
milubing | 27 September, 2008 02:43

nic       : woo hoo! num 18 long hu bang!!! wah u guys amazing la..out 3 days n cheng shu's 18? thankies!!!!

weiqi(on behalf of mlb): THANKS to all the snipping,pasting,writing,and postage cost..today MLBians have made chengshu no.18 You guys & gals make miracles happen. We love u all uber lovable MLBIANS!!! :D See u next sunday then...a crazy zombifying week for me..sobs..monday blues..let's sing the blues then.. get rid of the drag ya? ;) *SHOUT* JIAYO EVERYONE!!!

sam: Apart from enjoying music, i enjoy taking pictures too. Here's where i put them up for viewing, so as not to flood MLB's blog. http://samwangruixiang.blogspot.com/

mlb :Hey peeps.. it's finally here..

choose your favourite caption for this pic:

A) Lesson 1: Practice signing your signature
B) 来啊! 来啊!
D) *you own caption!*

Actually we bought our own album to give out to those who helped with the production, and also for our close friends. Have you got yours yet? Pass to us then we sign for you ya? no problemo..it's our honour :p
When we finally signed all..phew..hand tired..warm up for qian chang hui.

BTW! the GF tix are already passed on to our dear MLBian in-charges, in total, we managed to get 30 tix for mlbians. Not sure how they are going to give it out, but do visit http://www.lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com/ for further details!

Wa... still got people not asleep yet leh.. isit pei me burn midnite oil? so good ah u all.. ok la...reward u guys with more behind the scenes pics k? here u go!

heh heh.. :p

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 02:53

the new album is seriously great.

good job guys!

take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 02:57

and i think caption (C) is the best.

but if you guys still have a second picture,
or subsequently more pictures as follow ups...
such as Lesson 2 and 3...

i will choose caption (A)~!

goodnight people.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:04

Wish I could get the GF tix?


Blogger -WHEY` | 27 September, 2008 03:04

the album is really great :D:D

i think through this album we can see mlb like.. really getting more 成熟 :D

caption C best describe all your expressions esp nic! haha!

caption A is funny though! HAHA

LOVES!! :D:D how many babies are there in total?? 100?? or seems like more! HAHA!


Blogger -WHEY` | 27 September, 2008 03:14

i thought that weiqi looked stunned and nic looked even more stunned.. and sam looks tired after all the signing.. heh!!

yes, this shall be a small warm up before qian chang hui xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:18

seeing nic expression..

i guess it goes for ( C ) waaaaa.. LOL !

for sam expression goes for ( A ) LOL!

and weiqi also goes for ( C ) HAHAHAHA ! -.-"

and yes yes i bought the album too. gg to buy more soon.. ;DDD and my friend say he gg to support u guys by buying ur album too YAY ! i so happy tt even my friend around me also loving mlb 2nd album songs (: kekeke ! i so proud of this album now. yay :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:33

Wow... can pass our albums for you guys to sign huh? I also want lor, cos the pic shows that you guys not only signing on the cover?
GF tixs only got 30pcs, really dunno how it gonna be distributed? Hopefully, I am lucky enough to get it. Cheers...Yeah...
Think I also choose caption 3, based on Weiqi & Nic expressions. Haha...
Well need to sleep le, later have to wake up at 6am for work. Hehe..
Good night & sweet dreams MLB & MLBians


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:34

wa.. u all still awake nei... tsk tsk.. ok now i go back to my hmwk! thanks for the support peeps... i gotta find another time to look thru all the comments.. :( now gotta bia for a monday submission! Yikes! hope u all like the pics ya? Actually gotta thank Jasmin and Veron for helping to snap those photos while we were doing the MVs.. heh heh..nitey... i'll come back later b4 i slp ;)


Blogger ellekay :] | 27 September, 2008 03:39

thats really sweet.
you guys really look like superstars le~!

and ouch,
that last picture somehow...
looks unglam.

allow me to do some 'intelligent' guesses...
he is airing himself with the big fan...
this shows that he is really perspiring alot.......



