
milubing | 24 February, 2008 00:08

Wanna know someone I respect? I met him again today(23/2) at bugis singing a few of his own songs. The last time i talked to him was during SHA 07.

"why do u respect him?" you might ask...
-He dares to make music that is true to himself, and the genres that he uses show his courage especially in the mandarin pop market.
-His emphasis is purely his music...he is being himself...he is flattered if u like him for his looks but would rather you Love him for his music.
-His character in real life, is humble and polite. I do not sense any pride in him.
-He believes in music, and trained himself to reach an outstanding standard of not only being the singer, but the musician and producer as well.

May more singers/bands like him spring out to make the mandarin music industry a more colourful one... :) have a good sunday MLBians. Love u all.

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Anonymous birdie | 05 September, 2009 13:21

hi all,

haha, they are human ants, covering every available space.. it was a Sunday evening n the street light there was not so bright, looking out fm the bus windows, they look like big black ants to me!

agreed with dolphin, Little India can be v interesting, esp if u wander around the lanes, but pls dont do it on Sundays...

and dolphin congrats agn, hope yr future climbs will be just as successful.

happy weekends & cheers to all!


Anonymous birdie | 05 September, 2009 13:43

hi all,

haha! they look like hugh masses of human ants.

dolphin - Agreed, Little India can be interesting esp if u wander around those lanes, but please dun do it on Sundays.

So do do u hv any photo in sari? share it in FB lah.

Once agn, Congrats! looking down fm the submit, the views & feelings are certaining different.. All the best for yr future climbs!

I love to wander alone, around lanes, when I was working in Malacca some years bck, sometimes u may stumble across interesting discoveries.

Happy weekends all. Cheers!


Anonymous birdie | 05 September, 2009 13:46

hi sori double posts, cos i couldnt see earlier posting until i posted agn the 2nd one.


Anonymous birdie | 17 September, 2009 15:44

hi waves ~~~

This is very funny!!!

Intro: The 1st ltr was posted last year, in one of the forums, by a person who goes by the nickname "ChinChaiOne" and he named his thread "Tolong Tolong".

It was picked up by other forums,
circulated around (even in govt depts) then someone posed as an official in
the PM's office posted a reply.

From : ChinChaiOne
28-Apr 12:15

Dear Prime Minister,

We citizens of Singapore urge you to PLEASE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
We DO NOT NEED your help.

Every time, you mention HELP, we have to run for cover!!!

Help traffic flow? Up ERP!
Help passenger service? Up Bus fare/MRT fare!
Help us get taxi? Raise taxi fare!
Help us get good government? Raise Minister and Civil servant salary!
Everytime YOU WANT TO HELP, we all PAY FOR IT!!!

need your help liao. We DARE NOT ask for help any more!!!

HELP Singapore INVEST also!
Everytime your wife invest, we all lose money! Kao liao, kum siah!
Just let us have a dose of bad governance, like recently the Mat Selamat case, like dat. so far, it is ok, your incompetence, we ACCEPT!

PLEASE DO NOT help us have better security!
Wait we all kena PAY FOR IT!!


I think it is ok lah, please just take your salary and enjoy life ok?

Thank you thank you,

I am very chin chai one, any how any how, no need to help oso can one.

to be conti:-

Following is a reply from the "Prime
Minister's Office":


Anonymous birdie | 21 September, 2009 12:34

v funny reply! is original..

Following is a reply from the "Prime

Date: Sat, 2ndAug,2009.

Dear Chin Chai One,

10Q you for your letter. On behalf of the Prime Minister, I am replying to your letter as follows:

As the elected party of Singaporeans, we are here to serve.

We are demon-cratic country, you are master,
we gahmen servant, we serve you. You got problems we must help. You say no need our help?

That means you're not Singapore's master.
You say you run for cover? Cannot one, our police will find you.

GST is to help the Gahmen to help yourself.
The Gahmen Service Tax is every where, you go America also have one, cannot run one.

