
sam says halo
milubing | 19 March, 2008 17:14

Has been a while since i run my fingers on the keyboard.. Thank u for ya concern, i'm doing fine. Certainly hope that you all are too. =)

In the 22nd year of my life, i breathe underwater for the 1st time. I'm wasn't very comfortable initially, will improve slowly ba. Diving is an activity i always felt was interesting. Plus, some of the people around me (WeiQi and the others) can dive too. Imagine a group of us hovering underwater, of course not to disturb the lovely creatures living their lives there, maybe befriend them? How nice! The only not so nice part is that i feel giddy easily, sea-sick.. Not weak, motion sickness? Won't kill anyway, i'm ok de.

The hair on my head was growing longer and longer by day. Finally went for a hair cut today, shiok. Some of you were speculating bout inside my mouth, was sky blue, it's deep purple in colour now.

Just a thought.. What if i do music teaching as a job? Alright, i definitely still have lots lots lots to learn myself, but i should be able to share and teach simple drumming ya? What if i set up a small drumming with sam class, any learners?

Add on..

Thank u man, so encouraging. Was just a thought, got to work much harder before making any decision bout teaching. And yes, i went with Das and some other friends.. Above is one of the few pictures i took at Tioman, quite 'ben' right?
Thank u Meikian, Xiu and others for the updates. So efficient as usual.


Post a Comment ::

Blogger BIRU K. | 19 March, 2008 18:24

i miss all of you all!
hope to see you guys soon
been having depression
think i needa get alive =/


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 18:35

yoz ah sam
glade u have blog
recently,i'm busy wif my new job & enviorment lol....

ar u serious,u going to teach drum??
i dun mind to learn....i thought of learning for a long time since secondary school....

okay,i gtg now...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 18:40

jia you lol....


Blogger binz | 19 March, 2008 18:40

whoo sam is finally here(: yar being able to be with frens underwater sounds cool.. eh sam though diving is ur interest, but dun push urself too hard if you start gettin dizzy ah! eh purple one is cool, haben seen people with purple before.. if u set up a class, i wanna learn(: not alot of places offer drumming lesson, so a drumming class will be popular(: and teaching is definitely good for u man sam.. we always tend to learn and gain more when we teach~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 18:41

me again!!!!
Ah sam
u muz take good care of yourself!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 18:52

heya .. u r back !! ^_^
sea-sick ar .. it's ok de la .. glad tt u r fine .. bet tt u had lots of fun during ur diving, & practice makes perfect ..
eheh .. u wanna start drumming lesson ar ?? i wanna learn !! haha .. e last time i played e drum is like 4yrs ago lor, when i graduated frm my sec band .. but not really play la, coz i only know one rhythm & im not in e percussion section .. whahaha .. =P
take care yea !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 18:54

sam ah, i think if u open drum lessons hor, mlbians would be the first to register lah.
haha, cos so many mlbians are interested in music too!
u can try teaching guitar too? i dun mind learning also. haha. cos i scared drumming too complicated for me. haha!

oh, back to the point.
i think teaching music is quite a meaningful occupation bah. you can do something u like, and educate others at the same time. there arent many music instructors too in singapore, if i'm not wrong. yeah, so.. if u're really keen in teaching, no harm trying. =)

hmm, regarding ur sea sickness, try diving more? maybe would get used to it bah. haha. i also dunno. jia you in wadever u doing ya! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 21:14

haha sam, you take care..
if u start the drumming lessons sure alot of takers de la..


Blogger Strat | 19 March, 2008 22:11

Haha... Drumming sounded interesting ... Haha... Take care ... Go more diving ... U will get used to it ba ?? Haha... jia you !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 22:12

not a bad suggestion though..
but where are you gg to get all the drum sets for ur students? hees =P

take care lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 22:23

ok, re-type =D!

I was saying, bu ke qi - you ok jiu hao ;D! For me I should be fine ba, despite the *cough cough*...hehe

It sounds fun having "arts central"...I mean, "documentary" right at your face ba? haha. But I guess if its me, I won't dare to get close to those sea creatures, unless I'm assured that THEY ARE FRIENDLY. haha..

