
Glad to see you!
milubing | 08 December, 2008 00:45

: Halo mlbians... thank you all who came down to give your support today... wonder if u can tell if we were kinda tired.. yup a busy and tiring week for us 3... today a weird thing happened.. usually my side of the equipment will screw up, but we 3 spent 2 whole weeks fixing it! and today, nic's equipment suddenly refused to speak!?!? 1 in a million chance! ok..maybe 1 in a 100, cos he used it maybe a hundred times at least? during practices?? so why today!? and was it just me or did we sound too soft and like cave men? so it seemed as if sam was playing too loud, but in actual fact, it was the music that was too soft. well we learn so many lessons each time there's some kind of screw up during performances.. and yup, MLB kinda like prone to such stuff.. cos band ma haha.. but well, on the bright side, wonder if u all noticed,but we set up and pack up much faster! yay! we're training to be super efficient in our build/tear down speed, required for certain events etc. and also thus allowing more interaction time with you all!!! after the gig, today we finally unwinded... as a band.... wow, so long since we just relaxed together... had to destress la, running here and there the whole week... so we had some ya kun coffee, then played an hour of "left4dead" haha..then we ate lunch, then donuts... then yup... split up for home..quite a san ren tong xing day. Miss such days le, seems like ever since we've been so busy with the band being sorta an official 'job' we have less of such time together, sometimes it is really sad, cos we are friends to begin with, that was our roots,but in a busy and cruel world, sometimes things can get at you, especially friends, it can be super painful, sleepless nites... but i guess though i missed today's sermon in church bout forgiveness and reconciliation, I do know that forgiveness and openess heals every wound, it can turn a scar into a beatiful birthmark. No matter how bad the damage, true friends can reunite and spur on a whole new and amazing journey. It won't be easy as the photo below..zoom zoom haha..more like traffic lights at every turn, but that's the whole point of the journey, dealing with the hiccups, determining how matured one is, how matured your team is. goodnite ppl, down with a flu, so no choice, have to turn in. cheers to a better tmr..

Helooo!!! After sounding like a caveman and us struggling on stage to hear ourselves... we're here to type some stuff yea..Been a long day.. our pick up time was like before the sunrise... anyways.. shall just speak for myself here since this is slot's been aloted for me *winkz*

Been away from stages for bout a mth now.. feels alil foreign.. its like lost my faith... kinda miss mdc.. the days whereby i get to practice ever so often.. like it anot.. sing and perform.. smile on stage no matter what happens.. the show must go on.. all this making mdcians ever so stage ready. Shan't elaborate our issues on stage today.. haha.. wei qi above elaborated le la hor... haha.. if not read 2 times oso sian rite?? keke...

I miss the stage.. realli so much.. today i just sang (a lil zhao sia forgive me la hor.. reverb was gao gao.. cant hear myself on stage somemore).. BUT.. i felt i let myself and the band down.. i did not "perform". Oh well.. good days and bad.. today was heng heng ok only haha...

BUT GREAT!!! after spending much money... (3 of us added together almost 2k).. so much sleepless nights researching.. 2 days NON-STOP fixing up the rig.. you see us with an improved rig! setup time 5 min.. tear down 5 min.. BUT SUEH SUEH TODAY guitar duno why no sound la.. sobs...BUT we seasoned le.. calm on stage le ba.. paiseh gota wait for us to start.. but the waiting will soon be over once we finalised everything.

SHOCKER FOR You guys :) what ya saw on stage.

soundcard - 1.2K
mixer - 165
macbook (zhenged) - 3k odd
guitar - 3k
guiatr pedal (guitar rig) - 800
big a** cool big screen WQ's com - 3k
cables and 2 boxes misc etc - 400
keyboard - 2k
stands 250

$13,815 was what you guys saw on stage. (mental sums, forgive the *probable errors my math suck haha)
we shant count my guitars, wei qi's big a** keyboard on stage, programs in our coms, sam's snare at hme.. TIME.

That's how much is put into the music, for us, for our loved ones, supporters (you guys), ....for passion.

