
sam : yawn, yawns, yawn and yawns
milubing | 07 June, 2008 10:49

GE WEI GUAN ZHONG ! I am ALIVE. I am yawning! In the army, we're taught to get at least 7hrs of sleep daily, i had less than 4 this morning.. Why? I don't know.. Serves me right. Neh neh ni bu bu =) *yawn again*

Did you know that i didn't go with WeiQi to camp? Instead, i'll be going to camp on the coming Monday. In-Camp-Training = Reservist. OH.. 0h.. oh.. Sounds interesting? It means black and short hair.. I'll be seeing many of my old friends from army, and we'll be running and taking IPPT and perspiring smelly-ly together.. We're supposed to stay in for a week, so i may not be on SS show next weekend ya?

Btw, why i didn't blog for some time? Eh.. Hmm.. Becos..
- i'm acting mysterious
- i'm afraid once i start i can't stop
- i don't wanna flood this blog with my crap
- i wanna be missed =)

Everybody, take care man!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 11:40

you really are being missed oh.
& no way are your blog entries going t crap lah. (: the weather now is like uber good for sleeping. since you only had 4 hours of sleep, head back t lalaland right now ba! hehe.



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 12:18

Uncle Sam !
You are really missed by all of us
& no way ur blog entries going to crap le :)

Take care of yourself at reservist...
Drink more water during the training ma...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 12:19


Very Funny Lek U ...!

LoLx... Enjoy Ur Reservist Den ... Take Care~!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 12:23

SAM, CUTE Lek U...!
Still There : Serves me right. Neh neh ni bu bu =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 12:23

Alot of us thought u go with weiqi to camp. You are missed by me. I like to see u blog. Haha. Cos u are funny & cute. Enjoy ur reservist and take care. Hee. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 12:25

yes yes, you naughty!
you're being missed by a lot of us!
it's ok, we love all of ur craps. HAHA!
reservist ahhh.. hmm. lol. BAO ZHONG lor. haha.
jia you ok? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 12:35

mr samuel wong .. u funny hur .. indeed u r being missed la .. happy ?? keke =P
aiyo, y slept for 4 hrs only, lata can c ur hei yan quan leh =P
u take care ar


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 13:02

Sam Wong,

Funny lah you =) Anyway tks Qh for telling me that you have updated a long new entry...

Now in the airport waiting for the time to board the plane... hahax~

Enjoy your reservist den...

Take Care & Rest well yah~

Drink more water hor...

You are being missed by everyone.... hehex :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 13:21

wahh. you sound damn bu yao lian boh? hahas. but YES LAH. you're being missed, definitely :P

reservist ya? time to exercise again then.. i suppose we'll see your black & short hair soon.

so, been busy huh? was talking about you ytd, were discussing if ya went for vacation? hahas.

wells. no idea how reservist is like.. but do take care over the next week.. hv sufficient rest, drink more water! and then we'll see ya soon. ^^

jiayou jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 13:47

-.-lll lame guy as usual.. hahas =X
ohya. wad's ur department in camp arh? did you mention before?

well well.. we'll see you soon then.. til then, take care ya?? *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 13:51

hahaha! sam! see! u are being missed by all of us here! :D ooh u made reservist sound so 'interesting' eh..lols! take care in camp ya? n hv sufficient slp.. :) dun neh neh ni bu bu alr.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 14:21

lol Sam...
enjoy yourself in the camp~~~
and alsooooooooo


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 14:33

ayio...reservist not interesting lol
cant bath for the whole week....


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 14:36

HAha... sam u sound so playful.. er, i guess that's the word to describe u in this post..haha..

How funny... but glad that you seem to be enjoying life~ YEA

Oh btw, what crap can u hv?Haha..

