Well, i guess it's not much of a surprise any more rite? haha.. not exactly.. cos there's a surprise inside this surprise, and another surprise within the next surprise! Confused? Good.. So must come and find out the surprise ma.. haha.. Guaranteed surprises when u join us on our little concert about the MLB journey, which is the journey that we share with many - Family, friends, mlbians, colleagues... So, it really is a milestone, to stop and ponder, to be a little nostalgic of the past, and to reveal some of the gaps perhaps. This is celebrating a process, that is still in motion; this interaction between us and all who share the joy in our music. This show is for you all.
p.s. Now u know why we're all so busy ya? but we were also doing more besides this concert, but all will be revealed then... btw, tickets are sold at all sistic outlets!
Unknown | 19 March, 2009 23:28
surprises and more surprises???
can ii see a performance on a grand piano?
can ii hear weiqi's solo?
can ii see nic playing on other instruments other than guitar?
can ii see the old sb performance?
can ii see performances which are out of the box?
haha! ii am so greedy. =p
we believe in you, and you may give ur very best to us.
all the best, mlb! you can do it!
lastly, enjoy the whole process of the preparation for this exciting event. way to go~ =D
Actually i am very lost & worries hearing so many surprises in Apr. Cos, I hope and pray I should get a job by then. And wondering whether I can be available for all these surprises? haiz... juz keep my fingers crossed!
Oh... I not only wish to see MLB performs those songs they sang during SB, hopefully those dressings too. 往事只能回味 :)
omg omg omg guys..
congrats congrats (:
it really a suprise seriously..
though i also know 2 days ago. lolx :DDDD
AND yes i am going too..woohoo XD FINALLY drag my friend along with me to watch this ever 1st concert ((: i so so happy for u guyssss.... =) looking forward to the concert woohoo...
3 cheers to mlb(: yay!~
Uncle Phil;
yeayeayea, SUPER ULTRA EXCITED alr:D thats why!
anyw, really happyhappyhappy that i joined MLB's family. its worth alright? && i joined @ the super correct timing? although i'm super late, but i managed to catch the most of the cool & juicy thingys? (little gatherings, little events & the upcoming CONCERT):D
everything's addictive; drugs rocks!
Hi YuJing,
Hehe... drug addictor saying drugs rock!
Oh... it is better to be late than none (although you missed out the earlier fun we had). Well, there is still a long journey for us to move ahead with MLB.
Anyway, we are always happy to see the MLB Family growing. Cheers... So, try to bring your frens along if they are interested in MLB's music but are shy to join us.
Yea... MLB Concert is on the way. MLB Power-Lah...
Uncle Phil;
LOL, you online-ing? Yeayeayea, I'm a drug addict.. & my drugs ROCKSSSSS! (ltr police catch me, under-age:X) ha! Yep, I'll too be moving on together w/ everyone from the day I joined onwards:D & I'm sure it's going to be a fruitful+++ awesome journey de^^ sure, will being my friendsssss along if they are interested alright(:
Anyw, have you found your job? +U+U oh! hees(:
Everything's addictive; MLB drugs rocks:P
if you guys will be coming...
facebook event page
facebook - MLB fan page
see you there!
Oh hv flyer... hee, later go n kope some. nice pun w the pic. heh heh since so many hv sb song wish list, i oso 不客气了:P ...身边, i wanna fall in luv (ok, this is not sb song, but it's an absolutely great cover!!!), 独一无二, woosa, 爱的初体验. haha i started w the 1st 2 songs, then the list grew n grew. oredi tryin not to be too greedy le. Go MLB GO, surprise us!!! :D
Oh... wish list?
Then I should write mine too:
1) 過火 (MLB 1st highest score)
2) Woosa (my favourite GF song, cos Sam was very cute ~ like a small boi)
3) 爱的初体验 (very cute arrangement, especially the bird sound & also weiqi hairstyle)
4) 勇气 (only SB song in MLB's album)
5) 甜蜜蜜 (weiqi playing the flute & Nic played his guitar likes playing a 琵琶)
6)王八蛋 (An important song to brought them back to the SB stage & finally emerged Champion)
Hope I never remember wrongly, pls correct me if I am wrong.
