
Sail? Wakeboard? No.. Surfing's Better
milubing | 18 November, 2008 09:34


I haven't touched my laptop in 4 days.. Quite unusual.. Nowadays we'll use the computer almost everyday. Tio bo?

Good morning to everybody on the bloG!!

What do you use your computer for?

- School work = not me
- Work work = sometimes
- Play games = a litttle
MSN = seldom
- Read blogs = often
- Watch youtube = always
- Learn new stuff = I'm trying to make this my no.1

So many things we can learn from the internet pages.. Seems like anything at all. Not the unhealthy stuff hor. I think we all know la..

Drink lots of water, have a healthy day!

Nic just got his freedom back. When Friday comes, Mr Chan will be released.. =)

Post a Comment ::

Blogger Sam Wong | 18 November, 2008 10:14

Forgot to inform ya that i'm not in the judges panel for this season's SS show. But MLB will probably be up on one of the episodes to perform. Will keep you updated! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 10:53

morning sam!
yes yes..
computer seems to be the thing we daily use, juz like our handphones..
hmm. to me, i think the internet kind of serve as a source of interactions bah.. maybe socialisation? yeah. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 11:15

good morning sam..hahas..

yea.. mostly i use com is to read blog , msn ( for interaction sometimes and entertainment Lols) , and work also using com n facing it everyday without fail just like wad i am doing nw typing this. oops.. hahas.. and yups youtube too ..ahaha! which is everyday thing! =X and yes READING BLOG which is nw i doing so..oops..*double killness* =XX

and i also trying to learn more new stuff from computer while working :P

heehee.. sam take care too yea!(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 11:34

looking forward to the lucky draw! LOL.

good morning! =D

going to be afternoon soon.. lunch!


Blogger -WHEY` | 18 November, 2008 11:35

good morning sam :D

the computer and net seemed to be something very important to everyone alr.. there's so much things it "aided" everyone, be it in research or for entertainment wise!

take care all :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 11:52


YESS totally agree. my laptop is my life now. like i bring it whenever i shift from hostel to home (i dont do that last time) cause as time goes by, you store more and more things inside! haha.

oh yah. with the lappy, you can also:
- play music
- surf net
- kaypo other ppl via facebook
- get info (wiki is my best friend)
- blog!!!

hahahhahaha :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 11:55

anyway, the 'dirnk lots of water' reminds me of the gathering at ecp. (: some mlbians were lucky and got the photo where the milos said: drink 8 glasses of water a day! or sth like that. haha so xi xing. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 17:53

Hello sam. Yah everyday we use computer de. I use com is to read blog, msn, playing games, watching youtube, listen to music and trying to learn new stuff.

Ok thanks for telling that u are not the judge for this season's SS show.

Take care! =)


Blogger Pek Choo | 18 November, 2008 18:15

Hi sam,

oh ya~ computer can be used to do blogging, sufting net, MSN, and many mores...

If we live without any computer, I think we will be bored!! hahax~

Drink more water too =)

Take care & Smile

Jiayou!!! cya soon...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 20:36

i was in school, using laptop whole day, for class of course, AND HOW COME I DIDN'T KNOW AH SAM BLOGGED?!?! haha silly quizzy.

i use laptop for
school work = always =(
work work = often (to research about new movies and box office results...)
play games = not me
MSN = always
read blogs = often
update own blog = always
check milubing blog = ALWAYS =D
update publicity blog = often
learn new stuff = hmmmm.....

haha update us again once u guys know the specific time that milubing appearing hao ma? haha thank u!

haha sam take care too. tell weiqi to jia you. and nic take care too. muahaha


Blogger Jean | 18 November, 2008 20:51

morning sam~!..or i should say night now..hahas!=D

and yeah..tio that almost everyday will used the computer!=DD..and yeahs..take care and looking forward to mlb the event !=D..jiayou~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 22:09

Hey SAM!

Well,for me,I usually use my computer for:

Forums - I am in like four forums!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 22:11

I also nt everyday log in.. but once i log in mlb blog is my 1st stop..hahas.

hope can get to hear SJMFJGYX or han in sheng siong show..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 November, 2008 23:32

yoz Sam!!!
i use laptop for
school work = not me
work work = not me
play games = sometimes
MSN = always
read blogs = often
update own blog = sometimes
check facebook = ALWAYS
learn new stuff = sometimes


Blogger qIaNhUi | 19 November, 2008 00:26

Looking Forward To The 7th.!

& Yeah, Congrats To Mr Chan, Can Be Freed Soon Too :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2008 02:19

Just finished the conference meeting... so ... so ...