Anyway, just do take care too=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 14:43

whoa...if i add on to the "i miss uncle sam" list, you sure will be hao lian liao lor? hahahahaha.

jia you reservist-ing~ my bro say reservist not so jia lat de la. during NS period those sir-s will be fierce fierce to you, but during reservist, they will be ke qi to you de...hahaha. jia you jia you!!

and replying to weiqi's tag in the previous entry - welcome back, but you took very long to unpack your stuff ah?? hahaha.

lorita jie, thanks =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 14:50

i agree with quizzy
i think uncle sam is very hao lian liao...coz so many pple missed him...

u're welcome,the previous tag i have some error...it sound very werid after i read again


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 16:21

MR SAM, you dont need to do so much to be missed de. cause you know eventually we still will! haha.

and oh yah. MR WEIQI has disappeared after unpacking his stuff. or has he fallen asleep while doing so? LOL. too tired i guess hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 16:22

and anyway, i can literally 'hear' SAM saying "GE WEI GUAN ZHONG!" as i read those words. *faints


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 16:24

sry for the floods. but i keep having sth to say after i post each comment. =X

SAM, you dont sleep cause you want be the lead in Kungfu Panda huh? =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 16:40

I agree with miko. Haha. U dun need to do so much to be missed. Cos u know that we will missed u de. Wahaha. Is cos u have been mia for long.

so next week who take over ur place during ss show? Haha. See u later if i am going to mdc. Hee. =)


Blogger binz | 07 June, 2008 18:19

woah i tht ppl always dread goin back for reservist? how come sam can make it sound like it's gonna be a fun time for him... pro sia~ and lol sam ur reasons for not bloggin is so omg lame. but u definitely achieved the last point. make like soooo many ppl miss u.. anw i doubt anyone here will think that wad you post will be crap la so post wadever u wanna hur(:

haha miko your 'lead in kungfu panda' very cold sia~ ahha


Blogger Unknown | 07 June, 2008 18:37

you must be lagging of sleep darn seriously, tts why you sound so "not-right" huh?! haha! going back for reservist huh?! have fun ok?! you will be missed by everybody, GOODBYE!
Take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 19:07

finally seeing you blogging again! no worries, you are being missed by us every now and then x) haaha..

do take plenty hours of rest ya? must take good care of yourself! or else you'll sooner or later become a skeleton! and lacking of sleep do affect your health. soooo, take great care of your health ya? =)

and, HAPPY RESERVIST-ING! haahaaa~~


Blogger qIaNhUi | 07 June, 2008 19:19

Now Is Waiting For WEIQI To Blog Abt His Camp Happenings Lo ...

Ya SAM, Happy RESERVIST-ing ...
& NIC Lek.?!? Had Enough Rest Hor!


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 20:55

hello Jane!
hello binz!

i know its very cold therefore the =X mah. heh heh.

im waiting for WEIQI's update too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 June, 2008 21:30

hello miko
i also waiting for ah qi update too


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 00:05

Thanks sam.(u noe what i mean.) Hehe. Look like i am the only 1 at there to support u. But i dun mind. Sam what time u come out with dasmond after ss show? Rest well n take care.

Hello miko, i also waiting for weiqi update too. I guess he is very tired when unpacking his stuff.

Nic hope u can have rest well n take care too.

I miss mlb too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 01:07

you've gone missing for quite sometime.. and ur craps are really missed here lor...
and orhhor.... why never go camp with weiqi?!

but well.. happy reservisting... rest well.. sleep well...

and right.. i couldnt be anywhere near everywhere for every ss shows now.. and this sat is the only i can go i think. and you might not be there! ALAMAK!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 01:55

Hi Sam! Hee u finally blog! U damn funny la. aiyo the magical no. 4 again. everytime i wake up, i see that no. for the past week. nowadays cant sleep nevermind, EURO kick off oredi, cant sleep can watch soccer or shld it be the other way round? :P hmmm...so many reasons not to blog, how abt i give u some reasons to blog:
1) entertain us
2) make us laugh
3) give peep smthg to read wat their fave band is up to and tag on it
4) provide some sunshine wn the weather out there is a lil cloudy :)

