
Busy weekend 4 a gd cause
milubing | 22 May, 2008 15:43

Hi everyone! thanks for the encouragements and constant updates.. here's an update of what we know :)

This Sat (24May)
7.45pm iweekly show starts
7.50pm MLB singing 3 songs ( G A, L and ?? ) *hint hint*
p.s. the idea of singing old qf songs is kinda cool! but as usual, we gotta follow requirements of the event etc... except for the ?? which we heh heh..asked for. btw we won't be @ MDC.

This Sun (25May)
7pm MDC earthquake relief program. MLB will definitely be there to support this event for a good cause. :)
p.s. this is one of the ways MLBians can contribute together! :D

hope this info helps mlbians!

?? = cs

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Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 16:07

a miloful weekend! :)
thanks weiqi for the update. hehe.
roughly about 28 more hours.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 16:07

glad that milubing got perform for sunday's show too
but hor, i cannot watch sia. paiseh to request for change shift again le, cos i already ask for morning shift on 1st june liao hahaha...haha never mind, jia you jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 16:08

oops, too excited.
i thought today's friday. hahahaha.
so missed out another 24 hours. :p



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 16:12

sat is coming soon! haha
oh, mlb in for the charity show too?
my little bro is involved too!
wonder if i can get tics to the show..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 16:20

sat is coming soon....
alhough i have donated to spore red cross but lets donated together as mlb family
each time,watching the news makes me very sad


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 16:20

weiqi thanks for the information. Other 2 more days going to see u all soon. Yeah. Haha. Weiqi if guess correct, got prize mah? haha. Joking. I think 3 of u will be singing get alive, lei & so sad or bai wan bao ba. haha.

Yeah then going to watch on that day liao Jia you!


Blogger binz | 22 May, 2008 16:21

ahh so long never see mlb performing liao~ and wheee it's gonna be 2x in a week(: yays i shld be goin down for iweekly show.. mdc relief program i'll stay at home and enjoy~! yays it's school holidays alrdy so can go out more i suppose!

JIAYOUS MLB for the performances~!!

and haha weiqi very cute hur, the 3rd song put ?? not enough, still put the usual *hint hint*, then still 心痒痒 wanna say, then put the ??=cs.. haha we'll look forward to the surprise aye!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 18:26


This coming SAT is coming...

Heex~ looking forward to cya guys performing the 3 songs =)

As well as on Sunday performance, most prob stay at home and watched.


CYA GUYS 2 more days.........



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 18:54

oh yeah! a weekend is gonna full of MLB! EXCITED! gonna support both events, especially the Sunday one!

JIAYOU, guys! ^_^
see ya all soon!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 19:01

see you guys soon! ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 19:19

hey, great ya guys are participating in the charity show too.. (:

regarding the donations, we did consider about having our own donation drive, and donating money as a whole mlb family. were discussing it ytd, but we thought ya guys probably donated on ur own already, and so on.

BUT. if ya guys are willing to, we dont mind organising a donation drive to donate as a family. do let us know? if there really are people going with the idea, we can do it on saturday. let us know what ya guys think. (:

probably not much, but it's what we can do to help. wishing we can do more, but donating is probably most of what we can do now.



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 21:41

thanks for the updates for the event..=D

haa. think i knw wad songs u guys are singing liao.muhahaha..=) just tt the last song i still thinking-.-

nodnod.. for the donations part..will do my part to help those victims :D

jiayou guys! looking forward seeing u guys on sat.hohoho !


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 21:55

ehh mk,
steady lor! i want to help~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 21:59


Hmmmm ... CS = ?? - I Cant Tink Of Any QF Songs Which Is CS Lek.?!?
*Aiyo Many Of My Brain Cells Gone ~~~

CYA GUYZ This Weekend ... Ahhhhhh HaHaHax Soooooo EXCITED & Looking Forward ~!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 22:40

Hi weiqi,
Thanks for the update.
I am glad that MLB is involves in the charity show for sichuan earthquake. In fact, I was already thinking yesterday that MLB will surely joins this meaningful event, when I heard the news. Then, this morning when I am listening to yes933, the dj did not mentioned MLB at all, but I have a strong feeling that MLB shall be performing, and not surprise when I was watching tv about 2hrs ago, I saw on the tv screen that MLB is one of the artiste performing. Yeah... MLB, I am so proud of you guys.

