
milubing | 14 June, 2008 21:49

the musician's curse! work for $ to fund your passion!!!

Went 'shopping' with mr Nic this week and bought ma new baby..

Feeling broke now..but no choice..had to do this to grow! Investments must be made for a better tmr... ;) haha..i dramatize a bit la heh heh... the funniest part is while i bought the keyboard, Nic was checking out a guit pedal..and the store owner offered him a deal if he bought it together with my keyboard.. haha.. i'm not the only one feeling broke now.. heh heh.. but my spending is nothin compared to Nic heh heh..too bad, he's the guitarist!! haha.. naturally have to spend more for different sounds = different guitars.. for my keyboard i just need to select from my synth! heh heh.. but this new keyboard is a controller..not a synthesizer..for the new setup for MLB.. :)

Now for a little bo liao update on my break @ the camp..nothin serious here...

Had fun with the kids @ the pool.. this guy tried to sneak up behind me..

and later i was his cyborg and he was the pilot..neck ache after that..

Ate loads...

My favourite food!!! on the bbq grill!!! can anyone guess?? heh heh..the answer is somewhere in the picture...

Take care mlbians!

p.s. btw sam is probably feeling very tired from all the training in camp but he is out now :)
and good news, nic is not going to posted out le.. ;)

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 22:54

Hooray! :D


Blogger Strat | 14 June, 2008 23:29

Wow... Haha... Happy to see new toy ya haha....I also just got my new toy !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 23:30

ha, so nic couldnt resist the temptation and bought the guit pedal? nice keyboard there. cannot see the thing properly leh.. next time take a bigger overall photo for us lah. nice colour though.. ^^

investments must be made for a better sound.. for better enjoyment.. for us! :P

wahh. swimming. you damn drama leh! haha.. cannot see the food leh -.-...

yupps heard liaoos. great tt nic isnt going to be posted out. but things probably gonna get taxing for him ya.. since national day coming. but hey that's national day only, no more chingay for the rest of ur life.. hahaha. jiayou! ^^

takecare ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 23:31

weiqi, interesting post! :)
& have fun with you new baby. haha. can make full use of it to produce your second baby (the album).
ohmy, what a lot of babies. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 23:38

nice keyboard there =) have fun playing with ur new 'toy' ..

bet u had lots of fun at ur camp ..
ehh, e pic so smoky .. how to guess wat's ur fav food ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 23:50

Good That U Enjoyed Urself At The Camp...
I Scrolled Down & Saw The 1st Pic, I Really Kana Shocked Siax ... LoLx!

Before My Special Day Ends . . .
Say : S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2008 23:53

WAH~ Nice Keyboard lorx~
Have fun and enjoyed yourself...
Rest early too & Take Care

Lastly, today is Qianhui Birthday here to wish her *happy 20th birthday* worx~

MLB Power Lah~




Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:06

happy bday Qianhui! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:09


Ohhhh But Is Belated Liaoz... LoLx!



Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:17


so late still haven't sleep worx~

betta sleep early lorx~




Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:22

WEIQI, Slp Early Ba... Had Enough Rest Hor ...
Dun Keep Playing Non-Stop With Ur New 'Baby' La ... HOHOHO! *OoPsz =X*

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger binz | 15 June, 2008 00:41

woah new keyboard! hmmm i wonder wad colour is the keyboard.. cuz the photo is black and white~! broke never mind la got new baby everything's gonna be worthed huh(: but weiqi dun get too on with ur new baby then forget to slp~

and i realised weiqi like to heh heh.. 7 heh heh appeared in this post! i guess i guess weiqi's favourite food is sweet corn! or else is stingray!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:49

Yeah new keyboard. Wahaha. u go to kids pool. lol. Omg. Can see that u cannot take it cos he is heavy than u. Haha. Xin ku ni le. I guess is bbq chicken or beef ba. Haha. Yeah nic is not going to posted out!

MLB jia you, take care & rest well.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:50

new keyboard lei.. keke! (: understooded why u say u r broke..LOL! but it for good cause yes? heehee! =) can't wait to see u using ur new baby! :P and also great to see u update le..yay! (:

hahaha. anyway ur camp pics really o.o" LOL ! the edited part.. hahahaa..=X anyway glad tt u enjoy the camp yo! heehee..=P

and YAY for NIC (: haha!

take care yo weiqi! XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:57

wow...i'm quite amazed.. no one has got the answer right yet! and it's actually hiding inside that smoky picture! it's not beef.. not stingray.. :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 00:59

chicken wing? LOL 0.O


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 01:01

Huh? then what is it? lol. It look like chicken or fish. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 01:10




Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 01:15

or crabmeat? LOL. which i think is highly impossible hor? o.o"

or sotong? hotdog? LOL LOL ! -_-"
wahaha !


