
Ahpuchichi !!! (dun know what that means.. try shouting it..you'll feel it instead)
milubing | 01 January, 2009 03:24

Speaking on behalf of MLB so dun mind the crudeness of it all.

Thanks for coming down (some who even "Gan Chang")
You guys added on to the fun by much which was already fun.
We saw the banners.
Heard the shouts.
Felt the hearts.

Thanks to all the people following us helping us along the way, doing our makeup and air... OUR SOUND!!! very important soundmen YES!!!

MR JY! (our new techy (but old time) friend to help up setup and tear down stage fast)

ANd 2.... JASMINE & VERON!! follow us run ard like mad dawgs! Shag de leh..
(applause intended. pls clap lei.. dun "leng chang hor") pui!

Now the interesting part. a rundown of MLB's day, today.
After a long day previously (not posted, if not this post gonna take me till daylight to complete)

12pm meet at church
1230pm pickup to boonlay
1pm reach boonlay for soundcheck.

Now the more interesting part.

1pm is HARD noon. Sun the hottest and brightest. Tentage is like a greenhouse (go research that.. interesting how the design traps heat).

Soundcheck starts.

Perspiring like dogs or hotdogs if u may.

Setup all sui sui. or we think. no prob for first 30 min while waiting for drums to finish mic testing by sound ppl.

They ssay test our lines. At last. Hotdogs become boiled dogs. sweat (water) plus heat.

Keyboard dead. Eg. The "browser" on the keyboard menu appeared differently ....as "Bro"

We know we're bro la but no need like that pls. No need emphasize details at wrong important, crucial events like a freakin sondcheck!

Keyboard now cant connect to mac. no sound. (Mac keep prompting us... "HUI device not found")

HUI aint really know what it means... maybe "Highly Useful Instrument"

Highly Useles instrument? Nah.. It's "Da bomb" Rated online as one of the best... got great awards. Should be ok de.

We "Gioh tolang" to the keyboard.

No kneeling incense involved though.

It still called us "bro"

Brother dun like that now lei...

230pm gave up on the keyboard's "speech impediment. "Bro."

Check guitars then.

Guitar behaved like a snake... lotsa weird noises.

some of which include hissing and "chak chak chak chak chak" at a constant tempo. "ssssssss" like snake... rattle snake to be exact. Youtube a rattle snake. That was our soundcheck for it. Yay.

I know we got constant drummer but aint need competition pls. friendly de. wth.

soundman say may be 2 issues.

1)power source dirty. Highly possible. Generators not constant.
he say happen lotsa times to him before.. but gotta replace generators one day before hand.
We cant countdown 1st to the 2nd of Jan. Don't think organisers would like that yes?

2)might be the heat (which we 20 min before this aga aga think it might be heatstroke for the keyboard)
Bo pian. Keyboard UK brand... temperate climate... like asking eskimo come India to suntan.

WQ brought keyboards down. We packed up. He tested it under the shade and ran whole setup on battery power.

Wala! It called us "browser" at last.

Love the name.

Details cut short, we didnt have a soundcheck. The other performers had to soundcheck too... they were on a tight schedule.

We can't say OI!!!! MLB here... we want to ******** soundcheck!

We all good boy ma... so bo pian just bo heng sueh agaration check got line then run off.

suppose to reach church at 330pm to relak and practice.

Time check. 4pm.

So go church wait for the pickup at 5pm to vivo. make-up at 6pm.

ok then we run!!!!

Load up bus Chao.

Uncle drives.

after 15 min plus.. We see West coast high way.

Then Haw Par Villa. Wah.

Jurong go to the EAST side turn 1 BIG round go towards harbourfront.

Ask uncle why...

Reply "PIE may traffic jam".

HELLLOOOOOOO!!!!!! New year eve is not public Holiday lei!!!! No jam de lor!! people mostly still in office till 6 odd then rush hr!!!!

in the end sua... no nice cosy place to wash face and all...

Vivo sua.

So we make our way (which is along the way) to vivo.

