
3 gigs comin up! Okto, Vivo, Boonlay. 3cheers and 3cheers and 3cheers for 3 gigs, hip hip,hooray, hip hip,hooray, hip hip, hooray!
milubing | 28 December, 2008 01:56

on behalf of ICs

Hi all,

We've got some tickets available for OKTO Live Recording coming up on Tuesday!

Date: 30th Dec 2008, Tuesday
Time: 830pm
Venue: Mediacorp Studios

*Recording supposedly starts at 830pm, but do note that you have to arrive earlier to enter the studio. I've yet to receive the tickets, so I'm not exactly sure of the timing. Will update you guys again in your confirmation email/SMS.

Kindly note the following:
-Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.
-Successful requests will be notified via email & SMS.
-We regret that only successful requests will be informed.

*Confirmation SMS & email will be sent by Monday midnight, so be sure to check your email then and revert ASAP. (As time is tight this time, will be sending an SMS as well, do revert by either way when you guys receive the info.)

To request for the tickets, please send an email to milubing.fc@gmail.com with the following details, by 8pm on 29th Dec (Monday).

Subject: OKTO Live Tickets
Full Name:
Contact No.:
No. of tickets:

Any queries can be posted here or directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com.

We'll try to reply ASAP.


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 02:47

thankyou, whoever this is.

anyway, the admission time should be around 730, so do take note and make sure you guys can reach around that time. will confirm again in the confirmation email/sms.

see you guys on tuesday!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 17:21

hurray hurray hurray! =D


Blogger Unknown | 28 December, 2008 22:39

here's an update on Yes 93.3 年度季选成绩:

五大组合: 迷路兵 (no.4)
20大金曲: 迷路兵 - 成熟 (no.11)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 23:12

ooh, thanks to shihui for the info.
& congratulations to MLB. (:
jiayou jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 23:33

weiqi faster go check la. u'll know y on tues le. hees secret first. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 23:55

Thankz shihui for the info...
WOW... Woo Hoo! Congrats MLB~!!!

Cya Guyz On Tue.!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2008 11:58



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 December, 2008 23:12

okto is english prog wor, so does it mean dat the only blue-eyed baby in the album can finally be introduced to public? If yes, yippee!! hope it gets some airplay soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2008 19:41

Can I know 31 December what time MLB at Boonlay?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2008 21:55

You guys looked great on okto today!The photos are so cute!!

And the performances is awesome!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 December, 2008 23:46

You guys looked great on okto show today! The photos are cute. Haha. Nice performances.

Anyone noe 2moro what time is mlb at vivocity there?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 00:02

MLB,tomorrow is the 1st one who perform :)..the show start at 10.30pm...today there is full dress rehearsal..
Monday, they have also rehearsal.got about 1/2 hr on 1 show :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 00:59

MLB will be performing one song at Vivo City, after which they'll rush down to Boon Lay for the actual Countdown.

For those who're unsure about the actual venue for Boon Lay Countdown, the actual venue will be at Boon Lay Place, the main stage should be the courtyard in between block 215 and 210. I'm not exactly sure, but the entire countdown event will be along that stretch of road, so you guys check it out yourselves tomorrow ya?

Also, heard that a crowd of 30000 people will be expected for the countdown @ Boon Lay, so do drop by earlier to get a better place to watch MLB in action!



Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 01:25

Long time no see la
Enjoy yourself tomorrow...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 02:12

♥ ENJOYED The Okto Recording ~!

Hey It's The Last Day Of 2008 Le!
:) Have Fun ALL ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 10:35

Same as Qianhui
enjoy the okto recording!!!!
Make me laugh like crazy


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 13:16

第一首歌太伤感了,如果如此以后就别再唱了,我们听CD好了。显然比较享受唱那无名曲, 加油哦!今晚要送上漂亮的演出迎接新的一年。


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 14:12

jia you later on! =D
your ear pain or not huh? =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 14:51

the encore telecast of oktoLIVE! is on Sunday, at 630pm.

GUYS, we want to see your childhood photos! =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 15:13

Milubing, JiaYou JiaYou JiaYou ***


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 15:51

yah lo....
u didnt ask about my hand le
after someone(you know who u are)=P shake my hand very pain le..no worries!!!my hand is nt pain anyone...