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 01:22

woo... the new keyboard looks cool. And the case doesn't look like a coffin this time.

Hm.. what is on the grill? Kebab? Oh no, not the poor guy at the grill I hope. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 02:15

nice baby u've got there! :D

ur fav food is somewhere behind the smoke?
dun tell me is the trees.
okie, lame luh.
i guess, chicken wings?

take care! :P


Blogger binz | 15 June, 2008 02:55

eh i see alot of aluminium foil leh.. sweet potatoe or sambal sotong? aiya or weiqi likes to eat the bowl of oil/sauce ther? =.= hehee.. weiqi testing our eyesight sia.. so smoky cannot see luh~


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 03:31

Hi weiqi,
Thanks for sharing with us once again.
Ya, your new "toy" look great. Should be a good investment. Not to worry too much, you will earn it back in many multiples soon. :)
As for your favourite bbq food; I think should be chicken wings.
Look likes you have a wonderful times, spent at your camp.

Hi Sam,
Feeling tired? Thought all physical trainings (such as IPPT, route-march etc.) were put to a stop for 3days to carry out investigations due to 2 national-servicemen's death recently?
Anyway, you have completed your in-camp training. Hurray... :)

Hi Nic,
Wow, glad to hear that you won't be posted out of MDC. Thanks God. :)
Therefore, you will not have much problem for MLB 2nd album promotions. Ya, hope you are having a good times with your new "toy" too.

Hi fellow MLBians,
Please continue to cast your votes for MLB in the Best Local Celebrities' Blog daily. Thanks... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 05:04

ok I'm already at this page one hour ago but I only tagged now =X. hahaha paiseh, was emo-ing earlier...now feeling a bit better after "relieving" liao. hehehehe.

Hello Weiqi!! hahahaha. do take good care of your new toy oh. hehehehe.
I guess that is lamb...

hello to sam and nic too.

milubing jia you and take care oh. hahahaha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2008 15:46

wow WEIQI finally updated lol. the red goggles look so cool! anyway your fav food hmm.. cant even ientify anything from the photo -_- only can say it's MEAT. heh heh.


Blogger valerie. | 15 June, 2008 21:43

looks prettaye :D


Blogger Strat | 16 June, 2008 00:32

Grill chicken stick ???


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 04:24

nic here..

got song to intro...

regina spektor - the call

if ya watched narnia...

this song touched my heart lots :)

n its not reali temptation.. but knowing something had to be done to move forward n be better then my yesterday... no pain (pocket wise) no gain haha..

much more pain to suffer lor..

audio interfaces, sound cards, ear mons, and many stuffs on my guit rig. hai!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 04:54

Nic u very early hoh? Lol. Try 2 sleep early. Jia you! Yeah no pain no gain. Haha. i found narnia trailer at youtube. Hee.


Take care. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 10:45

NIC... So 'Early' Still Haven Slp Eh.?!? U Ah, Had Enough Rest La k~

Take Care~!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 12:32

grilling satays lor


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 13:05

nicccccccccccccc~ XD

forever so late den sleep de lor.. o.o"

hahas..shall go find the song tt u mention about..=) as u say le ma.. no pain no gain ..=P hahas.

rest well =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 13:35

wooh i found it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJyNMSJxHeA

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and now one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

haha i'll check it out when i go home ba. school internet cannot watch youtube de. what the frog...

oh did i said school? oh yes, back to school again liao. whole day i was having headache sia. hahahaha. post holiday syndrome.

yes ah nic, no pain no gain. when u gain something u're bound to lose something. it's the same in life or in pocket. hohoho. stay positive yo. hahahaha

take care lo people~~I'll embed the video in publicity blog ba, since i got a bit of spare time now...


