
sam :
milubing | 23 June, 2008 00:53

I was at the hospital almost the whole day, visited a friend who's unwell. Before i left the ward at night, an old lady in her 80s was brought in to rest on the bed directly opposite my friend. This auntie was accompanied by her younger brother who was almost as old as her. As Auntie had difficulties with movements and speech, her brother spoke to the nurse on her behalf. Unfortunately, the foreign nurse couldn't speak dialet and Uncle hardly understood english. I then went up and volunteered to help with simple translation. Uncle couldn't answer many of the nurse's questions. For example, any drug allergy? When asked for a Next-Of-Kin contact, Uncle took out his handphone and searched for his own handphone number.. The nurse asked for a second NOK contact, Uncle replied at that time he's the only one and he'll definitely pick up his phone. I learnt that this pair of siblings lived together, their next kin was a niece who was not contactable at that time. Uncle also told me to ask the nurse if they could have financial assistance with the hospital fee.. When the discussion was over, Uncle walked over to Auntie who was lying still on the bed, stroked her forehead and said to her that he's leaving and will be back the next day to visit her. She replied a very soft "Orh" and watched him leave. From that time till i left, i looked at Auntie. She stared blankly at nothing, helpless and lonely. I tried speaking to her a little in cantonese, asking her whether she was comfortable, telling her to sleep early and have a good rest, trying to cheer her up. I didn't know what she was trying to reply. Then before i walked out of the ward, i went up to Auntie again, gave her a wide braces smile and say goodbye. I felt sad.. Not like really upset till i cry, but just sad to witness this happening. Maybe its not as bad as i think, but this is reality.

I don't have a moral of the story, because this is not a story.

I hope all of us will stay healthy and away from the hospital, take care people..

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Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 02:03

nic here..

couldnt help but say...

yes...this is reality ppl...

most of our parents have 2/3 of their lives gone...

for us maybe 1/3...

cherish whatever there is left...

it may be depressing.. but we can always look at it either way half glass empty or half glass full.

depressing man.

maybe i'll die of lung cancer you know why...



Blogger Strat | 23 June, 2008 02:23

In life ... We have to make lots of decisson no matter is good or bad ... We still have to go on .... At times we can't decide , and tat leads to sleepless nites ... But the sun will be out soon even if U can't sleep so ... We still have to continue to walk on .... But we can't decide when are we going to leave here to heaven!!! Tat's life ...



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 02:32

i remember having relatives who passed away due to cancer and other illnesses.. was really affected and upset when my grandpa passed away due to lung cancer, cuz somehow i felt i didnt do much for him while he was alive. was his favourite grandchild, but yet i didnt spend much time with him.

i duno why, but rather frequently, i think about me and my family.. the amount of time we spend with each other, the things we talk to each other. sometimes everyone's so busy, there's hardly even an exchange of 5 sentences everyday. i hoped to try, but i guess im just not the type to express my affection through words and actions.

sam, had experiences like such before too. probably why i dont like/try to avoid visiting hospitals, cuz i dont like seeing such scenes. there're so many people in this world who lack some love.. for a reason or two.. and so all the more we should spread some..

it's a blessing to have your family with you.. truly a blessing.. i'll cherish mine..

nic, since we know why and you know why, you know what to do yeah? cut down a lil, spend more time with your music and loved ones. ^^

God bless!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 02:40

sam, any idea if the auntie has her own children?
cos my concern is, I hoped the old auntie wasn't abandoned by her kids, if not they will be curse by me. I understand how it feels and it suck. My grandma was ill-treated by my uncle and auntie laa. Not physically but...ill-treated lor. My parents fall out with them le la. Because of them I cannot see her for the last time also.

Yes I really love all of ya so hope that u all will take care too ya?
At the same time, be good to our parents hor. hahaha.

Nic ah nic, since u know and we know why, u better take care hor. oh ya, I was really disturbed when I found out recently an ex-classmate of mine was influence by friend to pick up smoking. no offence ya, just...so sad so sad~~

and i'm skeptical about their financial assistance request lor...haiyaa...reality of life indeed...

did i went our of point??

tml still got school...nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 02:58

I agree with pandaeye. We have to make lots of choice no matter it is good or bad. Life still have to go on.

Nic since u noe and we noe why, pls take care and cut down bit by bit. Spend more time with friends n other things.

Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 03:31

Just to tell you that am very proud to have an idol like you. Believe you will surely love your family, relatives & friends/ Hopefully your fans too Hehe...

