ah... haha. remember in oct u were still saying it'll pass real fast. somehow... seems that almost half a year's passed since that time. jiayou k... and takecare!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 22:48

Hello, so happy to see u 2 blogged.

Weiqi sorry that i never send u video. Cos i dun have camera at home.

If u not free to come here often and tag it is ok de. U can tag when u are free. Take care,jia you and rest well.

Nic, that night at epo was great performance. We are so high and happy. Take good care of urself,jia you and rest more. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 22:50


"Every time I wanted to post a comment, it hurt."
after seeing this particular sentence, i got quite upset as well. although we might not know exactly what you guys have been through, but be sure that you three will always have us MLBians' support and love. really.
anyway you're probably experiencing very stressful and busy life in uni right now. but whatever it is, the usual words that you will hear - take good care of yourself alrights. i guess MLBians would prefer you to have enough rest than be here at the blog all the time, sacrificing your rest time. (: jiayou for school!

the busy man! time really flies huh. still remember it was january last year when you got enlisted. and in just seven more months it's going to be ORD for you already. (: more time to enjoy yourself and do the things you like most then already. hang in there for the time being and the same thing, take care of yourself! jiayou too. :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 22:56

by the way.
u're our zong cai whats :P we're there to ren ni chai qian.. got homework give us do la.. nvm one.. jus that i think in the end u'll faint when u see the ending product.. hahaha... glad th video made u smile though :D

tkcare k, dont worry too much :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:04

i miss you~~

misunderstandings are evitable with ppl not really knowing you.. sometimes, we just gotta learn to 看开一点..

i felt much more better compared to that day le.. cux i knw i cant afford to mourn that long.. i've gotta pick myself up and get ready to face those that will come in the way..

let's jiayou tgt ba.. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:07

wah wah wah wah wah...
finally nic appeared le...haha..

Sept ORD liao hor ??
long way to go leh...

hope u guyzz take care ya...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:16

before i go on, HELLO TO NIC AND WEIQI!!!! weiqi, we not so COURAGEOUS yet. that was filmed at Lavender MRT station de is-it-platform...cos we thought it should be not-so-crowded over there....actually before that we went to quite a number of places but cannot find an ideal one. so zhi hao go to Lavender MRT lor...haha!

but nvm, u happy jiu hao. which apparently the answer is "not so" ba...

I don't know what happened to u la but I have been through mini-depression before so I THINK I understand la...at that time jiu shi milubing and milo music pull me up de (that time I can cry when listening to "get alive" you know...)...hopefully we will be your source of strength/motivation too...as what I've always said (or did I?), remember we are always here cheering for u guys ya?

Well, adult world is cruel...I myself don't know adult world yet so of course I don't understand what mlb has gone through (can assume la...but dont know correct ma)... but what we can do is to face it with a positive attitude.
I'm not sure whether you saw the long long tag I posted about the "a sense of humor" sometime back la...
-_- actually I forgot what is it about too...but what I'm trying to say is, maybe we can all treat life humorously ba. Here I'm not saying you have to joke about every single matter. But rather, when you fall, don't treat it as end of the world. don't let the word "pain" flash through your mind. JUST LAUGH! Just keep LOL-ing. anyway LOL-ing is good for health you know. You are a super lame person, I believe you can do it de.

Now to nic; tired never mind, you happy jiu hao. have fun performing!
and that night was great. Of course nostalgic la. MAX PAVILLION LEH. hahahahaha. that night u guys did well. we enjoyed. enjoyed ya performance as well as screaming. my voice ran away the next day (read zaosia in hokkien) but no worries, its already back.
you take care too! September ORD le ah? JIA YOU!!!

oh ya, back to weiqi again. Since you mentioned le then I realized, we should have lodge police report le hor? hahahahaha. just kidding. jia you!!!

don't worry about the misunderstanding part (again I don't know what happen again but well...). misunderstanding builds better communication, and better communication builds better relationships with people. This is just part and parcel of life too. jia you lo!

nuff said. I'll continue later when I can think of more. *blink blink eyes*


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:21



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:24

oh ya!!! i remember le!!! indulge yourself in jokes lor. i thought u very li hai de. hahaha! have a good laugh then BABOOM!!! depression gone. try it~ try it~~ heh heh heh. jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:24

Hey Mr Chan....
u shocked me man...when i saw my name in ur tag....btw,i remember tt day i meet up wif sylvia&pinkie on christmas eve and i was very sick tt day....