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 13:39

wooh ok. not VIDEO. but audio uploaded in youtube i think...hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 19:12

Thanks to someone who share the photo of nic at imm with us. Nic look great! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 23:25

wuhaha, u 2 become shoppin buddies liao. dunno anything abt keyboard but ure new baby sure looks spankin cool. i oso went shoppin over wkend.... but in our neighbouring country lo.
WQ, u testing our eyesight is it. oredi confirmed i cant be pilot la. cant see wat's on the bbq pit, v smokey leh. Is dat chicken wings/thighs on the pit? dun look like satay leh. Hmmph, now u make me rem the satay i ordered for sat supper which never came :( ...hawker dunno why misplaced my order, so angry. hungry me=angry me! alas my unfulfilled gastronomic dream, makes me dream of satay now.
nic, hvnt watched narnia. check out the song later. tot i heard someone dedicate this song tdy, but i switched ch b4 the song played. hee...my loss i guess.
nowadays a lot of duets in airplay, quite nice. cyndi fr same label rit? if u guys do a duet w her, maybe can revive mr. sam fr his reservist n we get to see if any fireworks fr the partnership. shld be interesting lo :D den ah nic can do a rock duet w the lass fr fir. WQ, i reserve ure respected labelmate for u, or maybe u prefer his sweet fren? :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 23:35

tsk tsk.. the answer to my question is @ the bottom right of the picture in the dark.. squint and u will see.. tricked u all to looking @ the grill haha..and btw the goggles belongs to the kid,i borrowed from him cos i was attacked by another water gunner outside of the pic..going back to school tmr! for 'special' reason,sigh.. anyways, sam still had training, and he did well for his IPPT :D Take care peeps! btw, my keyboard is just black with some metal finishing, it's not a black n white photo there..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 23:38

p.s. finally got some time to watch movies.. enjoyed iron man(8/10) and speed racer(7/10), but disappointed in the happening(?/10)..not happening at all leh..narnia..hmm..i've yet to watch it but..dun mess with the zohan looks good heh heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 June, 2008 23:51

till now i still looking at the bbq pic tt u mention abt.. and i still very blur lor..okay maybe my eyes gt problem? LOL ! -.-" tsk! =X

ahaha.. heard tt the happening is nt really nice after all? been hearing a lot from friends..hahas! another good movie i heard is kungfu panda? lalala~ =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:11

paiseh.. i typed wrongly.. it's bottom left.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:13

oh ya! forgot to add.. kung fu panda! nice animation! if u guys are interested, go look for 'surf's up' it's a animated film tat's been given too little publicity..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:16

hey weiqi...
how ar u ???
have u receive the letter


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:25

Ya La It's Bottom Left Ma I'm Thinkin, Where Got Bottom Right ...
I Already Saw That Earlier, & I Guessed Crab...
But No Reply Lek... HAHAHA!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:26

I still think it look like chicken. Haha. Congrats to sam. Yeah heard that kungfu panda is nice and funny. Hee. Hope mlb is fine.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:27

Issit Issit Issit??? I Saw The Pic... But Dunno Issit Crab??? HAHAHA My Eyes Also Abit @_@ Liaoz ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:28

Narnia, Kung Fung Panda, all I want to watch but no time to. only manage to catch Sex & The City. Funny and witty show, only for above 18... or 21? Yah, I heard Kung fu Panda is nice, must stay for the ending... after the credits. maybe will wait for the dvd then.

The bottom left?? An uncooked crabbie?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:29

OTAh right weiqi? lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:31

oops i think i gt wrong answer..LOL !

super blur now lor! -.-"


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:33

kungfu panda is currently the top selling movie in our cinemas...I watched Chronicles of Narnia at work le...ok la not bad. Some say nice some say isn't. It's about war, friendship...but it's 2 hour 25 mins. Weiqi if u can tahan jiu watch lo.
Another hot selling movie is Incredible Hulk. I don't know how nice it is, but it's selling quite well. Yes you don't mess with zohan and also Get Smart looked quite funny? will be showing in theatres from this Thursday onwards (our side will sneak on wednesday).

Did you watch Sex and the City? Quite humorous in the obscene sense but the obscenity ain't the main part of the movie la.
But slightly draggy though...hohoho

WEIQI! do visit EW sun plaza next time leh. though you don't get any special price though =X...hahahaha. i working there mahz...okok miko working in GV yishun...

Sorry ah, my brain a bit malfunctioning liao. hahaha. so can't think of the answer liao hahahaha.

wooh jia you to sam and nic lo...hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 00:35

flora jie - it's M18 =P...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 01:29



Blogger -WHEY` | 17 June, 2008 02:20

hello everyone! *WAVES!!*

wow.. cool key boards there~ :D

funny and yet interesting pics you've got there!


