
Murphy's Law Owned the day
milubing | 01 November, 2008 23:53


Yea we're tired le..

Thank you for coming down today and staying through..

Another amazing day. More after the jump...

Yesterday night.. Nic went to 2 different locations' ATM - both NO CASH

Nic morn woke up late. Half hr late.

Went to find ATM again.. no cash still.

So gotta wait for a cob with NETS.

2pm supposed meet the WQ and Sam, in the end 2.30 met.

Pick up time was 3.30.

So 1 hr left to setup and test run our entire RIG.

Borrowed 10 bucks from WQ to eat and buy kopi.

Guitar's M-Audio sound card couldn't detect Nic's guitar signal - no guitar, no

Troubleshoot but to no avail.

Time check 3.15.

WQ face turned blue(plus little sleep and school crunch time).

Sam duno what to do. Wanted go home to take his same model sound card.

But could be software issue or Windows issue,

WQ tried to download the drivers to reinstall, but already up to date.

Nic went into escapism - dun want to do the gig le. Haha..

Nic came up with an idea.

Bypassed sound card direct into Guitar rig pedal.

Pick up to VIVO.

Sam had church commitments.

WQ and Nic arrived at VIVO

Soundcheck a silent soundless one. (and the most ‘polite’ sound man we ever met)

Check line. No balancing of volume of individual instruments.

No testing of mics.

Soundcheck overan by 45 min - sound ppl couldn't be bothered with us as we were an extra nuisance and trouble to them (Last min planned performance)

Late for makeup and hair at Icon ‘by Shunji Matsuo’. Late by 40 min.

After this supposed to pick up Sam.

Our bus was late.

Supposed to be at VIVO at 6.45.

Sam to take cab down straight.

Nic & WQ strip tease in the van.

Sam reached VIVO.

WQ & Nic Stuck in a jam at keppel.

Sam to do interviews and sing 3 songs(impromptu) to drag time.

Meanwhile WeiQi and Nic in bus guessing what song Sam is singing..

“Tian shi juan lian??? Or ShiYing? Or or.. maybe? Etc.. LOL...” and the bus is stationary due to traffic.

Time check 7.10.

WQ and Nic (and our dear and strong Veron) alighted the bus took a 10 min brisk walk/run into VIVO.

Sam relieved to see 2 bros arrive.

Setup up equipment.

WQ restart com 2 times - because soundcard "never makan the mac"

At one point of time Nic said “ WeiQi rmbr to sing hor”

The joke is, WeiQi was stoning...and he would have really forgotten to sing if not for Nic’s sentence.

Oh boy... happening day.

But hey, you all enjoyed the performance right? :p

Got photos once again... but WeiQi ah WeiQi... when u posting? Haha.. kiddin.

Mlbians came down even though last minute... steady la...

After gig, Nic got urgent family matters, had to run.

Samboy and AhQi go eat dinner le.

Unforgettable night for Nic.

Unforgettable night for Sam.

Unforgettable night for WeiQi.

Good experience ba. Haha.


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Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:11

have a good rest alrights. (:
take care.


Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 00:14

haha which cute person posted this empty post? too tired out then haven type in content then hit the publish button liao... 早一点睡吧!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:16

ii tot it was my connection prob, so this is still an empty post?! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:16



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:18

Lol. I want to post just now de then i see empty at here. I think 1of them is tired so never post later then post or what loh. Haha.

Rest early woh! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:22

total 6 songs during the whole performances! like a mini MLB concert!

Sam, dun worry, you did a good job! ;)
weiqi and nic, hope nutin got you affected ur mood to perform. cos overall was a nice one! =)

3 cheers to mlb! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:26

Happy Birthday, Kangqi! ^_^



Blogger -WHEY` | 02 November, 2008 00:28

hmm.. empty post? cute.. haha.. anyways~ really enjoyed just now :D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 November, 2008 00:28

Nice Evening Spent, Enjoyed ALL The Performances ~
& Thankz Guyz For The Photosss...
Had Enough Rest k, Take Care!



Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 00:28

haha yea today really 赚到!at first tht sam at most sing 1 song then woah end up 3. then at first tht will stop at SJMFJGYX then whooh shuang dao when got hei. happy one(: and the crowd increased in size quite greatly from when cheng shu was sang to when hei was sang. mlb power lah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:30

wah..empty post..super ah !...

Ya lo,cuz vivo city bIG enough to hear the 3 guys sing mah...and the song so nice ....and i want to complain ah...the stage is damm small...how to perform ? also cannot jump....haix.......but saw u gals jumping like crazy lolx...


Blogger -WHEY` | 02 November, 2008 00:33

wah.. me, qianhui and binz same time post.. telepathy! hahaha! anyways, i forgot to thank MLB for the group pics :D

take care and rest early alrights :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:34

Thanks for all the photos. =)
Enjoyed the performance just now. Cool lah.

Yah the stage at there is small loh. Hmm imm or other place is better. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:35

The previous comment is from me. Paiseh. Sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:36

oh no...
i accidentally see the wrong date so nvr go down for the event..:( sigh@!!! guess this few days i had been so blur n more blur. argh. plus having so much silly problem..
hope u guys did enjoy the performance. really sorry couldn't be there due to my blurness..=/

take care guys! and rest well yea..heh..


Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 00:39

haha -whey so qiao arh we 3.. haha.

haha yes must thank the guys for bringing such great performance today and for all the photos(: seems like you all got a bit giddy when we had the mad rush for photo taking after the performance.

yea small stage but got another kind of feel leh. got the very cosy feeling, all squeezing tgt. aha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 00:59

whoa, seems like it's really been a long day for the three of you eh. lots of hiccups. but well, it's over! & you boys gave your best performance possible already yeah. SMILE.

& rest well! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:03

No problem. Thanks for explaining why both guys was late. Haha. Yeah unforgettable night for me too. Hehe. Hope mlb enjoy urself. Yah we enjoyed the performance. =)

Good night & rest well. =D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 November, 2008 01:07

Wow A Looong Entry Of The Happenings ... HaHax Today Xin Ku U Guyz Le!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:08

wah! 6 x songs! mini concert!

too bad cldnt make it in time, when i finished my work already 5pm+, n cant rush home in time to get the kid :(

hopefully thr wld b a mini concert at a campus in the near future... 1st & 2nd albums songs, yeah? yeah!

how come the VIVO staff so bad de, home grown band shd support mah...


Blogger -WHEY` | 02 November, 2008 01:22

WOW! it seems to be a really busy day! we didn't know there were so many hiccups! nevertheless, the performance was GREAT! :D

though the songs that sam sang was kind of impromptu, it sounded great and seems as if it was kind of well rehearsed.. heh.. :)

you guys must be tired inside out! please take care and sleep early alright! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:23

Thanks for the long entry post of what happened yesterday night.

