
milubing | 28 March, 2008 16:43

ATTENTION! NIC is going for the 933 event!I just found out half an hour ago!!!

Hey there MLBians..

Many have been asking about the dragonfly gig, and this is what I've dug out so far:

"The event is open to students only and not open to public unless their school participated in the dancework competition or they can log on to CNB website to try and see if they are distributing to the public though i'm not so positive about this."

Sorry MLBians, i guess i should have checked this out much earlier, it slipped my mind, and i've been super busy with the exams(submissions) round the corner.. :p hope u guys/gals can still watch the show some how.. though it sounds like a closed door event..sigh..

Another bad news, Nic might not be able to make it for the 933 event too, cos of camp stuff.. I got tutorial till late(7pm) that day too.. :(

Hope to hear some good news despite the bad ones above.. but not to worry ya, there'll definitely be more opportunity to see us soon :)

Meanwhile, just share some muscles of the arm that I've been working on.. kinda random but well.. i've yet to add in the veins.. maybe during hols ba..no time to perfect our assignments..


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 17:14

yup, i know chen xi, he's in ntu but guess wat,he's my CCHS(main) senior too.. i think he was sec 4 when i was sec 1 ba..and by right i was supposed to attend their building fund carnival but got project work that day, so he's going, but i gotta pass..dun worry quizzy_me, i know ur just joking ya? and when my friends ask i just say:"never mind ba, i think I'll just attend the lecture la" then can le lor.. hahaha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 17:30

hahahaha. i was about to leave le, hai hao i refresh again then BABOOM! haha.

oh well, never mind la. hahah! no worries. sigh, zen me ban leh??? lets see if we can plant surveillance camera in the place then we camp outside with our laptop and watch =X...ok not funny. Well I may or may not be free on that day anyway, so jia you in advance!!!

that arm is not so muscular yet =X. haha!! must do more weight-lifting for it....ok not funny also. haha thanks for sharing anyway.

haha ok...thanks for your understanding, and thanks for sharing. haha!! I kena suanned by my friends for this every sem. aiyoyo. haha!!

ciao!!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 17:49

hi ! Weiqi
I sould be Cheng Xi not chen Xi...haha..nvm...
he is going to cchsm de bazaar....
I thought of going but i have to work tt day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 17:52

hi ! Weiqi
I should be Cheng Xi not chen Xi...haha..nvm...
he is going to cchsm de bazaar....
I thought of going but i have to work tt day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 17:52

TT MEAN ah sam attending alone again


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 18:03

Sorry weiqi what u mean cchs? Chung cheng high school? Haha. I know he is going for the building fund carnival. Cos i got go to his blog and leave msg for him too. haha. He is a friendly,cute & handsome guy and i love his acting at channel 8 called just in singapore. If u are free pls tune in to channel 8 to watch the show at 9pm as the show is going to end soon.

hmm how to go in when it is a closed door event. sian. Hope mon 933 event will end at 10pm. Then weiqi can attend. Lol. The arm is not muscular. Haha. Thanks for sharing & thanks for ur reply. Jia you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 18:06

lol lorita it is ok if he spell it wrong. haha. So u are the lorita who leave msg for him at cheng xi blog? Haha.


Blogger Unknown | 28 March, 2008 18:12

weiqi, so you not going back for chungcheng's bazaar? D: D: D: oh man.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 18:13

yes...i'm one of his fans....
u ar the Jane who leave msg for his blog...

ayio,juz joking only


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 18:15

haha...nice to meet u in mlb blog...
i agree with u,he is cute,handsome & friendly


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 18:34

Haha. He is really cute,handsome, friendly & good at acting. But MLB also cute,handsome,friendly,cool, good in singing,drum and guitar. Haha. Samuela weiqi not going to attend their building fund carniva as he say he got project work on that day. Jia You!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 19:10

another 2 pieces of bad news for the day.. have had enough bad news today la.. =( sians..

but then well, understand that everything will change even if it's confirmed.. nvm la..

chanweiqi~ u take good care of urself la.. jiayou jiayou~~!! hopefully can see ya soon la..

