A song from the heart for the heroes of Sichuan, written and produced by a group of best friends from a little island called Singapore.
milubing | 30 June, 2008 20:35
sam :
milubing | 29 June, 2008 02:00
Eyes BIG and small. Don't laugh..
Self-shoot, self-take.
What's for supper?
In the end, i didn't have supper. Instead, i went to visit my friend at the hospital straight after the show. I'm so hungry now. Hungry man is an angry man. So i better go to bed..
Ah.. Lorita! MLB thank you for supporting us over here! Be good in your homeland (i like HK too) and take care!!

milubing | 26 June, 2008 03:50

if a picture paints a thousand words,
then what do 4 messy pictures paint?
treasure hunt? no la, we're testing out our latest rig.. always shiok and painful @ the same time when stepping into new territory..
got some news to update u all too..
the bad news? album delayed till mid august
the good news? album delayed for better quality production ;)
Take care mlbians..
sam :
milubing | 23 June, 2008 00:53
I was at the hospital almost the whole day, visited a friend who's unwell. Before i left the ward at night, an old lady in her 80s was brought in to rest on the bed directly opposite my friend. This auntie was accompanied by her younger brother who was almost as old as her. As Auntie had difficulties with movements and speech, her brother spoke to the nurse on her behalf. Unfortunately, the foreign nurse couldn't speak dialet and Uncle hardly understood english. I then went up and volunteered to help with simple translation. Uncle couldn't answer many of the nurse's questions. For example, any drug allergy? When asked for a Next-Of-Kin contact, Uncle took out his handphone and searched for his own handphone number.. The nurse asked for a second NOK contact, Uncle replied at that time he's the only one and he'll definitely pick up his phone. I learnt that this pair of siblings lived together, their next kin was a niece who was not contactable at that time. Uncle also told me to ask the nurse if they could have financial assistance with the hospital fee.. When the discussion was over, Uncle walked over to Auntie who was lying still on the bed, stroked her forehead and said to her that he's leaving and will be back the next day to visit her. She replied a very soft "Orh" and watched him leave. From that time till i left, i looked at Auntie. She stared blankly at nothing, helpless and lonely. I tried speaking to her a little in cantonese, asking her whether she was comfortable, telling her to sleep early and have a good rest, trying to cheer her up. I didn't know what she was trying to reply. Then before i walked out of the ward, i went up to Auntie again, gave her a wide braces smile and say goodbye. I felt sad.. Not like really upset till i cry, but just sad to witness this happening. Maybe its not as bad as i think, but this is reality.
I don't have a moral of the story, because this is not a story.
I hope all of us will stay healthy and away from the hospital, take care people..(More)
I don't have a moral of the story, because this is not a story.
I hope all of us will stay healthy and away from the hospital, take care people..(More)
sam : 1 x Pic
milubing | 21 June, 2008 22:04
Y0, i'm back.. Goodnight.

milubing | 14 June, 2008 21:49
the musician's curse! work for $ to fund your passion!!!
Went 'shopping' with mr Nic this week and bought ma new baby..

Feeling broke now..but no choice..had to do this to grow! Investments must be made for a better tmr... ;) haha..i dramatize a bit la heh heh... the funniest part is while i bought the keyboard, Nic was checking out a guit pedal..and the store owner offered him a deal if he bought it together with my keyboard.. haha.. i'm not the only one feeling broke now.. heh heh.. but my spending is nothin compared to Nic heh heh..too bad, he's the guitarist!! haha.. naturally have to spend more for different sounds = different guitars.. for my keyboard i just need to select from my synth! heh heh.. but this new keyboard is a controller..not a synthesizer..for the new setup for MLB.. :)
Now for a little bo liao update on my break @ the camp..nothin serious here...
Had fun with the kids @ the pool.. this guy tried to sneak up behind me..

and later i was his cyborg and he was the pilot..neck ache after that..

Ate loads...

My favourite food!!! on the bbq grill!!! can anyone guess?? heh heh..the answer is somewhere in the picture...

Take care mlbians!
p.s. btw sam is probably feeling very tired from all the training in camp but he is out now :)
and good news, nic is not going to posted out le.. ;)
Went 'shopping' with mr Nic this week and bought ma new baby..

Feeling broke now..but no choice..had to do this to grow! Investments must be made for a better tmr... ;) haha..i dramatize a bit la heh heh... the funniest part is while i bought the keyboard, Nic was checking out a guit pedal..and the store owner offered him a deal if he bought it together with my keyboard.. haha.. i'm not the only one feeling broke now.. heh heh.. but my spending is nothin compared to Nic heh heh..too bad, he's the guitarist!! haha.. naturally have to spend more for different sounds = different guitars.. for my keyboard i just need to select from my synth! heh heh.. but this new keyboard is a controller..not a synthesizer..for the new setup for MLB.. :)
Now for a little bo liao update on my break @ the camp..nothin serious here...
Had fun with the kids @ the pool.. this guy tried to sneak up behind me..

and later i was his cyborg and he was the pilot..neck ache after that..

Ate loads...

My favourite food!!! on the bbq grill!!! can anyone guess?? heh heh..the answer is somewhere in the picture...

Take care mlbians!
p.s. btw sam is probably feeling very tired from all the training in camp but he is out now :)
and good news, nic is not going to posted out le.. ;)
sam : yawn, yawns, yawn and yawns
milubing | 07 June, 2008 10:49
GE WEI GUAN ZHONG ! I am ALIVE. I am yawning! In the army, we're taught to get at least 7hrs of sleep daily, i had less than 4 this morning.. Why? I don't know.. Serves me right. Neh neh ni bu bu =) *yawn again*
Did you know that i didn't go with WeiQi to camp? Instead, i'll be going to camp on the coming Monday. In-Camp-Training = Reservist. OH.. 0h.. oh.. Sounds interesting? It means black and short hair.. I'll be seeing many of my old friends from army, and we'll be running and taking IPPT and perspiring smelly-ly together.. We're supposed to stay in for a week, so i may not be on SS show next weekend ya?
Btw, why i didn't blog for some time? Eh.. Hmm.. Becos..
- i'm acting mysterious
- i'm afraid once i start i can't stop
- i don't wanna flood this blog with my crap
- i wanna be missed =)
Everybody, take care man!(More)
Did you know that i didn't go with WeiQi to camp? Instead, i'll be going to camp on the coming Monday. In-Camp-Training = Reservist. OH.. 0h.. oh.. Sounds interesting? It means black and short hair.. I'll be seeing many of my old friends from army, and we'll be running and taking IPPT and perspiring smelly-ly together.. We're supposed to stay in for a week, so i may not be on SS show next weekend ya?
Btw, why i didn't blog for some time? Eh.. Hmm.. Becos..
- i'm acting mysterious
- i'm afraid once i start i can't stop
- i don't wanna flood this blog with my crap
- i wanna be missed =)
Everybody, take care man!(More)
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