Traffic very bad, so bad that we have to hold car racing at nite to avoid traffic jam. We believe there is no free lunch like PM's father say before, you use, you must pay, so Every Road Pay.. So you see no ERP cannot one.

Needless to say, passenger service also must pay.

The increase in bus fare and MRT and taxi fare are very little already.
We foresee world inflation coming: oil, steel, pay of foreign talents, etc,
so we have to pay for the service.

You see, many foreign talents come to Singapore. If we don't pay our ministers well, they will go other countries to be their foreign talents. So must raise salary to keep them. If not, Nathan, Shanmugam, Bala etc will go India and work. Khaw will go Malaysia. etc etc. Must keep them. To keep them must pay well.

You are right, any help also must pay.

To help yourself? No, it's illegal.

You mean you can build your own MRT?
Run your own buses?
Drive your Ba-Ong-Chia?
Build your own roads?

Seow liao!! Every one help himself then how?
No social order lah! Ga ga ask for help, we are here to serve you.

We understand some of you have temporary problem.
Don't worry, it is only short term. We must look long term.
We must invest long term.
Now lose a bit don't cow beh cow boo, long term! Yes,
remember. 30 or 50 years later we will own Swiss banks, US banks, UK
properties, maybe even South Pole condominiums. We must tighten our seat
belt and bite our false teeth.

The future very bright. As long as you continue to support the gahmen 30 to 50 years you will see
bright future.

So Chiang See Tong a bit lah. Also, investing is very
complicated business, not easy. We must pay school fee to learn from
advanced countries.

On Selamat's case, we also must learn our lesson.

We encourage life-long-learning. I learn whole life time, you learn whole life, Mr Wong Can't Sing also whole life learning. It's actually good.
Mr Wong already apologise, don't force a dog to jump over the wall, the wall
may collapse. Old dog cannot jump high also.
Selamat's case gives us many lessons.
We must be on alert, not too complacent.
Now every Singaporean know there can
be a terrorist among us any time.
This is the best self defence education !!
PM will give Mr Wong another salary increment for that.

Also now we merge the prisons and detention centre, more space will be available now..
We will build it like another IR, Integrated Retention -
so those don't want our service and thinking of doing
illegal service will go there. We will pass a new law too, the expenses for
stay in that IR will be deducted from your CPF money.

Remember we must be grateful to people who help us -- and pay.

I hope I have explained the situation and
give you the message clearly. If you still need help, please call my
handphone: 9990-6767, it's toll-free.

By the way,

Mr Chin Chai One, our pioneer Toh Chin Chai already toh long ago.
So if you choose to be Chin Chin Chai Chai, you will also Toh.

10Q you again,


Ah Beng
Grassrude secretary


Anonymous dolphin | 28 September, 2009 02:25

Just back from the F1 final. So I gotta write something down here, Well, my objective was not the cars, its someone else. Finally I got to see him again. :D He is still as cute as ever, even though now he is already a dad!!! Long time never sweat like today... think I can lose a kg just because of the water lose.

The cars were fast, Kimi is cute, and last of all, B-Rok, you still rock my world after 16 years, and more to come!!!


Anonymous birdie | 02 October, 2009 00:29

happiness is to be able to see someone u wish to see, regardless of the no of yrs gone by.. after that, one just feel contended..

our neighbouring countries are experiencing such gt hardships, war, earthquakes, flood, tsunami, typhoon bush fire etc.. is just like the Almighty up there is trying to clean up the world.. is scary.

seeing all these, our little red dot is like a lttle heaven.. small can be beautiful !


Anonymous flamingo | 05 October, 2009 09:43

woo dolphin, so u went to F1 huh... i oni went to watch d evening races fm outside d ring. hee...

hv a great wk everyone... mon again... *yawn*


Anonymous birdie | 08 October, 2009 15:26

just my fantasy thot only..

what is my wish now?
i want a time machine, haha!
think, every1 has a time machine in us..
inside our sub-concious..
but how to use it?
any1 know?
think, must be born with the
ability.. like Dr. Lopsang Rampa.

quote fm him..

