
Updates on dates and shoot
milubing | 22 October, 2008 10:16


Thanks to all who came down today, made us feel bad.. but realli appreciated.. but yet time is better spent on studying! aiyo.. all the time u guys spent on us makes us feel heavy.. then my dad was picking me up and i had to leave.. haiyo.. felt bad bad bad.. hanks for the letters.. and drinks... but hope u guys enjoyed the interview (if you were listening).. and thanks again.. and many apologies that there were no ways to entertain u guys.. eg singing at the qian chang hui's.. haiz.. u all must take care.. do well in life.. studies.. social lives etc.. milubing just an example of how 3 ordinary guys are willing to remain ordinary yet living up to their aspirations and dreams... be ordinary.. yet extraordinary in your own ways.. u can de!! many smiles... signing off.


1) PLS take note! Tonight, 7-7.30pm, MLB on razorTV episode aired.
GO to www.razor.tv
or if u miss the timing, go to the section 'video on demand' to watch. [we received this information only today during lunch break, thus the sudden announcement]

2) Not forgetting tonight's interview @ 933, 9-9.90pm, I won't be there due to night class(ends at 2230) but my 2 bros will be on air, so try to catch em ya? ;)

3) Also, check out http://ourvoicebox.sg/posts/mlb_autograph_session for ourvoicebox's coverage of the recent autograph session :)
Hi all, here's an update on some of the up and coming events...

4) This Sat, SHA, tix we tried to get for mlbians, but failed to due to nature of tix($, pls understand ya?). The show will be aired on TV though so dun worry ya? To those who are going, congrats! :D

  • the NYJC talk was cancelled due to one of the speakers for the event not being available
  • not attending the event on the 24th OCT
  • This sat, SHA event! Details - http://www.singaporehitawards.sg/

sam: On The Beat

Here's one of the location we filmed at yesterday. Monkeys as guest stars..
It was a hot day! But fortunately it didn't rain till evening.
We will be featured in a segment on the Dec 16 episode if there isn't any changes.
Thank you to the production team and crew!
Have a nice day people!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 10:33

thanks weiqi for the updates again. (:
wonder how the filming went yesterday.
fun, enjoyable, or tiring?

take care boys! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 10:51

thks for d updates!

see u on tv for d SHA! ;-D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 10:59

thanks for update !! (:
Takecares guys (:
dun fall sick !!
smile always


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 11:25

Chocolady welcome to the mlb family, from now on u are a mlbian k? so dun feel like a stranger here ;)
Chen shu @ no.10 @ LHB!? mlbians rock!
Biru, bua3 do4 = fall down la haha..
Jane, me whispering to nic???don't remember wat i asked him le, and the change for the 933 interview only informed yesterday of change of date k? so now i update le ;)
Rah...didn't know it was so ma fun.. thanks ya?
Shuang Ying,yup, we're attending SHA. thanks for visiting here! :)
Quizzy, zoning out is like stoning la haha..
Welcome Germaine00!
lonely gal, hope one day u will change your nickname to 'not so lonelygal'!
Liangteh, no regrets la.. $100 only leh..sigh
SL, dunno if i've got a chance to beatbox in a song again..but it's interesting how u mention it now, sorta pre amp the coming SHA performance *hint hint*
Jenny, after chen shou the next song to vote is SJMFJGYX cos it si the 2nd zhuda. :)
haha..soon it'll be on 933 ;)
Yuan Ping, hope u didn't get hurt! the on the beat episode will be aired in December.
The shoot yesterday was kinda fun and tiring at the same time. didn't bua do, and weather was good. Was a new experience for us all ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 11:37

hello weiqi! muahaha. so confirm Thursday ah? haha. no bluffing? hee. yeah can listen le! hee!
thanks for explaining...haha...

hello sam! haha monkeys your good friends? =X haha

weiqi in class? haiz me too. so sian~~ school sucks =X


Blogger Rah | 22 October, 2008 11:50

no la no la..
nt ma fan at all. it the puzzle fault la=X
but the experience of pia-ing and rushing out in a few hrs was fun. though i admit it was really mad-rushing..lols!! heh. and BUKEQI(: hope u like it jiu hao. heh..^^

hahas.. glad tt u guys enjoy the shoot yesterday. :DD meanwhile had a good rest k if can? =) it been so tiring le right^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 11:50

waaaaaaaaaaa beatbox during SHA08? weiqi, dun tempt me la? hahahaha =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 11:53

hey..what you say like curse.. ytd some people were bua do-ing everywhere.. damn pathetic.. i didnt though, fortunately.. and someone was being extremely high yesterday.. and then poor us had to like accomodate and pei he her.. haiis..

jus a guess. biking? =PP

anyway pegg wants to ask u where u guys went yesterday..


