
need a break?
milubing | 15 October, 2008 15:06

a kit kat might not suffice.. some flash games to ease the pain perhaps..
check this blog out

It's actually my cousin's blog.. yeah.. local game designer! u might have played some of his games before!
If his games have brought some 'joy' to ur life, pls help by voting his straw hat samurai game on goldenjoystick.com
The instructions are on his blog...thanks for sharing the love to this local talent heh heh... let's hope he helps us with a MLB flash game ya? holiday project heh heh.. any ideas for this flash game? tell us wat kind of game would u mlbians want, and we might just do a flash game and link it here on our blog! :D
Any ideas? concepts? just shout out!! :D
Even after a new entry has been blogged, do come back to this post to put in your comments regarding a MLB game... thanks!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2008 15:39

the only thing i can think of now is mix and match.. -.- no time to look at the games yet.. maybe when i reach home later.. hmm..

maybe smth like that? heh..

like djmax sia.. maybe with mlb songs.. heh heh..


Blogger Pek Choo | 15 October, 2008 16:53

I only can find http://www.puffgames.com/

quite alots of games =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2008 18:03

Thanks for sharing. =)

Hmm hw abt this few? =D





Blogger -WHEY` | 15 October, 2008 19:45

i'm not a game person, but still thank weiqi for sharing (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2008 21:36

Haha, Maybe can do a game about music ? Something like erm, maybe a tempo game ?? Or can do something like having 3 levels , first is simple guitar strumming then drum then keyboard ... For every level pass , U will make the the person meet a fren, after 3 level... MLB formed !!

Like Music DJ, but add on to find friend to from a band...


Blogger Jean | 15 October, 2008 23:27

don have any link of the flash games..but looking forward to mlb flash game!!=DDD...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2008 23:43

heard of Taiko drum master right? do it a bit like this la. but now we have the guitar and keyboard version de? but how do we "incorporate" nic sam and weiqi inside sia? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 00:09

dun really play games.
but mlb flash games.. COOL!
maybe can have 3 characters(ni men), then choose 1 to play each of their instrument? those arcade those kind? which i think market already have le.. juz that dun have ni men inside. =)
then the highest score one can get a gift from ni men! wooohoo! cool! =P


Blogger Rah | 16 October, 2008 00:19

gg to tag very lame stuff here. no link to the topic here. but just for fun n entertainment here..=XXX


答案:因为叉烧包有 fillings (feelings) -__________-"


答案:因为他们有不同的 fillings (feelings)



ok.. shall run away first.

anyway FOR MLB FLASH GAME IS SO COOL la. wahahhaa!! =) i sure play for sure. hiak! ..lol lol! :X nw keep playing flash game of majong sia.. oops! LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 00:24

I also dun really play games, but I dun mind playing if there is a game with MLB name? Haha...

Well, tomorrow afternoon I will be flying to Taiwan liao.
All the Best to MLB for this Friday Autograph Session. Hope everyone there will enjoy themselves as a big family. I can only hope for a gai-ban autograph session.

Wishing you an advance Happy Birthday. May All your Wishes & Sweet Dreams Come True. Be Happy Always, Smile more often. :)

Last but not least, MLB & MLBians All must Jia-you... Bye bye, will be back here on 24th Oct.


Blogger Rah | 16 October, 2008 00:30

take care uncle phil(:

have a great time in taiwan!!! :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 00:36

take care uncle phil!
try to catch taiwan's beautiful sceneries! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 00:49

Yah i dun mind if there is mlb flash game. Hehe. Look forward to mlb flash game! =D

Uncle phil take care! Enjoy urself! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 01:10

Rah, syl & Jane,
Thanks for your well wishes. Just for your info, I am not going there for holidays. I am there for Buddhist Studies. We won't be going to any places of interests. Most of the times will be either at the temples or school.
Dun worries, I will take care of myself and be back with more Buddhist knowledges. We have a total of more than 200 peoples going tomorrow.

You gals/guys who are attending this Friday autograph session must enjoy yourselves k?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 01:26

Hmm ok then. Thanks. We will enjoy ourselves de. Hehe.

1 more day to autograph session at bpp! =)

Jia you & rest well. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 02:08

okay so this is the games entry. hmm. maybe can like create the 3 milos holding their own instrument. then u can choose to be any one character, then play a song with the other two?! LOL.

abit hard la hor? hmm.