Work Work = No 1

-_-~~~~~~~~~~~ (US time loh)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2008 02:21

4goten to mention that the SJMFJGYX has been airing in FM972 also. Congrates ya, Guys.



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2008 09:31

muahaha share with u this video then. An alternative way to make popcorn.

use handphone to cook popcorn! lol i guess i will try this at work? hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2008 09:32

argh the link.



Blogger pegg | 19 November, 2008 15:12

will definitely look out for the ss ep. and i guess will be still singing cheng shu ba.
though i definitely would like to hear san jiao xing live. =P

jiayou lo..
tml is the last day le.
chiong arh~~

enjoying ur freedom now, i hope?
(= see ya real soon lo.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2008 15:24

laptop's for listening to music & watching hk dramas =D so sam, still catching dramas? (:

one more day chen shao ye! gambate! (:


Blogger -WHEY` | 19 November, 2008 22:09

weiqi! hang on and jiayo! :D

freedom is waiting for u! :D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 19 November, 2008 23:39


最後的衝刺囉 ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 00:16

mrchan! last paper lo! jiayou! :)

can u smell e freedom? :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 00:21

yup weiqi!
jia youuuuuuuuuu~
relax all u want after that. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 01:13

早安!only tried dry surfing :P to me, not really an enjoyable process unless i hv some specific webpage to visit ;) ;) or smthg to search for, otherwise i find the surf mindless. me def not the IT gen but nowadays it's a convenient source of info when i need it. Was reading digital life tdy, they had 100 bright ideas on IT, i read until bright idea#27, den gave up. maybe cont reading another day and another day until i reach #100 :P some ideas so cheem (to me) dun dare to try on my own, later my comp crash/corrupted i mati. some int lil bits on mac as well, if it's not oredi common knowledge for the mac user here. ;) again...smthg mus be irritating my eyes, keep ;)ing, mus be dat cursed 100 bright ideas...hahaha.... nite n WQ, hope u still hanging in there!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 09:17

gd morning all...

nt enuf slp, so hving slight headache now...

so d gig on 7 dec is in d morning... wat time will u guys b performing?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 11:38

haha...i wont be able to go for tt carnival...hope MLB will have fun and y are there nonew pictures in ur Picture Albums????


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 12:40

hee december de teenage got milubing's interview wor. then last page got their xmas greeting for teenage readers. muahaha.

stomach upset sia...haha...

milubing jia you...

next sat, 29th nov is our FYP presentation le sia...haha...i also must jia you...


Blogger pegg | 20 November, 2008 13:29

it's 20th le!!
chen shao ye. jiayou lo.
hopefully everything's already over. (=
then yeah! you can enjoy le. *smiles*


Blogger Sam Wong | 20 November, 2008 15:08

Thursday, finally.. How does freedom smell?
I know how fried eggs smell.. =)


Blogger Sam Wong | 20 November, 2008 15:09

So good and it makes me hungry..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 15:47

wah, freedom day today for mr chan ya ... fried eggs smell gd ... and soft boiled is just as yummy ... makes me hungry now leh ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 15:59

argh i want a nice hot plate of scramble egg....haha i very sian...
hello sam =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 19:16

Hello sam. Yah fried egg smell nice n good. Hmm makes me hungry. Hehe. Dinner loh. Hope u all enjoy ur dinner.

Weiqi u having last paper liao and u will be relax after that. =)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 20 November, 2008 22:52

hello all... Back again. LOL. Today i am feeling especially happy cuz its my BIG day. But nvm, milubing jiayou alrights?? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 23:42

happie bdae limedrops!

haha sam arhh.
fried egg definitely smells good! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 November, 2008 23:51

freedom smells sweet, i tink..tho i havent smell it yet.. :p

wa sam, dun make me hungry pls..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2008 00:30

Congrats weiqi, for having your freedom liao! Yea...

Sam, why suddenly brought up the topics about eggs? I love eggs too, be it half boiled, fried, steam, scramble etc. Hehe... ya, really making all of us hungry. Haha...

O... fyi, I have just started work today. It is total a new job which I have never work in. Will try my very best to do it well, else I might need to find another job. Since the economic is so bad now, I have to "tahan" temporary 1st. Hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2008 00:31

wah.. i still got 3 weeks more to official freedom. making me jealous already.

yawns.. nites people!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2008 08:22

not yet..now anthr 28nov!!!
deadlines can multiply..
dec faster come!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 21 November, 2008 16:06

W E I Q I !

Freedom Freedom Lo, HaHax HIGH Anot.?!?



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 November, 2008 22:38

Weiqi u are free liao. Yahoo. Haha. =) I am tired. I just came back home from work. Take good care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 00:49

Its weekend again, yea..