hey Nic...
How are u ????
Congrates tt ur ORD is on Sept


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:27

wa mr chan, ur post v long wor..i suppose u are still v busy eh..jiayou k..we will always be behind u guys no matter wad happens..glad tt e vid did make u smile.. :) we did alot of malu things thr lor..u mus hv seen some v familiar setting hor..haha..n hor, chen zong cai! ur 3 shou xia are here for u to chai qian one..homework can jing liang give us do de.. :p er i hope u din get xia dao by my voice hor..lol..take care n jiayou! cya in sch! :)

nic, take gd care of urself k..noe tt u were sick on e day at expo..but nonetheless, we still enjoyed ourselves! :) seems like ur busy days are not over..jiayou alright! 7 more mths to ord lo! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:27

hey weiqi!
dun so emo la.. 'if life gives u lemon, make lemonade outta it.'
although we do not and would not know what happen and what u're going tru. but smile~ cos no matter how sad u are, draw a smiley and everything would feel really different. you can try that. =)
anyways. glad that you like the video! yea! great guess but wrong station! it's Lavender station cos it's the only place that has 'little' people.. but hor, somehow that day there's a small crowd. haa! yea. we were quite 'paiseh' at first so i said 'faster get over and done with and then zao ah!' haa.. not that bad yet cos it's a group of us and not alone. so. hope got lame 到你 la.. haa..
draw more smiley faces ya? jiayou! studies is studies, still must take time to have a cup of ice milo.. and bla. if not time. jiu look up unto the ceiling and shout 'AH!! 我很伟大!' although lying is sinful but at least u'll feel more motivated. (personal perceptions)
there's misunderstadings anywhere and everywhere de, so, dun worry~ we understand de....
so.. jiayou no matter what! you still have us rmb?? gogogo!

hey nic,
your tiring days would be over soon de la.. blink eyes two times, one year past le, so now, blink once and it's half a year past.
sat's performance was super dooperly great! no worries about the sound and bla. you're still 'hearable'. jiayou and rest well too!

jiayou ah! milo powder use finish le can refill de. not replace. so.. jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:29

Super Happy to see 2 of you tagging in the same post.

Sorry, did not send you any video clip. Cos, I tried recorded a few times but all sounded & look weird. Therefore, I decided not to scare you off. Hehehe...
Do not worry, we know that you are super busy with your school work.
Yes, we do not understand what MLB had gone thru. But please be very sure that we(MLBians) will always be supporting MLB, regardless of where we are. And we really do care very much about the 3 of you.

So fast you gonna be ORD? You serve less than 2yrs? Ok, just have fun in your last 6-7 months of army life. Very soon you will free & do stuffs of your own interests.

Hopefully can see you again this Saturday? All the Best in whatever you are doing. Take care & rest well.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:36

Jia yo... Jia lots of yo.. Jia lots lots of yo ... Jia lots lots lots of yo ... And rest well k ...

Hope things are fine for u ya ?? Time flies like ... Veri fast... Haha... So hang in there !!!


Blogger Rah | 18 February, 2008 23:57


understooded abt wad u mean.. why it hurts ..>.< cause i nw also going through the hurting part nw..sigh..=( life is really cruel la..but den we had to accept the reality no matter wad had causes it..=/ but anyway weiqi . just continue to be urself all right ! haiz.. and really continue to jiayou for ur studies kk.. can see tt u r quite stress up already..jiayou worrr...=) and take care also...

heyhey.. do have a good rest k. seem like u r really busy with chingay & shows coming out..=) take careeee plsss.. and jiayou ar ! keke. ord-ing soon right..lol so JIAYOU ba mr nic !


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2008 23:58

hey, u know...
actually... life isnt complicated, not at all.. its simple as it is.. but we humans are the ones who make it complicated.. or seem so.

maybe sometimes, its bliss to not think too much.. perhaps jus taking things as they are, that simply.

but challenges are part of life.. something that makes us stronger, more resistant. and life would be boring without challenges aint it? it's a cruel world, thats true... jus gear up and be ready to tackle all that comes ur way. and jus live life to your fullest and leave no regrets.

simply... if it hurts, its smth tt matters alot to u...

whatever it is... well jus some personal pov... ^^ gotta be like that small msn icon up there, smile k :D

oh by the way... olvls posting results tomorrow. all e best to all who're getting th results yeah? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 00:24

heh heh, yah, we almost go make police report. wanna ask the police if they happen to pick up any "body" at ntu.

Well... there are periods of high and low, especially you turning adulthood and stepping into the working world. as long as what you done 对得起自己, you own no explanation to anyone. Just bite your teeth harder and walk on like Johnny.

For the men's kit... heh heh, we don't think you are hiao, actually its the opp way. We think that you are not hiao enough!! tats what the kit for! :P

Young man, enjoy your youth before u cannot be hiao anymore!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 00:47

Why is Life so complicated?

Is cos human being themselves are complicated.. cos human being themselves are selfish.. turning a simple situation into a complicated one.. ppl needs to be more understanding.. but communications is impt..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 00:47

hm, weiqi, hope that whatever happened or will happen, you will come out stronger ... i guess you do lah, judging by what you had tagged :) you haven't lost your humour ya ... jiayou o! and take care, cos your schedule sounds super scary ...

hope the lil surprise cheered you up a lil also ... ha ha, you poured cold water 1st ah ... the riddle wasn't too good lah, but took my cue from the super-lame weiqi of milubing ... hope you use it ... 不要学 ah sam ;p

nic, hm, looking forward to ORD ya ... 7 months will pass before you know it ... have fun at the heartland parade ... take care of your voice ...

hm, dun wanna get panda eyes leh, so good night (good morning)! ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 00:55

gd luck! to o'lvl mlbians... hope u can get into the schools of yr choice...

cheer up every1 the missing has been found haha!

goodnite! sleep well MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 01:49

yup. I realised the cruel world also. politics, human communication. we can't speak our minds freely as we can before. Diplomatic is a word to learn.