Haha. Jenny dun wonder i never saw u at vivo city there. Hmm if u never rush home to get ur kid to go there maybe u can get to see them preform?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:53

Yeah yeah thanks for all the pics. Hehe. Nice! Haha. Sam dun noe what to said? Lol. Cute pics too. =)

Sam sang 无形的翅膀, 愛相隨 & 全世界失眠. Nice lah! =]

Mlb sang cheng shu, shi jie ma fan jie guo yi xia, hei. Nice! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:55

do hmwk loh.. shihui thanks for the gummies.. left half bottle le.. heh heh.. singyin, your chocolate in the freezer cos melted just now :p

LK and Pek Choo,jus read you SHA letter,sigh..now then i read, paiseh. thanks for the jiayos!thanks to everyone for the past nites of jiayos too!

MK hope after you read this long post you'll understand why our faces were like that haha.. Mlbians who were there during sound check, hope u all understand.. nic and I had thunder clouds above our heads when doing the check.. 'best' sound check of my life so far... they broke record in my books...

okok, time to do my werk.. see ya peeps!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:56

wah weiqi so efficient! please get some sleep okay! nowwww!

im sleeping! nights!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 November, 2008 01:56


JIAYO For Ur Work ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:59

Oh ur OT is homework. Hey weiqi sleep now ok?? 2moro then do ur homework. Poor guy need to take the instrument urself while the both of them inside the van.

So bad huh they bully u. Jia you! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 01:59

thanks for editing the post & putting up the pictures! jiayou for your work. (:



Blogger -WHEY` | 02 November, 2008 02:01

weiqi so efficient! :D

though it wasn't a good experience today, its over alr! :D

thank weiqi for taking his time off to edit the pics and post them up despite your work :D thanks a million :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 02:01

good nite to those sleepin! good mornin to the OWLS!!!woo hoo..anyways, wanna clear some misunderstandings.. not that no one came to help us set up, but that no one know how to set up our equipment haha...cos different from other artiste, who use CD or more st forward setup. And my bros never bully me, cos we were supposed to leave le, then Jasmin called to ask us to go back, but Nic got urgent matters to handle, and Sam deserve to rest le cos he held the fort for 3songs my dear friends.. So i decided i 1 person enough le la, still got 2 strong men to help me at the stage and strong VERON and JASMIN.. haha.. yup yup...


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 November, 2008 02:04

HaHax... Ok We Noe~
Tiring Day For U Le, Rest Early Ba, Dun OT Until Too Late Hor, If Not Really Like Zombie Liaoz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 02:06

Good morning to u too. Lol. Oh ok. Understand. At least got veronm,jasmin n 2 men at the stage to help u. If not we want to help u take de. Hehe. Thanks for uploading the pics at here while u was busy with ur work. =)

I wrote what they sang at vivo city there is cos for those who never attend the event at vivo yesterday to let them noe what u guys had sang.


Blogger -WHEY` | 02 November, 2008 02:13

yep! we all understand~ haha..

i'd better say good night to weiqi~ please sleep early.. aiyo.. always stay up till so late.. take care :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 02:20

whoa, sounds like an 'interesting' day to MLB.
couldn't make it today.
i guess i missed out alot. )))))):
anyway, glad that it's fine in the end.
big JIAYOU to u guys! [[[:


Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 02:33

i got only 1 word to describe the day you all had: ULTIMATE. so many hiccups and roller coaster rides. thanks for the story and the so fast edited photos! yea xinku sam to stay up there and impromptu the songs. 强!yea understand you 3 love each other wun bully one(:

weiqi and ur OT, dun until too late! need to put alot of makeup to cover the black eye bag liao, later excessive OT u use 1 box of makeup every time. lol. JIAYOUS. get powernap!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 02:37

Weiqi, jiayou. Can understand the late nights and early mornings with things you have to finish with deadlines. Sama sama...

Nic, I can understand why no $$ at ATM, Friday is 31st Oct, yesterday 1st Nov, it's PAYDAY!! Try to avoid withdraw $$ these few days to unless bo bian. Especially your area there hor... horrible.

Sam ah, solo leh. Nan De. Next time can do more, can build up your confident more. Jiayou!


Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 02:44

oh anw from channel u webby:




Nic:方大同……很special咧,他的音乐 ……周杰伦!(这时,伟奇再次插话,说他們根本是“nowhere near”。)我觉得我们没有的fight。





Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 03:18

waaaa didn't know you guys blog le. paiseh haha.
good morning weiqi, zombie owl is here again.

what a suay day u guys just had. so sorry I couldn't be there. haiz had a stressful and PISSFUL day at work also. haiz...

even though i wasn't there to support, i wanna say, xin ku ni men le. milubing jia you!!

weiqi, i just realized that, not sleeping is less tiring than sleeping little. but still, take care alright? hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 03:21

O...I missed another great performances by MLB? But glad to hear that everyone there was very high & happy. Wow, 6songs altogether. Think this is the most songs MLB ever presents in a gig.

Haha.., I also faces same problem as Nic. Only managed to draw out money after trying 3 ATMs.

Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians. Hope everyone will have a Beautiful Sunday... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 03:34

wah such an eventful day for u guys. mus say bravo to all 3 of u for making it finally, esp sam liao for his impromptu solos. kept tinking u did 4 songs, but only 3 ah...mus be my zombie day too :P eh WQ's bowtie image realli cute. so frivolous to say aft ure 'fabulous' day but out of my trance state, funny thing is i did register all the 3 supercool outfits. siao.


Blogger Jean | 02 November, 2008 04:28

i missed the event!argh!=(..
looking forward to the next mlb event!jiayou mlb!=D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 November, 2008 04:41

Today's Sun. Again Lo... Awaiting For CHEN SHU's Good Result At 933 LHB Worz ...

& Happy Bday To Pekchoo!



