
milubing | 09 October, 2008 03:13


Green, pink and white - The Stuff.

Grey- The "grey" Analogy.


Rules are man-made, man-said, man-implemented.

Why abide to them?



(implemented by external authorities, man or nature. Gravity says "Lego blocks will fall by my law of gravity!")


(implemented by ourselves "It looks ugly/it is not; i stole a block from my friend to build this, am I $%^&*?")

-A sense of living life by a value system

(Paradigms built like Lego blocks continueously since young "Aha! New block! Aha! New colourful blocks i found! Aha! Let me stack them this way.. nice! No... ugly!.. This way sure fall.. no it won't it will stand! I made the right choice!)

-Implanted habits that have become fixed mindsets

(Lego blocks must be stacked upwards not dioganally or sideways "Up and up! Taller it grows! Sideways? Nah.. Other directions not nice.. upwards make it tall!! hmm... Tried something weird like this back then anyways.. it fell.. try odd directions and structure again?.. sure fall, don't take risk.. Don't waste time.. build it upwards.. sure stand.")

My rule - "The Exception Rule"

(I'm making my Lego building go up and up and up and up, it can only go up. It looks generic, like any other Lego buildings people built around me. Yet I want it different. Can it be? OK!! An exception I will make! I want it built downwards, sideways or sprial while going up at the same time! Anyway it can be rebuilt if i made mistakes! Slowly take this piece out.. dismantle my building a bit, tough... may fail.. but it be worth it yes? If I persist all the way? yea.. But I'ld be mocked at, people will say I'm different, they'll avoid me, say it's ugly though I'ld think it's an artwork I believe in and love.. Or it may turn really out ugly.. redoing's a chore.. hmm...)

Every rule can be overuled and an exception can be made if thought through carefully, NOT breaking personal belief systems and principles (which in them ironically partly consist of other/another set of rules).

Risks and prices to pay of being different are high. The Lego building may collapse while removing that small block which many years of hardwork put in gone down with the Laws of Gravity. People may jeer thinking it's ugly. You may have the most beautiful and unique Lego building in your eyes. Or the direct opposite, you may experience total failure.

Start questioning yourselves.

What do you want.

Rules are man-made. Make your own exception rule today. Be Yourself and express.


:) Broke the colour code rule of this blog.. yes ah ... love it. Shall continue with a post regarding the topic "why we chose rules" after ya guys digest, burn, stir in water and drink this. yea...


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 04:54

stay real, that's the spirit.

have an early night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 10:23

some post superband II finals stuff:



Blogger Jean | 09 October, 2008 11:46

so chim??..hahas..
but somehow i understand a bit lahs.hahas..anyway mlb jiayou~!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 13:05

Is chim. But i understand some of it. Haha. Jia you! cya on sat. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 13:10

Thanks anonymous. Nic u are welcome. MLB Take care woh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 13:55

Follow your heart, that's the way!

It's ok to be out of the norm, the most important thing is that you understand yourself.

And I'm not going to burn, stir in water and drink these rules up, my poor laptop will suffer. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 14:01

let me guess...rules are meant to be broken, not to the extent of breaking personal beliefs? simply put, do what you want to do, and not what others want us to do...thanks ah nic =D!

digest? burn? stir in water? drink it? sounds like the...erm...charm or something...HAHAHA jkjk =P

but i dun get the color code rule luh? color code rule = nic rule? hahaha.

school end soon school end soon =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 14:02

*do what you want to do, not to the extent of hurting others...=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 15:24

saw @ toa payoh ctrl CD rama MLB triangle top 5 pos...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 16:48

Milubing going for Singapore Hits Award?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 16:51

nic's entries are always so thought-provoking..
but they do make sense in a way..
okie.. shall look out for more philosophy from you! =P
take care ya! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 17:16

mlb is going to sha


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 18:35

nic.. seriously i think i need some time for me to adsorb all the stuff u had share with us in this entry..LOL ! rah read/see dao blur liao.. O.O"

but well i knw wad u always share with us is always making sense.. so give me sometime. read it one by one.. like going to sch to study like tt..LOL ! :X


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 19:00

White: Origin and truthful elements
Black: Tampered and untruthful elements
Grey: Situated between white and black. Some elements of truth and whereas some truths are distorted directed to a particular favor.