Yesterday, i got pissed off too.. i made a harmless comment which i hope to pose as a question instead, and i got a very stern stare from the higher personnel. Well, what was the fuss? Wat was the worst thing? He jokes with everyone in the office, then later told them not to joke like that in front of me in case i'll show him disrespect.. bleah..

Even if colleagues are frens, lotsa time they is a line draw across. Especially for a straightforward person like me, tends to "offend" ppl who are so called "higher" position than me. hahaha.. well.. well.. wat to do, ppl ask me to adapt and accept.

Politics or misunderstanding comes only when the offended person thinks too much of "me, me me and me" and cannot put themselves in ppl's shoes.
Of course up to now i haven learnt such a "diplomatic" skill.. i still believe in honest speech. After all, u can't please everyone, but we can adapt a little to make life a little easier for us to get by.

I hope that we can be young kids again, when everyone needs not to be wary of each other. hahahaha.. life is still beautiful!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 01:52

guess what i do when i meet such situations where I'm caught in between? I stuff myself with lotsa chocs and milo and alot and alot of chocolatey desserts till i feel better..and better and recover!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 01:54

cheer up man! part and parcel of life! take care ya? ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 02:07

label me as naive if you want la; but Mdm Tan (from My Sassy Neighbour) always said - MUST BE POSITIVE~~~~~

so we can make an effort to TRY to refrain from the negative words from now on...after all, negative words will get registered in your mind and will result you in seeing things pessimistically...

Like for this case, you say life is complicated. Ever thought of another way of phrasing? It could be "life is simple but I've yet to see the simplicity of it..."... or "life is challenging but I believe I am able to overcome it"...I don't know, maybe you can think of more? haha.

maybe my examples will be longer than "life is ***********" (not gonna type out that word anymore) but well, I believe it do make a difference...

haha whatever the case, I'm VERY SURE you can cross the hurdles de. VERY VERY SURE. hahahaha! have a good rest!

howdy to ah sam too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 02:14

ehh i mean, the number of words in my examples will be longer than the number of words in your title! haha! but well...=X hehehehehehe

jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 02:32

haha sorry for flooding but this email (a slice of life) came at the right time! Weiqi, this is for you~
but don't have to read if you got no time to do so la...haha...

"Creative Visualisation

Creative Visualisation is a tried and true technique that helps you create the things you want in life. Creative Visualisation is the art of sending an image to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind then creates your reality based on the messages that you send to it.

The key to understanding how creative visualisation works is to first understand that your subconscious mind does not know what is real and what is fiction. It simply creates your reality based on the image that you visualise.

So if you visualise yourself struggling, poor, unhappy, alone or depressed, then this is the reality that your subconscious mind creates. There have been many books written on creative visualisation all of which tell you that if you visualise you will create the things you want. Some people view this with suspicion. Some give it a try, but are disappointed that it doesn't yield results immediately.

Well, like most other life-affirming practices, like adopting an attitude of gratitude or journaling, visualisation requires commitment, time, and faith to produce any discernible benefits. In order to get the most out of visualisation, all your other messages to your subconscious mind have to be in agreement with what you visualise. In other words, there is no room for skepticism. Once you've decided to visualise creatively to improve your life, be sure to give it your full dedication.

Think of it this way. You're in a boat and there are a number of people rowing this boat for you. You tell one of them to row in a certain way so that you go in a certain direction. But if all the other people rowing for you are going in the opposite direction - that one person rowing will have little or no impact. The boat will never go the way you want.

When you work with Creative Visualisation, tap into all your powers to send a tidal wave of positive energy to your subconscious mind. Begin to see yourself living the life you want - happy, healthy, positive, loving, energized, productive, and successful.

Happy visualizing!

Source: 'Eugene Loh, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio'."


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 09:41

Nic Kor,

jia you !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 09:57

Hi Wei qi and Nic kor...! Rest well and take care... Miss u guys lots... Jia you and see u soon? Lol... =)

Si Min.


Blogger binz | 19 February, 2008 10:08

wah you xia dao me man so long a post and emo.. you indeed went mia for soooo long but since you are busy it's alright to mia hur~ yes this society is curel, but we have to live with it as we carn change it.. jux got to face everyday with a smile, be optimistic abt everything you do and reminise the happy moments you had.. haha same lameness frequency to appreciate the video(: we videoed it at the platform of lavender mrt! bugis tooo many ppl le we not so courageous~ ahha.. but still, many people who walked past were looking at us as if we were mad ppl talking to the staircase till they saw the camera we were facing.. anw you enjoy the video jiu hao(: anw, ur big exams coming up in 2 months or so right.. jiayous and hang in there dun too stressed up ok!

