
New Chapter of My Life
milubing | 11 November, 2008 05:49


ORD loh!

It's amazing how time flies.. Been 1 yr 10 mths since i was enlisted. I remember my BMT times.. So much fun i had.. in the dirt.. in my sweat drenched Number 4s.. the stench of my stinkin' helmet.. all this seemed like yesterday.. i remember how crazy it was under the hot sun.. carrying my riffle.. singing army songs "with my riffle and my buddy and me-ee-eh!"... Thinking of all these is squeezing a tear outa the corner of my eye.. i remember the people that were in my life then.. i remember my bunk.. my bed.. the windows.. the metal cupboards and the padlock that guarded it. I remember the vending machine that i'ld go to twice a day minimum to get a cold refreshment.. i remember the pull up bars at the foyer.. i remember the canteen that i had to march there 3 times daily to eat... i remember the route marches - friends cheering "oi! abit more nico! Dun be a pussy buddy! Almost done!" I remember cheering my buddy on too "U okies buddy? Common buddy! tahan awhile only Sat book out le!".. i remember the brotherhood and man-egoistic feel of my platoon and bunkmates. I remember kiwi-ing my boots to an amazing shine...

I remember ever so vaguely my last camp MDC.. the dance studio.. tar black rubber floors.. mirrors on 3 walls out of 4.. 1.5x my own height.. i remember the male changing room.. the light odor of it.. musky.. ever stuffy though all 4 fans kept on... remember the dressing tables.. each man to one.. the steel cupboards that seemed to be our mini storerooms.. the chatter of crazy people.. always kept me occupied and cheerful.. light hearted.. i remember the stressful times which i had to learn dance choreography.. i remember my friends.. whom which we once in awhile clubbed.. danced the daily work stress away.. remember the people who got drunk and talk crap at these occasions making a fool of themselves... i remember the hugs we gave each other once in awhile.. i remember the moody times they had.. i had.. but faded away with each other's company.. i remember the shows we did.. some big.. some small and forgetable.. the 1 min fast changes in between performance items.. remember the quarrels we had and resolved.. All good memories.. nothing bad. I remember people who thought me how to dance.. do makeup.. thought me lil lessons on the entertainment life.. people who thought me more how to treasure people..

All these friends help made a part of who i am now. Wherever u all may be now.. Whatever you all may be doing.. May our paths in life cross.. and if they do.. seeing each other again.. I know it'll be all smiles.. only more.. nothing less.

Miss all of you.

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 06:53

hello dear nic...

eh so early ORD liao ah?! zhun zhun 20 mths? cool (:

it's so amazing how time flies.. i remember vaguely 11th jan 07, when we were sitting in class smsing each other and discussing about your first day in camp. haha, kinda lame lah, but just interested to know how you were doing.. and i remember vividly how tired you looked evrytime we see you after camp, looking thoroughly worn out.

anywayy. it's all over now.. great chapter of life i guess? it's time to look back, smile thinking of those memories, probably memories that you'll remember for life.

it's cool thinking of those stuffs ya learnt in these months anyway! guess those stress stuffs were good training for life huh. and the great friends you made, really cool yah. cherish them more when you've left mdc, cuz they're really great people.

so now.. new chapter of life.. more music? (: dance for us once in awhile, don't forget those dances you once learnt! =p

unforgettable.. now you can stop looking stressed.. enjoy life for awhile, bring back the smile to your face (:

on the plus side, at least no more chingay! ha. =PP

lastly, congratulations on the ORD! =D

crappish yes, but bringing back other memories of my own (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 07:29

back to ur owl nites.. tkcare ya.

smile (:

btw dont forget me! =PPP

ohh and that on top was a typo, 22mths (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 08:22

so much so much memorieszz
music ur thoughts in a hearty melody as a keepsake for a lifetime
ord--embark on a new adventure exploring the harsh world then, dun get lost be gutsy
26Nov impt day for me, take heart, so till be peepin agn.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 09:08

congrats on the ORD!
MDC surely has given you lotsa fond memories.. =)
and i'm very very sure you guys would still keep in contact somehow!
so i guess.. you're rather free now? haha! more music pls! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 09:16

Wow,finally ORD
Congrates le


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 09:21

congrats nic!

how time really flies... glad tat u can now concentrate on making more gd music!