Blogger Rah | 27 September, 2008 03:40

cannot sleep nw lar..
sleep too much! thanks to the medicine i ate.. tsk tsk. woke up at 3 plus pm. ate light lunch plus medicine.. back to sleep at 6 plus pm.. and woke up at 11 plus pm.. =/ i think i becoming a pig soon sia..

love the pic and the expression also. hahaha ! :P

anyway weiqi.. jiayou for ur studies la.. :P dun bia dao until nt having enough rest kaes (: heh heh! take care le and jiayou! ;D

guess gg back to SLP ( AGAIN!!!) =X

take care lor.. =]]


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:40

o... luckily I refresh the page and saw these bts pics. The last pic must be Nic rite? haha... So cute & funny lor, all the pics.
Why pasted a censored tag on Sam mouth? should let us see his braces mah?
Ok lah.. really got to catch some sleep now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:47

eh.. i better not show la..later sam not happy ma haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:54

btw..reading nic's post "ugly", it seems like he is taking up a separate persona from himself, and writing a passage of prose to describe how that person might think if he were him. confusing eh? but just don't get it wrong like he's talking bout himself..nope.. heh heh.. goodnite la.. i can't take it le.. maybe i sleep for 6 hrs and wake again..thank God it's sat..no school today.. zzzzZZZZZ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 03:55


catch some sleep soon.



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 04:06

waaaaaaaaaaaa weiqi never wait for me...haha!
i still mugging for monday's test leh. thank god its sat. no school today and no working in the morning today. working night shift instead.

nic's passage is forever confusing but that will mean he think deep deep and i'll try to think deep deep also? haha. no offence yo nic~

oh btw, i think caption A or C suits the picture. haha!

nitey. i go back study liao =D


Blogger Jean | 27 September, 2008 07:44

guess caption c suit weiqi and nic in the picture..and sam caption d(hmm...so many..how to sign~)...hahahs..anyway thanks for all back sceen photos..so cool eh~

esp the 3rd one with sam and nic de..so white..lyk those feel eh~hahas..anyway jiayou guys for ur album!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 08:32

I think (C) still the best and i choose (C). Haha. Hope i can get GF tix. Haha. thanks for the nice pics. Hehe. The last pic is sam?? Haha. Yah i also think weiqi go for (C) and sam goes for (D). Haha.

Get ready for qian chang hui. =)
Jia you! =)


Blogger binz | 27 September, 2008 10:11

woah so much updates over a nite. and yea so many owl mlbians.. whee im soo happy cuz exams are over! but still loadsa school stuffs to do..

thanks weiqi for the update though u are busy chionging ur sch work(:

and lol that picture. u guys de biao qing damn jing dian man. caption c describes the overall~ weiqi: 'ohman we sign so many to give ppl, but i dun have one copy for myself! im gonna grab one now!' *opens his hands abt to grab* nic: 'omg why got so many of me there? ahhh wads happening?'*shocked and stunned* sam: 'hmmm did i just sign all these? or was it my subconcious? let me think.. i wannn to sign more~~' *stones*

haiyo why sam wan to censor ur braces! it's always very nice and cute luh. and i guess that unglam blowing wind person is nic! haha.


Blogger Sam Wong | 27 September, 2008 10:38

Thank u Binz. Good morning people.

WeiQi told me bout my not-so-perfect braces smile in that picture then i said.. HIDE IT! Thank u man.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 11:12

details for obtaining superband GF tics will be posted soon, do check back here regularly.


Blogger binz | 27 September, 2008 11:18

haha sam smile with the braces ok! dun hide(: oh i tht why before i tagged i saw sam's tag then after i tagged it went missing.. yuan lai sam wanna intro us his blog(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 11:19

LOL my caption is:"?! O_O"

when i saw that black thing over sam's mouth i knew it was to cover the braces. lol. SAM, u will sure miss ur braces aft u remove it mann!

WEIQI, the persona thing reminds me of my 4D class -____________-
total Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. dont like!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 11:38

btw, just to add on about the GF tics, we'll post the details up here on the main blog via the comments column, so keep tuned in to the latest posts these few days. will put up details once we've decided how to give out the tics in a fair way..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 11:53

wq, let mi try...
tat's passage...
it's abt Honesty; not Flattery...