haha everyone's getting excited over sb period songs! almost every song seems like a jing dian(:
pretty sad and happy that esplanade has strict rules on photos and recording.. happy cuz will really let us enjoy the whole thing without diverting away our attention on busy shooting and filming! kinda sad that only can watch once, cannot 重温all the scenes or catch scenes that we din see but caught on the camera~
but still, it's sooooo great to have a concert(((: and whoo how cool can it get that it's held at esplanade? yayyy we are down for great sound on that day!!
aiyo.. u all so mmm wat's the word? kawaii? cute? start thinking of song list ah? dian ge isit? hahaha... i think u know us by now, that we've long decided and planned for this event like months ago? so everything's planned up le. Now is the preparation and practice period.. It's really crazy. Like months of practice just for 60mins!!! And there's no 'ctrl-z'! Quite scary too, cos it'll be our first time doing a lot of things! So many 'first times'! Surprise surprise...I know that the show can't be recorded down and photos can't be taken inside the recital. But sometimes, the most memorable events are those that remain in our hearts, somewhere in our memory, left untouched, and treasured by us. This is the kind of experience we hope to create together with u on the 24th of April. A joint effort by mlb and mlbians. ;)
aiyah weiqi,
not to worried too much about planning & practises just for 60mins.
should have confident & faith in yourselves. after all your efforts will be paid off, by having a group of ppl calling themselves MLBians sharing that wonderful night together with you guys. the satisfaction will have no word to explain, you understand wat i trying to say? hehe...
anyway, you guys must really take good care of your health. dun over stress but have enough rest.
everyone of us are waiting for the day to comes. yea... cheers
i agree with weiqi(:
i guess it really gg to be a very memorable day for me and for everyone. heh heh (: and and i guess like wad weiqi say.for me it gg to be really memorable and sth tt i wun ever forget haha. stay deep deep in my heart.. hoho.. haha.. no worries weiqi.. jiayou jiayou ok ! it gg to be a great great concert for everyone whom is gg for the concert le..woohoo.. and i sure it gg to turn out very fanastic (: yays! XD and and and weiqi it good to have so much first time .. cause it gg to be a great memorable first time for u guys .. XDD
jiayou jiayou(:
i agree with weiqi(:
i guess it really gg to be a very memorable day for me and for everyone. heh heh (: and and i guess like wad weiqi say.for me it gg to be really memorable and sth tt i wun ever forget haha. stay deep deep in my heart.. hoho.. haha.. no worries weiqi.. jiayou jiayou ok ! it gg to be a great great concert for everyone whom is gg for the concert le..woohoo.. and i sure it gg to turn out very fanastic (: yays! XD and and and weiqi it good to have so much first time .. cause it gg to be a great memorable first time for u guys .. XDD
jiayou jiayou(:
Hi weiqi,
Thanks for relaying our messages to your 2 bros.
Ya, you are right that opportunities won't wait for you. You really have to grab it when it comes.
Hope you can cope with your exam beside the concert. Plan wisely & DO NOT OVER STRESS yourself.
Tell your 2 bros not to put too much pressure on themselves too. Just take it as we are having a biggest Family Reunion Party. Bear in mind that, all MLBians are there to give you guys their fullest support.
It is definitely going to be another memorable night for all of us, and we consider this concert as a celebrations within the MLB Family. Yea...
Alright, I got to zzzzz now.
Goodnight & sweet dreams to All.
Sorry, last night posted have a beautiful Sunday. It should be now, hehe.... I am blurr liao!
i very chin chai one...
maybe lei as the last song then yong qi as finale or encore song ba, then we all MUST sing together. hahahahaha.
i saw the layout of the recital studio from the website provided by one of u liao (guess: weiqi?). ok la free SEATING will be fine cos legs won't be sour. but will still not shiok to a certain extent? haha nvm. good enough.
haha cos i can only know if i can take off one week before the day itself, i've decided to xian xia shou wei qiang le. oops. already got binz to help me buy tix first liao (thank u =D).. HAHA.
no la. I will be guai guai de =X.
lets hope for the best lor. hoho~
haha late liao. nitey people. starting work in 6 and a half hours time. everyone jia you! milubing jia you!
Yo.. think I am like quizzy. Really dunno whether I can attend the concert? But I also buy the ticket 1st. Cos, I really do not know of my direction lor?
Dunno by then I already get a new job? If not, definitely can go. If yes, will have to depends on what kind of job I found! Haiz...
Meantime, only can keep my finger crossed & pray hard that I can be there. I WANT TO BE AT THE CONCERT.
Alright, time to zzzzz liao!
