Hi all,
We've got some tickets available for OKTO Live Recording coming up on Tuesday!
Date: 30th Dec 2008, Tuesday
Time: 830pm
Venue: Mediacorp Studios
*Recording supposedly starts at 830pm, but do note that you have to arrive earlier to enter the studio. I've yet to receive the tickets, so I'm not exactly sure of the timing. Will update you guys again in your confirmation email/SMS.
Kindly note the following:
-Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.
-Successful requests will be notified via email & SMS.
-We regret that only successful requests will be informed.
*Confirmation SMS & email will be sent by Monday midnight, so be sure to check your email then and revert ASAP. (As time is tight this time, will be sending an SMS as well, do revert by either way when you guys receive the info.)
To request for the tickets, please send an email to milubing.fc@gmail.com with the following details, by 8pm on 29th Dec (Monday).
Subject: OKTO Live Tickets
Full Name:
Contact No.:
No. of tickets:
Any queries can be posted here or directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com.
We'll try to reply ASAP.

taken from Little Bites of Point
Why the Venus Project must destroy humanity to create a perfect world for humans
Dollars are money, but money is not dollars. Gold is money, but money is not gold. How do I explain these apparent contradictions? Simple, there is a one-to-many relationship between money and things we use for money. Referring to dollars as a form of money is technically accurate, but referring to money as dollars is not sufficient to describe all the properties of money — it limits the definition to dollars. Money is anything we use to trade for what we want. It's a store of purchasing power. It's something people either want, or will accept, in exchange for their property or labor. Sometimes money is a physical object, sometimes not. Not all forms of money are equal.
People will always assign different values to different things. People will always be willing trade things they want less for things they want more. Unless people have nothing, they will always be willing to trade something they possess for something they don't. The price is not a numeric figure glued to a box, it's the difference in the perception of utility between that item and what you are prepared to sacrifice. The price is not measured in dollars, it's measured in desires, and it's different for everyone. Therefore, as long as people desire things they don't have, they will be willing to trade to acquire them. It doesn't matter what they are trading, all that matters is they are willing to sacrifice some object, or offer some service, to gain something they perceived was lacking. It doesn't even matter if their assessment is accurate or logical. It doesn't matter whether the item will yield any benefit or advantage whatsoever.
Human desire is limitless. Econometrics is a failing science because human desire can not be modeled, it is not rational. Producing an abundance of anything will create demand for anything else. Our desires are governed by our biology and our perceptions of utility, both of which are variable, non-quantifiable and often wildly out of touch with reality. If you deny this fact, then you deny humanity because you reject what differentiates us from our creations. We are flawed creatures, not machines. You can not quantify how much you like things in any consistent way. If you asked me to choose between an apple and an orange, I may choose the apple. If you then asked me to choose between an orange and a banana, I may choose the orange. If you then asked me to choose between an apple and a banana, would you call me a liar if I chose the banana? No, you would call me human. Repeat the same experiment tomorrow and it may turn out completely different.
If somebody were to ask whether you are completely satisfied with life, either you are, or you are not. If you are, you're not human. If you're not and somebody then asks you to list everything you want in life in order to be completely satisfied, either you will prepare a list or you won't. If you have no list there is no way any person or system can satisfy your desires because they would have no idea what to do. If you have a list, find out how many of those items are material and how many are not. If they are all material, you're either an idiot (because you didn't understand the question) or a liar. There is no person with a perfectly balanced existence (health, love, family, emotions, interests, friends, challenges, victories, safety, comfort, hope, skepticism, curiosity, memories, optimism, excitement, etc) because there is no definition of a perfect balance. Your own perceptions of balance are variable and non-quantifiable. What is perfect in the current moment will be imperfect in the next, what is perfect today will be imperfect tomorrow. The interminable and unpredictable fluctuations of our imbalances and imperfections continually create and destroy desires until the day we die.
Experience with these imbalances and fluctuations throughout life and events are what define personality, goals, dreams and desires. There is no way any person or system can satisfy you completely without taking away these flaws that make you human. Thus, you will always be lacking something. It is immaterial whether it's real or just perceived, whether it's persistent or transient, whether it's acknowledged or subconscious. You will be willing to trade, you will offer money, for a price.
We are not machines.

