
A song from the heart for the heroes of Sichuan, written and produced by a group of best friends from a little island called Singapore.
milubing | 30 June, 2008 20:35



click the above link if you've got a heart :)

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 20:54

wooh~~ Chanel and Ein ein wrote de. cool cool. all of us are heroes of Sichuan, for we all did help in a way or another...

continue to spread love and peace all around the world wor. Wish milubing will jia you in spreading love and peace to everyone out there with ya music =).


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 20:56

oh, later i post the video on publicity blog. hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 20:59

nice song wif meaningful lyrics. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 21:12

awwww~~~~ nic ah nic, must check this out too if u got a heart (which i believe u do la hor? haha).

I chanced upon this de...a song written for the orphans to their lost parents...the last line from the video....AWWWWWWW~~~~~~ I haven't cry yet though.



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 21:14

yeah yeah..

i did watch the performance before in one of their event (: it was nice yo! :D and very touching plus seeing everyone gather together to do their part for sichuan .. really touching :)


Blogger Strat | 30 June, 2008 21:18

Everyone has a heart !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 22:25

I'm back!!Just got back home
after the long day of shopping and eatting....

FYI,when i'm in the train i saw a guy look like Sam...haha
look abit like u lo


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 23:00

Thanks for the video,Nic.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 June, 2008 23:31

halooo everybody..
especially nic...haha..


so far..
i hvnt found a band better & more cute than u guyz leh...

2nd album leh??
don let us wait too long..haha..=)

miss the time wen milubing standing on the superband's stage..


Blogger qIaNhUi | 01 July, 2008 00:13

YES We Will ... Every1 Has A Heart ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:03

Hey mlbians,just answering some questions..

[Take care Lorita..I'm sure someone will get an autographed copy and send it over ya? dun woory.
Hey miko, enjoy ur camp, I went back to CCHS le,quite long le.
Hey simin, school stuff's not really good. gonna S/U my special sem subject and i missed the registration period! jialat..too busy until missed it.now dunno how.
binz,actually i was sneezing away that nite during practice.
Uncle Phil, actually regarding pics, as long as u dun take any photos off the mediacorp site should be ok de. This blog has lots of photos that can be used ya? ;) ]

Take care everyone! no bidding ya...


Blogger qIaNhUi | 01 July, 2008 01:09

HaHax... Funny La U, WEIQI ~

Faster Go Slp Le Ba U...
Take Care Guyz !

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:12

Thanks for the link.
Ya, the song is very nice & the lyrics + pics are touching.

MLB (weiqi, nic & sam),
Did you guys missed my tag in the previous post? I was asking for advice for making a MLB banner.

I personally prefer 1st Season's Superbands, ESPECIALLY that band calls themselves MiLuBing. Yes, MiLUBing is still the BEST. Think this new season of Superbands competitors have lots of so called "Packaging" (Contest haven't even started, a few bands already got fans' t-shirt & banner liao) but music & singing standards were not better than season 1 Superbands. Hopefully, they will jia-you as times goes on!

Oh, this afternoon I will be going for my 2nd appointment of interview. Will have to Jia-you... Believe everythings gonna be alright. God shall Leads me to Victory. :)

Ok, going to sleep soon. Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. Have a great week ahead, jia-you...


Blogger qIaNhUi | 01 July, 2008 01:16

Uncle Phil, Good Luck To U!

& YA... I Agreed That Superband 1 Was Much Better ... =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:18

Thanks for the reply. Thought you guys have missed my tag!
Ok, maybe I will use that pic posted by you taken at the SHA venue. Do you think that is a good choice?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:19

nite weiqi! [:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:20

waaaaa, weiqi yo. I realized u managed to backtrack 2 entries back to reply their tags. that show how thoughtful u r, fancy reading the tags one by one, word by word. hahaha. xin ku ni le!!

ok la ok la no bidding hahahaha.

miss the registration period...how?? try emailing the whoever's in charge to enquire?
Meaning you all also choosing modules for next sem le ma? we also leh. I think I choosing chemistry as elective ba. i think i'm more incline towards chemistry.