you sounded super packed up. take care and rest well hur~ or else over exhausion no good.. expo performance was great jux abit of mike prob!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 10:37

ni hai hao ma??
sound so emo leh..
but i'm sure u're strong enough to overcome the emo-ness.
cos u've still got the lame xi bao inside ur body..
hmm, wad can i say?
dun think so much lor. yue xiang yue fan. concentrate in wadever u're doing bah. then u dun have time to think abt those sad things. life is not complicated! it's humans who are complicated! haha. happy go lucky lor. then one will also feel more relaxed. =)
take care k! jia you!

hey nic,
good to hear from you!
wah, so fast ORD?
haha.. u muz be damn shuang right?! hee.
jia you in wadever u're doing k?
it will be over soon. haha!
take care! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 11:25

Hey Syl
u very lame???but weiqi more lame
How are you???miss u lol....
c u on sat & sun


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 11:52

hey lorita!
haha. i lame meh?
hmm, if can be as lame as mo mo ren, i also dun mind. lol
happpie working ya? cya soon! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 12:02

maybe tats wat life is all abt...
maybe looking at e other side of things will be better..
take care nia, weiqi. ")


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 12:12

hey syl
i knoe who tt mo mo ren....
nt me(of course)haha....
Cya ltr


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 12:22

社会是现实的,现实是残酷的。 这是人生,没办法。我们只能做好自己本份,扮演好自己的角色,尽力去做好每一件事物。 有尽力就好, 别太强求。

辛福和快乐的定义是什么? 很难去确定和解释, 因为我们的目标时常变化,辛福和快乐也似乎虚无飘缈,遥不可迹。但是如果能保有一颗赤子之心,在原点从新拾起希望和热情,继续勇往直前,你也许会擦觉到原来辛福和快乐其实是很简单的。比如在看了一部感动的电影,你会流泪;遇到开心的事,你会开怀大笑。每每孤单的时候,朋友和家人都会一一在身旁陪伴。这些虽然简单,但它无价, 是的,眼泪和笑声是无价的。 这时,你会想那些所谓短占的现实残酷,仅不只是生命中的小小过客。



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 12:44

I find this classic a all-time uplifting piece. A friend used to sing to us in school, and this song always blew away our woes and strengthen us.


作词:木子 作曲:巫启贤 演唱:巫启贤

对生命你不必存有怀疑 人生它本来像一出戏
故事的结局是悲是喜 自己总会有些决定

看朝阳又带着希望升起 岁月的脚步从来不停息
等到那星月走进你梦里 生活变得更美丽

工作上有多少不如意 让明天去好好忘记

我忘不掉心碎的过去 可是我必须面对我自己
生存还要靠自己去努力 我不再犹豫

我挥不去昨日的恋情 可是我必须面对我自己
未来生命该用什么代替 靠自己争取

霓虹灯里埋藏了几许 叫人们迷失自己的骗局


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 13:25

halo weiqi,

jia you! jia you! jia you!

dun b so stress & too bothered by pple's views...we understand who u really r...

if u r bz wif school & work, it's ok not to tag... juz drop by when u hv d time...

hi nic,

we shall count dwn to ur ord! take care~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 14:14

WeiQi... you must remember that a turtle is released in your name to the 'ocean' on your Bdae.. this is the second one liao! No time to do something personal for you..but you will be blessed.

Stumbles will make you grow. The sooner you understand how people can be, the lesser you get 'hurt'. I hope you did not regret taking part in SB as I did not regret I know a group named 'MiLuBing'. You are only 20++, there are many more difficult encounters in life that you will meet - but each and everyone is a lesson learned. This world is not CRUEL it is WICKED!

Hello to Nic and Sam. I got to see you guys lesser and lesser, blog lesser and lesser but my well wishes for you guys have never gone 'missing'.

Take care and continue to grow...TTWW


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 16:14

TTWW ayi
How are you & i miss you


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 16:55

8-) hmm....if weiqi mentioned the word "again" in line 2, does that mean the problem isn't over yet? hmm....persevere ok??!!

and no worries about your absence la...rather, pardon us for missing u (as well as nic and sam) too much ya? haha...

worst birthday never mind...cos the subsequent 99 birthdays (I just anyhow give a figure ah) will be better...all you got to do is to BELIEVE~~~~ haha...

And I don't know why it hurts u when u wanna post a comment but aiya, we can standby our "first aid kid" here ah. "tiger balm", "ointment", "antiseptic cream", "plaster", "bandage" all here. Sui bian u use. Ok la I know its not funny la. u take care oh!!!

nic ah nic~ have fun at chingay heartland parade today oh! Cos I supposed when u have fun performing, u bring joy to the audiences, the audiences happy u also happy le. I THINK! haha.

aloha to sam too! jia you oh~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 18:23

weiqi jiayou! :D cheer up yea?


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 20:18

WEIQI & NIC ... Finally Got Some Updates Frm U Guyz...

WEIQI: Y Sounded Sooo EMO - Cheer Up Hao Bu Hao...? Dun Wish To See U Like This Lek... I Read Ur Post Le, Dunno y Felt Very 'XIN TONG' Lek... Shld I Use This Word To Describe? Aiya Dunno How To Describe La That Feeling... =(

Rest Well & Take Care!