Blogger binz | 17 June, 2008 03:27

ooh yuanlai is black keyboard.. hahah i malu tht is black and white photo.hehe.. and woah weiqi enjoying life sia watch sooo many movies! i think the last time i ever caught a movie was like last yr?! and ohhh i also see the crab now~ so big hur..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 08:33



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 12:40

weiqi so active! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 June, 2008 19:45

Weiqi,Sam & Nic

Keep On Jiayo orh!!!

Take Care worx~

S.M.I.L.E ^______^

Tomorrow I'm going overseas again worx~ heex...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 June, 2008 16:04

dont mess with the zohan is NC16! =.='''


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 June, 2008 23:17

Haha we all got fooled by u. U wrote on bbq grill mah. CRAB!! ohh...Chilly crabs... yummy, and.. crabs cooked w salted eggyolk oso fabulous. Shld hv guessed since u posted a pic/vid? on tunghoon crab claw the other time.
u realli an action movie fan. kungfu panda sounds funny, the happening, the review so bad plus ure ?/10, dun dare to go watch liao. ya lor some good movies dun get enuff publicity, up to us to 'discover' them by ourselves.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 June, 2008 12:30

haha weiqi!
u look so ke lian in the second swimming pic. lol.
glad u had fun lah.
and u bought a new baby!!
haha. i'm sure you love it loads man.
take good care of it wor. =)

i cant reply ur sms..
phone got problem, only can receive calls. cant send or see and msg. sorrie.
i'm good and fine here. heh.

MLB! take care!
MlBians! take care!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 June, 2008 21:12

i miss u le...anyway,the person i wan u to kidnapped he is in hk now....haha
enjoy ur trip!!!look forward to c u b4 i leave spore


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 02:38

QUIZZY, thanks for publicizing for me though its quite random.


incredible hulk is nice. 7/10 i wld say.

dont mess with the zohan is nc16, quite popular. get smart is also quite popular. ppl, get some relaxation at the cinemas!

i kena alot of shits today during work. SIANZZZ. now come complain to mlb blog. lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 02:40

anyway WEIQI, surf's up is an old show already leh. like 1yr plus ago de. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 03:45

adorable photos!

take care weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 09:13

hahaha. YES QUIZZY WORKS IN ENG WAH SUN PLAZA. hahahahahaha!

My friend said Get Smart is super funny. lol.

jia you ba miko. we love our jobs!

wooh my FYP report submission in 3 hours time. thats why I haven't been tagging cos...very siao siao la. hahaha.

milubing and MLBians jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 12:08

how ar u???miss u lol
hope to meet u soon !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 17:01

hey Lorita, yup, read your letter.. means you'll be permanently there from now on? or can come back once in a while for holiday? and the 2 movie peeps.. one yishun one sun plaza.. sigh.. so far leh.. hahaha..maybe can sneak me into the theatres.. btw, tell u all an absurd story. I once bought movie tickets, and walked off without my tics after paying. when i cam back 10mins later, the boy said that he didn't rmbr me buying from him, and that he didn't have any extra tic lying around.. in the end i explained my case to the manager and they ushered me to a reserved seat area within the cinema which i think is for last min problems like my case.. it was a weird experience but turned out ok. Just last week too, the printing machine for the ticket ran out of ink. I had this movie tic with hand written "kungfu panda blabla" and signed by the person behind! haha.. amusing la.. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 17:06

Haha. Lol. Weiqi u can go yishun and sun plaza 2 watch movie next time when u are free. Haha. Then maybe u can have offer? Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 18:03


weiqi the story u mention abt is very lol lei..aiyo..nxt time dun blur blur liao.haha.. remember to check whether u gt the tics before u walk away? heh heh~~ =X

HAHAHA ! ur experiences so funny de lei even gt someone sign behind the tickets..-_-" lol! i want to try tt kind of experience like urs too lor..LOL LOL~ =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 18:26

ah qi
how are you recently?
I'll permanently there from now on....
I'm leaving next sunday...
hope to c u guys again....
Send my regrds to Uncle Sam & Nic Kor ma


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 18:47

haas ..
weiqi, u dame blur leh .. leave without taking e tix =X
but i thk e boy at e counter more blur than u, he cant even rmb u bought e tix frm him .. haas


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 21:38

uncle sam
how are u recently?
busy with the album???
have u receive the letter??
hope to c u soon ma


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 21:51

Nic Kor
how are u recently?
busy with the album & NS???
have u receive the letter??
hope to c u soon ma