Uncle can turn to vivo dun wan. Say cannot... road block le (actually is just they change the structure of lanes)

go big round to u-turn.

The rest of the day was quite ok.

Except that...

1035pm "cheng shu" perform at vivo...

1038pm end...

Pack up... (hey hey... we packed up in 4 min with a help of our techy friend! MR JY)

Load up bus...

1130 suppose perform at boonlay.

Heng no traffic Jam... (uncle ar... at night no jam afternoon have meh?)

EH!! no... different bus driver.. our favourite Mr AH TECK!!! this one steady one... fast driver (traffic rules apply still.. but optimum efficiency zhai!)

*side note.. afternoon the driver.. (dont know his name.. at that point didnt want to yes..) expressway drive 50km per hour. Equally zhai.. motto of life. SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE (but maybe we 3 lose our jobs la.. dunno what race... but anyway...)


Alighted fast.. setup fast.. wait for cue to go stage setup.

Host all amazing.

CROWD ahpuchichi AMAZING. 3 times the size of Vivo...

Screams (of coz u guyz credited) shiok sendiri.

Cant hear our voice AT ALL ON STAGE.

Ask soundman level up but think we too far away cant see our hand signals.

BO PIAN. Asian boy body small hand short. signals hard to see... Unless got binoculars then maybe la hor...

Say on mic.. think cant hear also... coz they maybe cant hear the mics also.

Aiya.. what to do... all of us and the people there trying their best to make the performance a good one... but stars dun align.

Heng the moons did though!

Got pyro on stage lei...

Almost got Sun tan...

ZHAI. no need go tanning salon for "nic the white chicken" already.

2 songs done.

Lotsa sweat in nic's eyes.

pain pain.

shiok shiok.

WQ moved on stage as if he on caffeine pills.. hyper sia.. happening.


Wah.. hdb upstairs lotsa ppl looking down too!!!

Shiok sendiri (x2)

Go backstage.. leftover pack up by our amazing MR JY!!!!

rush to bus.

RAN our legs out!!!! Got hordes of people running behind us!

Felt like macham backside erhem! backstreet boys (no offence.. my childhood heros meant as a joke dont sue me thanks) got supporters chasing sia..

Macham Andy Lau at airport..wohoooo!! fun! we run faster... they run faster-er... we tired le la.. pan chance thanks thanks.

Bus drop nic at jurong first.

shouted lke mad man "HAPPY NEW YEAR! WOHHHOOO!!"

Ten minutes later called WQ.


Sian by half (translate hokkien thanks)

Drive back...

All sit in bus.. parked at bus stop.. Veron and Jasmine calling the whole world.

Call previos bus uncles check.

Uncle traffic Jam cant go out the bus to check back seat.

Vivo people all nvr ans ph... just after countdown all busy evacuating.

Nic leaves sad.

Bus Leaves faster than the sadness can tear through his pig skin heart (what that means i duno. pigs just came to my mind at this moment)

WQ passses 50 buck to nic "for just in case"

20 min later Nic gets phone call.

All in the bus on speaker phobne shouting "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

You guys know the ending i guess...

But nic till now no wallet yet.

Guess ba.

(Veron Heroine)

Abstract ending.. but it'll all make sense.

FORGIVE me for Garamaticurl errors. tired le..

Just wanted to type for you guys...

to thank all that made this day happen.

Type for bout 1hr plus non stop le le.. shag...


EVEN IF YOU're behind the screen supporting this humble band who loves music and life.


INTERSTING RITE? HOPE SO.. brighten your new year!!!

Crazy day that went great.. with even more detours and cockups in between... (as usual for any big production and Gan Changs)

A new Year i'll never forget.

Hope ya guys had fun as we did.. and not as tired as we are yes?


THINK QUITE LAME... ps ... tired.

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 04:45

Wow! Wat A Looooooooooooong Story Of The Day... Really happening siax!
Is NIC rite who posted this... HaHax & did NIC got pranked? LoLx!

