
sam of MLB
milubing | 31 March, 2008 22:01

Woke up at 628am today. Don't wanna get up yet. Tried very hard to put myself back to sleep. Cannot. Continued trying. Still cannot. Started rolling around my small bed, changing postures, different patterns. I got up soon with a backache. Yea, i'm getting old. So boring?

I found out from a friend that some of you were at Bugis since 12noon*. Hot right? Umbrella? Thank you for being there to support MLB. Sang very loud, Nic and i could hear from where we were seated. WeiQi could probably feel it too. =p So encouraging, thank u! Nice one with the mic just now, Quizzy! Hope that you all enjoyed the 933 show just now.

Hmm.. 1st April tomorrow. No April fools here. I'm tired liao, goodnight.

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 22:35

I'm the first tag de ya?
actually i didnt went to there but MLB is the Best~jiayou..^^
goodnite to Sam..sleep early ya..^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 22:39


628am? think i just got into bed not long ago, haha.

takecare! (:


Blogger Strat | 31 March, 2008 22:40

Whahaha... We enjoyed ourselves just now .... Haha... U're still young .... Haha...

Jia you... haha... So happy to see u .... Haha... Smile from ear to ear( correct ma ??) mann !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 22:40

U not getting old . Be careful next time. Welcome. Yup weiqi also will feel it too. I was happy when i saw nic came just now. I thought only u came just now. Just now want to ask u for ur signature & take photo with u, but u both go off very fast. Haha. Next time then take photo with u and ask u for signature ba. Hope u and nic enjoyed the 933 show just now. Haha. Good night. Sleep tight. Jia you & take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 22:50

rest early... if cannot sleep you must get up.. then lie down again.. like that can fall asleep again.. really!

oh yea.. we enjoyed so much lurh.. plus the appearance of nic. was rather surprising lor! eh! SOME ppl.. went at 12 plus lei! haha... 3 plus de still ok only.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 22:54

O_O!! haha. bu ke qi uncle sam!! hehe...

Sorry to say, I was only up at 1.20pm =X. haha! too tired le =X...

if weiqi could feel our loud singing means he's not paying attention in class le...oops =X...haha!

speaking of which - weiqi lied to us =X!!! hahahaha~~~ no la, we were surprised to see nic. weee~~~~ NIC! XIN KU NI LE!!

back to you uncle sam; well try stretching yourself? maybe your bed has problem? haha don't know leh. sometimes I do wake up with muscle cramps too. oh well, what does getting old got to do with boring ah? hahaha!! old or not old, we still love you for who you are!!

HOWEVER, since you said yourself getting old, uncle phil is gonna suan you for this =X...lalala~~~

don't toss and turn if you can't get to sleep. just lie down, close your eyes, maybe on the radio then let your whole body go numb with music~~~~ maybe you can fall asleep le...
i mean, should that happen again la. haha!

take care lo~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 22:57

ok thanks jane for informing - now then we realized that weiqi did post in the previous entry that nic was going...oops...SORRY WEIQI!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 23:12

wah.. so efficient.. hahaha..

hmm.. i think they went to walk around the AIR-conditioned areas before 3 plus ba.. we were only allowed to 'queue' at like... near 4.. luckily it's not that warm today...

anyways.. nice singing today! something different! =) jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 23:15

Welcome quizzy_me. We enjoyed ourselves just now. Was surprised when i saw nic came at there just now.

If u cannot sleep just lie down, close your eyes and listen 2 radio/mp3 after a while u will fall asleep liao. Haha. It works.

Rest early.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 23:46

ehh sorry ah, i blur le. sam say nice one, i should say thank u! hor? argh paiseh paiseh. thank you for the compliment. haha!

so fast lor, first quarter of 2008 over le. ARGHHHHHHHHHH. 7th april coming. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Yes we had fun just now, no worries. haha!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 00:24

weeeee...jus saw WQ's tag dat ure hair is purple black now! heh u r v lucky oredi, wake up early. i cldnt get to sleep fr like 2am onwards. aiyo wonder how i survive today man. brain wasnt working at all. hope tmrw will be a better day for my brain, my pending stuff is starting to pile up, jus wn i wanna go for my break. sian...better buck up @wk lo b4 i go for my hols!!!countdown!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 00:55

hmm...people who took pictures of the guys just now and would like to share with us, do send to us at lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com or our msn if you have ok? thank u so much!

