
milubing | 16 September, 2008 21:51

From left to right...
Mr 周崇庆!!! Samboy, Ah Qi, Nicko, Ivy, 伟彬!

and no.. i'm not wearing the same tee as sam... sigh.. ya lar ya lar...
Thanks to those who dropped by at the radio gate! Glad that u peeps came..
More interviews to come soon! ;)

{here's the link for the interview}

933 people are all super nice!!!! Always feel at home when we're in that studio!!! ;)

check this out!



Derrick is a really nice guy, down to earth, jovial, funny and friendly.. it was my first time talking to him and i could really clique with him straight away. As with us, he is another artiste who is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of his music..and going full time into music is his biggest one. Respect him for that, and am glad that his album is doing really well and he is supported very strongly here back home! Looking forward to meet him again, maybe some other time just to hang out or something..

we do have behind the scenes photos, but they can only be posted later after the launch of the album..so qing qi dai! haha..

once again don't forget our home based blog for the mlbians by the mlbians themselves!

Btw, our album launch would be either 22/24th.. apparently wat i heard recently from warner's pauline. So once again, i'll update whenever i get any news..

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:11

Thanks for sharing.

got to get calculators for the kids... missed the broadcast :(

So, Weiqi,did u all on webcam?


Blogger Jean | 16 September, 2008 22:14

thanks for the picture!=D
wq wearing same shirt as sam right?!hahas..

looking forward to u guys album and events soon!~=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:24

WOOHOO! i just now dun noe i pist comments at previous update there. Paiseh...

Haha. Ya u not wearing the same soocer team as sam. Wahaha. But is same tee. Lol. Nic wear cap leh. Nice nice. Haha. Hmm sam lose weight huh? Mlb rest well & try to put on weight.



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:28

Paiseh. I type wrong. Shld be *post. Look forward to mlb album & event too. Below is the link of news abt milubing & derrick hoh. =D


Enjoy. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:37

hey mlbians, thanks for the voting ya? LHB coupons are hard to come by and hard to save up..so thanks!
Thanks for the jiayos! will work hard!
Don worry for nic ya? it's a scratch la..due to the guitar strap.. but it's worth it for the MV!!! i really peifu mr nic when it comes to MV.. he SUPER DUPER HIGH lor.. sigh.. sam n i gotta learn from him..

周公讲鬼 album long hair gal? hmm...not sure leh..will check it out..his album going to be sold out soon! sorry Jenny, just saw your post, nope it wasn't on the webcam.so u wan us to sign the other 3 postcards?

everyone take care k???


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:37

Thanks, Jane.

I was at Derrick's blog just now, waiting for his upload leh. Read fr YES933 site that he took some behind the scene on MLB's MV...

^^still waiting patiently

OH!YA! gotta watch out MLB as cover on the I-weekly or U mag these few weeks le hor?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:43

Ok. yup heard from yes 933 interview that nic got a scratch due to the guitar strap. CQ said that is love bite. Haha. Yah is worth it.. Thanks nic & poor nic.

Weiqi 周公讲鬼 album the long hair gal is easy to guess de. Haha.

Jia you & take good care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:47


yeah weiqi! thanks for the pic!
and the interview is very gao xiao.. juz cant stop smiling as the interview is being conducted. haha!

yeah!! 22sept is coming! i want more of MLB!! JIA YOU! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:48

eh..Jenny ah.. as for magazine cover.. i'm not so sure. Don't know if that will happen. but if it does i'll update here ba ;)
thanks for all mlbians concern and to those who have been writingin requests.. super sweet of u all..but sometimes there are political reasons which are unseen when it comes to such strong public promotion.
Part of being chen shu is learning to see these issues that lie beneath the surface. ;)
Slowly we will all learn together as a mlb family :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:50

hohoho~ Weiqi, our timing macharm so "on time" ya.

the other 3 postcards are not sign during CongQing's autograph session, thought maybe u guys want him to sign all for u?

