
SHA '08(update1)
milubing | 26 October, 2008 11:03

sam : Together, 3 of us plus you all (i hope) enjoyed last night. We definitely enjoyed the company of mlbians! Our 2nd time at SHA le.. I was telling myself, we'll just go there, relax and do good show. But when i was seated on the little white stool on stage facing fellow performers and so much more seasoned ones like Eason whom we super respect, i was nervous. Haha. I don't know how to describe totally my feelings, i was BLUR-ed. This man is a wonderful performer. Alone on the big stage, 3 songs he did, in 3 different characters, he brought out perfect vocals fitting to the song in all of them. INSPIRING! Heh.. You know i've always enjoyed canto pop, would have been a bonus if he did one too. And i still know i still know, we've got more more rooms for improvement. So let us work hard together man!!
For now since its a public holiday tomorrow, i'm giving myself a break. Going to JB for a walk later!! See ya there!

weiqi : Ok, i upload one photo first heh heh...i shook mr Eason's hand and said...:" You're damn good man!". yup.. that's what i said, in english yesh.. hahaha.. power la he... MLBIANS WAN SHUI WAN WAN SHUI! u put us at #7!!! u all steady la... Just read the article from xin dong wang..whoa.. the 3 of us are really honoured to have him commend our band. Another rare precious moment of an instance whereby a much much BIGGER brother(in the industry), encourages us... makes us wanna cry... but hold back the tears, and push on with such encouragement. THANK YOU MAN... u rock... hope Eason knows that we are really encouraged by his words.
UPDATES!!! THIS SAT, 1NOV, Around 7pm@VIVO CITY, roadshow by HOTA. MLB performing!!! Mlb not going for tv anniversary le, this just in too.

nic : Alamak.. i zhao sia.. but anyways.. the stress was darn high yesterday.. all the biggies there.. and we did dangerous arrangements of the songs.. but heng ar.. quite ok la hor... wow.. thanks to all that came.. thanks to all that didnt but watched tebee.. thanks to all that didnt come, didnt watch tebee but wanted to do either or both... got heart can le ma!! Was hard to breathe.. when came off stage i was like woooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo hardugey say say say say!!! erhem! nah.. it was fun.. amazing.. stress.. and i was immediately converted to an Eason Fan yesterday when i saw his performance... It was soulful.. done with the heart.. amazing.. was ARGH!!!! power la he... look at his facial expression can high le.. then after that on stage shoke his hand during closing.. exchanged words.. his encouragement yesterday pushes us to another level.. i mean.. of all ppl that were there.. he mentioned 3 average looking soon-to-become-men.. average performers.. average musicians.. with their simplistic acoustic songs - milubing... to comment.. to remember.. all i can say is i'm touched.. and thank him many-many.

(THANKS MAN!) Eason: http://www.xin.sg/article.php?article=24983&st=dtl

Xiaohan and Jasmin! 2 VIP to credit for 'san jiao xing'.. we owe em big time... :p

more to come! (behind the scenes..mayday..etc...)

Post a Comment ::

Blogger Pek Choo | 26 October, 2008 12:04

Yeah~ Yesterday was great!! We were very high to see you guys performing the 3 songs =)

Sam, wow~ going JB later~ Enjoy yourself!!HAHAX~
Thanks for replying us.

Weiqi, thanks for replying us too.
JIAYO for your studies!!!

Nic, Do take care of yourself!!

CYA GUYS during other promos event!!

Hoped you guys have received the letters from us =)

Take Care


Blogger qIaNhUi | 26 October, 2008 12:08

Yesterday's Performance Was Really GREAT! Thankz Guyz - We Really Enjoyed ~

Yea We'll Wait Patiently For The Photos & Updates De =)

JIAYO Guyz! Take Lotsa Care ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 12:43

WeiQi, take care of your school work first. It is not easy to excel 2 things at one time.

Sam & Nic, enjoy your holiday ya.

Happy Deepavali holiday to MLB & MLBians.

Countdown to tonight SHA on TV.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 12:57

sam's going t JB? wow. have fun! :)

nic, sam, & weiqi, thanks a lot of yesterday!! take care alrights. hope you three would be able t catch some rest. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 12:57

Weiqi: U busy with ur school stuff first. Photo and updates we will waiting for it and we understand it. =)

Sam: Yeah eason is a wonderful performer. Then when u heard eason sang do u also stand up and get high? lol. Good that u are giving urself a break. Enjoy! Update when u come back. Haha.

Nic: Do take good care!

Happy deepavali holiday to all.

We will watch SHA later on tv. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 13:27

Number seven on the charts this week. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 13:27

YESH! cheng shu no. 7 mann!!
keep it up!!! whee~


Blogger -WHEY` | 26 October, 2008 13:27

thou i wasnt there ytd plus i didn't manage to catch it on radio, i believe you guys (mlb and mlbians) enjoyed :D

gonna catch it on tv ltr :D

same going JB later? wouldn't there be a jam? since is public holiday PLUS weekend..

AND!! i just heard-- CHENG SHU #7!! congratsssss :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 13:28

it's really great to see you guys ytd!! =D=D
and the performance was something new! like it very much!=D

wahh.. sam's off to jb eh?
enjoy and take care! have lotsa lotsa fun!

weiqi, take ur time to load the pics lah, hw more impt eh!

haha nic's 'shiok!' is really very nic..=/


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 13:29

congrats cheng shu no.7!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 13:31

Yeah!!! Cheng shu no 7!

Continue to jia you! Hope next sun it will be no 4 or 1! Haha. =)

I also want to go JB! Haha. It been long time since i go there. No 1 to accompany me. nvm. Wah later jam until very long plus today holiday.