"We are still in the age of Kali - the age of destruction and final quadrant of the cycle, brought on by the First World War - but it might not be over in our lifetime as the pendulum of life hasn't quite reached its zenith yet. The Earth is still in a negative phase - and like all cycles it must end one day - as soon as mankind changes their ways and then we will venture forward towards a Golden age. Things won't be getting any better unless mankind seriously changes their ways - we have a choice - so choose wisely. Mankind's worse enemy is themselves and no one else."

no wonder, our neigbouring countries are suffering..


Anonymous birdie | 08 October, 2009 15:26

just my fantasy thot only..

what is my wish now?
i want a time machine, haha!
think, every1 has a time machine in us..
inside our sub-concious..
but how to use it?
any1 know?
think, must be born with the
ability.. like Dr. Lopsang Rampa.

quote fm him..

"We are still in the age of Kali - the age of destruction and final quadrant of the cycle, brought on by the First World War - but it might not be over in our lifetime as the pendulum of life hasn't quite reached its zenith yet. The Earth is still in a negative phase - and like all cycles it must end one day - as soon as mankind changes their ways and then we will venture forward towards a Golden age. Things won't be getting any better unless mankind seriously changes their ways - we have a choice - so choose wisely. Mankind's worse enemy is themselves and no one else."

no wonder, our neigbouring countries are suffering..


Anonymous birdie | 08 October, 2009 15:29

double postings, no idea why, i thot i hit only once.

anyway happy bdae to nico.


Anonymous birdie | 13 October, 2009 13:10

The New Paper Oct13 2009 good news for MLB


partial quote only.. -" Bird's nest prince helps band take flight.

Local band Milubing gets $100,000 to produce 3rd album.

Mr Lawrence Tan, general manager of Dragon Brand Bird's Nest, is pumping in almost $100,000 to produce local band Milubing's third album.

- 'Set Meal For Three', is slated to be released early next month". unquote..


Anonymous birdie | 18 October, 2009 14:30

As long as we have memories
Yesterday remains
As long as we have hope
Tomorrow awaits,
AS long as we have friendship,
Each day is never a waste..

Happy weekend cuties!


Anonymous birdie | 29 October, 2009 12:56

haha, dear deserted jungle, me waiting 2 fly 2 de Eastern part of the world.. counting the days.. excited le~.


Anonymous flamingo | 31 October, 2009 09:48

Hi Birdie, which eastern part r u travelling to?

i'm oso counting dwn to my trip... but it's oni to bkk... better than nothing. haa...


Anonymous birdie | 01 November, 2009 02:38

to Takayama, Japan.

it will be v cold, minus degrees, i was told.


Anonymous birdie | 01 November, 2009 02:42

gg tis Sunday.


Anonymous capri | 04 November, 2009 13:20

wow... seems nice!

shall see ur pics when back.

bring enuf warm clothings & hv a great trip!


Anonymous duckling | 06 November, 2009 11:35

Hi birdie

Have a wondeful trip....share with us your experience in Takayama when you're back.



Anonymous birdie | 17 November, 2009 17:53

Hi cuties waves~

Takayama means tall mountain, cradled in the foothills of the Japan Alps, a city located in Gifu, Japan. The city is a beautiful, historical town, surrounded by tall snowy mountains . The houses are unique & beautiful & ancient, surrounded by muti-coloured trees of unique shapes, which u cannot find in Spore.

The weather - cold but shiok! The mountain air v v fresh and refreshing.
We can actually see and touch snow.

We stayed at a Japanese ryokan/Inn, up in the mountain and sleeping
on a futon in a heated room.
My 1st experience, staying in a Jap ryokan.