oh yes forget to say - sam looked great in this new hairstyle. BUT, as I was discussing with binz - if weiqi never mentioned, we won't know sam's hair is purple black now lor. haha. maybe the purple is darn dark, which made it less prominent le? haha never mind. hehe...

ahhhh there is a very wu liao but compulsory workshop in school later. i sure fall asleep there. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 00:57

*share with us at publicity blog...hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 01:36

YEAH... Was Really Happy To Cya Guyz Juz Now... Cos It Seems So Long Nv Cya Guyz Le Worz... & Especially With The Sudden Appearance Of NIC... Wow I'm Sooo Surprisingly Happy Lo...

Nice Singings Too! I'm Addicted To The Last SOng Liaoz, Sooo Nice U All Sang ~


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 01:40

MY friend just happy april fool-ed me lor!! she say she quit school liao, cos she wanna be air stewardess and i still say wish her all the best. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA HOW SILLY CAN I BE?!?!?!?!?!?! =S


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 01:44

So Be More Careful Today PPL...
Dun Be Fooled By Others Worz... *Xiao Xin*

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger binz | 01 April, 2008 02:34

whoo im so glad i managed to make it down to bugis jux now(: but grr that stupid taxi uncle all out to cheat my $$, see me student want to bluff me =( but nvm at least i manage to reach b4 sam and nic appeared(: great singing man jux now~~ and lol i didn't realise the 红蜻蜓 song is very old cause i have it in my phone =X ahah super nice song~

woah sam auto wake up so early sia.. but at that time i was already chionging at home trying to get out of house to go school liao.. actually if already sleep till wake up hor, dun try to 赖床 anymore, will make your body uncomfortable only~


Blogger binz | 01 April, 2008 02:37

oh i tht ppl nowadays dun play with april fool liao? haven really heard much for the past 2-3 years.. let's all be on guard today~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 09:01

well according to what i researched (don't want to go to school so early so i did this while scanning desktop) - http://music.sina.com.cn/yueku/a/31723.html - 红蜻蜓 is older than binz by one year only la =X. that album was released on 22 Feb 1990 (Dasmond's birthday right???). haha!

But 可米小子 did a cover version in 2003 if I'm not wrong. I remembered I used to like their version's 编曲 . haha!

Ok first day of the month. Jia you everyone ;D! Take care oh uncle sam. weiqi's exams coming? may you pass with flying colors. May nic have lots and lots of fun with the new "toy" -_-...haha!

-_- alright off to school now. ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 09:35

Hello sam...! I hope that u and Nice have so much fun yesterday ar? Haha... Hmm, ur brother WQ is still doiing his homework... Haha... Yeah, Long time never hear from Nic le... Glad that everyone saw him yesterday... Hi, quizzy jie, how are u? Hope that u are still fine... And I hope that u did have fun yesterday!!! Jia you to you...! I miss Mi LU Bing..! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 11:24

Happy April's Fool Day!

bluffed my colleague tis morning tat i'm on leave tdy, but seems like she din get tricked. (><)

hey sam, glad to c u tag! we were indeed surprised & happy tat nic made it to ytd's event. both of u looked great.

keep wanting to c ur braces but u din open ur mouth wide enuf. ;p wow, chg ur hair colour again? dun dye too much.. will damaged ur hair easily.

looked fwd to d release of ur new album! hope we can oso hv a/r gathering soon...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 13:00



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 13:25

ehh .. y u keep saying u r old hur .. u r not la ..
yup, e da he chang was nice yea .. we sure did enjoy ourselves .. & were surprised when we saw nic .. hope u 2 enjoyed urselves too ..
ehh, u xiao xi so ling tong ar .. know tt some of us went at 12 .. it's really hot lor, but din open umbrella la .. coz went into e BHG to chui air-con .. haha ..

dunno is who ask who to go so early de lor ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 13:54

Yesterday i keep wanting to see ur braces, but u didnt open ur mouth wide enough. We enjoy singing at there. Haha. I like the part where nic sing and u beatbox & u sing nic beatbox. Nice.

Weiqi jia you in ur exam. Sam & nic hope u both enjoy yesterday and take care.

