
Forest Adventure
milubing | 07 November, 2008 19:14


We did an interview with I-Weekly today, sure an enjoyable one. In t-shirt and shorts - the best outfit. Comfortable! Seated under the shelters of beautiful Bedok Reservoir. Sun, water, grass, wind. Shiok! Forest Adventure, interesting! How often you get to do this? For the 3 of us, almost never. =)

We'll update as soon as we know when it'll be featured.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 19:45

looks like you guys really enjoyed the interview. :D
Enjoy your weekend too!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 07 November, 2008 19:45

Wow... Wat A Place For The Interview, Cool!
Glad U Guyz Enjoyed... Have A Great Weekend Too!



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 19:51

Nice place for the interview huh. Haha. Glad that u guys enjoyed it. I never get to do this.

There is countdown cd that i saw it at music junction there track 7 mlb sing lu if i am not wrong. Hope u guys enjoy weekend too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 20:10

yeah, really sounds like an uber nice place for an interview. have a great weekend too you guys! :)


Blogger Rah | 07 November, 2008 20:45

sound so cool and shoick n comfortable lor.. :D IT GOOD in a while to spent sometime with just nature stuff.. hoho..=)

and u guys also enjoy ur weekends too yes! :D

take care guys!


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 07 November, 2008 21:28

yeah glad you all guys enjoyed it... hahas... Sure grab that copy of i-weekly once confirmed dates... hahas... Jiayo!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2008 22:04

Haha// never bring bikes to cycle?


Blogger Pek Choo | 07 November, 2008 22:54

You guys have been enjoying!!
We will wait patiently, to get a copy of i-weekly onced you guys have confirmed.

Take Care


Blogger Jean | 07 November, 2008 22:55

omg..u guys are so near yet so far from me..hahas!i studying at tp..if i know u all having interview over there..sure go over and see u guys..but nah..hahas..anyway looking forward to that interview soon~!=D..take care~!


Blogger Jenies | 08 November, 2008 00:03

this seems like the best interview ? at Bedok Reservior somemore


Blogger binz | 08 November, 2008 00:05

woah OMG did i see bedok reservoir? right opposite my house! but the funny thing in life is that though the bedok reservoir is right opposite my house, i haven't been there since it revamped to more than being only a reservoir.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 00:27

wad a place for interview!
shall look forward to the article.. =)
great weekends ppl!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 00:51

Wow, it is great that i-weekly did an interview with MLB.
Hope that not only the interview be features in the i-weekly. Most important is MLB's picture will be on the cover too. Have wrote in to i-weekly and request, but till now still never see it!
Let's pray hard and hope it do this time. Haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 00:58

cool.. so u guys went to play the forest adventure course? just read the website and it seems quite fun.. or jus there to do the interview? must have been fun to get some sun and fresh air out there..

have a nice weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 00:59

Yeah hope milubing will be on i weekly cover. Hehe. Thanks uncle phil for writing to i weekly there to request. Anyway hw's ur job finding? Market is bad difficult to find job.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 01:22

Thanks for your concerns, I have an interview appointment on Monday morning. Just have to jia-you ba.
Oh, I wrote quite some times back le! Hopefully they will still consider my request? Hehe...

Hope MLB & MLBians have a wonderful weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 01:56

It was really refreshing, to suddenly find myself in the tree tops, grabbing for ropes and utilizing muscles that have not been 'activated' since the last IPPT...been looking into computer screens for too long.. but right now, gotta go back into the virtual world.. take care peeps!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 02:10

so that shd be quite fun huh.. for monkeys lah.. monkeys love bananas ma =P good to get abit of exercise after sitting infront of the comp for so long ah, weiqi? maybe you'll get muscle aches by tomorrow.. =P

tkcare ya guys~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 02:34

Exercise is good for ur health. Hope u resting now or soon ok? Hehe. Take good care too. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 02:39

WQ, still chionging ah…jiayou! Bedok reservior! Never been dere before. Hee…so qiao was at bedok central tdy aft sundown in tee n shorts too. Last min thingy…too bad wrong time n place to catch u guys in action :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 03:38

yup, i think MK is rite, tmr most likely aching. i can't open my eyes now le.. sigh.. going to slp then..tmr continue bia-ing.. damn tired leh :p nitey..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 10:02

when you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot, hang on and swing! ...it's the little things that find the way to the hearts and stay...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 12:10

Good afternoon!