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 22 October, 2008 12:22

hahaha weiqi you very funny leh... Bo bian, since i am stuck with that "nickname" for life... LOL... Of i could change i also wanna change :P But, obviously my real life nick is not lonely gal la :D Take care!!


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 22 October, 2008 12:25

okay... So i finally changed nick le... Hahas... I am not newcomer ahh... :P Juz change nick only... Take care ohh!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 12:29

Help me help me ask k.
Ask those DJ how to be DJ k :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 12:41

haha Good what if they feeling hot then listen to my jokes can cool down.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 13:08

Thanks for the update and ur reply to us. Ya loh u did whispering to nic on pics #16 that capri shared with us. Oh ok. Haha. Cos i see yes 933 website it wrote this thurs mah.

Sam monkey is ur friend huh? Haha. Wah about 5 monkey at there.

Glad that yesterday u guys enjoyed the shoot. Have a nice day too. Haha. Take care! =)


Blogger binz | 22 October, 2008 13:18

woah dec 16 is like 1.5 months away... long wait...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 14:04

wah. suan liao lor. like that treat us. Sadded.
dont feel like giving you $100 alr.
maybe 10 cent will do :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 15:18

OI!! haha.. hope u guys enjoy Sat.. will be waiting for Sat's SHA.. that one gan chiong.. hope it goes well.. doing lotsa personal preparations for that day.. u guys take care


Blogger Jenies | 22 October, 2008 15:18

hah, never bua doh gd lo .
yipeee going for job interview on friday! cant wait.

Sam u like monkeys ah ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 15:51


Mi Lu Bing's autograph session article and video are already up on OurVoiceBox.sg!

Do drop by and take a look alrights!

support support us also!

But i'll have to apologize that the photos wun be ready so soon... will have them up probably tonight!

will inform u guys again when i've uploaded the photos!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 16:09

hellooooo NIC.
not in camp uh? hmm.. lookin' forward to saturday.. event of the year! cool man..
looks like nowadays the gigs all very gan chiong one hor.. see ya guys on saturday.. jiayouu!

always disiao me leh youu. zzz. -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 16:52

Sorry, didnt manage to reply you ytd due to my net was down.
ok, here's my reply to you...
you noe you damn slow jiu hao, ii was like waiting, waiting and waiting!!! haha! ok laa, wu xin jiu hor ok?! thank you thank you!!! ^_^ and hor, can ii trust ur driving skills huh?! or later you drive me until mi lu how?! lolxx. alrite, you jiayou and take care k!!! cheers~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 17:08

Lonely gal,
Thank you so much for ur msg, sorry ii missed it on mon! alrite, thx again! =)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 22 October, 2008 17:42

to shihui: hahas its okay la... :P Jiayou and take care!! :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 18:08

Hey everyone! :D
I just joined the Fan Club so, HI! :D


Blogger ellekay :] | 22 October, 2008 18:53


so, HI to you too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 19:05

Just come back from outside. U guys didn't bua doh good loh. Haha.

Thanks shuang ying doe the article n videos. Hehe. After autograph session i go to ovb website n check the videos, article n pics still havent up. Finally is up. =)

Hi jolyn welcome to mlb fan club. Haha. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 19:27

am here to tag again.

thanks weiqi for the updates.
take care!!!


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 22 October, 2008 20:22

okay... I admit i am spamming here again... Hahahs... jolyn welcome to the milubing fanclub... Hahahs...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 20:42

haha .. cos realised u so long din beatbox lerhs when listenin to shen bian. pre amp ??
weiqi .. don tell mi u goin to beatbox durin SHA ? ;DD haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 21:01

Thanks everyone :)


Blogger Pek Choo | 22 October, 2008 21:12


Thanks for the update =)

CYA guys soon...

Take Care


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 21:40

OI Nic! Haha. Guys jia you for 2moro yes 933 & SHA. Hope everythings goes well. Take care too! =)

Jolyn u are welcome. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 21:56

guys, try to stay calm and relax for SHA's preparation k?! dun gan chiong huh?! dun bua do can alr! lolxx. jia you and take care!

did you al had fun with the monkeys? heez, will watch out the episode of On the Beat. thankz Sam for the update! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 22:00

congrats MLB's chen shu at 10th place!

oh, MLB's performing at SHA on sat? ooh cool~ hoping for a special performance!

jiayou guys!