Wa.. $81000 lei. Can i be her friend?
Today brought back memories. Walking into the theatre's holding room on a Saturday evening. Seated in there, waiting for the show to begin. Watching Das and Kym host. Enjoying YiQing and RongMing's company. Little chats with former-fellow-judge Mary. Meeting the backstage technicians and production crew whom you may not see but are all crucial in the show's success. A fulfilling supper, is dinner for me after the show. A routine those days. Memories. I remember.
We 3 had a good time today. I think you all who came did too. Which makes us happier. =)
No Monday blues, Christmas is here!
weiqi :
Hey all, thanks to those who came down today k? made the place so re nao... and thanks for all the greeting cards and pressies, really appreciate it. To those who couldn't come, dun worry, we can still meet ya? okto and countdown coming soon! Thanks for the positive comments regarding the design ya? FYI, the black tees are only for contestants and the white ones can be won thru competitions. Take care peeps! hope u all have a great christmas ahead!!!
I have no smiley coz i aint noe the html coding shaitz..er..
but anyway... 81K? we need that cash manz... ccan open mlb clubhouse.. got cafe... pool table and POOL with jacuzzi already.. within that facilities got jamming studio... recording studio... 48"... erm.. make it 84" LCD TV with PS3.. Wii.. and x box 3... LAN shop with 34" LCDs to chill out... KTv rooms inside with only MLB mvs (sad till now onli 2, so gotta wait la).. MLB cafe only selling milo? sure cannot make it dao bi.. maybe sell some kopi peng to boost sales. jokes. Can do alot with that amt of money... PLEASE spend it wisely if YOU THE WINNER ARE READING THIS. That money is like a lifetime saving man... even my dad aint got that kinda cash.. i rather participate shoot some darts then waving my hand on air.. darts mad of gold in that show aye?.. haha... kidding.. anyway.. we had a great time.. and a great shock. hope u all had too!
I'm guessing if there's anything u wanna pass to us better to pass us directly, so we know who u are, and not so luan ba, but i emphasise again, dun waste $ on us, most of u students, even if not student, we also feel that if u support us we are more than happy enough le.. just like today, seeing the bunch of u there, made us feel at home!
WoW! finally get to see my design printed on a tee!!! here's a pic of my 2 tees!

:D as well as an image of the design.

spent quite some nites(and days) on this thingy, but I guess after today's response, it's worth it. Been a while since I touched my vis comm stuff, so I'm glad I did it, was quite satisfying :) Whassup with me man...today i stone half way, damn it sia.. back stage still talk ok ok, but then once mic pass to me then i suddenly...old sickness.. and those hor, who say i blur hor, this recording january then bo la.. haha... OEI... quick say sorry ya? Hmph...
haha.. kiddin la..
Ip Man... wow... tsk tsk... did u watch huo yan jia? hmmm.. this one might just beat it man... Especially Ip man's son... so cute man... watch out for the part where he rides a little bicycle... serious, it's a good movie. I'd only like to make a suggestion for an addition to the ending, i wish they showed a young boy with thick hair wearing shades, kneel down in front of Ip Man, and say," pls take me as your disciple, WA DA!!!" wow that would make my day... goodnite...goodnite to the crappy me... :p tmr long long day ahead!!!
the back :)


We've got some tickets up for grabs for the Campus Superstar 2009 Pre-Show Concert coming up next week!
Date: 16th Dec 2008, Tuesday
Time: 1:30pm
Venue: Mediacorp Studios
Kindly note the following:-Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.-Priority will be given to supporters with the MLB tee. [indicate in ur email, and you MUST wear it on that day]-Second priority will be given to supporters who have sent in their particulars to milubing.fc@gmail.com before today (11 Dec 2008)-Each person can request for ONE ticket.-Successful requests will be notified via email.-We regret that only successful requests will be informed.
*Confirmation email will be sent by Sunday midnight, so be sure to check your email then and revert ASAP.
To request for the tickets, please send an email to milubing.fc@gmail.com with the following details, by 12pm on 14th Dec (Sunday).
Subject: CSS Recording Tickets
Full Name:
Contact No.:
MLB tee: Yes/No
Any queries can be posted here or directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com.
We'll try to reply ASAP.