Weiqi cos u too tired le. Dun tired urself. Yah if u are tired u can do ur work 2moro de. Hope u have a nice sleep ytd. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 13:13

I saw super countdown 2009 cd out at music junction there track 7 mlb sing lu if i am not wrong. I will write it the song name that mlb sing if i noe it later. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 13:56

when is their Gai Ban coming out ??


Blogger -WHEY` | 08 November, 2008 14:39

haha! interview at bedok reservoir?? just behind tp! must be kinda warm right~ alright! waiting for next event :D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 14:41

'Countdown 2009' album features -

Theme Songs from current 9pm Local Drama Serial - ' By My Side 不凡的爱 ' ( by Joi Chua entitled ' My Family ' ) , Last Year End of Year Blockbuster Drama Serial - The Golden Path 黄金路 Theme Song ' 路 ' by Mi Lu Bing ' , Channel U first local Blockbuster Drama Serial of The Year - Perfect Cut 《一切完美》 Theme Song : 我知道我变漂亮了 by 石欣卉 Chew Sin Huey as well as Taste of Love 缘之烩 Theme Song ' 我是你的天空 ' by Ocean Au etc ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 14:59

Here's a short article of MLB in Nov-Dec Popular monthly magazine:



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 15:18

Yeah means that i am right de. Hehe. I thought i will write wrong song name that milubing will be singing on super countdown 2009 album. Anyway i will check it out at mj there again. =D

Thanks mei and anonymous. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 22:04

looks like u all really enjoy in this interesting interview rite?

sam jiayou
weiqi n nic also jiayou
everybody jiayou jiayou jiayou


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 12:10

wow, looks like a real fun outdoor interview. jz one tot, will you guys be featuring as cover story of i-weekly?? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 12:49

Weiqi, so you guys involved in the MDC chinese new year album?
any video shoot ?

Why till now 933 not yet play 'shi jie ma fun jie guo yi xia' ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 13:18

cheng shu has drop to rank no. 7 laa. =(

vote harder?!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 13:30

sad lo.. no concert !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 13:31

nods nods.
got to bring it back up! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 13:34

Sihui thanks for telling. Haiz. No mini concert liao. Got to vote hard! Jia you!

Hope all of u have a nice weekend. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 13:42

ik, why suddenly speak about the CNY album?! haha! Christmas has not come! =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 13:52

fm Andie Chen's blog, he mentioned he involved in the Chinese New year Album, and he take photo with nic, both in pink..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 13:58

Lol. I did mention that he did took pic with nic and i did wrote his blog at here b4.

Yah bangjun blog there he took pic with nic. He that day saw milubing ma. Haha. Also got yuan shuai from "you are the one".

Bangjun blog: http://bangjun.blogspot.com/


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 14:01

Awww... CHEN SHU Drop To #7 Le La =(

NVM, We'll vote more harder, harder, harder... Must win the other strong competitors ...
* Let's All JIAYO Together PPL! For Our Hope Of The Mini Concert! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 14:27

ik, haha! icic! =p thankie for sharing!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 16:52

Some qns to be answered..
We are doing 2 countdown events, one under MDC and the other at boonlay.
ShiHui, nope, it's not a cover story haha.. not so in demand for covers as of yet haha..
ik, yup We're involved, but very gao xiao cos i'm not in the MV haha, cos i had lessons that day.
Chen Shu no.7 but we're thankful that it went really close to no.1 ya? haha muz be positive, and be thankful for what we have, and work hard to achieve those that we lack. Have faith Mlbians..
Take care u all, going to meet sam n nic now for another photoshoot, then ZIP back here to do my work again..sigh..last nite slept at 6am HAHA..actually that's this morning. My bioclock is a bit xiao le haha.. anyways, hope later will be a stress relief.. :0
p.s. any other questions that i missed out??