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2008 23:46


haha yup. we do that when the tix printing machine corks up! HAHA but heng nvr happen to me. else i sure go mad, write on every piece X_X

anw if u ever come to yishun &i see you, maybe can give you some offer! HAHA. shhhh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 00:15

Oh...I gonna be jobless from 18th July onwards. The company that I currently working in, is closing down. :(
Its not going to be easy for me to find a good job now. Cos, majority of the company only willing to employ new staffs below the age of 35. Haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 00:34

hey wq, din disclose d ans to ur fav food?

saw something lying in d dark but cant figure out wat it is...

i oso watched kungfu panda... indeed v nice... v farnie... gg to watch sex & d city tmr... hope able to get tkts.

njoy d wkend every1!

lorita, werever u r gg, take care & c u again.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 00:45

Yeah... Its weekend again.
Hope MLB & Fellow MLBians will have a great weekend. Everyone must Jia-you hor. :)

Sad to hear that you are leaving us so soon. Wish you could be around for MLB's album promos.
Anyway, All the BEST to U in whatever & wherever you are. May God Bless You 4ever. :)
*Never forget MLB & MLBians. We luv you too. Take care & wish you will continue tagging here.


Blogger binz | 21 June, 2008 09:29

haha weiqi so blur and suay? pay ticket and zao.. reserved seat sounds like some secluded area in the cinema.. ahha i think the handwritten ticket is cool! should keep for memory~

anw jux being random, does anyone here have the habit to keep like cinema tabs or long long receipts when a grp goes out tgt? i always want to collect but keep alrdy lazy find something to keep them then in the end throw =.=

hey uncle phil don't worry too much! i think you aren't that old yet that will get reject by companies because of age.. still got alot of ppl out there older than you.. jiayous and good luck finding a new job(: maybe you want to take on some new courses to acquire new skill? think some companies go for ppl who take on new courses.. not very sure though.. anw hope ya find a job soon(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 10:39

Hi binz,
Thank you very much for your well wishes & concerns.
Ya, I knew that there are many older ppl looking for job. But, majority of them are low wages work. As I mentioned, many companies not willing to take in any new staff above 35yo.
Yes, in fact I was thinking of studying a diploma course in tourism & hospitality management either in Temasek or Nangyang Polytechnics. But I was advised by someone who is in this trade that it is too late for me to switch line. she even told me that; "with a diploma on hand, the starting pay is less than $1k". How am I going to survive with this kind of salary? With this in mind, I am still considering whether I should sign up this course?
Well, 天无绝人之路,走出去就有路。Maybe have to got 2 jobs, if the pay is too less for the full-time job? :)
Meantime, I might wish to go for a short break after my last day of work!
Not too worry, I am quite alright.
Have a wonderful weekend, guys & gals. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 12:07

uncle phil, u wanna take hospitality & tourism managment ar ?? tt course v popular in tp de leh .. u gotta b interviewed b4 getting in .. & dunno for e 1st yr or wat, u dun study in tp de, gotta go sentosa ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 12:28

haha weiqi, can ah can sneak you in, even at the risk of losing our jobs. hahahahahaha!!

aiyo, don't be so careless next time wor. but then you can't be as suay as my colleague ba. She once sell a Movie Gift Card (MGC) - cost $32 if i'm not wrong. BUT THEN, she FORGET TO collect money from the customer. Ended up she have to pay for it lor. haha.
Waaa, ticketing-wise I'm still "on-training" de luh...haha!

haha hand-written ticket is interesting too luh...haha

uncle phil, maybe just find any job that you can work first then at the same time do keep a lookout for better jobs? you get what i mean la hor? haha. jia you!!

lorita jie take care lo~!

have a nice day yo people=)...milubing and MLBians jia you


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2008 17:02

Congrats to Nic! =D

eh, weiqi 露点 wor. heh heh~ =p the second pic looks more like a family picture. haha! they look like ur 2 kids sia. =p and why u choose to let him to seat on ur neck, tt kid looks like more than 50KG, of cos neck ache laa. haha! nice keyboard there, weiqi. the satisfaction of playing with the new keyboard can fully minimize the pain of the cost for the entire gadget rite, so just bear with it ii guess. as long as you are happy with the product, and it can produce great music and for the bright future of MLB, 一切都是值得的!! ^_^ this applies to nic as well. heez.

take care, all!
Cheerz~ =D