O_O jia you in "getting use" to the new environment in underwater? You're steady de!

new hairstyle eh...wahahaha...

Lorita jie, ah sam said IF only...relac~~~haha

What if you set up a small drumming with sam class? I want to learn...as long as the fees are affordable =X...

you take care ya? certainly hope to see ya guys performing again soon...

oh yes I saw the tags in the previous entry le...thanks meikian for informing ya? 31st March (you see la I almost typed august also =P), hai hao I should be able to go. cos no FYP on Mondays lalala =X...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 22:26

pegg, scarlie he said "all share one drum set" lor~! oops =X!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 22:47

i knoe.....i juz support him ma
IF he wan to open a class i will go lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 23:03

haha okok...hehe...

oh forgot to say this;
biru~ jia you k?


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 23:04

Sam, i miss all of u. Glad tat u are feeling alright. If diving is ur interest then go diving when u are free and improve slowly ba. U are not used to it thats y u felt giddy easily. Go more diving and u will get used to it.

Sam u go diving with who? Dasmond rong shao huh? Weiqi say ur friend lost camera, i was thinking is it rong shao? Cos he also lost camera.

Yup ur hair is growing longer and longer, but u still look handsome as last time. Deep purple is nice too. I like purple and blue. Haha.

Are u serious that u going to teach drum? Sure got a lot of people want to register and learn from you. Haha. Jia you!

Mlb take care and rest well. Cough Cough.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 23:16

hey, you're finally back in action! th blog misses you :)

ha, drum class? i do remember i used to tell you and nic, you guys should teach me guitar so that i can get into my desired poly course. :P but well, i won't mind learning from you? heh.. just make sure you dont bully your students :P and maybe you can set up a music sch on ur own, bao ga liao ya.. can teach all sorts of things.. drumming, vocal, guitar, keyboard & whatever else you know. impart all ur knowledge to us! haha..

so, you're feeling better? probably looking forward to th next trip liao ya? haha.. maybe you just gotta get used to it, will probably get better aft a few times.

hvnt seen ya guys for a long time! not knowing how u guys look recently.. but well. we'll see ya end of mth ya? :))

takecare loadddds :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 March, 2008 23:47

SAM, Finally U're Back Blogging Le!
Hope U're Better Right Now ?

Long Time Nv Cya Guyz Le, Hope To Cya Guyz Soon~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 00:14

Halo Sam,
Glad to see you back in action again. :)
Ya, I also think it is a very good idea for you to teach music; be it drumming, guitar, keyboard or vocal. Perhaps you should start a music school. Believe many of MLBians will love to learn from you, that include me (if you dun mind).
Wow, you have changed your braces colour from blue to purple. That's one of my favourite colour.
Believe you should have a great times diving, forgetting about the giddiness. Of course it will be nice to do whatever with your love ones. Anyway plan for your 2nd trip?
Take care & rest more.

Hope you will Get Alive soon. Jia-you.

Jia-you in your new job & workplace.

Quizzy-Me & Jane,
Hope you gals shall recover from your cough soon. Have more rest & sleep early.

Thanks for all the updates of MLB's events. If the POTP933 gig is confirm on Monday evening, I will have to apply leave on that day.

MLB & MLBians Jia-you in whatever you are doing... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 00:54

Thanks uncle phil. Thanks mk for the updates of mlb events at st james and Yes933 POTP Anniversary Celebration.

Hope Yes933 POTP Anniversary Celebration event will be held on 30 or 29th cos it is weekend and all of us will be free ba. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 01:07

uncle phil,
thanks =D!