Jia you! Miss mlb. Hope to see mlb soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 14:21

haha yeah, i love the beat box part too! =)

well ah sam, so did you sleep well ytd night? hope u did!
hmm, maybe next time if you woke up so early again, maybe can go jog/cycle ard? haha, i believe you will feel very refreshed throughout the rest of the day de.

oh nic, i seriously think u look better with spects lah. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 14:28

ah shan, the xiao xi is i GIVE de! wahha.. hmm..... is some flying arouond insect tell u one la u anyhow...

woohoo~~!! happy monday!!! maybe i wont be able to event be the part time 'security guard' outside dragonfly this coming saturday le.. AHH!!! T_T


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 14:52

ms ah wen,
tt flying around insect gd lor .. ask us go so early .. haha .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 18:28

from ytd's event, mayday's wenrou by nic&sam :)

the last track on this playlist-

didnt manage to fully record sam singing 失恋阵线联盟 thou.. got th 优客李林 song but i duno th name of th song, so didnt upload. yepps.

enjoy! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 19:28

ii love the singing part from ytd's event. cool one! still tot we cant see any performance by you guys. heez.

Nic looked freshed ytd, bt Sam looked abit tired?! woke up too early and tts the reason izzit?! hmmm =/

was ytd the first time, all of us heard Nic beatboxing?! tot tt only Sam and Weiqi noes. haha! cool one there, Nic!

Happy April Fools!!!
*someone in army camp kena fooled by noeing Mas Selamat has been arrested. -_-||| (little joke ii heard from 933)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 19:41

thx meikian for all the links.
tt 草蜢's song title so long mehz?! =/
ii have the full version for the singing session, send u next time when ii see u den u can share with all. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 20:50


Ah Sam,
So glade to c u yesterday...lucky i reach there when u already on the stage having interview.
Hope u ar doing fine!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 21:46

hahahahaha. that song by 优客李林 is 输了你赢了世界又如何 la. alamak 林志炫's pitch is high until can "die" de lor! hahahahahahahahaha. oh well thanks meikian for sharing the link wor~

meanwhile, photos of yesterday's event was uploaded in publicity blog by pegg le. http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com

oh well, those jing dian songs from long hu bang that were playing in yes933 were nice wor. reminds me of my childhood. alamak~~~ my bro used to adores Aaron Kwok a lot...and ya, xiao hu dui...haha! for me is zhang hong liang? I wonder who's nic, weiqi and sam's childhood idol (quizzy definition of childhood: before Primary school times) though...hahahahaha...

oh well, MILUBING JIA YOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 22:43

download versions of th videos as provided by yes933 on podcast.sg


*m4v files that play in itunes

still in th midst of checking out which are th ones that contain stuffs about mlb.. update later.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 00:30

haha...jane said its part 10 and 11 leh? haha...don't know leh, no time watch yet. haha!

ok i no energy to HA le. have a good rest ba people. MILUBING JIA YOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 00:38

Sam, happy to see u tagged... The singing by both of u on mon. was great!
Enjoy urself, take care as well as jiayou!!! Hope to cya guys soon...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 00:39

ehh btw, you can view in quicktime, or mediaplayer classic (jane say de) too. haha.

ehh pegg said its part 6 and 7 leh. alamak


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 07:45

yah..i agree with quizzy that 林志炫's pitch is very high...he is singing a gal pitch like C .....


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 10:41

meikian & pegg, thanks for the links. Btw, how do I download the audio files? just sign-in will do?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 16:49

u mean th files on imeem? imemm audio files cant be downloaded... if ya want th clips, pm/email us privately or smth bah, if u have our contacts~ cheerios~ (:

and yes, th clips on podcast.sg feat. MLB are parts 6&7.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 21:21

woots! pegg so efficient arh, haha! thx thx. thx meikian too.

is the youtube version extracted from the vidcast? same rite?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 21:34

hahas.. shihui, yep.. the youtube version is extracted from the podcast.. *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 21:42

Although I haven't watched the videos from vidcast, I was told that the youtube de didn't include our 大合唱. haha.

Oh well, just learnt something the hard way today. I was wondering - do we learnt better after being scolded left right centre? Looked like I'm one of them ba? haiz don't know leh. Even though I know the seemingly fastest way of learning is through the HARD way, sometimes its still heartbreaking. I also understand I'll become stronger each time but I'm not sure if I can withstand the heartbreak as its like too painful to handle. But I'll jia you nonetheless. hehe...

