milubing | 30 July, 2007 17:12
Wow. We now have a club for this family. Really glad. Thank u to the 4 ladies and many others who volunteered to take up the responsibility as leaders, 谢谢 the rest of you who are cooperative and willing to give them and us your important support. May all be happy!
We've had a great time the past weeks, though tired at times. It's all WORTHWHILE!
"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"
(Yes, this is copied)
We've had a great time the past weeks, though tired at times. It's all WORTHWHILE!
"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"
(Yes, this is copied)

milubing | 27 July, 2007 13:25
I was reading thru my mails from all of you in the past year. =) Even though its re-reading, i'll still be able to either learn something i don't know or forgot bout this writer, or maybe find out something bout myself from an onlooker's point of view. Most of the lot are very generous encouragements, some are personal stories to share, a little bit of positive nagging. Whatever the case, thank u for these letters and cards. They are a great form of 'JIA YOU' to us and i enjoy reading them although there are no replies..
No, i'm not feeling EMO. Just felt really thankful and blessed.
- Sam Wong
Statment of the day : Be positive!
No, i'm not feeling EMO. Just felt really thankful and blessed.
- Sam Wong
Statment of the day : Be positive!

milubing | 26 July, 2007 13:14
Sam n I jus had a good game of badminton! I'm @ his house now. Gonna meet the 'hip hop n u dun stop' dancer nic nic bo bic,banana fena fo fick, fi fa mo mick.. nicky nouse..ooooooHHHH YEAH! Jamming tonight! pls bring your knife and bread and butter and nutella and milk! Got milk? :)

milubing | 23 July, 2007 01:04
"if a picture paints a thousand words..."

p.s. MLBIANS ROCK!!! Today u all gave us a present that is one of the million tots and expressions of love that u have given us so far! THANK YOU FOR PUTTING OUR SONG IN 933'S LONG HU BANG!!!!!

p.s. MLBIANS ROCK!!! Today u all gave us a present that is one of the million tots and expressions of love that u have given us so far! THANK YOU FOR PUTTING OUR SONG IN 933'S LONG HU BANG!!!!!

milubing | 20 July, 2007 03:05
Hey MLBians,was reading thru the posts from u all and realised that quite a number of u have been trying to encourage the rest to vote our songs up the charts.Was thinking since this is the case,I should at least help by posting it clearer as a blog here,and give clearer directions.SO i cleverly cut and paste one of the posts heh heh heh.. here's wat he/she wrote..btw,thanks ya? :p
1. I-weekly coupon (40%)
- Fill up the coupon, cut it out and mail it to Y.E.S 933.
2. SMS (30%)
- Sms POTP933_space_song title
to 72346
The song title can either be in simplified chinese or hanyu pinyin
SMS charge is $0.30 per SMS
3. Telephone (20%)
- Call 1900 912 0933
Call costs $0.20 per call
4. Visual Radio (10%)
Guess if we wanna do this, then do this together as a team ba..Gambatte!!! hope i spell correctly! Btw,hope xiu sees this. I just uploaded tons of pics in a new photo album.Xiu, pls help activate the album on the photo blog cos i gotta go slp le..so tired after cropping those photos and after doing a mini surprise for everyone. It's called, "Nic's guide to cooling down(especially useful during 'qian chang hui')"
NIC's guide to keeping cool...message passed down by WeiQi

*ahem* so now u know.. tsk tsk.. :p Take care peeps! hope this post will cheer u up! btw, why so late then i post neh? cos just now jamming start at 2230,cos i got night driving lessons heh heh..
1. I-weekly coupon (40%)
- Fill up the coupon, cut it out and mail it to Y.E.S 933.
2. SMS (30%)
- Sms POTP933_space_song title
to 72346
The song title can either be in simplified chinese or hanyu pinyin
SMS charge is $0.30 per SMS
3. Telephone (20%)
- Call 1900 912 0933
Call costs $0.20 per call
4. Visual Radio (10%)
Guess if we wanna do this, then do this together as a team ba..Gambatte!!! hope i spell correctly! Btw,hope xiu sees this. I just uploaded tons of pics in a new photo album.Xiu, pls help activate the album on the photo blog cos i gotta go slp le..so tired after cropping those photos and after doing a mini surprise for everyone. It's called, "Nic's guide to cooling down(especially useful during 'qian chang hui')"
NIC's guide to keeping cool...message passed down by WeiQi
*ahem* so now u know.. tsk tsk.. :p Take care peeps! hope this post will cheer u up! btw, why so late then i post neh? cos just now jamming start at 2230,cos i got night driving lessons heh heh..