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 08:27

helloo pardon me if im going to talk any crap.. jus reached home.. -.-

sehh.. ya guys ahh.. damn power man. haha.. so jia lat omg.. NIC AH. how can go into escapism one?! dorts.. win liao.. -.-

hahaha i totally get what you mean. LOL. haha like i only reached vivo about five minutes before ya guys left? so actually i din know what happened before that.. then i was just wondering how come both of you looked so sian-ed la.. but e others told me that ya guys didnt 'make sound' during the sound check so i was like thinking how come.. bit pathetic huh, like check liao machiam never check...?? -.-
and what ur bros bully you man.. how can it be?! more like you bully veron lah! wahlau.. she like so kelian carry so many things man.. i see liao i felt like helping her carry lor.. lol. she must hv been the hero of the day.. haha.. and then hor, after packing up u guys jus left without jasmin and then she was like looking for ya guys -.-
anw haha i din even notice you were stoning until nic said so. cuz i was stoning too LOL. couple of times nic was asking if the sound was alright then i was like, stun... then start answering. -.- too happening then abit shocked uh? =PP
and you ah! am chio at us ah.. -.- funny meh.. people high ma.. natural de okay.. lol.

eh i finally got to ask you about the chocolate haha, will try it sometime.. bit no courage to try, wanted to ask for ur opinion first haha. hmm anww hope you'll enjoy e album like i did.. (: ohya.. got so suay meh?! all ATM no money?! seldom meet such situation de lehx.. mus be u suay lah ah nic.. -_-" [&& freedom less than one more mth to go right? (: ]

i think you're like super zai~ haha.. thanks for coming up to entertain us while waiting! =P great to hear ya sing other songs.. (:

happening but fulfilling day.. zhuan dao man.. hearing sam solo and the three songs.. cool la.. though things didnt go well, but hope ya guys cheered up a lil seeing our support? haha (:

lucky sam wasnt with ya guys.. or else we won't even get any entertainment while waiting for ya guys to get outta e jam and maybe they'll end up cancelling mlb's item in e end? -.- oh well...

tech probs killer man..

ohya, WEIQI. which restaurant ah? i wan pasta too! LOL. =PPP

takecare ya guys! and ytd's style was SHUAI. HAHA. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 08:30

Nice performance guys!!! :)

weiqi! No worries abt wad happened during the sc, we can see tt u guys
were very sians n i even got assurance from u tt u were sian lo. -.-
and i guess it's really unevitable tt tis kinda thing will happen. but
then, there's always unforeseen incidents tt could happen, just lik
being stuck in the jam. But glad u guys finally arrived and performed
for us, not easy, cuz the event overrunned and really gotta thanks the organizers for allowing the guys to perform. ps, weiqi, i cant hear ur voice clearly ytd wors. Hees =P

Nic!! Nice one ytd, stop making me laugh when ure performing next time
ya? Hahas. Nobody suddenly burst out laughing when ure performing de
la. -.- but hope u were 'entertained' by us ytd. Lol!

sam! I can only say luckily it's u who's there, not weiqi. Otherwise,
dunno wad weiqi's gonna do. Maybe we'll hear some instrumental pc. =p
no offence hors, weiqi. 作天破例了, but it's all understandable.

Take care guys!! Soon, everything will be better. :)

-when the rain's gone, the sun will appear, sometimes u might even see a rainbow accompanying it-


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 08:40

btw, jus a lil kpo.. the guit sam was using belongs to eric right?


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 08:51

orh like dat huh? waited long long long long long...and er...
aiyo, next time be flexible, acoustic might help.
an elderly told me before that i hv to revolve with the earth to get moving; not thinking that the earth to revolve around me. ;)
take care yo.


Blogger ellekay :] | 02 November, 2008 08:54

now then read the cards ar?
its okay lah...
also nothing much.
just the usual jiayous.

pekchoo would be glad to hear that you've read the card.
its her birthday today too!



btw, although i wasnt there to watch the perf at vivo...
but it really sounds exciting.

jiayou. :]


Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 11:07

hahah agrees with pegg that lucky the first person to reach is sam not weiqi. or else he will just stun that he has to sing to entertain us, or will he kana enlighten then open his golden mouth to sing? ahah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 12:08

happy birthday to kangqi and pekchoo! =)

Oooohhh.. so that was what happened ytd..
but no worries, we still enjoyed the performance!
and the stage is really small! -.-

weiqi! jia you for ur work! u shld really get a break from school!

MLB! really.. xin ku ni men le..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 12:37

ok so i wasn't zombie owl last night, cos i fell asleep somehow...haiya...tonight can try again, since tomorrow I no school (when school already reopen for other RP friends...but I don't have classes on monday and friday mahz =P) and will be starting work at 1pm...

happy bird-day pekchoo and kangqi...

nic sam and weiqi all jia you yo...
and take care...

can someone do me a favor? haha can update me which rank is cheng shu is later? haha cos i cannot wait liao, need to get ready for work liao hahaha. oh thanks darling qian hui for sms-ing me last two weeks when I worked in the morning...haha...

MLB power la!


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 02 November, 2008 12:49

back agin... Lols... Although din go for event... But it seems very interesting... hahahs... All of you all take care ya?? Oh, and happy belated birthday to pekchoo and kangqi... :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:11

Oh..cab with Nets hor..only Citycab and Comfort cabs got lo..other cabs dun hv de..

Haha,no lar..i refering to..that is no sound when u all set up the equipment, and no 1 from the crew cum to help....until veron go and ask the crew ...lolx...

Weiqi jia you !!...Mlb jia you :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:35

COOL! MLB's chen shu hit no. 4 mann!!! yeah~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:38

Yea....Cheng Shu is at #4 for today's Yes933 Long Hu Bang.
It had accumulated 61pts as of today.

Thanks fellow MLBians for all the hard work, lets continue to vote harder and pull it to Top.
Yes, to the Top. We can make it de, lets Jia-you...

Congrats MLB. Cheers... MLB Power-Lah


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:39

oh! an excitement day you guys had ytd huh?! perhaps, a lesson to learn at the same time. =)
bt as wad ii have said, overall was a superb one! in such situation, you guys are still able to give ur best to us! cool~
glad tt ii was there though ii was coughing like hell. [ps. hope ii didnt pass any germs to my frenz. lolxx!] bcos mlb need our support! yeah! =D

WeiQi, you naughty boy huh, didnt see the msg on the bottle izzit?! >.< later toothache den you noe. lolxx. next time get you more of tt ok?! heez~ ^^ and oso many many many thankz for the above long long post with pictures pictures and more pictures to make us understand the situation, despite you have so much hmwk to rush. 我们感同身受. its all understandable! no worries, we will pray tt no more the second time, everything will run smoothly for the rest of the performaces~~~ yeah!!!

jiayou and take care guys!
you guys deserved a good rest now!
bcos 成熟 hit number 4!!!
whee~ ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:40

Yeah cheng shu no 4! Cool lah. Continue to jia you! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:43

damn high!
singing along with cheng shu!
nice one! good comment from liyi too!
mentioned Eason again! heez!

ii oso need a good rest now, betta go take my medication.
Happy Sunday!!! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:47

wow, #4! :)
getting really close already.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:47

Happy Birthday to Kangqi & PekChoo. Hope both of you have agreat day. :)

Ya, better take your medicines and rest well. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Ya, LiYi did mentioned about Eason's comments for MLB. So Great.