Being subjective, I hate to be put in the grey territory. Don’t like the feeling of being manipulated by some others’ personal interests.

Being objective, I fall in the grey territory cos’ it’s safe and diplomatic, and it’s not going to hurt…ya…I mean to hurt anyone! I’m cowardice to express my personal thought cos’ I want to be liked by all.

Subjective or objective?

Rules are created to maintain order and disciplinary behavioral patterns...to achieve harmony and conformism…so to speak. Rules are supposed to be just and impartial.

Rules made by man, subjective or objective?

Have never liked playing legos…chunks and blocks of legos take up space…. Legos have its restrictions to conform…you have to pick those with the right holes to fix on. I’m being subjective, cos’ I simply don’t like to play legos.

Unless the little ones want me to play with them. I’ll sit by to build lego tower with them…stack by stack…patiently…no complaints…totally offering my time, my presence and my attention. I’m being objective, cos’ I want the little ones to be happy. But the irony is, do they care if I’m happy playing the game? Oh, but then, isn’t being objective means there’s no Self?

How about Pictionary? A board game that resembles Charades; but with drawing on paper instead of acting out the answers. But there’s no rule says you required good drawing talents to play this game. Anyone can play. I once played Pictionary with a bunch of people from an advertising agency. My team was a band of talented artists…FA artists (Final Artwork Artists)…illustrators… (and I’m no talent…just a lame guesser) and I thought we surely win. But we lost the game! An FA artist picked a card and he showed a grin with confidence before sketching out something. There were different answers to that drawing…one said “it’s racer?”…another “it’s a sword?”….then “it’s a bird?”…each of these answers not even link to one another! Then we gave up and the answer was revealed….”It’s a Frog!”

We looked closely at the drawing, looking at it in different dimensions, trying hard to figure out this frog. Ahha! I saw the frog leg at this angle..ya..finally we were convinced it’s a frog. Why none of us understand his drawing? Isn’t a FA Artist supposed to be good in drawing? The FA artist had a choice, he was free to express his artistic talents in his sketch…be it the team understood or didn’t. Or he should abide the rules and played the game well to sketch the frog to the vivid imagination for his team to identify and won the game?

Do you want to be game in the game?

And ya, don’t believe me cos’ I’m subjective. Who says white denote truth?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 19:06

NIC... WoW ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 23:30

Yes yes, food for thought that's all. This ain't philosophy.. itz just my train and path of thoughts.

If beauty is height for you.. go high with Lego! If beauty means thick chunky low buildings, build you Lego on a wide base then.

It's all about what we want in the end, the desired results. To conform, or reform. Choices.

Well.. i conform at times too. Many a times to be truthful.

The MOST important is that we use our head and heart.




Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 23:32

colour code rule - grey fonts.



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2008 23:54

Hi Nicodemus ;)

Rules.. rules of arts..

Talking about breaking rules, I guess I'm rather expert in it. Sometimes rules breaking puts me in a very conflicting situation.

However, it's always a question of whether it's worth fighting for.

All my life, I can remember most vividly are the scenes of teachers ranting away at me. I couldn't care less cause I thought I shld make my stand. Even till now, after 6 yrs, I still have lecturers screaming at me.

I asked myself why am I always against the grain. I simply cannot see eye to eye to lots of things. Having many ppl going disagreeing my actions is throwing my mental and emotional state into great tensions. And it's always.. relentlesstly.

But I cannot reason out why I shld back out. Or rather there isn't an inch for me to choose because there is something I stand for. I got to break the vicious barrier. I can only arm myself and move forth.

At the end of the day, prove the need for rules breaking and the consequences that will bring about a positive and constructive change.

We should be non-conformist, but harmonious ppl. Such as being 'violent' through the medium of expressionism.

Well, Defiant is only a word used us when you disagree with ppl. To me, defiant = the courage to change.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 00:05

Picasso's society had not started abstract at his time. So when he founded it, no one really appreciated it. However, somehow, I don't know how, Picasso's form of art was accepted by his society. And from that day onwards, more and more fantastic paintings came about. Vincent Van gogh's paintings are one of those most appreciated..

