
Food for thought
milubing | 23 December, 2008 01:00

felt tat this was interesting, so wanted to share with everyone here ;)

taken from Little Bites of Point

Why the Venus Project must destroy humanity to create a perfect world for humans

Dollars are money, but money is not dollars. Gold is money, but money is not gold. How do I explain these apparent contradictions? Simple, there is a one-to-many relationship between money and things we use for money. Referring to dollars as a form of money is technically accurate, but referring to money as dollars is not sufficient to describe all the properties of money — it limits the definition to dollars. Money is anything we use to trade for what we want. It's a store of purchasing power. It's something people either want, or will accept, in exchange for their property or labor. Sometimes money is a physical object, sometimes not. Not all forms of money are equal.

People will always assign different values to different things. People will always be willing trade things they want less for things they want more. Unless people have nothing, they will always be willing to trade something they possess for something they don't. The price is not a numeric figure glued to a box, it's the difference in the perception of utility between that item and what you are prepared to sacrifice. The price is not measured in dollars, it's measured in desires, and it's different for everyone. Therefore, as long as people desire things they don't have, they will be willing to trade to acquire them. It doesn't matter what they are trading, all that matters is they are willing to sacrifice some object, or offer some service, to gain something they perceived was lacking. It doesn't even matter if their assessment is accurate or logical. It doesn't matter whether the item will yield any benefit or advantage whatsoever.

Human desire is limitless. Econometrics is a failing science because human desire can not be modeled, it is not rational. Producing an abundance of anything will create demand for anything else. Our desires are governed by our biology and our perceptions of utility, both of which are variable, non-quantifiable and often wildly out of touch with reality. If you deny this fact, then you deny humanity because you reject what differentiates us from our creations. We are flawed creatures, not machines. You can not quantify how much you like things in any consistent way. If you asked me to choose between an apple and an orange, I may choose the apple. If you then asked me to choose between an orange and a banana, I may choose the orange. If you then asked me to choose between an apple and a banana, would you call me a liar if I chose the banana? No, you would call me human. Repeat the same experiment tomorrow and it may turn out completely different.

If somebody were to ask whether you are completely satisfied with life, either you are, or you are not. If you are, you're not human. If you're not and somebody then asks you to list everything you want in life in order to be completely satisfied, either you will prepare a list or you won't. If you have no list there is no way any person or system can satisfy your desires because they would have no idea what to do. If you have a list, find out how many of those items are material and how many are not. If they are all material, you're either an idiot (because you didn't understand the question) or a liar. There is no person with a perfectly balanced existence (health, love, family, emotions, interests, friends, challenges, victories, safety, comfort, hope, skepticism, curiosity, memories, optimism, excitement, etc) because there is no definition of a perfect balance. Your own perceptions of balance are variable and non-quantifiable. What is perfect in the current moment will be imperfect in the next, what is perfect today will be imperfect tomorrow. The interminable and unpredictable fluctuations of our imbalances and imperfections continually create and destroy desires until the day we die.

Experience with these imbalances and fluctuations throughout life and events are what define personality, goals, dreams and desires. There is no way any person or system can satisfy you completely without taking away these flaws that make you human. Thus, you will always be lacking something. It is immaterial whether it's real or just perceived, whether it's persistent or transient, whether it's acknowledged or subconscious. You will be willing to trade, you will offer money, for a price.

We are not machines.


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Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 01:19

Ya... I agree... There is many things in life tat we could not use $$ to trade with ... Like talent and life ... We can't choose nor trade ...


Blogger ellekay :] | 23 December, 2008 01:27

oh man,
so long...

i like this phrase!
"because there is no definition of a perfect balance."


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 01:27

Yup Agree...


Blogger -WHEY` | 23 December, 2008 01:30

well said! agree *nods*


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 01:52

so reminds me of 第八號當舖...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 02:25

it's just like, we can't have everything we want...when we gain something we have to lose something...when we lose something we will gain something too...

thanks for sharing yo weiqi =).