Caption D: Sign PRETTY signature!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 12:12

OMG~the pics are sooo cute!
especially sam's braces smile haha
aiyo..y censored!want to see it ler..sure looks nice too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 12:42

-_- bins u siao siao liao...haha ;P
good morning sam!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 12:44



Blogger -WHEY` | 27 September, 2008 13:08

why sam's mouth censored??? a lot of ppl think braces are cool laa.. haha.. including my sis -.-" maybe it looks ok ma! since its part of sam alr!! haha..

have never seen a pic with sam smiling with his braces hehe~~

the last pic would be no one other than nic~ LOL! the pictures are so cute and funny la~ xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 13:17

Captions: C) WAAAAA....
*my own creations:
weiqi - 'too much to sign, can ii back out?!'
nic - 'ohno! when are we going to finish signing all of the albums?'
sam - 'guys, shall we start soon?'
just joking! lolxx.

Hooray!!! CONGRATULATIONS for the new album released!

have not got mine on hand yet but from the theme of the blog, ii got an idea of the message that pass through from the album to all of us is that, MLB has grown up ALOT!!! haha! not only them, all mlbianz as well yea?! though the meaning of triangle seems complicated too. anyway, congrats for your success!

meanwhile, take care, as the long hectic life of promos and events will be coming your way, we will all work hard together to reach our destination okie?! JIAYOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 13:53

ooh, lots of pictures! :D
i think caption C suits the picture.
especially with nic's expression.

:) :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 14:32

A) Lesson 1: Practice signing your signature

D)*your own caption!*
Weiqi - oh!no! forgot to do this assignment!(practice signatures)

Nic - wah! can't wait to sign our babies!

Sam - oops! shd i use "Sam" or "王瑞祥"?

not too sure how u all feel? I found the 黑 & 三角行 both hv a little bit of Japanese style... wait till my Jpn colleague comes to Sg then i ask him for his opinion, heehee.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 14:35

'签到笑' - shd be a gd caption, haha.. the more u sign the more u will laugh.. (u know why? - the more the merrier~).. hope yr fans will Q like snakes.. & yr music career will be like LOng LOng nvr ending laDDers.. kEEp goIng up..wAAAA~

happy weekend all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 14:56

恭喜迷路兵的第二胎顺利的呱呱落地! 经过几番波折,终于可以把宝宝捧在手中,
Nic, 你戴的是灰色的隐形眼镜吧? 这个颜色戴了很迷人喔. (^_-)
感觉。也喜欢Sam在第二段以"Little Drummer Boy" 打鼓的方式呈现,我喜欢!:Þ
总而言之,希望迷路兵的第二张可以得到好成绩!恭喜啦!( ^ _ ^)∠☆


Blogger Strat | 27 September, 2008 16:17

Nic: "wah... SO many ar!!! Can sign finish meh ??"

Sam: "Like that what time can I reach home ?? I don't like late nights..."

WeiQi: "My HW , My project how ?? 1,2,3,4,5,6... Wha... Too many to count ..."

Haha... This picture very cute ...

The last pic should be Nic .. Cause From the first pic of the Mv can see tat nic's shirt is blue with white .... Don't know how to describe ... Then from the third pic , the pants ... Haha... SHould be him ba ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 17:03

WOW... Sooo Many Pics... Thankz!!! *NICE NICE*

That Pic Caption Eh, I See NIC's Expression Only, I Feel Like Choosing - WAAAAA.... HaHaHax ~

*Tt Last Pic CFM Is NIC De :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 17:20

i've got the album already! =D=D
ni men hen hao xiao leh! the expression so funny.. i think the 3 options belong to each 3 of u guys? according to the pic. haha.
and that's nic with the fan! lol.
anyway, thanks for the pics! they're really good to make us SMILE! =)
and that pic with sam's censored mouth.. u look so fierce! lol.

ahhs! i cant wait for qian chang hui!! =D=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 18:17

Hmm thanks again for the pics and sam blog url. Hehe. Sam i just send comment at there. check it out soon. =D

Nic will go for (C) too. Haha. Hmm the last pics shld be nic or sam ba. Haha.

Syl sorry for just now as u take bus n i take mrt. Next time dun stand behind and hide. Haha. If not he will call ur name n find u again. Hope u enjoyed urself.

