
who are we.
milubing | 07 October, 2008 03:33


hao lian not hao lian.

i try keep it simple. simple words.. but pls do my post a favour.. deep thoughts.


wun speak up for myself or him. or anyone else.

who is to judge the definition of proud? To one it might be confidence. To another may be high pride that it seems hao lian.

its all up to perception.. 

sometimes u aint feel too good.. u wanna keep quiet. ppl say u dao.

sometimes u feel hao lian ppl say u dao. which is equals to hao lian.

so who are we to judge? are u the person?

we can just say the person seems like that. but we never know.

but u are ur own judge for ur own point of view. i wun say anything to sway anyone's mindset to say any one of us 3 is humble or dao or whatever u think we are. 

actions speak for themselves.. at times when there aint no actions.. there are reasons. or are there?

in life.. we can only judge ourselves. we must not let others' expectations be upon us. we must never try to be who we are not.

Let me be me. i am who i am. let conscience and the heart guide the way.

be brave to accept who we ourselves are and change who we have become.

For a better tml. for a better "ME".

: )

guys.. life is short.. live to the fullest without regrets of changes that shouldnt be or actions that shouldnt been taken.

lotsa love..



Post a Comment ::

Blogger BIRU K. | 07 October, 2008 04:31

yeah yeah!
live it short make it sweet!
love the word!
live the way you are!
i miss MILUBING!
wo ye hui cheng shou (:


Blogger BIRU K. | 07 October, 2008 04:34

mlb's 2nd album is drowning me~~
i listen till 'seh~' alrdy


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 04:42

well said bro.. well said. tot ur sleeping already.. i'm in school now, will be doing my work again till late..or early? haha.. anyways, hope everyone cheers up now with Nic's post... time to reflect peeps..


Blogger BIRU K. | 07 October, 2008 05:15

stilll burning midnight oil??!
how are you?!
long time no see leh!
i fall sick on sun ):
nvr go in the end
how sad~


Blogger binz | 07 October, 2008 05:22

hmmm somehow everytime i read nic's post will got overwhelming feeling for deep thoughts. and yea i jiu shi xi huan mlb being very mlb, without trying to hide or show(: true, real and sincere is the way to go..

woah i thought nic very late liao, weiqi even later sia.. weiqi you seem to 日夜颠倒了……bad for health eh.

im off to sleep for erm half and hr before school starts =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 06:25

hi Biru! haha.. wa binz... u not bad too ah? half an hour b4 school starts??ur school starts at 6am??? yup.. i'm going to turn in soon..


Blogger BIRU K. | 07 October, 2008 06:48

hello weiqi!
see you on sat :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 09:40

after reading wq's tag, now i understand y nic posted tis...

sam no worry, ur character, 你知,我们知. tat day though u show us ur braces, but light was dim so din get to see it clearly... hope to see it again during d autograph session! heee....

aiyo wq, still keep doing ur hmewk thruout d nite huh... dun tired urself out. rest well...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 10:04

Jia you lol...dun bother wat pple say....Support u man...
Oh,i miss the part u show others ur braces...anyway,smile more=]

Jia you lol!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 10:15

haha! now the meaning of Triangle is v clear.. Nic, Sam, Weiqi.. JIAYOU! united u won't fall!

no human is perfect, esp the one who judge others..' 'are u perfect yrself?'

dust is everywhere~ cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 10:16

Nic Kor
Happy Birthday in advance !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 10:17

Hi All,
''Hao Lian''??
What happened to people respecting each other and accepting other peoples beliefs? i wish people would just think twice before they make that nasty comment about someone.
I just want people to understand what judging does and that you shouldn't judge people you don't know. I have opinions. You have opinions. But you can't really have an opinion on something or someone if you don't even know them.
Personally, I think it people love to judge (to some extent) mainly because a lot of things are expressed on our exterior. Take for example, people with self-confidence exude that image by taking care in what they look like (ie grooming,looking). Other things though, like someone saying "Oh, that girl is ugly" is just wrong, and is probably just said by a mean-spirited or jealous person.
it is usually a person's own fault. First impressions are very powerful things, and it is hard to break them..
So keep your comment to yourself if you do have it. =]
Once again saying Sam is not Hao Lian. Sam Don't take it to heart. Anyway God Still Love you! GBU.


Blogger binz | 07 October, 2008 10:25

weiqi, haha no my school not so hiong.. i meant sleep half an hour then need to wake up to prepare to go to school.. oh so i think weiqi is gonna wake up at some afternoon timing again?