Blogger Jean | 22 October, 2008 22:11

that's a lot of monkeys~!..looking forward to that episode of on the beat..and even looking forward to this saturday SHA!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 22:16

sorry! mistyped!

thankz Sam and Weiqi for the updatesssss! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 23:29

Hi, i think i am new here :) but i read wat 3 guys hv writen and never tag..:D

I support the 3 bros since 2 yrs ago, went for their recordings and finals at expo hall with my frenz..

But me mia last yr cuz busy with stuffs, but this days i am back to support u 3 bros..went for the auto at j8 and bpp..

Performance is great yah! i love cheng shu very much wohz...i also like the song (the song that ur all sang in the competiton, fish leong the song)but forgot the name..

U all are so cute yah especially sam ..:x..

Hope u 3 will jia you ! and will support u always :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 23:41

weiqi, thanks for the updates!
haha! monkeys again!
so did u guys interact with them? haha!
yesyes.. so looking forward to sat!! all the best ya? and jia you in performing! hope the sound system goes well~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2008 23:57

oh no gotta catch the last bus! see ya peeps!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 00:02

Go catch the last bus woh if not u going to take taxi back home or hostel. =)

Weiqi u mean u going to beatbox on SHA? It really been long time since we see u beatboxing...

Oh ya thanks sam for the updates. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 00:12

wah. weiqi left sch so late ahhh..
hope u're able to catch the last bus home! and plspls. rest well. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 00:35

Weiqi, Thanks for the reply, hv taken note of the 2nd hit song.

WOW! Sam, did the monkeys jump onto the crews' n MLB's back? Luckily they didnt attack u all...

Yeah! more n more new comers!

erh... does any1 know if there r 2 tix available for the SHA?

p.s. Weiqi, Nic and Sam, you all need to take care of the skin ya. Remember to put sun block when necessary. & erhem... face mask b4 the SHA. ;)


Blogger -WHEY` | 23 October, 2008 01:09

oh no.. going home from school so late? poor thing! must have loads of work to do at school~

the pic above looks like some where in thomson or pierce? lol.. not very sure though.. but i know there were monkeys there some time ago.. lols..

though not going for SHA, but still will support MLB at home xD

&& welcome the new mlbians to this family :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 02:10

Where U Guyz Went For The Filming Actually? HaHax Monkeys - SAM's 'Fav Pic-Taking Target' Hor... =P

Yeah... TML!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 10:35

Sorry for the delay guys! the photos are up already!

paiseh arh it took me so long... =(

in case u cannot find it, its right at the bottom of our homepage... jus click into our photo album will do!

go and check out OurVoiceBox.sg now alrights! and do help to spread news around~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 10:48

woo... d tv prog oni showing in dec. hope u can update us again else i seldom watch tat prog de.

lol... monkeys...


Blogger Sam Wong | 23 October, 2008 11:48

Ok, will try to update again when the date is near!
Yes Angie, i know she's a different person. =)
I like monkeys. I really wish i have the ability to climb like them. Then nobody can catch me.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 11:54

mk smart..biking is correct..
pegg.. we went to 3 diff. places.
so is lonelygal now limedrops?
singyin, i'll ask them if they wan someone to blow recorder for 933 jingle ya?
haha actually tonite sadly i can't go. my class ends at 2230 :(
liangteh, we officially disown bandung peng cos the leader - liangteh..take back ur 10 cents..dun wan le..
hey shi hui, smart la u, i only familiar with east side and driving to boon lay and town. dun ask me go ang mo kio, i'll be lost..then must call Sam up le..
welcome to the family(not fan club)!JOLYN..
hello ruiting and pek choo, no worries, we try to update regularly :)
SL, i'm not sure leh..
Jane and syl thanks for the jiayos..
-WHEY' samrt leh.. pierce is correct!
Qianhui also correct, it's Sam's old friends ;)
HALO Capri, ruru and Jer...
This round we did ask for SHA tix again but can't take cos got cost involved.. do check out the updates above!!!