Take good care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 13:34

congrats, cheng shu is no.7!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 13:38

SAM! going JB?! where where?? heard tt causeway jam sia!! hope you didnt caught in the jam anyway.

yesterday's performance was nice nice NICE~!!! we really enjoyed so much! the tix we paid for was really worth the price by seeing just you 3 put on a different style of performance on stage. and present it so nicely in front of so many who you respect down the stage. 3 cheers to mlb~!!! jiayou!!! ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 14:03

Nic said overseas 1st stn go JB !
Good wor, then milubians can follow there to support.. hehe

cheng shou up to no.7 leh, lets work hard for coming week..


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 16:50

i'm so like, dead beat now..

anyway, is it just me, or does ytd's cheng shu chorus part sound kinda rush? hmm..

andd yeahh i wanna hear eason sing in canto too! but i think i loved fish leong's performance lots.. her singing's like whoaa..

takecare ya guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 17:58

yesterday performance was great...
my friends and i enjoyed it very much...

sam: enjoy yourself at JB, take care

weiqi: jia you for your studies, rest well...

nic: take lots of rest...


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 October, 2008 18:44

true enough!
the performance yesterday was wonderful.
we were happy enough to just see you guys perform.
love it to bits!

AT UHM, 8PM OR 8.30PM...

you really know how to enjoy life huh!
have fun in JB!
you ought to have the rest and relax yourself since you have done a good job yesterday!

good performance put up!
jiayou with your school work.
hope that you can be DE-ZOMBIFIED asap!

you guys feeling shiok,
we also felt shiok.
thank you for the wonderfull performance yesterday!


Blogger Pek Choo | 26 October, 2008 18:48


yeah~ Thanks for the info...

Later I'll be watching with Qianhui.... hahax~



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 18:53

Hello MLB & MLBians,

I am back from Taiwan, the very next thing I got to do is find myself a new job. Hehe..

Yes, Cheng Shu is at #7 on Yes933 Long Hu Bang today. Till date it had accumulated 44pts. Let's continue to vote harder, hopefully it will be in top 5 next week.

MLB, you guys have put up a great show at SHA. Glad that you all enjoyed. Continue to Jia-you...
weiqi, please concentrate on your school work. Don't worry about the photos' uploading ok? Please take great care & jia-you in your studies. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 19:30

juz now saw on news tat d 3 of u played guitar! or was it oni sam & nic? anyway gg to watch it on tv later!

sam, hope u had fun in jb...

uncle sam, welcome back!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 19:52

Yeah! Can Watch The TV Telecast SOON...



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 19:57

Capri so good u get to see the news just now. Hope 10pm news have it. Haha. Yeah anyway going to watch tv later. Another 30 mins. =D

Hey uncle phil i thought u already get urself a job? Hmm look like outside now quite alot of them are jobless. Haiz.

MLB rest well & take good care woh! =)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 26 October, 2008 20:13

yay cheng shu no.7 on the long hu bang le... Hees... yeah i agree with uncle phil, lets continue to vote harder and push it to top 5 hopefully... Yesterday also haerd the live telecast of da peformance through 933... although i wasnt there, but it was great!! Great job guys!! Continue to rock on produce great music for us ya?? Oh, and take care too!! Will be waiting patiently for da photos too!! No worries.... :P


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 October, 2008 20:16

great picture there with eason!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 20:19

only sam & nic playing the guitar, they sitting on a white stool lo...

wah,nice ah!,mlb photo with eason !! cool :)

just now post out 12 voting with different handwriting, cuz i ask 12of my frenz to vote..

hope cheng shu will be the top 5 and stay longer..cuz next yr hits awards can get a award for the song who is in the long hu bang for the longest :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 20:26

Yeah nice pic of mlb n eason. Haha. Wow nic look nice with and without spects. Hehe. Sam u still shy huh? Haha. lol. I want to see u smile with ur braces.

Yeah SHA at channel u soon. 5 mins! Weiqi got beatboxing at SHA huh? I want to see it. Hope wont be cut off mlb part. =)

Jer oh ok. Haha. Yeah continue to vote hard. Jia you! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 20:53

WOOHOO! Weiqi got beatboxing leh. Jus that not so loud but at least can see it on tv that he beatbox. Hehe. Cool. Weiqi next time beatbox more ok?? Haha.

Haha. The white stool look small but cute. lol. Nice performance. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 20:57

woo, nice pic!

so it's sam & nic on guitar & wq on his keyboard.

nice performance! love d new version of chen shu too!

hi jane, later see if d 10 o'clock news will hv nt.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 20:57

btw... wq, i saw u pt to d air! haa... to d mlbians rt?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 21:01

yup! pointing to the MLBIAns!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 21:03

:D :D :D :D :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 21:04

Lol weiqi. Haha. Did u point to wrong ppl? So many ppl at there u noe which side is mlbians mah? Hope to see u beatbox more next time. =)

Yup later 10pm news see whether got or not if not channel u news also can. Haha. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 21:28

WEIQI!!! you ROX mann!!!
think ytd's spot light were too bright, so cant really see you pointing upwards, bt ii saw it on tv just now!!! it's really cool~!!! ^_^

thx for the pic up there, weiqi! and remind me of shuang ying's comment in the previous post. she said "Just now when Eason was being interviewed by the media at SHA, he said that he admire MLB alot and he thinks good of them! =D" ii think this is super great for mlb, though no awards given ytd, but this is the best gift mlb hav received from ytd's ceremony ii suppose. =]

way to go~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 22:59

eason's performance real high huh... & he's really gd.

d stage looks quite empty at d end... some singers din go up rt?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 23:07

was quite surprised that sam was actually on his guitar instead of drums. haha.
equally nice!

weiqi, when are you going to sing solo huh? lol!

MLB jiayou! :DDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 23:18

didnt able to catch their performance. when reached home aft work, they finished singing already=( sad.. anyone able to record and share?


