
Album release & Event dates
milubing | 20 August, 2008 19:54


got some important announcement to make:

-The album is now likely to be released in september
-Here is an updated list of dates of events that MLB is most likely performing at:

Aug 25th, CANCELLED!!!

Sept 6th, around 7pm, yellow ribbon concert

1 Oct - ??

5 Oct - SB GF, FYI, I have made a request for tics for MLBians.

That's all for now.. I'm super duper busy as usual(once skool starts,hell breaks loose),but had to update u guys/gals cos of the nearing dates. Let's hope we get to meet u all next monday cos it's been too long ya? haha.. thanks for your patience mlbians, and here's THANKS to your jiayos in advance ;)
Nic as usual, after NDP, camp shows in tekong etc.. but he's been out there doing some maintenance for the band (make wires-sam collect em, cleaning tracks, new compos etc.)
btw we recently went for 12 lotus gala, was a good show! Sam didn't go cos operation on the eye recently for lasik.
That's all folks, take care, and i'll chat with u all later on on the blog(as much as i can k? :p )

p.s. we will very likely sing some new numbers from our upcoming baby..!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 20:20

Hi Ah qi
How are you recently?
Hope u like the postcard lol...
i'm doing fine in hk...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 20:25

nice day of event on monday..sigh..=( hopefully able to make it and pia down after my work. it been so long i seen u guys.. boo! need motivation lor.. ><

ahaha.. i also watch the 12 lotus le..yups nt bad,.. but kana scare by the sound effect ! like for 3 times -_-" can see someone jump up from the chair and tt me..LOL ! :X shall tell u a super COLD joke if gt chance.. from the movie inside..LOL ! =X

weiqi jiayou in ur studies too kaes. heehee! and of course to sam n nic too. JIAYOU'S :))) can't wait to see u guys soon if i can :X


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 20:28

THANKS for the new updates!!
weiqi! mugging hw arhh? haha. jia you!
omg. sam went for lasik ah? okayy.. ai mei sia. =x haha!
nic, hope u aint too busy doing so many stuffs!


Blogger Strat | 20 August, 2008 20:48

Jia you... Hehe... Got event on monday ar ... Oh ... Haiz... Hope I can go ... Prelim is on going now for me !!!! Haiz....


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 20:56

see you guys soon! [:


Blogger qIaNhUi | 20 August, 2008 21:15


Thankz For The Updates ~
Ok Good That The Album's Coming Out Soon In Sept Le!

Hmmm Well, Why Event On Mon... Arghhhhhhhh I Cant Attend Le La... SOBS SOBS!!!
That Means Still Must Wait Till Sept Den Can Cya Guyz Le ...

♥ JIAYO Ba MLB ~ ! ! !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 23:13

Thanks for the updates once again.
Oh....no, event on Monday, some more in the afternoon 3+, how to attend? Haiz...
Yeah, SB2 GF. I wanna attend, pls dun forget to keep a tix for me. :)
Ok, confirm MLB's 2nd Baby deliver in Sep. Cheers...
Although its like hell in school, I always have confident that you can do it. Jia-you...

Oops, dun know that you have gone thru an operation. Hope you are recovering very soon. Must take care hor! Jia-you too.

wow, didn't expect you to be still so busy even after NDP? Well, believe you can plan your schedule properly. Anyway, you ORDing soon. Jia-you too.

regardless of what you are doing? All the Best to everyone here. Jia-you too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 23:26

*sob* 3 plus pm afternoon..thought still gt a bit of hope.. haa. but nw no more liao..LOL !

nevertheless! still jiayou to u guys kaes :D
shall patiently await for 6th sept to come :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 August, 2008 23:29

album to be released in sept, woo hoo! sept, beautiful month, esp with autumn leaves turning an orange red tinge. my favourite season of the year! wah hah, ah sam went for lasik!! i m freakin out rit now. haha mus find a chance to take pic w him liao to commemorate the big event. must be careful ok, dun rub ure eyes.
hope u guys dun stop composing n singing, ever.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 00:34

25th? Nah... will be flying off to somewhere. So gotta miss this performance again. But strange enough.. why a Monday?