Milubing and MLBians jia you! uncle phil also jia you~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:22

Thank-you very much. :)
Shall tag here, if I have the good news to share with all love ones here.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:22

eh mrchan! u v lucky lor..i applied for special sem but din get.. >.< gotta overload next sem..sianz..uh oh, gd luck getting ur module s/u ya? :) i havent use a single one, duno keep for wad sia.. -.- haha no bidding ar..den buy can? lols! ok not funny.. -.-"

jiayou jiayou guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:25


Thank-you very much too.
You oso jia-you for your FYP on Wed. Do not panic & you shall do well, ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:26

eh mrchan, u taking special sem 1 or 2? i jus checked e email e deadline to s/u for special sem 2 is 6 july lei..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:29

thank u uncle phil =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 01:52

Nic thanks for the video. The user is 维健. Haha.

Weiqi ya no bidding. Lol. I also think that superband 1 was much better.

I think superband 2 band calls themselves 櫻 is good! Hehe.

Jia you! Take care. =D


Blogger binz | 01 July, 2008 02:41

ooh i saw this video b4 le(: its meaningful and quite cool~

awww weiqi so sweet sia, still got reply tag for some days ago de post(: thanks! anw, aiya next time wear jacket lor then not sooo cold liao~ take care dun 着凉hor.. i think it feels very comfy and shuang to wear jacket then aircon on big big. haha i always like that in my room then kana frm my mum say i siao why purposely go on the aircon so low temp then go wear jacket.. eh missed ur registration period ah.. hafta try ur luck to email the prsn IC lor. or else go down office to smile smile at him/her to help u arrange(: and haha no bidding, then we grab like GSS? lol jux jk..

uncle phil, jiayous and good luck to ya! 有志者,事尽成……


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 12:12

nic, u love chocolates right?
check this - http://marscandykills.com/
hahaha =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 19:11

nice ~ ^_^

huh ?!? chan weiqi !! y no bidding ?? we haven start to bid leh !! >_<
u take care too !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 19:45

yes yes.
i must agree tt superband 1 was better den now.. like wad say.. big fanbase with fc tee and banner but their quality. TSK. i shall nt say much.. cause i almost fainted when watching.. oops..=X i dun see this year de bands are so much better den MLB. woot~ but yes there are still good bands out dere..=X hahas. but wadever it is. i still prefer MLB style ! YES ! woot..=X

AND MR chanweiqi! takecareyo! dun busy dao until forget abt study stuff le. oops..

feeling stress in work like craps..=( facing ex boss and ppl are the worst thing i had seen today.. worst feeling is to see ppl who dun remembers me anymore. craps~ wad a worst worst feeling.. :( anyway hahas. paiseh venting here a bit hor! plus adapting to new stuff new environment..haiz.. oops! ok enough of venting here le..LOLX !

and mr weiqi no bidding yes! LOL. -.- thanks to nic who started. hahahahaa ! jkjk.=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 20:34

=(( i also want to vent...
I suddenly cry thinking about tomorrow liao..
it's like...I told myself to relax...calm down...then suddenly cry le lor...jia lat...

rah jia you ba...i also must jia you...

haiz. anyway, 2nd half of the yr just started le. Milubing and MLBians jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 July, 2008 21:59

quizzy jie jia you and good luck! everything will turn out fine ya?!

oh nic, this video. hmm. seems to be seeing this video everywhere~ haha. nice one.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 01:06

saw the above 2 vid.. so very the opposite fr each other...

deep thought.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 02:36

hey uncle phil, it's really up to u ya? ;) jus zi you fa hui...
quizzy, jiayo for ya final year proj!!!
Yuanping, i need to SU this subject..no time to study during this period :( I've already S/Ued it le,no worries.
Binz, no worries, i managed to get an alternative timeslot..but there goes my choices.. :(
agree with rah..there are good bands out there, including underground ones...

btw, do look out for this fri's straits times life.. we should appear somewhere in there.. ;) *hint hint*