`the world is forever changing, tt's why you gotta change to fit in better..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 19:20

Hi WQ!!! Jia you in everything u do!!! Good luck and all the best!!! I miss MLB... =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 20:37

aiyo my tian~ feel like crapp today. -.-

yeahh, same ans we got fr cnb.. kinda sianns. sighhs. got th info fr ur manager? hmm.. ohh wells. :(

headache now ah~ but despite all th bad news.. ppl do turn up on monday yeah, at least can see ahsam la... show some support yeah! :P

uber sian-ness... 2mths w/o event and here comes a closed door event. sighhs. ppl do look out and see if there's any way we can try to get in? -.- dont give up any small hope yeah.. ha..

think i abit siao fr being unwell today. gahh~ tkcare mrchan! and thanks loadds (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 20:44

weiqi, thanks for updating on upcoming events despite having exams ... good luck with your assignment! ... pity nic may have to "pon" the 933 event ... so left sam only ... play games again like the last time? ;p

what's with the muscle project? looks like some anatomy class you are having leh ...

take care ya ... brrr ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 22:58

WEIQI... Oh My ... THAT's Really Bad News! =(

Btw, Wow Cheng Xi Frm CCHS Too Eh... Now Den I Noe Siax... LoLx!

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger binz | 28 March, 2008 23:04

haiyo seems like i wun be able to attend any of the events =( i was so blur to remember the venue of the event as junction 8 instead of bugis junction. both got junction but so far apart =( then i happy for sometime for nothing cuz if is j8 i may be able to pia down but bugis, no chance.. still thought that can go for at least 1 event to cheer myself up frm the super hectic and tiring days recently.. cannot finish hw, dun have enough slp and loads of things pending undone =(

everyone out there also struggling with sch work or work jiayous ok! MLB and MLBIANS hang in there and pia our way~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 23:06

thank you!!

haa.. when there's one 'weiqi' in the tag.. there's bound to have ALOT more weiqis in the tag. wahaha! u're so busy and so nice of you to update us here. haha...

it's ok ba.. school's more impt than any other thing now right? it's just one event.. just as long as ur 'HEART' as ah sam to bring along.. ok le lor! or not ask him to bring two face boards of u and nic as companion. haha! fun lei!

jiayou weiqi!! and sam! and nic!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 23:18

Wow, so sad... so sad... Dragonfly confirm a closed door event. Wondering will Dragonfly allows members to attend the event?
Oh, hopefully Sam will be at Bugis for the Yes933 POTP Aniversary Celebration. If not, why did I applied leave for? Better pray hard & keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks for spending times, finding all the updated news, despite your busy schedule. Really appreciate.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 March, 2008 23:24

hello senior!
hello super senior!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 01:32

ok, now i can tag properly aft some rest..

ha, talking about pon class ah.. i've got experience.. haha. but dont learn yeah. now i totally regret those days, cuz kinda exchanged them for pretty bad os results.. rmb there was once i slipped outta class during toilet break, now feel darn bad towards my teacher.. [and my results] well, treasure th times we get to study bah, cuz its gonna be much tougher out there in th working world yeah..

regarding th events.. well, bad luck bah. haha.. hmm, at least we'll see sam on monday yeah. as for mrchan and nic, hope to see ya guys soon too.. but meanwhile, mrchan, concentrate on ur upcoming exams yeah? think we'll hv loadds of chances to see ya guys coming midyear.

anddd weiqi! i'll look forward to seeing you, thou i duno when.. got jokes to tell you! hahahahaha :P

takecare loadds guys :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 01:59

haha.. paiseh, spell wrongly. Yup Samuela, I can't make it for the bazaar..feel quite bad cos my whole class going but i got project work la.. sigh..i'll go there in may though, but I've yet to confirm the date..
thanks for the encouragement pegg, and sorry bout the bad news..
Si Min u jiayo too..
haha..i like the way MK say look out for chances hahaha..damn funny la, like spy..
yup sofui,like u guessed, anatomy study..very important for me cos I wanna be a modeller(my fav speciality in animation).
Btw, does anyone know that Cheng Xi has a twin brother..they were famous pai kia in my school..haha,i dun mean very bad pai kia la..but at that age,and in CCHS(@that time) haha..can't blame ya? i also kinda bad boy too heh heh..climb school fence,run away from prefects..hahaha..but i was still the monitor in class hehe..
Hey uncle phil,dun worry, sam surely turn up ya?
Everyone listen to Binz ya? Bia all the way..
Dun be saddened by the negative news.. weiqi shouts:"TAKE CARE MLBIANS!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 02:16

eh hello, duno who the one that make me wan to sound like spy? hahaha.. aiya i tag crap jus now la, not feeling well then i jus tag rubbish -.- tsk.. [ya ya ya, i'm always very entertaining to you right, i duno why either -.-]

by the way hor, wanted to ask u.. what you're taking now right, u're majoring in animation right? but there're like diff stuffs you can choose to major in? haha.. jus interested..