Pardon me, WAS upset with myself but like what I say, I will jia you de. Milubing and MLBians must jia you too!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 22:33

Thanks AH Qian for tagging :)

MiLuBing & MLBians Must Jiayou!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 April, 2008 00:15

two photos of sam&nic [monday's event] up on cruz's blog @ http://www.cruzteng.com

and here's whats written about them-


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 April, 2008 00:34

orh...thanks for sharing...I'll go update now...hehe...

aww cool man~ that day some of us were still eiyer-ing with the fact that we can't take clear pics of David Tao but yuan lai Cruz blog has too. ho seh la~ haha!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 03 April, 2008 01:10

Quizzy, Good For U Lo... Gt 1 Nice David Tao Pic For U To Steal Le... So No Need To 'ji dan gao' Liaoz =X

The 2 Pics Of NIC & SAM Were Very NICE...!

Hope Can Get To Cya Guyz This Sat.~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 April, 2008 01:34

whoa, qianhui betrayed me. T_T! haha.

oh ya, now is 3rd april - Xzellyn just became "legal" 1 hr plus plus plus ago too. Get what I mean? haha =X.

have a good rest people ;D...MILUBING JIA YOU and take care!!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 03 April, 2008 01:43

HaHax Quizzy, Dun Accuse Me Lo... *LA LA LA*

Take Care ALL ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 April, 2008 03:01

you did mahz. haha!

oh well, was supposed to be researching about FYP - I ended up researching about MLB =X.

this is like super outdated but I'm pretty sure this wasn't posted before (at least there wasn't any record in publicity blog)? - http://www.savh.org.sg/news/chorusofdreams01.html

that was the gig for SAVH in our school during april last year...haha!



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 April, 2008 21:36

where is everybody?

haha never mind.

two more days to the gig le, Milubing jia you!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 April, 2008 23:57


haha more photos of sam and nic at POTP anniversary celebration provided by binz - are uploaded in publicity blog le. http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 April, 2008 00:37

i am here! had a good time watching the vids today. impressed w sam, he act knows the lyrics to the old songs! u mus be the K king of the trio. even more impressed by q_me, u act know the lyrics for the dragonfly song! so not ure generation. anyway *applause for u2* nic, everyone was so surprised to see u there. lucky u came, otherwise sam will be quite lonely on stage even though dere r MLBians out dere to support him. ure combined singing for the mayday song was goood. bet WQ was pulling his hair out in sch dat he cldn't come and join in the fun:p ok la, better dun disturb him anymore later he cant take it. relac ok, student, dun b too stress. nic, i like the song lu leh, wah lau, hope dat doesnt make me one of the auntie fan u speak of. next time u see an auntie fan, jus show dem ure megawatt smile la, sure melt one. haha. saw the cd compilation oredi, only like the 1st 2 songs on the disc. is dat a good thing or bad thing?


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 April, 2008 01:27

haha mm jie - ok la, dragonfly (i call it didi or meimei hao ma?) is only younger than me by 2 years only. hahah =X. yes933 always played those jing dian ge qu 9 in a row, then got played quite often ba? Music diary also...but Comic boyz version more often. haha ok never mind.

yes i agree with you. the effect of nic's megawatt smile = can make some people HIGH (is the correct term supposed to be "elated"?) for days. oops =X.



Blogger binz | 04 April, 2008 02:05

ehh cuz of rainy days everyone hiding in their nest?

hmmm while looking through the photos, jux realised sam's lips very red hur! hmmm isit too heaty or lipstick? but still drink more water and rest more sam~~ you had red eyes on monday! maybe wear contacts too long liao ah.. 要爱美, but must remember to take care~

wheee off to slp(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 April, 2008 16:45

knock, knock, hello ppl!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 April, 2008 17:43

something to warm tis plc

little girl - Who is Superman?
kid boy - Yes, I know
little girl - who?
kid boy - the one who wears his red underwear over his pant.
little girl - why? his mummy never teach him how to wear his underwear properly?

What is ABCDEFG?
'A Boy Can Do Everything For a Girl!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 April, 2008 18:59

Ya, Quite Quiet Here Eh Now...
OK I'm Here To - Make Some Noise...


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 April, 2008 22:30

jia you for tml's gig! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 01:53

MLB jia you for 2moro event. I know mlb can do it. Hehe. Jia you.

Hope to see mlb soon. Take care & rest well.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 01:57

i'm here too!

well i got something to share though; read when you are free hao le.

