Hi all, in order to distribute tickets in a fair way, we've come up with a contest for you all to participate in. Please copy the qns below, paste them into an email, and send it to us together with your answers and contact number, to milubing.fc@gmail.com by 2 Oct 2008, 10pm.
Some rules to note:
-Each person is only allowed one entry, no re-entry allowed.
-The first 28 person with all 10 correct answers will each win 1 ticket to the Superband Grand Finals. Should there be less than 28 person with full marks, the tickets will go to those with the next highest score.
-Winners will be notified via email.
We have 10 seating tickets and 18 moshpit tickets on hand. Please indicate which type of ticket you prefer in your email.
1) What is MLB's audition number for Superband?
2) What is the title of the song that Nic participated in talent quest with?
3) When did Sam ORD from National Service?
4) What school is Weiqi in in NTU and what is his major?
5) What is the release date of MLB's first album?
6) List 2 singers that MLB has covered songs of.
7) At what age did weiqi start to learn the piano?
8) What is Sam's favourite electronic game?
9) When did Nic enlist for National Service?
10) What is the name of MLB's second album?
Lastly, this 'warning' goes out to everyone, especially WEIQI, NIC AND SAM. please DO NOT give any hints to the answers here on the blog or we'll change the questions. [yes, we've got a whole list of questions to choose from]
Good luck all! :)
*remember to state FULL date for the 'when' questions! [meaning, not just the month and year, but the full date with DD/MM/YY.
we've tried our best to balance the difficulty of the questions.. the questions come from everywhere, so check different places for the answers. if you guys want some hints.. here's one.. flip the archives. (:
and just to add on, the tickets are limited, thus the type of ticket is subject to availability. whichever type of ticket you request, we'll try our best to give it to you, but there's no guarantee. if we're unable to allocate the type of ticket you requested, hope you guys can make do with the other type as well.
do note that only one entry per person, so make sure you confirm your answers before sending out your entry.
just do your best for the quiz, make up some answers if you really can't think of any, who knows, maybe you'll get it right. (:
good luck!
Q6's asking you to list two singers that MLB has covered songs of. meaning, the singers that MLB has once performed songs of. hope this helps!
jus to update everyone, we've got pretty overwhelming response since yesterday night. do send in ur entries fast if you want to get the tickets. first come first served! [provided you get the answers correct]


nic : woo hoo! num 18 long hu bang!!! wah u guys amazing la..out 3 days n cheng shu's 18? thankies!!!!
weiqi(on behalf of mlb): THANKS to all the snipping,pasting,writing,and postage cost..today MLBians have made chengshu no.18 You guys & gals make miracles happen. We love u all uber lovable MLBIANS!!! :D See u next sunday then...a crazy zombifying week for me..sobs..monday blues..let's sing the blues then.. get rid of the drag ya? ;) *SHOUT* JIAYO EVERYONE!!!

choose your favourite caption for this pic:

A) Lesson 1: Practice signing your signature
B) 来啊! 来啊!
D) *you own caption!*
Actually we bought our own album to give out to those who helped with the production, and also for our close friends. Have you got yours yet? Pass to us then we sign for you ya? no problemo..it's our honour :p
When we finally signed all..phew..hand tired..warm up for qian chang hui.
BTW! the GF tix are already passed on to our dear MLBian in-charges, in total, we managed to get 30 tix for mlbians. Not sure how they are going to give it out, but do visit http://www.lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com/ for further details!
Wa... still got people not asleep yet leh.. isit pei me burn midnite oil? so good ah u all.. ok la...reward u guys with more behind the scenes pics k? here u go!