Anyway-We really enjoyed the performances, damn high de la... & damn hot too =X

Take Care Everybody! SmiLez . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 07:29

Happy New Year to all 3 MLB(s) =D

the performance at vivo was really great. sorry i was all the way staying at vivocity.

you guys take care, jiayou and jiayou again :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 08:07

nic, lost of wallet = exciting start to a new year? -.-

anyway, mad rush for us yesterday. never been so happening my whole life. as someone says, very exciting. but a lil over exciting.

same for us lahh, uncle stuck in jam duno where and we were all jumping liao, gan chiong.. luckily journey there was a breeze.. got there in about ten minutes.

weiqi moving on stage hyper? as singyin says, COUNTDOWN MA! must be a lil more unique than usual.

ahem, andy lau at airport.. milubing at boon lay lahh.. seriously, why were we even running? we also damn tired please, run like siao people for e whole night. hey at least we exercised.. for the first hour of 2009.. cool right?

anw fun day, cool experience. but aint looking forward to it happening again anytime soon.

and yes, applause for jasmin & veron (: xin ku le! and also you three lahhh...

well, happy new year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 08:29

Wad a fun, exciting new year ii had!!! woohoo~
ii think you guys had a more thrilling new year than we had?! hmmm~
real heng for Nic, if not really REAL SAD CASE lor! hmmm, a brand new year kena such incident! =/
ytd was fun fun FUN de laa, dunno wad to say liao.
so wish ya guys once more, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! al the best for this brand new year with everything you do! JIAYOU!!!
YAWNz~ whole nite didnt slp, tired~
ciaoz~ =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 08:40

wah.. nic, you damn heng la. lost wallet on the first day of 2009. you sure to have a smooth year ahead man. (=

anw, it was fun rushing from vivo back to boonlay. an exciting way to end the last day of 2008. hees =P we had fun but was tiring as well lo.. -.-ll

and ohya, sam.. havent had a chance to really apologize to you arh for the you-know-what =X sorry wors~~ bu shi ku yi de..

and weiqi wors~~ you super hyper at vivo hors?? jumping here and there. hahas. tsk tsk. and well, duno if you've read the letter but then im glad that i really din prepare that stuff for you la. otherwise, it'll be wasted. ha. and jiayou ya?? rest well for the next few days before sch reopens.

and you 3 guys arh, owe me sth that i shall claim from you 3 the next time we meet. tsk tsk.

you guys deserve a good rest today and of cux to veron and jasmin too~ rest well lo. (=



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 08:51

nic! ur new yr darn happening lei! 1st day of 2009 lost wallet.. -.- heng sia u..

e best countdown i ever had in my life ytd..definitely memorable..last min decision to rush down to vivo to c u guys..den rush back to boon lay..n suay suay sth happened when we were rushing back to boon lay..e journey was like darn happening..n thrilling..weak heart cannot take it.. -.-

performance at boon lay was definitely high..we were like screaming our heads off.. :p

btw, ahpuchichi sounds like some tickling thingy..funny sia..

anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :D rest well ba! n thankyou to jasmin n veron too! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 09:04

pegg is here. lol..
anw forgot to add, weiqi arh. you really qian da arh. i shall argue with you again on the day we meet. ha.

btw the song they sang for the show tuan yuan fan is called 新生活. those who havnt heard it can look forward to it when it begins telecast on 6th jan.

mk here, RELAC LAHH nic. bad day, gan chiong day. but it's all over. and hey, you can eat chocs already! (: and btw, i think we're like as tired please. no sleep the first hours of 2009 yet!

haha! HUI device not found, ii am not a DEVICE lehz!!! lolxx. ok lame! haha! shiHUI here!

okiee from all of us here still tgt at this hour, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! smile =D


Blogger Sam Wong | 01 January, 2009 12:47

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!
So many feelings in the last few days, yesterday.. Like daisy High low, but fortunately in the end steady la. I'm amazed by all of you. Really support us all the way, a place to another, a year to another.. Thank you.

I also like to thank "Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 03:16" of the last post for his/her powerful words of encouragement. A pity this person didn't leave a name or nick.

We hope that we won't disappoint any of you. Do our best!