SJMFJGYX is now playing on 933.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 09:37

waaaaa oh ya hor, nic finally ORD le! haha gong xi! yeah i guess in NS is where you meet friends that you can make for the rest of your life. hopefully one day you guys can meet together and, dance again? muahaha. new chapter of ya life - be milo again? HAHA. jia you k, at least can see u in that famous long long long long hair again....want to dye (i nearly typed die =X) multi colors like sam also can...haha!



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 09:38

thanks for the info about SJMFJGYX playing on 933.

as stated on Yes 933 website:

you guys can start voting for SJMFJGYX already, together with Cheng Shu.

send in your votes by thursday noon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 11:10



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 12:54

Nic congrats finally ord loh! Hehe. So much memories u had. Hope u can meet out with ur friend and dance again n etc. Yeah going to see u with long hair liao. Haha. Take care. =]

Ok ic. Thanks. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 13:16

Congrats on your ORD.
Ya, times really flies like nobody business. No one can do anything to stop or adjust it! Haha...
All the Best to you.


Blogger Rah | 11 November, 2008 13:18

congrats to nic..hahas..
finally ORD liao hor. heh heh..=)

shld have more rest time more ya? hahas.. take care yo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 13:34

nic! congrats! ord lo! :D time reali flies man..so fast 22 mths alr..it's nice tt u hv so much memories within tis period of time..sth tt will make u smile when u look back in future.. :) now, time for more music related stuff yea.. :)

hmm jus heard SJMFJGYX on 933..do send ur coupons out by today yea..allow some time for e coupons to reach 933..u can send 2 votes in total, 1 for cheng shu n 1 for SJMFJGYX..

sms wise, u can send:
to 72346. this has to be in by thu, 12pm..jiayou ppl! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 14:09

time really flies.

everytime when ppl ask abt what mlb is doing, the standard answer will be:
wq: studying
sam: writing songs
nic: still in army lo!

now suddenly change to nic: ord liao!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 16:03

nic, so u flew out of de soldiers' nest, with u a bagful of tricks, memories, experiences & confidence - congrats de! jiayou! for yr future.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 16:10

hi sam, will u be in tis coming seng shiong show?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 16:19

Hi all,

As I mentioned in the prev post, everyone try ur best to request for cover stories ya? Magazine will probably only publish things that are highly in demand, that will boost sales for them. So please write in more, 'stress' them abit if possible... Bring MLB to the covers! :)

Anw, since now Nic's free, the only poor guy still chionging will be our dearest keyboardist, still busy with his projects till end Nov... Let's jiayou for WEIQI okayy? WQ jiayou!! :D

Still not much info about upcoming events, think the boys will try to update as much as they can... And also awaiting more info about Countdown 2009 from various sources.



Blogger Pek Choo | 11 November, 2008 17:43


Really time passes so fast, and you really ORD liao =)

Congrats ya~

Have enough rest and take care



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 19:22

Congratulations...you are finally 'released'!

You can now spend all your time on your passion & fulfill your dream!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 19:55

Congrates, Nic! U r finally a 成熟男生咯!

now i cld see u guys flying overseas to push your albums ya.

1st stop - Johor Bahru
2nd stop - where?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 November, 2008 22:04

Nic leave this msg on his enlisted day:

A journey's started where d old one hasn't end a journey well walked a journey of friends itz not gd bye I'm not gona die i'll juz b away for a lil while see you all soon in a week or two before i know music wil b within grasps again still concrete air replaced by stale sea breeze nothing much to complain...

but smile with a sulk a new life to begin when a new one's juz started lets juz look forward..see mi through!
@ 11 January 07, 3:39PM

jus like ytd right but nearly 2 years le..

congrats to nic..

your post always so touching.. wl it feel e same when i ord ?