Forgiveness for Yourself

We're always being told "Forget what happened. Put it behind you and move on." It's not that easy, is it?

Forgiving someone who has done you an injustice is difficult; it even feels illogical, because we feel that we are letting the wrongdoer off the hook. But forgiving does not equate letting someone off the hook. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you are condoning bad behaviour. Forgiveness is not about the other person. It's about you.

You forgive people not for their sake, but for your own sake. You forgive because that's the only way you can set yourself free. When you forgive, you're letting go of anger, of hurt, helplessness or shame. Like love, when forgiveness is given unconditionally, it's incredibly empowering for the giver. When you set conditions on forgiveness, you give power to your tormentors. You make it easier for them to hurt you again.

Stress is often caused by regrets and resentments we have been holding on to for years. These grudges rob us of peace of mind and hamper our growth.

Peace of mind is required for healing to take place. Forgiveness can bring that peace of mind. That said though, nobody should demand or expect forgiveness from you. It is nobody's birthright to be forgiven. It's up to you when you are ready and when you want to forgive them. You have to work through your anger and sense of loss before you will be able to do that. Others can ask you for forgiveness but not expect it. To expect forgiveness builds up even more resentment.

But we all should practice forgiveness regularly to unclutter our mind. When we forgive, we remove what's blocking our energy and happiness. We open doors to fresh air and light.

credits: 'a slice of life, Eugene Loh, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio'.

Milubing jia you!!! go go go!!


Blogger Strat | 05 April, 2008 03:12

Mi Lu Bing Jia yo ... haha... Have fun ... haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 03:31

Sorry for not tagging for the past few days, was rather busy & tired. Finally, its a start of another new weekend.
Ya, the interview & live singing at Bugis Square on 31st Mar for Yes933 POTP 25yrs Aniversaries by Sam & Nic were superb. But the waiting time in between the studio & live was rather boring, should have played some games.
Oh, too bad I was not with the MLBians at the front row. If not, I should be able to help Sam & Nic sing the last song (就在今夜). Actually, I also got record down all the weekly ranking for LongHuBang during my teenage time. But already thrown away when I shifted house. I even remember winning for myself 2 prizes for voting the Top song; one of it was a Bonia key pouch and the other was a $80 Bonia voucher. Last time LongHuBang only got 10 songs on the chart.

Hope you guys have a great performance at dragonfly later, do enjoy yourselves.
Although we cannot attend the gig, but we will still be supporting MLB from every corners of Singapore. Jia-you..... MLB Power-Lah

Have a great weekend to MLB & MLBians. Cheers... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 10:47

Jiayou MLB!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 13:25

have fun at your gig later.! JIAYOU! (: Ehjoy yourself!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 20:08

Really Happy to see you guys 3 at the dance work performance just now! It has been quite a long time since we saw you guys 3 together le...

Hope to see you guys again soon~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 20:32

I thought i reached there i cant go inside to see mlb performace just now. I was outside watching then the security guard tell me to go in. Haha.

Happy 2 see mlb performance for us again. Yup it has been quite a long time since we saw mlb together. I enjoy it. Hehe.

Just now i thought mlb still inside there so i wait for mlb then i ask the ppl in charge then he told me tat mlb have go out liao. But by the time i saw u 3 guys u all going to go off liao. But i manage 2 tell u 3 guys take care. Hehe.

Hope u guys enjoy it just now. See you guys soon. Jia you! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 23:58

hi, just an update for the people who weren't at dragonfly today...

songs sung today were Get Alive & Wonderwall. then they had a small interview where nic talked about how bad drugs is and all, and shared his own experience. (and received loud cheers from the crowd) and weiqi was asked about his studies, how he manages to cope with studying and singing, etc.

also, they mentioned that the new album will be a short album, an EP.

nice performance MLB! sound was okay, don't worry too much :) jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 April, 2008 23:58

uncle sam, was that your new look? I think it is nice! hope to see you wear it more often. cool. cant tell you had purple black hair but it looks nice. is this to match your braces? kkkk. Think we all get alive in wonderland!

weiqi jiayou for your exams! tough to juggle so many things at the same time.

and nic, take care of your vocals :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 00:02

我是没有很好笑的ok? -_-"



Blogger Strat | 06 April, 2008 00:03

Haha... It was a nice performance just now ...Although Can't hear the guitar much ... Someone "one hand" show ... Haha... Overall it's still a good one .... Haha... I'm happy ....MLB power lah !!!! Haha....