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 16:55

Wishing MLB & MLBians a


Wishing all good health & prosperous.

& one important wish:


from some1 who is still at work in Jurong.....................


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 16:59

To Weiqi, Nic & Sam,

tonite concert jia-you ya!

To MLBians who are going to the 2 venues,

Enjoy yourself ya!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 17:33

We Shall Enjoy The Countdown Later :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 17:33

We Shall Enjoy The Countdown Later :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 17:54

To MLBians, do you all know what time the Boon Lay countdown starts?


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 18:14

Stated on today's wan pao:

Boon Lay Place
7 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Artiste included Mark Lee and Joanne Peh, but nv mentioned MLB.. but i think they might b performing after 11 p.m.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 19:03

Mlb jia you for later countdown performance. Enjoy it. =)

Sam ur ear & chin still pain or not? Cya later. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2008 20:10

O... 2008 is ending in a few hours' time.
Too bad, I do not have tix to vivo city countdown. Unable to catch MLB performance for the last day of the year. Anyway, Jia-you for your last show of the year 2008 Yea... MLB Power Lah..
Well, I would like to wish MLB & MLBians A VERY HAPPY 2009 NEW YEAR, May 2009 Be A Much Better For Everyone. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 00:20

Have a great year ahead!


Blogger Strat | 01 January, 2009 00:29

Happy 2009 to all mann !!!

Did MLB sang for the tuan yuan fan song ?? Cause It seems like u guys' voice !!!! Cute song ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 00:41

yes, confirm sang by mlb. nice!

happy new year to MLB and MLBians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 01:43

Woohoo... Cheng Shu was one of the Top 8 Mandarin Songs for Mediacorp Channel 8 Countdown Show.
Congrats MLB, Yea... at least our votes casted was great.
Thanks fellow MLBians for voting for it daily during the qualifying period.

O... yea, it is 2009 now. Hope the hard times will goes off soon! May 2009 be a great year for the MLB Family & all peoples from over the world. Yes, and World Peace Please! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 01:51

For those who wish to know. the Top * Mandarin Songs are as follows:
1) 迷路兵 MiLu Bing: 成熟 Cheng Shu
2) 杨宗纬 Aska Yang: 洋葱 Yang Cong
3) 萧敬腾 Jam Hsiao: 收藏 Shou Cang
4) S.H.E.: 宇宙小姐 Yu Zhou Xiao Jie
5) 林宥嘉 Yoga Lin: 伯乐 Bo Le
6) 林俊杰 JJ Lin: 期待爱 Qi Dai Ai
7) 卢广仲 Crowd Lu: 早安晨之美 Zao An Chen Zhi Mei
8)周杰伦 Jay Chou: 周大侠 Zhou Da Xia

Note: Of the Top 8 Songs, only 1 song from Female Artistes


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 02:28

happy happy happy new year! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 02:28

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 02:36

yay! happy new yr! haha may 2009 be full of Milubing and MILUBING! (can imagine 3 lines running down weiqi's face now =X =P). haha!

waaaa just now was a little miserable at work cos me and my friend were like envious that our friends are counting down outside and we r stucked in the box office of eng wah sun plaza...haha but then we listened to class95 so when the DJ counted down we count down also la. then we're like zi high like that...so funny. haha! my 1st time and last time counting down to new year at sun plaza...hoho...

thanks uncle phil for sharing. so S.H.E. was the only female artistes that has songs in top 8? haha. best evidence of girl power. of cos milubing is always POWER LA de luh...haha...milubing jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 03:16

The time will come. When the triangle shall stand on its firmest ground. The talent, the perseverance, the unity, and the results, be it good or bad. Growth comes in experiences and lessons learned. I am waiting, like the people who believes in the three of you. But let no expectations pressure you, let the music flow freely for they want to be heard. And let our ears continue to hear the good music, the joy to share, the road to walk together, and the hearts which are bonded by your music.

Happy new year guys (:


Blogger -WHEY` | 01 January, 2009 04:06


im sure everyone that went enjoyed the performance just now :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 18:35

Have a great year ahead! =D


Blogger Pek Choo | 01 January, 2009 22:51

Happy New Year to everyone =)
Enjoy 2009 throughout the year~


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 January, 2009 15:47

jia yous~MLB