milubing | 21 March, 2009 16:49
There's was a little mistake on the sistic website. It's not supposed to be free standing, but free seating ya? :)
Early bird = $25 (+$3 sistic charge) = $28
Purchase tickets online via sistic:
Purchase tickets @ any sistic oulets:
More info about the show:
How the recital room looks like:
Hope this helps! :)
Early bird = $25 (+$3 sistic charge) = $28
Purchase tickets online via sistic:
Purchase tickets @ any sistic oulets:
More info about the show:
How the recital room looks like:
Hope this helps! :)

milubing | 19 March, 2009 22:11

Well, i guess it's not much of a surprise any more rite? haha.. not exactly.. cos there's a surprise inside this surprise, and another surprise within the next surprise! Confused? Good.. So must come and find out the surprise ma.. haha.. Guaranteed surprises when u join us on our little concert about the MLB journey, which is the journey that we share with many - Family, friends, mlbians, colleagues... So, it really is a milestone, to stop and ponder, to be a little nostalgic of the past, and to reveal some of the gaps perhaps. This is celebrating a process, that is still in motion; this interaction between us and all who share the joy in our music. This show is for you all.
p.s. Now u know why we're all so busy ya? but we were also doing more besides this concert, but all will be revealed then... btw, tickets are sold at all sistic outlets!
milubing | 15 March, 2009 03:24
weiqi :
hey hey, on behalf of Sam and Nic, thanks to all who came today! Thanks for the love and the presents and most of all, thanks for coming all the way to my ulu school...and bracing the early hours as well as the heat! dunno if u could tell from all 3 faces that we were kinda tired.. lots of factors.. like weather and health.. but generally it's a busy period. For those who couldn't make it today, dun worry k? we can meet again on the 4th of April @ IMM...most likely la haha.. not confirmed, but quite positive. Tmr we're(mlb) seeing each other again.. but not to jam! hmm? "then for wat?" u ask? haha..some of u might think u know wat's coming up in april.. but i doubt anyone really knows the full deal heh heh.. anyways, a surprise is only fun when it's a surprise! haha.. look forward to 19March09 midnite on our blog and u'll find out why.. meanwhile everyone chill...take care!
p.s. when we met @ the side of the stage today, it was cos we wanted to thank all mlbians who came down.. but somehow the space constraints and the heat made everyone(including us) a bit milu.. hope u guys got the msg! NITE!!!
sam :
Like WeiQi said.. Thank you for being with us once again, your presence and voices meant a lot, as always. (contented smile) Hmm.. Today, i was kinda blur and un-alert, like in a daze. I forgot batteries, my little equipment, the last word of our album's name(terrible me), fortunately had help from you all. And i also forgot who gave me this cute HK Disneyland box, SORRY! Please tell me who are you so that i can thank you(u may leave me a tag if u're shy). Mini eggs and a card, mini guitar, drinks.. 谢谢! I had a good time on the drums today, if you noticed.. Whack only. =)
You know?! I boarded a random cab in the afternoon. Mr Young Driver and i started chatting (friendly ma). Through the conversation, i learnt that 2 weeks ago, this same driver picked up a random passenger who was my next of kin, from the same location. So qia0 (coincident) YOU KNOW?! There are more than 24000 cabs in Singapore, this particular driver whom i've never met don't live at that area, he was just passing by. The probability of this incident is so super low. So amazing! Haha.
You don't know March 19? March 20? I'm looking out on these dates.. Wanna surprise myself too! Nighttt...........................
Aha! Finally that crazy week is over.. been tied up with loads of stuff last week.. yesterday was the first night i had slept properly.. guiltily saying.. 14 hrs.. wohoho! Thank you to those who came down.. and those that have the heart but just couldn't make it down.. all the xin yi very appreciated.. thanks for the stuff you guys gave to us.. npt much to say. but 10 Q!!