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 00:08


Great Performance ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 00:28

haha, the 'one hand' show! but he kept his cool. so pro ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 00:32

Yup mlb sung 2 song. Get alive & wonderwall. Felt proud for nic. Thanks nic for sharing ur own experience. Dont ever take drug! It will spolit ur body,ur skin n others..

I was surprised when i saw u wear specs. Haha. Sam was that ur new look?? Haha. Look Cute. Hehe. But i still prefer u wearing contact lens. Just my option. Yeah mlb new album will be coming out soon. MLB jia you! U 3 guys rock!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 00:42

hey peeps, thanks for coming down and supporting, it really helped a lot. we though we'd be kinda doing a 'lonely' show..always good to see mlbians around, like your family attend your graduation day like that..haha.. but really, thanks so much..especially when u gals knew that u might not able to enter in the 1st place. U gals rock! take care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 00:47

WEIQI, HaHax Cos We Dun Wish To Miss Out ANY Performance Frm U Guyz... So We Go There Try Our Luck Lo... Lucky Can Go In, So We Can Enjoyed MLB's Great Performance!

Abit Pity Is The Stage Arrangement La... 3 Of Ya Seperated So Far From Each Other ~



Blogger Strat | 06 April, 2008 00:51

Ya... He veri cool ... he raise his free hand and ask for help ... After tat continue like nothing happened.... Super lah ....


Blogger Strat | 06 April, 2008 00:54

Wei Qi,
Haha.... We r lucky tat ppl give tixs to us .... If not we cann't get in earlier ... Performance was great .... Veri high ... But those malay frens around was like veri ??? when I so high there ... But ok lah .... Enjoyed ....


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 01:00

no problem, dear guys =) i said before, don't underestimate your fans! we always have our own ways and means :p you guys will never be lonely with us around!

you guys rock too! =D takecare!


Blogger Strat | 06 April, 2008 01:11

aiya... Also nothing much lah ... We're just lucky !!!!!Blessed ....


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 01:16

nice to c u guys again! :DD
sam, nice teeth!
take care! xDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 01:23

halo mlbians,

long time no tag.

what is da 'one hand' show ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 01:47

no problem la, just that we were quite behind, then when we tried to squeezed to the front, i think got ppl tsked us. feel paiseh but can't give a damn too. well, good job oh u three "wonderman" -_-...

oh talking about the tix - i'll just spill everything oh. at 1.34pm when i was still in train approaching harborfront, this WONDERWOMAN =P jiu call me and ask me to RUN all the way...alamak~~~hahaha! but still managed to sneak in on time la...

but after you guys performed i jiu immediately leave le. Cos I just started working yesterday, today's the second day - working at 5pm too. so i kinda run and run again and blah blah...got lost...ended up late for work for 10 minutes hahahaha...-_-...

haha jiu shi zhe yang la.

well the thing is, whether or not we're there - the show has to go on ba? haha. i guessed today's performance supposed to be a challenge to you guys le - cos you guys are used to our cheers, performing in front of us - you all almost have to perform to a group of strangers today and that will mean need a new round of "getting-used-to"? haha don't know leh. but whatever the case, no worries, we're there. no matter where you are (within Singapore la), we will be there (if we can)~

sorry ah talk so much. was thinking a lot during work and I realized, you guys (and MLBians) are really nice and caring people...*trying to fight back tears*...thank you so much for being my friends.

oh by the way sam looked cute in specs. a different degree of handsome-ness hahaha

weiqi, jia you for exams! you can do it de!!

and nic, heard you sharing your "experience" just now; i wanna say, I'm proud of you too (and three and four and "n" to the power of infinity)!

have a nice rest oh. love you guys =)~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 01:52

Quizzy... Funny La U... *Freezing*



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 01:54

Yesterday those managed to take pics/video and would like to share with us, do send to lostsoldiersmlb@gmail.com or quizzy or pegg's personal msn if u have. Thanks a lot. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 02:06

haha i trying to cheer up mahz...hahaha...

haha thanks jane for posting. yes u r right.

and apologies to mm jie and sofui jie...for not able to help just now...you know....haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 02:11

Weiqi. Welcome. Dun worry. Yeah i argee what quizzy have say. We are there, no matter where mlb are. We will be there althought it is a closed door event. We will try our luck go inside de. Hope u guys enjoyed it.