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2008 23:33

I saw the performance just now.
and Nic wore spects again :D


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 26 October, 2008 23:42

yeah agree with singyin... :PP Just now saw da performance and was singing along already... hahahahs... And sam n nic sing and play guitar damn hao ting lehhs... hahahs.. Overall, only one word: GREAT!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 00:01

haha yes weiqi!
saw you pointing too! hahaha~
great great great performance!! =D=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 00:12

ytd's performance was great great great! love e unplugged/acoustic version.. :) n eason n mayday were gd..made e money spent worth it man..haha..

weiqi! i finally saw u pointing! haha..was too far away from e stage ytd so din c it..thanks for noticing us ar! :) jus curious, did u all c e lightstick board we made ytd? cos we realised it was a lil too small aft we made it.. :/

anyway, ellekay, i tink weiqi was pointing to us as a whole, not jus us only la.. :) n sorry i sorta pangseh u ytd, sth happened..dui bu qi :( oh ya i tink we still dun hv nice nice pic hor..cos got ppl keep disturbing us..next time we go hide somewhr n take! :p

congratulations cheng shu! no7 le..somebody's fav no..haha..okie let's cont to push it higher till it reaches no1 k..nvm tt thr's she jay etc on e chart..we'll rise slow n steady.. :) heh..pls send ur coupons out by tue, before 5pm, n sms by thu, before 12pm..coupons constitute 70% of e results, so send more coupons if ya can..refer to publicity blog for voting rules k.. :)

i've got a pic to share from ytd but my connection is super cranky..dc every few mins..cant even do my research properly..will upload when it's more stable..

guys, rest well k..u guys put up a gd performance last nite..so it's time for a well deserved break..take care n slp early ya! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 00:58

10000000 thumbs up for MLB performance yest =) my very 1st time listening to MLB Live performace & i must admit I was HOOKED~!! you guys rox~ love the vocals & the music arrangement =) jiayou jiayou jiayou.. u have my support from now on.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 01:02

新加坡金曲奖2008 陈奕迅众望所归




Blogger -WHEY` | 27 October, 2008 01:09

i watched the tv telecast earlier on and what i could say is- AMAZED! hee! very nicely sang.. but i felt cheng shu was different.. less rock alr.. haha.. no drums and guitar.. sounds alot different! will be better if there were the instruments!

and WOW! update with a pic with eason! cooool! :D i enjoy his music too!

*CHEERS* can imagine those ppl who went ytd.. 一定 high 翻天!! xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 01:26

Thanks anonymous for the article. Hehe. There is a video at there u all can watch it too. The small pink colour one just click on it. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 01:42

wuhahaha....luv the perf last nite! Sam was super relaxed throughout perf, esp luv his 1st few lines for paper plane. welcome back, sam! eh, u went off to jb, no wonder cldn't find u in the zoo tdy! :P Nic de rock wail for wudidong...wah...luv it. U look tired, hope u get to sleep in this long wkend. WQ, nice keyboards for chengshu. gd news is u dun look zombie n ure nails r super shiny on tv, u buffed them for the perf? haha
Screammmmmm....u guys so lucky get to take such a nice pic w eason!! jealous... guess wat, the last time, i siao n shouted to eason's back: welcome to s'pore! after dat, he came back 2 more times!! haha next time mus shout dat to him a few more times so he will come n visit >often. but 1st, i mus get close enuff to shout so he can hear me :D *wave to eason* u jiayou too!


Blogger Rah | 27 October, 2008 04:32

sorry couldn't be there to hear u guys perform plus also couldn't be dere on the radio/tv to hear also due to my friend chalet.. but yeps. my heart was with u while bbq-ing LOLS! was praying hard for u guys u will perform well:) and i guess no need say. efforts paid off right. haas..

after reading the article.felt so touched by wad eason say..giving u guys the encouragement..woohoo :D was so touched lei. hees! so happy for u guys yes.. :))

XD jiayou guys and also take care.. let this encourgement by eason will bring u guys to higher height as the journey goes on..=)


Blogger ellekay :] | 27 October, 2008 08:07

LOL! yuanping!
i know weiqi is still pointing to us although his finger pointed somewhere else lah.
somehow the few of us still received it.

andand, no worries yuanping.
i still got a cab quite quickly after that.
no pangseh, no pangseh!
but the cab fare now abit scary hor. i think i too long never take cab liao. i was so shocked by the fare... =.=

and YES...
we so gonna retake photos.
those few...
kept squeezing into the picture can...


Blogger binz | 27 October, 2008 09:23

you guys sound so shuang dao and of course it's soooo shuang to have your idol who is someone great out there to give such positive comment on you all(: really loved those songs arrangement(: the he yin + shu qing + rock + music arrangement + beatbox + singing = very mlb & ultimate!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 11:00

eason rules!
luv his voice, his stage presence, his passion to sing, his unpretentious charm, luv so so so much of him!

well, was wondering y u guys were so contained and didn't groove along with his last song. acty, swaying ur hands also can u know? caught a gimplise on u guys on the TV ya ;)

samy, i've been wanting to pass u one canto CD but hv been hesitating. well, let me think thru first ba. i wanna show u someone who is so grounded and yet he always challenges himself to take on unusual ballads (not usual K songs)...and his ballads and slow rocks never fail to create climax and an impression. And though being a veteran in the industry, he has always show a side of his boyish self in his works. hmmm..

see how ya.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 12:28

Yea, I watched the performance on telly ytd night. It was great!

Didn't see Sam on the drums but it's still nice with the guitar :)
WeiQi beatbox leh.. but it wasn't very loud leh.. cant hear clearly.
Nic, you still look so good with your specs :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 12:36

Watched the performance last night.
It was great!
I love sam's vocal. 100% melted! :)
Weiqi's beatboxing is really great!
Especially the last part! SISISIS~~ :D
Nic wore spects again. Cool.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 13:45

Yah ytd i watched SHA at channel u and listening to yes 933 too.