Jia you! Tk care. =)


Blogger binz | 27 September, 2008 18:50

came across a short version of 无形的翅膀 de video posted by dasmond.. the video is emo~ and i wonder if the person in the video is sam?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 19:03

Thanks binz. How u noe dasmond post this video? Yup e video is emo and i cry when i watched it just now. I guess e person in e video is sam ba. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 19:34

Thank you so much guys for the pictures!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 20:41

hey everyone! check out http://www.youtube.com/user/Ddesire22
for more of dasmond's videos!!! including 无形的翅膀! So nice! dasmond and sam make a good team! [:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 21:35

haha! jane, it's okay..
lol. ya lor.. so paiseh juz now -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 21:42

Braces are cute:D Shouldn't have censored ):

Anyway, thank god.. You guys are coming back to bukit panjang plaza:D Wee~ I don't have to travel all the way to Bishan(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 22:16

i very very like this part of 汗:
心这时有如 旋转的木马 没有了方向感
来回打转 孤单也只是短暂 不是偷懒


and and, the album's GREATTT!
really! so many that i like that i dunno which one i like the best! HAHA!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 September, 2008 23:12

Wow~ All the pics all every cool =)
Thanks for uploading the pics...

CYA Guys soon...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 00:24

nic: WAAA !
weiqi: 怎么会这样 ?
sam: 很好啊 !
hehe.. my feel lah..

nic, Wow 的音乐.. 有喔!

love all the songs..so far to me 'breathe' is my fav..世界麻烦借过一下, 黑 & 汗 attracts me when i first listen..

beginning of the song 黑 is sang sam right?..v nice..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 00:26

typo error..i mean beginning of the song 黑 is sang by sam right?


Blogger Rah | 28 September, 2008 00:46

i thought i see wrongly at one of the super unglam pic tt weiqi took.. tsk. and i knw it who.. MR NIC ! ROFL..=X hilarious can! dots..=X nic de image all gone sia.. tsk tsk! lolx..

anyway nice pic behind the scene. hahaha. weiqi u another funny one lor.. O.O and sam de teeth kana censored..-.-" *speechless* :X

kakaka. take care guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 01:38

Yes beginning of 黑 is sang by SAM... Chorus by NIC ...

It's Really Very NICE ~
I'm Addicted To This Song Le Lo =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 02:04

i like caption B cos it reminds me of durians :P got my hands on it on fri! my #1 fave still track#1. when i heard lei, i was tinking, did i play wrong disc? haha den i heard the guit. Yippy ya yay! great to own a part of it. Solid song. breathe really moves. #3-aiyo, sam u wanna 杀死人 with ure voice is it? like everything abt this song except the ending :P, #6-really love the change in tempo in the middle of the song. v cute. so far my major grouse is not enough band sound in some tracks n wished there were more songs of track#1 calibre, cos it's realli goooood... wanna listen to the disc on my car stereo, cos the one in my rm realli sucks :(
30 tics onli...can only hope most of the meis hv exams n cant go....hahaha...sorry girls... so selfish of moi.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 03:05

dun worry mm jie. I won't be able to go for SB finals liao cos i confirm have to work liao. cos many of my friends can't work on that day.
=( what a nice friend they got uh?

sorry guys. guess have to see ya again on the 17th lo? or I see how again on the 11th lo.

I saw the CD at CD rama le. super striking de lor! haha.

milubing jia you!!

everyone take care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 03:22

Wow, thanks for all the great, nice & funny pics posted here.
Sam, I have already place your blog in my favorite, but yet to comment. Will do it when I am free lor!
Haha... cannot imagine myself skating for 5 solid hours with my brother, until we have to paid extra charges ($30) just now. Coa the entry charge only can skate for 2hrs. I very notti lor, infact my hand haven't fully recover since that accident 2 weeks ago. Then just now went to skate again, it was very fun lor!
I also cannot decide which song to be picked as my favourite for this album yet? haha... bcos all the songs were so nice and some quite touching lor.
Thanks MLB for giving us very great music, once again. You guys have never let us down. Still very proud to be MLBian in the MLB Family. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 03:24

Sorry, I am very tired now. Yesterday night only slept for 2hrs.
Gotto sleep le, good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 28 September, 2008 03:40

The New Album : Wat I Can Say Is - I'M REALLY VERY PROUD OF 迷路兵 ~

* 感觸很多 ~ ~ ~
No Doubts - Improvements We Surely Heard Them ALL ~

♥ JIAYO Guyz !!!



