
paiseh leh...
milubing | 08 February, 2009 01:14


(btw i only post now cos was rushing back to west side last weekend, left all the pressies and cards @ home...now then get the chance to read carefully!)

Thoughtful cards and photos...uber nice of all of u.. here's my reply to those in the photo album:
Binz, i mus confess that ur sentiments are right, so mus help me too, like when i see u then u remind me la haha.. cos sometimes a bit hard for us la.. haha.. i think we need a mlbian yearbook! good idea rite? like class photo like that heh heh..
Thanks Boon Lin for sharing the poem with me. :)
Walau LK...say i old...ya la kinda...haha
arolf..that photo was really so long ago...
Ellen, why never pass me a photo with u in it? (0_o)?
Biru....wa lau.. act cute leh... haha kiddin
IRENE! wat did u do to the photo!!!
Ivan..also never show ur face leh... (0_o)?
Hey Jane, the photo kinda weird, like it's the vivo gig, but how come the background so dark eh?
LiWhey thanks for the jiayos :)
Quizzy, hope ur also happy too k?
Capri...(0_o)? how come the pic only got me? haha..
Nicole, muz have used same printer as arolf..also a really old photo!
PeiShan..i also dun wan to become zombie.. not i purposely one leh :( i will jiayo!
PekChoo,thanks for the nice photo :)
QianHui, i realized u like to pose like that for all the photos u take haha... observant rite?
QingQing,thanks for the wishes!
Hey ShiHui, dun think i'll be starting anytime soon, cos i'm too busy with school la haha..if i started i'd die le..yup take more nice pics!
pinkie..another old photo too! but only my face leh,see until sian (0_o)?
Thanks to the seiw sisters too haha.. (0_o)?(0_o)? 2 missing faces though ;)
wa lau..miss singyin..when did i agree to take this ridiculous picture with u leh sigh.. regret leh..
eh... the one year older one year wiser person pls stand up..
Syl, thanks for the encouragement... will bbox more ok? haha.. send my regards to lorita ;)
UnclePhil..thanks for the nice photo :) I'm sure I took one with u b4 at least? haha (0_o)?
weijin..wa that time my hair so ghim ah.. tsk tsk..thx for reminding me heh heh
yumin can really hear u shout leh.. haha..
(all those gena the (0_o)? means that next time muz have ur face inside the photo k?)

As for the gifts, a million thanks, but really, nxt time dun need waste $ le. Nic, Sam and I all share the same view that for all mlbians to show their support for our music is more than enough le..dun need gifts, cos this support is meaningful and helps us a lot. Maybe a gift that u all can give us is a more united family. I know maybe this mlb family compared to many other 'fanclubs' is considered very united le(in fact no point comparing cos ours is not a fanclub hor, it's a family!) but no harm improving! like when there are new faces, help to make em more comfortable by intro urself etc, or like this the photo album, work together instead of competing(no point ya? we rather have peace!), and like cooperate with the ICs(which has been gd so far)...things like this la...jialat..i long winded again sigh.
Promise u all that ur support is not in vain *hint hint* big things(@ least 3) coming soon...

Thanks to:
Flora, Irene, Nicole for the pillow, wet tissue, and tees(wa surprised me!)
Yumin,Syl, and PekChoo for the nice nice photo frame :D
MK & ShiHui for the movie credits!!! yay...
ellen & sofui for the movie credits!!! double yay...
suddenly i can watch so many movies leh... haha.. if only got the time though.. next time u all give me time credits la? like 12hours to pause time haha something like that (-_-!!!)
Pegg for coordinating the photo album :)

I think we should really make a year book!!! how ah.. hmm.. anyone got any idea? maybe we can do a online kind of class photo?? like everyone got a IC sized photo so we can log in to see all mlbians that have joined the family... suggest some webbies leh haha...

Hey mlbians, thanks for coming down today, and v. paiseh, wasted everyone's time. :(
But then again hope u had fun despite a simple event like that :)
We'll post the details of the next fitting session again here, so do keep a look out.

p.s. thanks Xiu jie jie for uploading the new blog music... thanks Nic for mixing the new blog music... thanks to mlbians whose voices are in the music haha..


Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 01:36

no worries about it, weiqi.
take care! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 01:43

im sick so couldn't go! rawr.

hope i can make it the next time (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 01:43

Wow... The Blog Music's COOL!
Nah WEIQI, Dun Worry Abt Today... Take It As A Small Short Gathering Ba, We Did Enjoy Ourselves Seeing U Guyz There ~

*SmiLez Widely*


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 01:44

yeah, no worries..
it isnt a waste of time..
i consider it as some sort of gathering..
thanks to the three of you who made it down despite the packed schedules!
goodnite! =)


Blogger BIRU K. | 08 February, 2009 02:20

thanks leh!
for eating off our heads!!
hor hor, sy gonna cry again!
hope you like it! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 03:15

Nice blog music. Thanks Xiu jie jie & Nic. Hehe. Thanks weiqi for the pic.

Glad that u all enjoy urself. Good night. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 03:38

laptop de sound got problem...can't hear the music...paiseh haha...nvm...

no worries la weiqi. think in a positive way, at least we all get to SEE each other again uh...

nitey...take care yo...

And sam, dun worry i will graduate de! HAHAHAHAHAHA =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 12:36

So cruel of you! Lol.
I know the stickman with green hair looks cute. Haha~
Anyway, hope you like the cake! :D


Blogger Unknown | 08 February, 2009 12:44

the blog music is NICE~
很有亲切感!!! *grinz* ^_^

looks like you have lotsa movies treat!!! wahahahaha~
so do enjoy those movies that you gonna watch, if you didnt, den we will be very sad yea. lolxx. =p
have fun! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 13:14

Hi all,

The meeting for the order of MLB tee was held yesterday, but due to some problems we had with the samples, no orders were placed. We realised that the samples we got from the printer were inaccurate, and the printer informed us that there was actually both male and female cutting for the shirt. Therefore, we'll be waiting for the new samples to arrive, after which we'll hold a second meeting for the orders again. Tentatively, it'll be about two or three weeks from now. We'll inform you guys of the specific details after we've confirmed, but meanwhile do check out MLB's blog frequently for more updated information.

Due to the change of date, all previous reservations will not be taken into account anymore. We'll announce again for those who are unable to make it to place their reservations after the new date has been confirmed. Apologies for any trouble caused.



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 15:17

nice music


Blogger ellekay :] | 08 February, 2009 15:19

its all right weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 16:01

It's okay Weiqi..
Like some said,at least we get to see each other..
Thank you to the guys for coming down even though you guys are busy.

Weiqi,you really shocked me sia. Suddenly,speak to me from behind!


Blogger Jenies | 08 February, 2009 16:45

the blog song from the a/s is it ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2009 17:58

Yah the blog music is from autograph session de. Hehe. If i am not wrong the autograph session is at junction 8. :)

Do continue to vote for milubing at omy.sg there and also long hu bang there. Thanks. :)


Blogger -WHEY` | 09 February, 2009 00:47

aww. i couldnt make it the other day! hopefully i will be free the next one! :D

cool music on the page too! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 14:10

cool~ i like d music chg.

yippee... i cant make it on last sat, so a/r ordering session is gd! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 14:35

21st feb? Hao! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 14:52

hao hao hao! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 15:57

it was my very first time ther joining M.L.B & Bian(s) on the 7th Feb(: i was really excited and happy! albeit i feels abit "mo sheng" as i totally don't know anyone ther, hence i drag my friend along w/ me(: so, hope to know everyone (M.L.B & Bian(s)) soon yea? craving & looking forward for the next meet up for the tee thingy & also more of M.L.B events togther w/ the other M.L.Bian(s):D
+U+U to M.L.B & Bian(s)(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 21:06

thanks for the update.
I like the music has changed~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 21:59

Feb/07 - 大家辛苦了.

Will try to check the blog more often.

IC, if the next meet up is on Feb/21 time 2pm, could I use email to place the order?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 February, 2009 22:16

Wishing MLB & MLBians Yuan Xiao Jie Kuai Le. and also Happy Eastern Valentines Day. :)

Welcome to be part of MLB Big Family. Ya, bring your frens along if they are interested in MLB's music.
Hope to see you more often!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 10 February, 2009 00:17

21st Feb 見 !