Blogger ellekay :] | 07 October, 2008 10:31

in fact,
i think we just have to be who we are.
its just others' point of view.

and from the tone of that fan,
he/she wasnt really insulting sam i think...
he/she was just voicing out,
moreover, in a good manner.

soso, sam!
just be who you are.
you arent hao lian to us at all.

and nic did make a point.
life is short...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 11:11

really well said, nic!
and it's really using simple words..
haha, coz i do understand.. ;)
after reading ur post, i tot of what i studied for sociology last nite. haha!
yes, we should juz be ourselves, let conscience and the heart guide the way.. if not, we're juz like any other hypocrites.

cheers peeps!
peace out! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 11:16


smth to sam eh..

Don't be too affected by what that @#$*% said abt you.

Being affected so much by that comment, shows that you're not such person that @#%8* said u were.

What doesn't break you, will only make you stronger.

Be strong yoh~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 11:22

Nic well said. Just be who we are. Yah life is short. =)

Hello weiqi. Hope u rest well.

Sam dun care abt negative comments.

Jia you. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 11:38

have never known them before...

have never expect to know them...

and will never knowing them in the future...

i'm contented.

some space in between is great…so i’ll get to see the full view.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 12:06

true true...be who we are and not who others want us to be...unless there's something in that person that is really affecting us and eating us up then we can reflect/comment to him/her?

argh whatever it is, jia you lo ah sam =D. u r also steady de!!

hello weiqi! jia you in school. I falling asleep liao. now i'm doing ppt and my class is like, WATCHING MIRRORS NOW?!?! waaaaaaaaaaaa~~~

haha and thanks nic for the insights!



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 13:04

found tis, behind the scene..enjoy..


何維健 Derrick Hoh - 迷路兵探班 幕後花絮


Blogger pegg | 07 October, 2008 15:15

many a time, we regret doing things. i've got regrets too. regret why i din do this previously and thus leads to the current state now. there're many times when we really cant just do what we like. it's just life.

we cant change how people tink of us, cux they aint us. not to be affected by wad others say is a good thing that ought to be learned. there're just people who dun like you, so be it then. why bother changing the true you to someone else that you dont even recognize?

guys, keep being you ya?


Blogger givon | 07 October, 2008 16:02

well, life's like that.
You cant change how people look at you,
neither could you change to suit all their needs.

life 's there,
live it.

oh well, fan of sam, get ALIVE!
Maybe sam changes his appearance? ( he's getting slimmer)
But one thing he didn't change for sure, the way he treats his people especially his fans! that's one thing you should never doubt.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 16:39

well, we cant pls everyone..cos everyone is a diff individual, w their own mindset..so jus stay true to urselves.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 16:58

keep pleasing others = not staying true to ourselves?

haha no no no, i just dun get it lor. its like, we thought we could change for the better when someone reflected to us something. maybe not like sam's case la. something simple like, "quizzy, dun wear that skirt, your legs look shorter. wear this better" when i feel damn comfortable in that skirt?...haha just an example only la...

so ya, i dun get how do we be ourself and at the same time be the best that we can be for others? haha i duno what i'm talking about la. do u? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 17:00

aha! how do we be...is-flexible-the-word with other people's criticisms and at the same time, stay true to ourselves? u get what i'm trying to say? hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 17:25

i agree with wad nic had say.. (:

somehow we can't please with the whole world isn't it. like nic say when one doesn't feel good.wanna be quiet a bit tt when ppl start saying tt whoever is dao .. but who knws tt inside themself they r nt feeling like tt? who can be the one who will be understand their siutation etc..

well.. like all say . just stay true to urself and BE URSELF. everything is gg to be fine isn't it. as long we knw tt u guys are just a very simple and humble guys. who cares abt hw ppl may see in you all. :)

i believe in you guys tt all i can do right..(:

jiayou le guys! ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 17:54

Hello NIC!
Nice post. One more day to your birthday but i doubt i will be able to online so i wanna wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D

Read your yesterday's post.
I know you guys will always come out to meet us if you guys are free so dont need to apologise lah haha.
See you guys on the auto session yeah :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 18:26

Quote fm Beyond's interview:





boys, keep it up!!


Blogger Unknown | 07 October, 2008 18:47

"The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds."
not totally related but still somewhat applicable. there are bound to be people whose aim is to put you down. don't let them affect you sam! just be who you are. people will perceive you as who they think you are and it may not coincide with who you really are.

and as for me, you know which stand i'm taking. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 18:52

Yup Well-Said NIC...




Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 19:33

Nic Kor,


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 20:04

OMG,i love mi lu bing!:DD


Blogger MINHUI | 07 October, 2008 21:29

"Knowledge is proud that he has learn'd so much; Wisdom is humble that he knows no more."
William Cowper

Those who've said words that affects one or another, must have been too proud, they've actually overlooked at simple, harmless facts.

wise people (you know la, US MAN, US! :D), should just keep our spirits high. (yea~ baby, yea~)

Cheer yo!