It's all sweat blood stained money... thats why we're always broke. no joke. we're real people, not some star shining brightly, teeth glittering hollywoody stars... WE"RE BAND!!!! Curse of the musicians (pui... guitarist seems more cursed) But soon weiqi would be too as he goes digital fully.. (shaitz bro.. financial sunami befalling soon, hope the inflow's enought to sustain us! share share la hor...) One day maybe we'll be successful.. fully supported financially by sponsors and all who have faith in the band.. as all of you do :) have enough.. aint need to worry..

GAMBATE!!! we'll make it TOGETHER.

Thanks for coming guys... sorry to those we didnt have chance to take photos with.. were stuck at the front.. didnt mean to neglect anyone..

We'll meet soon.

(PS, read the letters, drank the drinks, loved the gift, super appreciative for the tissue. NEXT GIG YOU SEE ME BRING TOWEL)

sam :
Wa.. Nic revealed the accounts.. Yea its true, our pockets are kinda empty now but its ok. Don't worry people. We're happy guys and that's most important. With supporters like YOU moving along wth us. Steady le la.. The past week, we've been brisk-walking around the IT part of town. Run here, walk there. Raining also walk. Rain water get into my precious shoes also walk. Soak their slippers also walk. In search high and low for stuff we need to buy.. Damn tired, but its worth it. We gotta improve. As usual as usual though i don't wish say as usual, our performance part can't be perfect. Nevermind, we enjoyed the little interaction and photo-taking part. And i think i looked rather silly in most pictures. I was trying to smile (closed mouth smile becos you know la) at the same time controlling myself from laughing out when our steadymama was holding the fork.
Selamat Hari Raya


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 01:03

hey mlbians.. the 3 of us have been super busy, change of rig.. to make our performance set up and tear down time shorter as well as doing research to replace our faulty hardware(time to return it to it's rightful owner le). So we had to spend some hard-earned $, some to-be-earned $, run around s'pore to scout for the ingredients, drill some holes, sand some surfaces, spray some paint, glue some sponge, tighten some cable tie, stick some labels, screw some screws,install some software... busy busy... tsk tsk.. and I also got campus superstar stuff to settle! oh dear... but glad that our rig is more or less settled, tmr, or rather later, will be our first try with this improved rig.. hopefully no more "milubing ni men zhun bei hao le ma???" yup... let's do it peeps.. heh heh.. CX, the singtel book gone le, cos too long never claim so in a way overdue le ba, i also felt,it's been so long le,so mei yo yi shi le... too late now rite? :p
take care peeps, see ya all tmr!
those who can't go, no worries, mlb is busy in December!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 01:10

hey uncle phil, don't worry, appreciate the fact that you bought me something back from the trip... haha.. nic liked my one more heh heh.. anyways, in future dun need to spend on us la, same for everyone, we'd rather u turn up than anything else. SO pls!!! no one to sacrifice study time or $$$ for mlb k? just by supporting(physically or in your heart) is enough le... :)
MK,i dunno if your decision is rite, but i'd do the same as u. guess it's not about the decision, but the next decision. like, wat's the next step. find your passion, do the research of the industry you're going into, then dive in(with a yearning learning spirit but with careful planning!). $ is hard to come by and time is lagi expensive.
Sheena, dunno if u can see this, but jiayo ya? you're more brave than me sia, lead singer leh heh heh...
Thanks to all who came, hope u had a great time. It's just the beginning of a fun filled month!!! but then again,my schedule is as bad as my school time sigh... haha.. wellwell... DUN CARE!!! I"M GONNA WATCH BOLT NEXT WEEK BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!!! 3D glasses?!?! WOOHOO>>>


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 01:25

Good luck to you for Bolt! haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 01:35

good nite and take care!
recover soon ya?
thanks for the performances boys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 01:38

hey hey..
the vocals damn loud please.. nic's side.. jus watched the video and realised tt sam's side (drums) seemed extremely loud too. packing up's training lahh.. will get the hang of it yeahh.. haha.

yepp.. took me quite some time to actually make up my mind about it.. but yeahh, guess i shd make use of time and do things i really wanna do, instead of wasting time doing something im not interested in ba. it's tough la.. duno what the future holds but jus hope for the best yepp..