Oh, Ah Sam went lasik ah? How shortsighted he was? I almost hit 1000 per eye before I went op few yrs back. And it was a great investment! Finally, days without glasses!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 01:05

ahhh... waiting waiting~
i wanna go on 5th oct.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 11:06

thanks for the updates, weiqi! :)
looking forward to all the MLB events that are coming up. it's been quite some time since i last saw the three of you performing together on stage.



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 14:07

mon? 3pm??

i'm so near yet so far... can oni go if it's during lunch hr... :(

anyway, thks for d update!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 14:21

Thanks for the update. Ok so confirm album to be released in sept. Hehe. Look like quite alot of them cant attend it on aug 25th. If can i will attend it. Hehe. Oh ya nic & weiqi just in case u didnt saw my previous msg to both of u.

To nic: Thanks for taking photo with me at vivo gv there. I am the gal who send u msg at facebook there. Hehe. Jia you! Take care.

To Weiqi: Thanks for saying that u help nic take photo with me then nic help u take photo with me. Hehe. Thanks for taking photo with me too. Jia you! Take care.

To sam : Didnt noe that u went for operation for lasik. Hope u recover soon. Take good care. Jia you too. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 15:10

next monday 3pm? cannot la, I got FYP then I already tell manager can work after that liao...at least 6th sept de still can "advance booking"...haha! u guys jia you hor!

5th October...great can celebrate some people's birthday at the same time uh...haha!

Nic, Sam, weiqi and all jia you jia you...take care hor.

12 lotus nice ah? weiqi u r the first few youngster that i heard of will say 12 lotus is nice de oh? haha. cos my side de 12 lotus's customers are more...senior...haha!
I think I may want to watch too though =)...

I darn tired...bye bye i go nap liao


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 17:26

hey lorita, how's everything there? doing lots of shopping perhaps..
looks like alot of u can't make it for the event,so now it's cancelled also good ba haha.. ;)
Thanks for all the jiayos!
take care... :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 17:46

hey Ah di
I'm recently working in the hotel...
i'm seriously enjoying myself in hk...
u also take care lo :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 18:28

Wah..so many upcoming events..
Missing you guys already..Finally,
get to see you guys in action again!

New numbers..That's good!Hopefully,
you guys will be able to perform them..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 18:45

Look like alot of them cant attend the event on 25th, so i was thinking of going down to support u guys. But now no need already.

I thought the event on aug 25th still have in the end i saw it is cancelled. Cancelled also good for mlb and to those who cant attend it. Take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 19:19

sorrie,ah qi
i write wrongly..paisei


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 20:41

yay..event cancel LOL =X good good good *in mr pig action LOLX *

at least no need to think so many liao..yay can concentrate on work..hahaha :P shall see u guys on 6th sept den..wahaha :P

weiqi take care yea :))
same goes to nic n sam.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 20:56

Weiqi! Why cancelled?!
Thought of going down to see you guys after school one.
Now, no more :( :( :( :( :(
But still, JIAYOU k!
Takecare :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2008 22:26

Event cancelled...At least I can concentrate on my projects...

Hopefully can cya guys on Sep 6th.


MISS YOU GUYS Performing~

12 lotus show, I only can say not bad~ No comments... hehe

For Sam, didn't know that u go operation. Hopefully speedy recover =)

Take Care guys


Blogger Strat | 21 August, 2008 23:48

Jia you... Looking forward to the new baby .... hehe...


Blogger binz | 22 August, 2008 01:44

woah i never get to use comp for 2 days, then so many updates liao! thanks weiqi and sam for the updates(:

hmmm yay album to be released in september~! hopefully auto session will be in oct(: oh monday event canceled. yea it's both happy and sad for us that it's canceled hur. mann this means it's still gonna be a long way till i see / hear mlb. i hate it that always near exam period there is overwhelming of events. i wanna go :( yay whee thanks weiqi for requesting tics for us to SB GF(: or else i guess it will be pretty hard for us to get tics.

oh sam went for lasik. then next time happy liao lor no need wear contacts nor specs. hope sam has a speedy recovery frm the opt~!

yea jiayous everyone out there(: life in this modern society is really demanding and hectic and everything~ we really gotta yao jin ya gen to hang in there..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 August, 2008 20:05

why cancelled?!
hah. okay. have to wait for two more weeks.
MLB! cya soon! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 August, 2008 22:42

HaHax ... 25th AUG Event Cancelled.?!?
*暗爽-ing ... HeHe Oopsz!