heh heh.. :p
How am I to live with myself
- if what I am is "ugly".
Not on the surface, but in the soul, deep within.
Would I be like Dorian Gray?
Ever so beautiful on the outside,
yet my ugly and dark,
soot covered self portrait lays hidden in that room,
deep down that murky isle,
which only I can enter?
Yes I am ugly.
My phoenix...
Please set that room ablaze!
Set the potrait on fire!
Then no longer it would haunt me!
Piercing my heart with a spoke each time I did right.
I'm like its' vodoo doll, it being my master.
Save me. It's at it again.
Locks me up in that room
while it walks out of it's frame.
Doing all the wrongs in my name
- applauds then jeers me.
Eating the very conscience i have kept precious - excruciating.
Burn it when it's kept in, dormant.
Burn Burn Burn!
Free me of it's leash!
Only then, I would be perfect in your eyes.
Spotless and clean.
But yet my wings would still be charred from the battles i fought.
I'm still ugly.
迷路兵最新华语专辑< 三角行TRIANGLE >将挪后至9月26日,礼拜五,全岛发行!
In order not to avoid further disappointment, it’s best to visit the music stores after 7pm on the release date, to allow time for album distribution to all outlets island-wide.
Jasmin Chong
Artiste Manager
EVENTS(chronological order):
Oct 1 Hari Raya Puasa TBC 1800-2300 SP @ Fort Canning CANCELLED
迷路兵 “三角行” Performance & Autograph Session
Date: 11 Oct 08 (Sat)
Time: 3 pm
Venue: Junction 8, Top Of The 8, Level 3
Date: 17 Oct 08 (Fri)
Time: 7 pm
Venue: Bukit Panjang Plaza, Garden Plaza, Level 2
Oct 22 新动网.com - sharing session at NYJC on building confidence to take the 1st leap to make the 1st move to get to know new friends. (I won't be around due to school, Nic not confirmed due to camp)
Nov 4 TBC
Nov 9 TBC
Nov 23 TBC
for voting instructions pls check out the blog for mlbians by the mlbians: http://www.lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com/
here's a behind the scenes photo taken during MV shoot:

Because there are
SOOOOO many other people involved,
SOOOOO much effort put in,
SOOOOO many concerned family friends mlbians colleagues,
SOOOOO much LOVE AND CARE put into nurturing this band of 3 guys,
that WE SHOULD NOT TAKE ALL OF THEM FOR GRANTED by making decisions without considering AAAALLLLLL these people...
who are we now, to make decisions based on what we feel, what we selfishly want, or don't want.
My personal direction for this band now, is that every move we make, we do it for the sake and with great consideration for ALL THESE people who cared,
every Friend, Family member, Mlbian, Colleague that we've encountered, and break out of our self-centred bubble.
We will grow together with these people, and our music will grow with them.
Cliché but, "there is no 'i' in 'team'..."
u've heard it, all of u..
u are part of this team.
A new beginning... a 2nd chance to make a scene in the music scene. Enjoy tagging here... hope the excitement lasts till the 3rd album (if we may).
It's our hardwork.. and many unseen hands' product too, eg managements, and production side ppl... Plus unseen hands and voices like ALL OF YOU.
Hope you guys are Happy with it.
We Are...
: )
sam :
Looking forward to holding the album in our hands! Like you all, we're waiting to see the real thing too. Every song is.. so much to say. Will try to post in more detail after we all got hold of the album ya. Seems like a wet day today, don't catch a cold!! Have a great great day.

Promo 'QianChangHui' :
Oct 11,12
Oct 17
Venue & time not confirmed
Gigs and misc:
Oct 1 Hari Raya Puasa TBC 1800-2300 SP @ Fort Canning
Oct 22 新动网.com - sharing session at NYJC on building confidence to take the 1st leap to make the 1st move to get to know new friends. (I won't be around due to school, Nic not confirmed due to camp)
Nov 4 TBC
Nov 9 TBC
Nov 23 TBC
A leopard could never change its spots they say. But we were all born equal.. of the same specie...
well all of us have spots. Some of us which spots got dirtied along the way.
Thank you to those who came.. who found out about the event.. didnt blog about it as i felt those who already know me aint need to hear my song.. my msg... my cry for the society to see that these dirtied spots... my dirtied spots... could be cleaned - have been cleaned.
I know you lovelies have already accepted who i am.. which is the result of who i was... companied by the journey of the young man i already am and going to become.
Thank you all for giving me a second chance.. a chance not to change.. but to show my change.
Tie your big yellow ribbons ppl...
open your eyes to see good within all man...
not fearing the consequences of their failure but giving them strength to prevent and overcome the failures to come.
It's not how many of these ex cons (including myself) we forgive.
But how many we've condemned and help them back into the darkness they wrongly chose and confided in.
Hear my cry...
Their cry...
To be free...
Lotsa love... with tears...
(More)Been sometime ya? I'm just a little quiet, here. 3am now?! Steady la.. I don't usually sleep at this hour, i'm an earlier than this sleeper. Was busy with some stuff just now, that's why.. Hmm..
How's the new song? We hope you'll like it. Of course the other songs to come too.. Its finally coming out ya. Our 2nd album!! 7 original songs from the 3 of us. Not the best songs, but music written from the heart.. Can you feel it?
Thank you so much for waiting.
And waiting.