i'll ask sheena to come read! (:

tskkk. today was so rubbish luhh. i was like, half asleep throughout the event. -.-

btw niclee, i still think you look better in speccs!

takecare, get well soon! && jiayou with ur css project haha.. (:

cyahh guys soooooonn~~


Blogger -WHEY` | 08 December, 2008 01:48

am so glad to see you guys perform today! and definately is a worth trip down to tamp! :D and finally, singing a new song during today's event! so high! HAHA xD

and you guys really humourous lor! :D:D

looking forward to next event! :)

take care MLB and MLBians! *CHEERS!!*


Blogger qIaNhUi | 08 December, 2008 01:54

Rest Well, Guyz ~
Hee That Pic Was Sooo Cool Lek!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 02:13

take care u guys..we'll c u all soon.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 02:20

Take care guys!
see ya on the 16th, good night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 02:32

hello weiqi! haha. watch Bolt using 3D glasses? Ok let me do a short ad just for u ya? hahahahaha. To watch Bolt using 3D glasses, ENG WAH suntec is the only cinema in Singapore providing such service. Ticket price will be more expensive lo. Monday to Thursdays is $12 and Weekends is $15. The price is inclusive of the glasses de rental fee, so its have to be returned but the fees is non-refundable.

haha so if u confirm wanna go there watch, tell me which day u wanna go, I WILL REQUEST TO ATTACH THERE TO WORK FOR ONE DAY. hahahahahahahaha =X

forgiveness and openness do heal the wound. but if the blood doesn't clot to heal, no matter how much "medicine" you had, it still won't heal. Same for friendship la, yes forgiveness and openness is "applied", but some people just don't learn, it's also no use. Ok I don't know what I'm talking about la. Cos recently i just felled out with someone whom i thought to be my best friend mahz (at work de). then something something happened, I hate him now ah. I thought we used to talk things out de when we fight. But it has come to a point that he will just show attitude. OR maybe I was the one showing attitude then he had enough. don't know la.

Back to the topic on forgiveness. I usually don't get angry with people for long but I won't forget the incident. Is that still considered as forgiving? lol...

Ok I don't know what I'm talking about. Damn tired. Cos I woke up very early for today and yesterday I just worked full shift mahz. just now after the gig and lunch I went back to work. Tomorrow working full again. Oh ya the performance was fun. heehee so happy to see you guys again. haha.

thanks for taking group picture with us. sorry to ma fan jasmin jie. haha.

milubing jia you. take care and cya soon =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 02:46

aha weiqi. this is for your reference. hehe.



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 03:12

here're the pics as promised...


Group photo-

just did some simple editing and stuffs, hope they look alright.



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 03:25

bit 'rusty' nic? nvm.. have got so many gigs in dec t train urself.. get back in shape..

all worth it for passion aint it. and all will be worth when u really get good product outta it. pure satisfactn..

sleep early!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 08 December, 2008 03:54

NIC... Rest Early Ba, Still Online! *tsk tsk tsk*


Blogger -WHEY` | 08 December, 2008 04:03

whoa! getting late and still got more updates! heh~~

to me i feel that MLB is already a successful band as in, you guys are really capable.. thats why you guys won hearts of mlbians!

no matter what, JIAYO! :D and i believe, MLB will be a shining star with all the blood and sweat (and definately, priceless, TIME!)

cheers* and rest well ya' all :D


Blogger binz | 08 December, 2008 04:45

wheee long long post(: i thought today's performance was great eh! somehow didn't realise the too soft or too loud thing leh. sounded nicely balanced on the side i was standing... hmmm.. and very shuang to have a total of 4 songs and first time live han! yea the tear down speed this time was like whoo zooooom done! 不愧是花了2weeks to research and build.. eh the photo is simple and cool! nice! jiayous i believe you guys will meet the person who will invest in this band soon! it's always a tough start musically and financially for any musician, so hang in there and the time will come(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 05:24

Wow... such a long post but a meaningful one that came fron MLB's hearts.
No matter what, one thing I know for sure is: I have supported the right band; a band that I like MOST and have confident in their passion for producing GREAT MUSIC for everyone. :)
I also believe that MLB can climb to a better height if your music is introduce to Taiwan, Hongkong, China & perhaps Japan. So, don't worry too much for the money you guys have spent. You shall earn them back in no times. Yea, you will de.

