
What A Day
milubing | 21 February, 2009 21:02

MLB guys wave~!

: Today was like a gathering but not a gathering. Short meeting under square shelter from the rain. Perhaps a good thing, keeps us cool. Thank you for your attendance. Was nice to see you all again. Was encouraged to see smiles and hear laughers, away from our busy schedules. Hiya.. Not forgetting to thank our ICs again for their help!

We'll be working on good music ya! Goodnight!

: Sorry about the rain.. i apologise on the rain's behalf.. and wearing slippers.. i understand how some felt (the sticky wicky feeling between the sole and the feet, maybe between the toes.. eEeEeeee). But Thanks all for coming down.. not raining liaoz.. life resumes normality.. yay!!

*The gifts are so got put heart.. means equal got put time.. dun do until never study hor.. thankies thankies.. these few days tiring.. but we'll all survive..

: Now then post ah weiqi..haha.. yesterday got flu, and had lots of stuff to settle..was on medication too..so drwosy. Today I feel much much better, so here I am posting! Really bueh tahan yesterday, kept sneezing..hate it when that happens :(
But at least we all had a great time, and as many have mentioned, thanks to the ICs for making the event smooth ;)

QianHui, school's making me busy as usual, same story lor haha..
Valerie and strat thanks for adding to the photo album
Lizhen thanks for the pressie nad card!
YuJing, thanks for the cap, though like I said, dun need to spend $ on us! Save up for events instead! Also thanks for the card too :) I think everyone should cheer each other up if any mlbian is feeling down too!
Aizutto, so coincidental ya?
Thanks Mightymouse, i feel better le.
To Anonymous regarding the tee question, my answer: "Sleep Deprived" .

okay.. a little news here for everyone..sort of an appetizer for the things to come.
After being in my uni for like 3 years, now I get to perform there for the 1st time with my 2 bros... 14 March NTU open house morning(not sure of timing), we will be performing there :)
oh dear, just rmbred, kinda far for some ppl ya? boonlay? tsk tsk.. take train to boonlay, then take bus 179A or 179 from the interchange(last berth).
More details to come ;)
p.s. we can all wear our new tees by then!

Post a Comment ::

Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2009 21:36

take care, boys. (:


Blogger ellekay :] | 21 February, 2009 21:47

in fact the rain wasn't bad.
at least it didnt affect the mood and atmosphere.

jiayou people!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2009 21:57

"MLB guys wave~!"
heeheehee i literally see you guys doing that. haha :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2009 22:01

hey guys, nice to see all of u tis afternoon.

lucky d rain stop when we leave, so nt too bad lah. ;-)

& ICs, thks for d hard work. well done!


Blogger qIaNhUi | 21 February, 2009 22:12

Today Is Really An Enjoyable Day! Thankz U Guyz For Coming Down Too Despite The Busy Schedules...

Hope To Cya Guyz Again SOON...



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2009 22:20

Glad that u all enjoy urself at there. I thought weiqi at there only didn't noe that nic n sam was at there too.

Thanks IC. :)

Jiayou & take care. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2009 22:56




Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2009 23:21

Ya, I personally feel so glad & happy to be there. It was very nice & sweet to see all 3 of you today again. Thanks for coming down, eventhough you guys were so busy. Umms, also thanks for taking pics with us.
Yes, we definitely know that you guys are putting in a lot of efforts to produce more great music & songs for us. We have confident & faith with MLB's music. Cheers... MLB Power-Lah
Oh... gonna thanks the ICs too. You gals have done a great job. Really appreciate. :)
Please take great care everybody & jia-you in whatever you are doing ok? I am also Jia-you..ing in looking for a new job.
We are One Big Happy Family, Yes Happy MLB family.


Blogger Unknown | 22 February, 2009 00:21

we should also say thank you to the three of you, made an effort to come despite from your busy schedules.
Thank you ICs too!

todae's rain was cooling but someone said it was really humid too, ii agree. cant believe ii was perspiring.

awaiting for good music which is coming on its way. jiayou!

lastly, please take good care of your health, especially nic and weiqi, rest more so tt you will recover soon. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 01:22

Hi all,

If there's anyone of you who have not placed order/reservation for the MLB tee but still want to order can go down to Raffles City Burger King tml, we'll be there from 3 to 5pm. Kindly send us an email or sms @ 82507407 to inform, thanks!