Blogger MINHUI | 28 September, 2008 10:10

for the caption thing, i'd say (d):

weiqi: "uhh. are we supposed to sign these? MY PROJECT HOW?!"

nic: "oh my tian!"

sam: "hmmmmm~ whats for lunch/dinner today?"

heh. :P

and and, the last photo's nic, right?
cos he was wearing the same pants and shirt as of the photos above. heh heh heh. :D

well done, boys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 10:39

haha...my very first tot when i saw the album was Durians! The yellow is so appetizing! Credits must go to stylist and graphic designer for the tasteful combinations of wardrobes. Subtle yellow and red with grey…I like the style.

Abt the contents…hmm…my playlist would be Track 1, 9, 5, 7 & 2

Track 1…I like guit strum…voices harmonizing opening the song is a COOL start…alluring effects to wanna glue your ears nearer to the song…Can’t resist the replay button… My fav, I like this music arrangement best.

Track 9…This is a sensual one...evokes all senses… To Breathe is to set free or keep free?

Track 5 & 7…already have liked these two a lot…shan’t talk much here.

Track 2…Rock…High…Scream….I like the SPIRIT of this song. 想必唱歌的人唱得很过瘾;听歌的人也听得很过瘾。 有一种想throw chairs的冲动. Oh Man, got the urge to throw chairs U know!

…..Track 4…hmm I have reservations with this one…hmm… I can’t explain why but I find this song has the shadow of Eason Chan. So when I was listening to its intro and I was like anticipating to hear Eason’s vocals come out from it and err…then I switched to listen to Eason’s Don’t wanna let Go Track 4 倒带人生 (Compo by Khalil Fong)…and when I switched back…I wanna skip this. As I tot it wouldn’t do justice to compare anyone to Eason’s vocals…Eason has his unique 味道. Nonetheless, 我听到你有用心的唱,有进步.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 12:08

cheng shou at 18!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 12:09

CHENG SHU NUMBER 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 12:10

OMG! congrats congrats guys!!! CHENG SHOU is at no.18 of 933 long hu bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

that's so fast!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 12:10

Yeah.... Cheng Shu is on the Yes933 Long Hu Bang at no. 18


Blogger binz | 28 September, 2008 12:14

yay yay yay 18! it's back to chiong LHB time~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 12:19

lol so many ppl listening 933 and online. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 12:27

Ya, Cheng Shu has gains 3pts today.
Thanks to all who have voted, lets continue to chiong and vote harder to push it to #1, ok?
Have a Wonderful & Beautiful Sunday to MLB & MLBians. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 12:35

YAY no. 18

jiayou jiayou !


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 13:18

chen shu is on the charts!
congrats~~! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 13:24

Yeah cheng shu no 18. Hehe. Going to tell weijian fans to help vote for cheng shu again. Haha. Thanks to them again. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 14:01

LOL???? O_O


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 14:07

Haha. Also thanks to mlbians and the rest who vote for mlb song lah. Hehe. Cos i got tell 1 gal to help me vote for cheng shu and others too. Continue to jia you loh! =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 14:12

Vote for milubing. Thanks alot. =)


Most Popular Local Artiste:

Weijian fans is strong loh. weijian vote is 252 loh. so many so we must jia you in voting for mlb. Jia you! =D



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 16:45

Congrats ChengShu on Yes 933 Chart!

Jiayou MLB & MLBians =)

Cya guys soon...


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 28 September, 2008 17:16

hello people...

Yeap, was super happy when i heard cheng shu on the yes933 chart too... :D Super love that song... Milubing and mlbians jiayou too yah??


