
milubing | 17 December, 2008 02:54

hey hey! thanks to those who came down today! we had a SUPER crazy day today, morning we dropped by warner's to collect gifts that MLBians had sent (was kinda weird cos we received lots of clothes with the price tag still attached but none of the pressies had indication as to whose it was meant for either), then we reached MDC, and performed and then we rushed to Cathay to attend the premier for Ip Man....

I'm guessing if there's anything u wanna pass to us better to pass us directly, so we know who u are, and not so luan ba, but i emphasise again, dun waste $ on us, most of u students, even if not student, we also feel that if u support us we are more than happy enough le.. just like today, seeing the bunch of u there, made us feel at home!
WoW! finally get to see my design printed on a tee!!! here's a pic of my 2 tees!

:D as well as an image of the design.

spent quite some nites(and days) on this thingy, but I guess after today's response, it's worth it. Been a while since I touched my vis comm stuff, so I'm glad I did it, was quite satisfying :) Whassup with me man...today i stone half way, damn it sia.. back stage still talk ok ok, but then once mic pass to me then i suddenly...old sickness.. and those hor, who say i blur hor, this recording january then bo la.. haha... OEI... quick say sorry ya? Hmph...
haha.. kiddin la..
Ip Man... wow... tsk tsk... did u watch huo yan jia? hmmm.. this one might just beat it man... Especially Ip man's son... so cute man... watch out for the part where he rides a little bicycle... serious, it's a good movie. I'd only like to make a suggestion for an addition to the ending, i wish they showed a young boy with thick hair wearing shades, kneel down in front of Ip Man, and say," pls take me as your disciple, WA DA!!!" wow that would make my day... goodnite...goodnite to the crappy me... :p tmr long long day ahead!!!

the back :)


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 03:24

haha yeah...the design is nice. very youthful...hoho thanks for sharing...
IP man seemed nice from the trailer...it will sneak today and opens on the 18th....got Donnie Yen (zhen zi dan) sure nice ba =X...hahahahaha...

nitey weiqi~


Blogger -WHEY` | 17 December, 2008 04:27

seriously, the design is PRETTY lor! haha.. as i see the design closely.. its quite meaningful actually.. the drink from the can came out from the opening and becoming a "wave" depicting the journey of the "superstars" will not be "一帆风顺"..? (just some wild guesses and comments) nice contrasting colours too.. hohoho..

nights everyone! xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 07:29

see u speak like damn lost can. lol. haiya we also forget the show showing next year ma.. okay then SORRY LAHHHHH. -.-

and what's with nic's 'linyoujia' thingy -.-... random dao.

please overcome your sickness and stop stoning on stage! lol.

and congratulations on ur design ya.. i always thot the studio screen veh big, until ytd.. cannot even see the design properly luh. eh got image of the back? haha cannot see properly ytd lahh.

okiee. tkcaree~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 07:32

tsk u damn qian da.

btw, make suggestion no use lah.. make ur own movie lah. or do ur own version. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 07:57

hello all,

here's a reminder that you can request for tickets to the Sheng Siong Show this saturday through us. we've got some tickets to give away, and we definitely need more people to support MLB at the show! the more the merrier!

therefore, if you happen to be free on saturday night and want to see MLB in action, please do send in your request for the show tickets.

for those who've already gotten ur own tickets, i'm asking if seats will be reserved for us on that day. if there are reserved seats for us, will inform ya guys again and we can all sit together on that day ya? :)

by the way. Jasmin's the nice person who requested for tics on our behalf [for css too], so mus thank her ya :)

here's the information for the tickets..

Hi all,

We've got some tickets available for The Sheng Siong Show coming up on Saturday!
Date: 20th Dec 2008, Saturday
Time: 8pm
Venue: Mediacorp Studios

Kindly note the following:
-Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.
-Successful requests will be notified via email.
-We regret that only successful requests will be informed.

*Confirmation email will be sent by Thursday midnight, so be sure to check your email then and revert ASAP.

To request for the tickets, please send an email to milubing.fc@gmail.com with the following details, by 10pm on 18th Dec (Thursday).

Subject: The Sheng Siong Show Tickets
Full Name:
Contact No.:
No. of tickets:

Any queries can be posted here or directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com.