To MLB & rest of MLBians,
Hope everyone has a beautiful & great Sunday. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:48

cheng shu no. 4 !

jiayou jiayou!

lets continue to vote !


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 13:57

thx uncle phil! the medicines taste so sucky.

lets vote harder to make cheng shu to no. 1!!
can someone tell me wad was the highest rank for lei the other time?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 14:06

lei highest rank was no. 5


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 14:13

KangQi n PekChoo, Happy Birthday to you.

Not only to hv Cheng Shou at #1, also could be the longest hit song in the chart, oh yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 14:32

Ya, I agree with Jenny.
Keep Cheng Shu in the chart for as long as possible.
Meantime it is on the chart for 6weeks only. At least another 10weeks and more.

I thought MLB's song the highest on the chart was #3 (maybe shiying).


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 14:44

Ya.we hv to kick out jay song who currently in #1 inorder to let cheng shu climb to no#1...i jux send out 20 envelopes together with frenz to vote cheng shu to no #1 ..lets jia you !

Then next yr the sha then can get the awards who songs is on the chart the longest ..wohoo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 15:46

Yah jia you in voting to get cheng shu no 1. Hehe. Jay chou is good too. Lets jia you together. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:12

Happy belated to Kangqi and Pek Choo! Happy super belated to Meiyi,supposed to have passed you a note(planned by caixia) but didn't get to, so here's wishing you too.. All the birthday peeps have a great year ahead k? :D

Did we miss anyone our :p

Btw, i forgot to mention, isit Sofui who passed a magazine to Sam to pass to me? At first i was thinking why pass me a magazine.. then i saw the RAMEN coupons and REVIEWS!!! yay... thanks, but hope i can go in time after my exams and before the coupons expire!!!

Back to work, just had lunch with samboy and the rest.. ah nic should still be sleeping haha.. that guy ah..Anyone know where to find super big big alarm clock? and super loud alarm?? pls tell me hor.. christmas presssie for mo mo ren hahahaa...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:13

Wa... Chen shu @ #4... if hit #1 i promise u all we throw a mini concert at least 1 hour.. but must buy tickets.. steady bo? hahaha....


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:18

Steady lah, we shall vote harder to make this happen de.
We want mini concert, we want mini-concert... Yea...

MLBians, you all heard it huh? Better vote harder, k? Good luck & jia-you....

Oh... I am going out soon. Bye..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:29

steady..even if the tickets is expensive..lols


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:29

Weiqi, quick, promise us that! :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:31

WeiQi, STEADY laa! you on, we on! even with extraordinary expensive tickets!! lolxx! and hor, not belated yet, todae is kangqi's and pekchoo's bdae. heez.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:45

Yah u did miss my birthday. Haha. Never mind anyway is quite long liao. Lol. Haha. Wah mini concert leh. Cool lah. I want free ticket de. Hehe. Eh big big alarm and super loud alarm i never see b4. Haha. Sorry ah. I will let u noe if i noe. I thought u buying for ur ownself. Opps. Lol.

Yeah continue to vote hard for cheng shu! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:53

thanks weiqi! :D
it's alright.

steady la.
mini concert 1 hour?
u mus sing also!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 16:54

haha bigbig alarm clock?
can check out carrefour.
they have like small, medium, large, GIGANTIC! lol.
glad that you had time t get some rest & have a good lunch. (: heh.

& about the concert, ON AH! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 18:01

Thanks for the pictures..
I am glad the those were there enjoyed the performances!
Mini-concert..Sure,definately would go one..


Blogger Sam Wong | 02 November, 2008 18:53

I'm relieved that all was well at the end.. 1ST TIME IN MY LIFE. The truth is, i would not have been able to open my mouth and play the guit if you all weren't there. Your smiles and cheers gave me confidence to do so.. I just sang like how would sometimes before going to bed alone in my room, randomly whatever song that came to my mind. So glad you all enjoyed it. PRO guitarist Mr Eric lent me his guit on the spot when Jasmin requested. Steady la. So great that 3 of us ended the night together on stage! Going for dinner le, till we meet again! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 19:12

sian la, i missed the performance. ]:
though i'm not there, but my soul and heart is there. :p

MLB power la!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 19:22

sure boh? STEADY LAH! u all on we on one.. one hour where got shiok one? at least two lah! in the middle maybe can add in abit of leng xiao hua.. lol. alarm clock huh.. human alarm lor.. u shift in with him.. if he dont wake up u pour cold water over him.. haha..

cool.. gotta thank eric for the guitar then (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 20:17

I was thinking if the guitar u use de is eric de. Haha. Yuan lai is his guitar. Thanks him for lending u guitar. Yah i enjoyed myself at there. Hehe. =)

Jia you Hope u enjoy ur dinner. Going to eat dinner le. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 20:27

thanks everyone who wishes me.
i appreciate it.
milubing jiayou!
congrats cheng shu no. 4!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 21:00

hi weiqi, it aint me who passed you the mag review and ramen coupons ya. sorry for any misunderstanding!

btw, heard from a fren who loves ramen that the following places are good for ramen: miharu, ichibantei, baikohken, marutama and santouka. sorry, didn't have time to check out the location but am sure you will have no problems finding it out ya ;) my personal recommendation is bishamon at raffles city (same lvl as jasons). the pork-based soup is recommended if you like a 'heavier' taste.

have a ramen good time with the recommendations! and all the best with the exams!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 21:08

Weiqi i think i noe who gave u the mag but i dun noe her name. Ps. It my first time saw her at yellow ribbon concert there and jenny also noe her de. Jenny maybe will noe her name. =)


Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 22:01

whoooo shuang cheng shu at #4! thanks qianhui for informing me(: haha weiqi you promise hit #1 got mini concert huh! but mini concert 1 hr where got enough! must be longer~~~ buy tickets, sure man. haha nic so unreactive towards alarm clock.. set up a fire alarm system in his house to act as alarm clock la! sure can wake up one. if he dun wake up, the whole world will come after him!

sam you were great up on stage! though it was like impromptu, but you looked as though you were all prepared up there(: oh no wonder the sound quality of the guitar was so great.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 22:13

it's been a hard day's work for you guys ytd! so happening ya. tot it was over after sam sang 3 songs. bravo to sam for his perf. didn't realise it was impromptu till mc said so. good job! and it was really pro of you guys to still make it to vivo and perf together.

weiqi, really ah. 1h ticketed concert? can we take your words for it? esplanade de studio nt bad de ;)


Blogger -WHEY` | 02 November, 2008 22:34

weiqi! mini concert if cheng shu #1?! name the price.. but u need to sing a full song.. lols! if not always wanna hear u sing "alone" can only hear it in "suo" lol~~

tmr shall bring some coupons to let my friends fill :D haha!

oh oh~ and happy birthday to pekchoo :D


Blogger binz | 02 November, 2008 22:40

on behalf of pekchoo..

weiqi thankyou for the birthday wish. i appreciate it(: you guys take care and jiayou. although yesterday i didn't come for the event, i heard you guys enjoyed it!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 22:41

may i know how to vote for cheng shu?
i know very suaku ah. but this shows that i first time vote, jiu vote for MLB le. lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 22:49

Rt below is how u vote for it.