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 18:57

yeah! we rock! =D
let's continue to jia youuu~~!

ya lor weiqi,
i also monday blues.
haha.. jia you bah.. the day will pass soon. =)


Blogger pegg | 28 September, 2008 19:08

well. this is wad we have to do. so no worries abt tt la. (=

we will try our very best to push cheng shu up to no1~~ hees.

continue voting guys. (=


Blogger qIaNhUi | 28 September, 2008 21:21

Congrats CHENG SHU In The Chart Liaoz!!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 23:11

MLB & MLBians All must Jia-You hor!
Also must jia-you to push Cheng Shu up till #1. If Derreck's song can hit #1, see no reason why MLB cannot? We just have to put in more effort, lets chiong ah!
Even the DJ Cruz Teng was saying that the next quarter will belongs to MLB & SHE in the groups ratings.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 23:15

Sorry, I am not comparing.
Anyway, Derreck's album was a good one too. I intend to buy his gai-ban.


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 September, 2008 23:21


congrats to MLB! 成熟 is on the chart! lets start voting xD

we can do it!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2008 23:42

Ya uncle phil u are correct. Hehe. yah derrick's album inside got lots of nice song. I want his gai ban hope 1 of my friend can buy and gave me for my birthday present. But mlb song is nice too. Jia you!

Congrats again to mlb cheng shu is on the chart. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 11:53

woo, glad to see d pics!

so many albums put together, + d lighting effect, makes d albums "glow"... like gold... so glaring... B-)

sam, ur braces still remain a mystery huh... lol... hope we can get to c it during d autograph session!

great job mlbians on pushing d song up d chart! i've nt done my voting, but will start tis wk. ;p

count dwn to hari raya holi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 21:57

WOw,Just heard san jiao xing on 933
Sam sound so sexy n very jazz too
have improve alot man...
Keep going !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 22:06


aww..Jane, can only vote 1 time):

So let's keep the MLBian spirit up! Everyone vote once and i believe we can catch up:D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 22:11

just a reminder.
do rmb to continue voting thru coupons for those with the coupons. and send them out by tml 12pm. (=
and of cux sms before thurs 12pm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 22:43

woohoo :D
im finally here.

Caption b and c so funny.

Jy in long hu bang! i can only vote by sms as i dont have coupons.

jiayou jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 22:44

Ehs, sorry for double post =x,
press too much.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 September, 2008 23:04

Oh ZA is it that we only can vote for 1 time? I keep trying to vote for 2 times a day. Haha. All of u can try it out. Hehe. Jia you to mlbians and mlb. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 01:06

Oh...so sleepy now!
Gonna zzzzz le.
Good night & Sweet Dreams to MLB & MLBians. :)
All must Jia-you for a new day.


Blogger Sam Wong | 30 September, 2008 01:49

Like WeiQi said, thank u thank u for voting! We're really glad that our music is appreciated.. Goodnight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 02:07

Yup u guys are welcome. Hehe. Look like we can only vote for 1 time at http://ybma-voting.blogspot.com/
But never mind we will try our best to vote everyday. =)

Good night!

MLB power lah. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 02:16

nitey ah sam. have a gd slp ba. i very tired but can't slp yet. actually is dun intend to slp so soon ba. challenging myself. of cos not wasting time not sleeping. got things to do thats why not sleeping. haha.

oh well, think i can get my copy of san jiao xing tomorrow le. weeee this is call my "fruits of labor"!
ok i don't know what I'm talking about. take care aitez? haha milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 02:20

anyway, just to let u all know. the 900th post in publicity blog has just been posted le wor. thanks to sam =D...hee


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 15:29

I'm so tired.. wasted. inside out. didn't go to school today.. woke up super late.. dragged myself out of bed.. walked to Yakun to buy a kopi peng(i seldom drink this stuff).. trying to believe that caffeine works on me(though it doesn't)..sometimes u have freaking lousy days.. for me, today such a day. now i'm still at the flat.trying to do some hmwk to make myself feel less guilty.i feel like wall-e when he's on super low batt. sorry,being random here.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 15:32

press on!!
but sometimes it's alright to take a rest too.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 15:32

b4 i forget..some updates..will do an official post too..

