milubing | 28 June, 2007 00:35
The above picture was taken sometime ago when i went out cycling. "A BEAUTIFUL DAY"
I sat down on some rocks with a chilled drink. As i set aside all work-related stuff from my mind and started to relax, i saw that many others are still out at work. Above is another picture i took today. "HARDWORKING WORKERS A-FLOAT"
I wish that all of you who are working and studying hard will stay a-float and not feel seasick.

milubing | 26 June, 2007 18:07
Good Evening.
I'm just home from East Coast Park, feels good..
In the last week, i went to .................. Some pictures i took to show you all.
For what? Just for show.
Where is that? Obvious isn't it?

milubing | 20 June, 2007 23:17
Hey there Mlbians, jus some updates on our activities and myself. Actually all I know is that we've been told to leave our july days free, but details are not out yet. So as u can guess, there'll be autograph sessions and such throughout July weekends. I've been busy learning driving, been doing fine so far, can't imagine I'm on the road sometimes.. but well, I've flown a plane b4 heh heh..guess many peeps didn't know that I was from the air force too, but failed the pilot training and went back to navy. The summary of that training phase = i can take off, but can't land (-_-!!!) take care u all!

milubing | 14 June, 2007 19:42
I can eat alot, but it has to be stuff that i like, quite fussy when it comes to food. Of cos, i'll grow fat too if i don't exercise! Imagine fat fat me? NO, that's not gonna happen.
My hair is growing longer by day, colour's also fading by night, feels like i'm becoming an old man.. Will still be judging uncle for Sheng Shiong this weekend before Nic takes over from next one. Interesting Eh.
How is everyone coping with life these days?
-uncle Sam(More)
My hair is growing longer by day, colour's also fading by night, feels like i'm becoming an old man.. Will still be judging uncle for Sheng Shiong this weekend before Nic takes over from next one. Interesting Eh.
How is everyone coping with life these days?
-uncle Sam(More)

milubing | 07 June, 2007 03:47
helo...been awhile...been sleeping very lil lately and with my com having regular "flu" attacks, i could seldom go on to msn long before it hangs...well then i had to go my neighbour's place to use the com to do my journals (for camp)...well itz been tough...with shows on almost everyday (my vocation)...irregular hours of work and being plagued by the uncertainty of not having sat and sun offs...yep..the price to pay to learn dancing and sorts...but no regrets...hanging on there fine..hmm..for now i'm in wei qi's place..had a jam after camp (ard 11.30pm)...then tonite will be staying over his place coz we just finished doing some "album work".. tml we gotta wake up to practice before we go for the mediacorp show...heng heng tml off! lucky J3 Jacky and I!! yeah..we can do the show without hassle...(Jacky and i are from the same camp ma...haha)...well...things had been hectic for 3 of us lil milos...with the album preparation and all...and i'm so stressed up at camp now...being pushed to the dance stgae without dance background...but when i manage to go up there and overcome the weakness (of bad memory to remember steps)...i'll look back at the frowns and i will smile a big smile...
take care..study hard....
live life to the...hmm..your fullest...
challenge yourselves to reach greater heights...
coz you never know that the peak of the mountain is the point...whereby you are forced to jump off and soar!!
for now i'm still flapping..haha(More)
take care..study hard....
live life to the...hmm..your fullest...
challenge yourselves to reach greater heights...
coz you never know that the peak of the mountain is the point...whereby you are forced to jump off and soar!!
for now i'm still flapping..haha(More)

milubing | 05 June, 2007 20:38
Have been busy lately, less time to ride and relax.. I'm happy though, at least i'm not slacking so much. Time passes and does not return.. Anyhow, i still got burnt under the sun in the past few days.
I'm listening to some ballads now, beautiful voices of some great singers.. THIS IS LIFE! Will be perfect with a cup of coffee.
Wish all the busy people around will take some time to relax too..
Goodnite beautiful people.
I'm listening to some ballads now, beautiful voices of some great singers.. THIS IS LIFE! Will be perfect with a cup of coffee.
Wish all the busy people around will take some time to relax too..
Goodnite beautiful people.
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