It's good to show u all put in efforts in the MVs n this motivates viewers to watch them, this indeed made a lot of difference leh.
(my kakis rather me to zip my lips when i going to sing 泪 in the KTV :( , they rather watch the MV...so u see see see...sigh


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:52

haha.. funny la u..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:53

Lol jenny. Jenny cos mv more nice. Opps. Haha. Yeah i forget to say thanks weiqi for the pic. Thanks weiqi. Yeah we will all learn together as a mlb family.

Be a happy mlb family. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:56

haha weiqi!
i like weijian too! =D=D

okiee.. we'll grow and learn tgt~
and u're supposed to do your hw right! lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 22:57

Yah derrick is a nice guy. He is cute. Haha. Yup his album on the first day got alot of ppl buy it until out of stock. WOOHOO! I noe that he got asked mlb for contact no to contact each other. Hehe.

Qi dai behind the scenes photo. WOOHOO!!

Once again MLB POWER LAH!!! =)


Blogger -WHEY` | 16 September, 2008 23:03

i'm so glad that the album will be releasing soon.. :D & counting down!

hope the 3 milos are doing fine now! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:03

those who missed the interview, in case ya guys missed out my tag in the prev post.. hv posted the link.. do check out from the prev post. cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:08

we're glad to see you guys too. and thanks for mentioning our blog. (=

and sorry if i've offended anyone when i "flagged" cab for the guys ya?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:28

penguin, I went back to last blog n got it!!! YEAH!

now bzi bzi , putting ears to speakers, coz kiddos Zzzz


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:29

Xie Xie penguin! MUACKSSSSS


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:35

ohya. btw.
just a reminder to continue voting for the guys for the SHA08. Voting will end this sunday 2359.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:41

Yup i just vote 5 times for mlb already. Guys vote hard for mlb for the SHA08! Hehe. Thanks alot. =)

Jenny u funny lah. Haha. Btw what is ur daughter blog url??


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:42

hello weiqi~~~
u take care too hor...
same for sam and nic...

in the end didn't managed to listen to the interview sia...will check out the link penguin uploaded soon. ty hor...

jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 September, 2008 23:42

forget to put my mouth...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 00:14

Didn't manage to catch the interviews nor the shou bo. Sorry man =)

Still, all the best MiLuBing.

After 2 years you guys are still..



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 00:16

With Xiao Han in the production really make the whole album waiting days more exciting. She is my fav lyricist. Glad that you guys got such a strong team behind this album. Add oil, add salt, add sugar, and don't forget the jam too!


Blogger Strat | 17 September, 2008 00:23

Haha... Jia yo ... Hope tat the album is darn nice to everyone ... Hope tat the album sells like hot cakes .. Haha.. Not hope ... It will ... hehe... Jia yo and take care ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 01:25

Jane, send yr email addy to
she cld fwd the link 2 u tmr.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 01:28

Haha. why dun she let u write her blog url here? Scared all ppl read her blog or shy? Lol.

SAM dun care if u smile nice or not nice i want to see it. Hehe. Take good care to all. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 01:30

Hope MLB's 新专辑大卖!

Will get 2 again like last time, coz 1 for my Shanghai colleague ^_^

Also, hope Uncle Phil has a speedy recovery... his signboard's artwork super sia~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 01:41

yup, let's hope uncle phil recovers soon from the ice skating incident.. always tell u all to take care le lor.. but i'm he'll recover fast! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 01:45

Hope uncle phli recovers soon. I guess u trying to write u are sure that he will recover fast. Haha.

Weiqi i thought u sleep already. Sleep early. Haha. Take good care. Rest more while u can. Same to nic & sam. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 07:08

thanks for the pic!
Ah Sam look werid with the hair lol

Jia You lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 07:21



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 13:06

Thanks weiqi for the update for the upcoming events. Hehe. Hope MLB's 新专辑大卖! Hope mlb album sell on the first day until out of stock. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 13:15

Tks Q'me for e pre-emption, but to help u save $, u can opt me out fr future mass sms' circulations. I got many sources *wink*

But, got lah got lah, i got tuned in lah. Very first time listened to the song, so haven't really catch the melody. I like the soft rock genre though, the guit strumming neatly sets the tempo.