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 03:14

Yah agree with what u & quizzy_me said. Hehe. Thanks for sharing. =)

Weiqi good night, sleep well and take care. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 06:19

STEADY. Freakin gd post.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 06:24

A Summary that's idiot proof - We're all idiots in our own way, finding a meaning for existence; unless you have one, which in fact tate reason may in reality may not be a true or tangible, just a reason made up by our puny human minds, churned out for the satisfaction of having A/THE reason.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 06:25

grammar eroor zueh zueh.. tired go slp liao


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 07:56

cool.. i'll digest this when i wake up tonight.

but yes nic, i think i get what you mean, somehow. i think.

'The future is purchased by the present.' -Samuel Johnson


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 08:49

thanks weiqi for sharing such a good article.. =)

agree though..
tt money cannot buy anything or happiness anyway .. hur!

i love this phrase .. it SO ME now. haas! :D and i shld learn to take it also tt things are nt perfect in this world(: instead of always feeling down and discourage also. keke!

"There is no person with a perfectly balanced existence (health, love, family, emotions, interests, friends, challenges, victories, safety, comfort, hope, skepticism, curiosity, memories, optimism, excitement, etc) because there is no definition of a perfect balance"



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 13:59

as said, nobody/nothing is perfect..
we can only accept and adapt.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 21:18

Wow, a very well-written and thought-provoking post...Little Bites of Point has many interesting posts on current issues, especially those on economics...

Money can buy you anything material, but it's what we're willing to give up everything else for that is the most valuable =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 21:38

Get a copy of the Mediacorp CNY09 music album!

Stars like Zoe Tay, Kym Ng, Quan Yifeng, Yuan Shuai, Andie Chen and the cast from The Little Nyonya and Love Blossoms are yodeling along to familiar Lunar New Year classics. Find out who else is singing in the album!

MediaCorp’s music CD for the Year of the Ox features eight newly-recorded songs and another eight previously released in former compilations. The latest additions has gathered the voices of not only the cast of The Little Nyonya and Love Blossoms, but also variety show hosts, radio DJs, newscasters and musicians and actors from MediaCorp’s talent competitions.

The album also comes with 10 music videos and a pack of red packets. Grab a copy from music stores now and start the Lunar New Year festive season early!

Music Track List

1. Xin Nian Dao * by Jeanette Aw, Pierre Png, Joanne Peh, Qi Yuwu, Felicia Chin , Nat Ho

2. Xi Qi Yang Yang * by Zoe Tay

3. Wan Nian Hong * by MiLu Bing, Daren Tan

4. Bai Da Nian * by Huang Xiuling, Wang Zheng, Huang Shuangxi, Tung Soo Hua

5. Chun Lian Hong by Guo Liang, Quan Yifeng, Bryan Wong, Kym Ng

6. He Xin Nian * by Andie Chen, Jerry Yeo, Yuan Shuai, Zhang Zhenghuan

7. Ying Chun Hua * by Dennis Chew, Xiao Jiahui and Xie Jiafa

8. Bai Nian * by Ivy Lee, Zheng Geping, Constance Song, Chen Tianwen, Yvonne Lim, Terence Cao

9. Fu Lu Shou by Fann Wong, Christopher Lee

10. Xiao Bai Nian by Felicia Chin, Adam Chen, Ng Chee Yang, Renfred Ng, Teresa Tseng

11. Shao Nian De Wo by Tan Weilian, Kelly Poon, Hong Junyang, Chew Sin Huey, Candyce Toh, Jason Tan, Ruth Chua, Silver Ang, Derrick Hoh, Chia Wei Choong

12. Hao Yu Zhao by Jacelyn Tay, Fiona Xie, Ann Kok

13. Cai Shen Dao Wo Jia by Lin Meijiao, Chen Huihui, Pan Lingling, Liu Qiulian, Huang Shinan, Mai Haowei, Liu Qianyi, Chen Shucheng

14. Cai Shen Dao by Chen Shucheng, Huang Wenyong, Liu Qianyi

15. Ru Yi Ji Xiang Hao Guo Nian by Tay Ping Hui, Chew Chor Meng, Terence Cao, Nick Shen

16. Xiao Kou Chang Kai Le Nian Nian by Gurmit Singh

Music Videos

The seven songs indicated with * above, plus:

8. Chun Tian Lai Le by Fann Wong

9. Xin Nian Song by Qi Yuwu, Mindee Ong, Liu Lingling

10. Xi Xi Ha Ha Guo Xin Nian by Daren Tan, Tan Diya, Shawn Tok, Keely Wee, Benjamin Hum, Koh Zhengning

information from



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 December, 2008 21:41

ahem, i cant help but laugh at the photo. what's with the expression and pose? LOLL.

you guys look more like zombies =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 01:41

Woo…Christmas eve oredi. Thanks for sharing the lil bites. Hunting for xmas pressies makes me wonder abt the worth of money these days. To some, it may be a common possession, yet to another it’s a prized possession. Everyone’s yardstick can be so different, it makes me guilty to covet for life’s luxuries and for desiring so many other things in life. At least now I know it’s cos I am not a machine and highly likely I am an idiot :P haha….Have a Merry Christmas everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 01:47

Saw the pic liao. Aiyo the guys’ pose is really like zombies plus the bright colored outfits, such a contrast from the traditional backgrd. Such a gaoxiao pic :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 08:19

Good morning everyone. rhanks mk for sharing. It is christams eve liaoo. I am here to wish all of u happy christams & happy new year. Enjoy it. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 10:08

Merry Xmas !!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 10:46

siao so long read half dun wan read liao...READ OTHER ONLY


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 10:59

why you all never have outting at the north always at the east


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 13:33

To MLB & MLBians, Merry Christmas! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 13:46

hi, MLB & Mlbies,

Merry Xmas!
May yr days filled with Joy & Happiness..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 15:34

Merry Christmas to MLB & all~

Happy New Year in advance too coz nxt couple of days may nt hv time to drop by.

Njoy the holi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 17:52

a very merry blessed Christmas!


Share with you this beautiful poem. Do "Everyone" wants to be "Someone" when actually only "Anyone" and "No-one" knows the values in life most?

Anyone lived in a pretty how town

anyone lived in a pretty how town
(with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didn’t he danced his did.
Women and men(both little and small)
cared for anyone not at all
they sowed their isn’t they reaped their same
sun moon stars rain
children guessed(but only a few
and down they forgot as up they grew
autumn winter spring summer)
that noone loved him more by more
when by now and tree by leaf
she laughed his joy she cried his grief
bird by snow and stir by still
anyone’s any was all to her
someones married their everyones
laughed their cryings and did their dance
(sleep wake hoe and then)they
said their nevers and they slept their dream
stars rain sun moon
(and only the snow can begin to explain
how children are apt for forget to remember
with up so floating many bells down)
one day anyone died i guess
(and noone stooped to kiss his face)
busy folk buried them side by side
little by little and was by was
all by all and deep by deep
and more by more they dream their sleep
noone and anyone earth by april
wish by spirit and if by yes.
Women and men(both dong and ding)
summer autumn winter spring
reaped their sowing and went their came
sun moon stars rain
-- E. E. Cummings


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2008 23:55

HoHoHo... Merry Christmas to MLB & MLBians + All Your Love ones. :)
May God Bless You Forever.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 25 December, 2008 00:02

Ho Ho Ho ~ Have A Joyful Day Ahead Yea . . .



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 00:07

enjoy this joyous season!
and havee fun alll!



Blogger ellekay :] | 25 December, 2008 00:18



Blogger -WHEY` | 25 December, 2008 00:20

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! may this festive season be filled with joy :)


Blogger qing qing | 25 December, 2008 00:22

merry christmas! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 00:33

Yup, Merry Christmas to milubing, mlbians, everyone on this blog and everyone in the world hahaha!



Blogger JOLYN LSS | 25 December, 2008 00:42

Merry x'mas ! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 00:44

tagging on behalf of Pekchoo.

Merry Christmas C=
Jiayou for countdown event on the 31 December.