Blogger Rah | 23 October, 2008 12:12

i saw and read the article.. thanks for the efforts yes..=X

but i feel like gg to bang wall now..-_-
cause i saw sth tt i shld nt see..LOLS!!! -.-" sigh!!! =X

AND MONKEYS ARE CUTE..lol! -.-" but too many of monkeys le ba..lol!! remind me of someone..hmmm..=X


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 12:15

Thanks, weiqi for the updates!
Hello, Sam boi...who wants to catch you?
Hello, Ah Nic...dun be too stress abt Sat, sia? I'll be watching SHA on tv....

Oh, btw, will you all be involved in the mdc's 45th anniversary prog?


Blogger pegg | 23 October, 2008 12:23

enjoy ur class today ya?
end so late.


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 23 October, 2008 12:38

weiqi!! Yeah, now lonelygal changed to limedrops le hahahas.... And singyin go blow recorder for 933 jingle?? oops hahahs... Take care peeps!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 13:54

Thanks for the update,Weiqi!
And gambatte for your school today okay..Poor you..have to study till late night.

Sam,you like monkey so much.Now,I got a clue of what to get for you next time.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 13:57

Sam, cool ~.~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 14:03

Weiqi thanks for the update again.
We understand that u will be studying until very late. We also understand that this sat SHA ticket u guys cant get for us cos of the different ticket price.

I will catch u guys on tv. Heard that watch SHA on tv cant watch more cos they will cut away alot of the part. Weiqi welcome. Hope today u can catch the last bus.

Sam who want to catch you?

Jia you! Take care. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 14:38

so i assume sam was a very happy guy at the filming? hmm.. actually i thought of skating, but somehow when i typed out it randomly became biking. weird..

and you ah. the interview.. you mean 9-930pm ya.. -.-

what's with congratulating us man.. we bought the tickets what.. -_-"


Blogger ellekay :] | 23 October, 2008 14:59

yes, this is so true!

why congratulate us when we buy the tickets and not gotten them through some lucky draws...

school till 2230 is horrible.
although i love the 'night life' in my school.

anyways, jiayou in school and see you people soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 15:32

ah sam~~ catch u for what? haha. catch u if u fall still ok la, everyone will standby and catch u liao.

weiqi weiqi, jia you in school! RP finally having 1 week break next week =X
*tempt tempt weiqi =P*

hello nic!

has been long since we or I saw milubing appearing on TV as a whole liao. SB finals counted or not? lol..

take care...very sian...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 16:04

oh btw, the razor tv thing..
when it's airing right, can leave comments one leh..
i think the hosts will read them.. =)

haha sam ah.
you climb so high, other monkeys would catch you lo. =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 16:06

HELLO! First time leaving a comment here. Had a great time at the BPP autograph session! haha, really hope to see all of you on tv soon! JIAYOU [:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 17:47

Thank you weiqi! (:

I am looking forward to the interview on FM 933 later!!! yeaaaah~~

Few more hours..few more. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 17:48

erm.. the above comment is from Chocolady. sorry, i forgot to write my name.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 18:46

Ohh okay. Family, not fan club. Thanks WeiQi for correcting me. :)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 23 October, 2008 19:25

chocolady: you can catch them now on razortv also... :P

website: www.razor.tv


Blogger binz | 23 October, 2008 19:31

cheng shou on razor tv very nice! i love 清唱... and sia la i like the cameraman zoom in alot alot.. haha. can see you guys especially weiqi de ultimate eyebag!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 19:32

Just finished watching mlb interview at www,razor.tv. It is funny. Nic is funny at behind scene. Haha. Nice cheng shu at there. =) U guys look tired. Rest early woh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 21:06

Today mlb interview is 9.30pm not 9pm. Haha. Thanks ivy for telling. Hehe. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 21:26

sigh... so xian.. wish i was at the studio now.. :(
in class heh heh


Blogger -WHEY` | 23 October, 2008 21:34

haha.. weiqi.. school what.. no choice.. how come class till so late? like primary school end at 1 plus.. secondary till latest 6 plus.. jc till 6 also? and poly as late as 8 plus.. and uni till so late?? =.= poor thing la~ the older u get the longer u must study.. lols..

weiqi shall just tune in to the radio.. haha.. weiqi call in?? LOL


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 21:38

good job! cos boring school~~ =X
waaaa teach weiqi the bad things ah...hahahaha
jia you jia you! class ending soon? hahaha

oh ya, today is samuela's birthday. happy birthday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 21:41

Weiqi~ Nic said u will "tou ting". Haha. He also said u got sms him. Are u listening yes 933 now? Ya loh poor thing. Try call in yes 933? lol. Hope u catch last bus. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 22:02

haha, weiqi ah,好好读书!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 22:05

Lol. Weiqi must concentrate on ur study. Dun listen to yes 933. Later maybe got ppl upload and share with us at here. U want to listen yes 933 just dou dou listen to it dun let teacher catch u. LOL.

