
It's been a long wait!
milubing | 28 November, 2008 06:00

hey there mlbians.. been away for quite a while.. now my com's back to it's 80% capability after a good ol'reformat haha... here's a little juicy picture to satisfy you before i start posting more pics hehe...(nic dun kill me ya? i jus kiddin la haha..)

so what happened backstage???


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 06:05

Jenny, sorry to hear about your lost. :(
pls take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 09:40

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 09:41

Morning guys!!!!

I think Nic might or might not kill you la...No worries


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 10:27

nic & ahxin looks so NOT compatible.
why the thought of photoshopping the picture this way?



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 10:33

Haha. It is nice pic but lol. Hope nic wont kill u. Hmm is this pic taken during SHA time?? Thanks for sharing the pics. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 10:36

Jenny sorry to hear abt that. Pls cheer up and take care. =]


Blogger Rah | 28 November, 2008 11:14

weiqi ar..-.-"
u really very ....
speechless with the pic..LOLS!!
nic and ah xin LOL!

jenny be strong yea~^^


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 November, 2008 11:17

LOL! the picture is so funny! so not compatible! some more the borders of the pic! LOL lah!! still got a lipstick kissed mark! haha! guess nic wouldn't kill u.. but maybe slaughter you? LOL!

but nicely edited la, hor? :x humourous weiqi is back! HEH!

have a nice day and cheers! :D


Blogger pegg | 28 November, 2008 11:24

chenshaoye arh.
you arh. up to ur mischief again.
how's life during hols?
having fun and resting well, i hope. (=
take care ya??
and see ya real soon! (=

shouting for nic to take care too =P


Blogger ellekay :] | 28 November, 2008 11:57

for a moment i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.

and this picture just look so wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 12:13

hahaha! mrchan u v funny lei! :p i crawled out of bed jus to c ur masterpiece sia! lol! take care guys! cya all soon! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 13:08

that pic is really funny mannnn
weiqi u r really creative!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 13:09

ashin's as shuai as ever :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 13:11

and it is really a great edit!
wonder how do u edit the pic


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 17:09

hi, hehe, nice pic! mlb jiaYOUS! btw, ur songs are great! keep it up!jiaYOUS!!!:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 18:52

LOL the picture so funny! =D


Blogger Sam Wong | 28 November, 2008 19:13

Oh what a sweet picture. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 19:50

wah weiqi!
you win liao lahhh~ =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 20:15

Hello Weiqi, finally a post eh haha.
I think Nic comfirm want to kill you lor hahaha.


Blogger Pek Choo | 28 November, 2008 21:16



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 21:25

are those words truly from your heart, sam? LOL.

anyway, those who emailed for the Channel 8 Countdown tics shd have received a reply.. or soon. there's no different btw moshpit & seating, it's first come first 'chop'.. [as said by the person who replied..]

and do remember to vote for Cheng Shu on the 8大排行榜!



Blogger JOLYN LSS | 28 November, 2008 21:49

Haha, so sweet :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 23:26

when did it start?
how did it start?
so sweet...perfect match <3


Blogger qIaNhUi | 28 November, 2008 23:26

OMG... Damn Funny Lek U, CHAN WEIQI !!! (NIC Will Surely Roar At U When He Sees This!)
But The Pic Looks Quite 恩愛 Indeed... *Oopsz! =X

HaHax! OMG, I Cant Stop Laughing Liaoz :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 23:31

whose lip was tat?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 23:34

The picture was alright, but I find it weird with that border & lips' mark! Haha...

What email for channel 8 countdown tix? Jia-lat liao, I didn't know about this & has not send any mail. So, no other chance to get the tix le is it? Please kindly advice. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 23:53

hahaha... weiqi, farnie lah...

await for more pics.

saw tat u posted at 6am? tat's v early!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 23:54

hahaha... weiqi, farnie lah...

await for more pics.

saw tat u posted at 6am? tat's v early!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 23:56

ah nic, it's time for you to brush up ur photoshop skills le.

I will help u on this ;) (evil laughters fading in the air WITH ECHO!)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 00:05

uncle phil,
u can refer to a previous tag by i-forgot-who.. [sorry ah, whoever it is] include ur name and ic, email to the stated email to request for the countdown tics. not sure if all the tics hv been given out but i suppose u can try.. good luck ba..

ohh and i forgot to thank capri and duckling for the bdae wishes. thanks! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 00:36

u're so funny


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 01:31

heh heh.. i personally like the picture. I guess many girls wanna kill nic now HAHAHAHA...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 01:37

nahh, just jealous. very. -_-"


Blogger Rah | 29 November, 2008 01:45


weiqi ar..
u really very funny can..
still can say girls gg to kill nic now..LOLS. dunno who did the editing of the pic lor..tsk tsk LOLS. =P

funny weiqi is back. hahaha! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 01:46

Hmm i dun think so. Haha. Anyway is a nice pic. Maybe nic will kill u first?! Haha... Sleep early. I going to sleep soon. Night! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 02:08

oki.. i jus uploaded a montage.. enjoy 'a day in the life of MLB @ SHA 2008'... next up, the mystery of the sound in the wall!!! woooo...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 02:11

wah weiqi!
thanks for the hard work!
sleep early lah u! =D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 29 November, 2008 02:17

Alamark, I Cant Stop Laughing When I Looked At That Pic Lek ~


Blogger -WHEY` | 29 November, 2008 05:28

*yawns~ good morning! :D*

LOL! yes i agree with weiqi that alot of girls wanna kill nic.. hahaha! seriously, your humour come back when u're human again huh??

&& SHA backstage pics where interesting too! haha.. hard work to edit ya?

anyway, its sat! everyone enjoy your weekday! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 07:04

nic's new scandal?!?! HAHAHAHA....
hello sam and weiqi =)...

later then check out what i might have missed out.....

milubing jia you!!

later FYP presentation le!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 10:23

Good morning! Thanks for SHA pic. Hehe. It is so nice lah. =]


Blogger Pek Choo | 29 November, 2008 10:44

Oh ya~ Weiqi thanks for the pics =)
It's so nice of you to upload the pics... hahax~

Looking forward for next week events!~!



Blogger Jean | 29 November, 2008 13:36

thanks for the pictures!
they looked great!=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 14:58

thanks for the pic,weiqi


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 17:26

i like e pic



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 18:56

LOL, Weiqi face very cute. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 November, 2008 14:44

Aiyo.. e pic...

How abt replace nic's by ur face? hahas...

Cheng Shu drop to no.16
How abt we Chiong for SJMFJGYX for next week ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 November, 2008 18:37

Cheng Shu is at #16 on Yes933 Chart. It had been on the chart for 10 weeks and accumulated 103pts as of today.
Lets try to keep it on the chart for as long as possible. It is the 2nd longest song on the chart today (behind Derrick's song who was on the chart for 11weeks).
So, please continue to jia-you and vote harder.
Thanks to all who have voted. :)

Looking forwards to next Sunday event at Tampines North CC. Understand from the CC staff that MLB will be performing around noon time. MLB Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 December, 2008 00:18

hello...my FYP over le. don't think i did well, its like wasted a good chance to score very well. but i can't be bothered to think about it cos since its over so i dun want to think liao muahaha.

thanks pegg for informing cheng shu's latest results on long hu bang...

yes next sunday i can go! understand that mlb will be performing around noon time too le, so my manager agreed to let me work night shift so I can go support mlb before going to work lo. so milubing jia you lo!
everyone take care ba. its the beginning of the new month cum last month of the year le. lets work hard and play hard to end the 2008 in a nice, lovely and memorable way ba =)?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 December, 2008 01:01

haha funny lines, WQ...eh why not girls wanna kill the other fellow? hello! to the ladies who make you guys look good...dat day so cold in bkstage...hot red jacket n shoes.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 December, 2008 09:09

MLB's interview on I-Weekly this week.

btw, will appreciate if u guys do not upload the magazine scans right away after the launch of any MLB related article, perhaps wait for a period of time before posting. MLB will never get on the covers if their supporters don't buy the magazines but read the articles online. sorry if i do sound harsh, but i'm sure all of us wants MLB to have more coverage in the magazines. thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 December, 2008 22:20


miss MLB !

anyway, sunday is coming . (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 December, 2008 01:02

Yup :)
Must Buy The Mag!

Yes Sunday Is Coming! Weeeeee =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 December, 2008 10:26

Yah must buy i weekly this week.

Jia you & take care! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 December, 2008 18:30

want to support i-weekly with MLB, but can't read Chinese unless got English translation, so won't be buying.


Blogger -WHEY` | 02 December, 2008 23:04

this weekend will be here very soon! :D looking forward! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 01:48

Bought & Read The i-weekly Article Le... It's Sooo Cool! U Guyz Really Had Fun Yea :)

Ohhh 7th Faster Come! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 01:50

Hello all,

it's finally december! to prepare ya guys for the up and coming... just gotten some info from Jasmin, MLB's manager about the upcoming events in december... :)


.7th Dec (Sun), 9am to 1pm - Tampines North CC Opening

.16th Dec (Tues), afternoon [2 hours btw 2-6pm] - Campus Superstar Opening Concert Recording

.20th Dec (Sat), 8pm - The Sheng Siong Show

.23rd Dec (Tues), 830pm - OKTO Live Recording

.31st Dec (Wed), 1030pm - Countdown at Vivo City

.31st Dec (Wed), 1030pm - Countdown at Boon Lay

*Date unconfirmed - On the Beat airs on tv

here's what we have so far... all mentioned events require ticket entry except OKTO recording, which it's still unconfirmed if there will be live audience, and also the Boon Lay Countdown (i suppose so... can anyone confirm?)

will let you guys know about the ticketing stuffs when the dates draw nearer.

also, some info about the OKTO recording, there'll be a live call-in segment where we can call in to ask the boys questions. anyone can call in, so do prepare questions to ask, if you guys have any... and the good news is that you guys can ask anything you want ya? [seriously, anything.] whatever you wanna know about MLB, raise ur questions during the show! :)

another thing, if you haven't already, please START VOTING for 世界麻烦借过一下! do note that you can cast one vote for each song, so do vote for both Cheng Shu and SJMFJGYX. help to vote SJMFJGYX up and sustain Cheng Shu on the chart! and ALSO, do send in dedications to support 三角行 and 黑 during xgjy yupp!

by the way, can i have a show of hands [via here OR email @ milubing.fc@gmail.com OR sms @ 82507407] the people who are planning to go for both countdown events on 31st dec? thanks!

will update again as soon as we get anymore info...

enjoy the holidays and have fun during the festive season! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 02:03

Yea Sooo Many Upcoming Gigs!
*SmiLez Widely*


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 11:13

Thanks. Yah so many events coming up. Enjoy holidays! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 14:39

so far d boon lay count dwn is open to public ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 December, 2008 17:37

Wow so many upcoming gigs...
Looking forward to it!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2008 10:45


don't forget to continue voting! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2008 11:08

Vote already. Continue to vote for milubing song. Jia you! =]

Enjoy holiday woh! Take good care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2008 12:37

already saw the update liao, just lazy to comment only. now catching a breather from the boring class.

all poly school holidays starts on 13th dec ba? haha all jia you ok, tomorrmw my last paper before the holiday, plus 1 more week of lesson of course...

milubing jia you~~~

the events don't think can attend all ba. at least this sunday de i can go, so cya there lo =)