Good night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Tmr (rather later) still need to work, I am going to zzzzz le. Bye...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 01:04

Yah its weekend liao. Later i also need to work too. Good night to all people out there. Going to sleep le. Enjoy all ur weekend. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 02:23

weiqi weiqi
it finally freedom for u liao yea..hahas..

hope u gg to be resting well allright (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 15:27

milubing jiayou.


Blogger binz | 22 November, 2008 15:47

the weather out there today is so irritating.. keep got the gonna rain condition but yet the sun comes on and off.. so unpredictable......


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 18:10

happy birthday meikian! :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 19:22

happy birthday to mekian =)
enjoy your day!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 21:54

O.. MeiKian,
Happy Birthday to you.
May All your Wishes & Sweet Dreams Come True.
Enjoy yourself on your very special day. yea...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2008 22:01

happy birthday to meikian! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 November, 2008 13:23

Cheng Shu still in top ten.. no.10! but SJMFJGYX not up yet..


Blogger MLB | 23 November, 2008 17:51

A little late.
Happy Birthday to Mei Kian, hope you had an enjoyable day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 November, 2008 18:34

hey everyone, thanks for the jiayos during the hell days...i'm finally human again, but busy with NEW work!!! oh dear.. and i gotta reformat my lappie tmr!so i'm preparing all my backups.. when my com's stable again will do a POST!!! :D take care all! see u all real soon...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 November, 2008 18:58

thanks all! (:

good evening shao ye.. u reformat ur laptop evry end of year uh? rmb u said u reformatted it some time last year too? ok yeah whatever, jiayou for ur new work yeah..

see ya guys real soon..

and back to assignments..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 November, 2008 20:25

congrats for being a "human" again, weiqi! haha! looking forward for 7th dec :D

anyways, take care all :D


Blogger binz | 23 November, 2008 22:09

life is such a cycle! even before you realise something is over, the new stuffs come knocking..

anwww just saw on tv got the channel 8 countdown at vivocity then need to email in to get tickets. i suppose this countdown is the one that mlb will be invovled in? yea so the email to write in for tickets is: promo8@mediacorp.com.sg


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 00:03

Yea.. Cheng Shu is still at Top 10.Fyi, Cheng Shu had been on the chart for 9 weeks le, and had accumulated 98pts as of now.
Please continue to vote for Cheng Shu, let it stays on the chart for as long as possible.

Wow... weiqi, you are finally free from school projects & exams. Congrats.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 03:56

haha yup yup, human again.. thanks for the congrats haha..my last comment b4 i reformat tmr!!! :D finally backed up all my work!!! p.s. binz, we will be counting down at boonlay too ya?
ok, looks like lots of things gonna happen in dec, i always forget to ask sam to dbl confm, sam, if u see this do comment here too :p
On the beat, dec episode, but i not sure which. We most likely appearing on Okto, and shengsiong in dec too, but gotta confirm the dates. mmm... wat else.. oh ya,i working with campus super star production team...heh heh.. will update again la... ;) after the reformat is done, and i install firefox, will post some pics k? promise!!! :D nitey!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 04:00

so both the countdown shows are 100% cfm uh? busy dec for ya guys.. and us.. sighhhs. anw jus let us know soon about the events ba, mus plan schedule liao.. ha.

and just a reminder hor, i think you still owe us a video hor..? since like beginning of the year right?! LOL. take ur time lah. (:



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 07:52

eh? duno why my comment didnt get published /:

anyway i said working with CSS team sounds fun!

and yah im here to do some advert. lol. joined a locker design comp recently, and if u guys like my work, do vote for it yah. (:

there are pretty cool designs there. and you stand a chance to win one of three Seagate FreeAgent
| Go 500GB Portable Hard Drives + Dock worth S$399.90 by just voting. each person has 3 votes for 3 different works. mine's on pg13 no.113. do check it out. thanks &cheers. (:



Blogger binz | 24 November, 2008 07:55

yep of course not forgetting the boonlay one too(: yayyyyy many events and tv appearance in dec! i hope that this is a happy world with no or little clash of schedules(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 08:26

Peeping here..

roughly go through all the blog entries and the pictures..