SS show, why on sat leh, keep forgetting to catch it. apparently my memory is better on sundays!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 03:18

Halo Sam,
You are finally back to this blog, I am glad to see you posting here. And of course you are been missed by all MLBians (if not, also got 98%). Please try to come here and post whenever you are free & available, we love those days when you posted many interesting pics.
In-Camp training is not that bad after all, it is a time when we can be away from work & meeting our old army friends once a year. In fact one week is a little too short. During my old days, I always preferred my in-camp training to be 2 weeks (cos felt that 1 week is too short & 3 weeks will be too long). Fyi, I also enjoyed going back for reservist every year.
Lorita, it is not true that we can't bath for a week. In fact, there is a standing order that says: we are suppose to bath at least every 3 days (dunno whether it still applied to nowsaday? Maybe Sam can advice!)
Sam, jia-you during your in-camp training. Hope you can achieve gold in your IPPT and gain for yourself $400.
Have fun & rest well for that week. Take care & drink more water, ok?

where are you? Haven't finish unpacking your stuffs? Or you too also have 4 reasons not to post likes Sam? You are been missed too! And these apply to Nic as well. We LOVE MLB, and we MISSED MLB too. MLB Power-Lah... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 04:06

sam u r really being missed by me yeah! u very cute de lor.. xD

hahaha..why start and can't stop. this sound so cute n funny lo.aiyo.blog more ma.. :P teehee..

anyway glad to see u today (sat) :) thanks for coming out a while ya! heh heh.. =) cya soon kaes! and TAKE CARE ! hahaha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 04:15

Time to zzzzz, gudnite & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Have a Beautiful Sunday :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 June, 2008 22:14

woah, seems to be a quiet sunday?
anyone watched kungfu panda?
it's super funny!!! haha.
good night ppl. =)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 08 June, 2008 23:25


U r indeed missed larh... Hahahas... I think i aso going mia from this blog nowadays... Sry for commenting so late.... Hahahas... But, i do check out this blog sumtimes to find out how r u 3 guys doing so far... hahahas.... MLB must cont to JIAYOU orh!! Will try to turn up for events to support u all guys... Heh.... And i watched k panda today... And it is indeed funny.... Juz like syl said.... hahahas...

Nights people!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:05

hey hey..how to update leh.. sam jus posted here.. i wait a few more days b4 i do a new entry ya? tmr gonna continue working on album stuff with ah nic.. btw jus some updates: kinda sad, not doing the album cover le(not sure if i've mentioned this b4) cos ppl @ e company want me to concentrate on the music. but actually my confirm can one leh,as long as got heart can do one..but guess they know best.k la.. tag again tmr.. take care u all..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:21

you seem to be really disappointed about the album cover thing ya? dont be so sad lah! maybe you'll get to do for the gaiban again yahs? dont be too disappointed.. maybe its like God's way of taking away something but having other surprises in stall for you. meanwhile just concentrate on your music yeahhs.. and have fun! ^^ jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:31

stay happy! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:37

hi Sam, enjoy yr in-camp..

mr chan, don't be sad le, hope yr 2nd album will sell v well.. looking forward to it.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:38

weiqi !
dun be disappointed yeah.. i understand ur feeling yeah! nvm.. =) i sure chances will come again for u all right! cheer up all right! haa. seeing ur tag really can sense ur disappointment.. =/

as long we knw ur heart and ur hardwork jiu hao ! >.<"

anyway i sure good things will come to ur way soon yeah! meanwhile concentrate on the music side yeah!

jiayou weiqi!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:45

wooh weiqi~
no worries la, there's always next time~ hahaha. jia you!!

I'm darn lei~~~very very lei~~


Blogger Strat | 09 June, 2008 00:50

Jia you ...

No lei lah ... If u tell urself U're not tired sure can hang in there de ... Me also can't sleep ... Lots of stuff need to settle ... Nv go for events since my problem starts ... Very sad and shagged ... But have to go on with it ma ... So jia you lor !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:52

Ok. I thought u unpack ur stuff then too tired then sleep liao. Haha.

