
ICs :
milubing | 05 December, 2008 00:36

Hello all,

it's finally december! to prepare ya guys for the up and coming... just gotten some info from Jasmin, MLB's manager about the upcoming events in december... :)


.7th Dec (Sun), 9am to 1pm - Tampines North CC Opening

.16th Dec (Tues), afternoon [2 hours btw 2-6pm] - Campus Superstar Opening Concert Recording

.20th Dec (Sat), 8pm - The Sheng Siong Show

.23rd Dec (Tues), 830pm - OKTO Live Recording

.31st Dec (Wed), 1030pm - Countdown at Vivo City

.31st Dec (Wed), 1030pm - Countdown at Boon Lay

*Date unconfirmed - On the Beat airs on tv

here's what we have so far... all mentioned events require ticket entry except OKTO recording, which it's still unconfirmed if there will be live audience, and also the Boon Lay Countdown (i suppose so... can anyone confirm?)

will let you guys know about the ticketing stuffs when the dates draw nearer.

also, some info about the OKTO recording, there'll be a live call-in segment where we can call in to ask the boys questions. anyone can call in, so do prepare questions to ask, if you guys have any... and the good news is that you guys can ask anything you want ya? [seriously, anything.] whatever you wanna know about MLB, raise ur questions during the show! :)

another thing, if you haven't already, please START VOTING for 世界麻烦借过一下! do note that you can cast one vote for each song, so do vote for both Cheng Shu and SJMFJGYX. help to vote SJMFJGYX up and sustain Cheng Shu on the chart! and ALSO, do send in dedications to support 三角行 and 黑 during xgjy yupp!

by the way, can i have a show of hands [via here OR email @ milubing.fc@gmail.com OR sms @ 82507407] the people who are planning to go for both countdown events on 31st dec? thanks!

will update again as soon as we get anymore info...

enjoy the holidays and have fun during the festive season! :D

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Blogger Sam Wong | 05 December, 2008 01:13

Halo everyone on the blog.
Anyone around??
Take a deep breath................
We 3 have been busy man! Or is it men?
Yea, but i think its a good thing.. We're back in the business.. Now that we can find a little time to come together and JAM.. Not to mention relax together, haven't found time for that. As you all may know, we got quite a bit of stuff up and on, in this month. SO.. Do watch out? We'll make some noise, i hope its pleasant noise. Smile!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 01:16

hey sam..
thanks for posting (:
happy jamming! see ya guys really soon...

busy month up, takecare loads!


Blogger Sam Wong | 05 December, 2008 01:26

You're welcome MK. Thank you for the updates.
1am le.. Aiyo.. Time to wash up and go to bed.. Not forgetting to do my laundry. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 01:38

time to sleep soon too.. have an early night! (: goodnight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 02:11

i'm here i'm here~ hello hello~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 04:17

Hello. I am here too. Haha. Thanks for posting. Jia you and happy jamming! Take good care. =]


Blogger Pek Choo | 05 December, 2008 10:38


Thanks for the posting =)
加油&Happy Jamming...



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 12:00

sam, see ya on sun!

wah, u does ur own laundry... so gd boy...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 14:30

Erm, people the 'OKTO Live Recording' is at TV?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 14:44

OKTO is a new channel.
in order to be able to watch the programs of OKTO, you've gotta tune your tele set.

and as for the OKTO Live recording.
it's acty opened to live audience, meaning public can attend the show. however, not sure if the recording will still be in the usual threates not.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 16:53

Anyone knows what time will MLB go to Tampines this sunday. The event is 9am to 1pm, bit early for those who stay far away to reach there by 9am.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 17:19

i heard is 12pm? haha
woohoo my test gone case today. nvm i'm not the one alone died =X.
heehee off to work soon. bye bye~
milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 17:36

the guys will be performing abt noon time. those who cant reach there by 9am, can try to reach there latest by 11am to play safe ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 19:53

an eventful december~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 21:19

Yeah Haha my eyes would definitely be GLUED to the tv... hahaha

Let's enjoy these events! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 21:22

Oh by the way, I was laughing real hard when I saw nic's photo during zip line in iweekly. "FREEDOM~~~" haha

I LOVE ZIPLINE TOO, somehow felt like a bird during my camp =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2008 23:43

WeiQi, place the book inside your bag too please =)

seeya' this sunday.

Thankyou ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 00:16

thanks for ur update!!!
u ar so gdboy le...do our own laundry


Blogger Unknown | 06 December, 2008 14:43

Thank you ICs for all the updates! =)
yeah! ii am finally released from work, having a long break now! can enjoy the whole December to the fullest! heez.

to the MLB boyz, wad a busy month for you, so do take care k?! cya all real SOON! =D

Peeps, please do enjoy this holiday season! cheers~


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 16:02

Whee! busy line up this festive month. kept tinking u guys will be on the beat this week but saw the shorts for this wk, didnt see you guys yet. read the feature in iweekly, the zipline looks really fun, but the scary one w the net, i read and re-read the chinese words, still cant figure out how its supposed to be played leh. btw anyone here knows wats the difference b/w 乐队 and 乐团 or there's no diff?


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 16:05

Forgot my manners.... thank you ICs for taking the trouble to find out & share all the info on the events here :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 16:51

no problem (:

see all ya guys tomorrow! have fun at the event! :D

btw, do look out on the blog for more info coming up regarding the ticketing for various events. soon!