Goodnight & Sweet Dreams to All.
Wish everyone a great week ahead, and today is another new school term for all returning back to school.
Jia-youuuuuu..... everyone, yea.
hey hey
Uncle Phil dun worry, we won't over stress ourselves. I just worried for the team's health. Cos i watched the previous gig video on youtube(i think jane uploaded de) and i could really "see" the tiredness in us and in our vocals. So i think if we bia so hard but never rest it will defeat the purpose.
Thanks for all the jiayos!!!
QianHui, IMM is in the nite 2000hrs @ garden plaza. Event is "kindness movement".
Sofui! tsk tsk.. better not let the rest see your post HAHAHA...some stand leg pain ma hAHAHA...
ok all of u take care! forgot to mention: 4April we'll be on 933 too, but not sure of timing yet ;)
heh heh WQ, ure bro oredi said no promises...we only 做乱(hokkien pls). dun mind ya, w an opp like dat, we jus anyhow humtam our song list 1st. at least still got some chance, jus whack 1st. ;) strike or no strike is another matter :P
...and i 2nd the free standing! :D 1 hr only, can tahan la. if it's a mistake, let it be a beautiful mistake lo. Sit, v hard to be high.
Exams...zzz...u'd better start to plan ure timetable properly now or else u'll be worn out by dat time. Aiyo u Guys, needa pace ureself, dun burn out or else who will we be watching?
Thanks weiqi for understanding my concerns for you guys. :)
sofui & mm,
Although I am uncle, I also feel that standing to watch a concert will be much more better than seated. Cos, standing together singing along with our idols will be very HIGH de lor. I support standing too. But, I believe we dun have the choice right? If choices will to be given, I am on your side; STANDING..... Yea
o cool, uncle phil agrees too..well, aint matter whether it can be changed or nt..jus voicing our tots only ya..only prob wif standing is, tall pp got advantage lo ;) (actually sit too long, leg will become painful too..so neither is good la)..mayb we can all agree to stand even thou its seated..den everyone can get hi and still hv good view cos its tiered seats..ok, shant say too much le..i rest my case ya.
slow songs maybe can sit down...we decide...
fast song then stand and yo yo yo!
or tired le sit down,
not tired de can even stand on the chair...
think we gonna turn esplanade de recital studio into indoor stadium?? HAHAHA...
haha normally when we watch milubing's performance that got seats for us, we normally still stand de hor? haha. see how on that day lor? haha.
no worries la sofui jie...hahaha...
i went esplanade for a walk just now...not the first time there, but i think the air con damn cooling la....
hello weiqi! seriously must drink a lot of water. i suggest u guys can go for short exercise session, say, jog for a while in the morning together first before u resume your jamming sessions. will that help? haha jia you
Before my honeymoon closed by end of Q1, here's something I snake out...hees
Checklist—Concert Goers Survival Guide
1) Wear a pair of comfy flat-heel shoes—Cos you will DEFINITELY not be glued to your seat the whole night. You will STAND on your feet--at some point in time; the POIGNANT moment/s, when your heart takes control of your mind.
2) Bring party light sticks. Don’t just bring one, bring a few--In case the one you are holding is spoilt, or you can generously give the extras to your neighbors who have forgotten to bring. For those who are bringing battery-run touched lights, it’s likely that your battery will go flat in the midst of the concert, so bring extras batteries will help.
3) If you are bringing your partner along—think twice. If he/she is not going to be as HIGH as you, hmm…then it may be better to leave him/her at home. Else, your mood will be dampened by his/her unforgiving sulking stares.
4) Before you go to the concert, be mentally /psychologically programme--YOU GONNA HAVE FUN IN THE CONCERT! NO MATTER WHAT!!! U’R GONNA HAVE LOTS OF FUN!! So, in the case of any unforeseen unpleasant matters arise—such as your neighbor got BO, you’ve been blocked by people in front , you have a bad hair day…you gonna be GRACIOUS and FORGIVING…and ENJOY THE NIGHT!!
5) Be physically fit and mentally well—So, EAT WELL AND SLEEP WELL. You don’t wish to faint there and be carried out like a corpse.
6) Respect the concert and the artistes—Dress your best for them! Doll up as though you are going to your FIRST DATE! BUT wear something nice but COMFORTABLE! It’s uncool to wear a long tailing gown and expect everyone to stand a meter away from you.