yeahhh chengxi's bro, th one in wei wo du zun.. super look alike la, then i was like totally, why will they want to have two people that look th same in th same company.. then like if they need one of them for a show and he isnt available, can use th other one? -.- haha.

whoaa you're monitor sia? kan bu chu lai.. hahaha.. speaking of pai kia i think im like th super pai kia type for girls sch standard. ha.. pon sch, pon cca, pon class. homework dont do, dont hand in.. haha.. actually there're many instances that true pai kias at heart dont even look pai kia.. lol..

reminds me of th xin.sg interview u guys did before. :P th one which u were asked if u would get ur female classmates to do ur homework for you, and you said yes of cos.. and nic totally went 'that's the weiqi i know!' hahaha... should take some advantage mah, ask ur classmates help u do.. or u can employ ur shou xia to help u do la.. haha... :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 02:17

take care weiqi
and wish u have a nice sleep
hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 02:19

Thanks quizzy for telling me that u tagged. Weiqi is alright that u spell wrongly. U go there in may for the bazaar or to go back to ur sch to see ur teachers? I know that cheng xi has a twin brother. His twin brother is in the u are the one at channel U. His twin brother is long hair de and cheng xi is short hair de. Haha. But somemore u are the monitor leh still pai kia in the cchs that time. CCHS is chung cheng high school? Yup i hope sam will turn up.

Really sad to hear the news. Hai. Have been listen to mlb song just now. So sad. But i think we will see mlb real soon ba.

Jia you & take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 02:27

haha oh well, yes don't be too sad la. its not like as if we not going to see milubing again. haha!

maybe we place one of our laptop in the event venue then video conference with the other person de laptop. means for example, i place my laptop inside, then set it to video conference mode with e-wen laptop. then we can all watch the show outside with e-wen laptop. ok not funny =X.

oh well, pai kia ah...never mind la, we all were young once. I more of kiasi one. haha! u run away from prefect ah...thats small case lor. my brother broke the law before =X. sssshhhh...

weiqi take care!! same as nic and uncle sam. haha!

jane, no need HOPE la, cos weiqi say uncle sam surely will turn up mahz. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 02:39

this is what happen when u r so busy multi-tasking. typo - same TO nic and uncle sam. haha!

weiqi jia you. binz jia you. everyone jia you. we all jia you together. i shall jia you too. SCH STARTING ON 7TH APRIL LE LOR. new class list just release. i wanna faint. haha!



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 02:39

wa mrchan, tts like alot of tags in one day! thanks for helping us find out abt e dragonfly gig ya.. :) well guess we jus keep a lookout n c if thr's anyway we can get in..

oh chengxi's bro ar, jiaxi lor..in e 'u are the one' de..they look super alike i cant differentiate lor! in sch bump into them i oso duno who is who..haha..

n ya, mon! ppl mus go down n support sam k! i'm gonna rush down aft my lecture..was all set on ponning alr(oops! dun learn k.. :p) den my prof say he will give exam tips so i hv to go..will try to rush down asap ya! sorry to those whose mlb tees are w me.. :(

ps: sam, dun come out so early on mon hor! :p haha..eh mr chan, acty u hv 2 v eng shou xia now..i jus submitted her assignment den e other one having holidays..can delegate some work..haha..take care n jiayou guys!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 03:34

Yup Mk, under animation u cld be doing modelling, character animating, rigging, texturing, lighting and rendering, particle effects+cloth etc. simulation.. and also could do combis of the above..
Jane, CCHS is chung cheng yesh, and i'm goin back to see my teachers.
aiyo,yuanping, dun pon la..
Xiaohong.. u mentioned sleep? ok now i go slp.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 03:55

eh! i say only la..nv pon..okok i go for lecture..promise! haha..

n yes..go slp..project work tml rite..jiayou jiayou jiayou!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 03:58

hmm ok.. sounds fun actually. (: guess my basic knowledge of animation's jus what i've done before, and mostly th cartoonish type. but there's loadds more huh.. seems pretty interesting..

but actually what i meant was, other than majoring in animation, there're still other things that you can major in? was reading up on th ntu site and there were stuffs like photography and all? but kinda kan bu dong la.. or maybe cuz i nv tk much time to read thru.. haha, paiseh nv make myself clear..

anyway, jus interested to know.. hv u always been interested in animation, or after u got into th course? haha, i duno why im doing research on u courses now, but jus kinda curious la..