Sam i know that u like eason song too. I can understand why u was nervous. Haha. Hope u enjoy urself at JB there. Jia you & take care. =P

weiqi thanks for uploading e pic that u guys took with him. MLB wan shui too. Haha. We will continue to vote hard! Jia you & take good care! =)

Nic i am touched when i read nic what u had wrote at there. Cool lah. Haha. Yah got heart can le. thanks to eason. take good care of urself. Rest more and drink more water. Jia you! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 14:59

In singapore stadium we cant take video at there right??

Anyway i found milubing singing 3 song at youtube there. Thanks to xueting.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZEMGS5bu84- 迷路兵 - 纸飞机,无底洞,成熟 at singapore hit awards.

Enjoy! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 18:33

See, we knew you guys have got the potential and talent.

Even 'K ge zhi wang' praised you guys! That must be a moment that nobody will forget.



Blogger qIaNhUi | 27 October, 2008 20:09

Nice Pic Up There!
Well, Wat I Can Say Is: Really Sooooooooo PROUD Of U Guyz Lah.!!!

哇 被 Eason 稱讚和欣賞耶, 真的很替你們高興! 加油啦 ~

*Really LOVE The SHA Performance Lotsss, Addicted Liaoz =P


Blogger Pek Choo | 27 October, 2008 20:19

YEA~ Nice pics =) thanks Wq for updating the pics.

Great Performance by you guys last SAT.... I liked the unplugged 3 songs that you guys performed!!

Wow 被 Eason 稱讚和欣賞,替你們感到很光榮和開心啦!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 23:17

milo power juz rocks lah! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 23:40

hey peeps, really love to tag but i'm a dead man..I owe 3 diff project groups my part of the work!!! damn. i'm a dead man... take care u all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 23:52

nvm lah weiqi!
concentrate on your work~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2008 23:53

*** sorrie, that was my tag! lol


Blogger qIaNhUi | 28 October, 2008 00:24

Take GOOD Care Lek WEIQI!

JIAYO ~ ! ! !


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 00:27

Yah concentrate on ur work first when u are free u can always come here and tag. We welcome u. Haha. Jia you! Take good care. =)


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 October, 2008 01:10

weiqi! jiayo jiayo :) school had never been relaxing for all students i think? even my first week of school went hay-wire alr.. i mixed up all the submission dates.. wad shd be handed up nv do and what don't need to hand up is some how done. lols!

anyways, take care and cheers! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 01:52

weiqi ar..
take care kaes..(:
jiayou le lor..
dun overtired urself kaes!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 02:08

sam coming jb today?
my goshh..
i'm really hope 2 meet up wit u in jb..lol..

take gud care wit all of u =)
and do rest a lot =)


Blogger Strat | 28 October, 2008 02:10

Wei Qi,
Jia you, Jia you , Jia you !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 02:20

weiqi jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 03:39

haha...weiqi just tagged and if u r really dead, who am i replying to now? hahaha jkjk. WEIQI JIA YOU!!

haha thanks for sharing more about Eason when that is my small tiny regret for not able to see him...haha...he rocks right? hahaha...

now then got time to comment, cos past 2 days have been working the whole day, plus chionging FYP report...heee....

milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 04:09

jia you bro.. but at least this week kinda cleared.. all the heavy intensive stuff on our band side settled.. everyone cheer for mr chan! yay!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 04:23

Yeah nic will cheer for him and both of u too. Haha. Lol. Cool then.

Are u in camp now or? Nic and sam jia you! Yeah! See u guys next time. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 08:35

Jia you weiqi !! we will make u alive again :P~


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 10:33

chen shao ye jiayou! if you need a shu1 tong2 [those kinda servant or wad in ancient times that accompany those shao ye to study/prepare ink paper and brush one] let me know okay? employ me! lol (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 10:51

weiqi JIAYOU alrights! :D


Blogger hazelkam | 28 October, 2008 11:30

Didn't catch the show that night... quite sad.. as i was working...
but i am sure MLB will sure put up a gd performence..
Jiayou Jiayou Jiayou..
Hope MLB will get more awards...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 11:44

u all have done a gud performeance in SHA =))
jiayou =)
giv u all extra n extra support XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 11:47


[ JIA YOU ] =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 12:41

Three-sided work of art/MLB.. ST.Life pg C10.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 13:52

jiayou ya??
you guys are the best to us and will always be. (=


Blogger Pek Choo | 28 October, 2008 14:40

Don't stress over with your studies!

Sam & Nic,

Take Care

S.m.i.l.e =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 18:50

somehow, can feel the happiness you guys have when your get to exchange words with mr eason . well well, JIA YOU alright (:

MLB rocks (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 19:18

i think the performance was great!! and i love nic with his specs:)


Blogger ellekay :] | 28 October, 2008 20:16

jiayou weiqi!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 21:05

Nic, we will sure cheer for Weiqi! you take care alrite! smilez~

Weiqi, jiayou jiayou jiayou!!! after the stressed, its desserts time yea?! get alive! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 23:24

WEIQI jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you jia you =)

MLB take good care! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2008 23:48

Jia you !!!!

Eason is a funny,playful and friendly...want to his authorgraph session in Hk during Aug
his canto album is out ma...my first time saw him.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 29 October, 2008 00:36

Meantime, Take Good Care k... Nitey!



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 00:59

jia-you in your studies. Dun over stress yourself, k? Must learn how to relac at the right time.

nic & sam,
both of u need to jia-you too

I also need to jia-you in finding a new job for myself. hehe...

All fellow MLBians,
jia you too, especially those still sitting for their exams.