Frankly speaking, I'm not a fan of Impressionism, I really have to thank Picasso for his abstract. If not, I'll be bored to death my what I can see with my eyes and a total replica on the paintings..

Expressionism starts from somewhere(I forgot where)...many medium of arts merge out. We have to be thankful, if not, we will not have animations, films, evoking paintings, etc..

Yes.. moral of story, non-conformist. Don't be afraid to change..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 01:12

rest well!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 04:35

Wow, all these are too "Chim" for me! Haha...
Better get back to bed and zzzzz.
Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 09:12


ditch the grey...Kaleidoscope is cool..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 09:27

this reminds me of some GP essay outline. lol. nic always thinks alot. hmm. and brings up stuff that other ppl usually wont spend time thinking about. hmm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 10:14

check it out - ST/Life!music pg C9



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 12:05

MLB in 我报 too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 12:41

hi all,
please wear your mlb tee tml. otherwise please be in white. thank you! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 14:22

'San Jiao Xing' ranked number 5 at CD Rama.



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 18:04

Looking forward to see you guys tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 18:42

This post finally make sense to me( after digesting, YES!)

But the conscience part still don't make sense to me... what have 'stealing the block from my friend' got to do with 'why do I abide to rules' ?


Yeah guys & mlbians, jiayou for tmr! Yeahooo!.. although i cant be there cos my friend pangseh me again=( haiz lo


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 19:21

Looking Forward...



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 20:36

Weiqi thanks for the update. =)

U can go to wobao.com.sg click on the paper and flip to find mlb article at there. =D


Blogger Pek Choo | 10 October, 2008 21:09

YEAH~ CYA Guys tml =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 21:46

my paper article viewable on http://www.mypaper.sg


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 23:02

MLB Media Publications got mah


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 October, 2008 23:56

thanks weiqi!
see u guys tml!


Blogger -WHEY` | 11 October, 2008 00:11

i'm SO SO SO looking forward to tmr :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 02:56

once again, its J8 and BPP. cant make myself forget how i chionged through the interchange at BPP and only managed to see the boys leave on the van. lols.

all the best for tml's performance!
you guys know well be there. (:

oops. later's performance i mean. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 11:46

Praying hard the showers pouring early n not b4 or during the event!!!

oh! Rain God, or pls come after the event ba...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 18:41

Watch channel 8 news! MLB on news. Haha. =)

Thanks mlb. I enjoyed myself just now. =D


Blogger pegg | 11 October, 2008 19:51

xin.sg article.
reporting abt the autograph session earlier on.



Blogger pegg | 11 October, 2008 19:51

hey guys.
great performance today.
shall hear more on this coming friday. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 20:06

yoz guys, you were so great during the performance!!! we enjoyed and had lotsa fun!
2 songs are too little, more songs on fri k?! if not we will be shouting encore!! heh heh~
jiayou and rest well for the day! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 20:29

Sam, thx for the very serious signature, it was nice! you had a hard time to sign it very neatly for our albums rite. haha. keep it up mann!

Nic, the interactions were great, bt ii think the music was too loud tt we couldnt project our voice very loudly. heh heh~

WeiQi, you must be panicky when you couldnt do the set up properly in the beginning rite? no doubt tt we were so patience and 3 cheers for you yea?! grinz~


Blogger Jenies | 11 October, 2008 20:48

just in time when i on and changed the channel of my tv, the news on MLB was up! lucky!!

hmm, chim to understand .


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 20:57

woo... xin.sg is fast to report on d autograph session.

ya, d sound was a bit too loud juz now... but u gals in front really sang v loud...

i saw d news juz now but din get to watch in attention. =(

sam, can i hear u sing 三角形 on fri? d more i listen, d more got feel... ;-)


Blogger pegg | 11 October, 2008 21:04

capri, you may listen to the news video at this link (=



Blogger Pek Choo | 11 October, 2008 21:17

Really have lots' of fun~

ENJOY today performance by you GUYS =)

Today sang 2 songs really very little, hoped to hear more songs on FRI...