1) You can vote for "cheng shu" by sending 1x coupon and 1x SMSing per song.

2) Don't indicate in the coupon the phone number you use to vote using sms.

3) Cannot use same hand writing to cast vote by coupons even if they are of different names.

4) It's actually restricted to one person one song one vote but the sms part we might be able to cheat a little though...

Yeah, so the voting methods are as follows...

Voting options...
1) Coupons can be found on the 'radio section' of I-weekly. Cut out the coupon, fill in the song title "成熟" and the artiste's name "迷路兵", and then fill in your particulars then mailed it to

Yes933 《醉心龙虎榜》负责人收
Farrer Road PO Box 933
Singapore 912899

2) Key in POTP933[space]成熟(song title can be keyed in using hanyu pinyin or chinese) then send to 72346. Each sms costs 30 cents.

if we don't have enough coupons, we can always sms.

just another additional piece of news, the coupons sent will contribute 70% and sms will contribute 30% to the final results.

votings will end on every thurs.
which means, if you wish for the song to appear on the chart this coming sunday, you have to make sure you cast ur votes before thurs.

Thanks for voting.

Ps: copy from http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com/


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 23:15

wow... i missed all d happenings...

looking fwd to see d pics/ videos!

mlbians! it has been long since we had our gatherings... to hv a/r, let's vote 成熟 up to d top! wq, b prepared to organise d mini concert... lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 23:45

Steady ah! Concert concert concert! if promise really got concert if chen shu gets to num 1, I give distribute coupons at office orh.

Wah, weiqi, u dint know who is the person who gave you the magazine ah, she will cry loh. better don't flood the room as else I need to go sleep with my doggies liao. BTW, she did write a msg to you loh... haha... let her tells you herself ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 23:50

hi weiqi, here's the details to the ramen shops i mentioned earlier (the rating for food):

1. sapporo ramen miharu - 1, nanson road, the gallery hotel (7.1)

2a. ichibantei (liang court) - #B1-150 (7.6)

2b. ichibantei (robertson quay) - #01-04 The Quayside (7.0)

2c. ichibantei (china square central) - #01-32/33 Nankin Row (not rated)

2d. ichibantei (raffles) - #B1-16 Hong Leong Bldg (not rated)

3. baikohken - 7 north canal road (8.0)

4. marutama ramen - #03-90/91 the central@clarke quay (7.3)

5. ramen santouka - #02-76 the central (6.7)

hope the info is up to date. well, enjoy! ;)

p.s. disclaimer: not responsible if you cant find the place or dun agree with rating or with the price ;p


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 November, 2008 23:52

Yup Congrats CHEN SHU At #4 Le!!! Was Sooo Excited While Listening =P

WEIQI - Steady! U Promise 1 Eh, Hit #1 Throw Mini Concert, Tics Of Cos We 100% Sure Will Buy De! Hahax ~
Want Big & Loud Alarm Clock Eh?!? Later He Still Can Press & Silence It Lo.. Mayb Can Set Up A Special 機關, With A Rope Attached To A Pail Of Water Above, When Time's Up, It Will Automatically Pull The Rope & *splash!* Came Down The Water... HaHax Sure Will Wake Up Liaoz Like That...

*NIC Dun Come Ham-Tam Me When U Saw This k*
LoLx! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 23:53

I found milubing pic at msn entertainment during SHA time.



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 23:55

Lol qianhui. Haha. Weiqi yah she did write msg at there. So let her tell u urself if not i help u asked jenny for her name. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2008 23:55

home from work! muahaha. school holiday endING, school sucks.

congrats to cheng shu for climbing up to number 4! waaaaaaa if it climb to number 1 and we really can have mini concert, I GOING TO SACRIFICE MY EVERYTHING TO ATTEND AH, even if i have to quit school or lose my job. which one more steady? hahahaha...

waaaaaaaaaa give super big alarm clock for x'mas present? super not ji li lor...hahahaha
might as well buy kiang kiang kiang =X....


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 00:10

oh ya, thanks pinkie and qian hui for smsing me to update me the results...hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 00:29

sam's solos =PP

無形的翅膀- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDUQe330Xa4

愛相隨- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYRIbDS0qyY

全世界失眠- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-KcuSASzjs

e other two shd watch and see how good ur bro did.. =PP



Blogger -WHEY` | 03 November, 2008 00:29

LOL!! qianhui, u watch too much cartoon or what?? issit mr bean or tom and jerry! heh heh :x you funny lor~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 00:34

so sad (;_・)...my heart is broken le...actually I did write a small note on the paperbag itself, but I guess it's not that visible ah...ya, it's me who passed Sam that paperbag with the magazine...coz' I thot you guys are really not gonna make it to the performance le...anyway, I just thot since previously you mentioned that you liked ramen and I happened to come across a mag with quite a few recommendations on ramen, so I thot why not just give you a copy. Hope you'll get to try some of them some day, during your holidays, when you are free...and even if the coupons expired, you come and find me, I give you the free gyoza @ Baikohken (I'm not owner there la, just that I been there quite a few times le, can get free item le...near my work place too :p)

BTW, those ramen stores that sofui mentioned can be found in that mag...so check them out ba!