Helooo!!! After sounding like a caveman and us struggling on stage to hear ourselves... we're here to type some stuff yea..Been a long day.. our pick up time was like before the sunrise... anyways.. shall just speak for myself here since this is slot's been aloted for me *winkz*
Been away from stages for bout a mth now.. feels alil foreign.. its like lost my faith... kinda miss mdc.. the days whereby i get to practice ever so often.. like it anot.. sing and perform.. smile on stage no matter what happens.. the show must go on.. all this making mdcians ever so stage ready. Shan't elaborate our issues on stage today.. haha.. wei qi above elaborated le la hor... haha.. if not read 2 times oso sian rite?? keke...
I miss the stage.. realli so much.. today i just sang (a lil zhao sia forgive me la hor.. reverb was gao gao.. cant hear myself on stage somemore).. BUT.. i felt i let myself and the band down.. i did not "perform". Oh well.. good days and bad.. today was heng heng ok only haha...
BUT GREAT!!! after spending much money... (3 of us added together almost 2k).. so much sleepless nights researching.. 2 days NON-STOP fixing up the rig.. you see us with an improved rig! setup time 5 min.. tear down 5 min.. BUT SUEH SUEH TODAY guitar duno why no sound la.. sobs...BUT we seasoned le.. calm on stage le ba.. paiseh gota wait for us to start.. but the waiting will soon be over once we finalised everything.
SHOCKER FOR You guys :) what ya saw on stage.
soundcard - 1.2K
mixer - 165
macbook (zhenged) - 3k odd
guitar - 3k
guiatr pedal (guitar rig) - 800
big a** cool big screen WQ's com - 3k
cables and 2 boxes misc etc - 400
keyboard - 2k
stands 250
$13,815 was what you guys saw on stage. (mental sums, forgive the *probable errors my math suck haha)
we shant count my guitars, wei qi's big a** keyboard on stage, programs in our coms, sam's snare at hme.. TIME.
That's how much is put into the music, for us, for our loved ones, supporters (you guys), ....for passion.
It's all sweat blood stained money... thats why we're always broke. no joke. we're real people, not some star shining brightly, teeth glittering hollywoody stars... WE"RE BAND!!!! Curse of the musicians (pui... guitarist seems more cursed) But soon weiqi would be too as he goes digital fully.. (shaitz bro.. financial sunami befalling soon, hope the inflow's enought to sustain us! share share la hor...) One day maybe we'll be successful.. fully supported financially by sponsors and all who have faith in the band.. as all of you do :) have enough.. aint need to worry..
GAMBATE!!! we'll make it TOGETHER.
Thanks for coming guys... sorry to those we didnt have chance to take photos with.. were stuck at the front.. didnt mean to neglect anyone..
We'll meet soon.
(PS, read the letters, drank the drinks, loved the gift, super appreciative for the tissue. NEXT GIG YOU SEE ME BRING TOWEL)

Wa.. Nic revealed the accounts.. Yea its true, our pockets are kinda empty now but its ok. Don't worry people. We're happy guys and that's most important. With supporters like YOU moving along wth us. Steady le la.. The past week, we've been brisk-walking around the IT part of town. Run here, walk there. Raining also walk. Rain water get into my precious shoes also walk. Soak their slippers also walk. In search high and low for stuff we need to buy.. Damn tired, but its worth it. We gotta improve. As usual as usual though i don't wish say as usual, our performance part can't be perfect. Nevermind, we enjoyed the little interaction and photo-taking part. And i think i looked rather silly in most pictures. I was trying to smile (closed mouth smile becos you know la) at the same time controlling myself from laughing out when our steadymama was holding the fork.
Selamat Hari Raya!

it's finally december! to prepare ya guys for the up and coming... just gotten some info from Jasmin, MLB's manager about the upcoming events in december... :)
.7th Dec (Sun), 9am to 1pm - Tampines North CC Opening
.16th Dec (Tues), afternoon [2 hours btw 2-6pm] - Campus Superstar Opening Concert Recording
.20th Dec (Sat), 8pm - The Sheng Siong Show
.23rd Dec (Tues), 830pm - OKTO Live Recording
.31st Dec (Wed), 1030pm - Countdown at Vivo City
.31st Dec (Wed), 1030pm - Countdown at Boon Lay
*Date unconfirmed - On the Beat airs on tv
here's what we have so far... all mentioned events require ticket entry except OKTO recording, which it's still unconfirmed if there will be live audience, and also the Boon Lay Countdown (i suppose so... can anyone confirm?)
will let you guys know about the ticketing stuffs when the dates draw nearer.
also, some info about the OKTO recording, there'll be a live call-in segment where we can call in to ask the boys questions. anyone can call in, so do prepare questions to ask, if you guys have any... and the good news is that you guys can ask anything you want ya? [seriously, anything.] whatever you wanna know about MLB, raise ur questions during the show! :)
another thing, if you haven't already, please START VOTING for 世界麻烦借过一下! do note that you can cast one vote for each song, so do vote for both Cheng Shu and SJMFJGYX. help to vote SJMFJGYX up and sustain Cheng Shu on the chart! and ALSO, do send in dedications to support 三角行 and 黑 during xgjy yupp!
by the way, can i have a show of hands [via here OR email @ milubing.fc@gmail.com OR sms @ 82507407] the people who are planning to go for both countdown events on 31st dec? thanks!
will update again as soon as we get anymore info...
enjoy the holidays and have fun during the festive season! :D
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