Don't worry too much for the money spent for the gift. Just wanna share with you guys for my trip. O.. Nic prefer your ones huh? Thought he should have likes the more fanciful type? And a more normal one for you. Well, I am sorry then.

Hey guys, since it gonna be a very busy month. Hope you guys will find yourselves more times to rest & relac too.
MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...
Happy Holiday to MLB & MLBians.
Gonna kick my bed and zzzzz soon, good nite & sweet dreams. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 05:34

O... somethings to add on:
weiqi, dun worry. No matter how far MLB will be performing, so long if the time permits, I will be definitely there to show my support. And that does not meant that I am not supporting if I never turn up, ok? I believe it also applied to many more MLBians, especially the working adults who have work commitments overseas.
I forgot to bring MLB's album to let you guys sign. Already given some to my frens without signature. Infact, I am waiting for the gai-ban. Wanna watch the MVs. :)
Hope it will be released soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 10:34

hmm...that's why passion is a highest calling. It's not only pricey, it can also cause lotsa mental turmoil...the torment of striving to attain perfection, be jaded when you missed a few steps to reaching that perfection, the long wait to meet that perfection… and that perfection seems to be blurring when ya are too focused on the inessentials. But, be warned that the feelings can be empty if that perfection has been reached. Anyhow, enjoy the search and call for celebration.

..to celebrate your Passion

I celebrate the passion in my life;
the stubborn way I love my life;
like an airy fairy soar up high;
even though I may not fly;
I fear not of falling from the sky;
I know it'd hurt, but I'd still try.

I want to love as much before I die;
A life with smiles, tears and lullabies;
I'd keep these memories in my mind;
and hold them close as days pass by;
Ruminate the moments in the night;
and keep my love forever mine.

I would not hide my emotions with lies;
and denied the feelings I've realised;
I promise I'd not disguise;
I 'd share every part in me in your life;
Live with zeal and grow my heart to a bigger size;
to keep all I cherish in this life.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 11:24

good morning!

guys, u did well ytd! lucky we managed to get there juz after u've started performing.

d stage is too small huh... so sam kanna placed in corner. usu he'll b in center. nic like stand alone at one side.

IC, thks for d 2 pics... any more pics or videos to share? or anyone else has something to share?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 11:25

Great that 3 of u can relaxed together. Hehe. WOW so exp!!! Can understand that 3 of u put alot of effort n money. Ok nic will see whether next gig u will bring towel or not... Haha.

Thanks IC for the pics. Thanks for the pic. The pic look so cool. Hehe. =]

See you all soon. Take care.


Blogger -WHEY` | 08 December, 2008 15:45

"steadymama"? haha.. someone asked us to throw slippers/ shoes at her.. LOL! i wonder who is it.. hor..? hahaha~

anyway, ya, nothing is perfect ma! :D but you guys still put in so much effort ma! :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 19:08

Brr~ so cold... Poor mlb but it is worth it de. Yeah glad that 3 of u enjoyed the little interaction and photo-taking part.

Sam is that ur car? Hmm anyway nice car. =D

Who is it huh? Haha. Selamat hari raya to all. Hope u all enjoy the holiday. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 December, 2008 22:18

hahaha... steadymama... w/o her, d photo session cant go on huh... everyone was trying to take individual pics wif each of u.

big $ out, hope more $ in... jia you!

btw, weiqi, hope u r feeling better?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 00:07



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 00:16

wow! that's a lot!
hmm. but if it helps you guys in producing better music, everything is worth bah. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 01:21

So u guys had some hiccups, lucky hv delay cos far far away heard the drums den the keyboard, den realised it's han...ahh.....MLB here liao. cue to run like mad..hahaha. mouth itchy la, reach oredi still wanna go drink kopi....zzz...guit no sound meh...didnt catch it.
Funny co dun pick up the tab. Even on work trips, all necessary expenses -as long as budgetted & justified- are reimbursed. Esp since these are the basic tools of the trade n for 'live' gigs. N really, pack up time much improved now...hey u guys eavesdrop on our conversation is it? jokin, jokin. so w this investmt, continue to make something out of ure PASSION and ROCK MORE people with your music. We can only support in our peanut ways, yeah! :)


Blogger ellekay :] | 09 December, 2008 02:06

a gigantic ouch to the instrument and equipment...

and shucks,
i missed you guys singing HAN live on stage.
i was so so so craving/looking forward to it...