And yes! We on you la, weiqi. No prob about paid tix, I'll believe everyone is willing to do whatever they can to make this concert happen. We'll put in our best efforts to make 成熟 #1! p(*^-^*)q


Blogger qIaNhUi | 03 November, 2008 00:35

HAHAHA! Suddenly Tink Of De =X


Blogger -WHEY` | 03 November, 2008 00:36

oh, and i forgot to mention.. i think last week while my sis was browsing for some hp stuffs on singtel website, one of the phone featured MLB as the "wall paper".. er.. is like.. they show casing some brands and on it is MLB on the wall paper.. any one saw it before? i don't know how my sis landed in dat page.. but actually i wanted to find it and put the url here cos i thought was kinda cute..

but i couldn't seem to find it the other day.. well, need to ask my sis.. haha.. see if she has any idea how to find back the page.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 00:59

thanks for all the bdae wishes ;D
appreciate it alot !
many many thanks .
WEIQI ! thankssssss .
&its not belated laa !
2nd is actual . anw, many many thankssssssssss . hees, got many
things to say to you ba i guess .
dunnoe leh . haas, see lo .
anw, takecaress &JIAYOU ;D
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 01:36

wa ytd was great! i tot wq n nic not coming alr since e mc said e event ended..she even like said sorry to us..den u all appeared was like a super surprise! high man! hahaha..n yes reali like mlb mini concert! like everyone arnd me was telling me tt! :D

weiqi, dun worry abt wad happened during e sc..we understand la.. :) can c u all super sianz lor..acty we were still wondering y e sc no sound one..but well, it's over..hope u all meet better sound man next time! n u gd ar, laugh at us! -.- not gg to tell u slp early la, cos i noe work nv finish cannot slp..so jiayou k!! :)

sam, v nice solo ytd.. :) impromptu but gd, reali! definitely din seemed like u were asked to go up e stage perform those 3 songs last min..v zai lei u.. :)

nic, got so suay not..i nv encounter atm no cash one lor..haha..is it jus me or u were am chio-ing ytd..hahaha..n e way u reminded weiqi to sing was super funny..lol..
ps: did e 2 of u like draw e curtains in e van when u all 'strip tease'? :p hahaha!

cheng shu no.4! yay yay yay! continue to send in ur votes k..v strong competition for e next few wks..n we are aiming for no.1 so tt thr's mini concert, weiqi hor?! :) u all onz we sure onz one..but u mus solo k? :p heh heh..n peg said mus hv student rates for e tics etc..lol!

those who helped me fill up e coupons ytd, thankyou but pls rmb not to send out coupons on ur own again ya..multiple entries will be considered void so dun waste e coupons..coupons v precious..but u can get ur family/frens to help fill up tho! :) another thing to note is if u wrote ur hp no. in e coupon, do not vote via sms w e same no. k..votes will be considered void likewise..one last thing, same handwriting not allowed, even if it's for 2 diff sets of particulars..most imptly, send ur coupons out by tue, before 5pm..sms to be sent by thu, before 12pm.. :) (i feel so naggy -.-)

happy belated bday kangqi! (acty not belated one, but i got distracted by lots of stuff so i only publish now heh)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 01:37


I also saw that flyer about 2weeks ago, if not wrong MLB photo was on a motorola hp (cannot recall which model). I was also wondering whether there is any copyright matter?


Blogger -WHEY` | 03 November, 2008 01:51

uncle phil, i saw it online.. think its on a nokia? i didn't remember very clearly.. haha.. i thought of just putting the url here.. haha.. nv copy the pic.. so nvm about the copyright issue?

hmm.. not very sure though..?


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 01:58

Yah i saw the pic of it at amk hub there. But i forget what shop. I think is nokia or motorola phone. Quite a nice pic of them. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 03:01

Well, it is time to zzzzz le.
Good nighr & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
It is a new start of a day & week, all the best to everyone. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 05:28

hey nicole... sorry ya? thanks for the magazine! everything was in a rush la, so sometimes quite hard to rmbr who gave who :p paiseh..
DAMN TIRED NOW!!!! but can't slp la.. work is due!!! :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 07:25

sigh... sky is bright again.. yawnz.. tired....


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 08:00

morning.. yawns.. so ridiculous, gotta wake up at 8am for elearning when my tutorial was originally supp to be 1pm. -.- eh din sleep for the whole night? zai man you.. jiayou ba..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 08:34

Morning everyone, This Week I weekly got the SHA report, Page 21 got 1 pix got MLB and Eason got praise them too :) Pls get a copy of I weekly now..thankiez :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 08:36

Jia you lol...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 09:39

yuanping, i also did say that 1hr too short le, must be longer arh. hahahas. =P

weiqi! take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 11:17

how many days did u not sleep le? keke...
drink lot lot water ok weiqi....A WHOLE BUCKET OF WATER~~~! muahahaha....
jia you jia you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 11:59

Hey Weiqi, it's okay, I was kinda joking above only la :p, so no worries ya? I understand that, that day was kinda a mad rush, and tough day for you guys, so no prob, k? But fortunately, things still turn out fine in the end though.

Poor weiqi, juggling your school and gigs at the same time is really tiring and tough, must try to get some rest, alrite? Take care and p(^^)q


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 13:34

Poor weiqi. Jia you and take good care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 14:19

三个迷路兵 用音乐突出重围



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 14:41

Thanks mk. Eh anyone noe how to win the signature of their album? Just need to fill in our profile and put different kind of our photo or?


Blogger -WHEY` | 03 November, 2008 16:08

gosh, weiqi, you didn't sleep for the whole night because of your assignment? poor thing! hope your hols will come really soon so u can rest all you want (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 16:25

Great performance that day! :D
although nic and weiqi were late but at least they're still able to perform :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 16:32

watched the performance at vivo, it was great! luckily i stayed on even after the mc announced that nic & weiqi cannot make it to vivo...if not i would have 'bang myself on the wall'!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 16:58

The albums is like christian song..hee hee...but interesting...saying that God and friends.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 17:47

WEIQI! STEADY STEADY! IF HIT #01 you all must throw one mini concert okay! (see lah you got me so excited alr)
hahaha we dont mind buying the tickets.
Okay where's the spaghetti you promised me?!
and did you eat the chocolate i gave you? Nice not? sorry ley cos like melt alr.

Hey Nic hows the 70% donknowwhat dark chocolate?
Actually wanted to buy the 86% one but Yuanping and Shihui said too bitter haha.
hope you like it yeah :D

Sam! you did a great job in entertaining us!
Can see that you're quite nervous but no worries, you've got us!


Blogger binz | 03 November, 2008 20:13

oh i forgot to mention in my previous tag that time that the channel u article got 2 pics of mlb during SHA. i like the 16th pic. very random shot but the biao qing very nice(:



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 20:43

actually i'm in school now haha... thanks for the links and info!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 20:54

hello weiqi! =D
spending another nite in sch?
haha jia you!


Blogger Pek Choo | 03 November, 2008 21:07

Hello Weiqi,

so late still in school.