Mayb It's Better??? Cos It's On A Weekday La, Many Of Us Cant Make It ...

ALRIGHT - Shall Cya Guyz On 6th SEPT. Den ! Yipeeeeee ~!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 August, 2008 23:51

many ppl do lasik these days. SAM take care of your eyes okay!

really hope to see all 3 of you soon! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 August, 2008 01:43

I got the tix for the sep6, total for 4 ppl. This time will bring my little boy along.

Jia You !

Hopefully could pass the gift for MLB on that day. It could be/ should be/ may be able to release the stress after listening.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2008 12:37

Hope all of u enjoy ur sun. MLB jia you woh! Take good care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2008 22:02

tml's monday blue!
take care and be happy ppl! =)


Blogger binz | 24 August, 2008 23:59

yes it's SUPER monday blues for me. argh i wan to slp and dun wan go school. so tiring. okay it's so not realistic. haha. hope it wun be too blue for others here(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2008 14:58

happy monday ppl


Blogger -WHEY` | 25 August, 2008 18:58

WOW! so looking forward to events and the new album!! :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2008 15:19

hi waves !


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2008 16:14



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2008 19:26

so freezing cold...my workplace like freezer today...so shiok today only work from 9.30 to 5. later i gonna nap nap le. milubing jia you! mlbians jia you too!

pinkie happy birthday! haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2008 12:52

even non-aircon places oso cold. everyday rain n rain. was disappointed monday cancelled. was it supposed to be the sg team welcome home party? was gonna persuade my fren to sneak out in the aft...aiyo so naughty....but lucky dunid to put her in diff position. nowadays weather so cold, everyone mus rem to bring jacket out otherwise freeze in the cold. brr.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 August, 2008 19:49

hi all,
with regards to the Yellow Ribbon concert on 6th Sept, the concert organisers have informed us that they'll be allocating seats for supporters of MLB. thus, we need to know the exact number of people going, so that all of us can sit together and support MLB.

those who've NOT requested tickets from us [meaning obtained tickets on your own], if you guys will like to sit with us at the concert, please let us know ASAP with your name and the number of seats. [read on for contact number]

those who've requested tickets from us and received reply, your tickets are confirmed. however, do let us know if any of your tickets are going to be unused, or we'll just count the number of people as the number of tickets.

for all above, please send us a msg at 82507407 ASAP, by 12pm tomorrow.

*the number doesnt belong to any of us, but we can be contacted there

pretty urgent, cos we've got to let the person in charge know by tomorrow. so please do us a favour and msg us ASAP if there's anything you need to inform. thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 August, 2008 00:07

hey is there any news where's the yellow ribbon concert gg to be and how long is the duration?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 August, 2008 00:28

miko, e concert will be held at e max pavilion..not sure of e duration but it starts at 730pm..will try to find out when i contact e person in charge tml..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 August, 2008 23:54



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2008 09:37

hello gd morning !

enjoy ur weekends !


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2008 10:15

it's the weekends again! (:
have fun, everybody. take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 00:25

ho seh. i can take off next sat (6th sept), so i CONFIRM can go lo~ wee~
but that is also the only off day of the week, I siao siao one, duno why give him a 6-days-work-week request and now, I sick le wanna change to 5-days-work-week but then cannot cos not enough ppl. hahaha.

take care lo people...
milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 00:36

hi waves ! happy 2b surrounding by colourful mooncakes n colourful lanterns..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 00:39

happy 2b surrounded by...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 12:01

Hey All,

SHA08 "Most Popular grp/band" online voting started...

Let's vote for our dearly MLB there. =]

Visit below link for more details.

SHA08 Most Popular Grp/Band


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 13:15

Thanks xxxx. Can we vote more than 1 times for 最受欢迎男歌手, 最受欢迎女歌手, 最受欢迎新人 & 最受欢迎团体??

Jia you & take good care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 September, 2008 18:28

xxxx, thanks for informing! :)
MLBians, remember t vote for the milos! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 September, 2008 02:58

i think should be
5 times per cat. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2008 15:29

ROAR! 5th oct got event but i'm having exam! :( anyway, so so so looking forward to the upcoming album! i want autog session k! :D