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 February, 2009 00:40

For all those who cant make it for the ordering session on 21st feb, we'll be accepting reservations. please email us with your name, hp no. n quantity u are purchasing. thanks!

jenny, answered your qn already! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 February, 2009 01:31

yay, new blog music!...abt time...lor...


Blogger -WHEY` | 10 February, 2009 13:56

YAY YAY :D 21! :D this time i'm gonna make it (hopefully) :x


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 February, 2009 14:00

Weiqi! Why no more my head siaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Okay im so gonna arrive there early on the 21st!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 February, 2009 15:59

Uncle Phil, thank you!
Anyw, M.L.Bian(s).. I'M YUJING:D attended the first event (7th Feb 09) together w/ you guys to collect the tee. But i know no one):
Hope to get to know you guys okay! Do drop by my blog & leave me a message urhs. & I know some of you have blogs, & I've link 2 M.L.Bian(s) alr(: Hope to have all M.L.Bian's links & be friend w/ you guys.. take cares, & see y'all on 21th(:

Love M.L.B & Bian(s)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 February, 2009 22:53

Thanks, IC.

I will send out my email once I rec'v reply from China.



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2009 02:26

Happened To See This ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2009 13:36

Thanks. I already saw this pic liao. The pic is from joanne peh blog de. Haha.

She still wrote 可爱的迷路兵! Haha yah i agree is 可爱, handsome & helpful 的迷路兵. Haha. :)

To Jenny: Can i have ur email address? Thanks. :)

Happy Valentine Day! Enjoy! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2009 22:20

Miko..hope u recovered le, sucks to be sick as an admer
aizutto look behind u!
Yujing.. welcome to the family. I'm sure everyone will be ok with the linking of blog ya? :)
haha mightymouse...damn funny la comment bout the music..
-WHEY` jiayo ba..

IC: For all those who cant make it for the ordering session on 21st feb, we'll be accepting reservations. please email us with your name, hp no. n quantity u are purchasing. thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2009 22:24

Hello weiqi! This blog has been quiet but i think once u guys leave comments or update the blog there will be alot of comments. Haha.

Welcome Yuqing! Hehe. Join FC if u like mlb music. Ask ur friend to join FC if they like mlb music too.

Enjoy weekend! Happy Valentine Day! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2009 22:24

"I think we should really make a year book!!! how ah.. hmm.. anyone got any idea? maybe we can do a online kind of class photo?? like everyone got a IC sized photo so we can log in to see all mlbians that have joined the family... suggest some webbies leh haha..."... mlb group in facebook??


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2009 22:50

WOW! Thanks weiqi for the long reply! Guess u spend quite long to reply huh?!

Yah it is Vivo event. Haha. Cos the pic took it outside Vivo city. U remember? U still came out from the van and went to took the instruments. If i am not wrong jasmin also helped u took the instruments. Haha. Hope u like the pic.

Hmm i think we can do a online class photo for those who are from FC. Blog??


Blogger qIaNhUi | 14 February, 2009 01:45

WOW... WEIQI, So "Observant" Of U Eh... TAO YAN.!
That's My Most "Standard" Pose Wat... Ok lo shall try smth 'different' next time... U jialat liaoz... HAHAHA!



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2009 03:39

Weiqi,walau..you very mean leh..
Tease me somemore..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2009 13:55

Happy Valentine day to MLB and family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2009 16:13



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2009 19:46

Hello all! I found milubing video at youtube there. Enjoy! Hehe. I noe that sam will choose cycling de.


Hope u all enjoy Valentine Day. :)


Blogger ellekay :] | 14 February, 2009 20:49

im also getting old whatts!

happy valetines'!
enjoy you day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2009 21:53

haha! weiqi!
IC size photo?!
bu yao lahhh~ so formal and gao xiao.
maybe grp photos would be better! =)

thanks for the reply too!
zhen de, ni beatbox hen cool!
3 big things? another COOL! =D
shall look forward to it!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2009 22:10

yoz AH QI
thanks for the regards!!!!
I'm fine ,Thanks
Take care


Blogger Unknown | 14 February, 2009 22:26

no hurries laa, anw you will be graduating soon, so start with planning first, mayb. haha! alrite, will grab you to take a pic nx week k. =p
for movies, there is a time limit for a year in the credits, so shld be able to catch a couple of movies bahz. ha! if by any chance you received such a gift as the time credits, pls share hor, ii nd tt too. lolxx. -_-
alrite, cya soon, dude! take care!!!

lastly, Happy Valentine's Day, peepz!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2009 22:47

MR CHAN! wah now then you regret ah, too late alr lah, hahahahahaha!