I wish all of you a healthy 2009!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 12:53

Yesterday was really exciting lor! Run here run there run everywhere! hahaha, shouted till i no more voice now, but damn shiok! :D

Nic you lost your wallet? so heng sia lol. Hope you can find it soooooooon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 13:38

happy new year !! =)


Blogger ellekay :] | 01 January, 2009 14:15

happy new year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 14:43

whoa, seems like you all had an uberrr busy day.
have a good rest!
& HAPPY NEW YEAR. (: huhu.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 14:43

whoa, seems like you all had an uberrr busy day.
have a good rest!
& HAPPY NEW YEAR. (: huhu.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 15:07

HAPPY NEW YEAR & Blessings to Milubing/mlbies & their families/friends.

May 2009 be a fatter, more success n luckier year for all, esp to Nic.

3 Cheers!!!


Blogger JOLYN LSS | 01 January, 2009 15:18

Wah, this is such a long long post!
and Nic typed all these late at night?
must be very tired bah. (typed with eyes half closed?)

Wallet lost??! What a great way to start 2009 huh? Hope some kind soul will return it to you :)

anyway, Happy New Year all!
and rest well :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 15:37

happy new year!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 16:59

MLB's cheng shu #54 on 933 top 100 songs of 2008!!! CONGRATS=)
i think this post is by weiqi.. rite??


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 18:17

The performance at vivo was great! I was all the way at vivo too. Sorry.

Wallet lost? Hope u will find it soon. Happy new year to all and rest well. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 18:52

new year wishes for 2009 by various artistes on xin.sg-



video in the article.


Blogger Unknown | 01 January, 2009 19:58

add on...
the very last minute of 2008 jumping over to 2009 was like a ride of roller coaster full of excitement yea?! haha! as pegg mentioned, 2009 gonna be a smooth year ahead! I hope so!

forgot to thank Veron and Jasmin in my previous tag, so THANK YOU!!! and applause plus whistle please!!! woohoo!!!

ytd performances was great as usual! ii dun think the sound was anything wrong, hmm, mayb ii am not a pro in this kinda thing. =p

ii was really happy to have you guys ard (its my first time spending countdown wit mlb!) and gav me a chance to spent my countdown in such a thrilling way, at least its sumthing special tt ii never had before in my 22 years of life. haha!

lastly, wishing you...

Nic & Sam, make lotsa money! =D
Weiqi, flying results in all exams and projects (ur studies comes first so nv wish u make lotsa money yes =p)
MLB, 2009 full of mlb's music, to lift up our spirit! woohoo~!!!

we support you guys all the way, may more good happenings come year after years......

Cheers~ =D
Rock onz!
World Peace!!! ^_^\/


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 20:40


woo! that's a really long post, but interesting eh!
soundcheck under the hot sun is really omg. luckily no heat stroke! choyyyyyy~ =x

hao lah.. wish that in this brand new year, milo will produce more music ya? jia you jia you jia you! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 22:29

May ALL have a smooth 2009 ahead yea...
& wishing MLB in 2009 - 有更好的成就! =D

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger -WHEY` | 01 January, 2009 22:31


for those who are studying, exel in your studies! those who are working, jia yo too :D

anyways, i saw the adv on channel 8 for the CNY album songs.. they featured i think 2 or more adv.. but only one with MLB.. anyone seen the full video?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 January, 2009 22:36

Yes, I will definitely support MLB for many more years. No, not many more years but all the way (unless MLB decided to stop producing good music someday).

Congrats MLB for:
1) Cheng Shu not only was one of the Top 8 mandarin songs during last night countdown event. Cheng Shu was rated No. 54 for the Top 100 songs of the year (2008) for Yes933 radio station.
2) MLB was rated No. 8 in the Top 10 Group/Band of the year (2008) for Yes933 radio station.

Hope 2009 will be a very better year for MLB.
My Wish for MLB:
1) MLB will has their 1st ever concert in Singapore soon.
2) MLB will promotes their great music to all other countries that have people enjoying Mandarin songs, especially: Taiwan, Hongkong, China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia & etc.

MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...