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 16 October, 2008 09:10

yeah i agree... Mabye can crate some flash game which involves guitar,keybaords and drums... TeeHe... But the straw hat samurai is nice though... :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 09:45

Sam ,
Happy birthday in advance!!!!
Please stay tune to 933 tonite....


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 13:11

Thanks anonymous.

Weiqi hope u finished ur essay already.

1 more day! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 16:54

lol... i like d pau joke...

uncle phil, hv a great trip!


Blogger givon | 16 October, 2008 17:19

YAY! games! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 17:48

long live MLB, jiayou!don't give up easily.. persist, persist & persist..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 17:58

To Nic, Sam, WeiQi: Just wanna say tmr xin ku you all le! =/
all the best for the 2nd autograph session!
Surprise for you guys tmr! =)

Take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 18:37

Jia you for 2moro autograph session. =D

Stella wow thats alot. I guess u shld noe what i am trying to said. Haha. 1st time saw 1 person bought so many .......! Wahahahaha. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 20:34

MLB and MLBians, have a great rest tonight! it's friday tomorrow, woots. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 22:01

hey ppl,
please wear your mlb tee tml if you have it. otherwise please wear white. cya all tml! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 22:13

Happy birthday in advance!

我们 Share Share 啦 :)

The Beauty of life is...
While we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change.
So that every new moment is spent not regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding and love...

All the BEST for the 2nd autograph session :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 22:29

see you ppl tml! =D
mlb jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 October, 2008 23:59



take care.


sleep early.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:01



Blogger syl | 17 October, 2008 00:02

happy birthday to sam!!
be happyy! =D
and jia you for tml!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:19

hey sam! happy 22nd bday! hv a blessed bday n keep smiling k.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:21

Happy 22th birthday Sam!

Hope u enjoy urself. Smile. =D

Jia you & rest early. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:30


Enjoy Ur Special Day - With US 'Later', HaHax... Cya Guyz!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:33

A review of "San Jiao Xing" album from 16 Oct Today newspapers:



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:33


stay happy and smile always!
enjoy ur big big dayy too !^.^

- /.Anne


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:35

*rocking along with Beyond's music on Yes933*

woohoo! I still remember last year, Sam spent the first moment of his birthday at S-POP opening concert de finale. SO FAST 1 YEAR LIAO! hahaha.
Last year sam's birthday was spent having a good rest and daydreaming (all check archive if you don't believe =P!), this year must spend with us...muahaha...
hope your past year have been a blessed one, and may each year gets better and better....ok weird greeting. SHENG RI KUAI LE!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:39

Wow, it'll be supercool to hv ure own game. how abt feed WQ with enough crabs n he'll break out in a solo, feed nic with enough chocs n the player gets to give him a big bear hug ala mr.chipmunk, feed sam with enough bd cake, he'll turn n give us his best dazzling smile, complete with braces. haha...happy birthday la.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:39

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream".. May yr dreams comes true!

Happy b/dae! Sam


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 00:50

u all heard yes933 already? DJ jiafa said milubing will be performing some local artistes songs during SHA08....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I no $$ and cannot go nor listen~~!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 17 October, 2008 00:54

Yeah Yeah... SHA!!!



Blogger binz | 17 October, 2008 01:04

wheee it's 17th oct! happy birthday sam!

quizzy no $$ nvm, see if like last yr got live broadcast over 933 anot, then still can listen(:


Blogger Rah | 17 October, 2008 01:12

had a great time later k..hahahahaha! :X looking forward to the auto session.. yay~ (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 01:18

cannot. that day i SHOULD BE working full shift, so cannot listen. UNLESS he heng heng put me work morning, or he happy on Yes933 in the cinema. Then i whole day no need work, no need serve customer. just stand there listen can liao. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
naughty quizzy!

don't forget it's meiyi's birthday now too! happy birthday! turned legal liao ah. hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 01:28

may u have a blast on this special day!
cya later. (=


Blogger -WHEY` | 17 October, 2008 01:32


see you all later xD super looking forward! CHEERS :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2008 01:33

Happy birthday ,sam. God bless you !


Blogger Jean | 17 October, 2008 01:54

Happy birthday sam!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 October, 2008 16:59

ii am here to giv some ideas for the flash game.

you noe O2 Jam? its a online game where you hit the buttons with your keys by following the rhythm of the song that you hav choosen. the challenge is the speed!

so, since MLB is a band who play musics, why not we create such game to make a big bang!

this is just a suggetion. =]