Enjoyed the mutli-course dinner(kaiseki).
1st time in a hot-bath with my fellow travellers.
haha! it was fun, laughing at our naked bodies.
It was like going back to being children agn.
We all were v shy at 1st.
But eventually, we went for it.
Firstly, we had to shower with soap, to thoroughly
cleanse ourselves 1st, b4 going into the hot-bath.
The water was hot but bearable.
Wow! shiok~

I tried the famous ramen noodles,both dry version with special sauce n the one - cooked in miso stock with thin noodles, oicee ne!
The fresh milk, was light and fresh. The ice-cream yummy !.

Inside a Ryokan Guest Room
A typical ryokan guest room contains:=

the "agari-kamachi" (after opening a door guests step into this small area and take off their shoes)
sliding door - separates the agari-kamachi from the sleeping area/room, with "tatami" mat flooring N futons for sleeping.
low wooden tables with "zabuton" (sitting cushions) N a teapot, teacups, jap tea-leaves.
Yukata/jap robes were provided, but we all had no experience in wearing. The yukata always
split open, haha~ exposing our inner wears. So we wore outer coat provided to protect oursleves and to keep warm.

"When you arrive at the ryokan, take off your shoes at the entrance and put on the slippers provided. The slippers are used for walking around inside the ryokan. Your shoes will be placed in the entrance when you want to go outside."

We all felt revived and rejuvenate.


Anonymous birdie | 19 November, 2009 14:34

forgot to mention.. we were stuck inside the departure hall of Nagoya airport, cos SIA plane was having some mechanical fault, later departure cancelled.. had to stay 1 more nite at airport 5*hotel. v comfortable room, that's where i used their comp to sent greetings fm Nagoya in facebook.. think is blessings in disguise, for the plane's fault to be detected prior to picking us up. if we were inside the plane and halfway bck home, it would be terrible.

enjoy de raining day! cool weather. shiok 2 nap.


Anonymous birdie | 04 December, 2009 15:22

hello every1,

come in to warm tis place, weather is cold outside, mother nature is doing some cleaning, inside tis jungle is also v cold. my body is also giving me some cleaning la. so my weekend is going to be miserable.

tis plc is still best to voice our thots. FB is more public.

2009 coming to an end soon. 3wks to xmas! n v soon CNY2010.

time! really can fly,

reflecting, what had i achieved for 2009?

something helpful for us ladies..

fm Sunday ST..

Q. Is drinking fruit juice an appropriate substitute for eating fresh fruit?

Ans. No, eating fresh fruit is the best option.

Ms Nehal Kamdar, senior dietitian from Raffles Hospital, says: 'It is always better to eat the fruit instead of having fruit juice.

A whole fruit provides you with a lot more nutrition than fruit juice.

The edible skins of fruits such as apples, apricots, blueberries, figs, grapes, pears and plums interact with sunlight and form a variety of coloured pigments called carotenoids, which have been found to be beneficial for health.

'When fruit is juiced, most of the skin is lost. The pulpy part of the fruit is also a source of fibre, which is often removed in fruit juices.

Taking too much fruit juice can also lead to excessive calorie intake, causing weight gain.'

3488(zhang xi bye2), haha, learn fm PM Lee.


Anonymous birdie | 06 December, 2009 11:23

Kaypoh news..

Extracted fm:- http://mysteryblogger-justsayit.blogspot.com/

NSS 2010

Date : 31 Dec 2009

Time : 8.30pm To 1.30am

Venue : Khatib MRT Open Field

Check This Out : some of the performers..

SuperBand 1, J3, Jus - B & Milubing.


Anonymous birdie | 23 December, 2009 12:27

Beginning today I will look in the mirrror.
I will see a person worthy of my respect & admiration.
This capable person looking bck at me is someone I enjoy spending time & someone I would like to get to know better.

Beginning today I will cherish each moment of my life & be responsible for my own Happiness.

dolphin, flamingo, duckling, garfield,

"Wish all a very Happy, Blessed Xmas & successful 2010".

2009, is coming to and end. I think tis jungle is also coming to an end too.

Hope my greetings can reach u all.