Weiqi what u send to nic? Haha. Cant hear it clearly.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 22:06

Opps. *tou tou. Ps. Type wrong.


Blogger Strat | 23 October, 2008 23:10

Wei Qi jia you !!! Hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 23:21

haha.. they damn funny la the interview...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 23:23

wah weiqi, SLACK AH! never listen in class listen 933 sia.. might as well pon lesson and go studio w them right.. -.-

zz.. in the rain.. BAD WEATHER. :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 23:29

Haha. Yup they are funny during the interview time. Lol. I confirm weiqi will listen to 933 de. Haha U never listen in class de huh? Hope u tuo ting 933 never catch by ur teacher. Haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2008 23:52

weiqi win liao lor..
in class still can tou tou listen to yes 933 LOLS.-_-" slacking ar.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:02

for those who missed it or wanna listen again, here's today's interview..


it's together with the prev interview in sept [the pre album launch one during chongqing and weibin's slot] so look at the date on the file name before downloading yeah.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:04

btw, it's an edited version without the advertisements, and songs omitted too. [cuz i felt that it's abit pointless to include the songs since everyone should have the album anyway~] yepp..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:11

Thanks mk. I had problem uploading at youtube and imeem there. I tried alot of times still cannot.

Going to weekend soon. All of u jia you and take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:17

thanks mk for uploading! =D
and the razor tv interview is so cool!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:26

and here's the streaming ver if anyone wants to listen to it online instead..


feel so damn naggy -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:45

thanks mk for uploading...xin ku ni le...

thanks nic for the msg... *point above*...yes enjoyed the interview...
thanks for the "many smiles" mentioned too. currently sad sad, hai hao milubing's music is on repeating mode in my comp now. now everyone sleep le, i can finally cry...

just being random...if only life can be as simple as ABC and 123, there will only be smiles and MLB, no tears no nothing...agree? haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:46

WEIQI - In Class Listening To 933 Secretly, Nvr Kana Caught La Hor? Wow NIC Still Go & Say Out On Air Tt U Msg Him Say He's Funny La... U Also Gao Xiao De Lek HaHax!

SAM - Ya... Thanks For Those ~

NIC - No Need To Feel Bad La Aiyo... Yes We Understand Tt U Had To Rush Off Le, Cos Ur Dad Was Hurrying U Too... So Dun Worry Yea! & Thankz To U Too~

JIAYO Guyz !!!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 01:46

so your "many smiles" come in handy liao...lol...

milubing jia you...have a good rest ba, cos TGIF~~ lol...


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 24 October, 2008 08:36

yeah... both the interviews were funny and nice... Hahahs... And milubing,nice acapella yesterday on da interview... Hahas


Blogger binz | 24 October, 2008 09:49

alamak i cannot make it sia.. yday i was like sitting on the chair waiting for the 933 interview, already wait until 9 liao then i fell aslp! luckily got recordings uploaded liao.. thanks(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 10:10

Everyone everyone!! Mi Lu Bing's interview is on ourvoicebox.sg already~ completed with video! =D take a look and support support okies~ ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 10:15

hoh hoh. naughty weiqi tagged the blog and listened to 933 during lesson time eh. haha. never listen to what your lecturer is teaching right! /shakes head.

nic nic, please don't feel bad alrights. really no problem about it cause we understand de. (: have a good rest alrights. heh.

sam, thank you for today! :) take care too yeah.

all the best for the performance during SHA 2008. :D woohoo! jiayou jiayou.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 10:32

the interview yesterday was...

非常 FUNNY!!!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 11:07

Wah. You BLL [ Bian liao lor]! Suan le. Okay. I shall take back the 10 cent then. At least I can use it to pay for the toilet entry or something :) BANDUNG PENG IS OFFICIALLY DISOWN BY CHAN WEI QI! :( Never pay attention in class. Tou tou ting 933. Zai na li am chio. Lol.


Blogger Pek Choo | 24 October, 2008 11:24

Yesterday interview was funny &


Wq, class till late still can tou tou listen yes 933fm.. hahax~ Luckily teacher never find out ya =)

Sam thanks for taking your time =)

In sch library have to slack till 2plus den next lesson =( bored!!!