Blogger -WHEY` | 12 November, 2008 01:14

everything feels so "yesterday".. time flies :D

&& leaving beind, the good old memories :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 02:39

Congrats Nic!!
ORD already! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 09:24

but those memories would stay w you. (:
they're for you t keep.
ORD le, more time for yourself eh.
and your passion, music.
practice those dances once in a while lah, then you can think about your MDC days. heh.

takecare! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 10:37

memories black, white and colourful...
be a part of your life journey, of dear importance...

more glimpses of teeth from now on? hope it be so.

more concentration on music, look forward to better works. keep improving!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 11:38

wat's MDC mean?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 12:20

MDC = SAF Music & Drama Company


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 14:17

being random, nic you deleted your facebook account arhz? =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 14:48

I was wondering if nic delete his facebook or what? Cos he is not at my friend list there liao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 15:32

woot~ ORD le wors.. (=
have a good rest for now la. *smiles*

and weiqi!!
exams period lo.. but i guess you shd be more busy with your projs instead of theory papers ba.
jiayou jiayou jiayou ya??
but rmb to take good care of yourself at the same time hors~~


Blogger ellekay :] | 12 November, 2008 16:44

This comment has been removed by the author.


Blogger ellekay :] | 12 November, 2008 16:48

sorry for the previous comment.
abit of amendments...

hello people!

walked past tampines mrt station today and found this event poster regarding the 7december2008 event...


venue: Tampines North Community Club
time: 9am to 1pm
day: Sunday
date: 7 December 2008
cost of carnival ticket: $3.00 (including door gift, game coupons, lucky draw)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 17:05

thanks ellekay! :D

why use such a 'dao' photo for the banner... should use a more smiley one. :P


Blogger ellekay :] | 12 November, 2008 17:15

welcome! :)

i also dont know leh.

and uhm, regarding the tickets...

i phoned tampines north cc and they say that it would be best if we could purchase the tickets before 7dec.
latest by 6dec hopefully so that they can have the time to prepare the door gifts.
on 7dec, we MIGHT still be able to purchase, but at your own risk...
the counter for the purchase of tickets is up already btw.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 17:25

Don't ask. Respect his privacy.
Don't make him feel obligated.
He has the right not to add mlbians.That's his personal social life.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 17:26

Thanks ellekay for the infomation and pic. Haha. Yah loh shld use a smiley pic of them. Hehe.


Blogger ellekay :] | 12 November, 2008 17:52

you are welcome! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 19:41

Ellekay thanks for the info!!!

See you soon =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 21:51

yay congrats to nic! (: ORD already!(though i don't know what ORD stands for) :D but yay anyway!
by the way i saw sam and weiqi at century square on friday but i didn't dare ask them for a photo or autograph heh D: missed a golden chance!
nvm, still love mlb loads and hope your songs can stay on long hu bang for many mnany weeks to come! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 22:40

Yeah, it's hard to forget these memories we had with our close friends. I'm from a uniform group myself and i know the feeling. How it feels to sweat and suffer together with all your squadmates, or go through the joy of accomplishing something together.

Haha, we sang that song too. But it's another version. It's "With my CIs, my buddies and me-ee-eh!" :)

And I'm passing out soon next year le loh. I'm sure i'll be like you..


Blogger qIaNhUi | 12 November, 2008 22:44

NIC... Congrats ORD Lo!!!

Can Really Imagine Ur Happiness, But Yet Not Forgetting The Strong Bond Between U & Ur Buddies :)
Yup I'm Sure All These Will Be Part Of Ur Fond Memories In Ur Life ~



Blogger Rah | 12 November, 2008 23:01

i can really understand the feelings that hw much times u guys had gone through together as once.. hah.. seeing ur entry really make me feel a lot yea.. thinking back of my past also.. aha :)

take care lor nic ..:D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2008 23:35

orh~ Ord Liao ~ Can take back ur Pink IC which hv left U for 22 Mths wohz..HaHA..GO miss ur IC boh ? :X

Enjoy ur freedom ;) jiayou in everything U do..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2008 01:00

Nic, Liberated! Enjoy your new chapter in life, it's full of blank pages, up to you to make a moving, illustrious chapter with a dash of courageous poetry, a generous dose of comic strips, a pinch of vivid snapshots with a splash of psychedelic colours. Most imptly, while you savour creating the new chapter in your life, let there be music enriching your every step :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2008 01:23

hmmm..Nicodemus.. I know how you feel..

even now, in my campus.. 1 and a half years away to graduate.. every single day, no matter how late into the day, I'll make sure I'll step into the campus at least once, and leaving late.

cause I know when I grad, the feeling will be so so awful and I'll regret not spending more time there. Even as now, whenever I stroll along the campus grounds, I already see that there are things I'll miss..badly.. to the extent that I wish that there'll be no graduation day.