7) Smell good cos you’ll perspired as the concert goes on. Wear on a nice sense of perfume/cologne.. .
8) Be at least 15 mins early for the concert—To get yourself prepared and ready.
9) Take good care of the friends you go with to the concert. Love your neighbors.
10) THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT---Please REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR ENTRY TICKET ON THE CONCERT NIGHT—Else all the above will not be applicable to you.
...and the list can go on
Sam Wong | 26 March, 2009 01:21
Amazing.. Concert goer, thank you for the tips. Haha.
Stand or sit, jump or run around, up to you as long as ya try not to block anyone? Just have fun! Any age, from anywhere, any smell.. Join us if you will.
Canto song, i'll love to, but can't la.. Those who can speak that langauge are also unable to understand what i'm singing, not to mention myself. Thank you anyway.
And waves to Qingqing, you saw a tired and hungry man just now, dragging feet reluctantly in the crowded mall.
Nights people.
Wow... just came back from Sylvester Sim's (1st season S'pore Idol Runner-up) concert at St. James Power Station in Dragonfly. It was fully packed, eventhough it was a Wednesday night. Lucify was his guest performancer. One of the Brod bro was singing too and xiao long + his brother from Jade were there too.
More than a year never see Sylvester performs. He improves a lot, especially on his dancing & vocal. He even played piano while singing 3 songs and he played guitar too.
I hope MLB's concert will be fully packed too. And it is gonna be another night of high fun for me.
MLB Jia-you...
Remember to have enough rest & drink more water. Stay Healthy, ok?
Alright, I am quite tired now. Heading for my bed lor! Goodnight & sweet dreams to everyone. :)
to mighty mouse and many others.. announcement of '4D' results will be open on 24th of April...
those who wanna stand like sofui should stand...and uncle phil also standing too!
But if u scared leg pain, like Jane, can also sit...
Shout 'jiayo' like qianhui or 'jiayou' like pek choo also can...
9year old kid "should" be able to go for concert ba..(this one i will get back to u asap de,i call esplanade tmr!!!)
turn esplanade into indoor stadium like quizzy..if can then steady...
sing canto.. i think can ba.. but maybe for next time! haha..
This special performance should be a 'can' kind of concert.. so make yourself comfortable k? Just enjoy yourself ba :) nitey!!!
Random note:
damn funny la.. tonite, when my classmates told my tutor that i'm from milubing.. he exclaimed in response, "u from milubing meh? i tot milubing is [GeeeNa] one?"
fyi: GeeeNa = noun, plural = GeeeNas
1: a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl
2: a son or daughter: eg. All my GeeeNas are married.
sigh...but i like my teacher la. He zai3 zai3 one haha..
True Singaporean but very broad thinking :)
Worked on LOTR, KingKong, The Day the Earth stood still...
sorry i tonite a bit seh.. my mind is under going major paradigm shifting... *teet teet teet teet*
LOL weiqi your tutor very cute~
haiya never mind lor, at least now his misconception is cleared liao. hahahaha...
wooh he sounded so zai3; jia you lo, may you be zai3 like him too one day ;D. i wanna see your production on big screen too? hahaha =X...
can see that you are really seh....have a gd rest ba...hahaha
concertgoer de tips very cute also. i post in publicity blog can?
hahaha http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com
hahaha hello sam~
hahaha any age anywhere and any smell? hahahahaha.....
ok nitey people....all take care =D
thanks concertgoers, i still hv a few yellow sticks fr the yellow ribbon project...(hope they still works???)
oso pray hard i cld make it 15mins b4 e show time... coz my boy is in afternoon session, by the time marikita will be almost to 7pm! gosh! big rush ya!
WeiQi, tks in advance ya. i missed e time '8pm sistic counter closed' just now... if not, i will get the ans le... haiz...
Phil, hope u can make it ya.
Take care all.
Ya, hope I can make it lor.
Pls refer to sistic admission rules that I extract from its website:
No admission for infant in arms and child aged below 6 years old. Child 6 years old and above must purchase ticket for admission.
* No Photography, Video recording and Audio recording is allowed for this event!
Hopefully, this will clear your doubt. hehe...
**Free Standing already changed to Free Seating in the website too. Haha...
Uncle phil glad that u enjoy urself yesterday. It been long time since i saw sylvester sim, lucify, brod, xiao long & his brother.
Enjoy for those who going on that day.
How i wish on that day can take photos & video recording. Cos for those who can't go can watch it at youtube & view the photos.
Take care all. :)
concert goer... nice survival guide there! lol...
oh, d gig on 4th apr is at nite ah... den cant go liao... watching cheer chen's concert.
shall wait for d concert ba. hving dinner wif frens on 3rd, so i guess i'll oso miss d 933 interview. nevertheless, i believe some will record rt? pls share ya~
WeiQi, pls dont worry abt my enquiry le.
Thanks, Phil. I will go n get tix tmr. Warren can start his fav song 'cheng shou' practicing liao le.
Will there be an autograph session on the concert tix? (hope I did not asking for too much...This concert is just like a baby who is ready for P1, so mummy wants to get the 1st memory done loh.)
Jane, u r not going for this concert?
Aiyo, you 3 guys is it take turns to post at late hours ha? Last night was Sam posted at 01:21, and weiqi posted at 03:28, 03:43 & 03:50. Then tonight Nic posted at 02:41.
Thought you guys should take our advises to have more rest?
Not to worry too much, so long MLB ia around, all MLBians shall be around to enjoy all the great music produced by MLB. Yea... Cheers.
Alright, I also gonna zzzzz liao.
Goodnight & sweet dreams. Thanks God Its Friday (TGIF).
hahah weiqi the geeena is a nice one. people always got the misconception of youngsters going for competition = geeenas having fun~ haha.. and speaking of this reminds me of a random note that happened on the ntu open hse gig. there was this person tryin to promote her hall to us when u guys were leaving. kinda told her we not very interested but yet she just din wanna give up on us. so we just stood there like waving bye and sending u all off, then she was like "eh who u all looking at ah?" then b4 we even replied, she just went "got 艺人ah? milubing isit?" when we said yar, she was like omg i just random shoot a name, so 巧ah?" haha..
yeaa uncle phil, TGIF! but like very fast will become so sad it's monday~ ahha
ya slpness and late nites are inevitable~ but still gotta try to avoid.. or else spoil the bio clock then very bad for health which will suffer more in the future =X rest well guys! needa stay healthy and strong to be able to present wad u all have prac-ed so hard for(:
I love sunday bcos tomorrow is monday.
When the sun rises and shines each morning, we wake up, hurried and go with the whirl of routine activities for the day. The pattern is so habitual that we could miss the gist of being, living and loving.
In our busyness, sometimes, a simple sms that falls into the inbox can sweeten up the heart entirely.
Love finds its way to the heart…(and stays)…
Felt the love; love is to share it.
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was worried and he told his little girl: “Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river.”
The little girl said: “No, daddy, you hold on my hands.”
The daddy was puzzled and he asked his daughter: “But, what’s the difference, sweetheart?”
The little girl replied: “There’s a big difference. Daddy, if I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are I’ll let go your hand. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure no matter what happens, you will never let go my hand.”
In a relationship, the essence of trust is not in its BIND, it’s in its BOND.
Deep meaning. Hold the hands of the people who love you.
The moral of the story is:
MiLuBing, concert nite can sing sb final song牵手 or not?
Lame or fundamental???
hsh..it’s obvious that I’ve been under stress..Wuhahahaha..!!!
wow angie,
That'a another very meaningful story.
Ya, hold tight the hand of whoever you love. Never let go of it unnecessarily.
In our chinese culture, we dun see 2 guys holding hands. But in India, Bangladesh & others, it is very common to see it everywhere in their countries. If such thing will to happen in Singapore, ppl will said they are gay.
So, it is still better not to hold hands for guys. Haha...
As for whether its Sunday, Monday or any other days. It will be the same for me. Very Boring staying at home, I need a job & I want to start working again. Will continue to pray hard for it, yeah...
haha..acty hold or dun hold hands depends on the situation la..
man to man: dun hold hands la, a pat on the shoulder is cool.
man to woman: hmm..cannot anyhow hold..complicated..cannot let the heart rules over..muz be rationale..
woman to woman: can hold hands, that's sisterhood.
children to parents: muz hold their hands..especially in their old age..it's cool to hold their hands and lead them to cross the road.
love the pple who love u in ur unique way..tat's how u give of yourself to the pple u love.
technically, i love friday. but for me to love friday, i muz welcome monday. so, i need to love monday so that to enjoy my friday.
make sense? haha..
hmm..dun lose hope..be proactive in searching..Good Luck!
hi all,
sorry for the long wait! we've fixed the 2nd collection date for the mlb tees on 4th april, during e imm event.
pls email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com with 'tee collection on 4th' as subject, together with your name, s/n and size(s) ordered to confirm that you'll be collecting on that day. also, pls be reminded to bring the yellow coupon for collection.
for those who are unable to turn up on that day, do email us too so we can make alternative arrangements for you.
any enquiries can be directed here or via email.