Blogger -WHEY` | 29 October, 2008 01:45

JIAYO to weiqi :D don't forget to sleep! haha.. or rather, please spare some time to have adequte sleep.. if not lessons will become not productive.. hmm.. lesson learnt for me..

going off to sleep after tonnes of hw! nighty all! take care :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 06:35

thanks for the jiayos u all... it's a weird feeling, holding a machine baked sandwich in you hand at 5.30 in the morning, looking at the daunting morning sky, and u hear the air con system turning on, churning, as if to tell you that your time is up. That's why i munch on lots of gummy sweets when i work, so that i dun get crazy...gummy sweets = edible stress balls... :D take care peeps!
p.s. i heard that iweekly interviewed Mr Eason and he mentioned us again! gotta look out for that article!


Blogger binz | 29 October, 2008 07:53

woah weiqi never sleep again ah.. and ur description can visualise one.. dun you all get chased out of the building? like they dun close one ah.. munching on food is the best way to keep awake and pass time! but excess gummy sweets also = toothache! the worst part is the effect take place liao cannot undo one leh. go buy vegetables or fruits to munch more healthy(: haha the fans kind of character, waiting eagerly for interview article! JIAYOUS! go get some slp before the zombie collapse *choy*..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 10:31

poor weiqi... alws kanna buried by ur school work... hang on there!

oh, i-wkly got d interview too? i hvnt get my copy yet... subscribed to d mag but alws rec'd it late. hope later when hme i can see it on d table.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 12:24

sugar makes your brain stagnant.. don't eat too much sweets!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 13:16

Welcome. Poor guy still never sleep again. Yah binz is correct. Eat vegetables or fruits. It is healthy. Dun eat too much sweet woh! Want to eat also eat sugar free de. Haha.

Ok thanks. I will get i weekly soon. Jia you! Get some sleep when u finish ur work. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 14:00

for me is green tea and potato chips...but then library cannot eat potato chips...haha...green tea still can...then during test time i must have my bottle of green tea, if not just plain water...this is how i keep myself awake...
but then i try not to rely too much on potato chips le. potato chips = carbo = sleepy. haha. even though, potato chips can help me write better RJ (Reflection Journal)...haha...
chionging FYP report too...cos my FYP faci wanna check tomorrow as i was too tired from work the whole day for the past 3 days. no work = no money lor. hai hao not working today and tomorrow...still haven't master the arts of not sleeping, like weiqi and MY binz...hahaa...haiz.
weiqi, dun think of "time is up" la...haha. u r not alone ok...jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 14:01

*and i was too tired from work the whole day for the past 3 days.


Blogger Welcome! | 29 October, 2008 18:56

三角行 is a great song!


Blogger Pek Choo | 29 October, 2008 19:07


Don't stress over projects!!



Blogger qIaNhUi | 29 October, 2008 19:37

WEIQI, Sooo Nice Of U To Cum Tag Even Though U're So Busy & Tired =)

Take Care Lotsss k...
Wow Eason Mentioned U Guyz Again At I-weekly Interview.?!? Cool Man!Seems Like HE Really 欣賞 MILUBING Alot Worz, Sooo HAPPY For U Guyz!



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 19:41

Yah all the song is nice de lah. Weiqi jia you! Yah he is nice to come here and tag although he is busy.

Weiqi we will understand it if u are busy and never come here tag de. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 20:24

jiayou la chen shao ye! tis busy period will be over soon..hang in thr k..jiayou!

anyway, according to peg, tis wk's iweekly dun hv eason's interview..so look out next wk or sth k.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 21:29

quizzy, there is one trick that u might wanna try...

that is... ... ... ...

listen to 周公讲鬼 loh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 21:32

WeiQi, aft all the "stress work", u need to let your body 好好休养了。

Holidays season is just round the corner, ought to take care ya.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 22:05

Yesterday Straits Times article:


A review of "San Jiao Xing" album from NTU Nanyang Chronicle newsletter:



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 22:06


好过我。。 现在心情超不好的。。
可是对我来说。 我自己根本都做不到。。
很多的失望。 也觉得很累。 =(

oops. sorry.. venting a bit on here. just sigh! =(

k la.. weiqi remember to rest well okays..=)) jiayou !



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 22:19

Thanks anonymous for the stratis times article and the NTU nanyang chronicle newsletter. =)

Jenny so ur daughter still dun want to tell me her blog url? If want just send it to my mail there. Thanks.

First time see rah type chinese at here. Haha. Hope u are feeling alright soon.

JIA YOU! Take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 22:49

Jane, Tongtong invited u to her msn, but u hvnt reply leh...

back to enquiry for the experts:
- for the sms to 龙虎榜,must i add the " + " sign aft the POTP933???

- any gathering for the coming weeks to fill in the forms for the 2nd hit song? Pls either sms or email me, k?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 23:20

thanks anonymous! omg i din noe nanyang chronicle has e album review! let me c if i can still kope a few copies..i nv bother to take man! oops! tsk tsk.. -.-

jenny, wad + sign are u referring to? jus sms [POTP933]space[成熟] to 72346 can alr..

hmm i havent heard SJMFJGYX on 933..if anyone hears it on air do inform k..thanks! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 23:40

yuanping, tks for the adv. but i submitted 成熟 with the "+" sign in front! hahaha(super sotong!) pray hard the vote wld be accepted...