Blogger ellekay :] | 09 December, 2008 02:09

and i almost forgot...

get well soon! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 02:23

hey peeps, dun worry, my flu is gone after a long afternoon nap(not intended though). Gonna stay up tonite to finish my werk. Quizzy, in a way, you're right. cos friendship is a "2 hands to clap" thingy. so has to work from both sides in order to click. well..jus wanna add to nic's entry. The $$$ spent, some of it, sadly, are still loans...yep, so still owing some super nice ppl $, cos they believe in us, and help us now cos we need the $ urgently to fix up the rig. Gotta work doubly hard to earn back the $ and pay em back! then at the same time, does that mean u gotta forgo all the coffee and such? dunno man, guess gotta balance, cos either way, we'll go crazy. one thing i've learnt, relaxation is a must, though sometimes i forget to do it. :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 04:24

haha...don't work non-stop. take short break in between? haha Like me, I already planning to take a few days leave from work next week to relax liao.

yeah thanks for agreeing. I'm glad you trios never let "li4 yi4" (sorry but what is that word in English?) affect your friendship and your mindset? some people can fall out with their best friends or betray them just because of monetary issues or just to gain favor or whatever sensitive issues lo.

nitey. i very tired~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 04:45

nite quizzy... i go sleep too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 09:42

been sometimes since i came here to leave msg for u all..

sorry to the guys. couldn't able to come down to give u all the support tt u guys needed.. :( feel kinda bad abt it.. but i still can see u guys still enjoy the whole performance right. though there is still a bit hipcup in a little way but sure this little hicup wun affect the performance :)

weiqi ~ do take care of urself yo. knw the weather had been cold this few day.. been shivering for the whole monday! :X so pls take care kaes! and yep yep.. do relax urself ok.. dun get too tired already with all the work loading in.. but still at least can take an hr off to rest? :) heh..

ah nic.. finally appear ar.hahas. it been so long since u came here to blog. but i am glad to see tt u r getting fine~ :) dun worry for the little mistake here n dere la..^^ i sure everyone will understand right.. keke! practise make perfect yo.. there still so much event tt is coming on. so jiayou le lor..=)

perhaps i wun always be there for ur event. but deeply down i will cheer for u guys! :DD

take care le lor.. heh~
jiayou guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 10:27

hello :)
sorry that can't go down to tamp event that day.

take care guys!~
end of the year weather quite cold, don't fall sick..
you guys do rest well too..

looking forward to more of new MLB's own music!~ jiayou jiayou! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 10:33

Morning guys!!!!
That's so expensive....
sorrie to the boys not coming down!!!I'm working on that day.

Hope to see you again!!!!

I have send you an email to your simpledrum..pls kindly check ma

take care lol....


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 11:17

Cannot keep working must take short break. Yeah practice make perfect. So dun worry.

This few days weather is cold. Take good care.

Jia you! =]


Blogger JOLYN LSS | 09 December, 2008 18:13

Wow, so much money..


Blogger Pek Choo | 09 December, 2008 18:37

Yeah =) Performance was great last SUN!! Happy to see you gus performing new song- HAN...

Well looking forward for next coming events!!

Gonna rush back to study for tml paper...