ha some people ah.. later my 眼神要飘过去了... LOL. :P



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 04:33

yp wan to pon lesson to come and start debate with me.. hahaha... :P good.. weiqi, convince her not to pon.. if she dun come then i win th debate.. wahahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 04:36

i will go! cos i hv a v STRONG case! cfm guarantee chop win one! haha! lalala~~~


Blogger binz | 29 March, 2008 04:43

speaking of ponning lesson, i remembered once my whole class decided to pon a particular lecture. it was already decided upon, but somehow some of us had cold feet abt ponning lesson at the very last minute.. so we remained in school to stone until lecture ended to check if the lecturer will take any action on us. so foolish of us.. we could have might as well gone for the lecture or really pon.haha.. but i learned that im a small gut prsn, i will never wan to pon lesson again =X

wheee im finally done with my work! off to slp~~~ (((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 04:48

u got debate before not.. haha.. next time i form a team to debate w u k.. hahaha. i believe in myself la, so i will win th debate :P

been pretty long since there's news on nic, so how? still playing with his macbook? haha.. hope ya guys are fit and healthy yeahh.. tkcare loads!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 08:07

huh...on mon have to work till 6pm
lucky,i work place is near to bugis...15-20mins walk..hope Ah Sam dun come out so early lol....


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 08:10

i know cheng xi have a twin brother name jia xi.....both guys look alike....


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 13:15

MK, other than animation,ADM also offers film, vis-com, photography, product design, interactive media.
I only got really into animation after i changed course from initially wanting to join vis-com to ani. b4 i did animation, i only liked it from an audience point of view. now i know the painful life of being behind the screen..but it is kinda fun and rewarding..still painful though. But no pain no gain...heh heh..actually, music still the best la HAHAHA..
Hey binz, sometimes it takes more guts to stand up for wat's right,like telling ur friends tat u wanna stay for lect. If they are real friends, they should not treat u differently.
Ah nic is busy with camp stuff ba..xian how nic and I are always so busy. but soon the hols will come for me, and he'll have to clear some leave. That's when the real music will start flowing again :D got lots of stuff to work out! can't wait for hols.. ok back to my work.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 13:28

Weiqi thanks for ur reply. Haha. Now people seldom go bk to sch to see teacher. Yup. No pain no gain. Music is the best de. Haha. Thanks for telling what nic is busying. Dun sian. U and nic will be having hoilday soon de. Yeah good that nic going to clear leave. weiqi feel free to meet ur 2 bro to go out have lunch/dinner. What is sam busying huh? He have been mia for long time. Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 13:29

tsk, u're so busy, weiqi! homework kills ppl, ppl like me! anyw, jiayoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 13:31

and yup, forgot to mention. Sorry, cos i will be missing the two events ( D: ), so u guys jiayo! hope to see you all soooooooon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 13:52

ohh .. tt's really bad news .. but thx for e update anw ^_^

ehh .. cheng xi oso frm cchs ar .. din noe sia ..
wahh, bad boy oso can b monitor .. u act kuai in front of ur teacher isit =X juz kidding .. haha
ehh, tot u have lots of assignments, still tag so much .. jiayou yea !! nic & sam too !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 14:43

oh my, now can really cue in the music for so sad...ure muscle, really arm of muscle man. proportion abit wrong leh, can stretch ure upper arm abit more:p ure left hand looks good. wow u so on, still visit ure alma mater. only went back once for a fun fair and never again! since u rushing 4 deadlines, pass u some of my idle energy to finish ure hmwk. u can do it!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 16:04

eh, weiqi.. it's alright..
im not blaming you or anything.. making me guilty liao la.. -.-
jiayou la~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 16:13

heh now me at Woodlands library tagging lo~

I happened to pass by CD rama just now and saw this - a new compilation named "Golden Dramas" ("黄金主题曲" if I'm not wrong) was released. "Bai wan bao", "lu" and "she bu de" are included. lu and she bu de are in disc 1 track 1 and 2 respectively while bai wan bao is in disc 2 track 7 (they labeled it as one of the "classic" wor =P). It costs $18.95 at CD rama...
Oh well, I only saw at Causeway Point CD rama, hope you guys/gals can see in other stores though. haha.

weiqi - don't sian. Blink your eye once *blinked* and holiday will be here.

Ok lets promise each other not to pon lessons again wor~ jia you!!!

I going home le. ciao!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 17:54

Wah weiqi, you sound very busy.. jiayou for ur studies n other stuffs.