O... Nic,
Hope you don't have any important personal thingy in your wallet. Wish you are able to get back whatever that are lost. Take care & be more alert.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 00:21

channel u (i think so) has started playing the mvs in the cny album, caught the wan nian hong mv earlier on about 8 or 9plus. keep tuned in to the tv for the mv! or better still, buy your album at the cd stores, price about $17.95.

happy new year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 00:33

wat a funny funny account, esp the bro part but i feel your pain man. Here to shout HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone here!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 01:11

wow.. nic summed up the day real well! thanks to all who came down! :))) happy new year!!!


Blogger Rah | 02 January, 2009 01:21

was kinda urmchio the way hw nic type this entry. but wad a nice experience for all of u ? hahas.

and POP here to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! :)

nic u better take care of ur stuff well nxt time :P hahas!

:D stay happy to all! hoho.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 02 January, 2009 01:23

Happy New Yr WEIQI! HaHax~
Sooo Obvious The Post Is Written By Who... Cos It's Juz Sooo "NIC"

♥ S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 10:47

happy 2009! lost wallet? well, out wif the old and in wif the new ba...wish MLB all the best!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 11:52

Heh, think I missed out a lot of fun yah?? the rush hour, the missing wallet and WQ's hyper action on stage. Must be really fun. Too bad that I couldn't go anywhere that day. Gotta work till late night even though my official knock off time is 2pm. Bo bian... its year end. Some even have to work 48 hours non-stop. But didn't miss out the fireworks, even though I can only see a little, from the shore of the other side (JB lah of course!). Busy but quiet new yr eve :D

Btw Mr Lee, 31st many ppl knock off early hor... so it is 100% guarantee + chop that the road to city will be jam. Everyone rush to get a place in the countdown parties. Your lost of wallet remind me of the case happened to me 2.5 years ago. Remember the memory cards I lost in Police Academy?

Ur hem... Attention everyone, if anyone or someone has found Nic's wallet, please kindly return to the poor guy. Just leave your footprints here and nic will get back to you very soon!!!

And oh, btw, Happy new year to ALL!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 15:10

harpi Neu ear!


i notice that every end of the year, i.e. 31stdec, i will be v low batt.

so, dun care no fireworks.

nvm, no crowd.

no countdown, nvm. i count sheep...in my zzzZZZ.

ya. i'm a bored.

lost wallet? got explicit fotos inside or not?

darn. i'm very free for the next 2 weeks. how to kill time?

got gigs or not? got, i sure go.

harpi harpi neu ear!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 21:14

oh..nic still havent find back his wallet?..poor thing..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 21:20

Happy New Year !!!


Blogger ZIMIN MINIZ | 02 January, 2009 22:11

Hahahas, I heard you guys talk on stage. I was there one the second level of the HDB flat. Hahahas, SCREAMING for you guys too. Anyway, you guys are really charming.I was standing at the stairs when you all leave and all your fans RAN behind you all. Nic, weiqi then sam. Hahahas, I never see you guy live before coz I short so I can't go those kind of 签唱会, confirm kanna blocked. But I was overjoyed when you are said BUHBYE to me.

May you guys be blessed for the year 2009.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2009 23:23

Happy New Year to all!

Wat a long detailed post.

Nic, hope some kind soul can rtn ur wallet.

any pics/ video to share?


Blogger Pek Choo | 02 January, 2009 23:30

Happy New Year to everyone!!
Enjoy the brand new year 2009~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 01:19

whatever it means.
but it defnitely sounds happy.



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 02:07

Wow,so many things happened.
Sorry I couldnt be there during the countdown. :(

Take care guys!And hope to see you soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 15:49

Nic's wallet havent found yet ar?
Hope there is nth inside. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 16:54

eh can any kind soul report wat songs did the boys sing at boon lay countdown for those who missed it? i wanna know leh. read this until i so regret for not bein a bully n pull my friends down to join in the fun for the countdown.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 17:22

OMG!! if andbosdy would be the one to take that is a psycho..
he must be mad abt mlb.
and nic..
but good that he found it. '


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 18:08

mm, they sang cheng shu and SJMFJGYX (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 18:35

Talked to Nic just now and he said he blogged a long one aft count-down, so came in to have a look. May I just add in another classic case of this driver uncle in the afternoon of 31 Dec. . . .
Picked me up from East to Boon Lay at 10pm, supposingly at 9.30pm (yap. 30 mins late Mr driver uncle... cause lost his way driving here ...).
Introducing new route from driver uncle to "rush/dash/chiong" to Boon Lay >>>>
via ECP / AYE !!!!
Yes, no kidding... I actually had a chance to glimpse at the Marina countdown...
Asked driver uncle why the route, he said PIE jam. How can PIE & not ECP jam in less than 2 hours before countdown???? herh?!. . . . At 50kmh speed @ highway.... He won liao.
Reached Boon Lay finally, uncle still wanted to exercise his final empowering skill... saw police barricades in front and made a u-turn promptly, asked why, uncle said road block by Police cannot go thru... BUT HE WAS THE OFFICIAL TRANSPORT WITH PASS mah!!!!! Aiyoh! Another merry go round enroute again, this time within Boon Lay itself.
I was still in the van when dear Veron called me to update that you all were already on the way to Boon Lay liao. Time checked 11.10pm then.
Just wanted to share this experience with everyone... since Nic was harvesting at it.
This uncle has created a classic and legend for himself called "Master of Singapore Expressway". Take heed.



Blogger Sam Wong | 03 January, 2009 20:28

Wow Jasmin's here too.

Dinner time. Late.

Bye people.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 20:42

Jasmin is here. Thanks. Sam enjoy ur dinner.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 20:48

Hey Sam,

Enjoy your dinner =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 21:05

LOL, so late cai eat dinner.
Hoho! Enjoy la! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 23:01

ahem.. totally cool, slow and steady wins the race..

LOL, i get your point, jasmin & nic. sometimes things can be such a joke mann, esp when you're in a rush. but well, we all got thru that day safe&sound. that's something to be thankful for eh? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2009 23:36

wad an interesting driver huh! =/


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 January, 2009 00:49

lol... power lah! uncle!


Blogger -WHEY` | 04 January, 2009 10:47

haha.. funny driver!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 January, 2009 23:49

Hi fellow MLBians,
Shall we continue to votes harder for 世界麻烦借过一下? Let this song go onto the Yes933 Long Hu Bang Chart.
Let "chiong" ah...
If not, listening to long hu bang is so "sien" lor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 01:01

hey hey... a quick lil update..
there's a gig on 10 Jan 09, 8pm-8.30pm @ SMU Campus Green (opposite Singapore Arts Museum and National Museum, along Bras Basah Road), for youth Olympic games ;)
Also, pls don watch ongbak2... i give it a -1/10 :p Australia was quite ok/gd if u wanna see hugh jackman hahaha...melodrama but ok ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 01:20

hey thanks for the update. had received info about the gig from the CAN! team but was awaiting full confirmation about it.. okayy anyway, some information about the gig ya.

CAN! event (Create.Action.Now)
Date: 10 Jan 2009
Venue: SMU Campus Green
Time: 5.30pm - 9pm

they'll be performing to celebrate the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games, so do come down and support them and bask in the spirit of Olympism as well.

anyway since weiqi says that it'll be 8-830pm, i suppose that'll be the time mlb will be performing. no harm going earlier too hmm?

and here's the official site for CAN!




Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 01:24

haha hello thanks jasmin jie for the add-on. i can only say, u guys r suay la~ haha.

hello sam...

hello weiqi! haha thanks for the update. haha 10 JANUARY 2009 IS BINZ'S 18TH BIRTHDAY LEH!! haha...ahh i want....=X

haha SMU's a nice venue i suppose....easily accessible...duno if i can go on sat leh...jia you ok

i kena retrenched from ew sun plaza le...haha shud say WE got retrenched haha...get the picture? shall turned to westmall instead as i look for other jobs...=S
haha yesterday last day of work there...hai hao it ended nicely...but when me and my friend were talking about the memories over there we cried lor...cos we all separating le mahz. but dun worry la, i'm taking it positively =).

ongbak2 not nice? i haven't watch yet but heard that the response was overwhelming. OMG AUSTRALIA storyline seemed nice but i watched the ending and i think its boring la...haha...

oh ya remember u recommended ip man? i finally watch le. OMG ip man is a true hero indeed but damn humble. how could someone still keep his back straight while fighting? and so calm.