Rest well =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 19:13

tsk sam.. must thank jasmin lots for the photos man..

btw weiqi, 'san jiao ku' ur new solo album? o.O



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 December, 2008 20:28

weiqi arh, well. this kinda thing is always happening de ba, i guess.
just like the stuffs that was once told to you.
but then again, i start to wonder now if the same thing is gg to be happening again. i duno..

not gg to dwell on it. cux dwelling on it more will only make things worse, cux you will tend to shut urself off. and tt's when everything will really start to go wrong.

well, glad that your flu decided to leave you. hope it doesnt come back anymore. take care la. see ya soon. (=


Blogger qIaNhUi | 10 December, 2008 00:33

Hey PPL! It's CFM-ed MLB Will Be At "On The Beat" Showing Next Week... Saw The Ad Le! :)

Nitey ~


Blogger -WHEY` | 10 December, 2008 00:50

WHEE! cool! next week :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 01:24

Ok thanks. Cool. Hehe. =]


Blogger binz | 10 December, 2008 09:41

oh cool next tues is a mlb-ey filed day! got the campus superstar recording and got on the beat! whee(:

anw channel u is giving out tickets for the campus superstar recording! go to this website to participate in the contest!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 12:25

floating snow, nice !

anyway, which song are we supposed to vote for FM 933?


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 16:11

Nice floating snow. Thanks. Thanks binz. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 17:39

Nice floating snow =)
Thanks Binz for the info...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 22:53

Wow... Snowflakes!
So Got The Christmas Feel Liaoz =P

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 23:02

floating snow?
haha i think firefox users can't enjoy the snow....cos i can't see snow yet hahaha....
thanks for all the infos....

haha i think we can saved up for coupons first, until sjmfjgyx enter the chart le then we continue to chiong? hahaha...

milubing jia you~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 23:04

hahaha...so i'm right...
can only see snow using IE....haha!
thanks xiu jiejie anyway...haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 December, 2008 23:54

ooh, it's snowing at the blog! :)
take care everybody. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 00:10

hi weiqi, glad u've recovered... do rest more whenever u can...

d snow flakes r really pretty~


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 01:27

snowflakes! :)

jus a note to everyone, we are currently voting shi jie ma fan jie guo yi xia for longhubang..u can still cast ur votes via sms, by 12pm tml..format as follow:
[POTP933]space[SJMFJGYX} to 72346
(song title can be in chinese or hanyupinyin)

argh i mus be e suay-est person man..i seem to hv problems w computers every dec.. -.- i hope e above displays correctly cos i'm using a diff com..zzz..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 04:32

would like to say a big hi to all!!!

not much to say but HI.



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 08:35

haloo guyzz..

u guyz funi la..haha...
cant stop laughing wen saw Nic's math sucks..wuahaha..

i like the blog's background..
so cute..

christmas is jz ard the corner...

Early wishes frm me..
wish you guyz have a merry merry christmas and a wonderful year!!!

=) kit frm malaysia


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 10:44

Good morning! Hello nic! Haha.

Weiqi glad that u are feeling better.

I noe who is steadymama liao. Haha.

Take good care all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 10:44

Wah, got snowflakes ley! haha

lol, HI nic!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 11:21

I also came in to say HIIIIIEEEEE...
hahaha hello nic~
not forgetting weiqi and sam~~
u guys take care k?

yp, cos your comp decided to take a holiday too....=X hahaha...

boring class as usual...
after school still got work...
after tomorrow is school holiday le!!
same as pekchoo de school! i think all polys starting holiday on 13th dec ba. not sure about TP? anyway we all jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 11:23

let me be uncivilized a bit...

haha paiseh =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 12:04

Hi all,

We've got some tickets up for grabs for the Campus Superstar 2009 Pre-Show Concert coming up next week!

Date: 16th Dec 2008, Tuesday
Time: 1:30pm
Venue: Mediacorp Studios

Kindly note the following:
-Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.
-Priority will be given to supporters with the MLB tee. [indicate in ur email, and you MUST wear it on that day]
-Second priority will be given to supporters who have sent in their particulars to milubing.fc@gmail.com before today (11 Dec 2008)
-Each person can request for ONE ticket.
-Successful requests will be notified via email.
-We regret that only successful requests will be informed.

*Confirmation email will be sent by Sunday midnight, so be sure to check your email then and revert ASAP.

To request for the tickets, please send an email to milubing.fc@gmail.com with the following details, by 12pm on 14th Dec (Sunday).