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 21:11

Those ppl 2moro going to tampines CC there enjoy urself. Hehe. Take more pics n videos woh!

Hope milubing enjoy it too.

Thanks IC for the updates. Will look out on the blog for more info. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 December, 2008 23:55

Have fun tomorrow~
Sadly,I can't be there..
Have something on..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 00:20

all the best for tml performance.

if possible can video down their performance? cos' i wont be ard in s'pore tml morning till thurs..thx

tc ! have a nice weekends


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 00:24


Why you won't be in S'pore from today till Thurs? You going for holidays?
Please take care & enjoy yourself then.
Bon-Voyage... See u soon! Bye..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 00:38

Uncle Phil,
yup..goin for holidays..to hk.

thx. c u soon too ! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 00:49



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 02:34

hey mlbians.. the 3 of us have been super busy, change of rig.. to make our performance set up and tear down time shorter as well as doing research to replace our faulty hardware(time to return it to it's rightful owner le). So we had to spend some hard-earned $, some to-be-earned $, run around s'pore to scout for the ingredients, drill some holes, sand some surfaces, spray some paint, glue some sponge, tighten some cable tie, stick some labels, screw some screws,install some software... busy busy... tsk tsk.. and I also got campus superstar stuff to settle! oh dear... but glad that our rig is more or less settled, tmr, or rather later, will be our first try with this improved rig.. hopefully no more "milubing ni men zhun bei hao le ma???" yup... let's do it peeps.. heh heh.. CX, the singtel book gone le, cos too long never claim so in a way overdue le ba, i also felt,it's been so long le,so mei yo yi shi le... too late now rite? :p
take care peeps, see ya all tmr!
those who can't go, no worries, mlb is busy in December!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 10:35

Today event at i can't go. Hope u all enjoy urself. If can pls record down their performance and take more pics and share with those who can't go today. Thanks alot.

ik enjoy urself at there.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 13:13


OKTO Live Recording postponed to 30th Dec!

those who were there today should more or less know who's handling the tics stuffs already, i suppose... will let ya guys know details when we've confirmed the no. of tics and such. check back here regularly yupp...



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 13:16

by the way, some info for those who weren't at the event today..

MLB brought us four songs; SJMFJGYX, Han, Hei & Cheng Shu.

have got one of the group photos mlbians took with the boys after the event, will post up after i load my photos in.



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 13:22

Thanks IC for telling. Hehe. Thanks for the group photos. Hope all of u enjoy urself at there. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 19:22

Ha! Today was great! Although still got some problems at the beginning, but nevermind! We won't mind waiting haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 19:32

hi all,
here's just a notice to say that we will not be entertaining any private requests for tickets... this is to be fair to everyone, so that everyone has an equal chance of getting the tickets. do look out on the blog for info about the tickets for the upcoming events, most probably you guys got to email in to request for your tickets. it's a procedure we have to follow, to be fair to all. no exceptions for anyone ya? hope ya guys understand. thanks alot!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 23:03

Ya, the performance by MLB today was great. So happy that MLB sang 4 songs for us. :)

Hope you guys will like the gifts I bought in Bali few months ago. Sorry for the delay, got no chance to pass it to you guys until today.

very sorry that your gift was not the right one (hope you know what I meant), cos I cannot find the right one. Hope you don't mind!

Btw, does anyone has the result for today's Yes933 Long Hu Bang? Wondering Cheng Shu is at what position & whether SJMFJGYX is already on the chart?

Happy holiday to MLB & MLBians, have fun & enjoy your day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2008 23:09

no, not overdue coz it's still '08, Qi.
please do not wait till 09 then pass back kaes.
bring it along with you to next event....
Thanks loads.
什么就什么, whatever you like. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 00:21

Yah IC i understand it. Thanks. If i am not wrong mlb song is dropped out the chart liao. Haiz. Jia you!

Take care. =]


Blogger qIaNhUi | 08 December, 2008 00:39

Today's 4songs' Performance Was Really COOL! =D
汗's 1st Time Performing Was Sooo NICE La :)
Thankz For The Grp Photos, Funny Lek U All ~

*JIAYO ! ! !


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 02:14

Hi WeiQi and for MLBians who have fwd the condol msg abt my late granny,
**Sincerely appreciate all your msgs. Sorry for the late reply.**

IC, Will con't to vote for these 2 songs.

I read Nic's msg in lostsoldiers blog. The start up path is usually not easy, jus see how the pioneer XinYao teams who also took >5yrs for them to be more recog by the locals.


btw, would the album with the MTV be out soon? Hope to get some pcs as Xmas presents & Gifts exchnge :)
Will thr be 2nd round autograph session?

(aiyooooo, this aunty so greedy
{!_!} )


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 02:14

Hi WeiQi and for MLBians who have fwd the condol msg abt my late granny,
**Sincerely appreciate all your msgs. Sorry for the late reply.**

IC, Will con't to vote for these 2 songs.

I read Nic's msg in lostsoldiers blog. The start up path is usually not easy, jus see how the pioneer XinYao teams who also took >5yrs for them to be more recog by the locals.


btw, would the album with the MTV be out soon? Hope to get some pcs as Xmas presents & Gifts exchnge :)
Will thr be 2nd round autograph session?

(aiyooooo, this aunty so greedy
{!_!} )