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 02:45

yah there are good bands out there. Like 櫻 & 二做剧. Haha. Ok will look out for this fri's startis time life. Hehe. Thanks. good nite & morning. Going 2 sleep already. Weiqi dun stay too late. Jia you & take care. =)


Blogger BIRU K. | 02 July, 2008 04:14

i miss you guys luhh!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 20:07

weiqi also must jiayou okay! hahas. :))

yes yes.. good bands are around.. i kinda like 大风吹。。 他们的键盘手很不错的。。哈哈!也很厉害唱歌。。 wahaha~ but of course weiqi 还是最好的。。 哈哈 ~ ! lolx. =))

wahhh! i wanna buy the strait times le. at least can cheer up a bit before gg to work... or else someone gg to scream at me during work again! ='( feel like venting. but haiz..~ working life! *shakehead*

the worst working life i gg through nw.. is having threaten given to me nw. tsk tsk! great one! feel like 'killing' myself~ -.-

to quizzy.~
u jiayou also yo! studying and working at the same time is very tiring ! but jiayou yeah! :) takecareyo! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 20:52

Hello! I can be considered a new fan. Lol. It's the first time I'm posting a comment but I've been supporting you guys for a long time already! I'm glad that you guys have such compassion for the people suffering out there because of the SiChuan earthquake.

The song to that link was great because it was written with heart.

I know you guys write your songs with hearts too and that's really awesome for a band.

Take care, sam nic and weiqi. Make sure the second cd's quality is good cause I'm buying it just like the rest of your mad fans out there! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 23:38

WQ, ok la. dun worry we r such an obedient bunch here. friday papers...ok, ok gotta tell s/o to look out too liao. aiyo pls dun forget n start to neglect ure sch stuff w all the things goin on.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 July, 2008 23:45

weiqi! it's not easy to juggle work n studies at e same time, so jus do your best for this subject ya? :) good that u S/U alr, wun pull your gpa down, n u still get e AUs! :D ok, i tink i mis-read ur tag..anyway, try emailing OAS to tell them u missed e registration period? my fren kena before n she was given another registration slot, jus tt u wun get e timeslots u wan..but there's still chance of changing during add drop! good luck ya! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 July, 2008 01:09

hahaha. ty weiqi! yeah it's over liao. it went quite smoothly yo. we were lucky to have lenient assessors lor. but i hoped i won't be downgraded due to, i didn't talk much luh.

hahaha and rah, yup jia you =D! ty!


Blogger binz | 03 July, 2008 01:33

weiqi, oh heng you still managed to get some alternative timeslot.. at least better than nothing(: yar it's so saddening that jux because we are forgetful people, we become deprived of our choices.. jux pray and hope that not getting your initial choice of subject can have a blessing in disguise~ learn smth and enjoy it that u din't expect it to turn out that way... oh friday straits times ah.. okie then for the first time im gonna wake up early early, open my hse door to take the newspaper to read b4 i go to school~


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 July, 2008 20:47

thanks for the notice! =)

tml's fri le!
which means, weekend is coming!!~ wohoo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 08:14

morning! :D
lorita wants me to let the milos know that she's very busy w interviews so she hasn't had the time to come online. & she misses the milos a lot.

it's friday today.
enjoy the weekends, MLB and MLBians.
& for once i'm going to flip the newspapers. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 09:54

Hi WQ!~ Argh? School stuffs not really good? What happen? U jia you alright? I still cant find any work right now... Anyone have jobs intro to me? Haha..! I think u guys should appear on I-weekly better lor... Haha...! =)

*wave* Hello Quizzy me!!!~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 10:57

Yup, saw the article in Strait-time life this morning. Its about the talent quest show in Singapore. Here the part on the milos.

MiLuBing comprise lead singer and guitarist Nic Lee, 24, keboardist Chan Wei Qi, 23, and drummer Samuel Wong, 22.