Thank you everyone for your cooperation today. And, not forgetting the presence of the 3 guys, thank you! :)

ps: we will most probably not be taking orders for second batch anytime soon, so please place your orders in this batch to avoid disappointment, thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 01:40

Thanks to you three for coming down even with the rainy weather.

Also to the ICs for their hardwork.

Take care everyone!

PS:Weiqi,you got runny nose is it just now?And yes,thanks for the scare again earlier.. :p


Blogger -WHEY` | 22 February, 2009 01:40

firstly, thank you guys for coming down! :)

though it was raining, we all still enjoyed chatting and taking pics :D

looking forward to events :D it has been quite some time since all of us see u guys performed live! so, hope that day will come soon yep! :)

take care all :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 10:28

Hi all,
please note that all orders will close BY TODAY, as we'll be doing the ordering with the printer soon. (one of the next few days) therefore, today will be your last chance to place an order. please contact 82507407 if you want to place an order, we'll be at Raffles City BK from 3-5pm.

and again, note that there wont be a second batch anytime soon so please place your orders today if you want the shirt!

hope all had fun yesterday..



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 15:24

hi people,
this is last minute, but if anyone's going down to raffles city for payment now, here's just to inform you that Raffles City BK is under renovation, we'll be at Starbucks insead.

sorry for the inconvenience!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 16:10

Oops! Raffles city BK under reno...hope whoever goin down manage to place their orders at starbucks. IC xinku le.
*wave* to MLB too. today raining again, hope WQ feelin better soon. sleep more, rest more when u can.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 22 February, 2009 19:05

14th Gt Event Eh... Wow GREAT.!
WEIQI, At ur own sch lek,cool! A good chance to show the MLB power to all ur schoolmates, do urself & MLB proud! HaHax ~

♥ Looking Forward :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 19:13

Yay for the new event..
And yes,Weiqi..
Didn't know you guys were there..
Until I saw Sam..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 19:20

Saw ytd the pics at facebook liao.
Nice pics. :)

Yeah 14th got event at ntu. Hehe.

Hoho will sing together with u guys on that day. :)

Hope today order tee went well. Dinner time. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2009 21:52

哈咯...how are you recently??


Blogger Pek Choo | 23 February, 2009 17:02

Thanks for the update.
See you guys during March.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 18:08

Jane, saw your msg in the previous post. my email addy : jenny_6768@yahoo.com.sg
Hope to see you at the next event.

Thanks MLB and ICs for the time. Take care all.

p.s. I think the Saturday rains had virus...coz I got fever on Saturday night, then bad flu n sorethroat until today -_-~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 18:25

Haha. Yah i send the msg at previous post then i thought u never saw it. So i send again. Ok i add u at my email there liao. :)
Ok see you all at next event.

The weather is bad. This few days keep raining... Take care & rest well all!

Weiqi at boon lay there got bus no 179A huh? I thought only 179 dun have 179A. Haha. Thanks for the updates.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 18:32

Phil, hope you find a job soon.

MLB, will Reunion song be recorded in this album? The lyrics were well written.

These few weeks are CA tests time, I wish all students good luck.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 18:34

Jane, how abt your email addy?


Blogger Unknown | 23 February, 2009 19:28


很喜欢你跟陈世维表演的新年歌。 但是想问你,为什么伟奇没有在里面?只看到世维,Nic和 Sam.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 21:22

14th Gt Event Eh... Wow GREAT.!
WEIQI, At ur own sch lek,cool! A good chance to show the MLB power to all ur schoolmates, do urself & MLB proud! HaHax ~

♥ Looking Forward :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 22:33



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 February, 2009 23:35

ya lor weiqi, your territory sia! LOL. can bring us tour around too. hahaha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 00:23

Eh... How cum suddenly gt another same post frm me pop out of nowhere =________=


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 01:27


you're welcome lurhs. though quite disappointed that you told me you alr got something similar): but it's okay. course the different is that shi bu tong ren song de(: hao larh hao larh, won't spent $$ alr lurhs.. i understand that you care for us. but it's just a little xin yi lurhs kay(: so, next time i shall spent more time on events/ gatherings instead of $$ okay, can le barh? ha!