hey hey, on behalf of Sam and Nic, thanks to all who came today! Thanks for the love and the presents and most of all, thanks for coming all the way to my ulu school...and bracing the early hours as well as the heat! dunno if u could tell from all 3 faces that we were kinda tired.. lots of factors.. like weather and health.. but generally it's a busy period. For those who couldn't make it today, dun worry k? we can meet again on the 4th of April @ IMM...most likely la haha.. not confirmed, but quite positive. Tmr we're(mlb) seeing each other again.. but not to jam! hmm? "then for wat?" u ask? haha..some of u might think u know wat's coming up in april.. but i doubt anyone really knows the full deal heh heh.. anyways, a surprise is only fun when it's a surprise! haha.. look forward to 19March09 midnite on our blog and u'll find out why.. meanwhile everyone chill...take care!
p.s. when we met @ the side of the stage today, it was cos we wanted to thank all mlbians who came down.. but somehow the space constraints and the heat made everyone(including us) a bit milu.. hope u guys got the msg! NITE!!!

Like WeiQi said.. Thank you for being with us once again, your presence and voices meant a lot, as always. (contented smile) Hmm.. Today, i was kinda blur and un-alert, like in a daze. I forgot batteries, my little equipment, the last word of our album's name(terrible me), fortunately had help from you all. And i also forgot who gave me this cute HK Disneyland box, SORRY! Please tell me who are you so that i can thank you(u may leave me a tag if u're shy). Mini eggs and a card, mini guitar, drinks.. 谢谢! I had a good time on the drums today, if you noticed.. Whack only. =)
You know?! I boarded a random cab in the afternoon. Mr Young Driver and i started chatting (friendly ma). Through the conversation, i learnt that 2 weeks ago, this same driver picked up a random passenger who was my next of kin, from the same location. So qia0 (coincident) YOU KNOW?! There are more than 24000 cabs in Singapore, this particular driver whom i've never met don't live at that area, he was just passing by. The probability of this incident is so super low. So amazing! Haha.
You don't know March 19? March 20? I'm looking out on these dates.. Wanna surprise myself too! Nighttt...........................

Aha! Finally that crazy week is over.. been tied up with loads of stuff last week.. yesterday was the first night i had slept properly.. guiltily saying.. 14 hrs.. wohoho! Thank you to those who came down.. and those that have the heart but just couldn't make it down.. all the xin yi very appreciated.. thanks for the stuff you guys gave to us.. npt much to say. but 10 Q!!
Knew Myself a LiL Better
milubing | 12 March, 2009 03:59

This post is dedicated to my parents, my mum who loves me dearly, and my dad who believes that I can still make it after countless falls.
Was watching a movie.. when a statement from a conversation hit me hard.
"Life's an Occasion. Rise to it."
It's not that I've not been doing that. Ironically, the issue here is that I've been guilty of standing in applause for it for too long a moment, many a times. People generally worry about money, about bread and butter, but people like me would go hungry for passion and merry making music. Who would be standing upright 10 yrs from now? The grounded people building their careers on generic jobs like accountants, lawyers, engineers.. Or people that Rised up to life and paradigms, living a life of passion and joy which may end overnight?
Maybe it'll not me standing. Maybe I woud end up basking at orchard MRT or do some small run-down pub shows for 50 bucks a night, living off maggi mee to save up to pay the rent and a pack of cigarettes... Bittersweet Smiles on my face. Hidden tears on my pillow that would have dried up by the next morning, leaving nothing but faint marks on that pillow case that would have been unwashed off it's countless tears for god knows since when.
On the bright side... maybe it would be me standing, me leaving a legacy for my kids... that I had made it no matter how hard it took me to get the high ground where I would be standing, that I can have the previledge to say to my son, "Look here, Daddy made it through hardwork and belief son, I know you can live your life to the fullest too, live the dreams you dream, that you can get there. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
I'm not questioning my beliefs, my passion, my love for life.
I just question My Own End Point after. Which of the 2 above it would be.
Not backing out, no no. NOT. I'll Rise to the Occasion of Life as I've been doing so. May it treat me well, as I'll applaud it the best I can, Smiles and Sweat on my face, Thorns and Tears in my eyes. Yes. I will Continue moving forward.
Are you rising up today? It's not wrong to sit through your entire life. It can be a joy. Such great joy of simplicity and assurance I had when i was a kid, no worries no troubles. But now as this kid within me grows a lil bigger, his visions have grown too. I'ld risk losing that simplistic joy, to gain a joy unspoken of..
Except only by people like who dream my dream.
WeiQi come to spoil mood again haha.. no la.. i care for u all so i post these useful pics hor...
Take 179 or 179a, relax till u see NIE signboard on your right and overhead bridge up ahead:

Drop at this bus stop, get to the bridge and walk in this direction :

Then find your way to the 7-11(some where around the corner of the canteen with macs):

Your view should look like that:

Then walk all the way till u see this gantry on your right, turn right to look for flight of stairs:

As u turn right to the stairs you will see this view:

The quad is downstairs but i think we should be performing in the tentage..makes sense to me, just my guess:

How to go home? back track all the way, and take the same bus 179/179A, it will loop back to the interchange, but try to drop at pioneer mrt station instead to get a seat hahaha(sound so kiasu tsk tsk..)
See ya on sat!!! :D "We'll see ya this Saturday, 14 March '09 bout 11-12pm at the NTU Open House."
milubing | 10 March, 2009 12:50
MLBians IC:
The new MLB tees are ready for collection. There'll be two collection dates, but you only have to attend one of them to collect your tee.
(1) 14th March 2009 Saturday, NTU event
(2) Pending 21st March 2009, Saturday, probably at Istana Park (still TBC, will confirm again)
- If you would like to collect your MLB tee on the 14th at the NTU event, please drop us an email at milubing.fc@gmail.com with the subject 'tee collection on 14th' to inform us; include your Name
Serial No.
Size(s) ordered (as indicated in the yellow coupon given; those who paid via funds transfer, just indicate your name and size(s) ordered).
We will only bring the tees down on that day for those who have informed us via email in advance.
An email confirmation will be sent after we have received your email. Otherwise, all other collections will be done on the second date.
pls kindly rmb to bring your yellow coupon tt was issued during the ordering session, we'll need it back upon collection. thanks!
- If you are unable to make it for both dates, drop us an email too and we'll try to make alternative arrangements for you.
Any enquiries can be directed here or via email. We are also contactable at 82507407.
The invoice for the tees (gao xiao la..uncle put mlb fan club!!haha...sounds weird ya?):

We'll see ya this Saturday, 14 March '09 bout 11-12pm at the NTU Open House.
(if you're free ya..)
成..成..成..成..成...... 成............熟.
nic : Have a nice day!
sam : Have a nice day!
wq : Have a nice day! & btw, i'll try to post more visual instructions as how to get to the quad on sat.
pics coming soon..i will look like a terrorist taking photos of possible sites.. sigh.. ntu getting dangerous hor.. tsk
The new MLB tees are ready for collection. There'll be two collection dates, but you only have to attend one of them to collect your tee.
(1) 14th March 2009 Saturday, NTU event
(2) Pending 21st March 2009, Saturday, probably at Istana Park (still TBC, will confirm again)
- If you would like to collect your MLB tee on the 14th at the NTU event, please drop us an email at milubing.fc@gmail.com with the subject 'tee collection on 14th' to inform us; include your Name
Serial No.
Size(s) ordered (as indicated in the yellow coupon given; those who paid via funds transfer, just indicate your name and size(s) ordered).
We will only bring the tees down on that day for those who have informed us via email in advance.
An email confirmation will be sent after we have received your email. Otherwise, all other collections will be done on the second date.
pls kindly rmb to bring your yellow coupon tt was issued during the ordering session, we'll need it back upon collection. thanks!
- If you are unable to make it for both dates, drop us an email too and we'll try to make alternative arrangements for you.
Any enquiries can be directed here or via email. We are also contactable at 82507407.
The invoice for the tees (gao xiao la..uncle put mlb fan club!!haha...sounds weird ya?):


We'll see ya this Saturday, 14 March '09 bout 11-12pm at the NTU Open House.
(if you're free ya..)
成..成..成..成..成...... 成............熟.
nic : Have a nice day!
sam : Have a nice day!
wq : Have a nice day! & btw, i'll try to post more visual instructions as how to get to the quad on sat.
pics coming soon..i will look like a terrorist taking photos of possible sites.. sigh.. ntu getting dangerous hor.. tsk