Vital Statistics:
> Won Superband 1 in 2006
> The band's self-titled debut album has sold over 6,000 copies here since its release last July
> Three self-penned songs became hit singles. One of the track, Teras, was ranked among the top 10 on YES 93.3FM charts for eight weeks
> Awarded Best Newcomer at Singapore Hit Awards 2007

For MiLuBing, whose name in chinese means "lost soldiers" and is also a pun on the popular iced Milo, winning the Superband competition and releasing an album have given them the funds to invest in their music.
"We use the income from our album to buy new laptops and audio-editing software, to explore more musically," Lee says, although he declines to say how much they have earned.

The rock-pop trio, who met 18 years ago in church, are now busy writing songs for their second album, which they hope to launch by next month.

They will concentrate on the local market for the next two years until Chan, currently studying at the Nanyang Technological University, graduates. Lee will finish national service in November, while Wong spends his time composing songs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 11:35

tis morning on train i happen to c d article on someone's papars. stylo milo... ;-D

thks flora for posting it here!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 15:21

i also saw the newspaper article liao.. my mum was like wondering why today the newspaper so late haven arrive.. but hahha cuz i already took them in.. the pic quite nice hur(: but sam looks so tired.. his eyes like soo cannot open.. rest more guys~! yays looking forward to second album~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 17:08

I just bought straits times just now. I also saw the newspaper article. Ya sam look so tired. Rest more. Health more important. Jia you! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 19:56

also bought the newpaper during the morning while gg for work..almost forget..-_- but heng i suddenly remember.. hohoh..

ahsam really look tired from the pic.. sam ar sam.. rest well kaes >.< nic very shuai ar..LOL ! :D and weiqi smile is sunshine de lor..LOLX ~ :D

the article really brighten up my day of stressing work..=)

mlb takecareyo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 July, 2008 20:53

argh and MR CHAN, i actually missed seeing you in cch. tsk. nevermind im sure we'll have more chance to meet when your 2nd baby comes out whoo!

yes i agree 1st season's SUPERBAND sounds better. this season's cant really hear good vocals. music arrangements also only some bands are good. hmm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 July, 2008 01:09

jus a reminder tt e voting for omy sgblogawards ends 6 jul..here's e link: http://sgblogawards.omy.sg/finalists/?blogCat=local

keep voting ppl.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2008 00:07

to sam
to nic
to weiqi :

another message from lorita to MLB.
she said she is doing fine in HK.

yup. tht's abt it. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2008 04:29

milubing jia you~

sh** laaaa. forgot yesterday was Amanda's birthday.
Happy birthday to u! hahaha.

busy busy~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 July, 2008 20:09

To: Sam,Nic,Weiqi

Take Care guys =)

MiLuBing Jiayou(x3)!!!

Hoped to see you guys soon yah~



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 09:35

gd morning!

mlb, will all 3 of u b present for d 933 event on sun?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 10:13

heh? sunday got event meh? how come i duno...waaaaaaaaaa............
capri jie, dun scare me leh. i working on that day lor...hahaha


milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 10:43

hi guys
how are u recently?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 14:08

hee... nt tis sun... it's nxt sun (20/7). =p


Blogger marssh | 07 July, 2008 15:09

hii greetings to all..=p


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 22:37

hahaha. can capri jie elaborate more? cos apparently no one is aware of it ba. hahaha. at least jane and i duno luh. hahaha.


hahaha milubing jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2008 23:01

orh orh orh. i checked yes933 website le. according to the website, think the guys not attending ba? hahaha.



Blogger qIaNhUi | 07 July, 2008 23:07

The Guyz Not Going For The 《YES933街頭爆唱會》 ...?

List Of Artistes Attending Mostly Out Liaoz, So Till Now No News From The 3 - Means Shld Be Not Attending Le Issit???

MLB JIAYO ~ ! ! !
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 July, 2008 09:33

hi quizzy_me,

tink i did heard cruz mentioned on 933 abt their attendance to d 街头爆唱会.

but ytd evening tink i din hear d dj announce their name again. so now me nt sure if dey will b performing...


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