We'll try to reply ASAP.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 09:02

Hi Would like to know how to get the tickets for the coming countdown event at vivo City? ThankS! : )


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 09:16

the design of the shirt is so cool lar.. hahaha.. really love the design u came out with! wow.. haa! :) creative neh.. ^^ the efforts u did really paid off lor.haas..^^

had a great day yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 09:24

eh weiqi your design looks abit like.. graffiti? new age, and kind of like pop art style? haha. duno how to describe lei.

anw that was recording mah, so maybe they will cut your old sickness away? haha

its been really long seeing you guys perform mann. okay la at least for me it's pretty long =x lols.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 10:21

nice work wq!

r we able to get d tee too? ;p


Blogger ellekay :] | 17 December, 2008 11:27

i love this tee!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 12:21

you said you stone on stage, bt still very clear-minded said yours album released 'last year'. steady laa~ so dun worry about ur old sickness k, will overcome soon. heez.
congrats on the good response on ur designed tee. ii personally adore the 'chubby' dolphin laa. lolxx. and hor, do you mind explain again, wad does the 4 flying man symbolized? -_-??
are you trying to say 霍元甲? -_- ur han yu pin yin failed lehz. lolxx.
alright, tts all ii wanna say. jiayou! hope u have an early nite, cos it seems tt you are going to have a long day EVERYDAY. take care!

cya guys soon! take care! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 14:35

Yeah the tee is nice lah. Is colourful. The four flying man is who? Host of ccs3? Haha... Thanks for sharing. I want the tee! Hehe.

Capri if i am not wrong we just listen to yes 933, check out i- weekly or visit ccs website then we are able to get the tee ba. Haha. Ok if i want to pass anything to u guys i will pass to u guys directly.

Weiqi only 1 colour of the tee or?
See you guys soon. Take care all. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 15:45

argh~ i klkk, so missed d 933 prog. hope i can rmb to listen again on sat.

if anyone record, pls post. thks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 17:00

Capri u can listen it on sat. Haha. I got listen to yes 933 prog just now. Hehe. Cool lah although is short.

I got record it. But behind is not mlb de. Haha. Paiseh i dun noe finish liao so never stop the recording. Enjoy it!


If u want to put it at ur blog or other place pls credit me. Thanks. Hehe. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 19:57

The Tee Design Is Cute & Creative =)

Hmmm Rest Well Ba Guyz...
Woo Hoo - CYA ON SAT.!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 21:08

article on css pre-show concert. not (exactly) mentioned, but includes a photo of mlb.



Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 21:26

Thank anonymous. Hehe.

Hoho got yoga lin too. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2008 22:57

I saw jiamin pic with mlb at her blog. Hehe. This is her blog: http://jiamin-91.blogspot.com/

The pic is nice de lah! Hehe. Enjoy! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 00:23

good job on the tee weiqi!
so i guess u guys had a long day too huh? rest well bah! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 01:37

oh...u went back to ure lao ben hang for css. design looks cute! was wondering how the tee looked like. eh kapok some for us leh, we'll be free walkin ads. *shake head* how cheapskate can i get to score a free tee?? :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 08:34

difficult to pass pressie directly...

chk out the visuals at ion inner facade near the escalator. it has got a youthful theme and flaunt with loud colors...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 10:36

hi jane, thks for responding & sending d link of d recording!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 11:13

Meow meow meow! Sandra here!
The tee vry nice eh. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 14:05

Yeah no problem. Hehe. Thanks piglet. When use laptop to listen will be soft. So yah is better use computer to listen to it if not u can listen to the recording that i upload it or can listen to the repeat at sat. Hehe. Thanks. =]

Yeah the tee is nice lah! I want it! Haha. Take care all. Cya soon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 16:53

The Tee shirt is so cool
esp. the dolpin or killer whale
look so cute la....
Claps for Weiqi..have done a great job....
Tomorrow is Friday!!!!!My happiness day ever....=]


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 22:15

Weiqi: Wow the back of the tee is nice too. Hehe. Eh where is the question mark huh? Haha.

Yeah another 2 more days! =))


Blogger Pek Choo | 18 December, 2008 22:31

The tee that you have design really very cool & nice !!

CYA GUYS this coming SAT~

Take care & Jiayo!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 23:19

Wow, the tee looks coolz and very nice. Wish I could have one too!
Maybe it is time for MLB Family to have a new tee too! hehe...

Aiyo, I am unable to attend this Saturday's S.S.S. le. Cos, my sister had organised a family dinner. So sorry, MLB. But would like to thanks panda for reserving a tix for me. Hope all those that are attending will enjoy yourselves & MLB to Jia-you...

Wish I could be able to attend next event, especially the countdown at vivo city (but have no tix~ haiz...)

Wondering are there any MLBians receiving their N-level results today. If yes, hope you have got good results! yea...

