
Thought of the Day
milubing | 01 November, 2008 04:43


My Dad once told me..

"Son... Your wife is never your wife till the day you enter the coffin."

Vice versa for the gender.

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Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 09:05

Jia you MLB!!!!!lOVE YR new album SONGS!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 09:08

Nic,Sam and Wei qi......Do tc of yrself too!!!!!!hope to heard more of yr songs real soon....


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 09:19

hello nic...interesting words from uncle...
but why? haha =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 09:40

She’s ur missing rib; u found her only when u reach ur coffin She’ll be stuck by u thru Thick and Thin Sickness and Health Joy and Misery Rich and Meager Strength and Weakness Youth and Aged Beauty and Ugliness Fragrance and Stench till all go down to Ashes Worth it


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 09:52

wah level-head, you can actually give an explanation. hmm.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 09:54

thanks for explaining =)...

then in the future I shan't be just finding husband, i shall find my MISSING RIB at the same time? muahaha...awwww, how i wish...haha awwww...


Blogger -WHEY` | 01 November, 2008 09:57

whoa.. level-headed can actually give a explaination.. interesting there.. it makes sense :)


Blogger ellekay :] | 01 November, 2008 10:30


although im still "on my way" to be enlightened,
i find this statement really amazing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 13:29

Interesting. Thanks. Haha.

MLB jia you for later at vivo city there. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 14:35

Maintaining a relationship is never an easy thing to do.
A marriage can only be considered successful if it lasted till the day you die.
Nice words from nic's dad. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 14:36

And jiayou MLB for the performance later. Will be going to support :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 14:54

woah, level head, thanks for the explanation!
quite true though.. =)
all the best later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 21:18

omg weiqi u know during halloween throughout my whole song, cant hear my keyboard at all?!? O_O whats with the sound systemmmmmm /:



like that also good, i play wrongly no one can hear. HAHA!

anyways hope mlb's perf today was a great one. cant be there i mugging art hist x_x


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 22:14

woHooo..cum back from mlb performance today..ermm....today weiqi and nic was late about.....nearly 1/2 hr...actually the event was to end at 7.30pm...but they 2 cum around 7.30pm due to something make them delay :) Actually before that they got come to check their equipment etc...

But due to this delay, is great! cuz can hear Sam sing solo wohz..he sang 3 songs today..great songs :D...so happy...**applause**

And when the 2 guys came, they were quite anxious to install their equipments as everyone was staring at them...till..no 1 of the crew cum to help them...so sad :S...

After a good 10 mins, they started to sing...sing total 3 songs wohz....and end 1/2 and hr later yeah ! got 1 funny thing is..nic using his mic to tell weiqi remember to sing ...and i heard ppl laff...hahaz....but i think some of the ppl around din hear it wohz ..lolx..

Anyway, i enjoy the performance..it was great !! awaiting for the next gig :D


Blogger -WHEY` | 01 November, 2008 23:18


sam must have been really stunned for singing the 2 impromptu songs.. and u looked really stunned..

nic was really funny.. still remind weiqi to sing his part.. LOL! today was still very high though there wasn't much people there (:

weiqi looks rather tired with the eye bags.. hmm.. take care eh~~ and whats with the OT? haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 23:20

So sad I couldn't be there..
I am sure you guys did great..


Blogger binz | 01 November, 2008 23:41

today was a great one! so full of unexpected, surprises, excitment and laughter(:

yea sam ur that milu and stunn face when asked to sing more was like so ultimate. but still u did great!

nic today keep wan to disturb weiqi hur.. first is to remind him to sing his suo then after that in between the song still bu xiao xin the electric guit haven change the thingy then u strum and make weiqi stun. haha.

weiqi, the bowtie was cute! haha i thought only old people or those professor ppl will wear bowtie. and lol yea wads with OT! tong xiao-ing not slping again hur? and tsk tsk tsk the other 2 milos bully you ah to go get the equipment.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2008 23:46

Today performance was great!

Yeah sam sang 3 song today! Happy! Good just that u are nervous as u are alone singing? Haha. But i can see that u are not nervous when u sang eason song. =)

Yah loh none of the crew help them to set up the equipments. Sad lah.

Nic still remind weiqi to sing along. Hehe. Thanks. =D

Weiqi u look blur just now but i noe that u are tired thats y. Is ok. Sleep early!

Take good care n jia you guys!


Blogger huishan | 02 November, 2008 01:13

ermmm. hello..
jia you everything...
singapore singer must very work hard...=)
jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 03:39

this is v cheem leh. son cheem, dad oso cheem. can get ure dad to explain wat he means or not?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 21:02

hmm... tat's interesting...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2008 22:08

im really looking 4ward to hear sam's singing solo =)
but i missed all the chance =(((