Anyw, die alr.. as a new family member, i'm addicted to everything alr, M.L.B, M.L.Bians, events && gatheringsss:D
& also super excited bout everything, LOL!



Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 February, 2009 01:47

Yujing Is Going Crazy Le!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 01:51

Jenny u send me email to join ur network on windows live??

Lol qianhui & yujing. Haha. :D

Yeah 14 of march!!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 01:59

LOL; QianHui!
i kind of kana drugs siol,:D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 February, 2009 02:03

The "Drug" Named "MILO"?
Hahahahax! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 02:06



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 02:36

Hello all,
some updates about the shirts here, orders have already closed yesterday night, and we've made the final order with the printer today. apologies to those who did not manage to place their orders (due to whatever reasons), we'll inform you again should we ever be taking orders for a second batch.

those who've placed your orders, please keep your coupons safely as you'll need them to collect your tees when they're ready.

anyway, the shirts will most probably be ready before the ntu event on 14th march, so hopefully we can wear them on that day. there're still issues we have to look into for collection and such but we'll update again, no worries.

thanks for the cooperation with the shirt ordering and all, and also to all including the MLB guys for taking time out to attend the meetings.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 09:00

lol yujing!
that is very normal..
xiang dang nian.. i also like this..
and it's still like this now! HAHA! =D=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 12:49


如燕 (小娘惹) Olivia Ong
屋檐 (一房半厅一水缸) 亦迅
幻听 (叮当神探) 陈世维
我知道我变漂亮了 (一切完美) 石欣卉
路 (黄金路) 迷路兵
心花朵朵开 (心花朵朵开I) 苏智诚


hmmmmph....damn competitive....BUT MILUBING JIA YOU!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 12:54

waaaaaaaaa....milubing the "Drug"....=X

anyway congrats to milubing for the nomination? =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 13:07

Thanks quizzy!

Congrats to milubing for the nomination. Jia you! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 13:58

happy to see all 3 again :D
weiqi, homeground homeground! hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 February, 2009 13:59

anyway, GET WELL SOON. it's recess week please sleep more. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 00:07

ho finally WQ appear! good u r feelin better :) O u guys gonna perf in ure sch...so nice of them to support their own student. wn on stage, u mus rem to be gd ambassador for ure sch lo. if u wanna bring us for a free walkin tour aft the perf, we wont mind too! :D Anyone feelin blue here? jiayou lo everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 01:09

yes mm jie...i am feeling blue...
damn sian...not in the sense of nothing to do but rather, not in the mood to do anything ba...haha duno la...thanks for the jia you...

oh anyway our results release le oh. C and D and 2 D+. GPA 2.29. so still pass lo =)...

ahh but my FYP appeal never pass...but whatever la~ dun want to chup liao...haha

milubing and everyone jia you =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 01:20

Congrats! Milubing, hope u can take the award home.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 02:07

YES! Knew It 路 Will Sure Be Nominated...
Hope That It Will Successfully WIN The Award!



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 02:25

Congrats MLB for been nominated in the 《红星大奖2009》for 最佳主题曲
with the song 路 (黄金路主题曲). Hopefully you guys will eventually win the award.
weiqi, nic, jenny & all MLbians who are not feeling well. Hope you guys will recover soon.
Thanks Jenny, I am still seraching for a new job. Will Jia-you and find one soon, hopefully. Shall pray hard. hehe...
quizzy, congrats for passing your course.
Ya Yujing, try to mix around in the MLB family. You will get use to it very soon. Hope to see you at all future MLB's events if you could. :)
Oh... its time to zzzzz le.
Goodnite & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 03:02

all get well! all get huat in this yr of economic downtown.. fight to make it to the top! (easier when all everyone else seeing things negtive but we see it negative.. they remain low we ll climb!!!!)






Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 09:17


nic, did you mean that "easier when all everyone else seeing things negative but we see it positive"?

take care! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 14:50



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 14:58

WEEHA; ♥ My Drug(s)!

