
milubing | 10 March, 2009 12:50

MLBians IC:
The new MLB tees are ready for collection. There'll be two collection dates, but you only have to attend one of them to collect your tee.
(1) 14th March 2009 Saturday, NTU event
(2) Pending 21st March 2009, Saturday, probably at Istana Park (still TBC, will confirm again)
- If you would like to collect your MLB tee on the 14th at the NTU event, please drop us an email at milubing.fc@gmail.com with the subject 'tee collection on 14th' to inform us; include your Name
Serial No.
Size(s) ordered (as indicated in the yellow coupon given; those who paid via funds transfer, just indicate your name and size(s) ordered).
We will only bring the tees down on that day for those who have informed us via email in advance.
An email confirmation will be sent after we have received your email. Otherwise, all other collections will be done on the second date.
pls kindly rmb to bring your yellow coupon tt was issued during the ordering session, we'll need it back upon collection. thanks!

- If you are unable to make it for both dates, drop us an email too and we'll try to make alternative arrangements for you.

Any enquiries can be directed here or via email. We are also contactable at 82507407.


The invoice for the tees (gao xiao la..uncle put mlb fan club!!haha...sounds weird ya?):


我们是 MLB.

We'll see ya this Saturday, 14 March '09 bout 11-12pm at the NTU Open House.

(if you're free ya..)

.............. .............

nic : Have a nice day!
sam : Have a nice day!
wq : Have a nice day! & btw, i'll try to post more visual instructions as how to get to the quad on sat.

pics coming soon..i will look like a terrorist taking photos of possible sites.. sigh.. ntu getting dangerous hor.. tsk


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 13:12

oh... 11am... hope i can make it.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 13:13

hv a nice day too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 13:35

hello sam~
haha thanks for the update...
11am to 12pm? should be fine for me.
see ya on sat lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 13:36

oh ya, have a nice day too sam didi~ =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 13:44

AHHH....i'm so sorry for troubling you guys but, which part of NTU ahhh? haha then when we reach there we know where to go....
unless is when we reach NTU, we can see u guys liao then ok la...haha
i'm so sorry...


Blogger Sam Wong | 10 March, 2009 13:56

Hmm.. NTU is a very big place. BIG.
And at the moment, small me doesn't know where's the exact location, BUT.. We'll update as soon as we know! 姐姐.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 14:00

hmm 11am-12pm shld be ok. Haha.

Yah NTU is a very big place. I also dun noe where is the exact location. Thanks mlb for the update. Hehe.

How many song will u guys sing? 10? Wahahahaha. :p


Blogger Rah | 10 March, 2009 17:19

OMG ntu -_-
i already once went MILU when i went for an event . somemore is at night.. so i can't imagine if this time round will go i goes MILU =.=" oh meh~~ getting mi lu is really lol! update soon guys. :p


Blogger Pek Choo | 10 March, 2009 17:24

Thanks sam for the update.
See you guys on SAT!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 19:12

11-12pm.?!? Oh Man Den Tink I Cant Go Le.! Arghhhh CRIES.! =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 19:23

i'm working. boooo~ :(


Blogger binz | 10 March, 2009 19:50

yay early early good(:
getting lost is ntu will be omg. it's so filled with hills!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 20:59

hello sam! :)

wa 6 days in sch for me tis wk..lol..ppl, the campus map is available online if u are worried abt getting lost in ntu..i *shld* be able to provide directions if need be..haha! :p

oso, thr's shuttle svc at boon lay mrt (every 15mins) n jurong east mrt (every 20mins), so dun need to take 179.. :)

okie cya all on sat! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 21:01

Hi all,

The new MLB tees are ready for collection. There'll be two collection dates, but you only have to attend one of them to collect your tee.