Nov 4 TBC
Nov 9 TBC
Nov 23 TBC
heya.. thanks to all for the great encouragement.. support and anticipation..
hope we'll make a statement with tis album..
bring change to the norm..
thanks for growing with us.
continue to do so.

From left to right...
Mr 周崇庆!!! Samboy, Ah Qi, Nicko, Ivy, 伟彬!
and no.. i'm not wearing the same tee as sam... sigh.. ya lar ya lar...
Thanks to those who dropped by at the radio gate! Glad that u peeps came..
More interviews to come soon! ;)
{here's the link for the interview}
933 people are all super nice!!!! Always feel at home when we're in that studio!!! ;)
check this out!
Derrick is a really nice guy, down to earth, jovial, funny and friendly.. it was my first time talking to him and i could really clique with him straight away. As with us, he is another artiste who is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of his music..and going full time into music is his biggest one. Respect him for that, and am glad that his album is doing really well and he is supported very strongly here back home! Looking forward to meet him again, maybe some other time just to hang out or something..
we do have behind the scenes photos, but they can only be posted later after the launch of the album..so qing qi dai! haha..
once again don't forget our home based blog for the mlbians by the mlbians themselves!
Btw, our album launch would be either 22/24th.. apparently wat i heard recently from warner's pauline. So once again, i'll update whenever i get any news..

Monday(today) 6pm
Du2 Jia1 Shou3 Bo1
on 933FM
Do tune in to hear our latest Zhu Da ge... will be playing throughout this week though, so if u miss it, just listen out throughout the week.
Also,we are doing an interview on 933 with mr chong qing(haha) this tuesday(tmr) at around 7pm...I will try to update whenever possible!
Take care peeps..

*click pic to enlarge*
thanks to all who came(i saw some of u who are not in the picture, didn't forget u all k?)

Hope u all had a great time and that u enjoyed the songs that we prepared for u guys and gals.. :)
Also glad that u all got the tix.. for SB GF we have told our manager to reserve for mlbians le ;)
Nic tuning his guitar in the holding room with all the bags lying around..these bags are those that we carried onto the bus if u remembered ;) and there were like 3 more stands and a mixer...etc.. quite a number of things, which is why i needed to make a store list. next time u all can also help to carry k?haha just kidding hor.. :p
Our manager said 'pose leh..' then we were like stoning.. i also 'sa2 xiao4'.. dunnno la.. haha..this photo a bit bo liao but jus put ba.
some trivia for u all.. mr Wakin was in the room next to ours. I opened the door(our door) and he was being interviewed(camera rolling etc.) and went back into the room and announced, 'hey, zhou hua jian outside leh...' then Nic exclaimed, 'wa..love his songs since my childhood days man..YUAN FEN FEI..AI XIANG SHUI..NA PA..!!" then suddenly sam and i join in and we sang triple harmony and then my manager gave us a face and said ' how bout u open the door and sing can?'
then after the show, my manager 'scolded' us...'eh, u 3 make me look like a fool leh, i asked Mr Wakin whether my artiste cld take a picture with him, then when i turn around u 3 were no where to be found... (-_-!!!)' ...'heh heh, paiseh Jasmin, we went to pack the instruments' i replied... and sam's face showed a great disappointment(i think he really wanted to take the photo with him..well nic and me also..) yup end of story. Paiseh, today i just felt singlish.. well it's part of our culture..so i can still accept it la.. but the kiasuism on the mrt.. yucks..disgusts me.. *Cough* ok ok.. i side track le.. hope u all like this little abstract from the life of a milo...episode#1
till nxt time..
Take care...cheers...

Hi mlbians..sorry for the lack of updates..it's quite a joke, cos i purposely brought my digi cam along for the last 2 practices, but either forgot bout it or had to rush off thus no pics so far.
We'll be performing 2 of our new songs @ expo for this meaningful event, and we've been finalising our new setup(the rig is still evolving as we speak! went to source for more cables/equipment yesterday @ funan,PS etc.) and hoping that everything will be smooth this sat...
Nic's been super busy with camp as usual, and his unit is currently aiding a big project..ending this fri.
I've been super burnt out by projects and HMWK!!! every year it just gets worse..and now gotta launch album during semester!!! gonna be crazier than the last one..
Sam's standing by for Nic and me to call him up for practice, he says to let him know when we're free to jam... looks like it's gonna be a super tight week with sam n i having to attend a wedding preparation on this sat morning itself!!! crazy crazy week..
nonetheless, take care peeps... chill
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