But but, Nic's diction has had improved tremendously. With e rightful injection of emo, vocals is good.

'Tis time got flame lah...got lah got lah...got boiled...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 14:43

double boiled la... (-_-!!!)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 14:56

double boil? 200 degrees celcius oh?

jane said hope mlb album sell on first day until out of stock? maybe will left 1 copy only ba. hahaha. cos i think i gonna buy 1 wk later le. now no money, i getting pay 1 wk after 22th/24th, so by then i can buy lo...

cool right, last month work so hard, so i used my hard-earn money to buy mlb new album as a reward of my hard work. kill 2 birds with 1 stone. hahahahahaha.

me in class now....weiqi u leh? hehehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 15:06

Hahahaha. Lol. Yup i hope mlb album sell on the first day will until out of stock. Hehe. Like weijian album also out of stock on the first day. WOOHOO!

Yeah quizzy cool. Haha. Weiqi try to rest early woh. Jia you u still left 1 yr plus. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 15:39

yeah,, in class now... :(
yawning away... keep going toilet to wash face..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 15:41

ah qi..
jia you lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 15:42

Haha, think I'm more lucky than you. At least I can work from home today. Can lay on bed while working, and take a good nap during lunch time. Hee hee...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 15:58

I noe why u keep yawning. Cos u yesterday sleep at 5pm right?? Try to sleep early then u wont felt so sleepy easily. Hmm u can try eat halls extra strong candy.. Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 16:02

me also lor. literally wasn't listening. hahahaha. then was like dozing off la. so keep msn-ing friends =X.

but then, dun be jealous hor, MY CLASS END LIAO~~~~hahahahahaha!
but ya la, need to go work also le. working from 5 to 10.30pm later.

and again DUN BE JEALOUS HOR, i TOMORROW AND FRIDAY NO SCHOOL =X. but then tomorrow must come back do FYP. Friday i working whole day.
cos this sem i take 3 modules only. only monday to wednesday got class only. muahaha.
got gd got bad la. LAST SEM BEFORE I GRADUATE LE~~~
i must jia you, weiqi must jia you also. we all so ke lian must half-study-half-work, but still, dun burn out wor~ hehe.

ok i go work liao. bb


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 16:33

double boiled?~~
reminded me of mooncakes...double eggs...(-_-!!!)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 17:04

u also muz jia you !
see u soon !


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 17:08

Haha. Angie & weiqi so funny. Hahaha. Mooncakes double eggs. Lol. I still single yolk. Haha. =))


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 18:26

my lecture was way boring too!
hence i was back home EARLY! HAHA! =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 18:39

orh-hoh, naughty syL left early hoh~ =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 18:42

we're on the same boat kkkkkk... lol =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 19:16

boring maaa, :p

nic sam weiqi JIAYOU LO. (:
take careee.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 19:29



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 September, 2008 19:48

WOOHOO milubing shen shu on yes 933now. Haha. Hmm the album name quite nice huh. Haha. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 00:13

Jie Jie Jane,

cld ue send ur e-mail to me? I wan give URL must 偷偷 give 哦!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 00:18

OMG, so proud of you guys! damn excited to hear abt the sign on by fm. mentors galore, must grab hold of the opportunity n hone ure craft. and WQ dunid to intro lineup in pic la, think we shld all recognise the djs. nowadays, they hv v high profile too :P WQ n sam realli look like qinglu zhuang. i wonder if all of WQ's wardrobe is filled with rimmed tees, always see u in such tees :D
eh why no closeup of nic's lovebite leh. we (or at least me la :D)wanna see the lovely scratch by the guit strap :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 00:30

its on air again le! haha.

well mine is still 3rd week of semester so cannot pon =X...hahahahaha....
ehhh ehh cannot pon le ah syl meimei. later kena lecture by weiqi lao shi...hahahahaha!

mm jie naughty sia. scratch still got lovely one meh? hahahaha.

lorita jie also jia you!!

