milubing | 28 November, 2008 06:00
hey there mlbians.. been away for quite a while.. now my com's back to it's 80% capability after a good ol'reformat haha... here's a little juicy picture to satisfy you before i start posting more pics hehe...(nic dun kill me ya? i jus kiddin la haha..)

so what happened backstage???


so what happened backstage???

Sail? Wakeboard? No.. Surfing's Better
milubing | 18 November, 2008 09:34

I haven't touched my laptop in 4 days.. Quite unusual.. Nowadays we'll use the computer almost everyday. Tio bo?
Good morning to everybody on the bloG!!
What do you use your computer for?
- School work = not me
- Work work = sometimes
- Play games = a litttle
- MSN = seldom
- Read blogs = often
- Watch youtube = always
- Learn new stuff = I'm trying to make this my no.1
So many things we can learn from the internet pages.. Seems like anything at all. Not the unhealthy stuff hor. I think we all know la..
Drink lots of water, have a healthy day!
Nic just got his freedom back. When Friday comes, Mr Chan will be released.. =)
New Chapter of My Life
milubing | 11 November, 2008 05:49

ORD loh!
It's amazing how time flies.. Been 1 yr 10 mths since i was enlisted. I remember my BMT times.. So much fun i had.. in the dirt.. in my sweat drenched Number 4s.. the stench of my stinkin' helmet.. all this seemed like yesterday.. i remember how crazy it was under the hot sun.. carrying my riffle.. singing army songs "with my riffle and my buddy and me-ee-eh!"... Thinking of all these is squeezing a tear outa the corner of my eye.. i remember the people that were in my life then.. i remember my bunk.. my bed.. the windows.. the metal cupboards and the padlock that guarded it. I remember the vending machine that i'ld go to twice a day minimum to get a cold refreshment.. i remember the pull up bars at the foyer.. i remember the canteen that i had to march there 3 times daily to eat... i remember the route marches - friends cheering "oi! abit more nico! Dun be a pussy buddy! Almost done!" I remember cheering my buddy on too "U okies buddy? Common buddy! tahan awhile only Sat book out le!".. i remember the brotherhood and man-egoistic feel of my platoon and bunkmates. I remember kiwi-ing my boots to an amazing shine...
I remember ever so vaguely my last camp MDC.. the dance studio.. tar black rubber floors.. mirrors on 3 walls out of 4.. 1.5x my own height.. i remember the male changing room.. the light odor of it.. musky.. ever stuffy though all 4 fans kept on... remember the dressing tables.. each man to one.. the steel cupboards that seemed to be our mini storerooms.. the chatter of crazy people.. always kept me occupied and cheerful.. light hearted.. i remember the stressful times which i had to learn dance choreography.. i remember my friends.. whom which we once in awhile clubbed.. danced the daily work stress away.. remember the people who got drunk and talk crap at these occasions making a fool of themselves... i remember the hugs we gave each other once in awhile.. i remember the moody times they had.. i had.. but faded away with each other's company.. i remember the shows we did.. some big.. some small and forgetable.. the 1 min fast changes in between performance items.. remember the quarrels we had and resolved.. All good memories.. nothing bad. I remember people who thought me how to dance.. do makeup.. thought me lil lessons on the entertainment life.. people who thought me more how to treasure people..
All these friends help made a part of who i am now. Wherever u all may be now.. Whatever you all may be doing.. May our paths in life cross.. and if they do.. seeing each other again.. I know it'll be all smiles.. only more.. nothing less.
Miss all of you.(More)
From the ICs
milubing | 10 November, 2008 22:27
Hi all, we need YOUR HELP to try and sustain Cheng Shu within TOP 10 on Yes 933 LongHuBang for the next couple of weeks. If possible, please vote as much as you can and push the song up further. do remember that the longhubang results will go towards the results for Singapore Hit Awards at the end of 2009. If you guys wish to see MLB nominated for more awards, please do help and VOTE!
Also, info just in that SJMFJGYX will most probably start playing on 933 by this week, so hopefully we can start voting by next week. If i'm not wrong, we can vote both songs at the same time, one vote for each song. [correct me if i'm wrong] regular listeners of 933, please do us a favour and let everyone know here if SJMFJGYX has started playing, so that we can all start voting for it when the time comes.
Lastly, i'm sure everyone wishes to see MLB being featured on a magazine cover story. We need more response from supporters to let the magazine editors know what we want, so please do write in to the magazines to request for MLB cover stories okay? Magazines include Teens, Teenage, LIME, I-Weekly, U-Weekly etc. Be creative!
All the above requires YOUR HELP! MLB has done their best in their music, and now it's our turn to help and give them the publicity and recognition they deserve.
Thank you for your attention!
Also, info just in that SJMFJGYX will most probably start playing on 933 by this week, so hopefully we can start voting by next week. If i'm not wrong, we can vote both songs at the same time, one vote for each song. [correct me if i'm wrong] regular listeners of 933, please do us a favour and let everyone know here if SJMFJGYX has started playing, so that we can all start voting for it when the time comes.
Lastly, i'm sure everyone wishes to see MLB being featured on a magazine cover story. We need more response from supporters to let the magazine editors know what we want, so please do write in to the magazines to request for MLB cover stories okay? Magazines include Teens, Teenage, LIME, I-Weekly, U-Weekly etc. Be creative!
All the above requires YOUR HELP! MLB has done their best in their music, and now it's our turn to help and give them the publicity and recognition they deserve.
Thank you for your attention!
Forest Adventure
milubing | 07 November, 2008 19:14