As for the 3 songs MLB will be singing on Saturday for the i-pop show, I believe they are Get Alive, Lu & a new song from MLB's 2nd album. Woohoo, 第一首波, we are so lucky. Cheers...

Ah ha, gonna be a Super weekend in 2 days' times. MLB Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 22:41

whoa change dp liao. hahahaha.

a question for weiqi: have you tried not sleeping for a day before?

haha. cos last night my colleague was quite pek chek at work. Cos the night before he help his father work (he hold 2 jobs~), until 7am then never sleep, straight away go school, then after school straight away came to Sun plaza work le lor...power hor? hoho...

I'll already feel very pek chek if i only sleep for 3 to 4 hours per day for several days...just like this morning la, darn pek chek lor...but i nap nap just now le la, so still ok hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 22:52

Dun be too harsh to yourself, take things easy. Never get pek-chek too easily, or else its very easy to get stroke & 爆血管。If you know not having enough sleep will makes you pek-chek, then you should try to sleep early instead of watching tv (if I am not wrong). Must Jia-you & relac ok?

Oh, as for the donations: by doing it as a MLB Family, I think it is very meaningful. But, seems like many have already donated. So, lets see how was the response?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 23:13

Yeah the 3rd song maybe is new song. Aiya whatever. On sat we will noe it ourself. Hehe. If new song we will be the first 1 to listen.

We as singapore ppl is lucky although singapore just only a red dot. Look forward to see mlb soon. Yeah Mlb jia you! Take care! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 23:16

hahaha "ah gong" phil. now no watch TV le! no time for that haha! now is work work work, study study study, FYP FYP FYP (final year project), CCA CCA CCA...hahaha. i guess i just have to manage my time better lor...hehehe

thanks anyway~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 May, 2008 23:50

Yes, quizzy. I am sure you know & can manage your time-table. Jia-you...

Hahaha... think I better change my nick back to Uncle Phil. Cos, just now ik msg me and address me as uncle phil. Then I was like suddenly lost! hehehe... Anyway, I am still not fit to be "Ah Gong" yet.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 00:00

HAHAHAHA. tyty~~
cos u xi guan le la!! haha!!

oh ya hor i forgot L could also mean lu...argh whatever it is, I MISS MILUBING sia~~~hahaha. milubing jia you!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 00:09

Wow, watching the American Idol results' show just now. Suddenly got a feeling when seeing the Winner got that tears on from his eyes, reminded me when MLB was crowned Singapore 1st Superband & also winner of Best New Comer during last year Yes933 Music Awards Presentation, how our tears just dripped from our eyes, those were tears of happiness that words cannot describe. Hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 01:02

alamak got req'mts. Great! will look forward to the 2 qn marks.
er why no donation drive to Myanmar also? THink they need it more than China after all the global outpouring with the extensive news coverage. hmmm maybe their governmt not open to global aid? yikes...mus start to read the heavywt section of my newpapers or chat w my kaypoh frens who's more in touch w the world affairs. nitey, gotta go rest, tmrw's FRI!! at last


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 01:31

Dearest MLB & MLBians,
Gudnite & Sweet Dream, its Friday now. See you guys tomorrow evening.
Have a nice day & great weekend ahead. :)

Ya, btw does anyone knows how to get tixs for Sunday's charity show?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 04:11

wow,sam u look so different from the hairstyple


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 11:40

Sam ur new hairstyle look like boy boy. Haha. Y u cut ur hair so short? See u all 2moro at ngee ann city. Jia you! Take care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 16:13

aiyo... tmr perform so early... might nt b able to make it b4 tat time...