Anw, yeah Happy V's day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 00:54

Wow weiqi, your memories really good de lor! Still can recall that you ever took pic with me (only 1 solo pic with u, then 2 more were with 3 of you). Should have taken more pics with you guys. But then, old man likes me how to rush with all the "xiao mei mei" ~ Haha...
Fyi, I don't even know that I am suppose to submit a pic for making your an album as your birthday's gift. I was only informed by Ivan thru sms to meet up and pen down our wishes for you (perhaps there are some communications problem)~hehe... Then, when I reached. I was told to select a photo to write my wishes for you lor. You understand now? kaka... :D
Well, I am late to wish everyone: A Happy Valentines' Day (do remember that this day is not only for couples, it should be a day to share with your love ones)
Ya, I strongly agree that it is good to have a family photo. weiqi, Thanks for the good suggestion and also to improve our family ties. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 12:43

How's mlb Valentine's Day? Haha. On 21th will u guys going to Istana Park Shelter??

Enjoy weekend! :)



Blogger binz | 15 February, 2009 13:28

haha weiqi see i so clever! i noe that u dunno~ haha i'll try to remind, but it feels so qi guai! yar lor it takes like dunno how many hundred GB of memory space to remember so many faces, so it's alright if cannot remember yet(: yup yup year book will be cool. then can have like record of the whole year de event and group photos with names!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 14:54

haha. i know i know. weiqi, nevermind la. i will help to turn you back to human if you ever become zombie again, no worries. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 16:51

hi Weiqi,

The only photo i took with you at Toa Payoh garden still in my mum's phone..no way to take out..if you want, i bluetooth to you can? haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 22:01

Long long time ago... Yah, 3 yrs liao, damn long. can stop the time from ticking not?


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 February, 2009 22:45

hahaha... wq, so far din get chance to take individual pic wif u so chose tat pic lor. anyway, tat pic is taken by me de. ;-)

see ya on sat! hvnt get to pass u ur bday present yet.


Blogger BIRU K. | 16 February, 2009 00:22

thank q lair!!
that pic not i send one lorrr!!
my blog got post but i edited a smiley on my face liao lorr!
but shihui say nvm!!!
hahhahahaa (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 21:50

wa..u all reply so fast sia.. sorry leh, these days we 3 super duper busy..till the point we dropping some of our other commitments here and there.. not directly cos of the band or anything. just very busy! for once all 3 also busy! but we also busy together too.. we got a lots to work! for 2 main things coming up! wanna shout it out here but can't sia.. gotta wait for green light. somewhere in apriL!!! hahha..okok, i'll read the comments again k? now i gotta run, been really jialat becos i got a project where by i must know a bit of scripting but i'm lost!this is not my field! feels so weird..and helpless..dunno how sia, just gotta bia. ok gtg!!! take care mlbians! someone mentioned facebook.. hmmm.. wat u think? alternatives?
p.s. DON'T FORGET THIS SAT ORH!!! we'll bring down guys and gals S,M,L size, but there's xs-xxxl for guys and xs-xl for gals.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 16 February, 2009 22:00

APRIL...! Wow Cool! Yes Yes Shall Look Forward Den ~

P.S: SAT SAT SAT, We Wun Forget De!
*SmiLez Widely*


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 22:02

Thanks for ur update. Hehe. It is ok de. We understand that u guys are busy. Ok yahoo i think is events coming up. Hehe.

Weiqi jiayou! Hmm i think facebook or blog is not bad. U take care too. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 22:03

Opps i type my name too fast. Lol. Is jane. Haha. Yah we will look forward.

Jenny can i have ur email add? Thanks. Take care all! :)


Blogger Pek Choo | 16 February, 2009 22:11

APRIL. I'm having exam during that month~ I'll try to go ya~



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 22:41

WQ, glad u fd it funny, not many peep can apprec it. :D wn my hide grows much much thicker, i'll accede to ure request :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 22:43

Oh Man everyone is sick..