Thursday lo~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 00:33

hee jus heard the song on radio. okie, my specs r broken le. luv the song man. ah....when can i get hold of the album??? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 00:35

hee q_me, it's a "lovebite" by the guit strap so mus be lovely lor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 00:45

Haha. Lol mm. I also want to see can? Haha. Yeah chen shu is nice!

Dawn are u jenny daughter? lol. Anyway if u are jenny daughter can u just write down ur blog url at here? U scare ppl read ur blog or u shy? Lol.

Weiqi weijian gai ban is coming out on 23 sept. I guess u noe abt it already or dun noe yet. Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 01:26

A Very Big Thank You to:
weiqi, jenny & jane for your get well wishes.
Ya, I am feeling much better le, the swollen had sub-sided a little but it is atill quite painful when I turn or twist my wrist. Well, as wat weiqi said: I shall recover soon. Yeah...
weiqi, you need to Jia-you too. Likes wise, I am sure you can make it de. Cheers...
jenny, I did that sign board for the beatbox event. Thanks for your compliment.

Haha...luckily all the events doesn't fall between 16th Oct to 25th Oct (which I will be in Taiwan for my Buddhist Studies). Thanks Buddha.

MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...
2nd baby is on the way le... Yeah


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 01:55

Uncle phil u welcome. Haha.

I am so happy lah. Haha. Thanks to weijian. Below is the link 何維健 Derrick Hoh - 迷路兵探班 幕後花絮. =)


Enjoy! Cool loh weijian album is out on 23th and mlb 2nd album is out on 22 or 24th. Haha. =)


Blogger Rah | 18 September, 2008 02:19

hey guys!
can't wait for the album launch lor. hoho.. i really love the song can! nic de voice is still so nice and unique as always..hoho..

i am proud of u guys. really! ;) i can see the hardwork and efforts u guys had putten in for tis 2nd baby.. i can also say u guys also grown up in term of music.. MLB ZHANG DA LE . HAHA ! tis word somebody also say to me and my friends. so nw it MLB turn for me to say. hahaaha !

=] jiayou ba guys! u guys have been the best one around.. -hugs-


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 03:37

heya.. thanks to all for the great encouragement.. support and anticipation..

hope we'll make a statement with tis album..

bring change to the norm..

thanks for growing with us.

continue to do so.




Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 03:45

Yeah u are welcome. Hehe. Yup hope mlb can make a statement with this album. Jia you! I am sure 2nd album will da mai and first day will be out of stock! Woohoo... Haha. I hope 2nd album oso got gai ban. Hehe. =D

Ohya nic u see the video i just send comment on 1.55am?? Haha. This video must really thanks derrick he wei jian. Take care & rest early. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 03:56

nic nic,
tmr no camp meh?
go sleep le..dun worry too much! we luv miluing.. will support de..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 11:31

Nic's in camp today...JIAYO NIC!
Rah funny ya..say we zhang da le.. everyone zhang da le.. heh heh..
Uncle Phil, it sounds painful(your wrist) pls take good care of it ;)
haha..mm specs are broken.. did u fall down when u broke it? (die po le yan jing)
Q_me dun pon la...syl also..dun pon la.. but i've been ponning one lecture too heh heh..cos i SU it..heh heh..shhh,,,
mightymouse sound a bit bian tai leh..wanna see love bite nia?
flora dun di xiao hor..disturb me rite? wat can lei on ur bed tsk tsk..i'm missing my bed now..
angie, it's double boiled not egg yolks la.. different different.. and i dun like mooncake eggyolks.. eeewww... always eat plain one heh heh..
thanks for the links Jane