Very soon, it gonna be another weekend & tmr will be TGIF. have a great weekend guys & gals.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2008 23:22

Ha! Good job, nice tee! =D


Blogger JOLYN LSS | 19 December, 2008 00:19

Lol, in the end it turns out that Weiqi did said the right thing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 December, 2008 02:08

I love your designs on the shirt, Weiqi.
You did a great job. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 December, 2008 10:24

milo gathering soon please?

we can all just sit in a circle and eat milo tgt (:

haha random.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 December, 2008 10:33

apologies. din knw tt the link provided in yes933 cant be downloaded.

anyway, for download, click on the link below and right click the download button when you get to that page. and you will be able to download it.



Blogger Sam Wong | 19 December, 2008 18:31

How's life?
I've been busy.. Good thing i have enough sleep these days.. Saw some of you on Tuesday. =)
Thank you ah!
Very hungry now, time for dinner. See ya tomorrow. Or if we don't see ya, then you see us tomorrow. Ok?


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 December, 2008 18:44

Haha. Glad that u have enough sleep these days. Yeah no problem Sam. Hehe. =D

Haha. Ok enjoy ur dinner. Dinner time for me too. See you all tomorrow night. =]


Blogger Pek Choo | 19 December, 2008 18:50

Hello SAM,

Enjoy your dinner =)

See you tomorrow~


Blogger -WHEY` | 19 December, 2008 22:19

sam :D

good that you had enough sleep!

see you guys tmr:D hoho! looking forward :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 December, 2008 22:38

that sounds good! haha!

=D see ya guys tml!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 19 December, 2008 23:11

We'll Make Sure U Guyz Will See Us De... HaHax LOLx!

*JIAYO !!!


Blogger ellekay :] | 19 December, 2008 23:12


we will! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 December, 2008 23:48

Anyone noe how to get the countdown ticket? Thanks in advance.

MLB jia you! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 December, 2008 23:52

I don't think i'm goin already cuz i'll be alone tomorrow..only 1 guy so paiseh..sry Panda/Strat..is it late to inform you to pass the tix to someone else..anw, wanna ty for reserving the tix..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2008 21:00


though i dont really know u, but i just want to say, even if u're the minority (lols) in milo family, u know u are not 'discriminated' ya? cheers. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2008 23:06

hahaha...nice sheng shiong show just now...thanks for making my saturday so different. cos I usually work whole day (10am to 12.30am) on Saturdays mahz, today I requested to work morning shift nia - just for you guys =)...

back to the topic - we all had fun just now right? haha...nice...erm...is-that-call-streak on nic's hair...heh heh...

weiqi said he finally sleep 7 hours last night le! shiok right? i managed to sleep a lot for the past few days also. not a lot la. around 7 to 8 hours too. thats why I feel so HUMAN and can smile more when I go back to work today, while my friend was like zombie...oops! =X *naughty quizzy..*
but weiqi is sick le...take care alright? haha =)

back to the topic...sam is so "blue"....haha! that blue shirt look nice on you...because its bright blue (my favorite kind of blue also~), so sam is so BRIGHT too...i mean, really~ haha.

thanks for the fun once again. See ya guys on 31st dec ON TV~~~ haha...

take care everyone~
milubing jia you~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2008 23:52

Hey all, thanks to those who came down today k? made the place so re nao... and thanks for all the greeting cards and pressies, really appreciate it. To those who couldn't come, dun worry, we can still meet ya? okto and countdown coming soon!
Thanks for the positive comments regarding the design ya? FYI, the black tees are only for contestants and the white ones can be won thru competitions. Take care peeps! hope u all have a great christmas ahead!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2008 00:17

ya guys make the place re nao too man... enjoyed ourselves tonight going all crazy ^^

thankyou for your that two words. 銘記於心~ -_-"...[i bet you 看不懂. lol]

takecareee weiqi!~

and merry christmas all~ cyahh guys soon! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2008 00:24

Yeah u guys make the place re nao too. Hehe. Thanks for taking group pics with us. Wow i want the white tee. Hehe.

Merry christmas & "dong zhi" to all of u! Take good care and see you all soon. =]


Blogger ellekay :] | 21 December, 2008 00:38

you are so welcome!



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2008 00:49

wooh so the CSS tee design is it your school project or mediacorp invited you to do it de? haha if u mentioned before then paiseh i forgot le...hahaha...
hope you have great christmas too =)...
waaaa also got dong zhi...happy dong zhi...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2008 00:50

enjoyable night.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2008 00:56

Tonite is a fun one haha...

Sorry I nv notice ur post ... It's ok cause everyone has a tix ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 11:43

Nice tee (: It's so cute!