I already start to miss the frequent walks, the rowdiness of the class, by passing my favourite lecturer in the lift area all the time, our frequent glances, my locker with my fav number that I requested, my cosy corner that I've set up myself, the bird's eye view of daily activities, the exploration of other ppl's work through the big glass panels..the beautiful weather..my classrooms..everything so nice..

If time can stall right? the sad part of life is that we can't stop moments at one touch of a button. So in the end we can only store more and more memories in us.... but yet.... when we flip them over and over again.. they become our melancholy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2008 11:24

Hi Guys!!!!
Nowdays raining lo....must take care of yourself!!!
Don't be like me!!!I'm sick and got one day MC for today

Take care!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2008 23:35

Hi Lorita,
Please take care & rest well. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Wow... All Pri & Sec students must be super happy lor. After tomorrow will have a 6weeks school holiday.

TGIF, have a freat weekend to everyone. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2008 23:49

ya lor.
raining so frequently these few days.
lorita, take care!
dun catch a cold ppl! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 02:11

Good nite & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Gonna zzzzz le, have a wonderful Friday. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 08:33

Nic, Sam, Weiqi JiaYou! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 09:04

heh heh
wad does "diaoz" mean huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 10:47

diaoz mean sian, i think so.
MLB so cool...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 10:59

haha its just like "-_-!!!" or "......", haha=)

YAY! FYP REPORT SUBBBBBMIT LO!! I'm stress-lessen a bit liao. now need to vex about presentation nia, plus must also go back to what i love doing most. hee =).

milubing jia you and take care ok? nic, jia you in your next phase of life. sam, have fun enjoying life. weiqi, take care while busying. everyoone have fun =D!

oh btw capri jie, thanks hor i feel better liao. haha this few days sleep a lot =).


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 18:05

I thought it means "cool", that wordJay Chou always use.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 18:51

diaoz = -_-"...

ask the person who raised it up lah..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 22:27

2 pages interview of MLB in December issue of Teens magazine:





Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 23:10

Thank you anonymous for the Teens mag updates.

yo~ quizzy, now u can start chionging for fresh air liao, congrates ya.

Wish all a happy weekend.

Me machiam quite excited the Sunday's results :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 23:22

hello peeps.. only slept 4 hours in total for the past 2 days! had a crazy paper yesterday, and one more just this morning.. now still gotta 'ren' all the way till the 20th... then i'm free!!! Take care all of ya!


Blogger Pek Choo | 14 November, 2008 23:26

Hello Weiqi,

Jiayou for your exam!!

I am also rushing for my projs & tsk...

Take care =)

Have enough rest too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 23:30

jiayou yo.. looks like life's been pretty crazy for u uni students. one more week.. gambate!~


Blogger ellekay :] | 14 November, 2008 23:35

are your eyeballs bulging already?!

take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 23:38

Thanks anonymous for the teens magazine updates. I want to buy dec teens soon! Hehe.

Nowadays raining le so u all must take good care. I not feeling well guess cos of the weather ba. Hope u all enjoy ur weekend. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 November, 2008 23:49

weiqi jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 00:13

weiqi! jiayou jiayou jiayou!!

eh at least u still end earlier than me..bleahz..jiayou la! 5 more days only..den holiday liao! :D take care k! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 02:17

oki, i'll jiayo de.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 04:57

haha. weiqi weiqi, u not sleeping? i pei u dun sleep. i working morning shift later so by right I need to wake up at 7am. but then i not really sleepy yet, so i spending time enjoying peace (actually got work to do also la. muahaha). weiqi jia you ok. drink more water. jia you jia you. take care lo =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 04:59

haha oh ya jenny jie. thanks for your congrats haha. now chionging for fresh air. still got some other deadlines to follow, so now trying to chiong finish asap then aim for ultimate relaxation ah! muahaha.