SJMFJGYX<---is it to vote it this week? if Yes, I will submit the vote now. kindly cfm ya.

many many thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 23:45

Jenny my msn add and email add is different de. Thats y tat day at j8 i told her to email to me better. =)

Yuanping can prepaid user send sms to vote for song? I never heard shi jie man fan jie guo yi xia on yes 933 too. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 23:45

not dat bad la, i tot mlb set the tone n standard for the entire nite's perf to come. Great job! joanna's quirky ditty was entertaining too.
WQ, how abt choc bites? it keeps my brain awake wn i need it but can end up with bad throat n sideways expansion if munch overmuch. if u r one of those unfortunate ones who dun take to choc, den too bad lo.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2008 23:48

OMG EASON commented on your guys!
MLB jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 00:23

prepaid user cannot sms anything to 72346 =)...

jenny jie, THANKS ah -_-...hahahaha =)
sleepy bugs coming le. go away! go away! hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 00:31

jenny, not voting for SJMFJGYX yet..can only start voting when 933 airs it..

jane, i dun tink prepaid cards can participate in voting..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 00:34

Ok. Thanks quizzy and yp for replying. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 00:45

sighhs, same state as u weiqi.. proj and assignments to rush. damn sian man.. and sometimes not getting any understanding from ppl.. haiis. life's getting stressed up.. jiayou ba.. gotta get thru this.

soln for now: get some sleep and worry about things later. -.- gotta work till morning later..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 00:55

Jane, hahaha, noted ur msg, will infm Tongtong tmr morning.

quizzy, heehee.

Yuanping, xiexie ya. Too excited to get the next song on the board, heehee.

i dedicated a song for Nov 6, dont know the moderator accepts it or not... pray pray ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 01:11

Ok. thanks. U use ur email add to send me her blog url loh. Haha. Thanks. They will accepts it de dun worry. =]

Mlb get enough sleep ok? Jia you and take good care! =D


Blogger -WHEY` | 30 October, 2008 01:53

haha.. i guess during stressful times i some how binge eat.. lol.. seems like too stressful.. and the mouth should keep moving to prevent yourself from sleeping.. gummies high in glucose? so make u more alert huh? lols..

okay lah~ need to sleep soon :)

take care everyone! :D cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 11:44

Caption below the photo:
The energetic performance of local band and winner of SuperBand Season 1, Mi Lu Bing, won wild cheers and applause from fans present at the stadium.

happen t see this when i signed into MSN. (: haha, so credits to MSN Entertainment.



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 11:51

btw, the link that i provided on top leds t the picture. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 11:52

hey all, finally i returned to the flat last nite..damn isit thurs already??jialat. and guess wat, after today's tutorial group presentation(which is like only worth 5%), we were asked to present to everyone in the next LECTURE!?! i'm like darn..i still got other work and was hoping to get done with this one and move on..now it will continue to haunt me till next thurS!!! damn, and i'm 1 of the 2 speakers! so i can't zone out there or give my errs and ummss.. xian.. THanks for the encouragement and advice! yesterday i bought raisins instead..heh..$4 worth of raisins in a bucket style packaging. P.s. we might have more road shows to come in the following weeks(bad for me but good for MLB as a whole ba) and once confirned I'll post details k? btw the gigs for next week are cancelled le..right now the only things on the schedule that's confirmed is an iweekly outdoor interview..and the 45 years of TV ani show(which by that time i am human again).that's it so far..will try to post more photos by then ya? :D take care u all!!!and thank u all for making this a nice place to come back for shelter from this cruel world...haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 12:08

take care ya??
hmmm. you better focus on ur studies first la.
even though tt 5% might seems insignificant but then well, it can worth alot too.

one more mth to go.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 12:09

relax man..
sometimes its lidat ba.. but u're done w it alr so tts okay right?

ahh well. jiayou ba.. ^^

studying's driving me crazy too :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 12:12

oops. no no.
got the wrong idea abt tt ppt.
hmmm. well, ur lecturer gu yi de arh? present once le, still ask u guys to present it next wk again. -.-


Blogger pegg | 30 October, 2008 12:26

chen shao ye arh.
u at home now le izit?
you arh.
thanks for the pic la. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 12:28

as in, presentation is meant for tutorials.. then out of all the classes, only four grps 'privileged' (to me it's saboed) to present in the lect theatre... sigh...see you all nxt time..hope this photo lasts for a while HAHAHA... got somany photos but so lil time :(


Blogger pegg | 30 October, 2008 12:30

-.- sad case la you.
aiyo. you can upload the photos slowly la.
if not pass to sam also can. hahas =X
we are not rushing you for the photos ya? ur studies more impt now la.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 12:31


eh that means ur grp good zit? ha. slow down man.. ur life like some major roller coaster ride. it's okay la, we can wait.. go do ur work shao ye!

cool la that pic~ be nice to the two super cool and nice VIPs! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 12:35

yesh MK, we got cherish those 2 hor..and pegg ah..iin school la, just finished lunch..now gonna clear hmwk due tonight!!! ttyl!!! :D


Blogger pegg | 30 October, 2008 12:38

aiyo. faster go away la, you. shoo shoo.

step ur brakes and bang those homeworks away~! *i meant jiayo and get those hmwk done*

sorry. ignore my craziness.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 12:38

haha.. good then =D yeah yeah.. go do ur work.. sadly to say i miserably failed in my mission to complete my work last night.. lol.

jiayou jiayou (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 14:04

weiqi..so kelian...forgot today is thursday....and u been staying in school for the past few days..wohoo....Hope ur hmwk finish in time woh to submit tonight :) Lets jiayou !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 14:15

oh ya hor...learnt this in primary school. one day eat 10 raisins - not more nor less, is good for the brain development. not 10 at one go la. not sure if its still applicable for adults though. =X. lol.
weiqi jia you =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 14:20

Ok then see u next time too. Yeah dun worry photos can slowly upload de. Haha. Jia you for ur homework! Hope ur homework can finish on time and submit tonight! Jia you ah! =)


Blogger binz | 30 October, 2008 16:17

haha weiqi you sound like you went for those many days many nights camp which you all never sleep then lose track of day and night then the days. though it's only 5% but when it make a difference in grade sia then you wun feel that it is 5% only! haha. and oh to present in lecture mean ur grp very good ma! jiayous!