It's been a long time no c nic wearing specs..hahaha...
stil vry cute neh...

jz to leave a comment..haha
bye~ ~ ~

=) kit frm malaysia


Blogger pegg | 24 November, 2008 09:34

chen shaoye~~ ure back. (=
you owe us alot of things man. hahas. jiayou lo~~ im sure those photos' posting and videos will take up quite awhile. and pls dun tell me you've forgotten wad video you owe us arh. -.-

ohya, btw. can i chk with you if there's only one event on 7dec? (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 10:06

gd morning...

i'm late, but happy birthday mk!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 11:57

Happy birthday to MeiKian! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 13:26

weiqi is finally back.. :))

great to see u leaving comment again ^^ anyway haha looking forward to see u posting a entry which is very soon yea.. hahas.. :)

take care ar weiqi! jiayou in ur new 'work' :X


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 14:59

Yeah weiqi u are back. It sound so interesting working with ccs production team. Looking forward for ur new post and pics. Hope u enjoy doing ur new work! =)

Jia you and take good care. =]


Blogger -WHEY` | 24 November, 2008 23:24

css production team?? hmmm.. haha.. seems like dec will be more "happening"! and seems like the boys are all "free-er" now! heh heh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2008 23:28

yeah weiqi! welcome back to the world~!
hmm. the okto thing issit a live event?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 00:40

Okto is the revamp version of Kids central syl meimei...weiqi u r referring to this right? haha

Alright I've been here but lazy to click "post a comment"...happy belated belated birthday to meikian...

congrats to weiqi for regaining your freedom. My freedom will be after 29th nov. FYP presentation mahz. hahahahaha...after that will be working hard on pursuing my passion le ba. heh heh.

have fun reformatting ba, make sure u back up every single thing that u need hor.

have fun busying ba u trios. jia you!!

haiz tomorrow school again. bye bye~~


Blogger qIaNhUi | 25 November, 2008 04:03

Gonna Be Busy Again In Dec. Lo!



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 09:16

haha quizzy jie,
yeah i noe..
my bro always watch the channel..
and i noe there's this section where it's live one, then can get tics to watch de.
so i'm wondering if that's the prog mlb are supposed to go. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 10:19

interesting~~~~ =)=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 11:53

goNNA be busy on Dec again~


Looking forward on the 7th dec event..........


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 19:16

lol didnt know okto has 'live' de leh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 November, 2008 23:38

omg,i'll be busy on Dec


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 November, 2008 21:53

hey all,
there's a 8大排行榜 voting on the channel 8 website, which involves voting for the Top 8 Mandarin Pop Songs, Top 8 Male Lead Characters and Top 8 Female Lead Characters. the results will be announced during the 'live' show of the Channel 8 Countdown Party on 31st Dec.

voting will be from 24th Nov, 12noon till 7th Dec, 12 noon.

do vote for MLB's CHENG SHU for the Top 8 Mandarin Pop Songs! :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 November, 2008 22:31

jus to add on, u can vote a maximum of 10 times per day..so vote away! :D

oh n jus a reminder, sms voting for lhb ends tml 12pm..do rmb to cast ur vote for cheng shu! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 November, 2008 22:47

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for the link.
Btw, is there any limitation to the no. of vote per song per day? Cos, I tried voting Cheng Shu twice and seem that they were accepted! Wonder will they just be counted as one vote only? Kindly advise, thanks.

All the Best to Cheng Shu in these voting. Jia-you fellow MLBians, it is free to vote, so nothing need to be considered. Yea...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 November, 2008 22:50


Thanks for informing about the maximum no. of votes per song per day. Shall vote another 8 more times.
Btw, if we have 2PCs does it means we can vote 20x? hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 01:39

Yea... Starts VOTING!!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 01:46

hmm i'm not sure if it works using 2 diff com cos i duno if they log ip add..but u can always try..heh.. :) anyway, cheng shu's in top10 now..keep voting k..jiayou! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 16:32

Hello SAM :D
Hello WEIQI! Very long never see you alr. awwwwwwww.
Hello NIC! ORD alr is it! haha, must be having a lot of fun time right hahaha.
:D :D :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 17:53

i suppose the system logs by ip add, so probably you got to use another network to vote or something. unless the two comps have different ip add or smth. anyway, no harm trying.. do vote more!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 19:56

Thanks anonymous. I also did try to vote for 3 times but it seem like we can vote for more times. But not sure whether they will count as 1 votes or what de? Yah no harm trying. Hehe. Jia you and keep voting hard. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2008 19:56

Thanks anonymous. I also did try to vote for 3 times but it seem like we can vote for more times. But not sure whether they will count as 1 votes or what de? Yah no harm trying. Hehe. Jia you and keep voting hard. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 November, 2008 04:46

Voted Chengshou for the 8大排行榜.

Sorry that I missed this week sms voting... dearest granny just passed away...

Dec7 wont be going also, MLB and MLBians all Jia You ya.



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2008 15:22

anybody going for the 7th Dec event? let me know k. i wanna go but dun wanna go alone. can't wait to see them



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 November, 2008 21:58

sorry mlb! I won't be able to make it to see u guys but jiaYOUS for the show!!!