Jiayou in you studies!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 21:09

weiqi, staying in sch again? jiayou ba..n take care k! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 21:12

Wah so late still in school. Jia you! =)


Blogger -WHEY` | 03 November, 2008 21:41

wah seh~ so late le still in school? aiyoyo.. go home earlier to rest if you can :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 21:54

hv viewed d videos posted by mk... v nice!

sam really v zai... managed to sing 3 songs unprepared.

aiyo weiqi... hope u can go hme earlier... school is gg to become ur 2nd home liao.

pls take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 21:57

weiqi's staying over in school again tonight? wow, JIAYOU alrights & take care too. hope you can finish your work soon then get some rest. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 22:26

Ah Qi,
Let's Jia you together ma...
Super tired working for 10 hrs each day standing...Luckly,today is my off day.
I'll get full rest tonight and get fresh tmr...

How are you recently????


Blogger qIaNhUi | 03 November, 2008 23:23



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 23:53

another pic during SHA from cruz's blog..
but it's almost the same actually.



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2008 23:59

so late still in school, r u going to stay overnight in school for tonight again? Please take care hor.
Jia-you in whatever things you do, yea... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 00:38

WeiQi, remember to let your eyes rest when necessary. Too much glaring at pc oso no good de yo~

Tks mk for the youtube clips. I saw Sam like very scare scare de... a good exposure for him ba?

Next time let Nic to be alone, heehee.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 00:51


a video of mlb taking pics with eason.. (more towards the ending)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 02:02

Thanks jenny woh. I myself also must let my eyes rest when necessary.

Thanks syl for the video. Haha. Eh that video from weijian fans de right? Lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 02:04

Weiqi,jiayou okay..
I'm tired after spending hours at the airport today..


Blogger binz | 04 November, 2008 07:38

thanks syl for the video(: from the video can see everyone becoming eason's xiao xiao fen si. and haha can every now and then see sam's head popping in so eager wanna take photo! bu kui shi like eason alot.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 09:11

jane: haha yeah, got it from there.. =)

yeah lor. can see sam so excited! haha~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 09:37

Morning guys.....

Ah Qi,
Jia you lol....
i got to go for work liao..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 10:06

hey all, vote for cheng shu as much as you can okay? we want our concert!!!! :)


Blogger ellekay :] | 04 November, 2008 12:54

seems like weiqi wasnt here last night.
finally had a night to sleep?

jiayou weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 13:50

last reminder to send ur coupons for cheng shu today! :)


Blogger Sam Wong | 04 November, 2008 15:10

Good afternoon people. The sun was burning this morning. Maybe burnt out. Mr Sun tired le, gone to rest. Now Rain's coming, not from Korea.
Kinda random..
Didn't see ya for sometime Uncle Phil, hope you'll find a suitable job! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:19

Good afternoon sam. Yah loh now raining heavily. Lol. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:24

Yeah sam u did a great job at vivo city there. Hehe. Thank you for playing the 3 song to make more ppl coming in. We really enjoyed it. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:26

hello sam!
raining arh?
hmm. kinda stuck indoor, so cant see the weather outside..
so i assume u had ur lunch already ya? haha! =P
take caree!


Blogger Pek Choo | 04 November, 2008 15:29

SAM下午好! raining heavily with thunder & lighting.


Gonna rush for many many tsk & projects haven't do yet!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:36

haha.. sam also getting lame le.. rain from korea? tsk tsk... i'm in school now la, last nite was at the flat, so no internet la.. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:45

haha woah, weiqi is here too! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:51

在一個風雨交加的晚上 打雷閃電是很平常地...

brings back memories? :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 15:58

Haha. Lol. Oh ok i thought yesterday u finally had a good sleep. Haha. Jia you! Today study until very late again? Rest early.


Blogger ellekay :] | 04 November, 2008 17:08

that means that you were burning midnight oil again last night ar weiqi?

poor thing!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 18:24

wa i went to slp den both sam n weiqi appeared..

sam, v cold lei.. brr~

weiqi, jiayou ba!

:) :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 18:37

wa weiqi, hope you're not sleeping on chairs again if you're camping in sch. haha.

im feeling damn stress man! like i have zero art hist knowledge /: the lecturer talks in flowers. gahhh cannot S/U!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 20:10

wah liao..
sam .. u very 'leng' lor. thanks ar..LOL! =.= nt from korea somemore. tsk! :P getting more cold liao lor someone..LOLS! =)

and weiqi ar.. as usual. rest early kk..;) study hard and rest well at the same time. hoho.^^



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 22:15

Ya, it has been quite some times since we last met. Very sorry for not been able to attend MLB's last few events. Think you guys knew the reasons.
Yea...thanks for your wishes for me getting a suitable job soon.
To be frank the market is quite bad now. Not much job vacancies around, but I will jia-you de.
So pai-seh, the gifts that I bought in Bali already wrapped but have yet to pass to you guys. Hopefully, I am able to give them to you guys soon. =)

Yes, these few days suddenly pouring very heavily in the late afternoon. So, have to be prepared if going out.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 22:26

I agree with it. Yah loh the market is bad now. Is difficult to find job nowadays.

Jia you! =)


Blogger -WHEY` | 04 November, 2008 23:01

sam's so humourous! but it took me a second or two to react and laugh out loud.. funny lah~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 23:11

UnclePhil, Jiayo ya? I'm sure u'll be able to find a job eventually!
Last nite i actually slept around 3am!!! wow felt damn good, but woke up to rush for 9am class.. tonight i hope to slp around 3 again, would be good.. sigh.. next thurs and friday i got 2 exam papers that i haven't started studying @ all yet. Another one on the 18th.. and then the KILLER submissions(3 in total) on the same dumb day of 20th which i think they will extend... well well.. back to werk..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 23:13

Weiqi Jia you! Try to sleep early woh! If not ur ur eye ring will be darker. Opps. Good luck! Take good care. =]


Blogger qIaNhUi | 04 November, 2008 23:24

Poor WEIQI...
Good Luck For Ur Exams~


Blogger ellekay :] | 04 November, 2008 23:32


im already starting to feel sleepy now liao.

all the best for those exams you gonna have!

hope you have a great sleep tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 23:44

3am? ...wah....sleep early yeah !..

Jiayou for your exams ~ hope you pass your exams with flying colours wohz ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2008 23:53

hey that tag on top's not me by the way, its someone else.. -_-"


Blogger -WHEY` | 05 November, 2008 01:45

3 submissions on the same day?? how can?! should protest what! cannot request for different submission dates de ar? :x

weiqi better dun assume lecturers will extend submission dates ah.. later u thought they will extend den nv extend u will be rushing work like mad~~ hopefully u can do finish your assignments in time ba! JIAYO (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 02:33

Thank you very much for your jia-you.
Lets jia-you together ba. You jia-you in all your exams & submissions, while I jia-you in finding a new job. =)

Hope you have enough rest too.