P.S: HaHax Oh My! WHY The Video Makes U Felt Like In Sec. Sch Again? HaHax Our CHUNG CHENG HIGH Eh... LoLx!

- S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Unknown | 19 February, 2008 20:43

WEIQI, people have misconceptions about you because they don't really know you. but you know there will be this group of people who (think they) know you well enough and how you'd react to some stuff. we know you're like pretty much caught in the middle most of the time but really appreciate all the things you do for us. you're not obliged to do the things you do yet you still do them, SO DON'T FEEL BAD!

no doubt the world is cruel but YOU'RE STRONGER THAN THAT! so COME ON WEIQI! jiayou okay!

and BE HAPPY! or do you need more jokes? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 21:08

Wei Qi & Nic,
It is nice to hear from both of you once again.Both of you must be really tired from school/camping hor.But stay strong and jiayou okay!


Blogger -WHEY` | 19 February, 2008 21:26

weiqi :) hope that you'll get some time off your school work to rest yupp! :) don't get too depressed over school work or other things, will only make you have more wrinkles.. haha.. 凡是看开一点就好了! :D

& hope nic is doing well in camp though :) after ORD will be relax le ba? heehee~

and where sam? :D hope to see mlb after my exams!! :)

take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 22:59

WEIQI! cheer up kays~ know that life ain't easy, but hope you'll look at the positive side! :D tomorrow would be a better day! hang on there! :DD you've been through so much, endure through so much, and i believe you'll be able to do so this time round!

only people who dont know you well will have these kind of misconceptions against you. we know that you guys have always try your best to fulfil whatever requests by your fans. even when you all are in a rush. we understand and appreciate all these small gestures by you guys.. there's many things that you're not obligated to do, yet you always never fail to fulfil it, cause you never want your fans to be upset! vise versa, we wouldn't want you to be upset too! so dont feel bad. WE REALLY UNDERSTAND! :D
{there's always a person playing the bad man in a group}

SMILE more kays! smiles and laughters can bring sickness, fatigue and stress away! {need me to bring some laughter for you? heh hehh.. xD} SMILES :DD :DD TAKE CARE AND HAVE MORE REST! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 23:09

hey weiqi!
here to share my little ---logy.
may sound lame and bla but. hope it helps.
to anyone who's feeling down and emo too..

the HAHA-logy:

is to haha at every single thing that makes you or makes you not happy.
and it is to haha at every single thing can cause mild depression and stress to drive away the 'hoohoo' in you.
one great example is to say 'HAHA! i'm feeling really upset today.' it could change ur mindset and mentality to something more positive.
seeing anyone 'haha' can make yourself start to 'haha'.. and so.. start the 'haha' to make more 'hahas' outta of it so everyone would be 'haha-ing' already. smiles~

i duno if this works for some of you but so far, it hasnt failed yet man. haa..


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 23:23

another example (I shun bian betray my friend here)...when SomeoneNo.2 is having stomachache, she can even say "hahaha I'm having stomachache now!".
haha i know its not related but well, similar la.

hahahahahahaha tomorrow is our doomsday, cos results for yr2 sem 2 (and for her is yr1 sem 2) will be released. hahahahahaa!!! OMG!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 23:49

quizzy! how could you betray me?!?!?!

but i feel that.. sometimes, a laughter can change everything. so i laugh to hope it can bring the pain away. so.. can try de lor.. no harm anyway..
i think real life example is better than coming up with one ma.. so.. yes.. my 'stomachache' can relate abit. haha..

yesyes.. we're so so dead... oh man.....

so mlb.. must JIAYOU ok! HAHA more!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 00:28

weiqi, u're doing the right thing - better to vomit out whatever is hurting & making u sick inside .. hope u feel better now..

jiayou MLB! the road ahead is long & winding.. u will stumbles along the way.. sometimes like walking thru hell.. but u still hv to pick yrself up & walk on.. cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 00:58

dear mlbians... thanks for the words of encouragement..even some mlbians who have been here but not tagging have tagged to encourage me. thanks a million peeps..i know that whether or not ur advice might do me gd or bad, it was definitely from a good heart,a sincere one. That's what a real friend is right? a sincere friend. Anyways, let's drop the issue bout me being emo hor haha, b4 someone says to me:'eh, why u tag this kind of thing? now they all think u very ke lian leh' I think, that's my problem. I wanna be open with my supporters,just want to chat with em like ordinary ppl chat. why not? i'm jus an ordinary guy,never felt i'm floating or anything. so i'll be myself. walk on the soil and dirt of this earth. and it's here where i find my '原点'. anyway, i don tag nonsense, only tag the facts. So once again, thank you all mlbians, but after this comment that i've posted, i want u all to know that i'm up and running again(& it definitely has something to do with the mlbians *winkz*). Take care everyone..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 01:12

hey jus stay real boy, we just wanna know the real you. its better than concealing and keeping everything to yourself yeah?

well i guess this is some place where you can find a source of support and comfort? and somehow.. glad we can give that to you.

there're many things in life we've to overcome. just be honest with yourself and things will be fine.

and glad you're being honest with us actually. glad you're still that weiqi i've always known. :) jiayou yeah~ :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 01:20

I am very happy to hear from you that: you are up & running again. Please do not worry too much about posting your feelings in this blog, afterall we are one big family; MLB Family. It is not wrong to share anything in a family. Yeah...
Please take care, rest well & jia-you in your studies & work. We Love You & your 2 Bros.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 20 February, 2008 01:43

WEIQI: Agree With Wat U Had Said...
Be The Real You, & Not Any1 Else ...