Subject: CSS Recording Tickets

Full Name:
Contact No.:
MLB tee: Yes/No

Any queries can be posted here or directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com. We'll try to reply ASAP.



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 12:15

by the way. please continue to vote hard for SJMFJGYX ya?

do rmb tt you can vote via mail and sms...

please help to chiong SJMFJGYX onto the charts!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 13:17

Hiie MLB..i'm a fans of you guys..but i never join ur fans club lehhs coz don't dare..psps..But i did took photos with you guys at Tampines North CC before at 7 Dec 08=D..Guys the weather is nt so gd recently..so do take care wor..hehe =P
Wait for MLB's next song album wor..



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 16:14

Thanks IC. I found 2 videos of milubing at youtube there.


MLB 迷路兵 - 成熟 Tampines North CC


MLB 迷路兵 - 黑 Tampines North CC

The videos not so clear. But the sound is clear. Haha. Enjoy! If someone got clear videos of them willing to share are welcome. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 December, 2008 17:22

heh nice snowflake! One just floated all the way down! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 December, 2008 03:13

FINALLY!! I CAN SLEEP!!! just had 2 days with a total of 8 hrs of slp.. crazy man... campus crazy... now i'm gonna slp.. finally... well deserved.. but waking early..8am!!! :( Jamming tmr afternoon!! yay...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 December, 2008 03:38

congratulations yah.. have a good rest!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 December, 2008 11:28

Congrats! Hope u got a good sleep. Jia you! Take good care. =]


Blogger ellekay :] | 12 December, 2008 13:35

hope you had a great rest yo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 00:19

*Wave Wave*
WEIQI, Glad tt u finally can have a good sleep eh...

Have A Nice Weekend, Guyz :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 08:54

yeah hope u had a gd rest and won't be too tired out by the upcoming jamming sessions?? haha.

hello milubing and MLBians...



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 18:10

yo WQ! rushing wat project now, u doing animation for css is it? heh if so, we'll look out for it. happy sleeping! How's bolt in 3D? tink there's a disney action movie which was screened b4 but coming back in 3D, shld be heart-stopping to watch dat adventure in 3D. like goin on a major fun ride in disney, jus dat this one will last longer :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 22:16

Hey all!
asking on behalf of Si Ni,
does anyone wants tics to the Sheng Shiong Show next week?
she has some extra tics..
do leave a tag if you want.. thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 22:24

Hi Syl,

Just to confirm, is it MLB will be performing? If yes, I would like to have the tix. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 22:33

Regarding tickets for The Sheng Siong Show on 20th Dec, we've got quite a number of tickets to be given out to supporters of MLB. Will post up the details soon for request, do look out on the blog.

Also, tickets for CSS Concert next tuesday are still available for request, do send in your requests fast if you're interested in attending.



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 December, 2008 22:37

Thanks for the update, too bad I cannot attend the CSS Concert, becos it is on a weekday afternoon, I need to work. Haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 00:04

thx for postin the pictures in the publicity blog n the video links..

i hope to have a tix for nxt week SS show too..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 00:40

Sam went for a wedding dinner today? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 01:41

Uncle phill,
Ok ... I'll give u one then ... Haha... Still have 4 more ... U can ask ur frens along too ya ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 02:07


Thank you very much, but please be informed that ik needs 1 tix too. Kindly reserved one for him too. Thanks.
Have a great beautiful Sunday. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 02:16

Will we get reserved "VIP" seatings for the sheng siong show? Since normally fans club has the 1st few rows reserved for them. Thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 02:33

Regarding reserved seats for The Sheng Siong Show, will try to find out from the related staff/people and get back to you guys soon if possible...



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 18:09

Now xiao hua xiao chao show got milubing. Hehe. Nice to watch it again. =]

Thanks IC.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2008 22:54

Thank you Uncle Phil and Panda.

Haiz..my long weekend is over..gotta go back camp again tml..Monday blue :(

See you guys on saturday!


Blogger Strat | 15 December, 2008 01:27

Welcome and see u there ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 12:42

nice pic...where u all at?