Blogger -WHEY` | 15 November, 2008 09:30

good luck for exams then! (:

jiayo! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 11:14

Weiqi jia you and good luck for ur exams. Take good care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 11:47

good lucks for your exams !!
jiayou !! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 15:57

Hi, good afternoon, its Saturday.

For those who are still ahving exams, please jia-you & all the best to you guys/gals.

For all students who are having school holidays now, enjoy yourselves to the fullest. Yea..

For working adults, jia-you in whatever you are doing.

As for myself, I am still have to jia-you in searching for a new job. Hehe...

Anyway, just hope that everyone has a great & wonderful weekend. Cheers...


Blogger pegg | 15 November, 2008 16:36

btw. do take note that there is also an album review of Triangle in Dec Teens. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 November, 2008 23:57

all the best for exams! =D
study hard!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 00:53

just came across this from rawclipx.. aint sure if it was posted up before.


fyi, the clips can be downloaded in mp4/wmv/3gp format.

and NIC, 没有主见 is so NOT the correct term to describe the company leh... it's more like, 意见. or something. whatever. -_-"


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 13:14

Cheng Shu's at #9 this week. ):


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 13:17

morning...just woke up from my, 13 hours of sleep. =X

cheng shu number 9 wor...haiyaiyai. milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 13:30


.. but i tink e result already betta than 'lei'.. jiayou loh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 13:39

Haiz. Continue to jia you voting. Just come back from outside not long. SO HOT! =]


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 16 November, 2008 13:47

haiz this week cheng shu drop to no.9... LOL. Lets vote harder next week mlbians!! And also for sjmfjgyx okay??

Take Care people!!


Blogger Unknown | 16 November, 2008 13:56

NIC! Congratulations on ur ORD! a new beginning of life! must chiong all the way~ jiayou k!!! =)

hope this msg doesnt come too late.

weiqi, u so pro laa! 4 hrs of slp for the past 2 days?! 我真是佩服得五体投地 sia. take care k. replace ur slping hrs after ur exam. at least 48hrs of slp. lolxx. al the best to u. may u success with flying colors in ur results! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 14:24

something to surprise.. make me so high ..

go: http://youthbox.2ya.com/


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 21:55

Gotten from: http://1003charts.blogspot.com/



本周 上周 歌曲 演唱 上榜次数 最高位置 榜首次数:

1 1 稻香 周杰伦 7 1 5
2 2 你不是真正的快乐 五月天 3 2 0
3 7 我还想她 林俊杰 3 3 0
4 5 说好的幸福呢 周杰伦 4 4 0
5 6 幸福天堂 拾叁 7 5 0
6 3 沿海公路的出口 S.H.E 7 1 1
7 4 小酒窝 林俊杰、蔡卓妍 5 2 0
8 17 带我走 杨丞琳 2 8 0
9 15 夏雨诗 潘裕文 2 9 0
10 13 维多利亚的爱 潘嘉丽 4 10 0
11 20 另类人生 ENERGY 2 11 0
12 18 2375 棉花糖 4 12 0
13 8 心有林夕 林宥嘉 6 3 0
14 新上位 三人行 迷路兵 1 14 0
15 10 Missing You 范逸臣 5 10 0
16 12 你走天桥我走地下道 何维健 6 12 0
17 9 死胡同 刘力扬 6 9 0
18 新上位 寂寞包厢 周定纬 1 18 0
19 新上位 限时的遗忘 潘嘉丽 1 19 0
20 新上位 月光 黄靖伦 1 20 0

highest debut for the week, at radio 1003 chart! :)

Do continue to vote up this song ba!

*is this the first song of MLB that enter radio 1003 chart?


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 22:30

We'll Continue To Vote Harder De!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 23:35

Yea, let's continue to vote for Cheng Shu. Do not give up ok?
Cheng Shu had been on the chart for 8weeks and accumulated 87pts as of today. Let it stays on the chart for as long as possible.

Wow... time really flies, so fast the weekend already ended. Tomorrow will be another start of a new day & week. Jia-you ba, everybody. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 November, 2008 23:48

Thanks anonymous for the updates. Yah let's continue to vote for cheng shu. Jia you!!! Yah loh sianz weekend end so fast. 2moro is another start of week. Jia you ba! =)


Blogger -WHEY` | 17 November, 2008 00:52

yes, we all will work hard tgt and try to push it up further!

anyways, will sam be attending sss to be the judge next week?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 00:57

O... I didn't watch last Sat SSS. Is Sam one of the judge last Sat? Will he be one of the judge again in this season?