Any Problems Or Obstacles U Faced, Can Cum Here To Share With Us... We Could ALL Be Ur Listening Ears De...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 01:50

weiqi, jus be true to urself..we'll always be here to give u support.. :) jiayou alright..n smile! :)

take care..next wk term break alr! tho i dun tink u will get much rest la..but i suppose it's sth to be happy abt..haha.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 02:19

WELCOME HOME! Such a relief to see both you and nic blogging at last, yet… I am at a loss for words suddenly. Too much to digest.
I suppose it is the nature of the industry that you guys are in that makes it even more complicated and cruel. But I hv to say that I’ve been pretty sheltered all my wklife as I hv been fortunate to meet many good people along the way who helped to shield/buffer the effects of the cruelty of the wking world. Well I sincerely wish that there will be good people who recognise your talents and help you guys out along the way. Attitude is very impt, people are more willing to help out those who they perceive have the right attitude towards work.

WQ, Glad you managed to bounce back, seeing your schedule makes me feel so guilty for being so eng…haha…but this kind of killer schedule is to be expected since you are studying & wking at the same time, so must try to get used to it. Cheers to more sleepless nights ahead, hopefully you have your bros (& some nitebird MLBians) to keep u company :P

Nic ah, dancing your days and nights away. Sounds fun but can be tiring. Enjoy the cameradie with ure fellow performers while you can. Who knows? You may look back fondly on these experiences when you ord in sep. anyways you can be sure we look forward towards this month for you :) While performing, rem to think of melodies for ure guit to rock our socks off at the same time. Am I asking for too much since u are oredi sleep deprived and trying to rem ure dance steps? How abt try to save time & hv extra rehearsals in your dreams as you sleep? this time at expo even better, can hear MLBians singing along with MLB! Solid!

Leave you guys with these words I copied from somewhere:
A recipe for success is almost the same as a recipe for disaster but with one key added ingredient: a postive outlook. Look upon everything u do as a learning experience and u can’t go wrong!

Hey there, WAKE UP! dun u guys dare to snooze in the middle of reading this tag :P ok know I so chong hei tonight. Hee, maybe we shld hv a competition on who can write the longest tag here. Think this post will go down in history of MLB blog for having the most number of looooooog tags by super chong hei MLBians..hahah
Give me some time, I may come back with more! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 03:09

*singing* thats the way aha aha~~~

jiu shi zhe yang - be yourself~~~~
I believe "being yourself" is the key to successful relationships with people too? real friends will love you for who you are too. I'm not trying to be hao lian saying "I'm a real friend" but well, its true that we love you (as well as nic and sam) for who you are jiu dui le.

as what the rest have said - dou shuo le we are one big "family" le. Got any problems, we face together la. Should there be issues that is sensitive that you can't tell us here, at least must share with someone you love and trust wor.

But whatever the case, don't be afraid to make your feelings known (whenever possible). Whether to us or anywhere/anyone else. No doubt that at times, "making your feelings known" may have negative results (e.g. arguments or conflicts) but this is better than enduring and doing things against your will. While sometimes, enduring may be a virtue but aiyo, this is also a torture and you are not subjected to emotional torments like this.

aha! now I know why we always say "must be understanding" le! haha.

anyway, YES WEIQI IS ALSO STEADY DE. carry on up-ing and running ba! do standby enough "energizer" - cos NEVER SAY DIE mahz =X! -_- ok not funny again...


mm jie, you win liao lor. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 10:01

Hi WeiQi, I'm glad that u are on ur feet again... If u are feeling upset or what... U can c0me here and share with us ur feelings de... We are one big family juz like Uncle Phil has said... And u will feel much better after sharing it with us, yeah? Haha... Cheer up!!! =)

u want to know me? Sorry for the late reply yeah? Of course u can know m0re abt me..! Haha... =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 12:21


weiqi.. i am very happy that u r feeling better.. hahahs..

yes being urself in the base important one. dun really bother abt wad people saying u huh. saying u been doing so much..=) but as u say u are still a ordinary guy .. hahas..and i tink by communicating with all ur fans is a good one ! =D so that u guys can understand each other more? ;) heh

my friend also been through the same stuff with u before. she told me that so much people had told her as a 'idol' why did u do so much for ur fans? but my friend insisted is because she knows that she is herself and she willing to do stuff tt lesser 'idols' will do .. =X cause we are the people whom we will always be there for her..(:

but i am glad u r feeling happier now? haha ! great to see u back to urself.hohoho..