Takecare & smile


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 00:49

Do enjoy this festive season :)


Blogger Unknown | 25 December, 2008 00:54

wishing everyone here and your loved ones a joyful Christmas and a fruitful New Year!!! =D

lotsa love,


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 01:42

Hohoho..Merry Xmas


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 02:22



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 02:48

Merry christmas & a happy new year to all! Enjoy! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 02:59

hey merry christmas all.

syL, duno if i replied u cant rmb haha but merry christmas! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 11:23

Merry Christmas to all!

may everyone have a wonderful & enjoyable day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 13:08

merry christmas peeps !! =)


Blogger Wang Xin Ying | 25 December, 2008 13:09

merry x mas! MLB and other ppl


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 13:36

merry christMAS to all! =D
have fun~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 15:51

had a blessing christmas :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 16:58

hohoho, merry christmas to one & all! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 20:31

why u all so many blog?


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2008 21:23

hello all,
we've been receiving emails from supporters asking us for tickets to Countdown 2009. just to let you guys know, we do not have tickets to the Countdown event to give away, you guys can try enquiring from Mediacorp or Vivo City if you wish to get tickets to the event.

as far as i know, Boon Lay countdown does not require ticket entry. MLB will be performing more songs and counting down to the new year there, so those who can't get tickets to the Vivo City Countdown, do go over to Boon Lay for another good show!

Cheers & Merry Christmas!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2008 14:41

Happy Boxing Day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2008 14:41

Hi all,

We've got some tickets available for OKTO Live Recording coming up on Tuesday!

Date: 30th Dec 2008, Tuesday
Time: 830pm
Venue: Mediacorp Studios

*Recording supposedly starts at 830pm, but do note that you have to arrive earlier to enter the studio. I've yet to receive the tickets, so I'm not exactly sure of the timing. Will update you guys again in your confirmation email/SMS.

Kindly note the following:
-Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.
-Successful requests will be notified via email & SMS.
-We regret that only successful requests will be informed.

*Confirmation SMS & email will be sent by Monday midnight, so be sure to check your email then and revert ASAP. (As time is tight this time, will be sending an SMS as well, do revert by either way when you guys receive the info.)

To request for the tickets, please send an email to milubing.fc@gmail.com with the following details, by 8pm on 29th Dec (Monday).

Subject: OKTO Live Tickets
Full Name:
Contact No.:
No. of tickets:

Any queries can be posted here or directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com.

We'll try to reply ASAP.



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2008 15:25

tink 933 is playing mlb's cny song...


Blogger ellekay :] | 26 December, 2008 15:35

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2008 23:28

weiqi, do you have any known allergies to food or medicine? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2008 20:12

i saw the wan nian hong MV already!
super shuai one! =D
too bad no weiqi lehh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2008 23:32


Jiayou for upcoming recordings and countdown events... Enjoy & have fun!!

Here to wish you guys [Happy New Year in advance] & enjoy a brand new year 2009!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2008 23:49

HELLO ! (:

firstly, a late xmas wishing too all.

and .

this blog post is a great post .
it's meaningful, it's true.
all this are just so HUMAN NATURE can.

"There is no person with a perfectly balanced existence (health, love, family, emotions, interests, friends, challenges, victories, safety, comfort, hope, skepticism, curiosity, memories, optimism, excitement, etc) because there is no definition of a perfect balance."

agree, no definition of a perfect balance.

cos different people have their own set of logic, own definition. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 01:23

yup.. actually got leh.. but i forgot wat it is already.. i think i stapled the form to my birth cert or sumthin.. muz go check. why leh??? haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 01:36

Hello weiqi! It's late already u still haven't sleep yet. Haha. Try not to sleep too late.

Mlb jia you for okto live recording & countdown event. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 01:55

nite!!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 02:04

Good night & sweet dreams. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 02:05

Sorry. Just now the comment is from me. Haha. Take care. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 12:45

where can see the mv?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 13:28

Xin ying u mean wan nian hong mv huh? U can buy MediaCorp CNY09 music album then u can see it liao.

The okto live recording is it shown on tv? Thanks in advance. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 17:20

yes jane, okto recording is shown on okto channel at 8.30pm..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 20:06

Jane but my mum wont let me buy=(


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 December, 2008 23:32

weiqi faster go check la. u'll know y on tues le. hees secret first. :p