milubing | 18 July, 2007 16:44
Good afternoon, people of the blog!
Despite being busy and tired, its important to relax like i always say. So tonight, i'm gonna.. Heh heh. Last Sunday at JEC, we were greeted by big smiles and loud cheers. Was delighted to see familiar faces, staring at me, probably wondering if i recognised you. Yes i do. Of cos, its great to see new faces too. Thank u for the unfailing support.. the encouraging handmade cards and gifts.. the BEAUTIFUL 迷路兵POWER之..which features us from having short to long hair and long to short.. Now i even have a cashcard with me on it! =) We really appreciate the effort, 我们非常感动,大家都很有心!
我知道有些人正在努力工作,有些在用工读书。 就算成绩不理想也别灰心,加油哦!
失陪了.. Sam(More)
Good afternoon, people of the blog!
Despite being busy and tired, its important to relax like i always say. So tonight, i'm gonna.. Heh heh. Last Sunday at JEC, we were greeted by big smiles and loud cheers. Was delighted to see familiar faces, staring at me, probably wondering if i recognised you. Yes i do. Of cos, its great to see new faces too. Thank u for the unfailing support.. the encouraging handmade cards and gifts.. the BEAUTIFUL 迷路兵POWER之..which features us from having short to long hair and long to short.. Now i even have a cashcard with me on it! =) We really appreciate the effort, 我们非常感动,大家都很有心!
我知道有些人正在努力工作,有些在用工读书。 就算成绩不理想也别灰心,加油哦!
失陪了.. Sam(More)

milubing | 14 July, 2007 14:02
We've got a new supporter who can't get our album. I think..
Have a nicer day than me, everyone.

milubing | 12 July, 2007 14:19
Hi there MLBians! Our record company is now seeking for a leader to lead the fan club and be the main point of contact. Anyone interested to take up this role, please email your contact number to milubing@gmail.com and our colleagues @ our record company would contact you there after. Thank you!

milubing | 10 July, 2007 09:55
Picture was taken recently, as i was strolling around my place one morning.
I woke up at 6am today, aiyo! Rewarded myself with a delicious plate of 米粉面加蛋和鱼饼 at the market alone, accompanied by a packet of milo-peng as i walked home. What am i gonna do today? Apart from work stuff, i wanna do something SPORTY! Probably go cycling or blading in the evening..
Really happy that the album is out now. Even though it may not perfect, 3 of us 很用心的, gave our best in whatever we could. This is an item that i will keep with me for years and then take it out one fine day to listen when i've got real white hair. 然后对自己笑 '_'

milubing | 08 July, 2007 22:51
the idiot say i got fever..kaoz! he oso got fever lor..haha...anyways back in shape..has been darn stressed up recently...as Jacky (J3) has oredi gone on block leave b4 ORDing...i'm to take over his performance items..gotta lot to learn...catch up..and mani lyrics to memorize...shucks..album's gonna be out tml..ain't noe what's the response is gonna be like...
that the album is gonna be the beginning of the end...hmm..
but i believe itz gonna be the end of this chapter...and the new beginning of MLB!
we're gonna rock ur sox!!!
rock u till u drop...
rock till ur sox drop!!
dropping sox rocking till the rocking sox drop!!
but we ain't gonna drop rock!!
rock on all ye lil sox!!(More)
that the album is gonna be the beginning of the end...hmm..
but i believe itz gonna be the end of this chapter...and the new beginning of MLB!
we're gonna rock ur sox!!!
rock u till u drop...
rock till ur sox drop!!
dropping sox rocking till the rocking sox drop!!
but we ain't gonna drop rock!!
rock on all ye lil sox!!(More)

