
Don't wait up, don't wait there.
milubing | 15 December, 2008 06:42


Please do not wait for us today or tml afternoon, evening or night at mediacorp...

Our soundcheck might be today or the day itself.

The time scheduled for us to report and reherse is within a one hour time frame, chop chop get it done and leave.. your waiting might turn out to be in vain as the reporting time could be any random hour...

My Point - don't leh cheh yourselves, we mean you no harm, appreciate the thoughts but its for your best benefits :)

Time is precious.. take that time spent on hopeful waiting instead on your loved ones.. for yoursleves to relax and enjoy whatever you love doing... for your studies... for anything else that ensures perpetuity and returns.

We'll put up a good show :)

"Music - sonic projections, a pleasing form of energy released, converted into electrical signals which tickles the brain, and hence pleasing to the receiver"

We're gonna continue tickling your brains :)

Rock onz!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 09:01

hahas.. alrights alrights..
shall 拭目以待 tml's performance then. jiayou lo~ and take care wors. (=


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 11:09

all the best for tomorrow's performance lo! :D


Blogger Unknown | 15 December, 2008 11:10

al the Best!
MLB Rockz the stage!
Yeah! =)

Jiayou! Jiayou! Jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 12:05

Thanks for telling.

Jia you for tomorrow! :D


Blogger ellekay :] | 15 December, 2008 12:19

all the best for tomorrow~


Blogger Unknown | 15 December, 2008 15:01

latest news:
MLB on Yes 933 艺人私密手札
Wed - 17th Dec, 3.35pm (broadcast)
Sat - 20th Dec, 3.35pm (repeat)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 15:27

Thanks sihui. See u all 2moro. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 16:33

rock the stage tml! wohoo!
jia you! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 22:08

YES Rock The Stage Tmr!
How I Wish I Can Be There =S

JIAYO Guyz ~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 22:14

Hi all,

We've got some tickets available for The Sheng Siong Show coming up on Saturday!
Date: 20th Dec 2008, Saturday
Time: 8pm
Venue: Mediacorp Studios

Kindly note the following:
-Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.
-Successful requests will be notified via email.
-We regret that only successful requests will be informed.

*Confirmation email will be sent by Thursday midnight, so be sure to check your email then and revert ASAP.

To request for the tickets, please send an email to milubing.fc@gmail.com with the following details, by 10pm on 18th Dec (Thursday).

Subject: The Sheng Siong Show Tickets
Full Name:
Contact No.:
No. of tickets:

Any queries can be posted here or directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com.

We'll try to reply ASAP.



Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 22:19

see you guys tomorrow (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 December, 2008 23:50

For the voting for 世界麻烦借过一下in long hu bang..
I think we have to use coupons to make the song up to e chart coz coupons contribute 70% and sms only 30% .. how is it ??


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 00:10

hahaha...i think nic typed this...
won't be there tomorrow...will be attending course at eng wah suntec...u guys jia you, rock onz too. cya on sat lo. take care =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 01:59

yep nic typed de... wow, finally...tmr i can see the tee shirt design! been MIA cos busy with campus tee, so now can relax le WOO!!! but now, actually still gotta practice for dec gigs la haha.. but not so stress like the tee!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 02:05

hahaha...hello weiqi~
haha are we able to see weiqi design de tee? hahaha...
have fun busying~
but right now, have a gd rest yo~
i needa sleep le...
tml waking up early...
after the course will be my short break...finally can relax and not think about work and school too....
take care lo~
nitey~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 02:09

eh weiqi, u mean u havent seen e design? dots..nvm, u'll c ur lil baby tml! heh..u performing tml faster go slp k..cya all tml.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 02:14

Hello weiqi! Yeah so we can see weiqi design de tee on tv or 2moro at mdc there? Hehe. Ok that's good for u. I going to sleep le if not i scare 2moro can't wake up early. Sleep now or soon. Cya all 2moro or even later. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 08:48

hi...jiayou on performances later :)
take care!~


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 14:35

watch 都是大发现 tonite. MLB is on d show. channel u, 8pm. pls correct me if info is wrong. ;p

& tmr got 艺人私密手札 on 933, jiahui's prog. tune in if u r interested.


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 22:10

Yah flamingo u are correct. Hehe. Shihui already told us that 2moro got 艺人私密手札 on 933 but still thanks.

Weiqi u design the ccs 3 shirt is nice lah! Hehe. I want the shirt. Haha.

Nice performance just now. Thanks. Just that u guys only sang 1 song. Hope next time can see u guys sing more song. Thanks.

Youjia youjia!! Haha. Jia you and take good care! =D


Blogger JOLYN LSS | 16 December, 2008 22:41

Yeah, great performance today :)
and weiqi said the wrong thing.
the album was released this year and not last year. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 23:04

Yah loh. Haha. lol. Thanks jolyn for reminding. Haha. Later going to watch repeat show of 都是大发现. =D

All of u take care and see u all this coming sat at mdc. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 December, 2008 23:29

it's a long day today. but your performance brought up my mood during the long and boring recording. thank you milubing. it was all worth it.

世界麻烦借过一下 (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 00:31

u lost liao please chanweiqi -.-
and why so enthu haha.

hope everyone enjoyed the show today.. despite the long long long recording hours =x

sheng siong on saturday!


Blogger -WHEY` | 17 December, 2008 01:19

despite the super long wait today, we all enjoyed the performance very much! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 01:32

the CSS opening concert will telecast on 4th january 2009...didn't pay attention to the time. Just saw the commercial hahaha....

glad you guys had fun? cya on sat lo...

waaaaaaaa after i returned home from my course, I slept non stop lor. from 6pm all the way to 11pm. later continue hahaha...

weiqi watched 3D bolt already? cos just now the trainer let us sneak in to watch a bit of 3D "journey to the center earth"...feel so "real". but that was just the "visual effect" la...muahaha...

milubing jia you~


Blogger ellekay :] | 17 December, 2008 01:44

yah, today's recording was super dry...

jiayou MILU BING!
nights!~ :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 02:10

haha..i tink many ppl almost died in e recording today.. -.- i only 'woke up' during sjmfjgyx sia..n u guys reali setup n pack up alot faster now..heh..

n er i suppose wq said album released last yr cos e programme is scheduled to telecast next yr? :/


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 03:23

something wrong with the blog isit? can't see my latest entry... gotta click December on the right then can see... (-__-!!)


Blogger ellekay :] | 17 December, 2008 11:30

but now can see liao leh.