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 17:48

Ok. Thanks weiqi for the updates. Hehe. Then hope next time u guys will be featuring as cover story of i weekly. Haha. Yeah then going to look out for the Mdc cny album when it is out.

Yah just continue 2 jia you in voting hard. I hope cheng shu will be 1st. Hope u all enjoy it. Hehe. I am sure later u will update us later de. Thanks in advance. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 18:03

thx weiqi. so let us hope tt one day mlb will be the 主角 of i-weekly bahz. =)
and thx for the info for the cny album! so we are gonna be anticipated for tt then! yeah!!!

have a nice sunday evening, ppl!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 19:08

thankie for the updates weiqi. hahas. hopefully able to attend the countdown thing event and plus other events tt is coming up soon(:

weiqi ar. take care ar! busy pia-ing but must rest well kaes(: understood why staring long hrs at com screen can make one so tiring..



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 20:02

yes, it has dropped! =(
jia you jia you ppl!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 20:46

hey weiqi,
so the two countdown events are confirmed? if they are then we'll start looking into stuffs. was thinking of booking a mini bus/van to chiong everyone down to boonlay with ya guys.. and btw, will there be ways to get the channel 8 countdown tics?


Blogger meikian | 09 November, 2008 21:06

weiqi, pegg wants to check with you if the Tamp CC that you've referring to for the opening is Tampines North CC to be precise and it's actually an open house instead?

thanks for answering~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 22:22

O.. was very sad when I heard from my hp radio that Cheng Shu dropped to #7 today.
As of today, Cheng Shu had been on the chart for 7 weeks le, and had accumulated 75pts.
Let's continue to vote harder and bring it back to Top. Let's try our very Best.

As for the 7th Dec event, I saw a banner at Tampines yesterday & today, it is indeed at Tampines North CC for their open house.

Oh.. I also feel weird if the MV is without weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2008 23:20

thx weiqi.

I oso suggest continue to vote since SJMFJGYX nt play on 933 yet..so lets make cheng shu stay on the chart as long as possible..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 00:23

WEIQI - Thankz For The Updates...

U Guyz JIAYO!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 01:25

support to ik.
yeah! lets keep cheng shou has the longest support song on the chart also.

actually i voted SJMFJGYX also, think too little vote le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 01:25

support to ik.
yeah! lets keep cheng shou has the longest support song on the chart also.

actually i voted SJMFJGYX also, think too little vote le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 01:57

Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
It is another start of a new week, hope everyone has a great week ahead. Jia-you in watever you are doing. :)

Yea, don't let Cheng Shu drop out from the chart. Let's continue to vote harder & bring it back to at least top 5 and keep it in the chart for as long as possible. Hopefully another 10 to 15weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 04:27

haha cheng shu jiayou (:


Blogger -WHEY` | 10 November, 2008 04:55


although cheng shu ranking dropped on the chart, but still we'll all try our best to bring it up again alright! anyway, i just got my friends to fill in some coupons.. should be sending in tmr or tues :D

lets jiayo together!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 05:02

Good morning everyone!

Let's continue to vote hard for cheng shu. Jia you! Hehe. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 12:19

Just my opinion, usually songs that drop in rank won't move back up. And its great that cheng shu has been around for a good time. So why not start voting harder for the other songs?