actually Derrick shares the same sentiments as us..regarding the camera.what u see in the video is kinda like a bit unnatural. We enjoyed chatting together when the cam was not facing us..once someone told us to like 'eh shake hands leh so i can film' or something along the same lines, derrick will say,"like very ke yi la..we just talk normally ba.." cos it was more 'qing qie' when off screen..and we talked like normal friends catching up(topics were wide ranged from army life to album making process). he also shared with us that he understands how it feel a little 'gung kor' when u start filming mv, and gave us good advise like how to just let go and perform as if no one is looking. He's very real, and actually kinda lame in person(same frequency as us!!!) so it's really cool... just hope we have more of such time together..only without the camera. ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 14:07

Haha. I also want to see love bite. Lol. Mooncake egg yolk taste nice wat. Haha. Plain de not nice loh somemore so sweet. U are welcome. Haha. When i saw the video at weijian blog then i send comment at here to let u all noe. Hehe. I am happy lah. Haha.

Derrick is friendly,cute & quite handsome. Haha. In the video got heard sam & derrick talking but i dun understand cos they talking in canto. Haha. But i heard ni hao and eat already?? Haha. Good that derrick & mlb enjoyed chatting together. I guess cos with camera u all shy? Haha. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 14:17

Opps yesterday i type wrong shld be weijian gai ban is out on 23th. Haha.

Sam did u went to marsling at 1 plus? Just now i saw a guy look like sam... Haha. The guy with gf. Hmmm or maybe i saw wrong person which look really like sam? Haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 14:44

sama, mi dun lke yolk, plain better.
'tis yr my fav is freezing goodwood durian bing pin mooncakes...didn't hv enuff...i wan more...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 16:23

same frequency as you guys? more like as you ba..

沒有wow的包裝, 只有wow的音樂~

will that be a suitable statement to describe this album? hopefully!

great the album's coming out on a wednesday, will have time to get it then..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 17:26

omg,mlb album relase on 24 sept


Blogger Rah | 18 September, 2008 18:19


share with u all with this mlb grp pic taken by my friend after their interview on yes 933.. and the guys look great.. especially WEIQI. HAHAHA ! :X twist twist =] but i think weiqi also look super shag can.. ur eyebag hor *shakehead* >.<" aiyo!

anyway weiqi i think u more funny den me can..LOL. i dun want to fight with u for tt.. :P lalala!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 18:25

Thanks rah. Hehe. Mlb look great... ya loh weiqi look so tired can even see his eyebag. So weiqi please sleep early. same as nic & sam too.

First time see nic wear cap n 1st time see weiqi post twist. Haha. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 23:23

YEAH YEAH Album On The 24th ~ !!! !!! !!!


JIAYO Guyz . . . !


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 23:30

omgosh. time flies fast.
still that one and only 3 milos.

hope your album sells well! :D

love you guys as always.
ah! it includes mlbians too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2008 23:32

HAHA! weiqi!
okiee lah, i try not to pon lahh.. lol

yeah! weijian's a nice guy! =)
same frequency arh.. haha! no wonder ni men dou shi wo de top favourites! =D YEAH!

alright. 24! JIA YOUUUS~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 00:03

saw the video already!
SAM! you+scarf=shuai! =D
and so little of nic and weiqi in the video huhh. haha. well, hope u guys had a great time!


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 September, 2008 23:43

Hi weiqi,
Wanna thanks you, once again for your concern with regards to my injured hand.
Ya, it is still painful and cannot carry heavy weight presently.
But it is definitely improving. Look likes I will have to go for another injury massage. Hehe...

Yeah, just another 5 more days and we are able to hold MLB's 2nd baby and bring it home. Haha....

Ya, think we can start sending our Yes933 LongHuBang voting coupons by coming Monday. We should also cast our vote for ChengShu by sending SMS this coming Monday (22 Sep).
Let's show our Unity once again, by voting very hard.
Anyone has any comment about this?