Please do what you think is right & make adjustment or correction if its wrong or bad for you.
Bear in mind that you will not be suffering alone! So better pick the right choice. Hope you won't feel offended.

As for myself, I am trying to spen more times with my dearest mum. Everyday after I returned from work, take shower then have dinner with my mum and stay in the living room watching tv programmes & chatting with her till after 10pm before we go to our own rooms and rest.
On weekends, I ill try to have lunch with her before going out. And I will also try to be back by dinner time to have dinner with her.
I always wanted to kiss her & tell her I love her, but I just unable to do so till today. Cos, we never do this in our young tims. But all these are kept inside my heart. I will try to do it on her next birthday, which is next month. :)

Well, its very late now. I got to go to bed now.
Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Its a new week now. Hope everyone has a great week ahead. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 03:54

this post is almost making me cry ! plus nic -_- saying some stuff make me goes emo..hahas. no lar..just reminded me of one good friend who pass away years ago.. :'( also due to cancer =/

yeps yeps..
cherish everyone around before regretting ba! eeeyer! tears coming down le la.. cannot ! :( still thinking back of those words she say to me before she pass on.. and those words will be curve deeply in my heart for life! oh gosh! better dun say le.. or else tears can really come down anytime.. =/

anyway nic..
take care of urself.. u shld knw wad i mean right! hurhur! =X just do wad u think is right yo! =/ sigh!

and sam. understooded ! thanks for posting this entry yes! :) at least make me think back of everything and also will CHERISH even more to everyone around me !

take cares to all. =))


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 10:21

I'm proud of u le...

Nic Kor
agree with u:-
most of our parents have 2/3 of their lives gone
for us maybe 1/3...

My granny died of lung cancer when i'm 9 yrs old.since u noe and we noe why, pls take care and cut down bit by bit. Spend more time with friends n other things


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 10:45

a girlfriend of mind fm a well to-do family, died of lung cancer a couple of yrs ago at a young age.

she suffered much pain, anguish, and a couple of mths b4 death, became blind, difficulty in breathing, gt suffering.

she don't smoke, dont drink liquer.
cud be, she like some others took in 2nd hand smoke.

we all felt so sad for her.. plenty of money, live in a big hse loves gd food n travelling but no luck to enjoy. cheers every1!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 12:38

this is life bah.
we might be rich, but we didnt take good care of our own health. we seem to be happy and satisfied, but we might not be.
they may be poor, but leading a simple life might juz be what they want. sometimes i think leading a simple life is better. juz that the finance might be a problem. but nothing is impossible lah. chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi..
yup yup.
life is fragile.
we should cherish the people and things around us, before they are gone.
take care ppl!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 19:00

Well I'm back from my holidays last night~

Sam glad that you have tagged.

We must cherish with our friends,family and all ard us...
They will leave you one day...

Do take care worx~

Stay Happy & Stay Healthy too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 22:55

life is fragile.

sam, hope ur friend recover soon ..
otherwise u will see more n upset more ...

nic, ya made people worry for you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 23:15

take care everybody, milos & MLBians.
treasure your loved ones eh!



Blogger qIaNhUi | 23 June, 2008 23:16

NIC... Aiyo Dun Said Until Like That Lek... It's Making ME Feel Like . . . . . . SOBsss =(

Well, Juz Cut Down On It Lo... U're Not Tt Heavy De Rite.?!?
Hope Every1 Will Be Healthy ~

S m i L e z PLEASE . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 June, 2008 23:53

I feel that this reality world is lack of love and compassionate. It's depressing to see this kind of sober real life incident happening just around us. I guess there are many of such cases out there. Just that we dont see it often..Sometimes we just have no control of such saddening things from happening. Well, what we can do is to pray for them.

Nic, just wanna say, death is inevitable. Well, like what they say, you can slowly cut down bit by bit. If other people can do it so can you. Jia you! I pray that you will be healthy too. Don't worry about what is to come, just do what is right and use your time wisely.

Take care to all..


Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 June, 2008 00:00

Thankz Grace... =D

NIC =)

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Jean | 24 June, 2008 00:18

sam~!proud to have a idol lyk you!!=).