woah a bucket of raisins! can indulge in it sia. eh but too much raisins will cause phlegm and cough huh! so cannot tan xin.

yay more road shows!! though it's gonna be xin ku, take it as a chill out time..

and oh i realised something about the photos. somehow you guys (especially weiqi!) smile more naturally and happily for the behind the scenes kind of photos as compared to those photoshoot kind of photos.

off to prepare for my oral presentation exam tmr. man i dunno how to engage the audience and not be nervous!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 16:59

aha. how cool it will be if milubing have gigs in December? December our school holidays. O levels A levels N levels FYP stupid projects idiot exams all would be over by then? Then we can all come out chill. weiqi can chill by performing with your bros. we can chill by watching milos perform. and also catch up with each other la. cool right? so if milos have gigs during our school holidays, at least we got something to look forward to now. THAT IS, provided I can take off from work la. hahahaha.

jia you!! school sucks =X! MLBians rocks! MLB power la! =X hahaha


Blogger Angel at heart....シンシア | 30 October, 2008 17:28

Hey guys,I saw ur performance last sunday at the SHA.It was fantastic!Well done guys......Jia You oh!MLB rocks forever!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 19:08

Weiqi thanks for the update. So how's ur work? Hope ur homework finish on time.

Looking forward for more pics coming up. Wah mayday leh. Haha. Alright u guys jia you & take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 20:17

weiqi can see u racing with time until very jialat.
but u can do it!
jiayou jiayou.

takecare of your health!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 20:58

hmm so 23rd nov cancelled ya? thanks for the update~ cyahh guys next week (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 21:10

thanks for the update weiqi!
and all the best for ur presentation!! give ur best man!! =D
cya guys next week! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 21:23

crying le, i miss e sha, cos away, any rpt anot?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 21:48

mei, cheer up.
scroll up and click on Powerlah Music & Video, there's a video of the boys' performance during SHA there. (: SMILE.


Blogger Unknown | 30 October, 2008 22:00

WEIQI! try to be more optimistic?! in the sense tt, the lecturer may think tt ur tutorial grp presentation was excellent, tts why ur lecturer want you guys to present it again or 'share' is a betta word to describe, in front of others. so its a good thing isnt it?! relax and cool down alrite?! ps. hope ii din get ur words wrongly
anyway, still the same old word to repeat myself, JIAYOU WEIQI! you will get through all these very soon, bcos times flies~!!! take care and cya soon!

hmmm, so the latest update is there is a gig nx sat?! cos weiqi's tag said tt gigs for next week are cancelled?!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2008 23:56

WeiQi, I know how u felt when the marks only 5%, then there were hell of works had to be done and the speeches... then aft the exam, WOW!5% was a great deal to push up the final marks wor...

Will see how for this Sat's event, my small boy keeps singing Cheng Shou whenever he is in the mood, heehee. He also keeps asking me when is the next performance :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 00:00

tks min


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 00:01

Lol jenny. Haha. Eh i thought i saw this sat event is at jurong point hw come become vivo city liao? Haha.

Same old words from me. Jia you and take good care. Good night! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 00:05

Agreed with binz, the pic taken with Jasmine & Xiaohan looks so natural, I like this pic! yeah!



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 00:26


5pm-7pm has Gurmit Singh! I wdr if Gurmit will do a live interview with MLB?

erh... I need help... where is Central Court B located?

(if is at Jurong pt or IMM, aunty me sure no problem, coz me is SUPER乡下大妈一个)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 00:29

Jenny i cant help u with it. Haha. Sorry. I also not sure abt vivo city too. I seldom go there de. Ok le i go sleep liao. Sianz. Good night to all. =D


Blogger binz | 31 October, 2008 01:01

jenny holds the same views as me huh(:

oh yay cool the event becomes this sat liao instead of next sat! oh anw jenny, the central court B is located at the 1st floor inside vivo city those empty areas where usually stage can be set up for events.. yay sort of enclosed area and got aircon, so hopefully sound system is good(: can see the map at this link http://www.vivocity.com.sg/pulse.html

ahhh nervous for tmr. gonna sleep early. nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 01:28

hahaha argh miss going to vivo city also, no time go there shop shop walk walk. if only i could go support u guys, then i maybe can meet ah shan ah cheh they all for a walk too. that is if they are going la. haha. nvm la, u guys jia you ok? hahaha.

haha sry i didn't know u guys gonna off the comment thingy in the latest entry then i tag liao. just delete my tag ba, now i very paiseh liao. hahaha. thanks =)

contrary to ah binz (fyi she went to sleep liao), i think i gonna slp late tonight liao. cos not sleepy yet. but then tml must wake up early for FYP meeting, after that to work until 12.30am. like not a healthy cycle hor? haiz. nvm la. hahaha.

oh weiqi, try this - just survive with plain water? haha during my O level days, my lao shi will say just keep drinking water. when u keep going to toilet u won't feel sleepy liao. hahaha. jia you!! haha...

back to chionging report. no mood to do sia. haiya. bb~haha


Blogger ellekay :] | 31 October, 2008 01:37

you can do it de weiqi!~



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 01:46

oh no... third nite in school this week... :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 01:52

waaaaaaaaa....tc hor...


Blogger -WHEY` | 31 October, 2008 01:59

wah.. third night~~ tsk tsk.. weiqi, make sure you get some sleep alright :D take loads of care :D and drink lots of water~~

seems like i need to stay over in school next week or something.. once my lecturer gave us the assignment today, my groupmates already planning for the stay-over alr.. haha..

hmmm.. saturday, having my driving prac in the afternoon, hope can go there to see you guys perform! :D

anyways, take care & rock on~~
(back to work~~~ )


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 02:06

Thanks Jane. Thanks binz.