ReSt Early




Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 23:07

enjoyed tonnes juz now!

rest well for this coming fri! =D
can sing more songs? heee. x)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 23:55

Some pictures I took at Sembawang Music's entrance where they displayed Mi Lu Bing's new album big poster.






Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 00:16

Yup Enjoyed Lotsss...!

MILUBING Really Power Lah - Great Performances & Interactions =D

Very Looking Forward To Fri Le, JIAYO Guyz!

Take Care & Had Enough Rest k~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 00:30

felt very emotional today.. hmm.

milubing jiayou.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 00:53

great performance guys !!
rest well yea~
jiayou !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 01:33

xiu tks for the videos above.


Blogger -WHEY` | 12 October, 2008 01:42

guess everyone enjoyed alot today, listening and singing along :D:D

total enjoyment! sleep early everyone :D


Blogger ellekay :] | 12 October, 2008 01:48

uh huh,
uh huh!

we did enjoy ourselves!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 01:52

waaaaa...haha. i'm here! i wanna say, well done guys, though I wasn't there to witness what happen...haha!

guess what? next friday de qian chang hui i can go le!! hooray! cos I can take off to go le~~! woohoooo! i'm so happy i could cry lorrr...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~

haha my father said gd lor, if they dare to ask me go back cover shift, I shall lied to them that i cannot work =X...oops! haha

milubing jia you!! cya next friday lo~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 05:00

谢谢伟奇'开金口'帮我们完成任务~ :PP

a big thanks goes out to the nice people at warner music & mediacorp, who made things today possible. and also the two milos who helped us with the 'surprise'.

and of course, we hope nic enjoyed the celebration and had fun looking through the presents.

Happy Birthday once again! :)



Blogger binz | 12 October, 2008 09:14

thanks guys yday was great(: and like wad junli said, you guys are really the sincere type to the extreme~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 10:21

yesterday was great (:

thank you all for making my day. (: im really glad i went even thought i should be at home studying for As. oops. to all taking any exams, jia you! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 10:49

O.. too bad I was unable to be there yesterday. But I believe it was an enjoyable day for the whole MLB Family.
I am also won't be able to attend this Friday's autograph session, cos I will be flying to Taiwan on Thursday (16th Oct) and be back on following Friday (24th Oct). Wondering will there be any gai-ban, then I can get MLB to sign on my albums? And I need to pass the gifts to MLB. I Miss MLB & MLBians too.
Hope that Cheng Shu will advance to the Top 10 of today Yes933 Long Hu Bang. I won't be home to listen, so I am unable to give any update today. But, there are sure to be others giving update here.
MLB Jia-you... Cheng Shu up up up the chart. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 11:04

hmm, does anyone remember what song milubing said that they stood a distance from the mike and sang? and which part of the song is it? i wanna go listen. haha, i forgot, haha, psps xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 12:04

just to share:



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 12:48

Haha.. I was about to go out, then heard Cheng Shu on Yes933 Long Hu Bang at #12 today.
As of today, Cheng Shu had accumulated 19pts.
Thanks to all MLBians who have voted, let continue to Jia-you...Chiong Ah...
Ok, I leaving home now, bye.


Blogger Pek Choo | 12 October, 2008 12:55

CONGRATS MLB Long Hu Bang 12 todae.
Let's continue keep on voting for next week!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 13:42

Thanks jenny. I searching for this both part. Haha. =)

Congrats mlb cheng shu on yes 933 long hu bang at #12. =D

Jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 13:46

that song is 黑, and you gotta listen to the ending part of the song, where you can hear the harmonising part...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 15:38

pegg, thks for d channel news asia video link!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 16:42

Congrats on chen shu for being 12th :D

woohoo, ytd was fantastic :D

can't attend this fri's autograph session due to my o's.

but hopefully it'll be as successful as sat's! :D

tc mlb and mlbians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 17:03

too many competitors recently like jay chou,she,li hon,guan liang,soda,mayday,jj and derrick..so we must work hard to push the song up to top 10..

jiayou jiayou..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 17:08


my mother said u r the best drummer in the world.. so charming while u talk and play at the same tym..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2008 17:41

okay, thanks a lot 妮! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2008 10:31

a tight schedules for all three of u!~ do take good care of urselves! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 October, 2008 18:10