Yeah sam look cute with specs. Weiqi jia you for ur exam. Nic jia you too. Have a good rest. U guys rock! MLB POWER LAH.


Blogger Hey (don't bring me down) | 06 April, 2008 02:41

Hahas take care Sam it's very important to sleep well or else it's very painful when you wake up~ MLB roX!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 06 April, 2008 02:47

Nitey PPL!
Had A Nice Sunday Ahead ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 03:32

oh ya, i recorded the guys' performing wonder world and the interview. didn't managed to record get alive though.

here's the link - http://profile.imeem.com/KTtVBF6/music/JxVlOKng/mlb_mlb_wonderworld/



alternatively u can access the link from publicity blog. http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com

hehe enjoy! take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 03:48

Opps. I wrote it wrong. Shld be get alive & wonderworld. Haha. Pai seh.

Thanks quizzy. Good nite 2 everyone. Take care and jia you 2 all of u!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 03:53

Oh, so you gals managed to get tixs from someones and attended the gig.
So sorry to Quizzy, luckyily you never take my advise and stay home. In fact I regretted not going there. Actually pandaeye did called me in the early afternoon and asked me where am I, then I still replied her that I am at home. She then asked me whether I going down or not? My replied was: No tixs for the gig, closed door event. We might not even get a chance to talk to MLB, so I decided not to try my luck. I am so stupid!!!
Very sorry to MLB too, but my heart was with you guys, though I am not at the gig. I am very sure that you guys will put up a good show. MLB Power-Lah...
Hope everyone here, have a wonderful Sunday. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 04:07

uncle phil not stupid la. haha! cos when i heard today (as in, yesterday) I only have to come for work at 5pm, i thought heh? I can just go down and try my luck to see if can catch the guys le ah. haha! no go in never mind, at least must shout jia you to them before they enter. as simple as that only hahaha. little did i know that my wonderwoman (pandaeye la~) called me while I was in train...hahaha!

bu ke qi oh jane~

nitey! me today working at 4pm, then tomorrow school reopen le. whew! jia you!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 12:34

Love the stranger angels who helped ytd. It’s alwayz nice to feel the warmth of the world once in a while. dancingdragonfly says sam has new british look. Totally agree, cute! Nic, glad you are alwayz true to yourself. Push yourself to greater heights in music! Weiqi, yes we are crazy! All the best for your exams.


Blogger binz | 06 April, 2008 12:57

ohman i so regret never try to chiong down yday~ i was thinking so hard if i could still make it in time there for anything since i could only get out of house at 1.45 and perhaps need ard 1.5-2 hrs to get there.. after deciding i wouldn't make it in time, i told myself i have to make very full and good use of time to do my work so i wun regret even more for not going down for the gig.. but i ended up doing some other stuff instead of my homework for hours. ohgosh. how i wish i could turn the clock back~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 13:16

weiqi, when there is a will, there is a way. you never know until you try! god will help those who help themselves. so must never give up on yourself. Nic, way to go!

like wat pandaeye said, we were lucky and blessed!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 13:27

wow, after yesterday Milubing got new friends le ah? cool man! my "red dragonfly" won't be lonely too le =x. ok not funny.

good afternoon my friends! have a nice day and jia you ba ;).

don't be sad that you didn't make it for the gig ba? lets wait for more milubing to come ba? meanwhile, study hard and work hard oh. hehe...

Milubing jia you!!!


Blogger Strat | 06 April, 2008 15:28

Wow so many dragonflies here and there flying ... haha....


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 18:36

'like your family attend your graduation day like that..'

yeahh, it always feels great knowing there's someone supporting & caring for you out there.

way to go! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 April, 2008 21:23

Weiqi death note is on channel u. Haha. Jia you in ur exam. Take care. :D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 06 April, 2008 21:46




Anonymous Anonymous | 07 April, 2008 01:35

haha photos of danceworks gig are up, thanks qianhui for providing (she very yaya papaya with her photos now =X). hahaha. http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com

haha and i have this colleague hor, just now suddenly played loud loud "lu" in his handphone. Then I asked him if he like milubing. He say no BUT "lu" and "she bu de" is nice =X. hmm~

nitey people!! i miss milubing =X!