I've finally got my hands on it!!! ...finally concert flyer is out at esplanade for those who wanna kapok any, like me! :D it's v unique! front has the pic as featured above in the post and the back of it is designed like a boarding pass. it even has the dotted tearline for the boarding pass. Creative! kudos to the person/team who designed it. :)
MLB will be on Yes 933 at 1920hrs on friday.
Info from Yes 933 website
by the way, just a little info. online radio streaming in singapore has been suspended as of 1st March this year. therefore, you guys can only listen to the radio broadcast via FM radio.
if anyone's interested, more info here and here
just fyi, in case anyone doesn't know yet and is thinking of listening to the interview online.
hi all,
if anyone's interested, i've uploaded (almost) all of MLB's interviews on Yes 933, from Superband times in 2006 till now.
MLB on Yes 933 Live :
with Liyi - 1o.o7.o6
with WeiBin - 24.o7.o6
with ChongQing and Peifen - 1o.o8.o6
with Junli [Nic] - 12.o8.o6 [still uploading]
with ChongQing and Peifen - 1o.1o.o6
with ChongQing and Jiahui - o9.o7.o7 [still uploading]
with Mary and Lee Teng - 27.o7.o7 [still uploading]
with Peifen [Call-in] - 24.o8.o7
with ChongQing and Weibin - 24.1o.o7
with ChongQing and Weibin - 16.o9.o8
with Ivy [Sam & Nic] - 23.1o.o8
with Peifen and Jiafa - o3.o4.o9
*there was a 'call-out' to sam back in late 2007 during the early morning shift but i haven't been able to find the date yet. recording was provided by xiu at that time so i probably won't upload unless she gives me the green light to do so ^^
Others :
MLB on NewsClub [Channel U] - 13th Aug 2006
MLB Wo Ye Shi DJ - 24th Aug 2007 [still uploading]
MLB Yi Ren Si Mi Shou Zha [Sam & Nic] - 17th Dec 2008
Click here for the recordings
*in case you're wondering, today's interview is already up ^^
Majority of the recordings were self recorded, except for the first two Live on Yes 933 interviews [from MLB YG if i'm not wrong], interview with ChongQing and Peifen on 10th Oct 2006 [recorded by Eric] and Wo Ye Shi DJ.
Missing is (are?) the interview on Yes 933 in early Oct 2008, which i didn't manage to record down.
Just FYI, the more recent recordings are edited with the adverts & songs omitted, the old ones are not.
Hope i did compile the list okay.. my files are getting a little messy so i don't know if i've listed them and uploaded all of them. do let me know if i've left out any~
Sorry if the file names look too confusing with the numbers behind.. but that was the only way i could recognise the files properly. please bear with me.. Do let me know if i've made any mistakes in the info above though. thanks!
The ones that are listed as 'still uploading' will probably be up by tomorrow, so do check back again if you want to download them.
Some of the recordings were recorded on mp3 players so the quality isn't that great, but its still acceptable. (i think so?) And apologies for the big file sizes for some of them, cuz i didn't bother to compress them.. =x
Hope you guys enjoy the recordings!
here's a reminder for all who wants to collect your MLB tee at tomorrow's event.
pls email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com by 12am tonight with 'tee collection on 4th' as subject, together with your name, s/n and size(s) ordered to confirm that you'll be collecting on that day. also, pls be reminded to bring the yellow coupon for collection.
for those who are unable to turn up tomorrow, do email us too so we can make alternative arrangements for you.
any enquiries can be directed here or via email.
jenny n jane, i saw the flyers at esplanade..nade...nade only. Can find them near front door, back door near taxi stand, box office. Not sure if outlets will have it. If you are in the area by the bay, jus drop by esplanade to kapok and take picture with the poster as well. ;) make it a MLB tour@esplanade...hahaha
wah-ha...MK has MLB radio library, go visit one of these days. Thanks for sharing!
we bought the tickets already!
quite 期待 the concert day to come.
the concert will be a successful one! =D