Blogger -WHEY` | 17 November, 2008 00:58

sam wasn't there last week right? i heard from qianhui they all.. hmm..


Blogger qIaNhUi | 17 November, 2008 01:54

He Was Not 1 Of The Judges That Sat... Issit Permanently NO Le?
Tink HE's Busy With His Drum Lessons Etc Etc ... Tt's y He Din Take Up The Judge's Job This Time Round???


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 02:08

WHEY & qIaNhUi,
Thanks for the update, so confirmed Sam will not be the judge this season.
O.. It is time to zzzzz le, good nite & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.
Have a great week ahead. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 04:24

hey all,
do continue to vote for 成熟 n 世界麻烦借过一下 on lhb ya..we noe it's quite a challenge with all the big names around, but we are not going to give up ya..keep sending in the coupons n smses..coupons constitute 70% of the results, so do send in more if you are able to..i've run out of mine already..

those with coupons and dont mind passing it to us, please email me(or us) at milubing.fc@gmail.com

those without coupons, you can vote by sending sms to 72346..
each sms costs $0.30.
1 vote per song, so we can actually vote for both songs at the same time.
jiayou ppl! :)


Blogger pegg | 17 November, 2008 10:59

hmmm.. i think we should also try to help vote for 三角行 in Radio1003chart too. since the song's already up the chart.

Radio 1003 chart results will be announced on every Friday at 9pm in Radio 100.3

voting methods are as followed:

1. Coupons:
It's the same way as Yes933 LHB but you gotta mail the envelopes/postcards to

Radio1003 优势流行榜
1000 Toa Payoh North
News Centre
Singapore 318994

2. SMS:

UCHART[space]Song Title[space]Name[space]NRIC no.

and send it to 97171003

Voting period starts from Friday 10pm to Wednesday 11.59pm


Blogger pegg | 17 November, 2008 11:19

went over to check out OurVoiceBox.sg and found some photos of the guys. aint sure if anyone of you saw them before.

SHA 08

Superband Finals 2008


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 11:52

if you guys want to, you can vote for the song on 1003 chart as well, but its best to keep your focus on the Yes 933 LHB, as the results have a huge influence on SHA'09.

maybe can vote for the 1003 chart via sms and keep your stamps/envelopes for LHB ya? just a suggestion. if i'm not wrong, the sms voting cost for 1003 chart should be the same as normal sms, so those who've got free sms plans can probably vote without paying.

and we've got a lack of coupons now for LHB, those who are willing to contribute do email us. or if you can, do ask your friends and family to fill up the coupons and send them out. don't forget the sms voting too!

correct me if i'm wrong about anything though.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 19:15

been having weird sleeping hrs.. just woke..

yes.. i deleted facebook.. realised tat it was an uneccessary connection in my life that took up time which is so precious to everyone :)

wad i've been busy doing.. urm...

"zheng-ing" my mac..

all thos that use mac.. leopard OS.... did ya guys realise that there're spikes in system usages? aha!... solving those now.. deleting daemons and cleaning it up.. making it optimal.. so less hiccups and safer grounds to do performances.. dowloading freewares to make my mac desktop a better place to reside in.. got a suprise for you guys.. be uploaded soon... i hope..


aint realli an IT person.. this is taxing..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 19:21

hello nic!

jiayou, make yourself love your mac more. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 20:27

okiee.. shall look forward to it.
jia you! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 20:50

shall look forward for the surprise too...



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 21:32

WOW Gt Surprise For Us.?!?
HaHax . . . Hmmmmmmmm ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 21:45

Hm...Does anyone here know their I-weekly is when de mah? I mean the interview one. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 22:13

be careful with what you download though! pay me lah, i do it for you. :p

sandra, which one do you mean? if its the one they had the interview at bedok, its not published yet.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2008 22:59

Looking forward for the surprise. Jia you! Haiz. Hope 2moro i can pass my roleplay n oral. Sianz ah!!!! I am sure 2moro i will nervous de loh. Haiz. =(