Happy working. Cheers!


Anonymous birdie looking towards a better NY | 31 December, 2009 11:29

Hi cuties,

We are walking towards de end of the road of 2009, which very soon will becomes history & memories.

2010 is just a few steps away.
While u journey down the roads
& lanes of 2010,
May u all meet a big slice of Happiness, Joy & Success not forgetting yr "Bai Ma Wan Ze!".

Happy 2010 ~
Enjoy yr last few hours to de fullest! Cheers!


Anonymous dolphin | 04 January, 2010 00:17

Hi All cuties, happy new year!!!
I know its already the 4th day :P
Were away for a road trip to Ipoh and Cameron Highlands. It was fun and a good retreat to be away from the busy worklife. Work is hectic nowadays, project going live in a week and I had been working 18 hrs per day including weekends and more to come. Hopefully i'm not so busy in the later part of the year. I wanna go Japan too!!! Target: This yr Autumn!!


Anonymous birdie | 11 January, 2010 13:52

hi waves to dolphin,

jiayou~ in whatever u doing..

Me too just came back fm Genting, was there for 4days, really enjoyed myself.

Nvr been to Cameron Highlands, cos scare of the windings up n down, may get giddness. Wld love to go 1day.

Been to Ipoh once many years ago, love their Ipoh hor fun n de quiet kampong type of life then, but no idea, is it still the same now.

Also been to Fraser Hill once, many yrs ago, it was v cool up there, with big flowers n insects & an icy cold lake. Enjoying steamboat dinner in natural cool surrounding was fun too.

Jpn is a lovely country, with nature at it's best, no need to fine $500/-, clean n polite ppl & nice food.

My pc always hang, so sian.

Hv a pleasant wk everyone~


Anonymous birdie | 15 February, 2010 02:50

Wish all cuties "Good Health, Good Luck, Plenty of Wealth & Success throughtout de Tiger year.


Anonymous duckling | 17 February, 2010 13:49


Happie Tigger Year!!!!


Anonymous birdie | 26 February, 2010 12:52

A Wife's Poem

He didn't like the curry
And he didn't like my cake.

He said my biscuits were too hard..
Not like his mum used to make.

I didn't prepare the coffe right,
He didn't like the stew,
I didn't mend his socks
The way his mum used to do.

I pondered for an answer
I was looking for a clue

Isn't there anything I could do
To match his mum's shoe?
Then I smiled as I saw light,
One thing I could definitely do.

I turned around
& slapped him tight...
Like his mum used to do !!!!!

author unknown, read it at a friend's blog.


Anonymous birdie | 06 March, 2010 15:54

Tips.. Soups for Beauty..

Quote fm AsiaOne on Health..

'People who wish to reduce dryness of skin can boil pig skin, chicken feet and sea cucumber (hai shen) in a soup. For fairer skin, you can boil a soup of black fungus, red dates and rose petals. To reduce the ageing process on one's skin and to increase moisture, boil Chinese almonds and walnuts in a soup'.


Anonymous pink penguin | 11 March, 2010 22:45

I was abit stressed out with all the school work and wanted to try my luck to find AK.

Wow. Its still alive. =) glad to see all the animals here.


Anonymous birdie | 12 March, 2010 12:57

hi pp, what a surprise, welcome home, we r still around but most of us are also connecting via FB - n playing FB games together.. if u r happy 2 connect me n other cuties.. my email.. caringeagle@hotmail.com

hope 2 c u n other cuties around here to de-stress .. u can scream n shout here is okay.


Anonymous birdie | 05 May, 2010 11:33

hi waves~~~

May u all stay happy & healthy~~
What is the outcome of tis jungle, will depend on MLB's blog.


Anonymous birdie | 30 June, 2010 12:09

hi waves~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2013 10:25

Heya are using Wordpress for your blog platform?

I'm new to the blog world but I'm trying to get started and create my own.
Do you need any coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would
be greatly appreciated!

My blog :: Luella Zillman

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