I gonna zzzzz soon, good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Its another new day, all the best to everyone in the MLB Family. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 09:09

Sam Boy,
U very lame le....

Ah Qi,
Jia you lol....dun take coffee at nite is bad for ur health


Blogger binz | 05 November, 2008 09:21

woah sam out there is sun then rain, then here is snowing liao lor.

man it feels damn scary when you know your exams are round the corner and yet you haven put ur fingers on it. but still if normally got ting ke should be can squeeze ur way through de, so hang in there and kill all the exam papers man weiqi! woah thats alot of things to submit hur. pinning hopes on extension of datelines is kinda risky hur but it least it will make us less stressed up(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 10:38

Thanks for the jiayos... atually it's my worst sem so far, but it's alright cos i kind of expected it. Will do my best no matter wat though.
Btw, we'll be performing at the opening of Tampines CC, around noon on the 7th of dec. Also, we'll be counting down most likely at boonlay, so will be rushing from a MDC countdown show to boonlay for the year end count down there.irony, holidays go back to boonlay.. haha, this time not to study, but to perform..looks like u all kinda pro for the idea of a mini concert, glad to hear, that shows your faith in us. JIAYO MLBIANS!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 11:24

is that the only event on 7th dec? ehh so are we like supposed to rush with you guys -.- zz.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 11:37

i feeling super dead....super zombie...not sick or not feeling well la...just sian....=( next friday must submit report le...weiqi weiqi~~ i very sian~~ haha ok just whining...
u jia you, i jia you, we all jia you.

haha noted about the events. hope i can go...hee. milubing jia you!!

FYP ahhhhhh~~~ can i die? haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 11:38

MK, think what WQ said is that Dec 7 at Tampines CC, then 31st Dec will be going MDC and BoonLay for count down. Good, think I should be back by 31st Dec. Will go only Boonlay ba since MDC might be more troublesome...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 11:54

haha yeah i know, thanks flora (: jus tt i received info some time ago that there was gonna be another event elsewhere on the 7th, so was jus wondering if it's still on.. yepp~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 16:11

haha ellekay, 3am is like normal slping time for adm ppl? slping at 1 or 2am is like luxury. tt time i slpt at 5am! was drawing overnight in sch haha.

submissions! weiqi jiayouuuuuu!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 17:16

Tampines CC got alot right? Got tampines changkat community club, tampines west community club n tampines central community complex. Which 1 are u refering to?

Jia you! =)


Blogger ellekay :] | 05 November, 2008 18:01



hope that you had a great sleep last night!
more challenges ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 19:19

I saw Bangjun's blog his latest update and i saw 1 pic of him taken with Nic. Haha. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 19:22

oh no..mi lu bing 1st tym come tampines..but i'll b overseas.. so sad so sad... :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 19:37

Yeah... EVENTS!
Wow Den We're Suppose To Rush With U Guyz Too?



Blogger Pek Choo | 05 November, 2008 19:51

Yeah~ Events on dec!!
The venue is far, but on the 7th dec I will go,provided I study for my exam... That week will be my exam period...
As for the count down, I won't be able to go, cos I am going overseas =)

Take Care & Jiayou!!!


Blogger binz | 05 November, 2008 20:15

haha weiqi and boonlay 太有缘了, countdown also must go there countdown.. and whoo omg tampines! yay finally an event near my area(: of cuz we have faith in you guys! haiyo how i wish can faster have the concert huh! but concert this kind of thing cannot be rushed. so just gonna wait patiently!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 22:04

weiqi, way to go~ jiayouzzz!!! ii will get you more gummies to boost up ur level of power to work in the nite k. strive on~ December is coming!! heh~

argh~ countdown events, an event that cinderella will ever missed!!! =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 22:05

haha around tampiness is good cos seemed like majority of MLBians is staying in the East side then usually milo gigs are more towards the north and the west side? haha not as fang bian for me but then woodlands interchange got direct bus there so we the north side de mlbians dun have to worry hahaha. that is, if i can go la. haha countdown i think confirm can't go de, cos my parents usually don't allow me to go out till midnight unless is for work or school-related activities. ya la i know i old le. but they got their concerns too mahz, so i better obey. muahahaha.

2 more days to TGIF! milubing and MLBians jia you!! hahahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 22:06

events events! =D
haha yeah, have to rush with the boys..
cool lah! =D
or maybe we could rent a mini bus or sth? hmms.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 23:15

haha,Tampines???super cool
near to mine n Ellekay's hse
but i dun knoe i can c u guys tt day


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2008 23:54

sorry peeps,gotta run! last BUS!!! nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2008 00:04

bye bye WQ! I oso wan concert!!! 2hr at least! 1.5h songs, 0.5hr of crap talk by u guys… we can contribute some crap too la… Haha. Finally viewed all the vids liao. The funniest is the one by voicebox. What chickens? Somemore have chicken wings!?! You guys mus hv been v hungry dat nite. Den the other interview hv chicken rice n one writeup had eggs. Wat’s all dat fascination with this bird?? :D Also liked the writeup by tnp, at least it was diff from the others, esp the shape qn…some interesting answers too.


Blogger ellekay :] | 06 November, 2008 00:24



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2008 00:26

Dear All, something for you all tonight(Nov06) at Yes933, not sure when u wld b able to hear them, but pls tune in from 9pm onwards, hao ma?

Hope AiWei wont leave mie msg out... (pray pray pray)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2008 00:30

I hope to hear their 勇气 in live! Something different fr the original singer. ;)

Wld WeiQi be able to get the last bus in time???

Countdown at boonlay!!! my old "hometown", shd b lots of memories le...

Dec 7 at Tampines... ok noted. shall look out for more detailed announcemt de.


Blogger -WHEY` | 06 November, 2008 07:53

good morning all :D have a nice day! xD jiayo too all studing/ working~



Blogger binz | 06 November, 2008 08:07

weiqi very cute sia will tag first b4 flyin for last bus. reminds me of how i used to chiong for last bus or last train at airport during exam period. everyday will see the same bus driver and see the some same passengers. haha.


Blogger pegg | 06 November, 2008 10:56

weiqi arh.
hope u managed to catch the last bus then. you arh. tsk tsk. take care ya??

anyway, can i just check with you if the Tamp CC that you've referring to for the opening is Tampines North CC to be precise and it's actually an open house instead?



Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2008 15:04

Hope yesterday u catch the last bus. Jia you all! =]

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