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 12:26

saw another ex-zaobao's review of "San Jing Xing" album:



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 13:15

reason for not voting other songs in the album rather than cheng shu and shijie first is cux these 2 songs are the main hits.

thus, only until shijie starts to air on 933 or the music company decides to vote shijie up the chart, we will then vote for shijie together with cheng shu.

there're still incidents whereby songs that dropped rank can be rebound, but it all depends on our votes and other factors.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 13:17

that's where you're wrong. there's experience that even songs that have already fallen out of chart are able to make it back into the chart the following week. so why not for songs that are still on the chart, and within top ten? never count your chickens before they're hatched...

and anyway, SJMFJGYX has not started playing on 933, so we can't vote it up yet.

keep it up people, let cheng shu stay on the chart as long as possible...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 13:26

can actually. there are cases where the never aired de song got voted up on long hu bang then they will start airing.

paiseh for not appearing over here or publicity blog for days ah. busy busy. now sick also.

thanks for the update. milubing jia you!! haha



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 14:30

din get to hear long hu bang ytd but juz saw d results of d chart on 933 website.

too many stong competitors on d chart liao, so it'll b a tough fight to push mlb's song up. last wk wanted to send coupons but i keep forgetting so end up din vote. =p

i shall keep to sms ba. else really difficult to get myself to send d coupons.

quizzy_me, hope u r ok liao... take care.

wq, ur bio-clock really up-side-dwn... alws sleep at 3+/ 4+ am... pls take care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 15:36

Let's continue to vote harder for Cheng Shu, don't be dichearted just becos it dropped a little and gonna give up. Even if it really doesn't move up the chart, at least we still can keep it in the chart for as long as possible lor!
And for those with voting coupons, please try to cast your votes by sending out the coupons. Cos the percentage count for using coupons are higher (70% if I not wrong).

Let's continue to jia-you and vote for Cheng Shu, ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 16:09

i disagree..
i believe even if the song just drop. doesn't mean it will drop down and it wun rise up again(:

i am sure tt mlbians will do their best to vote hard for chengshu.. u sounded the way trying to pull down the faith of this song huh? i dunno. to me it sounded like tt la. no offense k..=X just say out my point ya.. :) though i am glad tt chengshu has such wonderful result but i myself trying nt to lose faith in tt song (: though to me is quite contented that their songs able to get through to no 4 :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 16:47

Yes lets vote harder!
I dont believe that cheng shu wont move up.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 16:59

Let's vote harder for next week!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 17:46

Nic Nic Nic Nic Nic Nic Nic Nic
miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u miss u


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 21:36


hi all, we need YOUR HELP to try and sustain Cheng Shu within TOP 10 on Yes 933 LongHuBang for the next couple of weeks. If possible, please vote as much as you can and push the song up further. do remember that the longhubang results will go towards the results for Singapore Hit Awards at the end of 2009. If you guys wish to see MLB nominated for more awards, please do help and VOTE!

Also, info just in that SJMFJGYX will most probably start playing on 933 by this week, so hopefully we can start voting by next week. If i'm not wrong, we can vote both songs at the same time, one vote for each song. [correct me if i'm wrong] regular listeners of 933, please do us a favour and let everyone know here if SJMFJGYX has started playing, so that we can all start voting for it when the time comes.

Lastly, i'm sure everyone wishes to see MLB being featured on a magazine cover story. We need more response from supporters to let the magazine editors know what we want, so please do write in to the magazines to request for MLB cover stories okay? Magazines include Teens, Teenage, LIME, I-Weekly, U-Weekly etc. Be creative!

All the above requires YOUR HELP! MLB has done their best in their music, and now it's our turn to help and give them the publicity and recognition they deserve.

Thank you for your attention!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 22:09

Anonymous u are wrong. I am sure we will do our best to vote hard for cheng shu de. =)

Ok noted. Thanks. So lets jia you in voting hard for cheng shu first. If SJMFJGYX is play on yes 933 then we can start voting le. Hehe. So JIA YOU!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2008 22:16

ok, i just sms for cheng shu.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 05:59

whats with the "miss u" comment



ord loh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 15:08

got people miss you not good meh, still diaoz. LOL. :p