I hv noted down the directory, hope tat day wont be sotong n walk to 'nowhere'...

WeiQi, just like what quizzy said, remember to drink more water. Saw u during the last BPP performance, u were losing quite a lot of wt le, hv to take good care ya.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 02:18

haha...but speaking of drinking water, i'm like not drinking a lot lately lor. today, i already drank 2 cans of nescafe late, a few glasses of milk, a can of lemon juice, very little water. at work i drank coke light or milo peng. waaaaaaaaa. thanks jenny jie for reminding too. i siao liao. i also must drink more water liao. hahahahaha...
lets all take care...

hahahaha FYP~~~~=(


Blogger ellekay :] | 31 October, 2008 02:25

dont worry weiqi!

you have us the night owls to pei you.


keep on going!


Blogger -WHEY` | 31 October, 2008 04:24

yea, ellekay is right. all night owls will pei you.. lol =.=

tomorrow panda already~ at night=owl, morning=panda.. lol~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 04:29

HAHAHA i'm one of the night owl too. shall TRY not to sleep tonight. lets see if i can tahan. jia you!! go go go!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 04:30

haha milubing jia you! MLBians jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 04:40

wa.. so many owls? still here? hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 04:42

here here here!! hahahahaha...was talking to yp nia...hahahahaha...she not owl, she zombie =X...
me is zombie-acting-like-owl...hahahahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 04:45

wa mrchan! still arnd ar..jiayou k..hope u dezombiefied soon.. :)

i'm heading back to slp..gotta wake up in like 2hrs..so dead man..zzz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 04:53

haha u jiayo too! zombie owl sounds interesting...


Blogger -WHEY` | 31 October, 2008 05:00

haha.. zombie owl.. creepy.. lol.. seems like i don't have to sleep alr.. just finished my work :D DAMN HAPPY! lol.. i think the coffee i drank at 1am kept me up till now.. hmm.. caffine works for me..

weiqi not catching any sleep?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 05:13

hahaha...zombie owl...i anyhow only la! hahaha...but still, sounds cool eh? hahaha...weiqi, be careful ah. later the zombie owl catches u then....=X...hahaha....

caffeine dun work for me de lor...
i'm freaking hungry...i want to "suck blood"...HAHAHAHAHA =P


Blogger -WHEY` | 31 October, 2008 05:16

HAHA.. i'm uber hungry too :( nvm la~ tahan a while more den eat breakfast.. my stomach rumbling.. grr..

okay~ i going off to slp alr..

anyways, weiqi jiayo oh! (quizzy jiayo too! hee!)

&& good morning ahh~~ LOL~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 05:57

haha ty whey...hahahaha...
aha the next method to keep yourself awake while chionging the stupid homework. do push up! hahahaha...sit up also can. not sure if it works, later i try if possible...hahahaha

good morning! hahahaha....


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 07:00

going for breakfast now... :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 07:29

zao an too :)
may this be a better day than the last..


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 08:32

zao an...muahaha...
in the end fell asleep for about, 1 hour? hoho. now eating my tom yam cup noodles. haha hope weiqi enjoy ya breakfast! hahaha...

have a nice day yo people, TGIF! muahahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 08:33

Hello good morning weiqi. I am midnight owl too just that i need to sleep early ytd. Take care in school woh! Enjoy ur breakfast. Me going to have breakfast soon. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 09:27

wah... u all chat thru d nite.... power...

aiya, tmr got dnd so cant go... jia you for d performance! i'll look out for any pics/ video taken.

it's friday!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 13:46

it's fridayyy~~
have a great weekend peeps!
jia you for tml! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 15:52

say me a bad girl..
slacking at work at SPH typing this comment here. tsk..=P

anyway weiqi ar.. ( 3rd time saying this) JIAYOU lor..:) guess like wad others say.. stay postive lor. heh heh..=) anyway tough times is gg to be over soon right. so stay preservance for now yo.. i knw u sure can do it de la.. =X

okay.. off i go ! or else.. knife gg to chop my head..LOLS.=X

take care la! heh


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 16:58

fm Ba Gua ..

"MLB will be at year end Countdown Part at ViVo City (LIVE telecast on Ch 8)."


Blogger qIaNhUi | 31 October, 2008 19:07

Wow... Again Another NICE Pic There!

Yeah, Event Tmr!
Cya Guyz! & Lotsss Of JIAYO Worz!



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 21:54

wow! countdown! yeahyeahyeah!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 23:06

Thanks mei!

Yeah events 2moro loh! U guys jia you woh!

I not sure whether i going down 2moro or not. See how. But i hope i can go down there and support u guys. Tired ah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2008 23:55

nic, sam, weiqi!
JIAYOU for tomorrow. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 00:09

zombie owl sounds..scary..

so glad tis wk's over..but i mus be e suayness person on earth..chiong all e assignment alr den prof give extension.. -.-"

gg to slp like now..only had 5 hrs of slp e past 2 days..always floating arnd in sch.. -.- zzz..

guys jiayou for tml k! rock vivo! rock vivo! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 00:11

woot~ really? another countdown party with em'? Thanks mei.. =]
love it... been waiting very long.. yoohoo.. i love to party!!!!
argh~ sho happy =] Geee

heee (n_n) clapping hands
jiayou for tml, Bing bings..


Blogger ellekay :] | 01 November, 2008 00:32

have fun tomorrow people!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 03:09

weiqi & allthe night owls,
everyone must jia you ok?

Me too, have to jia-you in looking for a new job.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 08:38

juz cutious...
did u guys take pic with Yoga n Jade...


Blogger Sam Wong | 04 November, 2008 14:00

Halo Lorita.
I think we only taken group pictures with them, no individual ones..


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