Milubing and MLBians, jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 02:48

hey sam! :) wa teach drumming ar..cfm will have many takers de la..still can open classes for guitar n keyboard lor..u are e multi-instrumentalist lei! :D hmm, well, motion sickness's v common la..for me is jus pop a pill..haha..guess u jus gotta get used to it slowly eh..well, take care alright! next diving trip planned alr? heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 10:10

halo sam!

gld to hv u back...

go few more diving trips & u shld b able to overcome d motion sickness...

nxt time do post some pics if u hv taken any under water. last time my colleague will alws show me his photos... so beautiful.

woo... if u really teach a drum class, i'm sure many mlbians will sign up. but it'll b better if d 3 of u can open class together. u team drum, weiqi teach piano & nic teach guitar... perfect!

so u finally got a hair cut... tot u wanna a chg & keep long hair... anyway, whichever, so long u keep it neat, it'll b nice.

take care all~ many pple falling sick lately...

njoy d holi... Happy Easter! /('0')\


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 11:57

sam ah, wan teach dont restrict yourself to drums leh~ teach guitar too! benefit people like me.. hahaha.. kinda desperate to learn guitar, but i havent managed to find a good music sch to go to. and my guitar's quietly sitting at home, hvnt touch for some time liao.. -.-

haha anywayy. ya guys tk great care ya? hopefully we'll see ya guys at dragonfly on th 5th, or.. soon i hope! :) jiayou jiayou.. gear up for th june release but dont tire urselves out!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 12:58

wooh edited le wor...haha!
why "ben"? haha sorry didn't get it...hehe
but that place - look so nice~

well alright then; maybe you wanna wait till you gain more experience le then consider teaching again? definitely not saying your skills ain't good la, but maybe you will feel more steady by then? slowly~ you're still young~~~hehe
jia you jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 14:22

Sam u are welcome. Thanks for the photo and thanks for your reply. So your friend have lost camera is dasmond? Sorry. I also dun understand. Why ben?

Hope we will see mlb at dragonfly on the 5th April. Jia you and take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 15:16

Think the best solution is to pop motion sickness pills 2hrs prior to setting off, it helps =)
Guess it can be quite uncomfortable going for your dives with u feeling motion sick ba hahaa.. And as for the dizzyness, most prob is that u've yet to adapt to the changes of the pressure differences. Try to rest more & it'll go off =)

Hope it helps!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 16:33

yo mr wong,
think u'll make a good teacher.. since u learnt all those instruments by urself? heh.. then can give us some tips too. or you can actually share some tips regarding learning instruments and all? will be a great help :))

ha, not bad lah, at least you got a photo as memory ya.. :P hvnt seen rongshao for quite some time liao, hope he's well! but its good you enjoyed your trip to tioman.. wish i can take some time [and money] to go somewhere far too!

no problem about th updates.. got insiders info mah.. haha.. :P see ya guys real soon! :DDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 17:07

u're back! :DD
glad that u're feeling alright again!
sporty hor.

teaching drumming?
nt a bad idea though.
bt ware to set up the class?
sure alot ppl go. =x

anyway, take care yea?
miss u guys! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 18:03

Hiiees sam..

WoW lol.. bet u saw lots of coral underwater...

HAHAHAHA! Sam want to be a music teacher!!!!! Many would be very glad(or rather; excited) to become your students...but anyways, jiayou for everything! We would respect your decision(HAHA~I sound so seriousXD)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 18:51

yoz ! guys

Happy Easter !!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 20:25

Hello Sam!
Yesterday is what day ah? You remembered? HAHA.
Kidding lah. Eh, yes! IMISSYOUALL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 21:02

lol! if u teach drumming, u'll have unlimited students lining up! :D takkaire


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 21:19

Ha... no wonder the small jetty in the pic looks familiar...it's Tioman, the diver beginner spot. So if mlbian go book diving course with Des's shop, got discount not?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 21:46


so weird without all his long/short/lame/random blog posts. since he's like the most frequent blogger among the 3? BUT, thank goodness weiqi has been updating (: nic too! though sometimes weiqi does it on the behalf of the other two.


im removing my braces on monday. HOHO. happy bracing :#


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 21:46

If i am not wrong, sheng siong show season 3 coming soon. Haha. Look out for channel 8 website or tv.