Haiz. It is a sad things that u not working on the album cover. but i hope u can work for gai ban cover again. ya loh as long got heart can do 1. Jia you! Dun be too disappointed. Stay happy!

Good night to all of u. Take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 00:54

mrchan! hmm a pity u are not doing e album cover..but dun be too disappointed k..i'm sure thr will be more chances along e way.. :) meanwhile, jiayou w e making of milo music! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 01:04

*big big waves!*
heh, time to get fit again uh?
rest more while u can.
& yes, u're missed!
so was the other 2. [:

here's a big JIAYOU to u guys! ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 01:21

WEIQI, Dun Be Too Disappointed Le La k... Since Like That, Den U Can Concentrate More On The Album Musics Lo...

LOTsss Of JIAYO To U Guyz~!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 01:49

You are back. Its ok for you to start a new post later.
Please do not be sad & disappointed, just look at the positive side: Perhaps those people are really concerned & out of goodwill, they do not want to make you more tired & stressful.
Not to worry, MLB will has many more albums (babies) to come. You definitely have chance to do it. :)

Jia-you & enjoy your in-camp training. One week is very short, before you know what gonna happens, its already going to finished. Take care & good luck for your IPPT. :)

You are on leave today? Meeting weiqi for recording of your album? Enjoy your recording with weiqi. :)

Ok, I need to zzzzz liao. Later will have to wake up at 6.30am for work.
Hope everyone have a great week ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 09:20

weiqi, cheer up oh! i'm sure there'd be another chance for you t design the album cover de. don't be too upset alrights. & take care. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 09:58

Sam, mlbians will definitely miss u in action!

weiqi, still got plenty of chances, why not convey to them u can do it!..

Nic, Sam, Weiqi, jiayou & cheers!!!

'A smile will say a thousand words!'


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 10:08

weiqi~~ dont sad ya?? just like wad mk say, you might be able to design the gb cover.. *smiles*

i tink this 2nd album is of high expectations from everyone ba.. thus, ya.. jiayou lo~ and i believe the babies of this 2nd album will be fantastic. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 11:51

it's ok de lahh..
dun feel sad.
perhaps u can start to think wad to design for the cover?
then maybe one day company will ask, 'wad design shld we go for?'
then u can say 'NEH, design already!' and then give them ur work. haha. okay. i'm thinking too much. =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 17:15

MLB & MLBians,
Jia-you for today, tml, every days, every weeks, every months & every years. Cheers... :)

I am so boring at work today, cos there is nothing much to be done. So, I am stealing some times to come here and read + tag.
After finished work, I have to go for my buddhist class. Shall pray for everybody here & also for the whole world. :)


Blogger Strat | 09 June, 2008 22:35

MeiKian & group,
Thanks for the cake ... And happy birthday to the birthday girl !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 June, 2008 23:18

hahaha, uncle phil very bored at work today ah? we were like fighting war lor. hahaha. cos our cinema's business was darn GOOD due to kungfu panda (yes people, feedback is its really funny though i haven't watch).

for me - night shift people - still manageable la. luckily my money and stocks correct.
my friend at am shift even more jia lat - cos she one person have to juggle cooking popcorn plus serving customers lor. hohoho.

thanks for your blessing =).

Milubing and MLBians jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 01:03


voting for the singapore blog awards on omy.sg begins TODAY! MLB is one of the twenty finalists for the local celebrity category..


Remember! You can cast ONE vote in EACH category EVERY DAY!

top three blogs are currently Feli Chin, Jeanette Aw and Chen Weilian.

do vote for our boys alright! (:

if im not wrong, voting will be ongoing for a month. jiayou people! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 01:05

no problem.. thanks for wishing the bdae girl too. hahax.. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 09:49

halo sam, hope u r enjoying in camp... ;-)

hi weiqi, dun b too sad... it's ok nt being able to take part in d cover design... there'll alws b nxt time. juz concentrate on ur music tis time...

we look fwd to d release of ur 2nd bb... jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 12:12

Hi Fellow MLBians,

Please cast your votes for MLB in the singapore blog awards for the local celebrity category.