MLBians! jiayou too =D

Btw weiqi, I got friends in CCHS.. will ask them to keep a look out for u de..HAHA ^^D
Beware! Lol jkjk...XD


Blogger binz | 29 March, 2008 18:38

haha yes weiqi, it definitely takes like so much more guts to stand up for wad's right compared to the popular/fun-filled choice. yep, the reactions of different classmates varied..

haiyo homework homework homework homework... rarr i wan to kill them all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 19:42

hehe i think the some of the fun parts during studying is being pai kia. lol. climb school gates... climbing up and down from second floor cos the gates are locked.. see the discipline master then walk away in the opposite direction... hahaha :D


Blogger Hey (don't bring me down) | 29 March, 2008 20:28

Hi sam, I'm glad that Mediacorp gonna release an album consists of MLB songs! So happy can hear your sing again! Wahx happy beyond words, DELIGHTED!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 22:22

hey, thanks for th answers (: being very free th other day so i went viewing all those uni courses n stuffs.. kinda interested in photography but unfortunately adm's impossible for me.. haha. went to read thru th admission req and i was like omg, darn tough to get in. like those portfolio stuffs n all.. [thou for me thinking about uni's like REALLY far planning, haha]

guess its th same for all forms of art.. like th amt of time and effort u take behind th scenes that generates that small piece of work there.. tough job behind but its rewarding when u see th product yeah? jus like u guys and ur music ya, haha..

since music's th best, why didnt u tk a music course? haha.. but yeah, music's definitely th best thing around :))

holiday starts in may huh? jiayou yeahh, another month to go. [and another 1/2 mth when my sch will start -.-] well, ah nic's gonna ord eoy, so life wont be so packed for him soon.. as for ya, two more years? hahaa but eh at least you get ur term break and vacations, unlike nic la..

duno what im talking about. -.- tkcare!

&& thanks quizzy for th sms, will go check out th cd store tomorrow. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 23:15

Givon,hmwk kills a lot of us..hey but has anyone thought of this when watching death note? i was thinking that time when watching it like last year or something,i should buy the book(they sell at those anime/figurines shop) to write down my homework(then the hmwk will die heh heh). But my friend said i should write down all the lecturer's names instead(evil boy). I do have lots of assignments, but jus tag here a while la.eh..mighty mouse, it's the same arm la, i just rotated the cam to show the other side..it's a left arm.
ok, i think i better not tag too often right?u guys/gals scolding me le.. :p
Jiayo everyone! and thanksfor the jiayos.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 23:25

WEIQI, Huh Cheng Xi They All Are Famous Pai Kia Eh In Sch.?!? GOSH~

Anyway, Hahax Thinking Abt The 'So Traditional' De Sch, I Only Can Rmb The Lower Sec. Some Nerd Nerd Guys Who Will Even Button Up Their Most Top Collar That Button... =P

HAHAHA...! *OoPsz!*


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 23:35

ehh weiqi naughty sia, fancy cursing your your lecturers. haha!!

never mind la, as long as you don't get too distracted often, come here and tag once a while is ok de la. DESTRESS~~~~ if not you will keesiao de. haha!

jia you!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 23:40

Haha. Many ppl like to watch death note,naruto and bleach.lol. Ur friend so evil. Dun think just write down the homework then the homework will die. haha. We wont scold u de. Haha. U just need abt 5mins to tag only. It is good for u to destress. Jia you! How is sam? he have been mia for so long. Miss mlb.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 23:41

you don't tag too often will be a "problem" too, cos we will be missing you like siao also...although we will understand la. haha! so whether you should tag often or not, I would say, you decide la, as long as you do your work can le.



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 23:46


was wondering whats the WIP thing you have in the backgrd of the arm picture. anw, eventually i applied for vis-com instead of ani. cause ani is quite specific i think. bt vis-com learn wider range of stuff. hmm. going for the faculty test next saturday! geez.

anw if u're coming back to cchs before 16may, pop by the art rm yah? i shld be inside :p

lastly, not forgetting a big JIAYOU for you (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 March, 2008 23:47

Yea WEIQI...
Work Hard & Play Hard Too...

Tag Often, Provided U Free La... Having Enough Rest Also Impt Hor!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 00:02

th deathnote book huh, u wan not, i give u la. :P deathnote craze.. duno why i even bought it in th first place. put at home and bai mei -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 00:39

eh..quizzy_me..i say it's my friend's suggestion! i onlywished to write hmwk in that book,not my lecturer's name la..haha..
oh miko, the WIP=work in progress ya?Vis-com ya?haha..my first love was vis-com..still wish i can do it well some day..
MK,now u know wat to do with the book le(write to do list of hmwk in there)
once again thanks for the jiayos qianhui and all.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 00:43

Welcum... HaHax ~

Wat U Doing Now? Still Doing Ur Hm Work Eh? Rest Early k ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 00:45

it's just to write and remind myself what homework i have right, instead of trying to kill th homework -.- and i've got my sch diary for that purpose, ha..

ehh u said u not gonna tag so frequently hor... haha. go do ur work!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 00:47

Here is something i would like to share. But i not sure whether is it at sg store or what.





Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 00:48

=O?! lol ok...sorry my eyes got stamp. haha! alamak...ok then, CURSE HOMEWORK!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 00:53

U still busy with ur sch work? Jia you jia you jia you! Haha. We qill help u see david tao. U want to pass msg mah? Haha. Lol. I think u like bleach,death note and naruto ba. haha. Feel free to go to Cheng xi blog.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:02

i have a funny video to share.


Weiqi remember to see it. Haha. I think this will help u destress ba. Hehe. Jia you! U can do it.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:08

halo weiqi..
faster finish your work la.. pia-ing already u wana end up double pia meh? jiayou ah..
need ppl to sing u'get alive' ma? haha..

well.. u can come here to DESTRESS you know.. u can write ur hw down here. though it wun die. but i think after every tag the hw gets lesser le ba?
jiayou jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:11

dear fellow mlbians, plz don buy e mdc album, mlb don get $$$ for it,mdc gets e $$$ instead. wait 4 mlb album, confirm got lu wan...n @ least they get some $ even if lil.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:14

Hi, Good Morning to MLB & MLBians on this beautiful Sunday.

Weiqi, Jia-you...
Ya, I agree with Quizzy_Me that when you tag too often, all MLBians will asked you to leave, but when you never tag for too long, all MLBians will miss you. Haiz, very contradicting! Hehehe...


Blogger Strat | 30 March, 2008 01:22

Wei Qi,
Jia you... hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:27


hmm...well me not siding anyone la. thanks anonymous for informing, but I think it all boils down to consumers' choice whether they wanna buy or not ba? haha. If you don't want to buy for the sake of two songs only, jiu don't buy lor. cos really waste $$$. but I would say, I THINK the other songs will be nice. so whether we should or shouldn't buy, its really our choice le ba?? haha.

-_- provided I got $$$ though...haha!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:27

anonymous, that's not the way to look at it.. one should buy the album if they're truly interested in the songs in the album.. so what if mcs is th one earning th money? it's better than sitting infront of the computer and waiting for people to upload it instead. that's what kills the music market. same logic goes for any other music..

just my views, no offence.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:30

gahh.. that was me.. laptop getting cranky nowadays -.-

and yes, it all goes down to one's choice on whether to buy the album...

sadly, download sites really kill the music industry.. :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 01:32

oh right!! forget to say - must support original!! haha!!

if not jiu listen to radio jiu hao...everyday dian lu and she bu de in xian ge ji yi...wooh =X...haha!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 02:02

goodnite mlbians! i gokun le :p early night tonight! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 02:07

haha nitey!!! have a good rest!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 02:09

Weiqi good nite to u too. I going to kun soon. Good that today u have an early night. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 02:09

i'm laughing infront of my com. =x
later my mum tot i'm crazy. >.<"
the death note book looks so real!
bt if it was real, i tink the world would be real chaotic.
humans extinct liao. =x

hope to c u guys again soon! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 02:10

good night weiqi! :DD
dun fall off ur bed. =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 15:28

i tot i'm the only person that is sooooo lame to buy that book! i bought it with my friends, and we wrote our band instructor's name, cos he loves scolding us! and i also write down GEOGRAPHY, ( hope all the tb of geog will burn into ashes! ) so silly~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 19:25

Thanks for the updates,Weiqi.
And try not to tag in the late night leh..you need to rest you know.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 21:42

bought th drama serial songs album liao, duno how ya guys will think of it.. but th full ver of she bu de was cooler than i expected, ha.. or maybe its just becos its very my type of song.. but yeah, i liked it :))

there're quite a number of nice drama serial songs in there, do buy it if u like those songs! some pretty new songs are included too, eg th main and subtheme for just in singapore.

yuppppps. :)


Blogger Unknown | 30 March, 2008 21:55

lol. miko, chengxi-super senior. that's funny!

weiqi, you also paikia?! i only heard from a teacher that you don't pay attention in class. woops.