tmr my bro rom, so hv family dinner. hope those go there early early can take some gd pics/ videos.

yeah, glad tat u guys r involve in d charity show. will try to watch!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 16:40

Congrats to those who won the i-pop concert VIP pass! I think quite alot are from mlb fans. Still can win the VIP pass? How to win the VIP pass? Just listen 2 933?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 19:31

jane, tonight 933 giving the last 5pairs of tics le. u can start listening from 11pm. =)

yeah, i think cs is a new song? MLB! jia you for tml and sun!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 19:48

Was really jaded by the recent tragedy in the 2 countries. How do we make peace with mother nature and make this a better place to live on? Will it help if we love more?

I'm touched to see the rundown of the charity show on this Sun. Artistes offering songs of hope. Jiayou!

★ JJ林俊杰+师弟李志清合唱《爱与希望》

★ 许美静+潘嘉丽+邓妙华+芮恩合唱《城里的月光》

★ 李铭顺、钟琴、谢宛谕、谢韵仪、陈泓宇、陈靓瑄、杨志龙、张耀栋+郭淑贤等共10名艺人将合唱〈等一个晴天〉。

★ 迷路兵+《绝对Superstar》艺人+陈世维将合唱《真心英雄》送给我国民防部队的救护人员。

★ 郑惠玉、李锦梅、陈莉萍、洪慧芳4女星以身为人母身份谈灾区孤儿

★ 郑斌辉+鹤天赐+林明伦+周崇庆+苏志诚等合唱《手牵手》。

★ 陈伟联与小朋友合唱《童话》

★ 向云与孩童作诗歌朗诵——《孩子,快抓紧妈妈的手》!

★ 一群学生诗歌朗诵——《妈妈别哭》!

★ 新闻主播(黄秀玲、董素华、林启元)诗歌朗诵——《生死不离》!

★ 陈子谦、刘玲玲、戚玉武,王欣,黄韵仁、伍家辉唱福建原创歌曲《小雨伞》

★ 梁智强、明珠姐妹、陈建彬、林茹萍、郑荔分、阿南高唱《有用的人》

★ 新加坡6名国家运动员(风帆选手李德仁、刘晓丹;太极拳/太极剑高手陶奕君、羽球选手李羽佳、江彦媚,乒乓选手井浚泓)接听热线电话

★ 许振荣任热线主持,接听慈善电话艺人团队:陈丽贞、周初明、郑各评、黄文永、林梅娇、刘芷绚、欧萱、陈国华、朱厚任、杨志龙、叶世品、严丙量、姚懿珊、朱厚任、陈泰铭、庄米雪、赖怡伶、潘淑钦、曾诗梅、莫小玲、黄慧、江承熹、陈侠中、许雅慧、杨伟烈、方展发、唐育书等等(排名不分先后)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 May, 2008 23:20

Yeah ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 00:33

Thanks syl. Anyway i answer the qns at channel u website liao. I hope i can win the VIP pass. Hehe.

Good night. Jia you & take care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 01:13

Hey,MLB & Mibians
c u ltr!!!!I won the VIP Pass again


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 01:20

wow, why you gals so lucky? I tried but wasn't lucky enough to win the VIP pass for this evening i-pop event. Haiz...

Alrite, gd nite & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. See you guys/gals this evening.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 02:43

waaa now i duno if i can go tml le lor...cos got a friend not feeling well after her tournament today, then wanna rest tomorrow but no one cover shift for her...so only me can help le lor...*praying hard* but i told her if she still can tahan then better come la...aiyo...

so whatever it is, wanna say jia you to milubing again tomorrow lo. JIA YOU JIA YOU!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 09:08

JIAYOU tonight!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 10:30

Lorita thank's ya =)

Cya soon...

MLB JIAYO for tonight !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 13:08

Boyz, remember to drink more water ya. Weather v bad lately.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 23:39

Wow, After not seeing MLB performing LIVE for such a long period. I have a great times just now.
MLB's performance was superb, the sound systems were good (especially the drum-beats from Sam). We were so lucky to hear one of MLB's new song which will be recorded in their 2nd album (to be released in mid-July as mentioned by weiqi in one of his previous post). Eagerly waiting for it to release.
I love "Lu" very much, it sounds even better with MLB singing LIVE.