You can cast ONLY ONE vote in EACH category EVERY DAY!
So, login and cast your votes daily.

We have done well in the 1st part (Nomination), and now it is the final stage. Let's chiong..... & Jia-you... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 12:29

i just sent voted for MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 18:29

Yes Yes . . .




Anonymous Anonymous | 10 June, 2008 20:58

wah WQ, i like ure attitude. Very on wor. Mus learn from u liao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 June, 2008 13:56

hi, wave ppl!


Blogger givon | 11 June, 2008 15:53

finally can tag! after such a loooooong time!

nvm la, i design laa! OOPS! oh no, im joking, dun take it seriously. i bet i'll destroy the whole album if i were to design it! TAKE CARE!



Blogger syl | 11 June, 2008 22:47

hope u're doing fine right now.
jia you ya!

oh anyway, found an article on nic's appearance for the channel u always fun party. enjoy!



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 June, 2008 23:11

How are milubing? hope u all are fine. I miss milubing.. Sam what time u left on sat after sheng siong show? Cos after sheng siong show i didnt saw u at radio gate there.

Please take good care & jia you. The weather is bad. I have flu. Arghh i think is cos yesterday raining. Cya soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 01:19

wooh internet finally back...hahaha...
thanks for the updates people, I'll update when i'm free....or did pegg update already?? haha haven't check yet...

hahaha now (12/6) is both yuanping and min birthday le wor...hahaha. wish them happy birthday ba...hahahaha

okok i go chiong report liao. lets see if i can dun sleep tonight =X...hahahahaha nitey~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 01:26

haa oh ya, MILUBING JIA YOU!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 01:47

Hi Fellow MLBians,
Can anyone advice me; why am I unable to cast my vote again eversince I 1st voted 2days ago? Thought it was stated that each person can vote once for the same category per day? But this is the 2nd day that I am not able to vote liao! Please HELP...........

Happy Birthday to YuanPing & Min.
May all your Wishes & Sweet Dreams Come True. Stay Happy & Healthy Forever... :)

MLB Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 10:51

my dear min,


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 11:55

happy bday gals!

njoy d day ahead...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 June, 2008 14:33

looks like there was some problem with the blogawards voting system ytd. cldnt vote either. but its back to normal now, so continue voting people!

happy birthdayy YP energizer rabbit ^^ [i know you're going to kill me for this but.. lalala]


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 00:55

hi currently the 3 top local celebrity blog are felicia, wei lian & jeanette.

mlbians jiaou! vote vote vote!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 01:15

i can vote, but i use diff names everyday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 03:39

thank you quizzy, uncle phil, capri..n e rest for e smses! n ya la, penguin! stop calling me rabbit, it's bunny. :)

btw, for e blogawards, i *tink* it's possible to spam votes..jus gotta throw in different particulars(since they dun track ip, i hope?)..pls pls let me noe if it's only like 1 vote per computer/ip cos i've sent like 10 per day. -.-

alright, i'm hitting e sacks! it's friday ppl! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 13:07

I saw a interview at http://superband.mediacorptv.sg/interviews.htm

Got 1 interview is nic shares his experience learnt in superband. Check it out! Hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 13:46

thanks for the birthday wishes! :D
it's friday, so have a great weekend everybody. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 15:21

wow..todae is FRIDAY...

See you guys on Sunday at MDC...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 20:01

it's FRIDAY!
tml will be sat..
MLB! take care!! :D
MLBians! take care too! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 22:32

Hi fellow mlbians,
Have you guys/gals casted your votes for the Best Local Celebrities' Blog yesterday, today, tomorrow & daily?
Let's votes harder to bring MLB to the Top 3. Yes, we can make it if we stay united once again. Jia-you... ok?