5 Oct Sun Time TBC SuperBand GF

11 Oct Sat Autograph Session @ J8 (Session starts @ 3pm)

17 Oct Fri Autograph Session @ Bukit Panjang Plaza (Session starts @ 7pm)

18 Oct Sat Time TBC Iweekly Event (TBC)

19 Oct Sun 17 onwards TBC gig

22 Oct Tue Time TBC Sharing Session with NYJC Students

25 Oct Fri Time TBC Singapore Hit Awards

4 Nov Tue Time TBC TBC gig

9 Nov Sun Time TBC TBC gig

23 Nov Sat Time TBC 45 Years of TV Anniversary Show (TBC)

tat's all for now..take care peeps


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 15:39

Jia you!! It is good to take a rest. Eh morning drink kopi peng? Take good care.

Yeah so many event coming up. Hehe. but hope u guys rest well and continue to jia you! I guess e iweekly event shld be same like last time at ngee ann city ba. Hehe. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 15:39

Thanks for the updates,Weiqi! :)
Cheer up okay and jiayo.
I hate it when I am super down too.
Sometimes,you get too lazy to even do simple stuffs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 15:40

weiqi, you sounds really uber worn out. take care wors! go lie outside in the sun to get some solar energy so that you'd be recharged like wall-e. (: and thanks a lot for keeping us updated as usual! appreciated.



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 15:44

Thanks for the updates. Cheer up soon. Jia you jia you!! =)


Blogger binz | 30 September, 2008 17:41

haiyo weiqi ahh you are too worn out luh. maybe it's a good thing that you overslept today.. can give your body a rest and some catching up on homework. yea sometimes for no reason there will be days that we feel super down. i think it will be quite pointless to force yourself to work when you are totally not in the mood. so perhaps just sacrifise the time and do somethings you enjoy and relax then pia after that yea... JIAYOUS!! though life can be really terrible sometimes, but we have no choice but to hang in there(: ohhh thats soooooooooo many events coming up(: WHEEEE~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 18:28

weiqi !! jiayou ar !!
maybe your body is trying to tell you to take some rest & recharge .. take care~
& thanks for the updates !! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 21:10

jiayou weiqi! e only consolating thing is tis horrible sem is ending in 2 mths..kinda self deceiving la but at least works for me..haha..cont to jiayou ba.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 21:27

really love ur new album!! all the songs are so wonderful!!! and it has been so nice to hear all my frens saying how nice MLB songs are even when they juz hear from e radio!!! jia you MLB!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 22:00

Hi all, in order to distribute tickets in a fair way, we've come up with a contest for you all to participate in. Please copy the qns below, paste them into an email, and send it to us together with your answers and contact number, to milubing.fc@gmail.com by 2 Oct 2008, 10pm.

Some rules to note:
-Each person is only allowed one entry, no re-entry allowed.
-The first 28 person with all 10 correct answers will each win 1 ticket to the Superband Grand Finals. Should there be less than 28 person with full marks, the tickets will go to those with the next highest score.
-Winners will be notified via email.

We have 10 seating tickets and 18 moshpit tickets on hand. Please indicate which type of ticket you prefer in your email.

1) What is MLB's audition number for Superband?
2) What is the title of the song that Nic participated in talent quest with?
3) When did Sam ORD from National Service?
4) What school is Weiqi in in NTU and what is his major?
5) What is the release date of MLB's first album?
6) List 2 singers that MLB has covered songs of.
7) At what age did weiqi start to learn the piano?
8) What is Sam's favourite electronic game?
9) When did Nic enlist for National Service?
10) What is the name of MLB's second album?

Lastly, this 'warning' goes out to everyone, especially WEIQI, NIC AND SAM. please DO NOT give any hints to the answers here on the blog or we'll change the questions. [yes, we've got a whole list of questions to choose from]

Good luck all! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2008 22:25

Arghh i only noe 5 answer the rest i dun noe. Haha. Jia lat. Going to find the answer myself soon. hmm it is fair to get e superband ticket. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 October, 2008 00:09

Jie Jie Jane, You asleep liao marh?
My e-mail:Bloom_winx95@hotmail.com
Go msn and add miex now can?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 October, 2008 00:34

HELP!!! especially with Q8


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 October, 2008 11:45

warner is v unfair - Weijian is given big poster at Popular n air time on TV, but MLB no puplicity at all.. so quiet.. why ar?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2008 13:11

Yes, we can only vote one time. This is to ensure fairness, i guess.. so fans won't spam the voting system:D