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 22:26

The difference between school and life ?
In school you are taught a lesson and then given a test.
In life you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.
(Tom Bodett)

Cheers :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 22:53

Thanks quizzy for the birthday wish. Hehe. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 23:57

Happy 24th Birthday Nic..

Stay Happy $ Take Care.

Cya on Sat~

Rest Early ya :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 October, 2008 23:58

yo SAM !

don't get affected by whoever that says you are haolian.

you are right , different people have different opinions.

but it doesnt means that one person that says you are haolian means you are haolian .

that person may have his/her own opionion bout you . but that's what he/she thinks.
and seriously, i bet that person is like, judging a book by it's cover .

as fans, we do know that you don't smile that much too. cos that's YOU ! - sam wong.

and smiling and not smiling doesn't reflect your personality .

in other words, if you can maintain this kind of don't smile look , i think that you are "true". as in , there are celebrities who smile to their fans just to entertain them . but they aren't themselves in front of fans. and yeah .

so i think that , you don't have to smile just for the sake of smiling .

and no point changing just when people says you look haolian when you don't smile.

too many people in this world, and people are constantly changing , words just come out of their mouth, unknowingly, it might hurt someone. but what's important is ,


do things that way you like, and not do things what others tell you to do .

and yeah , nights . (:

<3 MLB !


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:00

hey nic! happy 24th bday! may all things gd be with u! have a blessed and enjoyable bday! take gd care n smile! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:02


Enjoy Ur 'Big Day' k...
Stay Happy Always ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:04

stay cool and charming!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:05

happy birthday nic!

enjoy d day ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:12

NIC happy birthday..
finally it ur special day yes..:)
stay happy always kk..^^
hope this yr bdae will be a memorable one for u yea! (: enjoy this special day yo! (:

smile more all right^^

and also to sam wong (:
u had been someone so nice n great. continue to stay being YOURSELF okok! ;) love seeing the way u smile and also the way u are being so shy.. and stay happy! smile more pls.. heh heh!

and WEIQI!!
take care of urself and also jiayou in ur studies k! :D hoho! rest early hor! *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:22

Happy birthday to nic!

Hope u enjoy it. Hope ur dreams come true. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:33

happy birthday NIC (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:37

HAPPY Birthday NIC! Enjoy your day ahead. i've always been a great advocate of being ME, esp as i grow older. Some people call it being selfish, obstinate, stuck in my ways, some say it's low EQ. watever, can't help, can only do my best. If u make sense, i listen n correct (if can la, cos old habits die hard mah...really, no joke). If u dont make sense (to me), go fly a kite!
As for WQ n Sam, from their posts they seem to hv lots on their mind recently. U guys Rest well n work towards ure next gig!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 00:43

Sam小弟其实是友善的,也许是新的支持者对他来说,多少会不好意思 (尤其现在带着牙套)。

艺人,难免会遇到被人从头到脚的批评的这种事件。 只要问心无愧,就当那是有人免费帮你炒作新闻咯。(不过,太过人身攻击的话或无中生有的话,全就得另当别论喔。)

比起单纯新摇时代,现代的MLB得承受更多方面的考验。所以,3位得专注要走的方向,增强在各方面的音乐领域。 至于,那些芝麻绿豆的评语,就让MLB家族成员帮你们“消耗”掉吧。

加油!MLB 和 MLB家族!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 01:14

i can tell u r upset by thise hurting comments. ppl who dun care enough do not think before they make any comment.

the reality may be brutal but you can see all those as bloody jokes. laugh them off. thats how i deal with such matters, i hope it works for u too :]



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 01:28

sam, jia you!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2008 01:59

hm, this sophomore is definitely more quiet than the debut. can I say more jazzy? :) cheng shou – made me rewind when I first played it. thought I heard wrongly. is this a statement of your graduation from lei? nice arrangement. it’s definitely two thumbs up for this one. hei – nice work on the keyboard and the bass is simply fabulous lor. track2 – didn’t make an impression at first, but it got better with repeated listening. han – the swing into the merry-go-round part, interesting. breathe – shadows of nic’s earlier English composition, 非常super nic lor. she bu de – a re-arrangement would have been great (I think lah). triangle – I think it’s a lil blue? david tao? khalil fong? dunno leh. this one is difficult to pinpoint. wu xing de chi bang – simple song, very shu qing. the song that gets the most replay hit – cheng shou lor :) and hei :)