anyway take care ya !
hope to see the more happier side of u ! just follow ur heart and do according what you want to do instead of let others saying u..tt my view lor. =D

weiqi jiayou laa.. ^^
cheeeeerrrs !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 13:40

weiqi (as well as nic and sam and all my friends reading this). i share with ya a should-i-say-good-or-bad-news wor. MY GPA DIPPED AGAIN LEH!!! hahahaha. But I'm QUITE satisfied with my grades la...thats why I don't know whether to laugh or not laugh (but most of the time I'm hohohoho-ing)...

ok -.-...have a nice day =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 13:49

good to hear that from you.
up and running? haha. okay.. run steady k? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 17:08

ur post 是有一点 emo .. but glad tt u r now ok le .. jiayou yea .. ^_^
ehh, e video 有 lame 到你 ar .. haha .. muz thx our "director" & "assisstant director" *ahem* haha ..
& ur guessing was wrong la .. how can it b bugis, e crowd there can 吓死人 de leh .. it's lavender platform la .. & we r not so courageous la, ppl keep looking at us, thking y we so siao toking to e camera .. 是 paiseh de lor .. haha ..

sept ORD le ar, bet tt u cant wait for it liao .. haha ..
ehh, u involve in chingay heartland parades ar, my area here have leh .. dunno will c u ma (but tt's provided tt i go watch .. haha)
jiayou yea !! & take care !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 19:48

I am so happy to hear that you are alright now!Do remember that we are all here for you no matter what..JIAYOU!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 20:55

yes man weiqi!
you're the man! you're going the right thing!
(quote "be the man, do the right thing".)
by voicing is always the best solution.



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 21:03

Hey Weiqi & Nic,
Glad to see both of you guys tagging :) Hoped both of you are doing fine at the moment...

No matter what Jiayou!!

And WQ why u said our videos remember your sec sch life!! hahax~

Take care & Miss 3 Milos :)

SAM see you this Sat :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 00:23

Weiqi, good that u are alright. Just be urself. Dont care abt what other people say about u. Just follow ur heart and do according what you want to do.

We are 1 big family so just post what what u want in this blog.

U can share any of ur feeling at this blog. Good to hear that u are up and running again.

Yup weiqi is also steady de. Jia you,rest more,drink more water n take care. (:

Nic, spet ord le ah? jia you. Times goes very fast. Jia you,rest well,drink more water take care too. :)

Sam ni hao ma? Happy that u still remember my name. Thanks. See u this sat. Jia you in everything. Rest well, drink more water n take care. :D

I miss mlb.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 09:42

Yeah I miss MLB too. I noe u peeps have been busy lah but we will always be here for you guys. :] Smile! Ming Tian Hui Gen Hao haha.

Dont tired ourselves out too badly eh? Emo abit but after that gtta move on hor. And we will 4eva be supporting u all lah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 10:01

how are u guys???
But I not very happy till with some problem...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 11:11

hi all - MlB/Mlbies,

2dae is de last day of our Lunar New Year.

Happy Chap Goh Mei..
Enjoy yr day to the fullest
Wish u all everlasting Health, Success, Wealth & Happiness~~~

jiayou & cheers! gan bei!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 11:55

last day of new year already.
hope everyone had a good time celebrating.
2008 would be a good year ok!! haha

lorita jie!
jiayou! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 15:28

going thru all these simply means that you're human... its something everyone has to go thru...

but after the setbacks, pick urself up, smile and move on. coz life goes on, regardless of all the troubles and setbacks.

so, just be yourself, stay strong and u can get thru anything. take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 15:39

ting shuo today's also Chinese Valentines day is it? If yes, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!

Milubing jia you!!!
lorita jie also jia you!!!
everyone jia you!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 20:33

dear weiqi, creative director for dvd is not me. my contribution is minimal. Even colourtheme not set by me, I only bought the eggyolk to match colourtheme:) only credited for some miserable content in eggyolk. Depending on you to allocate the 3 eggyolks correctly between the 3 of you. any problems with that, i can't help you :p only clue is to look at the cover. have a good break from school soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 23:07

Jia yo,Jia Yo,Jia Yo !!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 00:41

Hey Q_me, i dun wanna win leh. tink so far WQ wins handsdown. i saw u on tv the other nite for the ss show. did u see me waving to u from the tv? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 01:25

argh~~~~~~ i didn't see~~~~~~ hahahaha....alamak....haha

Milubing jia you!!!!
Weiqi jia you jia you!!! tahan one more day then saturday no school lo?? hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 09:04

WEIQI! You sounded so emo/ sad.
Bu yao sad lahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Lol, smile mah! :D :D :D
Anyway, must really take care of yourself lah!
But at the last, you spelt correctly! [clap clap] :D :D :D :D :D

Nic! Must take care tooo ah!
Yah, that night's performance were great! Ten thumbs up for you guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 09:16



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 09:33

Good morning WeiQi, Sam and Nic!

Came in to see WeiQi b4 the office gets busy. Good to see your tag and I can 'pang sim' go to work. Ha.a.a.a.a

Hi Lorita and Quizzy, Yuan Ping, Capri, Uncle Phil - sorry for being RUDE. Thank you for your greetings and missing me here. I miss MLB and you guys too.I do not come here so often and not enough time to go through all the tags so sometime missed your 'hellos'.

Came in to peep at WeiQi - young man, so got lots of strength to pick up de.

You all have a wonderful weekend.



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 20:53


Welcome back, the cheerful weiqi! =)

Sam and Nic, stay happy!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 23:23

haha. i was in my father's car when he happened to drove past NTU de ADM just now. Alamak, Weiqi your school seemed quite ulu hor? And the building is nice la. But the beautiful stairs beside it hor, I think I can "die" from climbing it. hahaha. TOO LONG LE~~~~

weekend lo, though don't think you can rest but hope you will be able to...feel better?? haha i think you can...

ah nic, have fun dancing!! Bring joy to the audiences through your dance!!

steady de sam, have you been counting stars again? anyway, cya again tomorrow lo~


sorry for the interruption, I got extra 2 pairs of tickets to tomorrow sheng shiong show. anyone wants it? email me at firelight_17188@hotmail.com by...4am?? (do me a favor, don't circulate my email around. thanks) Cos I may or may not be checking my email the next morning so les play safe ah.

people who know me de may ask me in msn if I'm online or sms me if you got my number ba...

ok interruption completed =X.

take care all!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 23:30

oh ya, if u wanna "book" my extra tickets, come early hor?! haha. don't ask me to wait for you again ah. thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2008 10:45

weekend is here agn
CNY is ovr
everybody is 1year older n wiser..
some exams round the corner
but still like to wish MLB n mlbians happy weekend..
stay cheerful!
be strong!
stay united!
we are a family!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2008 12:32

hehehe weiqi, if u are really floating, then u are in real trouble liao lor... haha glad u are up and running * grin*


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2008 21:09

Sam sorry that i never go to mdc to attend sheng siong show. Cos i not feeling well. Hope u enjoy urself.

U look handsome, cute and cool in sheng siong show. I like the blk shirt that u wear today.

If i am not wrong, next time still have sheng siong show? If have then see u there soon. :D

Jia you in everything , rest well and take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2008 23:53

thank you sam!
rest well tonight! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 00:16

argh syl posted the 88th comment. gong xi fa cai to u =X. hehe.

happy weekend to anonymous too? hahaha. YES! *singing* we~r~fam~mi~ly~~~

ALAMAK, i FORGET to ask sam if he is still counting stars leh. gaaaaaaah. or I forget whether I asked him in letter too. But in any case - steady de sam, jia you, take care, have a good rest!

Weiqi, tomorrow no school! think you won't be able to have a good rest but still, jia you!
Oh yes, share with you a new quote I learn today;
"When the going gets tough, the tough gets laughing"....-_-!!!

Nic, i ting shuo today de Channel U 11pm news, got talk about Chingay heartland parade. Me never pay attention to it la, but don't know if its the one you involve or not...hahaha...u jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 00:58

my thoughts - in life, there is no beginner's class..cos we always hv to handle difficult things..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 01:29

Hey quizzy_me, guess jus gotta work harder to pull up the gpa next sem.. everyone jiayo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 01:48

Hello MLB :)

Talked to you before the start of SS show, and underdstand from you that you do not have enough sleep. Jia-you with the writing of more good music to us.
Hope you will rest more whenever possible. Anyway, thanks for meeting us weekly before the start of SS show. Thanks for taking a pic with me just now.

While spending lots of times studying & working on your music, hope you do plan some times to rest & relac too. Jia-you...

Just spend your last few months wisely in camp and have fun performing. Very soon you will be ORDing. Remember to rest whenever possible too and Jia-you too.

We are eagerly waiting for MLB 2nd baby. But we can wait, cos we know that good stuffs are worth waiting.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 02:07

Yup. Thanks sam for signing for me. Rest more while u can. Jia you in everything. i agree with what uncle phil have say. Thanks for meeting us weekly before the start of ss show.

Weiqi jia you in ur study and working on music. Rest more and take care too. Jia you! Jia you!

Nic jia you! U going to ord soon. Remember to rest more while u can,jia you and take care too.

Hope to see mlb soon.

Nite. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 13:19

I hoped you saw that ):

Syl, i hope you didnt get kidnapped while you went home last night haha. :D

Uncle Phil! your writing very nice leh! or i should say drawing? :D nice chat with ya today . heh.

rest well all. TTWW i miss you. ~ I will be checking the blog regularly to SPOT you. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 14:40

haha! really? i'm the 88th? lols.
pinkie! i think ytd your bus very packed rite.. single deck de. haha.
ya, u muz be too disappointed that i wasnt kidnapped. haha. study hard k! do your hw! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 17:41

Hi Pinkie,
I am very glad to see you in person yesterday, feel great chatting with you too. Remember to send me the pic we took together. :)
Hope to see you more often in MLB future events.
Ya, study hard besides playing hard. Jia-you...


Blogger BIRU K. | 27 February, 2008 20:53

i miss you!!!!!
i miss you!!!!!
i miss you!!!!!

am real busy at work almost evryday. ):
lifelesss lifeless
can i not work???

i will tag more~