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2008 00:32

oh my, ah sam such a sad real-life story n i was gonna tell u the pic u posted made me chuckle the whole day tdy. ah nic, since u brought it up...1 of my uncle quit aft he had a triple bypass, another quit for the sake of his children. ultimately choice is ures la but u shld do it cos u wan to n not wat others wan of u, den chance of succeeding will be higher. forgot to tell u i like the way Regina sang the song. simply. which emphasizes the lyrics. i oso discovered another song fr the soundtrack-This is Home by Switchfoot. heartwarming lyrics too :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2008 00:41

jiayou! :)
the choice n decision is lies on ur hand.. but of course no matter wad decision n choices u make.. we will still support u yes! :))



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2008 11:36

Hey MLB & Mibians
Thankyou for everyone in this blog!
I have make alot of frends in this blog(u knoe who u are lol)Although I'm leaving in 5 days back to hk.
I try my best to visit this blog often.

A BIG THANKYOU TO MLB(Ah Qi,Uncle Sam & Nic Kor),Uncle Phil,Ellekay,Syl,Min,Audrey,Pinkie,Pek Choo,Qian Hui,Jane,Quizzy and many more(sorrie,i cant re-call the names)Nice to know you guys!

Min & Syl
Meet u guys on Fri to Uncle Benny's rest for my farewell party lol....

***COUNTDOWN TO HK for 5 days***


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2008 17:41

Hi Lorita,
I am glad to find a friend like you in this blog too. We are like a big family here, so we are sad to hear that you are leaving us & return to Hongkong soon. We will surely miss you.
Hope that all things are good for you in Hongkong. Do not forget about this blog, must visit us whenever you are free.
Take care & Good Bye..."Tata"
May God Bless You Forever... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 June, 2008 19:45

Uncle phil
THANKYOU!I'm so touched now...
No worries...i will come online and visit this blog when i'm free...

I almost forget to THANKYOU to Ivan


Blogger binz | 24 June, 2008 22:21

at least sam you knew how to speak canto then could help the auntie and uncle out. sometimes i jux feel so helpless when i see some elderly trying to communicate with another person who can only speak english. cuz i can only vaguely understand some dialect, carn speak it =(

yar it's really painful to see life and death. esp ones that are like really close to you but we didn't cherish enough or really cross our mind that they will leave us so soon then we din spend enough time with them.. i had an aunt who doted on me, but cancer jux took her away like that. i din noe her condition was that serious until one day i was told she left. it's really heartbreakin to realise i didn't cherish. but sometimes looking on the bright side, at least if we know that a person is leaving us, we can make full use of the remaining time to do whatever we can. for those that just leave us all of a sudden, it's really terrible. for me, i lost my dad when i was 1 year old, in a day, didn't have the chance to cherish him, since i was so young only then and it came so suddenly.

sorry if my tag is too serious or anything. jux felt much when i read the post~ nic take care ok! since you know it, then when there is a will, there is a way(:

take care and have a nice flight lorita! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2008 13:02

***COUNTDOWN for 4 days***
back to hk :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2008 13:09

hey Lority, even tho i do not chat with u, but i am also a me/mlbian, fm day1, tag adhoc ony.,

just wish to say tata for nw.. c u agn here..bye!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2008 13:10

sori Lorita, spelt yr name wrongly abv.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2008 15:04

yes, i'm back from my holiday too! heh.
hope everyone is doing fine! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 June, 2008 18:13

Hey syl
u ar back!!!Gt help me kidnapped
ah bu ma...haha...
c u on fri at night ;)


Blogger marssh | 30 June, 2008 20:59

last week i went to bukit timah to help clean up e rooms of those elderly living in one room flats....

only then did i realised i was living in total bliss...without having to worry about money nor anything just needing to cope with stduy stress...

the house i went to wasn really very dirty but it still took us about half a day to clean up...

our donations of $20 each had managed to pay for e new furnitures and e cleaning essentials....

e uncle had heart problems+asthma+mild stroke and he had to stop after walking a few steps so as to catch his breath...despite having problems with her leg,his wife had to sleep on a small sofa by e corner bcos their room did not have enough space to put another bed...

but these ppl aren consider the worse...a friend of mine went to cambodia to help the ppl there build new homes and schools...the volunteers who went there had brought along their own drinks which include boxes of coke+sprit+mineral water but e children there had to drink rain water collected in the chicken coops which was filled with chicken feeds and chicken shit...the children were given one sweet each for their lunch and had to scrape food that were left over by the volunteers...

bless those ppl too coz we're in a country where no disasters strike and rich in everything and we wouldn know how fortunate we are until we've witness such stuffs...


Blogger christinncameron | 02 July, 2008 13:42

Life is full of "ugly" scenes that we wish to avoid. But this is life, if possible, we do our best to help but hope we are not those who contribute to these ugly scenes