anyway, i heard from my sis, when they announced that they will be contacting jasmine tye, chengxi and MLB to come for bazaar, MLB received the loudest cheer. :D

anyway, weiqi JIAYOU!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 March, 2008 22:29

Weiqi! you rock can? Haha, anyway, liangteh said 'hi' to you and asked me to tell you that she miss you a lot.
BUT! I miss you even more! Haha, i might not see you 3 in the future events leh, cause i have to chiong for my o level. But i will try my very best to go! Cause i dont want you guys to forget me :(
Lol, anyway if the deathnote thingy works, tell me.
I'll buy it to kill the person who invent studies and o level! [evil grin]


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 00:00

i duno who invented olvls, but i think th person who invented studies died long ago liao la... hahaha :P

beginning of a new week... tkcare all! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 01:01

mlbians..goodnite..i gotta sleep slightly earlier, waking early tmr.. i'll read the tags the next time i come around! sorry... nitey :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 01:07

nights~ (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 01:12

Good night. I going to sleep soon. 2moro going to wake up early too. It is ok , u can read the tags next time when u come here. Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 01:28

lol no need sorry la...haha! jia you lo weiqi. chiong ah!!!

oh well actually I wanted to ask you something de, but well, you slow slow read ba. hehe..

well the scenario is this; classmates or even teammates whom you really cannot tolerate...or maybe just can't get along with, what would you do or how would you feel? For me I think I'll just keep ren-ing (but no good la, will get very upset de). How about you?

Haha cos my friend said she hoped she won't have to face b*****ds in her new class or she will pon class all the way...alamak~~~haha...

AHHH last week of holiday le...

alright. nitey!!




Blogger binz | 31 March, 2008 04:01

haiyo weiqi no need sorry lah(: got come by already very good(:

anw to those ppl goin to bugis later have fun! haix i wanna go badly too but argh why sch have to end so late at like 5.05pm =( jiayous to sam in whatever you are gonna do at bugis later!

jiayous to weiqi at studies and nic at dancing? jiayous everyone~ wheeee sleeeeeeppp!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 08:47

Hahaha. Meikian! I think so too! So, i think i'll write down my school's or perhaps all the schools' name. So that all the schools will close down. WAHAHAHAHA. No stress leh! Good mahhhhhhhhhhh! Hah. Anyway, good morning to all! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 09:57

Hi WQ!!! I'm glad that u remembered me... Haha... Hmm, so, how is ur project c0ming along? Sill fine mah? Haha... U tag too much le... Hehe... Then how is ur puppet? Complete le mah? U also must jia you wor... I wonder how is Sam and Nic doiing le... Hope to see u guys soon!!! I miss Mi Lu Bing...! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 13:33

oh, so later d event is 1缺2... hope some day can c u guys in full force.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 13:38

yoz, it has been long since ii last tagged too. ha.

you uber gao xiao laa, tied up with works le, still able to tag and reply. haha! bt its betta den dun appear rite?! all misses MLB. and yesh, thx for the updates! =D hmm well, ii am goin to say the same old thing, JIAYOU in ur studies, take care and dun tire urself too much, take sufficient rest hor. =) miss you!

ii noe sum of us dun like April (cos no public holidays =[) bt jz bare with it, soon will be over! haha! April haven even started 就自我安慰先. =p jiayou all!!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 18:45

Yeah...i accidentally heard milubing on air 933..haha...

vry nice leh guyz..i mean all the songs sang..

especially the WEN ROU..
cz the rest i cant hear carefully...

u guyzz are still the best...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 20:39

I'm back at my com now..jus to continue where i left off: actually i haven't went back to my sec school since..eh..haha..dun rmbr le.So i'm quite a bad student ya?no la,i busy with mlb and school ma rmbr?haha..anyways,i promise my form teacher that I'll go see her in may. Singyin,concentrate on ur Os ba, it's ok if u miss our events,we understand..including all others who have other important things to attend to ya?MLB is not so xiao qi ma.. haha..
Quizzy,when dealing with difficult people,u need lots of patience.If possible,choose ur team mates wisely,but if no choice,then gotta be firm about your principles,and make the best situation out of the project.Everyone here muz have experienced bad team mates b4,so maybe the rest can share how u deal with em?
Si min,my projects are WIP,gotta bia this month throughout lor, and the puppet is lying in some lonely corner cos dun need to use it le haha..
[Sam is the same,hair purple black now.. :( ]
[Nic has been VERY busy learning new music software,and refreshing his knowledge of music arrangement and trying to FULLY utilise his new macbook.. :D ]
Capri, full force will come during xuan chuan period and there after.. :p
Shihui..i dun like april too..
Kit ah,WenRou,Lu, all sang by nic alone ya? dun confuse heh heh..
Ok i go do my werk le.. talk to ya later..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 21:19

nice seeing nic and sam at bugis today. cool.. =) haha weiqi jiayous too.

take kares.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 21:23

hey wq, what time did you update your post? haha...

what's with th :( after talking about sam's hair? haha. black hair still looks th best to me :P

anywayyyy. here's to sam&nic.

ehhhhh how can you guys not know 'hong qing ting'!! that's like my favouritest fav 'old song' hahaha. :P but wenrou was like reallyyyy nicee :)
and how come u guys were so surprised to see me, haha. jus a change of hairstyle for once la.. was i tt hard to recognise? :PP

andd sam, i think i forgot to say bye to you, haha. paiseh, was busy video-ing la.. -.-

u very cute hor.. hahaha. :P th school will close down jiu hao.. LOLS.

hmm, bad team mates.. for me its just ren bah, but while ren-ing, be firm with your views. like, if you really think something shouldnt be done that way, gotta raise ur views and make them heard. if not very chi kui mah.. haha...

by th way, did anyone record down th live telecast over radio? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 21:28

event article on xin.sg


they were interviewed in th radio, and here's what they said:




Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 21:29

blahhhhh. what's wrong with me recently? -.-

i meant, they were interviewed in th VIDEO. [click on that small red icon beside th article title]



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 21:37

Haha, i know you guys are not 小气 luh.(you all very 大气. HAHAHA, k i know im so lame) But just 觉得遗憾,cause cant see you all. And its for a long period of time leh. Yeah, 6 months is so long lah.

Meikian! Yah lor, if close down comfirm nice one. We wont have to study! [clap hands]
And Weiqi wont feel so stress le, HOR?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 21:42

不要想太多~ LOL. 实际一点la.. hahaha... be abit more practical and chiong hard for ur os.. can play like duno what after ur os la.. haha.. jiayou jiayou (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 March, 2008 21:53

Lol, thank you, Meikian!
Yah, i know im so unrealistic. :p
But sometimes day-dreaming can help to dis-stress too!
Thats why i love day-dreaming so much. HAHAHAHAHA.
Anyway, i saw the video. Thanks for the link ya!
Nic's handsome today.
And Weiqi, yah lor hor, why you put a :( there? Lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 00:00

alamak WQ, kena bluff by u! sian.....but honest, the left palm looks nicer leh. u go look again. hee same logic as my right profile looks nicer than my left profile or is it the other way round? :O rit? hahaha 我太自恋了....go ahead n vomit. u will feel better after dat:P


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 00:02

haha paiseh yo weiqi, i wanted to say "u lied to us" just now (just kidding too)...haha! thanks for informing, though by the time u update that post, we were probably at Bugis already. hehehe. hope class is fine for you today?

haha thanks for answering my query (thanks meikian too haha). TOO BAD HOR, in RP, we can't choose our teammates (except for during FYP ba)..haha!
so yup, so the bottom line is to - be firm~ haha!
thank you thank you!

now sam's hair color is purple black wor? wooh cool! but...alamak...hmm...ok never mind, believe he will take care of his hair de. haha!

hmm...need to refresh knowledge about music arrangement ah? i thought just ping pong piang with you trios de guitar, keyboard and drums (and prolly beatbox) can le? haha...

correction - wen rou --> sam got beatbox! sam did sing a bit la, then nic join in the beatboxing...SURPRISE LOR! HAHA

jia you lo~!


Blogger binz | 01 April, 2008 02:41

eh weiqi why :( for sam's purple black hair? or maybe jux typo? haha. din manage to see the purple tint jux now.. only saw black~ very long never see mlb full force liao.. let's anticipate june/july to come really soon then will have 2nd album(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 April, 2008 11:59

halo wq, woo~ gotta wait till jun/ jul huh...

ytd liyi asked if u guys r bz preparing 4 d new album, den nic said u r bz preparing....... 4 ur exams... lol...

so now, jia you for ur school/ exams. shall wait till ur album release... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 April, 2008 03:13

No la. who say u are a bad student. U are just busy with ur stuff so u dun have time to visit her loh. Why u :( for sam purple black hair now? Cos u think he look more nice in other colour?

Sam pls take care of ur hair. Ya loh when liyi asked if u guys are busy preparing 4 the new album, then nic said u are busy preparing...... 4 your exam. Haha. lol. Jia you! Take care & rest early. :P