Uncle Phil -
thanks, & yes i did mix around w/ everyone(: no worries. as they're all really out-going & friendly(right QianHui?) LOL! that why i say, i'm alr super addicted to everything; M.L.B, M.L.Bian(s), Event(sss) & Gathering(sss)! ha, of course i'll present myself in all M.L.B related stuffs from now on.. it's like; *how can a drug addict not take her drugs?*:D

anyw my boss asked me upon reading my blog -
Boss: "YUJING, you like MILO冰 arh?"
Myself: "YESYES! 他们是我的 毒品 leh!"
Colleauge: "你要小心,应为你会 迷路!"

-.-| LOL! but 我不怕 迷路 ,因为我知道 迷路 也会有 Family, right 迷路Bian(s):D

我走进了这条 黑 暗的小 路 ,但我不怕 迷路 。我喝着 MILO冰 继续走下去。。我会慢慢的喝,因为 舍不得 喝完。我知道前方有三位 勇气 十足的 迷路兵 正在努力的训练,等着我们的出现为他们加油打气。我相信我会在这段 journey 里变得跟 诚熟 。

迷路 是种 毒品:D ADDICTIVE!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 15:09

Haha nic. Lol.

Lol yujing. Haha. Yah it is normal that u are addicted to everything. Haha. Yah if u are lost u still have family there. :)

All of u take care & get well soon. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 17:37

congrats guys for being nominated in the star award..yay! kekeke :)

and yes to nic..
stay healthy everyone..>.<
my nose started to give me problem... tsk~ take care to all..:D


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 18:34


YuJing = Drug Addict Liaoz... Welcum To Our MILO World =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 20:15

Channel 8 got 1 lady called jasmin chong. Haha. If i am not wrong is milubing manager huh? Haha. :)

Wonder anyone saw it at channel 8 just now? Lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 23:25

just something to share:

it's been long since i last saw rainbow... i managed to see 2 this evening. did u?


get well soon to all who r sick!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 23:43

beautiful! :D
thanks for sharing, capri. (:


Blogger Rah | 25 February, 2009 23:46

heh heh..
yes i saw it..
i was so memorise by the rainbow tt i dun feel like going home..LOL :) it been such a long time since i seen such a beautiful rainbow :D


:D beautiful~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2009 23:54

hello nic...HUAT AH!! haha...

haha yujing...interesting lol...

ya I saw the rainbow too! I was like walking back along the street while going back to my workplace...then saw many people're like stopping by to take pictures. ehh! its rainbow! so I snapped also. still in my handphone~

Wednesday ending. weekend coming! da jia jia you =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 00:21

Wow thanks capri and rah for sharing. Nice rainbow. Hehe. :)

Take care & rest well all! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 00:25

haa... so some of u saw it too!

thks for sharing ur pic Rah!

waiting for urs quizzy_me... ;-)

gd nite... gg zzz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 00:34

hahaha...try this...


nitey capri jie...

I'm tired too~


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 18:02

hi!we were requested to draw a caricature out of you guys!!so do drop by and have a look!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 19:10


Thanks Yujing for requested theeggyolks to draw a caricature of milubing. Thanks theeggyolks! :)

The cartoon of mlb is nice de loh. Hehe. Love it. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 23:06

just got back guys..

darn worn out.. had some long activities today!..

take care all ye merry gentlemen!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 23:16

Jiayou for teaching guitar!

Take care too! Sleep well. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 23:50

Super Big Thanks to The Egg Yolk:D

Sam, Nic & WeiQi;
hope you guys like that caricatures done(:

迷路 是种 毒品:D ADDICTIVE!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 February, 2009 23:57

quizzy_me, thks for ur pic! so nice tat we all saw it at diff places. :-)

nice caricatures there!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2009 01:05

Wow rainbows everywhere! hm...never look up to the sky these days. missed it... next time gotta admire the skies after the rain. U never know when u can catch the rainbow.
q_me, haha i get the feeling, jus dun feel like doin at all. wanna veg out till the sky drops down. it's a phase, jus gotta bear it out till we get our energy back :) hey at least u pass, can graduate le ;) Congrats!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2009 01:50

Halo, can anyone advice me: why am I not able to see all the pics or news with the link posted by fellow MLBians?
Its TGIF again, hv a great day & weekend :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 February, 2009 02:03

huh? uncle phil maybe u try copy and pasting the url to another window and try?? some links cannot be directly clicked on yah. (: