
milubing | 24 February, 2008 00:08

Wanna know someone I respect? I met him again today(23/2) at bugis singing a few of his own songs. The last time i talked to him was during SHA 07.

"why do u respect him?" you might ask...
-He dares to make music that is true to himself, and the genres that he uses show his courage especially in the mandarin pop market.
-His emphasis is purely his music...he is being himself...he is flattered if u like him for his looks but would rather you Love him for his music.
-His character in real life, is humble and polite. I do not sense any pride in him.
-He believes in music, and trained himself to reach an outstanding standard of not only being the singer, but the musician and producer as well.

May more singers/bands like him spring out to make the mandarin music industry a more colourful one... :) have a good sunday MLBians. Love u all.

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Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 01:35

Wow, am I the 1st one to tag? If yes, then this is my 1st time. haha...

Hi weiqi,
Yup, his songs are nice. We saw him performing at SS show just now.
We later met him again after the show, when he was in the van leaving MDC. He did stopped by and signed autograph + took pictures with some of the MLBians.
Ya, think he is very friendly. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 01:48

hellooo weiqiii..(:

yeah.. his songs is really nice.. :D i keep listening to his 'ai ai ai' tt song. it been my current favourties also..and my friends been recommending me to go listen to his songs and it NICE ! :D

:) and his live singing is super nice i must say. heh ! (:

u too.. had a good sunday yeah!
take care !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 01:59

yaya.. i think he's really friendly.. though we're not his fans he still talked to us. haa..
his music is great! but if his 'live' could be more power. i think it'll be more.. 'woo~!!'

nice weiqi! u seemed better at every tags and post! jiayou oh!
lemme help u alil..





Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 02:30

Yup. his song is nice. i like the love song. If he sing live is super nice.

yesterday afternoon i should go to bugis for his autograph session. If i am lucky then i will saw u too.

Have a nice sunday to u. Take care,jia you.

love mlb too. Hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 02:33

heya was still thinking if you would meet up with khalil! haha... remember ya guys quite on good terms during SHA ^^

khalil's great... love his music, really. and he's like darn friendly,polite and all.. interacted with him couple of times, and had some great time talking to him and all jus now. whoaas. ohh man he's really darn good la... haha... love his songs! he's like one of those real few singers/musicians i really like alot.. honestly i dont know much about him, but was jus attracted by his music...

and yes... duno why, but i can sense this.. sincerity or something in his music... duno how to describe, but ya... can always hear that sincerity and effort put in... ^^ he's really one of the few singers who truly 'wow' me...

wanted to go to the auto session today but was held up somewhere else... so yeahh... sighhs. waiting for him to come to sg for concert or smth thou :)

and wq ah... u realise something not... u blog so much hor.. u nv introduce who he is leh... haha...

anyway this guy is R&B soulboy KHALIL FANG DA TONG! :))) do support him yeahh :D

yeahhh support khalil's new album Wonderland! :))

sorry a lil overhigh heh heh... -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 02:41

hoho. I was blogging when jane told me u tagg in the previous post, but didn't know u update new entry le. First of foremost, thank u very much. I shall TRY harder next sem le ba.
anyway I thought this time de...though it could have been better, I got no regrets le la...hehehehe...

woohoo Khalil Fong!!! He power lah!!! Managed to take pic with him just now. sooooooooooooooo happy~~~~~ wee~~~~ He's cute too.

When he came to our school for campus concert during his last album promo, I brought my mum there too and she too "fall in love" with him le lor...haha!

oh yes since you mentioned about respect, I suddenly remember another reason to respect him le. Many artistes will hate paparazzi, only he will "spare a thought" for them...you get what I mean? haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 03:27

haha.. mk, a bit obvious la.. that's why didn't mention..glad u peeps got to talk to him at mdc. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 03:28

Sorry quizzy i dun noe that weiqi update new entry. haha. Thanks for telling me that weiqi update new entry.

Anyway i found 2 of this.


Mlb singing song at expo. Enjoy! (:


Blogger binz | 24 February, 2008 03:41

i tht i was seeing things when i saw this post~ tht see too much of fangdatong at mdc then illusion he appear on mlb blog post.. but realised is weiqi blogged abt him~ FDC really has his own style of singing and music.. and he is so friendly.. so nice of him to have stopped the van he was in, so rare of an overseas artise..

and haiyo weiqi why are u still not asleep at 3 plus~


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 03:54

doing my work ma.. ok i go slp le... :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 04:08

oh? nitey weiqi!! hahaha!!!
now yes933 playing his "Love song" again...hahahahahahaha....


and i supposed SOMEONE will be very HIGH when fang da tong is mentioned...=X!!! hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 04:21

hello! :DD
fang da tong's music was great!
&& so was MLB! (((:
heh heh.
glad tt u're alright le.
slp earlier la. xD


Blogger binz | 24 February, 2008 04:26

weiqi, mug hard and jiayous for your work, but dun overwork hor! haha i realise i always tend to say others why so late haven slp, but i myself haven go slp also~ ok niteyy everyone(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 06:25

is obvious at where sia -.- haha... still mus introduce mah... maybe got people duno leh.. lols. wah i sound like some promoter for khalil. nvm -.- LOLS. aiya u not there u duno what happen at ss la.. haha... very long story.. tell u next time... :P

he's super nice anwws. :))

yayy :)) LOVESONG!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 11:54

eh btw wq...
i was just very interested... haha... do you guys [as in, with khalil] communicate in english or chinese? random but jus interested la :P

and hor.. with regards to ur prev post right.. the 'shou xia' hor.. is bu xia lor.. shou xia sound like 黑道 la... -.-



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 13:42

hello weiqi glad t hear from you again. jiayou in your work, mlb is very much missed.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 14:35

yeah, he was really nice to stop by..
i may not be his fans, but i think the songs he sang and composed are quite nice.


Blogger givon | 24 February, 2008 14:45

wooo wheee~
saw him ytd too, when i was passing by bugis!
right :D din see u! haas
anyw, jiayo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 14:45

hello syl, thanks for asking abt the ss show bt sry cldnt make it. saw the phos from quizzy's. and i realise samboy's hair is so long now. O.O that means i havent seen him for very long. hmm ):

i want t see his bracessssss $:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 14:58

ya hor, forget to say - hope weiqi (as well as nic and sam) have a nice sunday (and thereby everyday) too. We love you too!!

talking about being yourself...pardon me ah - let me sidetrack a bit - actually when I read this part of the interview with Wonfu (旺福乐团) at "Teenage", I thought is so true lor.

"They follow their hearts no matter what they do; even if they're told their music just won't sell
"We want to make original music, whether people like it or hate it. It's worse when we can't even feel for it. Whenever we make music, we go by this one principle, and thats is to do what we want to do, something that we won't regret. Sometimes, outside influence will tell you to make trendier, more mainstream music. But we just won't. It's important to insist on being yourself." observes Miami"

This was what the vocalist said la...credibility aside, I thought that is so true ba...hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 15:38

haha..this is an interesting topic. Khalil Fong's compos are rather original. I only have vague impression on his 爱爱爱, and Andy Hui's canto pop 大爱, very "chimp" song, really need artistes with substance to master his compos. haha..

My fave are still the veterans talents like Jay Chou, David Tao, LeeHom and Michael Wong.
For lyricists, I admired Vivian Hsu..and of course 方文山.

Cheer Chen (陈绮真)is also very original, but it takes a while to digest and to appreciate her works.

Aiya, 创作是发至内心的,但是也须要知音者的垂青...




Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 15:53

Walau Weiqi,you are so random sia.
I never heard his songs before..
But it is nice to be able to meet someone you respect..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 17:36

it's okay miko!
cos got spare tics. haha.
yeah, sam's hair is getting longer. but nice! hah.

hi angie!
i like cheer chen's music too! think she's quite a talent. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 19:53

Hey WEIQI! Haha, You like Khalil Fong too! :D
His song rocks lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
EHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i talked to him too leh.
He's cute, so are you guys! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 20:20

ohyeah, term break liao hor? hv a good rest & recharge urself! :))


Blogger Hey (don't bring me down) | 24 February, 2008 20:22

Hey! Hi~ WeiQi... ...
u noe what? MLB also make
Spop and MMI colourful :)
Hehe~ Love MLB songs!
Noe u guys r busy
but I cant help it... ...
I'm looking forward to~
MLB next album!
All the best and
God bless everybody :)


Blogger Unknown | 24 February, 2008 21:58

"why do u respect him?" you might ask...
-He dares to make music that is true to himself, and the genres that he uses show his courage especially in the mandarin pop market.
-His emphasis is purely his music...he is being himself...he is flattered if u like him for his looks but would rather you Love him for his music.
-His character in real life, is humble and polite. I do not sense any pride in him.
-He believes in music, and trained himself to reach an outstanding standard of not only being the singer, but the musician and producer as well.

THIS SOUNDS, maybe not totally, but A LOT LIKE WHY I RESPECT MLB!




Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 22:10

Wow WEIQI... U Went His Auto.Session Eh?
Ya His Songs Not Bad La... Got His Own Style~

Hope To Cya Guyz 3 SOON...
JIAYO In Watever U're Doing Now...
Take Care & Rmb To Have Enough Rest Hor ~

LOVEsss ~ ~ ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 22:25

Hi Pinkie,
Please go and read the previous post for my reply to your tag.
Have a nice day :)

MLB Jia-you in whatever you are doing, be it studying, composing or performing etc. We, MLBians will be always supporting you guys from every corners of Singapore. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2008 22:54

hello mr chan! ah fang da tong~! he's super nice la..n v polite..love his music..bot his album today aft hearing him sing ytd..v nice la! :) but i love mlb's too k..hee..u guys continue to jiayou in making music too alright! we'll be waiting.. :)

eh 3plus in e morning u still not slping hor..tsk tsk..term break liao, try to slp earlier ya..take care! (anw, if u cant cope, ur 'bu xia' can help one.. :p)

same goes to nic n sam, take care n jiayou alright! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 00:37

i think to use words to 'explain' mlb can cut and paste what weiqi said about Fang da tong.

i think every artiste whom have the same mentality like 'making music is more impt than selling face or anything else that doesnt seems like your kinda music' would have the same kind of characters and thoughts. i believe mlb too! (if i even know what i'm talking..)

so.. mlb. gotta jiayou alot alot!
was still discussing with someone if.. there's one day... when singers like khalil 合伙 with MLB. it'll be so.. WOW! haha... will there be a possibility huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 01:27

me too looking forward to MLB's 2nd Album.. jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 01:38

hahaha...weiqi, i supposed u were darn elated when he wrote that msg for u?? hahaha. Just like we would be darn high when we got milubing's autographs...i believe weiqi must be super motivated now hor?? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 02:02

Weiqi went to Bugis for FangDaTong autograph session? Thought they belong to the same recording company, and FangDaTong will gives his album to weiqi (of course with his signature), after all they are already friends.

Ya, agree with most of the MLBians that what weiqi had commented about FangDaTong are also what we feel about MLB. So, MLB Jia-you & continue to give us your original special music.

Ok, got to sleep liao.
Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & fellow MLBians. A new week has begins, jia-you in whatever you are doing. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 10:15

Hi Uncle Phil...! How are u? Long time never hear from u le...! Hmm, although I am not Fang Da Tong's fan too, but I love his 'ai ai ai' and 'love s0ng'. Hahas... My mum was w0ndering why his dad would give him this name as in his name was so easy to write and not like ours... Hahas... Sorry, no offense yeah? I was just w0ndering only... Anyway, Quizzy jie, u also very long never tag wo de blog liao hor? Hahas... Think u are very busy ba right? =) Nvm, I understand de...

MLB, jia you and take lots of rest..! Wo miss u guys very much!!! Waiting for ur 2nd album wor...! Will be rooting for u guys in this MLB blog!!! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 11:11

woo weiqi... din know tat u'll 追星 too... lol...

wat time wer u there? 1 of d mlb went too, din heard tat she saw u...

anyway, must b happy to get his autograph & he write ur name somemore huh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 13:43

uncle phil,
i sent u the pics already.
but i dunno if it's the correct email leh. haha.
i sent it to the yahoo email. maybe you can check..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 16:31

yoyo... Haha... Thanks alot for all the things tat u have done for us... It's more than wat a idol would do for fans ... Haha... Really thanks alot ... Jia yo ... hehe ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 17:08

actually hor, idolizing and admiring aside - if I were to respect an artiste (can be anyone so long as he/she fits the qualities listed), my reasons would be the same as what weiqi listed PLUS, he/she has to be honest and sincere...haha maybe I just don't like "fake fake" de ba...haha...

Of course that doesn't mean I don't respect others la...haha

huh weiqi having term break now ah? Means today tomorrow and the day after (and etc) you got no school oh?? WEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~ hope you have a good rest?? try la hor?? haha...

nic!!! 6++++++ more months only!!! jia you!!!

Sam! hope to see you again real soon. Saturdays won't be the same without you....and sheng shiong show again! LOL! Its back to normal life now, wish u all the best in whatever you are working on.
And how can I forget this - me too wanna thank you for taking the time to meet us before the show starts. Cos you could have use this time to do other useful things ah. You may even sleep longer too (15 minutes can make a lot of difference you know). But you still take the effort to meet us. We really appreciate it. Please take good care alright? Jia you!!

Let me take this opportunity to thank nic and weiqi too for the...*thinking hard what's the word*....*still thinking*....everything that you guys have done for us even when you are not obligated to do so!!

Milubing jia you, we all "ting3" you always!!! =D!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 18:36

Yup thanks sam for taking the time to meet us before the sheng siong show start.

I have agree wat quizzy have said. Please take care of urself. Jia you,rest more.

Weiqi how are u? Jia you in ur study, rest well and take care too.

Nic time goes very fast. Sept will be coming soon. Jia you, take care, rest well too.

Hope to see mlb soon. Mlb jia you for everything. Waiting for mlb 2nd album.

We will support mlb forever. MLB POWER LAH! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 19:55

Oh, so khalil is this week's topic. He seems like a cool dude, not many artistes dare to appear in public with those nerdy specs...ah nic wanna try or not? next time u hv a chance to see him again, can tell him ure fan tinks he looks like a young stephen chow. can go act in comedies liao. Find his music very 'clean', not enough emotion for me :p but i must say i thank him for daring to give us variety in today's mainstream chinese pop. A refreshing change indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 20:54

ayia..i thought of going to get authorgraph for my sister....
my sister like his music very much...me also think his song is nice esp. love song ...
too bad,i didnt get his signature..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 22:43

"Life is nothing without music" ... Or should say without "good music" ... It's difficult to have the music tat oneself desire ... But ... I believe.. MLB will have their music de ... Rite ??
Music is everywhere & no where ...It's how u think !!!

Jia yo !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 22:48

Weiqi,last SAT you went to to Fang Da Tong autosessions...
Wah~I only like some of his music very much... Hahax~

Thanks for taking your time on SAT..Hope you liked the stuffs that we have given to you!!

Take Care :)

Hoped to see 3 Milos soon!!
MLB Jiayou!! Smile


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 23:37

thanks for all the fun and all for the past 10 weeks :) thanks for tking the effort to meet us every week too~ saturday nights will be empty without ya guys though. anyway, continue having fun doing up ur compos and all.. jiayou! :)

dont stress urself out yeah? have some rest these few days, jiayou when sch reopens! khalil fong rocks :))

the xin ji hen zhong de.. haha... half a year more to go! then u get ur freedom :) jiayou yeahhs... have fun doing ur shows and all, cherish those times while u can. takecare ahhhs~

all e best with whatever ya guys are doing.. && the album. :) cyahh guys soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 23:50

hello.. here to say thank you.

to sam,
thanks for coming out to 'entertain' us for that few mins despite the wet,dry,cold/warm weather. thanks for signing and writing for us even though you're rushing against time. (we're sorry about that.....) thanks for smiling all the time even when you're sick. thanks for joking with us too. and thank you for everything.
if not for ss shows.. my saturdays would have been really boring with work and rotting at home. thank you once again.. jiayou and sleep well!

to weiqi,
thank you for taking out a few mins of your time to post out you 'thank yous' to us. thank you for voicing out ur thoughts and also thank you for telling us u're feeling better to make us feel better too! thank you for ur lame-ness and *ahem* ur so real de reactions. we can still laugh at the thought of it. jiayou jiayou jiayou!

to nic,
hey! thank you for the effort trying to get the sound system perfect at every performance. thank you for your HIGHEST pitch of voice that got us SSSOOOOO HIGH at every performance. thank you for agreeing to join SB with the other two boys. jiayou too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:24

hey hey,yup khalil's a great guy. try catching the chords of any of his songs and it'll be quite a challenge.. anyways, this week's my sem break! 1 week hols for me to bia my werk and go back to school for project and go NLB to do research...doesn't sound like a holiday week rite? tsk tsk.. try to fake us students but we're too clever for the system ya? haha.. i've been unwinding..but now time to get down to business. mlbians, all of ya pls jiayo k? take care :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:32

btw, forgot to add to the list of why i respect the dude:
-he sings his own compositions
-he has a passion in life and works hard for it...and gets it heh heh..some ppl go through life with none..and get,nothing?ok la, maybe get some little things here and there..but then, that's about it. yawn... :p

so mlbians, mus 'yong gong' k? learn from the good examples, and improve urself daily!

p.s. if u look @ the lyrics of the 6th track in his album, u'll see that stephen chow's name is mentioned..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:35

haha, khalil's songs.. even singing it is a freaking big challenge. super hard to get the correct feel, and super hard to catch the correct rhythm and all. and somehow jus feel that his voice got this 'chuan tou li'... very unique on the market. anyway i went to send him off ytd morning, he was nice and polite, as usual. :D

holiday... say shuang one lor.. haha if not what's holiday homework for :P

takecare yeah. u jiayou too! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:37

=(((( weiqi, I chiong-ing FYP de research too...but dun understand....hahahaha...the whole of my tues to thurs burn for FYP also... =((((( but well, we all jia you ba!!!

-_- i think u getting a bit too high too liao...hahahahaha thanks for recommending anyway, shall check it out soon...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:37

heee....come back to visit, WQ u r here! too bad i dunno how to catch the chords. u catch oredi, then play for us the next time. i dun hv his album, u wanna lend me? :p
U jiayou too, sounds like a relaxing week u gonna hv...haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:39

Hello. Yup ur 1 week holiday dun feel like holiday for u cos u have to rush for ur work and go back to sch for ur project and do research. We will jia you de. Weiqi u also must jia you,rest more while u can and take care. I miss mlb. Hope 2 see mlb soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:41

i mean, whole of tues to thurs in march...ROAR!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:43

u seem so high toking abt khalil fong .. haha .. ya, his songs r nice ..
aiyo, poor u la .. hols muz rush schwork .. 说是 hols .. but always bluff us de lor .. there's always projs & assignments to do .. u jiayou yea !! & take care too !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:44

heh heh.
i'm having holidays.
envy ma? =x
ok la, dun disturb u.
bt nt considered hols too.
cos i'm working every single day. =.=

anyway, u rest well yea?
JIAYOU for ur hmwrk! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 00:50

oh ya, talk so much, forget to say - WEIQI JIA YOU!!! hahaha...

now we know le - HOLIDAY is to bluff students de...hahahahaha =X...

u take care too!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 01:04

hey mr chan! haha..u got alot of things to do hor..well, still gotta hv sufficient rest despite e heavy workload ya..jiayou n take care! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 01:04

ya .. holz is really to bluff students de lor .. i shou pian alot of times liao .. 只是名字好听而已 .. haha
but now my holz is really holz liao .. keke =P

jiayou ba ppl !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 01:06

Can see that we really from different era..haha...
Just finish watch S-pop hurray, cos tonight got my long term fav SG composer. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 01:07

speaking of stephen chow hor.. kenji wu has a song called zhou xing xing written about him and his movies... super cool that song.. so weiqi.. maybe can consider writing a song about khalil lah. haha... :P

well evryone has different people whom they admire and respect.. but its always thru all these people that we constantly try to work hard towards, them being a motivation for us. so yeah, its always good to have someone to look up to... jiayou in working hard towards ur goal :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 01:26

Please refer to this link for the 2nd season of Siperband, it did mentioned about 1st season champion MLB.



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 02:29

Yup holiday is really to bluff student.

Thanks uncle phil. It did mentioned about 1st season champion mlb, also mentioned about them preparing for 2nd album.


你们是我们的SUPERBAND. :)




Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 03:32

yes, we are all ke lian de students but haiz, jiu shi zhe yang, what to do?? haha..

weiqi, u seemed to know khalil very well le hor?? chatted a lot le huh?? *ask fei hua* haha...

wa biang, i swear the weather now is darn good for sleeping la.. haha! i will be sleeping SOOOOOOOON.

have a good rest ba ppl! =)!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 03:34

oh ya, thanks uncle phil and Jane (the tag way above) for sharing the videos ah. I'll watch it again next time...hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 09:29

weiqi, take care ya?? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 12:16

two different trailers for season two on dasmondkoh's blog...




Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 16:02

one week break arh?
better than nothing lah hor.
jia you and rest well at the same time ya?

ni men hai hao ma?
have a nice week yeah. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 16:51

hey guys....
I have a good news for WEIQI....
Ur good bubby for HK....Ayia,Khalil Fong name for the concert is 'Khalil Wonderland Live" having concert in hk on 30 to 31 Mar

Who interested to go,this is the website to book the concert tix from Hk(http://www.hkticketing.com/Ticketek/eng/default.asp)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 17:32

Aiyoh, got break 就要休息 mah!
Lol, dont keep on studying.
I know studying is good but taking a break is good tooooooooooooo!
Haha, so must take some rest ah!
Take care of yourself!
Nic and Sam too! Must take care of yourself ahhhhhhhh! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 17:39

Thanks for always coming out to meet us! Thanks for helping us to get the tickets! Thanks for always helping us to pass the letters to Weiqi and Nic! Thanks for always tolerating with my nonsenses and craps! Thanks for all the photos you took with me! Thanks for all the memories on those saturday at mdc!
Hah, and sorry luh! For keep pestering you on last sat.
P/s, help me tell SAM WONG that he rocks! :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 21:30

but ting shuo Khalil won't be holding his concert in Singapore soon hor?? aww too bad~~~~~

Weiqi, did Khalil recognize you when he saw you? Or you have to intro to him again? haha

Milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2008 23:35

Weiqi, 张韶函 is coming to ur sch at march of 4. Time is at 7pm. (ANG 5.0) 校园音乐会.

Will u go watch it? haha. Jia you and rest well.

MLB jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2008 00:16

Wei Qi,
Haha... U Jia yo ... We jia yo too ... Haha !!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2008 01:38

ah qi jiayou oh!
think some people going NLB this week lei...
sically u bump into her. haha..

take care MLB!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2008 02:45

A little side-track, was wondering whether msn was down the whole night? I was unable to login at all.
Ya, I also understand that Khalil ever mentioned to fans to get prepare 1st, before he has his concert in Singapore. Therefore, his concert in Singapore will not be so soon!

MLB & MLBians,
Jia-you in whatever you are doing.
Good night & sweet dreams.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2008 03:46

lol uncle phil, our MSN is ok ah...
u jia you too oh...

oh i saw this in today de forget which newspaper - it mentioned Khalil has very high EQ that...he got extremely good temper - won't flare up at all ba? Won't even get angry is it?

this kind of person - RARE. haha!

nitey lo, take care! *sniff sniff*


Blogger BIRU K. | 27 February, 2008 20:57

i miss you!!!!!
i miss you!!!!!
i miss you!!!!!

am real busy at work almost evryday. ):
lifelesss lifeless
can i not work???

i will tag more~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2008 22:40

biru ah~ biru~, how i wish i can exchange "position" with u. cos I no money yet no time work. haiz....
hahahahaha...u jia you in work!!!

Milubing jia you!!! Weiqi, wish u score straight Ace! Nic, continue to jia you in camp shows. Still got chingay heartland parade ma? haha. Sam, ni zai na li? =X

Everyone take care! =( my nose running marathon le... *run away to get tissue papers*


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2008 22:57

read a review on this yr's CNY album in papers some time ago. reviewer described MLB's CNY song as alt-rock. i was like woah...never occurred to me to classify u guys as alt-rock b4. hmm...maybe get alive can be classified as alt-rock as well? heh heh...since MLB is in the midst of preparing 2nd album, can we fans hv a wish list? i do prefer MLB's arrangement/interpretation of so sad compared to the original version. so it will be great if MLB cld get to arrange ALL the songs in your 2nd album. at least we fans will get a richer milo taste of wat the 3 milo's music is all abt even if the songs may not be composed by MLB. Aiyo suddenly so excited....tinking abt MLB's 2nd album. siao loh! Go for it MLB, make it a blxxdy good one!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2008 23:45

something to share...

here's something a fan of Cheer Chen said after watching her concert.

'如果仔細聽她的歌詞,會發現歌詞會感動你. 如果音樂好聽就算了,是當她的音樂真正打進心里感動你,才會讓你這樣奮不顧身繼續這樣支持下去.'

well.. be it music, art in the sense of drawing, anything... its when this something has the ability to touch people, walk into the heart, that its the most successful.

i duno exactly what's the thing that made me continue supporting you guys. but i suppose, its the effort and sincerity that u guys always tk to do up stuffs, that really 打進我的心里. 就是因為這樣, 我們會奮不顧身的支持下去. :)

its not easy to survive in this music market now.. what with pirated music and all. but just be assured... whatever you do, there'll always be people who'll appreciate your works. even if its just one, never give up but continue to work towards ur goal, and u'll succeed.

ohh wells. some pov. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 00:24

Its not a typical treasure island, but you will find something better than that. We listen, we speak and we talk abt anything in the world here. Things you can't talk in CS, you are welcome to spill it out here. we welcome anyone with a true heart.

Hereby, We announce....



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 09:04

duckling reporting... *wave*


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 14:24

whee~~ ee~yore~~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 15:51

at last i found...

alws, take a longer time to search... haa...

so sun's event is on ya? how & wat time do we meet?


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 17:38

~~ waves ~~

hi, i penned some words, but disappeared, what a start..

Anyway dolphin, tks for moving, tis shd be AK8 lah..

Location 24thFeb= add 24-02 =08
year '08
Time 00.08

isn't tis a sutiable home?

** Welcome cuties **


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 23:49

Found it! With an opening intro like dat, makes me wanna yak like crazy. Spill, Spill forth :D
1st up the concert on sat. great sound for the folk guit but the sound system failed the electric guit so terribly though the atmosphere climbed a notch higher w their appearance. Do i sound v grudging? maybe cos i m still trying to find my on switch for this band.
Enjoyed the solo by the lone guitarist, never knew dat song can be perf w a guit alone in such an amazing way.
After hearing all the singers extol their exp w their guit, makes me wanna learn to play but I hv no perseverance. Tried to pick it up n dropped out halfway. Maybe I shld get a surname guit n be magically transformed into a super guit player :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2008 00:33

Birdie, AK8 meh?? I went back to the previous one and saw it was AK6 le. So this is AK7?? or AK8?? Jialak... we starts to lose count liao. Haha, to think that we are the longest social chat group in MLB blog, no one else survive longest than us. 3 cheers for all!!

Duckling and flamingo, I got the tickets for sat liao. CS say event starts from 9am to 1pm. So we need to get there by 9am?? so mean we need to meet by 830am... *zzzzzzzz* ok tentatively 830am at Tampines interchange Macdonald, ok??

Last sat concert, sadly to say that only May Day perked me up. I almost wanna fall asleep before them. The pace really too slow, too much talking, too little popular songs. It really looks like some product promotion with big shots as the advertising stars. Maybe I put on too much expectation on it. The higher the expectation, the more disappointment one will get.

Garfield, you should go as where you can buy the lee guitar. Maybe hippo-nico can give you one, since he has so many lee guitars. Haha.

K, when I go buy the tickets today, i pass by a restaurant there and saw a dish calls 公司三文治. It popped a question into my head. Does anyone know the translation of "Share" in chinese? "Share" as in 2 sharing something together. It kinda of pondering that if we are using some chinese words which may not even exist at all?


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2008 00:54

dolphin, previous location shd be AK7, but i was lost in the jungle so quoted wrongly as AK6 i/o of AK7 and was corrected by duckling... quotes below..

"duckling | 04 March, 2008 09:41
I'm here!

Wave to birdie, wave to eeyore, and wave to the rest who find his/her way here~~~~

btw, i think this is AK7 liao rite? :)

birdie | 04 March, 2008 11:42
hi duckling u are rite! SORI i lost touch THIS SHD BE AK7...tks duckling..

birdie | 04 March, 2008 11:42
hi duckling u are rite! SORI i lost touch THIS SHD BE AK7...tks duckling..
Awaiting other cuties to AK7

dolphin | 05 March, 2008 01:55
Yoz yoz AK7!!! 7 is my lucky number. good :D" unquote..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2008 01:04

dolphin, re the previous location, after my wrong introduction, read further down.. can c the quotes above.. sri to confuse u.

so tis shd be "AK8"


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2008 02:18

just to recap...

AK1 = (weiqi) : *waves* :) 15 August, 2006 00:42
AK2 = (weiqi) : mmm...MLB comin up! (weiqi) :24 August, 2006 23:58
AK3 = (weiqi) : the good old days..31 August, 2006 02:29 (reborn)
AK4 = (weiqi) : THANK YOU! 27 June, 2006 23:05 (longest posts, happy gathering period)
AK5 = (weiqi) : *WAVES* 21 September, 2006 23:50
AK6 = Thanks MLBians..(updated with pic) 10 January, 2007 01:06
AK7 = pattern duo guo ??? 26 July, 2007 13:14

AK8 = Respect. 24 February, 2008 00:08


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 00:13

Haha, sorry, didn't really do read the entry when I was typing :P
Nowadays alway misread something. Mind only half functioning.

Ok I'll do it again.

Hereby, We announce....



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 10:59

haa... i nvr take note now is AK wat liao...

ya, last sat's concert i oso find too much talking liao... den jonathan lee sang so few songs... if more singing + duets among d singers will b perfect. missing ah yue + tanya's duet, may day + cheer's duet.

8.30am at tampines!!! ("!) i hv to wake up at 6am? Can we meet at 9 instead? I dun tink the boys wil go tat so early ba... does it take long time to walk or take bus from tampines to d cc?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 16:57

I think 830am is too early too although I got straight bus there. So I put tentatively mah. 9am should be ok too, yah, don't think they will be early.

Its quite a short distance, not very far away from the interchange. Abt 10 to 15 mins walk.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 13:29

good news, the guys will perform arond noon time, so we can go there around 11? Let meet at 11am. yeah, can sleep longer liao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 15:34

haha, dolphin dun tink he will give me one of his precious wife. Dat restaurant v cheeky, took me some time to process wat the dish name says. I oso cant tink of the Chinese word for share. Gongsi may be a Chinese slang derived from the hokkien term??
I oso never keep track, any prizes for reaching AK8? :P
It’s an intg concept for a concert, just dat the promotion was a bit too blatant. If dunid to link to the guit brand, the stories of how the singer begins their love affair with their guit is intriguing esp when you like the singer. i also wanted to hear the ‘live’ duet by ah yue & tanya. since there are a few mayday fans here, can share wat u all like abt them or which is ure favourite song from this band?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 13:35

lee guitars - watch d interviews on razortv... v farnie (got 2 parts):


garfield, i've uploaded the pics:

will b uploading a video later


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 13:09

Long weekend, rain whole day yesterday. Since already went out on Sat & Sun, so decide to stay at home to do hmwk. Yah... but it didn't come true. No good to have gone to comic rental shop before a holday. I finished all 25 books on just 1 day, including the time I went for lunch, dinner and TV show. Haiz.... is there a class for slow reader? Hope my project tutor forgive me for not attending his class since 3 weeks ago. Cos I have absolute nothing for him to review.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 01:25

hey hey flamingo thanks! i like the pics v much. dun mind, i copied some to keep. amazing no flash can oso take at dat distance, some more the stage lighting was v dim. my comp...update windows oredi still no sound, will view the funny vids some other time. hmm...gotta send for servicing one of these days.
used to read, now my eyes seem to grow lead when i read. read word by word to slow down speed and pause to think abt beauty of the sentence or words used?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 15:00

flamingo, the money spent on getting your camera is really worth it. you always get very good pictures :)
Anyone gg to the sheng siong show? How to get tickets huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 10:40

Read from CS, the IC got tickets, said info will be out soon. I think I can go for the Seng Siong show too.

The Campus show still got ticket wor... think response not good. What to do, its a weekday afternoon, only those on holiday can go.

Raining for 2 days already. Such a good day really good for sleeping. Why we have to start work on Monday?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 14:29

hi hi... v bz at work so din tag here...

my pics still nt too satisfying... quite a number r blur. i still need to explore on d funtion. =p

those gg to SS show, njoy! too bad i cant join.

tonite rmb to watch 都是大发现. d boys r on d show. & tmr (if i'm nt wrong) tune in to 933 in d afternoon (嘉惠's program). got 艺人私密手札.

counting dwn to wkend!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2008 01:17

hi happy weekend all,

funny clips to relieve yr stress.. relax & enjoy..

Monkey & dog doing sit-ups

Chimpanzee using Computer to buy ticket & Boards a Train in Japan

Monkeys kissing girls


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 02:06

Jus leavin my pawprint for a Meowy Christmas! Snuggle tight n snuggle warm with ure family n frens.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 08:14

Have a Merry Christmas! HO Ho Ho!... *cough cough*....
Quack Quack quack....

and a happy new year!....


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 13:38

hi, chirpy chip..

Merry Xmas to all cuties & hippos..
Peace & Joy be with u all..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 15:40

i missed last sat's ss show... forgot to record it. was it nice? saw at cs tat d contestant won $81K huh... so shiok!

duckling, njoy ur vacation!

merry christmas & happi holi everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 15:51

hi hi coconut...

i'm here! warming d garden on this cool christmas...

enjoy the holiday!

wonder wer r d rest of d plants...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 03:56

Hohoho, Merry Christmas!!!
Tagging at 4am in the morning, means I just got home. Haha, not from some party, but an routine christmas gathering with some old friends.And all I drink there is plain water, not touching even a chocolate. :D

Anyway, knowing that some of us will be flying, swimming, walking, driving, diving... away soon, till next year... so Happy New Year too!!! See you cutie animal next yr!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2008 14:43

Happy Boxing Day!

See all of u nxt yr!

If u r gg for d countdwn, hv fun!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 14:46

Happy 2009 !!!
May u all be Blessed,
Smile happily,
Eat heartily.
Look pretty.
Win lots of $$$,
Win lots of true friends,
Career success,
Love greatly,
Stay healthy,
Live a Blessed Live~

Yum Seng !!!
3 Cheers to hippos & cuties ~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 01:11

Seasons change, a new year is here. May the flowers continue to bloom, bees continue to be busy, butterflies continue to flit, dragonflies continue to chase, music continue to flow like an eternal spring. Full of joy and gurgling with life's possibilities and wonders. Happy new year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 23:32

Happy New Year! Hoping for a better 2009.

Happy Wkend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 12:43

Happy new year pull your EARS!

Actually really didn't feel a thing for new year anymore, especially when you can't go for any party or celebration. I remember went to the 2000 millennium new yr party. Huge big party in orchard. MRT didn't stop in Orchard, everywhere you saw were heads,with many colours on them. It a horrible squeezing experience.... but the feeling was there. Everyone was so high that it seem the party would go on forever. I even made a call to my poor brother who was on standby in office just in case the millennium bug Y2K decided to strike when the clock click 00:00. Good thing I was not yet in IT during that time.

Time flies and we are already in 2009... maybe next year there will be another big splash party for 2010... who knows, I may go for this again!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 January, 2009 00:36

guess cos of economy down, ppl do not hv the mood to celebrate the new year.. even xmas was so low key..

Gd Advice fm a source..

'Heated gold becomes ornaments.
Beaten copper becomes wires.
Depleted stones become statues.
So the more pain you get in life, you become more valuable.'


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 January, 2009 01:04

CNY in 2 weeks' time! jus had a panic attack cos i mistakenly tot it was next week and there are still some things i wanna do before CNY. helped my mum make some kueh over the wkend, cldn't skive anymore. although all i did was crimpin the dough, i was pretty excited to see how the 1st batch wld turn up, fresh fr the oven...then realised the crimpin i did was quite bad, the design was all flat, can't see at all. even mum commented the crimpin was not delicate enuff :( *shake head* reminds me of the lil nonya where the next gen all cant make it in the cookin dept. luckily next batch i realised wat i was doing wrong, gotta pick up more dough w each crimp. thkfully the result was more 3D. next weekend, another round... hopefully by that time my crimpin will improve w my prior experience n proper guidance fr the pro herself. i hv faith :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 January, 2009 13:24

wow garfield, so nice to help out ur mom.

till now i still hvnt tidy up my room. it's in a mess. will find a day to clean up nxt wk.

getting really no CNY mood each yr. juz pass the days like normal days. so boring.

gg to make a majong date wif my frens. keekee...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 January, 2009 22:59

CNY preparation?
New clothes... not intend to buy since no mood to buy any now.

Clean up the room... better don't touch anything in my room now, although currently only fit for sleeping. Will do a big revamp after the exam, else I won't know where I put my things. Memory can compare to a certain goldfish.

Making kueh... err buy from some Nonya store is tastier and easier. Else everyone would have to endure the charcoal I make.

CNY celebration... maybe a simple dinner with family and a movie with some old friends... as per usual.

Yup, Christmas is quiet, CNY can be classified as mute. Where are the good old days with many ang baos and never ending goodies?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 January, 2009 23:02

Hv all the fun u want & Get paid 150,000 Australian dollars (US$103,000) for six months - Caretaker of tropical islands..
Ppl all over the world are rushing to apply..


Job scope

"So what makes them say this is the best job in the world?

Essentially, you will be getting paid to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef. Sailing, kayaking, snorkelling, diving, and bushwalking, are just some of the activities that you can do on the island.

All you would need to do would be to post a weekly blog, photo diaries, and create video updates to tell the world about the unique experiences available on the islands of the Great Barrier Reef.

You can even bring a friend or relative to stay with you in your own spacious holiday home complete with plunge pools and stunning island views, fully equipped with modern facilities and exquisite furnishings. Naturally, a state-of-the-art entertainment system as well as complete access to the Internet is available.

You'll also get to explore the different tropical islands along the Great Barrier Reef while staying at luxury resorts.

How to apply

Create and upload a 60-second or less video in English explaining why you're the best person for the job and demonstrating your knowledge of the islands of the Great Barrier Reef. You will also need to complete a short application form and upload the video to www.islandreefjob.com." unquote


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 January, 2009 23:27

Haha, everyone is talking abt this open position. Sound very attractive too, staying in a resort for free + salary. Too bad I don't think I'm up to their expectation. Err do they need a new cleaning woman too?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 January, 2009 13:24

lol... dolphin, i wish tat i can dun touch anything in my room too. but it's really in a mess. unless i keep my door close, else, bu ke yi jian ren. ;p

tat job doesnt appeal so much to me. hv to report daily on wat u see & do on d island leh. stress... unless u like to write much den ok lah. nt for me. haa...

btw, anyone gg to order d new tee?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 January, 2009 01:35

Ha CNY is most fun as a kid, esp counting the angpaos. we alwys try to guess how much is in each angpao n compete who has the highest collection for the year.
dat's my excuse too. if i pack,i cant find my stuff. looking at the rate i m going, quite hard to make it by CNY. everyone tells me my motto this yr is to throw, throw, throw! close eyes n jus throw. heart pain, also throw. hopefully i can be ruthless enuff. even offered to paint the wall outside...now i m gonna keep mum n not remind anyone i ever said dat :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 January, 2009 00:33

haha! my room also sama, sama lah!

For CNY reunion, homemake steamboat is the best.. just prepare a gd pot of soup & the rest is DIY.

Relax ~

My English not bad hor………

Ah Kian, was asked to make sentences using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.
Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1. This is what he came up with…..

1 day I went 2 climb a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and I 4 down. The man rushed out and wanted to 5 with me. I ran until I fell 6 and threw up. So I went into 7-eleven and grabbed some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and tried to stab at him. 10 God he ran away.
10 I put the 9 back and paid for the 8 and left 7-eleven. Next day I called my boss and told him I was 6. He said 5 , tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asked me to go climb a 3 and jump down! I don’t understand. I am so nice 2 him but I don’t know what he 1.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2009 13:45

hey garfield... seems like u oso hv d same problem.

i alws keep keep keep... tat's y getting no space to keep further. now hv to try to throw throw throw. esp d i-wkly mags tat i've kept for yrs. will hv to screen thru to see which i still wan to keep & which can throw. how i wish to hv a huge store room. haa...

hey birdie, 1st time hear tis # joke. b4 oni seen d joke on color. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2009 13:08

Haha, think almost everyone has the same problem. Used to buy mag every week, not only SG mag, but also a lot of oversea mag too. I used to subscribe a bi-weekly comic mag too, for few yrs, never throw away. And those mag are not small, the comic mag can be a inch thick. So one day, I have no choice cos really over filled the whole room, including my mom's room, I close both eyes and throw them all away. Now I seldom buy mags.... if buy, will throw them away every now and then too. Must learn how to be heartless in throwing...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2009 17:15

hahaha... ya... but sometimes really hope to keep them. haiz... i will really need to hv a mini "library" for d mags if i contd to keep.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2009 00:04

YES! reunion dinner best w steamboat.
Luckily nowadays i m not too attached to mags, will throw periodically too. So glad i m not a book lover or else i will hv an even bigger headache. Maybe can buy a shelf in storerm to store ure mags. my prob is clothes, shoes n those lil cute cute stuff! keep accumulating n dun throw. tend to hv favourite pieces, even though some cant fit anymore or super outdated, i still keep for the design. Happy just to hv it in possession but funny thing is if s/o throws it away, i may not detect it. out of sight, out of mind. 5 more days...hmmm...maybe jus clear my wardrobe. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2009 14:01

woo.. oni 5 days...

i hvnt clear d mags, hvnt finish cleaning d cardboards. hvnt pack my clothes too. aiya, juz so many things undone. guess i can oni find a wkend after cny to complete. haa... =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2009 00:01


Everyone - visible & invisible,
in advance..

'Wishing you and your family a Happy and Prosperous CNY!

Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi, Nian Nian You Yu'.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2009 11:39

Here's wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Lunar New Year full of health, wealth and joy!

Gong Xi Gong Xi


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2009 23:29

Happy Niu Year to all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 January, 2009 01:22

Happy 牛 Year!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 January, 2009 02:33

Happy moomoo year everyone!
This year's angpaos mostly the longish ones. quantity went down but quality like gone up.:D woohoo! aiyo, did i jus wrote that.tsk tsk. who else wanna give me angpao? i will be the smiley dutiful daughter...limited to these 2 days only :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 January, 2009 12:23

Wah so good ah!? Quantity went down but quality want up... mine is both Qs are down. How ah? Anyway to go get more angbao not. Too bad all Akians are also SA (Single and Available!).


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 January, 2009 01:56

SA to collect angpaos only. hee pls feel welcome to cross over to the other side to help increase the 2Qs! Govt pushin hard, even merge sds w sdu. it's a milestone. heard now no age limit...wow open field...looks like last ditch attempt by the authorities to increase quantity, heck w the other Q! :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 February, 2009 21:45


hahaha... so far still happy to collect ang baos huh.

my quantity oso went dwn but nt sure abt quality coz hvnt open yet. guess d usu ones i get will b same amt.

so fast a wk has past... & soon cny will b over.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2009 00:11

Help! having problem with my com, v v difficult to get into internet. hope is not virus.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2009 16:53

hi birdie, get ur comp treated. hope nt too serious.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 February, 2009 23:54

Hey Birdie, what happened to your comp? Give more description, maybe i can help you out.
Maybe you can try to restart your modem and router, sometimes it help.

Hey flamingo, I heard you had virus attack. Take care and no soya sauce ah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 14:07

hi flamingo n dolphin tks.

for the past 1 wk, not able to log on to internet & cannot close a file automatically.

- check with SingTel broadband tech, run tests with them - ok at their end but not ok at my end.
- reset modem - not ok
- auto repair n smartfix - not ok
- dignostic test - everything seems ok, but still cannot log on.

till now no idea what had gone wrong?
it was so frustrating.

yesterday nite, finally, did a total reformat - ok now n speed seems faster.

cld it be i had overload my harddisk?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 14:21

today is Chap Go Mei..

May i wish every1 a 'Happy, Lucky day, buy toto - strike toto, buy 4-D - strike 4-D.. GOOD LUCK! to those hunting for prince charmings!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 February, 2009 01:44

flamingo, hope u r feelin better now! so do u watch cs? tot the last contestant sang so badly tdy den hv quite high marks fr judges. she looked so distressed while singing, like gonna lose control anytime. not steady at all, sounded even worse than the lowest scorer. overall the std for the contestants this yr quite good, hv a few who stand out oredi.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 February, 2009 22:49

Hmm birdie, it might be some program in your PC is corrupted which can't be detected by the security software. So try not to install too many internet software, those that can be downloaded from web or software that need to access internet. These programs may be running background, taking up too much running memory and corrupt the network. Total reformat will remove the program and other redundant programs too. But don't do reformat too many times, it will hurt the memory, you will see your PC not as fast as when you first buy even after you reformat.

Btw, not watch this season of CS at all, the standards are getting lower and lower... sigh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 February, 2009 23:54

haiz nobody watch it here, cant compare notes den. hee dolphin, other than ure face telling, u hv another super power...didnt watch oso can tell std drop. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 21:48

Heh heh, I can't watch CS because got monday class. But TV mobile will play shorts of it and sometimes when I got home, bambi is watching the result show, so I gauge from there... compare to 1st CS, they really not that good. Maybe all the good ones all go to Xin Guang Da Dao?? But even that show also cannot compare to its 1st season... :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2009 01:31

oh, so u do catch bits n pieces of it. they r def better than the last season. 1st season, maybe hv raw bright stars, this season, the bright stars looks v cultivated n too much cryin n huggin for me :P hee my sis oso recently told me the only time she gets to watch telly is on the bus!! i dun really follow the tw show, prefer local ones.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 13:50

hi, waves every1~ tks dolphin, actually i seldom download things fm web, must be my nephew downloading games.. anyway, i warned him.

sg cs is getting sianz, don like to watch.. prefer taiwan's

bad start of 2009 for me.. 1st my pc, then my body gave me a spring cleaning..

thinking of gg to Hkg/Macau for a holiday, dolphin any suggestion of hotels to stay?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 22:37

haha garfield, think many of us only get to watch TV on mobile. Today no class cos semester over, waiting for a string of tests and revisions and exam to come. So got chance to watch the CS today, din't really concentrate on the contestant until my sis told me the girl from AJC is good. Yah, she is really good. The only one I notice of this season.

birdie, poor thing, you fan tai shui this year is it? HK, both times I went without doing much research, and hotels were booked by friends and agency. But it also depends what the purpose you going there for, some ppl prefer to stay at Kowloon, some like Hong Kong island. Both times I stayed at Kowloon near Mong Kok because of the night markets, can shop and eat till late at night. Try to find a hotel near the MRT, HK is very accessible with the MRT (MTR) system.

I'm better with Macau as I did more research on it, and booked my own hotel and itinerary. Macau is small and convenient with buses and taxis. So very easy to navigate. Hotel wise, choose one at the main island, near the casinos. Cos it will be very convenient for shopping, dinning, traveling and casinos hopping. You no need to stay in a casino hotel, but can check out the special price offer by the casino hotels online. Now economic crisis plus low season, heard the hotels are slashing prices and might able to get very good deal on those 5 stars casino hotels like Wynn, MGM, Libosa, Sands. Else try to get those nearby like Landmark Macau, Hotel Presidente, Hotel Beverly etc. But if you want to fully enjoy hotel room facilities, The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel at Cotai island. The suites are great, with very cool amenities. And the price is cheaper than Wynn and MGM which are located in the Macau city. But its far away from the city, no night life and hard to get something to eat.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 10:47

Add-on! Birdie, check out yesterday life section of Strait times, NATAS is here again. Said prices slash even further. Looking at the price, really quite cheap. I always try wait for NATAS, cos they often give free gift when you purchase up to a certain amount of $, and if pay by credit card, the credit card company gives free gift too. Last time I took free gifts worth of about $200 home when I booked my Egypt tour there, and the tour package itself already quite cheap with discount! So in NATAS, you can always get a good catch.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 12:26

hi tks, dolphin, can only visit NATAS 1stmar. leaving for Genting tonite n bck 28th nite. plan to go Hkg/Macau in mid April. Take care all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 00:12

pai sei, v long din visit liao... almost lost my way.

birdie, hv a gd trip!

i oso find tis yr css's std better than last.

last mon's eps, glad tat boy was out. cannt tahan his singing. =p

dun really like d way dey presented d show tis time. d hosts a bit rude at times when dey snatch to speak when judges r speaking. & d last part wer 2 contestants r left, dey hv to sing den see who's out. bo liao lor...

anyway, i've alws follow css so far. let's see who will emerge as d winner. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2009 02:22

aiyo me too, lost. too many places to visit the hippos, i dunno where to go liao. dizzy...tink i hv a serious illness, i m a serial tagger! :P
the last time i stayed at this hotel in mongkok too. everyday will walk to the mtr station beside the mongkok police station for the day's sightseeing. never been to macau, wanted to go the other time but later stinge on it cos tot the cost of the ferry ride was not worth spending only 1 day there.
oh the AC girl is good, the lil girl is oso a powerhse. hee... ya, after the judge says he is v oily, everytime he opens his mouth aft dat, i keep tinking oil is oozing out fr his mouth. act i quite liked his RnB flavor, if only he can reduce smthg...cant pinpoint wat though.
for me, i wish they will skip the part where they ask opinions for who will be eliminated. waste of time, the web analysis is gd enuff, at least link in to the internet chatter. n i m still wonderin why on earth did they move the host fr backstage to front?? it's such a crowd on the stage.
ho ho ho if the contestants continue to improve, it'll be a tough fight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2009 13:36

it's css again tonite! wonder who will b out tis time.

wish dey cld sing d full song rather than juz part. sometimes dey get better after d chorus.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 March, 2009 13:55

hello cuties, how's every1? already march, 1st qrt of the year gone liow. today is black mon, is raining outside, can hear the thunder, hope no lightning, it can be scary, hitting out at things n ppl ramdomly. was passing the esplanade the other day, saw tourist buses parked there, n lots of tourists taking pics of the lighning-hit merlion. many years ago, a neighbour's 10year old malay boy was playing football in his pri sch open field, with a grp of school mates, it was raining, suah suah, he was, striked by lightning, died instantly.. his whole face turned black - ugly side of nature.

aiyo, the young girls r fighting to hv a piece of Nic.

enjoy yr wk ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2009 01:42

hi everyone! jus heard the good news, so excited for the hippos. hee i jus had 2 cups of tea earlier plus this news...tink tonite cant sleep oredi.
ya i oso tink sometimes the song is too short, until it doesnt seem like a real singin competition. wld rather they cut down the ads n talkin, n hv more time to sing the complete song. benita out oredi. watched the last epi, dun see the rocker, she got kicked out oredi? i liked both their personalities. so fast, now left w only 4, hard for me to choose. quite like all of them! dunno to choose an all round performer or s/o who can simply sing but seems v bland.
merlion got hit, i didnt feel a thing. people get struck by lightning, esp kids... that's so sad. Gotta remind the kids to stop playin n seek shelter when there's lightning.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 March, 2009 10:50

so fast a/r new wk!

haa... merlion hit by lightning... some see it as bad omen, some tink it's "huat ah"!

garfield, tonite's css who do u tink will b out? i tink d boy boy chances of getting thru is high coz he seems to hv lots of supporters. my guess is either li li mei zi or d jia xx (forgot her name) will b out. s little gal performs quite well lately, so her chance to get into d finals is oso high.

those following d competition, wats ur guess? ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 March, 2009 17:36

act i tot li li n the boy boy will be out. is boy boy so good? ya now i oso tink he has v high chance. mus be his cute cute face. his slow song, so soft but his fast song was gooood, it was a pleasant surprise to hear him sing like dat. poor girl girl is out again even though she's really good. but at least she has ano chance to compete again. No wonder they eliminate so fast, hv a 2nd revival! yeah, i hv 3 faves next week, look forward to their perf.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 March, 2009 23:26

boy boy act has a nice vocal... juz sometimes i tink he din sing "properly"? sometimes i find him sing too low liao... last mon, he sang well for d fast song.

did u notice, d host alws ask xian han to comment boy boy's performance? i know she likes him, but cannt alws ask her to comment mah. will pian xin one.

dey alws chg d rules huh... tis x hv 2 rds of revival. i dun hv any faves, so shall juz see who manage to revive. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 March, 2009 21:30

now u mention, tink it's quite true, he din sing properly smtimes. hmmm...ya, mayb dat's why i m prejudiced agst the boy boy. i guess gotta chg format to keep the audience engaged. even for ai, the judges now hv a collective wildcard to save any deservin contestant who happen to foul up on the perf day. ytd my bro on the stereo wn adam sang. gosh! he's sounds so blxxdy good!


Anonymous birdie | 30 March, 2009 13:37

Read this, find it interesting:-

24 Things To Always Remember

Your presence is a present to the world.
You are unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.

Hv a nice day~

Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You will make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Do not put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal and you prize.

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
Do not take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot … goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life’s treasure are people together.

Realize that it is never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have hearth and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.



Anonymous flamingo | 30 March, 2009 22:57

who is adam?


Anonymous garfield | 07 April, 2009 01:37

That's a good 24 things to rem! Sometimes there is so much self-doubt, we tend to forget there is more to life than all the little negativities that pile up along the way.
Adam is a contestant fr the latest season of american idol.
So how was cheer's concert? saw the pics in papers, did she really tattoo her entire arm? :O


Anonymous birdie | 07 April, 2009 18:18

a shocking video..



Anonymous creamy doggy | 07 April, 2009 22:42

Hello AK7!!
Long time no see!
Compass rusty liao!!

Have fun!!


Anonymous flamingo | 08 April, 2009 15:45

oic... i din follow american idol...

d concert was quite nice... but if u read d news article, d response was quite bad. less than haf d stadium filled. compared to her concerts in taiwan & hk... here was really bad.

despite tat, she still sing & perform her best as it's her 1st time in spore.

read on i-wkly, d tattoo is real...


Anonymous garfield | 11 April, 2009 01:35

long lost doggy found! :)
He's really good. aft his perf this week, i wanted to stand and shout I LOVE YOU ADAM! :D The way he sings the songs is always v refreshin. oooo cant stand the new judge. smtimes feel like tellin her to shut up wn she goes on n on. get to the point lady.
the review i tot was quite good. like her new songs but not fam w her old ones. serious... really tattoo her whole arm, she's so demure. dun suit her image. it's a really nice design though...but jus imagine the pain she had to go thru to get it done. alwys wanted to get one but no guts. my fren gave me this scare story....a fren did a small one on her back near the waistline, in the end it was so painful she cried n asked the tattooist to stop only after doing the outline! *cringe*


Anonymous flamingo | 13 April, 2009 13:28

cheer - my fren saw fm her fan website tat d tattoo was juz a temp one. so i'm nt sure if it's real or it's nt. anyway, i wont b surprise if she had a real tattoo. though it doesnt suit her image lah. haa...

was it tat painful? din hv d courage to try... & it's nt cheap even to do a small one.

garfield, watch last nite css's final? heeheehee... tat boy boy emerged... dunno y he looked pretty stress. lesser smiles as compared to past performances.


Anonymous garfield | 15 April, 2009 01:13

ohh...i hope it's a temp one cos the more i tink of it, maybe the factor dat has been holding me back is not the pain but dat i shldnt tamper w what i hv been given by mother nature. dunno if it's really dat painful, maybe my fren was tryin to scare me or the person had a really low pain threshold.
Yes, of cos I watched :) aiyo such a lame 2nd round. ya lor... it's a boy again! looks like he's ur fave. ;) Mus say he did well for the finals. His 1st perf was best out of the 4 n his last one was better than his usual std. Ya i oso tink he looked soooo genuinely stressed, poor boy, dunno wat happened.
Alas the girl girl did not perf her usual std for her 1st n last song. If she can maintain her usual std, she wld hv won hands down w judges score as 70%.
heh heh act if base on the 1st rd perf only since the 2nd rd was sooo lame, i wld hv let boy boy n the ac girl go thru...if only i were the judge. :P


Anonymous flamingo | 16 April, 2009 20:30

yes, i agree tat rd 2 was v lame! cant really hear wat dey singing.

& i tink tis time d rd 1 wasnt too fair too. it might b draw lots as to which team u will pair wif. but i juz find it nt too fair. & i dun like last gal's performance wif tat 大风吹. dun like d way dey chg d song.

i admit tat i quite like tat boy coz he has a nice vocal & he got d looks. he reminds me of leo ku. haa...


Anonymous garfield | 19 April, 2009 00:09

rd 1 really dpds on who u pair up w. dey either pull u up or pull u down. the last girl pair up w the band was def not good, so messy! they shld hv asked the hippos, mayb can help pull her up but poor goldfish mus be gurglin i hv no time, i hv no time now to perf in css2! :D
omg leo ku...u sure or not? :P both hv the boy boy look. was never crazy abt him.


Anonymous birdie | 22 April, 2009 00:12

hi waves creamy doggy, nice 2C u & how's every1? esp dolphin? saw u perform at Ocean Park haha!

ppl r talking abt Susan Boyle.. so i listened, she is amazing.

sweet dreams all!


Anonymous birdie | 25 April, 2009 13:57

Hi all, it was a gt performance by hippos & fat rhino, with a v gd sound system & a v sporting audience..the screaming, jumping n singing along..

Could feel a happy, exciting atmosphere, esp de end where every1 was so relutant to leave. The encore one was gd.

So happy 2 meet some of the cuties, it was a long time since we last met.. i was looking around 4 u all but could'nt see, cos u all were too far away fm where i was sitting.. i was on de brighter side, so some of u cld c me.

tks flamingo, duckling, dolphin, bambi & creamy doggie..esp bambi, think the last time we met was at de F1 racing.

dolphin & duckling -all the best for yr exams, hope u both can get great results & a gt future.

happy weekend cuties~


Anonymous flamingo | 01 May, 2009 23:18

happy labour day & happy wkend!

it's a long awaited long wkend for me. hope all of u will njoy it.

but guess duckling & dolphin r studying hard for their exams. jia you!


Anonymous birdie | 20 May, 2009 10:54

hi waves cuties, just 2 relax..

Who is clever?
Teacher or student??

One Night 4 College Students Were Playing Till Late Night And Didn't
Study For The Test Which Was Scheduled For The Next Day.

In the morning they thought of a plan. They made themselves look as
Dirty and weird with grease and dirt. They then went up to the Dean and
Said that they had gone out to a wedding last night and on their return
The tyre of their car burst and they had to push the car all the way
Back and that they were in no condition to appear for the test.

So the Dean said they can have the re-test after 3 days. They thanked
Him and said they will be ready by that time.
On the third day they appeared before the Dean. The Dean said that as
This was a Special Condition Test, All four were required to sit in
Separate classrooms for the test.
They all agreed as they had prepared well in the last 3 days.

The Test consisted of 2 questions with the total of 100 Marks.

Q.1. Your Name........ ......... ........( 2 MARKS )
Q.2. Which tyre burst ?........... ....( 98 MARKS )

A) Front Left
B) Front Right
C) Back Left
D) Back Right .....!!!

True story from IIT Bombay ...

wish all gd health! & blessings!


Anonymous dolphin | 04 June, 2009 23:01

hey hey, I'm back from the dead. Exam not finished yet, two left to go, but they should be easy for me. So I relax relax. But I'll get busy again, new tasks at work, and it should keep me busy for quite a long period of time. But I welcome it, new challenge.

I like that joke birdie, it is funny. Haha. Sadly it also bought memories to my paper... can you imagine such a joke actually has a psychology behind? THink too much study started to bring craziness into me. :(

I want HOLIDAYS!!!


Anonymous birdie | 10 June, 2009 11:23

Happy are the ones who r kept bzy.
Sad are the ones who hv nothing to do.

hi waves~~ cuties, something for u 2 wonder..

Enjoy??????...History With???????...Mystery

Ask a history teacher 2 explain this----- if he can?

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head

.---Now it gets really weird. ---

Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln .
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln , was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln , was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939,
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford'.
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford.'
Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

--- And here's the kicker---

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

Creepy huh?????


Anonymous flamingo | 12 June, 2009 11:09

hi dolphin, congrats on ur "release"!

woo birdie... tat's creepy indeed...


Anonymous dolphin | 13 June, 2009 00:51

Awww, is that suppose to be a curse or something??

Yah, I'm release from books, but only half day of freedom. Now being prisoner again, by work. sianz.


Anonymous garfield | 14 June, 2009 00:40

dolphin's back! missed u here :) jus came back frm a walk. it's like aircon outdoors tonite. wish it's like this every nite.


Anonymous doggy | 22 June, 2009 22:53

Noah's Ark..

this is a all-time favorable story..

a story of hope and love..

when the animals traveled through the storms on the ocean for 40 days..alive

..when they peeped out of the window..a leaf fell from the sky..

signified a HOPE falling from above..

thereafter, the storm vanished..

the animals found a place to live..



Anonymous birdie | 26 June, 2009 23:23

the world has lost a great pop icon.. Michael Jackson, so sad.

i remembered watching n listening to his singing in a 3-D screen in Jpn-disneyland many years ago, he was fantastic.. the world will miss him n he will be remembered .. RIP MJ.

hi waves doggy n every1, Noah's Ark is my fav story, reading it, is fun, watching DVD is even more fun..


Anonymous birdie | 07 July, 2009 01:03


Those who loves to eat shrimp/prawn... please read through.. it could save your life or other people's lives...

Taiwan, a woman suddenly died unexpectedly with signs of bleeding from her ears, nose, mouth & eyes. After a preliminary autopsy it was diagnosed death due to arsenic poisoning death.

Where did the arsenic come from???

The police launched an in-depth and extensive investigation. A professor was invited to solve the case. The professor carefully looked at the contents from the deceased's stomach, in less than half an hour, the mystery was solved.

The professor said: 'The deceased did not commit suicide and neither was she murdered, she died of accidental death due to ignorance!'

Everyone was puzzled.
Why accidental death?
The arsenic is of the U.S.military for carrying rice seedlings H Gao.

The professor said: 'The arsenic is produced in the stomach of the deceased. 'The deceased used to take 'Vitamin C' everyday, which in itself is not a problem. The problem was that she ate a large portion of shrimp/prawn during dinner. Eating shrimp/prawn is not the problem that's why nothing happened to her family ever though they took the same shrimp/prawn. However at the same time the deceased also took 'vitamin C', that is where the problem is!

Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States , found through experiments, food such as soft-shell shrimp/prawn contains amuch higher concentration of - five potassium arsenic compounds. Such fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the human body!However, in taking 'vitamin C', due to the chemical reaction, the original non-toxic - five potassium arsenic (As anhydride,also known as arsenic oxide, the chemical formula for As205) changed to a three potassium toxic arsenic (ADB arsenic anhydride), also known as arsenictrioxide, a chemical formula (As203), which is commonly known as arsenic to the public! Arsenic poisoning have magma role and can cause paralysisto the small blood vessels, "mercapto Jimei"??, inhibits the activity of the liver and fat necrosis change Hepatic Lobules Centre, heart, liver, kidney, intestine congestion, epithelial cell necrosis, telangiectasia. Therefore, a person who dies of arsenic poisoning will shows signs ofbleeding from the ears, nose, mouth & eyes. As a precautionary measure, DO NOT not take shrimp/prawn when taking 'vitamin C'.

After reading this; please Forward to your friends and family!!

Gd night & rainbow dreams~~


Anonymous birdie | 07 July, 2009 01:26

one angmoh lady, suddenly popped into my MSN, left a msg 2 offer her friendship n to chitchat.. i was surprised!, how did she manage to come inside?, is supposed to be pte le.

of cos, i rejected n bar her fm coming in agn, but can someone explain?


Anonymous dolphin | 07 July, 2009 21:15

Hey all cuties, long time to tag. Life remains to be as busy as possible. Hope all are healthy and happy.

Birdie, it could be a virus, I never add anyone I don't know at all. Just ignore it and block if possible.


Anonymous birdie | 08 July, 2009 14:13

tks dolphin, be it virus or stranger, is scary..the feeling is like yr pte life is being invaded n spy on.. or someone entered yr home so easily.

hv a gd day to all cuties~


Anonymous birdie | 15 July, 2009 00:59

hi waves to all cuties ~~

saw both Russia n India photos of rosemary n dolphin.. wow gd.. the buildings all look hugh.

what abt sharing yr experiences there?

met a friend, she told me she is scared of gg to Russia cos is a communist country.. is Russia that scary?

stay happy n rest well, gd nite all.


Anonymous birdie | 20 July, 2009 13:28

Just Sharing.

The Story of a Pencil

In the begnning, the Pencil Maker spoke to the pencil saying.

"There are 5 things u need to know b4 I send u out into the world.
Always remember them & u will become the best pencil u can be."

U will be able to do many gt things, but only if u allow yrself to be held in Someone's hand.

U will experience a painful
Sharpening from time to time,
but this is required if u want to become a better person.

You have the ability to correct any mistake u might make.
The most important part of u will always be what's inside,
No matter what condition.
U must condinue to write.
U must always leave a clear legible mark, no matter how difficult the situation.

The Pencil understood.
Promising to remember & went into the box fully understanding the Maker's purpose

Now replacing the pencil with yourself,
Always remember...

The most important part of u,
Will always be what's on the inside.
Every1 is like a Pencil.
Created by the Maker for a unique & special purpose.


Anonymous birdie | 20 July, 2009 13:31


U will experience a painful
Sharpening from time to time,
but this is required if u want to become a better 'Pencil'.


Anonymous flamingo | 20 July, 2009 14:00

hi birdie,

sori i've mia v long so juz saw ur msg.

russia is a v nice ctry. we went out at nite & still feel safe. (partly bcoz it's white nite there, so its still pretty bright)

b4 d tour, d agency did give briefing & said it's better nt to go out at nite. warn us abt pick-pockets & potential risk of being rob. but so far so gd. alls well.

if plan to go there f&e, need to do lots of homework. language is indeed a barrier, but with sufficient research, it shld b ok to move ard on own.


Anonymous dolphin | 27 July, 2009 23:00

I want to go for a holiday. After so many months of studying, projects and exam, + the ever adding on workload, I need a break. So... I'm going for a SUMMER HOLIDAY! The sun, the beach, the sea, the swimming trunks and 6 packs. Here I come!


Anonymous flamingo | 30 July, 2009 17:31

wer to? wer to? ;p


Anonymous birdie | 07 August, 2009 11:49

Hi bzy cuties,

recd tis fm a friend, sharing, either u like or dislike it..

Be Thankful..


















Live well, Laugh often, & Love with all of your heart!


Anonymous dolphin | 09 August, 2009 19:18

Flamingo, I went to the more more tea island. It was not as beautiful as I thought it will be. but the resort is good. And thank goodness that I didn't get a sun burn. Put lot of sunblock. :P

Happy national day everyone!!! Its long weekend!


Anonymous birdie reflecting | 19 August, 2009 16:37

Hi dear AK,

U were born around 15thAug06, so tis shd be yr 3rd birthday. U almost died, but back alive. Tis place is v quiet now, overtaken by facebook & other interests. Nvr mind, u still hv some loyal residents, who will pop in occassionally.

I am sure the cuties are proud of u - a place they once shared their joy & sadness.

Keep yr candle burning!
Congratulations! for lasing 3yrs.

Tks to all cuties(MLB supporters) for giving life to AK n for sharing yr valuable time, thots n stories.

It was fun!


Anonymous dolphin | 19 August, 2009 21:20

3rd bithday? Didn't realise it being so long...
Don't look back, look forward, and it will still be here to celebrate its 4th, 5th, 6th... birthday.


Anonymous flamingo | 20 August, 2009 17:40

hi birdie, saw ur post on FB den i pop by... ;p

so fast 3 yrs gone huh... glad tis place still survives though it's v quiet.

sori, dolphin, i din visit so juz den saw ur reply. i tot tat place quite nice?


Anonymous duckling | 21 August, 2009 11:43

Hi all cuties, how r you doing?

I've been very busy with work, school, s****d project, tests, etc etc...

one day, i didn't get a sms response fm dolphin then I realise she cld be on holiday! How envy...

Capri, I hvn't got time to see yr travel photos yet! sob..sob..

Dolphin, thanks for taking care of my Farm. Dun need to spend time on it, coz` i'm giving it up real soon (soon = when i've time to login FB from home).

Birdie, 3 years! Let's all look forward to more years to come....

Take care, all! :)


Anonymous birdie | 24 August, 2009 01:10

hi waves to the future.. cuties, tks, gd to know we are of one-heart.. ya lets bring AK to the future.. tis place is more unique than FB. more pte.

I passed thru Little India tis evening, I thot I passed thru de time machine n got transported to the state of India/Blangadesh. Alamat, every nook n corner covered with what looks like armies of black ants.

sweet dreams all!


Anonymous flamingo | 26 August, 2009 14:06

duckling, u can take ur time to view d pics. i wont delete them yet.

anyone gg to d gig on sat? let me know if u r. i may pop by.

"Alamat, every nook n corner covered with what looks like armies of black ants." - so horrible?


Anonymous dolphin | 03 September, 2009 23:46

Haha, I went Little India few weeks ago too, to find a saree for my friend's wedding. Her wedding thee is culture, so the group of jiemeis decided to dress saree on her big day. Its not that expensive, 6.5m long of cloth cos from $20 to $100. I bought mine at $26 :D Little india can be fun too if you go into those small alley. My friend wanna bring me to do threading (an alternative of eyebrow trimming), too bad it was closed that day. Heard it is a famous shop in little india and it only cost $5.

K, little update on my lift. No, I'm not getting married, at least not of I know of :P.

I have successfully graduated!!! yah, with a 2nd lower honour. Although I aim for 2nd upper, but 2nd lower also acceptable. No more memory torturing, no more sat classes that made me missed all the fun events. No more put on hold holiday, and best of all, no more expensive school fees. Yeah!

Just like birdie said, I have reach the summit of this stage. Will rest for a while before I start to climb the next level.


Anonymous duckling | 05 September, 2009 10:43

Congratulations! :D

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