JIAYO!!! And do rest early too =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 12:34

hello ,
iie have just join MLB FAN CLUB(:
eu guys are so cool luhs !! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 13:27

Thanks nic for the msg. Yes we enjoyed the interview. Hehe. Nic dun felt bad abt it we understand u was rushing off.

Thanks shuang ying. =)

Jia you & rest early. Take good care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 13:51

nic- aiyo 1st time feel u r so naggy...influenced by dat someone who always sms u is it?....kkk...i m opp, i wanna be extraordinary yet ordinary in my own way.
WQ- my god, triangle intro ure baby...now someone tells me the song is growing on her wor. *traitor!*
sam- funny la, next time can find u in the zoo! :D
MLB- sha...enjoy ure perf tmrw! Be extraordinary, yet ordinary!


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 24 October, 2008 14:19

doreen: is join da milubing family not FAN CLUB... Lolx... Sorry if anyone thought i was copying anyone's tagline... :D Anyways,welcome you again...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 16:07

WEIQI! How can you disowned one band just becos of Liangteh?
See lah we've to find new members each alr. -.-
I want interview you guys in 933. Then you ....... (evil grins)I shall tell you stupid jokes until you freeze, until you need hundreds of jackets. Wahahahaha.

Nic, dont need to feel bad lah :D
We understand one!

Sam, THANK YOU FOR YESTERDAY! Yes i shall see you sooooooooooooooooon! Yao zuo yi ge hao lao shi k! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 16:10

Oh yah, the answers you all gave when Ivy(?) interviewed you guys were like so funny!
And i somehow was surprised by the answer:"JB"
Cos i thought, (yes i thought) you guys might give answers like HK, Taiwan or China hahaha.
The answer "JB" is so typical of you guys.
Hen milubing de gan jue you mei you! Lol :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 16:34

truly a kaleidoscope approach. u gotta get it straight to get it across though.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 19:40

we understand de lah! =)
and sam! thanks for the pic! =)

enjoy the awards ceremony tml! jia you! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2008 21:15

Agree with syl...

Enjoy the awards ceremony & the performance tml =)

Jiayo! rest early too =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 00:08

Yoz !! yesterday interview was nice !! chao bang ah !!..

See u all 3 guys later in the nite at SHA .....:')

Miss Ya !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 00:15

CYA Guyz Tmr!
"Unplugged"... WoO HoO ~
Juz Do Ur Very Best, Enjoy & Put Up A Superb Performance For Us All...

Yea, Those Of Us Going, Will Be Inside There(That Particular Corner)---Cheering Out Loud For U Guyz ... Cannot See Us, But Can Hear Us Also Nt Bad La Hor? HAHA!



Blogger Jenies | 25 October, 2008 00:23

sian lo, everybody sleepeady then got nobody can talk


Blogger Jenies | 25 October, 2008 00:23

*sleep already


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 00:32

the answer "JOHOR BAHRU" tt Nic gav was really xia dao lor!!! funny funny!
eh, ur JB fan is here laa. though ii am not sure how wide is the fan base over here, bt ii believe there are quite a numbers of supporter in JB. due to they are able to watch superband in JB and recognise mlb. the company should consider of releasing their albums here too. yup.

weiqi, you are so honest for telling the true, thank god mann! lolxx. you take care k?! cya ard! eh, one question, how did you pluck on ur ear piece without letting ur lecturer to spot it? or the lecturer dun even care whether you are listening during the lesson? haha!

cya guys tmr! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 01:17

Later is SHA! Hope can see weiqi beatboxing. Haha. Hope u guys enjoy urself and can win awards back. Jia you! Rest early! =)

See u guys on sunday channel u at 8.30pm. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 02:01

MLB, jia you for d SHA tonite! unable to support u guys there, so will b watching d repeat on sun.

tat day i oso managed to listen to d interview on 933... lucky it was delayed coz i oni on my radio at 9.25pm.

weiqi, ur class end so late... 辛苦huh... 偷听 d interview in class got laugh out nt? lol...

nic, ur dad v gd huh... alws try to fetch u back after d activities. it must oso b quite tiring for u to b in camp & oso to go ard promoting d album. take care & eat more, eat more... seems to b getting slimmer... ;-p

sam, monkeys r indeed cute... esp d small/ young ones.

time to hit my bed... nite all~

njoy d long wkend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 October, 2008 10:56

Now I kept looking at the monkey photo... where is that?

Looks familiar..

is it Bukit Batok Nature Reserve? there have some monkey!