HaHa... I guessed the 3 songs which MLB sang tonight are totally correct.

Btw, I am quite sad to see the 3 of you slimmed down so much. And worst are Nic having swollen eyes & Sam don't know why his right ear are so red? Hope you guys really take great cares of yourselves.

MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 May, 2008 23:48

Oh, I was also quite sad that I can't hold my MLB board up high, although I brought it all the way there since 4pm. Because the crowd was quite huge behind me, and worried it will block their views. Think I should make new boards with smaller sizes! :)

Well since weiqi won't be able to attend next Sunday's event (U-Channel at IMM), I am wondering whether MLB will performs or not?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 00:02

weiqi, time to cut your hair :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 00:13

Thanks for performing for us just now. Yeah the sound systems were good n loud. Hehe. We are so lucky to hear the new song.

3 of u slimmed down quite a lot. Nic look shuai with sunglasses on. Sam look cute & boy boy with his new hairstyle. Please take good care! Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 00:23

Oh ya, wondering MLB & MLBians still remember that guy which hug Nic & later kept shouting for weiqi at the backstage at ECP few months ago? He was present at today's event. Fyi, during the evening segment where the MDC artistes were on stage promoting their new show (心花朵朵开). That guy volunteer to go on stage and play game with the artistes. Then, when he went up the stage, he straight away went to hold 曹国辉 hand. And after finishing playing the game, he went to hug 黄慧 and nearly kiss her on her right cheek. Luckily, the rest of the artistes stopped & pulled him away.
In fact, when MLB was on stage. He also kept shouting for weiqi. Haiz... what happen to that guy???


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 00:34

Yup i still remember that guy. He is very noisy loh,keep shouting n shouting. I never notice that he hold 曹国辉 hand. After finishing playing the game i only saw he went to hug 黄慧 and kiss her on her right cheek. Maybe he is crazy? Lucky he never hug 1 of u. MLB be careful of this guy!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 00:54

weiqi, tym to get haircut again ya ... u heard ur twin bro calling you rit? dats why you said hello? he was wearing pink >.< and kept calling your name throughout the performance.

is cs gonna be an acoustic version or will it be re-arranged? i lyk the guit (part of it reminds me of the acoustic version of so sad? i dunno, just thought so only) ... and the lyrics, well, we get MLB's drift la ... or maybe i think too much liao?? @-@

jia you for tmr!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:03

nic here..

power la happening just now you all..

tml morn 745 report camp show.. darn shagged out man..

BUT! Today was really a great day.. had so much fun.. n u guys realli made it all happening with the screams! hope we did SG proud with the 3 men thing.. next album's gonna be happening with bigger sound with mr macbook ard :0..

looking forward to see ya ll again.. tml will put a proper post.. need sleep man..

eye's killing me..

will put on some weight aft nov ord..

but may be posted outa mdc to signals soon.. oops stay in.. hope for the best..till tml!



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:09

yo guys! nice performance today (: liked the new song. esp the chorus, sounds great. doesnt really feel like ur style, i duno why. but definitely improved already. yeah! couldnt really hear the lyrics though, so can't comment much -.-

sam boy.. u all sang chengSHOU u know. hahas.. though you insist its SHU. but its tgt with cheng its chengSHOU lahhhh. hahas.. it's a double pronunciation word! :P mus learn it properly so that you won't say wrongly when the album's out.. hahas.

nice one guys. looking forward to e release! (:

jiayou yeahhs... and.. nic boy & weiqi, be careful of.. ahem.. :P

anyway. chengSHOU uploaded~ last song on the playlist. cheers.



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:11

anw UNCLE PHIL, i think the milu boards u made were quite pretty (: simple and nice. the orange one is more striking though. &also sry cant help u hold cause behind alot of ppl, cfm will block their views.

WEIQI! im the one who said "WEIQI ADM!" when you guys were hurrying to the little bus. no time to talk more like so i super short cut ): argh. hope to see you guys soon man.

QUIZZY! i keep looking ard but nvr see u leh! you yuan zai jian ba. hais.

finally, MLB: WELL DONE for today's performance! the new song is NICEEEEE :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:11

huh, serious ahs? -.- will get posted out de worhx? hahas. hope ya stay in mdc though, do what ya do best, SING! yeahh. hahas. though taxing but i'm sure u enjoy it yeah? (:

ohh well. jiayou and takecare yaa (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:14

huh NIC, dont uds what signals you saying leh. think i gotta slp soon! nice seeing you guys today!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:14

woots~ thanks for the great performance put up just now (=

just like wad mk said. it's supposed to be chengSHOU instead.
the chorus's not bad. lyrics is meaningful. some sort of aspiring lyrics here and there. but i feel tt the music can be better but overall, you guys really improved alot. (=

rest well guys~
and yeah. it's time to put on some weight..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:16

nic, are you serious?
from mdc to signal. oh gosh.
dun wan la. hope you'll be able to stay in mdc.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:29

thanks, meikian for upload chengshou.

i was so sick today n cant go down to support MLB, still feeling bad...

sad to hear the Boyz loosing their weight, and hope Nic has a good rest now.



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:31

Hope u will stay at mdc. Yeah mlb & mlbian rock! I cant hear the new song clearly. Sorry. But is quite nice. Jia you! Look forward to see u all again. Nic then u go sleep now ba. Weather is very bad. Drink more water. Yeah u all need to put on some weight. Take care. MLB & mlbian rock!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:32

Hi everyone, firstly thanks for coming down ya? and for the cheers and support. Chen shu was done as a preview, therefore we didn't do it band style today. u'll hear the actual thing during xuan chuan period. it is also random that we chose to sing it today, and mite/mite not be zhu da. Just a preview for u all :D
Here's a big JIAYO to all those having papers..cos majority of the letters i read were complaining of papers...i feel your plight and anxiety..but hang in there!u can do it! :)
p.s. nic meant from MDC transferred to signallers camp. Let's hope he still can join in the xuan chuan! haha.. anyways,for 1st of june,sam n i will not be around.only nic representing the band..but with little surprise installed. Take care mlbians...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:35

oh ya..regarding the chuen shu thingy.. sam said that 'chen shu' is the proper pronunciation but can be read as 'chen shou' too in different circumstances. this one we are leaving to him to explain when needed cos he is more familiar with the reason(s) :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:37

take care of ur eyes pls..>.< really swollen from wad i see la.. sigh.. oh dear.. i hope u also will stay through in mdc :(

anyway say le..the new songs for new album is NICE NICE NICE ! haas. u guys perform very well today lor.. i love LU tt u guys perform today.. NICE NICE NICE :D

nic rest well pls kaes.. ^^
weiqi and sam u guys too. have a good rest too all right ! >.<

-hugs- ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 01:48

ok lor, you all win liao. -.- just checked dictionary, it says chengSHU. -_-" fine la, its a double pronunciation word. whatever. -.-

and weiqi! ur pinyin also wrong hor. is CHENG! hahahaha :P sam the chinese pro? hahas.. i bet ask nic he sure blank de. LOLS

ahhhs i'm having common test in a week's time too :( hang in there all! jiayou (:

off to sleep alreadyy. cyahh guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 May, 2008 02:22

Not cheng shu meh? Lol. I was not feeling well but quite ok when i saw mlb came. Hehe. So tired. My leg so suan. Yesterday i was at civi plaza at 2.49 there.

Take care. Jia you! Night. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 May, 2008 14:57

hey guys!

love your performance at town last saturday.
luckily i manage to CHIONG down before you all begin..
hope u all enjoyed performing as much as we enjoy listening and watching it.
love the new song eh!!

jiayou ah!! will be looking forward for second baby!