Wish MLB & MLBians a great weekend ahead. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 22:41

enjoy ur trip!!!
remember i'm waiting for someone to bring bk to spore.....haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 23:17

hello guys my smile's a lil weird today casue there's sth wrong with my keyboard ]:

anyway WEIQI, show them you guys can rock with the music!!!!! then they will gladly let you do the cover for the gai ban! HAHA :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 23:52

just voted 3 times toay using diff emails


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2008 23:53

Fei Chang Super Broke! That's wat i am now haha... really dun mind having 50k now.. sigh.. explain to u all in a post soon. Sorry have not been updating here...hmm..will post!Tmr sam won't be at SS i think,am i right?he mentioned rite? dunno.. abit luan.. i'll be back..


Blogger qIaNhUi | 13 June, 2008 23:57

WEIQI... Huh U Broke Nw?!? =___=

Wat U Doing Nw? Haven Slp???


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 00:02

wahh. who minds having so much money anyway -.- hmm. broke..? keyboard? wild guess..

and you sound very gan chiong. RELAC lah. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 00:08

mrchan ar, u sounded super luan..erm i wun mind having 50k too..i dun tink anyone will mind ba..hahah..u jiayou ar! n relax! u like v stressed like tt eh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 00:14

no i think yp dont mind having ji ba ban... hahahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 00:18

-.-" i reali wldnt mind..who minds anyway, u tell me?!

ppl, jus a reminder to vote for e blogawards thingy ya? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 00:22

but some people[or rabbit] in particularly wished for ji ba ban for her bdae what. okay. i dont want to talk to you. lalala.

ya ya.. top three of the blogging award still stays at jeanette, feli and weilian. jiayou people ^^

and another reminder. ya guys can start collecting/collating ur longhubang coupons already yah? album launch should be in around july as we've heard.. so get ready your coupons.. it's that time of the year again :P



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 00:31

Haha..... I also dun mind having 50k, or even 5k! I am broke too, I might be out of job too?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 01:38

At first when i read ur comment, i was like is it u are trying to say something abt fei chang superband. In the end is fei change broke. Haha.

I am broke too. I also dun mind having 50k or 10k now. Haiz. Yah sam wont be at ss 2moro. Yup he did mentioned he may not be on ss show this weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 01:40

Sorry. i type wrong,shld be in the end is fei chang super broke. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 04:08

I've calculated; 50k is my 12,500 hours salary...which is also 520 days....wa biang, i must work in cinema for more than 1 yr to earn this amount sia~ hahahahaha! weiqi, what happen?? hehehehe.

relac relac...hohohoho...

milubing jia you!!



Blogger qIaNhUi | 14 June, 2008 09:38

Lotsss Of THANKZ To My Quizzy ...!
HaHax Yeah ~

Yup Yup...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 10:48

Hi QianHui,
Happy Birthday to you.
May this very special day of yours, brings you Happiness & Joys. Also All your Wishes & Sweet Dreams Come True. Have a Great Times with all your love ones. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 12:52

Vote for MLB

Judging Criteria

To crown the award winner for each of the 7 categories, a score will be computed based on 30% public votes and 70% based on scorings by a panel of professional judges. Bonus points are also awarded to bloggers who go an extra mile to call for voters by pasting the blog button on their blogs!

wow! the top 3 celebrities got v strong fancees. Can MLB fans beat them? TRY HARD OI!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 16:31

the judging criteria as listed by MLB supporter ONLY apply for the general seven categories of the competition.

for the celebrities categories, the results are determined ENTIRELY by public votes.

results will be announced after four weeks of voting, customised blog buttons will be sent to the celebrities and their artiste management companies. [meaning, no prizes, unlike the seven category winners who will receive prizes]

so, no confusion there!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 17:48

'someone' - tks for the clarification.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 20:50

Happy Birthday to Ah Hui =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 23:41

Thankz Uncle Phil & Pekchoo's Bday Greeting On My This Special Day...!

S m i L e z . . .