Yeah thats mean going to see sam,dasmond rong ming soon. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 22:50

Specially Happy Easter's Day wishes to MLB & MLBians.
Have a great holiday & long weekend. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 23:37

Sam finally updated!
Like the picture!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 01:04

Hello uncle sam, if the door of opportunity is there for your opening, why not reach out and open it? If u don’t open the door, u’ll never get the answer. Easier to start off in an existing sch. Will u teach lei & yongqi? Then I send someone over to learn ;) wow so many mlbians interested, if there is talent amongst us, maybe can take over as drummer and u go be guitarist la, then MLB can become mulan and the lost soldiers! :D
Once did some snorkelling in manado, indonesia, beautiful clear blue sea. was so nervous of being in the big endless ocean that I hung on to our guide’s arm so tightly while he guided us along the reef. Even with the life jacket I didn’t feel secure. Can only rem the above of the experience, cant rem any of the beautiful sealife I saw :p such a pity wn we let fear overcome us.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 03:12


great to see u updating again. (:

anyway teaching is another opportunity out for u.. i believe if there a path opportunity open out for u. grab the chance ! hohoho. :)

no worries if one day if u really goes out being a teacher. sure there will be many learners willing to learn from u ! believe in urself.. and also the opportunity given out to u.. (:

jiayou sam ! i had faith in u ! and of course to mlb too ! haa..

take care sam ! and to nic and weiqi too.. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 14:27

yoz dude,
you are back! very long since we last heard from you yea?! no more dizziness le yea?! =) so, you must having lotsa fun with ya gang at Pulau Tioman. haven been travelling for quite some years, ii really need to escape! *wondering when will tt happen. NO TIME sia! =( eh, nice pic there you took. bt if without tt BN flag it would be more perfect! =p take another one during ur next trip there alrite?! =p

hey, it will be great if you really pick up teaching music as a job, its really a good money tt you can earn as an income. the fee for a month isnt cheap at all, it can cost you a bomb, serious! haha, and if u really start a class, ii will withdraw my current lesson immediately. =p

bt of cos, income is only one of the point, the most important fact is tt, you can expand from ur interest, in a way tt music industry is developing fast nowadays. I believe tt, cos more and more musicians are being introduced to the public these days. yup!

ii think tts all ii wanna say.

oya, thx mk and peg for all the updates! ;) cya gurls soon! will rush down to the 31st event. why must it be a monday?! weird somehow?! well, will look out for more info from 933. =D

cya guys soon too! *weiqi, doubt we will be seeing you soon, so jiayou with ur studies! dun stress over! oOpz! DUN OVER STRESSED! haha! becos, desserts are coming ur way! ;)

TAKE CARE, ALL!!! have a nice long weekend! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 15:06

oya, ii had an experience of snorkeling in the middle of the ocean. bt tt was quite some years ago. it's just snorkeling, and tt was really scary by looking deep under the sea. ii remembered ii see nothing, cos it was too dark under the sea. ha! bt floating in the middle of the ocean was FUN, shiok! haha! Must try!

hmm, there are quite a numbers of places tt offers drumming lesson if u really look out for it. ppl who are interested or despite to be a drummer one day, might wanna join a class before Sam really start his own Sam drumming class. =p



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 16:18

sam,if u teach drumming,i sure be ur first student...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 16:25

ehhh...i think ah sam might overlooked this tag in the previous entry. i copy-paste here oh.

"Anonymous | 20 March, 2008 16:38

hey guys i got a question. how do you choose your songs like for the audition? i and a couple of people who i havent played with before are intending to sign up for sb2 but we dont know what song to choose. thanks."

Happy Easter day?? hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 17:54

oops paisei WEIQI

i didnt see your reply from the previous entry (thanks quizzy). hmm but i think im settled for uni, applying to both ntu/nus to see if i can get in. i think holding just an A'Level cert is quite dangerous la.. so i'll see if they offer me any course ba. plus the application deadlines for uni is drawing near, i guess i will apply soon. if there's any good news i will let you know! thanks alot for all the advices (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 March, 2008 22:45

halo SAM~~~
welcome back frm Tioman XD msia hehe
okay...i just want to say that Im really interested in your drumming lesson~~~since i love drum~~~=D reserve 1st lols~if u really want -.-

take care yeaaaaa~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 March, 2008 00:16

listen to nic's songs agn...
feel so nice...
the feeling cm bck agn...