(1) 14th March 2009 Saturday, NTU event
(2) Pending 21st March 2009, Saturday, probably at Istana Park (still TBC, will confirm again)


- If you would like to collect your MLB tee on the 14th at the NTU event, please drop us an email at milubing.fc@gmail.com with the subject 'tee collection on 14th' to inform us; include your Name, Serial No. and Size(s) ordered (as indicated in the yellow coupon given; those who paid via funds transfer, just indicate your name and size(s) ordered). We will only bring the tees down on that day for those who have informed us via email in advance. An email confirmation will be sent after we have received your email. Otherwise, all other collections will be done on the second date.

- If you are unable to make it for both dates, drop us an email too and we'll try to make alternative arrangements for you.

Any enquiries can be directed here or via email. We are also contactable at 82507407.



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 23:09


If im nt wrong, the performance will be held outside school of biological sciences. Thats where the open house is held every year.

So yupp. Hope this info helps.
And not to worry. There will be ushers/ambassadors that you can ask for directions ((:

In the meanwhile, you all can wait for more info from the guys! (: seeyou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 23:38

Halo Sam,

Thanks for the update.
See you guys on Sat then.
Have a nice days... :)

Hehe... I want my new MLB Tee, we shall put it on that day. Everyone agree not? Just my opinion, since we are collecting it that day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 23:42

O.. not forgetting to thanks yuanping & Mel for informing about the shuttle buses & performance venue. Thank-you very much for sharing. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 March, 2009 23:45

Yo... so sorry, its me again.
Is MLB attending the Star Award next month?
Does anyone knows how to get the tickets?
Hopefully MLB will wins the award for best drama theme song with Lu. Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 00:35

sorry i left out sth..

pls kindly rmb to bring your yellow coupon tt was issued during the ordering session, we'll need it back upon collection. thanks!



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 00:50

Thanks for the update guys..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 15:26

Thanks for the updates. Haha. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 15:41

me just wake up...
thanks IC...
hello nic~~
hello and thanks weiqi for the update too.
xin ku ni le...xiao xin yi dian...HAHA

in case we all really mi lu, or bus too crowded, think we better...no is MUST reach there EARLIER...haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 20:57

"Take 179 or 179a and drop at this bus stop:"

weiqi u planning to insert photo is it? LOL.

anyway the bus stop is the one with this overhead-bridge thing connecting this inverted-cone-look-alike-blue-glass building to NIE. u will see LT 1A at that bus stop. hope this helps /:

milubians cannot milu hor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 22:23

hahaha, thanks for the updates!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 23:10

Nic updated WORKSHOPS new stuff added in his blog


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 March, 2009 23:13

nvr been to ntu, so dunno wer r d places.

btw, got free shuttle there ah?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2009 00:26

feel like all the kungfu wannabes gatherin at mt ntu open day...hv to cross the river at the valley 1st or not? :D ...and what whAT WHAT is goin to happen in april huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2009 00:40

why kungfu wannabe?? hahahaha...
mm jie change name to mkp ba =).
mkp = mighty kungfu panda. HAHAHA =X

yes capri jie. got free shuttle. at boon lay or jurong east huh? ok later i research. play pets society first! hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2009 00:43

oh ya talking about the invoice; weiqi, nv tell uncle this? say "uncle, wrong liao, should be MLB FAMILY. ;D"
tio bo? haha. take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 March, 2009 01:20


Free shuttle service to NTU at the following locations:

• Boon Lay MRT station (every 15 minutes from 9am)
• Jurong East MRT station (every 20 minutes from 9am)



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2009 00:39

aiyooo~ now then i know ntu so BIG! I always followed by colleagues to the canteen near Hall 4/5 for lunch n the karaoke at Executive lounge (Hall #?) last time, but nvr know ntu is so @@.

IC, my little boy sch sports ends around 11am, we will go down aft that. Hope i wont get lost in the campus,considered me very sotong with the road sign -_-||||| (hope i wont get into parallel parking on that day!pray pray pray)

btw, where n when will MLB be performing?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 March, 2009 00:41

Hope to see MLB & MLBians family again ya.

Da Jia Jia You!