Having a cough too...

Rough times for everyone.. busy busy..

Working hard to makes thing pooooooooOOttt out of the sky (make things happen i mean)

Haha.. all take care..



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 22:46

hi nic! good news is i m NOT sick! :D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 16 February, 2009 22:57

ahpuchichi again =_______=
hahax... aiyo take good care eh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 22:58

chill okay, don't be so stress up lurhs.. you can do it de(: M.L.Bian(s) 会默默的为你们加油!

& also, understand that 3 of you are busy, but still 不要忙坏身体!drink plenty of water & rest well alright!



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 23:01

Hello nic! Yah alot of ppl not feeling well.

I having a cough & sore throat.

Haha ahpuchichi. :) Take care! Drink more water and rest well. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2009 23:53

okay, jia you and work hard for the coming gig yeah?
busy busy, but must still take good care of ya health. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 01:10

Yea, drink plenty of water and rest well. Plain water.




Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 01:22

HELLO nic, sam and weiqi~

thank u weiqi. I think I'm happy hoho. I think happy or not happy depends on how we look at the situation. So the moral of the story is: learn to be positive? haha

good news after mm jie's good news: I've just RECOVERED =X.
still, take care yo guys~

jia you in busying.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 02:28

Hey, Its a good sign to be busy. But you guys have to rea;;y take great care of your health while busying, ok?
April... can it be the gai-ban promotions? Have been waiting for it eagerly. haha...
Well, bad news from me: I am jobless again since last sat. Got to search for a new job soon. Will Jia-you de! Hehe...
Hope everyone have a great week ahead, and see you guys this sat. :)


Blogger binz | 17 February, 2009 04:48

woah all 3 appeared.. seems like we'll have something really great coming up huh. yay(: so hiong preparing until april. and woah heng ah april, just finish a big exam so can have excuse to go out~ bad bad air out there these few days so everyone take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 13:01

LOLS! yes,:D


then will HAPPY(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 13:28

Yes drink more water and rest well.

Yah loh april maybe is the gai ban promotions? Haha. We had been waiting for it. Anyway looking forward.

Uncle phil jiayou! Market is so bad..

Take care all. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 13:40


please take 6000mgs of vitamin C tablets a dae.

in a good health?

also maintain 2000mgs of vitamin C tablets a dae.

Stay Healthy!!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 15:56

Everyone take care okay..
Lots of people falling sick lately.
Drink more water..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 February, 2009 21:50

WQ, may i know.. if ther's something that you're going to wear, and ther must be a word on it. what word will it be? your name? or anything els? must say okay.. ha thanks!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 17 February, 2009 22:40

Had Enough Rest, Take Good Good Care k, Our Dearest MILO GUYS ~



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 February, 2009 02:00

Hi all,

If you are unable to make it for the ordering session this saturday, we have set aside an alternative date for you guys to take a look at the samples and make payment. Do note that you have to make a reservation with us via email first before you make your way down on Sunday. We'll be taking reservations till midnight of 20 Feb, pls take note.

Date: 22 Feb 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 3-5pm
Venue: Raffles City Burger King (nearest mrt is city hall)

Measurements of the samples as follow:

FS: 35.0 across, 51.0 down
FM: 36.5 across, 54.5 down
FL: 40.5 across, 57.0 down

MS: 46.0 across, 66.0 down
MM: 49.5 across, 65.0 down
ML: 51.0 across, 68.0 down

*all measurements in cm
**note that this is a rough measurement, do compare with your own clothes for a closer match

If you are unable to make it for both dates, and do not mind gauging your size based on the measurements we have provided, we will be accepting POSB funds transfer. Pls email us for more details.

Do email us for any clarifications or queries.



Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2009 20:00

and being an adm-er, you dont "get well SOON" because life is so busy! havent got enough sleep and all. the virus has been in my body for 3weeks already and its hitting my classmates D: feel so bad abt it.

recess week is not recess week at all lor. i bet its the same for you. poor us! time to redo stuff to pull up gpa mans. jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2009 01:34

milubing jia you...
everyone jia you too...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2009 21:07

nice to see all today!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 14:49