We did an interview with I-Weekly today, sure an enjoyable one. In t-shirt and shorts - the best outfit. Comfortable! Seated under the shelters of beautiful Bedok Reservoir. Sun, water, grass, wind. Shiok! Forest Adventure, interesting! How often you get to do this? For the 3 of us, almost never. =)
We'll update as soon as we know when it'll be featured.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Murphy's Law Owned the day
milubing | 01 November, 2008 23:53

Yea we're tired le..
Thank you for coming down today and staying through..
Another amazing day. More after the jump...
Yesterday night.. Nic went to 2 different locations' ATM - both NO CASH
Nic morn woke up late. Half hr late.
Went to find ATM again.. no cash still.
So gotta wait for a cob with NETS.
2pm supposed meet the WQ and Sam, in the end 2.30 met.
Pick up time was 3.30.
So 1 hr left to setup and test run our entire RIG.
Borrowed 10 bucks from WQ to eat and buy kopi.
Guitar's M-Audio sound card couldn't detect Nic's guitar signal - no guitar, no sound.
Troubleshoot but to no avail.
Time check 3.15.
WQ face turned blue(plus little sleep and school crunch time).
Sam duno what to do. Wanted go home to take his same model sound card.
But could be software issue or Windows issue,
WQ tried to download the drivers to reinstall, but already up to date.
Nic went into escapism - dun want to do the gig le. Haha..
Nic came up with an idea.
Bypassed sound card direct into Guitar rig pedal.
Pick up to VIVO.
Sam had church commitments.
WQ and Nic arrived at VIVO
Soundcheck a silent soundless one. (and the most ‘polite’ sound man we ever met)
Check line. No balancing of volume of individual instruments.
No testing of mics.
Soundcheck overan by 45 min - sound ppl couldn't be bothered with us as we were an extra nuisance and trouble to them (Last min planned performance)
Late for makeup and hair at Icon ‘by Shunji Matsuo’. Late by 40 min.
After this supposed to pick up Sam.
Our bus was late.
Supposed to be at VIVO at 6.45.
Sam to take cab down straight.
Nic & WQ strip tease in the van.

Sam reached VIVO.
WQ & Nic Stuck in a jam at keppel.

Sam to do interviews and sing 3 songs(impromptu) to drag time.
Meanwhile WeiQi and Nic in bus guessing what song Sam is singing..
“Tian shi juan lian??? Or ShiYing? Or or.. maybe? Etc.. LOL...” and the bus is stationary due to traffic.
Time check 7.10.
WQ and Nic (and our dear and strong Veron) alighted the bus took a 10 min brisk walk/run into VIVO.
Sam relieved to see 2 bros arrive.

Setup up equipment.

WQ restart com 2 times - because soundcard "never makan the mac"
At one point of time Nic said “ WeiQi rmbr to sing hor”
The joke is, WeiQi was stoning...and he would have really forgotten to sing if not for Nic’s sentence.
Oh boy... happening day.

But hey, you all enjoyed the performance right? :p
Got photos once again... but WeiQi ah WeiQi... when u posting? Haha.. kiddin.
Mlbians came down even though last minute... steady la...
After gig, Nic got urgent family matters, had to run.
Samboy and AhQi go eat dinner le.
Unforgettable night for Nic.

Unforgettable night for Sam.

Unforgettable night for WeiQi.

Good experience ba. Haha.
Guitar's M-Audio sound card couldn't detect Nic's guitar signal - no guitar, no sound.
Troubleshoot but to no avail.
Time check 3.15.
WQ face turned blue(plus little sleep and school crunch time).
Sam duno what to do. Wanted go home to take his same model sound card.
But could be software issue or Windows issue,
WQ tried to download the drivers to reinstall, but already up to date.
Nic went into escapism - dun want to do the gig le. Haha..
Nic came up with an idea.
Bypassed sound card direct into Guitar rig pedal.
Pick up to VIVO.
Sam had church commitments.
WQ and Nic arrived at VIVO
Soundcheck a silent soundless one. (and the most ‘polite’ sound man we ever met)
Check line. No balancing of volume of individual instruments.
No testing of mics.
Soundcheck overan by 45 min - sound ppl couldn't be bothered with us as we were an extra nuisance and trouble to them (Last min planned performance)
Late for makeup and hair at Icon ‘by Shunji Matsuo’. Late by 40 min.
After this supposed to pick up Sam.
Our bus was late.
Supposed to be at VIVO at 6.45.
Sam to take cab down straight.
Nic & WQ strip tease in the van.

Sam reached VIVO.
WQ & Nic Stuck in a jam at keppel.

Sam to do interviews and sing 3 songs(impromptu) to drag time.
Meanwhile WeiQi and Nic in bus guessing what song Sam is singing..
“Tian shi juan lian??? Or ShiYing? Or or.. maybe? Etc.. LOL...” and the bus is stationary due to traffic.
Time check 7.10.
WQ and Nic (and our dear and strong Veron) alighted the bus took a 10 min brisk walk/run into VIVO.
Sam relieved to see 2 bros arrive.

Setup up equipment.

WQ restart com 2 times - because soundcard "never makan the mac"
At one point of time Nic said “ WeiQi rmbr to sing hor”
The joke is, WeiQi was stoning...and he would have really forgotten to sing if not for Nic’s sentence.
Oh boy... happening day.

But hey, you all enjoyed the performance right? :p
Got photos once again... but WeiQi ah WeiQi... when u posting? Haha.. kiddin.
Mlbians came down even though last minute... steady la...
After gig, Nic got urgent family matters, had to run.
Samboy and AhQi go eat dinner le.
Unforgettable night for Nic.

Unforgettable night for Sam.

Unforgettable night for WeiQi.

Good experience ba. Haha.
Thought of the Day
milubing | 04:43

My Dad once told me..
"Son... Your wife is never your wife till the day you enter the coffin."
Vice versa for the gender.
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