Blogger -WHEY` | 05 January, 2009 01:45

yay! another EVENT! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 08:25

weiqi, thanks for the update. No sch today ar? Jiayou on ur 1st day lo. Dun get lost again. Hees.


Blogger Lo Kelween | 05 January, 2009 09:25

tiring day I see...you guys are christians?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 10:22

Ah Qi
Thanks fr the update!!!!
Hope to see you on 10 jan..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 13:38

hello hello!
supposed to be having lessons now but it's break time. so boring! :(
yay, glad that there'll be gig coming up. huhu. see you guys on sat lo. (:


Blogger Sam Wong | 05 January, 2009 13:39

Yea, we're christians.
We 1st played music together in church. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 13:51

haha min, u used library com huh? LOL

weiqi! i watched australia already! errmm. but we have diff opinions instead. haha! =x

yeah! sat!! goodieee~ =D


Blogger Pek Choo | 05 January, 2009 19:23

YAY~ Thanks for the update.
See you guys soon!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 20:11

Thanks for the update. Thanks sam for replying at ur blog there. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 20:30

i still vote for 世界麻烦借过一下
3 sms and few coupon per week.. sad to see this 2nd album only one song on the chart..
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Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 20:41

syl, i was using my hp to tag. haha. nageb's lecture was far too boring already. :/

saturday is coming. huhu.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 22:08

Yeah... Another Gig!
Sure will go support de :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 23:11

Yes933 is giving away the Campus superstar limited edition tee designed by weiqi...stay tune to yes933 ba...

FYP grade released le. I got D+ =(...
gonna appeal le ba...=(


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 23:23

thanks mk! woohoo! another gig!!! :) ongbak2 dat bad...the 1st one was supposed to be good but i still didnt watch. australia...why wq didnt comment on nicole kidman, u went to see hugh instd? :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 January, 2009 23:36

min: haha! oh i see i see. nageb -.-


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 January, 2009 21:06

Yeah just now listen to "tuan yuan fan" song so nice lah. If i am not wrong i heard sam wong voice. But little bit only better than nothing. Haha. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 January, 2009 21:56

if you guys missed the first episode of 團圓飯, here's the theme song 新生活 as sang by MLB. do catch the show though! Reunion Dinner takes over The Little Nonya on weekdays @ 9pm on Channel 8. Cheers!

詞: 林家宇
曲: Hideaki Koh
演唱: 迷路兵



Blogger ellekay :] | 06 January, 2009 22:51

i thought the song was a little blurry in front...

its either due to sam's soft voice,
or the recording a little...
how do i put it...
like 'reception-no-good'.

ah wells,
but the song just gets better and better!!!
its simply soothing to my ears.

jiayou lo, MILU BING!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 January, 2009 23:52

jiayu wrote song for mlb wor...actually its nice to see the superband alumni helping milubing write songs...hope to see milubing working with many many different musicians one day....haha...

haha got time then watch. thanks mk for informing hehe.

milubing jia you...
wa biang eh school reopening tomorrow le. but heehee 9 more lessons (2 weeks) more to go..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2009 00:15

When I heard the theme song of Reunion Dinner earlier,I told my mom that the voices sounds like MLB.

And I was right.I like the song!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2009 00:34

thankyou for the event update, and the poster addition! we'll see you guys on saturday!

meanwhile, do enjoy MLB's voices on Tuan Yuan Fan from Mon-Fri, 9pm on Channel 8!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2009 01:44

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Anonymous Anonymous | 07 January, 2009 17:08

Thanks for the update n the poster.

Thanks IC. For those who are going enjoy urself. =)


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