milubing | 07 July, 2007 12:07
"Day to Night" Are you getting bored of my pictures yet?
今天的天气比起昨天凉多了,你们感觉到了吗? 我虽然睡得少,但心情好,整个人好像很轻的样子。可能因为是星期六吧,或者是因为昨晚的闲歌记忆! 愿大家都会和我一样,开开心心的。。
Where are these pictures taken?

milubing | 05 July, 2007 16:56
Dear Mlbians, pls take note. I have just found out that the album will be released only on Monday, 9th of July. Some delays. Also, the more or less finalized dates for Autograph sessions is:
Date:15 July 07 (Sun), Time: 4pm,Venue: Jurong Entertainment Centre
Date: 22nd July 07 [Sun], Time: 3pm, Venue: Bishan Open Plaza
Date: 28 July 07 (Sat), Time: 3pm, Venue: Bukit Panjang Plaza
Seems like IMM one is cancelled...
Also, there'll be no restrictions: as long as u bring along the album, u can get thru.
Jus as I've always said, once i get any updates like the above, I'll try to update u all ASAP. We'll be taking a wan bao interview tmr. Will fill u in on the details tmr ba :)
P.S. Tonight's the Music in the Air episode!
Date:15 July 07 (Sun), Time: 4pm,Venue: Jurong Entertainment Centre
Date: 22nd July 07 [Sun], Time: 3pm, Venue: Bishan Open Plaza
Date: 28 July 07 (Sat), Time: 3pm, Venue: Bukit Panjang Plaza
Seems like IMM one is cancelled...
Also, there'll be no restrictions: as long as u bring along the album, u can get thru.
Jus as I've always said, once i get any updates like the above, I'll try to update u all ASAP. We'll be taking a wan bao interview tmr. Will fill u in on the details tmr ba :)
P.S. Tonight's the Music in the Air episode!

milubing | 03 July, 2007 22:16
and if you want to keep a copy (these can be found in the Picture blog as well),
Sunset - download
Group pic1 - download
Group pic2 - download
Group pic3 - download
nic - download
sam - download
weiqi - download
sam having a drink - download(More)

milubing | 02 July, 2007 00:59
Hey there everyone! Thank u for the loud cheers during our performance today (and also to those @ home!) and we really really appreciate that some of u were waiting 4 us but we were not allowed to stop (sobs..) cos we had to leave due to the bus timing and hold ups after the show. We feel kinda irritated with ourselves that we bothered to bring along the digital cam but forgot to take pics! :p jialat...seems like the whole night was rushed in and out, and b4 we knew it we were keeping our instruments safe and heading out for supper (someone asked rite?we ate dimsum.). Disappointed that we didn't get to talk to those who came down (nic:"except mi!"), but then again, there's the autograph sessions! Which brings us to this...
15th July - Autograph 4pm Jurong Entertainment Centre - Confirmed!
15th July - @ nite, SPD Charity Show - Confirmed!
22nd July - Autograph 3pm Bishan open plaza - Confirmed!
22nd July - Autograph 5.30pm IMM - cancelled!
28th July - Autograph 3pm Bukit Panjang Plaza, Garden Plaza - Confirmed!
Rmbr that these details are TBC, so do look out for changes if there are any ya? :)
15th July - Autograph 4pm Jurong Entertainment Centre - Confirmed!
15th July - @ nite, SPD Charity Show - Confirmed!
22nd July - Autograph 3pm Bishan open plaza - Confirmed!
22nd July - Autograph 5.30pm IMM - cancelled!
28th July - Autograph 3pm Bukit Panjang Plaza, Garden Plaza - Confirmed!
Rmbr that these details are TBC, so do look out for changes if there are any ya? :)
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